What is an ecg during pregnancy. Normal and abnormal ecg results in pregnant women

The body of a pregnant woman experiences an increased load, and the cardiovascular system is no exception. A pregnant woman from the moment of registration is regularly observed by specialists, passes necessary tests and undergoing examinations. This is necessary in order to control all changes in the woman's body, to monitor the course of pregnancy. Electrocardiography is one of the instrumental research methods, which is shown to all pregnant women.

ECG allows you to evaluate the work of the heart, heart rate, the state of the heart muscle, the presence or absence of conduction and rhythm disturbances. Sometimes pregnant women refuse to be examined, citing the absence of complaints or the fact that it can harm the unborn child. Expectant mothers need to know: ECG during pregnancy has no contraindications! An ECG during pregnancy is prescribed to all women when registering. ECG is a safe instrumental examination method for both the mother and the unborn baby at any time.

1 What does the doctor evaluate?

When deciphering the ECG, the specialist pays attention to the rhythm of the heart contraction, evaluates the source of the heart rate, calculates the heart rate, correlates it with the conditional norm, and the doctor also evaluates the position of the electrical axis of the heart, determines the time of contraction and relaxation of the atria and ventricles, studies the main teeth, intervals and ECG line segments.

On the ECG film, the doctor can see rhythm and conduction disturbances of the heart, the state of the heart muscle as a whole. It is especially important to conduct an ECG in emergency situations, after all, a competent interpretation of the ECG in conjunction with a correctly rendered medical care can save a life expectant mother and baby.

2 Features of the ECG during pregnancy

Because the physiological indicators of cardio-vascular system women change, it is quite obvious that when deciphering the ECG, the specialist will note some changes characteristic of pregnancy. Let's take a look at what changes on the ECG during pregnancy?

3 Heart rate

A pregnant woman is characterized by a tendency to a rapid heartbeat of 80-90 beats per minute, a frequency of up to 100 beats per minute can also be considered the norm. On the film, physiological tachycardia will be manifested by a shortening R-R intervals. The reason for the increased heart rate is that the volume of blood in a woman's body increases, and the tone of blood vessels under the influence of an increased amount of hormones, on the contrary, decreases. Therefore, the heart needs to contract more often to cope with the increased load.

4 Change in the electrical axis of the heart (EOS)

The electrical axis of the heart, especially on later dates pregnancy assumes a horizontal position. This is due to the fact that with an increase in the uterus, the dome of the diaphragm rises and the heart is located more horizontally, relative to its axis. After childbirth and uterine contraction, the EOS returns to its normal position.

5 Respiratory arrhythmia

On the ECG, it manifests itself as a shortening or lengthening of the R-R intervals on inspiration. In pregnant women, especially in patients with manifestations of vegetative-vascular insufficiency, there may be an increase in the inspiratory pulse and a decrease in exhalation, the so-called respiratory arrhythmia. This condition is associated with the prevailing influence of the vagus nerve or nervi vagi and an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system. This is not a pathology, but a variant of the norm, often found during pregnancy.

6 Single ventricular or atrial extrasystoles

When deciphering the ECG, the doctor pays attention to the appearance of single complexes, reflecting the contraction of the atria or ventricles. If the patient does not complain, she did not have a history of heart and vascular diseases, then single extrasystoles are not a cause for concern.
Also, the features of the ECG of a pregnant woman include a slight decrease segment S-T, an increase in the height of the RI, SIII, QIII teeth, a slight increase in the depth of the Q wave, flattening or two-phase P wave in lead III, a two-phase T wave in lead III. These features are necessarily taken into account by functional diagnosticians, therapists and gynecologists when deciphering the ECG of a healthy pregnant woman.

7 When should an unscheduled ECG be ordered?

A doctor observing a pregnant woman will definitely prescribe her an ECG if she has the following complaints:

  • pain in the heart, chest,
  • heartbeat,
  • feeling of "fading" of the heart,
  • shortness of breath, shortness of breath,
  • severe weakness, dizziness,
  • fainting states.

Of course, many of these complaints may simply indicate an “interesting” position of a woman and indicate a restructuring of the body during pregnancy, but it is better to be safe to some extent and once again make a cardiogram than to miss the onset of cardiovascular pathology.

It is mandatory to conduct an ECG if a pregnant woman's pressure "jumps" from low to elevated numbers, as well as if complications of pregnancy have developed: toxicosis, gestosis, oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios.

8 How is the study carried out?

Conducting an ECG in women during pregnancy is no different from conducting it in other patients. The study is carried out in the supine position, the procedure is absolutely painless. A woman should not exercise before the procedure exercise, for 1-2 hours it is recommended to exclude eating, smoking, drinks containing caffeine. General overwork, a full stomach, bad habits can distort the results of the examination.

The clothes of a pregnant woman should be loose so that you can freely expose your chest, hands and ankles - the places where the electrodes are attached. During the ECG, a woman should be absolutely calm, breathe freely and evenly. If a health worker notices the excitement of a pregnant woman before the procedure, he is obliged to calm her down, explain that the manipulation is completely safe, it can be performed repeatedly at any stage of pregnancy without any negative consequences to the fruit.

After an ECG, a woman should avoid sudden rises from the couch, because in late pregnancy, too rapid a transition from a horizontal to a vertical position can cause orthostatic hypotension and even fainting.

One of the mandatory procedures that a pregnant woman has to undergo is an ECG. The reason for this need is hormonal changes in the body. future mother, which often lead to changes in the work of the heart.

In order to timely detect possible deviations and take corrective measures, do electrocardiography.

What are the features of the ECG during pregnancy? Is it harmful?

We want to reassure you right away: ECG is absolutely safe diagnostic procedure. Sensors will be attached to your body, which will take indicators of cardiac activity, without affecting your body in any way, without emitting anything, without making any sounds - only by registering. The study will take no more than five minutes.

Important: before the ECG, you should not eat up, but you should not be very hungry either. All this can distort the result: for example, frequent occurrence during pregnancy - a strong increase in heart rate after eating.

It is better if the meal takes place one and a half to two hours before the procedure. It is also important to sit quietly and rest for 15 minutes before cardiography, not to worry about anything. And during the procedure itself, also lie relaxed, breathe calmly and not think about anything.

A few words about deciphering the ECG during pregnancy

We will not go into medical subtleties and complex terminology. Any malfunctions in the work of the heart will be immediately seen on the chart by a specialist and will explain to you in simple words. The main thing worth knowing: the pulse rate is normally 60-80 beats per minute.

But pregnant women often have a slightly accelerated (tachycardia) and less often, slow (bradycardia) heartbeat, and this is normal. You should not worry if the pulse does not exceed 100 beats at low pressure.

Some mothers have a pulse even 120-130 at rest, and at the same time there is no danger to health! So do not rush to worry if some indicators deviate from the norm. Your doctor will tell you more.

How often is an EKG done during pregnancy?

At least once - when registering with women's consultation. But if there are complaints or certain indications, the doctor will prescribe a second cardiography.

These indications include:

  • pressure surges;
  • palpitations, shortness of breath;
  • pain in the left side of the chest;
  • fainting or frequent dizziness;
  • various complications of pregnancy severe toxicosis, gestosis, little or polyhydramnios).

In general, an ECG can be done at least several times a day: there will be no harm to the body from this, so do not worry.

This procedure is familiar to many from childhood and does not cause concern. Therefore, the question often asked by women - is it harmful to do an ECG during pregnancy - most often refers to the cardiogram of the fetus, and not mommy. And it is called a little differently, and we will talk about it now.

Fetal ECG (CTG) during pregnancy

CTG (cardiotocography) displays not only the heart rate of the child, but also the movements of the baby, and the frequency of uterine contractions (before childbirth). This diagnostic procedure is also completely safe and does not cause discomfort. Sensors are placed on the belly of the pregnant woman, recording the necessary indicators within 15-40 minutes, the decoding of which is immediately performed by the doctor.

One of the measured parameters is the basal fetal heart rate (the baby's pulse at rest, between contractions). Normally, it is 110-170 beats per minute. If the pulse is 100-109 or 171-180 beats / min, this indicates mild violations, and if less than 100 or more than 180, the condition is considered dangerous for the child.

Another indicator is fetal heart rate variability. This is the difference in the fetal heart rate at rest and during contractions or movements. The norm is a difference of 10-25 beats per minute, tolerable - 5-9 or more 25 beats / min., dangerous - less than 5 beats / min.

Also, indicators of acceleration and deceleration are taken into account - acceleration or deceleration of the baby's pulse by 15 or more beats per minute, but longer in time than in the previous parameter.

The baby's reaction (change in heart rate) to movement, stimulation, or sound is also examined. normal phenomenon acceleration is considered - an increase in the heart rate under the indicated influences.

All these indicators together give doctors an understanding of the child's condition and the course of birth process(if CTG is done during childbirth). Using this diagnostic method, in combination with ultrasound and Doppler data, it is possible to identify signs of fetal hypoxia, make a decision on stimulation labor activity or the need for a caesarean section.

CTG is prescribed no earlier than at 32 weeks of gestation: there is no point in doing it earlier because of the reactions of the baby’s body that are not fully formed (there will be erroneous results).

So, to summarize: both ECG and CTG are absolutely harmless procedures for mom and baby, painless and not causing any inconvenience. There are no contraindications for pregnant women. In general, doctors say that it would be ideal to use CTG in all childbirth, and first of all, in those where there are some complications (premature or late birth, breech presentation and other).

An ECG during pregnancy differs from an ECG in a non-pregnant woman. This is due to developing changes in hemodynamics, electrolyte composition and hormonal changes. This must be taken into account when interpreting the result - what is normal outside of pregnancy can be a sign of pathology during it, and vice versa. This research method allows you to identify various abnormalities in the work of the heart, therefore it is widely used in obstetrics. But the ECG result should be interpreted by a specialist who has the appropriate specialization.

Historical reference! An ECG during pregnancy was first performed in 1913. The electrocardiography method itself dates back to the middle of the 19th century, when it was noticed that the heart generates a certain amount of electricity.

Diagnostic value of the method

An ECG of pregnant women is performed to assess the work of the heart in conditions of increasing stress on the woman's body

A cardiogram during pregnancy allows you to obtain the following information:

  1. heart rate;
  2. the nature of this rhythm;
  3. detection of ischemic myocardial damage;
  4. determination of other damage to the heart, for example, inflammatory;
  5. assess the effectiveness of appointed medicines, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the heart;
  6. electrolyte disturbances.

Features of the ECG in pregnant women

The ECG norm during pregnancy includes certain changes that are not normal for non-pregnant women.

During pregnancy, single extrasystoles are allowed, that is, excitation occurs not in the sinus node, but in any other part of the heart

A change in the electrical axis when the heart takes a more horizontal position. This feature is revealed from about 25-26 weeks, when the enlarged uterus begins to deflect the diaphragmatic dome upward. On the ECG, this is manifested by the following signs:

  • in the first lead, the ventricular contraction wave (R) becomes higher;
  • in the third lead, the height of Q and S increases (initial and final ventricular contraction, respectively);
  • in all other leads, the height of the ventricular contraction complex becomes smaller;
  • the amplitude of ventricular relaxation also decreases (T wave);
  • the ST segment descends somewhat relative to the main level (isoline). In non-pregnant women, this would indicate ischemia.

Changes characteristic of hyperkinetic circulation, that is, for increased cardiac output. This increase occurs during pregnancy to ensure normal blood flow in the placenta and in the baby's body. ECG signs of this change will be:

  • the T wave consists of two phases in the third lead and in all chest leads on the right (it can also become not positive, but negative);
  • an increase in the depth of the Q wave in the same leads (in this case this does not indicate myocardial infarction, which is judged by the Q wave, this is a sign of the norm).

During pregnancy, the speed of propagation of an impulse through the heart increases. This reduced time is due to the effect of estrogens and corticosteroids on cardiac activity. Therefore, the heart rate increases to 90 per minute.

Detectable deviations

On the basis of the analyzes carried out, a conclusion is made about the possibility of prolonging the pregnancy or a plan for the management of childbirth is developed.

A bad ECG in a pregnant woman is most often manifested by the following disorders:

  • sinus tachycardia (more than 90 beats per minute in a pregnant woman), since the time of impulse conduction through the heart decreases;
  • sinus arrhythmia - the time between successive atrial contractions is different, but the impulse is generated in the right place;
  • ventricular extrasystole - during the registration, there is a contraction of the ventricles out of turn;
  • atrial extrasystole - atrial contraction out of turn;
  • change in the pacemaker (not from the sinoatrial node), which is reflected in the time of contraction of the ventricles and atria.

Other violations are very rare. Usually they are associated with heart disease that existed in a woman before pregnancy.

A bad electrocardiogram is a reason to contact a cardiologist. Together with an obstetrician-gynecologist, he will determine the optimal tactics for your management, and also select the best way delivery. For some heart conditions independent childbirth may not be allowed. In addition, based on the ECG, the anesthesiologist will be able to choose a gentle method of anesthesia for caesarean section.

Features of the procedure

For ECG interpretation great importance has the speed of the tape in the device. It is usually set to 50 mm/s. However, it can be more or less than 2 times. Electrodes are placed on the body of a pregnant woman in appropriate places - there are 6 standard leads, but in some cases additional leads can be used. The latter allow you to detail the previously received information.

Carrying out the ECG procedure for pregnant women practically does not differ from the usual procedure

To obtain the most accurate ECG, a special gel must be applied to the electrodes. It improves the conductivity of the electrical impulse from the heart to the device, since the air gap that is created between the body and the sensors is not conductive and dampens the signal.

Indications for electrocardiography

ECG during pregnancy is not performed for all women - this is not a screening examination. Therefore, there are certain indications when this diagnostic test is necessary. Such cases include:

  • violations blood pressure- How arterial hypertension, and hypotension;
  • feeling of pain in the heart;
  • feeling of pressure in this area;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • dizziness;
  • preeclampsia;
  • heart disease before pregnancy (in this case, the woman is registered with a cardiologist);
  • suspicion of heart disease during pregnancy.

ECG interpretation

The result of an ECG is a graphical recording of the electrical fields generated as a result of cardiac activity. This method of research allows you to obtain valuable information, while not spending large amounts of money on diagnostics.

It is important to distinguish between concepts! Electrocardiography is the process of recording heart impulses, and an electrocardiogram is the actual recording of these impulses (a film that is given to the patient in his hands). The doctor deciphers just this film, giving a conclusion.

When decoding an ECG, the doctor takes into account the following parameters:

  • heart rate (normal from 70 to 90 per minute);
  • the location of the electrical cardiac axis (the norm is from 30 to 70 degrees, that is, it coincides with the axis of the heart, drawn from the top to the middle of its base);
  • heart rhythm (the norm is sinus rhythm, that is, the impulses generated by the heart must come from the sinoatrial node);
  • determination of the time of atrial contraction (the norm is indicated in special tables);
  • determination of the time of contraction of the ventricles;
  • determination of the relaxation time of the atria and ventricles;
  • study of the nature of the main teeth and the intervals between them (there are their own norms of time and height).

Any abnormalities in the above parameters speak of a bad ECG. Based on them, a conclusion is issued, since certain signs are characteristic of a particular pathology.

The study of cardiac activity using ECG refers to obligatory form diagnosis during pregnancy. A woman is sent for cardiography at the first visit to the doctor to assess the work of the heart and the risk of its overload during childbearing. This is due to the fact that even a normal pregnancy creates an increased load on the myocardium and blood vessels. In a planned manner, an ECG is prescribed at registration and before childbirth..

The reason for an extraordinary examination may be:

  • pain in the region of the heart;
  • shortness of breath, swelling, enlarged liver;
  • sensation of rhythm interruptions;
  • drops in blood pressure;
  • severe course of toxicosis;
  • transferred infection;
  • excess body weight.

Regular ECG monitoring indicated in the presence of any heart disease, kidney pathology, endocrine system, lungs. The cardiogram is important when prescribing drugs to a pregnant woman for the treatment of hypertension, arrhythmias, and heart failure.

If deviations are suspected, the cardiologist may prescribe an additional study - Holter monitoring. Stress tests and functional tests during pregnancy are of limited use.

Cardiotocography- a combined method of examination of the mother and fetus. The procedure is prescribed at least 2 times during the third trimester. The first time you can conduct an ECG of the fetus at 14 weeks prenatal development . Unscheduled diagnostic sessions are recommended when:

  • late first pregnancy;
  • spontaneous abortions in the past, abortions, threatened miscarriage;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • late toxicosis;
  • with chronic pathologies;
  • signs of developmental anomalies;
  • delayed pregnancy;
  • oligohydramnios.

Cardiotocography can also be performed during childbirth if there is a threat to the child's cardiac activity.

The procedure is considered completely safe and can be performed repeatedly according to indications.. If long-term monitoring is required heart ECG runs continuously for several days. Violations of the state of the mother and fetus were not recorded.

ECG does not require special preparation, it can be carried out in an emergency . Important condition – observance of emotional and physical rest for at least 20 minutes before diagnosis. On the day of the study, tonic drinks are not allowed, and at least one hour must pass after eating. With an ECG, you can’t move, if it’s cold to the point of shivering, tell the staff.

In a healthy woman there is a sinus rhythm with a frequency of 60 to 90 beats per minute, and the eclectic axis occupies an angle of 30 to 90 degrees. In the fetus find the basal rate of contractions at the level of 110 - 160 beats per minute. This indicator is calculated as an average over 10 minutes or more. If identified serious violations, a caesarean section is shown.

Permissible deviations that do not require therapeutic measures:

The fetus may have tachycardia (more than 200 beats), if it is combined with arrhythmia, then this is a sign of impaired conduction of the heart muscle, and at 230 or more - inaccessibility of blood circulation. The slow rhythm occurs when oxygen starvation, but it also happens elevated temperature, violation of labor activity.

A single study does not always reflect the real clinical picture . In doubtful cases, additional diagnostics are shown, including daily monitoring.

For an accurate diagnosis, additionally prescribed blood tests, pressure measurement, ultrasound of the heart with dopplerography. Complaints and the history of their appearance, data from a medical examination are taken into account.

Before establishing the cause of violations, it is necessary follow the recommendations on the duration of night sleep, daytime rest, diet with restriction of animal fat, sugar and flour products, the diet should contain juices, vegetables, nuts, low-fat dairy products, meat and fish.

Read more in our article on conducting an ECG during pregnancy.

Read in this article

Is it possible to do an ECG during pregnancy

The study of cardiac activity using ECG refers to a mandatory type of diagnosis during pregnancy. A woman is referred for cardiography at the first visit to the doctor to assess the work of the heart and the risk of its overload during childbearing. This is due to the fact that even a normal pregnancy creates an increased load on the myocardium and vascular bed. The main changes include:

  • increase in the rhythm of contractions;
  • increase in blood volume in the vessels;
  • an increase in the ejection of blood from the ventricles by almost half;
  • overload of the left parts of the heart.

In a planned manner, an ECG is prescribed during registration and before childbirth. The reason for an extraordinary examination may be:

  • , liver enlargement;
  • frequent and strong heartbeat;
  • sensation of rhythm interruptions;
  • fainting, frequent dizziness;
  • listening to pathological noises or disturbances in the rhythm of beats during examination;
  • severe course of toxicosis;
  • transferred infection;
  • excess body weight.

Regular monitoring of the ECG is indicated in the presence of any heart disease, pathology of the kidneys, endocrine system, lungs. A cardiogram is important when prescribing drugs to a pregnant woman for the treatment of heart failure.

What does a cardiogram show

With the help of registration of cardiac impulses, you can detect:

  • whether myocardial contractions occur regularly, whether there is an arrhythmia;
  • the presence of extraordinary or ectopic (from an abnormal place) complexes ();
  • acute or chronic deficiency of coronary blood flow (ischemia, angina pectoris, heart attack);
  • violation of the conduction of electrical impulses ();
  • signs of blockage of the pulmonary arteries (thromboembolism);
  • lack of potassium;
  • hypertrophy or dystrophy (increase in the volume of muscle fibers or depletion) of the myocardium.

It is not always possible to fix such violations in the usual mode. Therefore, in addition to the standard ECG, the cardiologist may prescribe an additional study - Holter monitoring. Stress tests and functional tests during pregnancy are of limited use.

Holter monitoring

At what time is optimal for the fetus

An ECG is necessary not only for the mother, but it is also recommended for assessing the condition of the fetus. Usually, a combined method of recording uterine contractions and a study of the fetal cardiac activity is used - cardiotocography. The procedure is prescribed at least 2 times during the third trimester. The first time you can conduct an ECG of the fetus at 14 weeks of fetal development. Unscheduled diagnostic sessions are recommended when:

  • late first pregnancy;
  • spontaneous abortions in the past or surgical interruption of gestation, the threat of miscarriage;
  • transferred inflammations, tumors;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • late toxicosis;
  • hypertension, symptomatic hypertension;
  • Rh-conflict pregnancy;
  • autoimmune or any other chronic pathologies;
  • hereditary predisposition to heart disease;
  • signs of developmental anomalies;
  • delayed pregnancy;
  • oligohydramnios.

Cardiotocography can also be performed during childbirth in a direct way from the presenting part of the fetus if there is a threat to the child's cardiac activity.


Is ECG harmful for mom and baby

With an ECG, bioelectric impulses are examined that provide contractions of the heart. They are recorded using special sensors that receive the signal and an apparatus that converts it into a graphic image. At the same time, it does not appear on the body harmful effects physical factors.

In a conventional ECG, the electrodes are placed on chest and extremities, and with cardiotocography - on the abdomen.

The procedure is considered completely safe and can be performed repeatedly according to indications.

If necessary, long-term monitoring of the work of the heart ECG runs continuously for several days. Violations of the state of the mother and fetus were not recorded.

How to prepare for the

An ECG does not require special preparation, it can be performed on an emergency basis. An important condition is the observance of emotional and physical rest for at least 20 minutes before the diagnosis. If the procedure is planned, then on the day of the study you should not drink tonic drinks, and after eating, at least one hour should pass.

During the recording of the cardiogram, movements must be excluded, if the room feels cool, then the medical staff should be informed about this, since muscle tremors can significantly distort the resulting record.

Watch the video about the ECG:

Deciphering indicators

After recording the necessary ECG leads or cardiotocography, the resulting curve must be deciphered and described by a cardiologist or functional diagnostics doctor.

The norm for mother and fetus

Normal heart activity is displayed as typical waves and intervals. First, a domed atrial P wave appears, and then the impulse travels along the conduction pathways to the ventricles, which is reflected by the ventricular QRS complex. The T wave characterizes the wave of repolarization, that is, the restoration of the electric charge to its original values.

A healthy woman has a sinus rhythm, with a frequency of 60 to 90 beats per minute, and the eclectic axis occupies an angle of 30 to 90 degrees. There should be no rhythm or conduction disturbances, myocardial hypertrophy, dystrophic changes, or ischemia.

The fetus has a basal beat rate of 110-160 beats per minute. This indicator is calculated as an average for 10 minutes or more. If deviations from this norm are found, then the doctor can apply stress tests to determine the ability of the fetus to endure independent labor.

Physical activity, administration of medications, a test with frequent breathing or its delay, reflex tests are used. If serious violations are revealed, then a caesarean section is indicated.


During pregnancy under the influence of hormones and the appearance of a growing fetus, some indicators of work internal organs are changing. These changes also affect the heart. Therefore there is tolerances that do not require therapeutic measures:

  • tachycardia within 95-100 beats per minute;
  • the electric axis is shifted to the left;
  • the interval from the atrial to the ventricular complex lengthens;
  • in the third and fifth leads, T is flat or negative.

Tachycardia (more than 200 beats) can be detected in the fetus, if it is combined with arrhythmia, then this is a sign of impaired conduction of the heart muscle, and at 230 or more - inaccessibility of blood circulation.

A slow rhythm occurs during oxygen starvation, but it also happens at elevated temperatures, violation of labor activity.

It should be borne in mind that the heart rate is not constant, so a single study does not always reflect the real clinical picture. In doubtful cases, additional diagnostics are shown, including daily monitoring.

What to do if a bad ECG

The diagnosis is not made on the basis of newly detected ECG changes. Usually, a more in-depth diagnosis is required - blood tests, pressure measurement, ultrasound of the heart with Doppler ultrasound. Complaints and the history of their appearance, data from a medical examination are taken into account.

Before establishing the cause of the violations, it is necessary to follow the recommendations on the duration of night sleep, daytime rest, diet with restriction of animal fat, sugar and flour products, the diet should contain juices, vegetables, nuts, low-fat dairy products, meat and fish.

It is strictly forbidden to independently carry out treatment not only with medicines, but also with herbs, bioadditives. Complex therapy should be appointed only by a cardiologist, he monitors the pregnant woman before childbirth and after the birth of the child.

An ECG during pregnancy is prescribed in a planned manner and if a violation of the heart is suspected. In the third trimester, cardiotocography is performed twice to study the cardiac activity of the fetus. Both of these procedures are distinguished by complete safety and the possibility of repeated repetition if necessary.

The interpretation of the results is carried out taking into account physiological changes in the cardiovascular system of a pregnant woman. Detected deviations from the norm require additional examination for diagnosis.

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  • Any medical manipulations during childbearing instill doubts in women. Hence, upon receiving the next referral, the question arises: is it possible to do an ECG during pregnancy? Women can be understood, because recently they have become responsible not only for their lives, but also for the life of their child. Therefore, even such a harmless procedure as an ECG during pregnancy requires a serious and deliberate approach.

    What is an EKG?

    Electrocardiography is a method of studying the electrical fields that are formed as a result of the work of the heart. The abbreviation ECG stands for "electrocardiogram", which, in turn, is a printout obtained from the study of the heart muscle.

    ECG procedure- a fairly inexpensive, but very informative diagnostic method in cardiology. It is carried out with the help of special devices, which, receiving impulses through electrodes, record them on thermal paper. Modern electrocardiographs allow you to immediately save the ECG of patients in digital form without printing.

    What diseases can be detected with an ECG?

    Electrocardiography can detect many diseases and pathologies of the heart. It is prescribed for routine medical examinations, as well as for early dates pregnancy. An ECG can reveal:

    • Violations of intracardiac patency.
    • Diseases associated with a violation of the heart rate (arrhythmia, extrasystole).
    • Myocardial damage.
    • Disorders of electrolyte metabolism (potassium, calcium, etc.).
    • Some non-cardiac diseases, such as blockage of the pulmonary artery.
    • Acute cardiac pathologies.

    As a rule, electrocardiography is included in the mandatory list of studies during clinical examination. In addition, an ECG during pregnancy can be prescribed unscheduled if the woman has indications for this procedure.


    During pregnancy, a woman's heart muscle begins to work with a vengeance. This is due to the fact that oxygen saturation and useful substances fetus occurs through the blood. In addition, during this period, the level of hormones increases, which also affect the functioning of the heart.

    ECG during pregnancy is usually prescribed in the first trimester. It is on the list of recommended studies, especially if:

    • a woman has constant jumps in blood pressure;
    • there are complaints of acute or dull pain in the heart area;
    • the pregnant woman suffers from headaches, dizziness, fainting;
    • there are pathologies of pregnancy (polyhydramnios, preeclampsia, etc.)

    Throughout pregnancy healthy women undergo electrocardiography once. There are no contraindications for recording an ECG during pregnancy, so it is assigned to absolutely all women who are registered with a healthcare institution.

    Preparing for an ECG

    As with any procedure, it is advisable to prepare for electrocardiography. This is necessary in order to quickly and easily pass the study without the need to re-enroll.

    • For the procedure, it is better to choose clothes that unfasten on the chest without any problems.
    • On the appointed day, you can not apply creams and other cosmetical tools, since they can disturb the electrical conductivity.
    • There should be no chains, pendants and other decorations in the decollete area that will interfere with fixing the electrodes.
    • Immediately before the study, you need to tell the doctor about all medical preparations, which are used in this moment especially those of the heart.

    Also, if a woman is going to undergo an ECG during pregnancy, she should avoid physical activity immediately before the procedure. Therefore, when climbing the stairs to the office, there is no need to rush. But if, nevertheless, there is shortness of breath before entering the electrocardiography, the pulse is quickened due to physical fatigue, you need to sit for a while and wait until the heart rhythm is restored and returns to normal.

    during pregnancy?

    Electrocardiography is carried out in health care institutions - clinics, hospitals, medical centers. Today, there are portable devices with which a doctor can record an ECG even at home. However, so far they are used only for patients who are not able to get to the medical facility on their own.

    The standard procedure for taking an ECG is as follows:

    1. The patient exposes the area of ​​the chest, forearms, legs and is placed on a special couch.
    2. The doctor applies a gel to these areas, which reduces electrical resistance.
    3. The electrodes are attached to special points on the body, where the highest electrical conductivity. During the examination, they will transmit impulses to the device, which will translate them into a graphic image.
    4. During recording, the patient should breathe calmly and evenly. The doctor may ask you to deep breath and hold your breath for a while. The patient must follow the instructions in silence, since talking during the ECG is prohibited.
    5. In order for the ECG to be as informative as possible, the patient's body must be at rest. Movement and even involuntary trembling can "lubricate" real results ECG.
    6. After the recording is completed, the electrodes are detached, the remains of the gel are wiped off the skin. The result of the ECG is transmitted to the doctor who gave the referral for the examination.

    This procedure simple enough. As a rule, it takes no more than 5-7 minutes. But the abundance of electrodes usually frightens women and makes them doubt whether an ECG is possible during pregnancy.


    Concerned about the health and development of the child, before agreeing to medical examinations, women are primarily interested in the available contraindications. In the case of electrocardiography, there are none. Absolutely all doctors, including gynecologists, say that you can do an ECG during pregnancy, regardless of the patient's condition. The only one by-effect that may occur after the procedure is a rash in places where the electrodes are attached. As a rule, this is an individual intolerance to the gel, which is used during the examination. However, such rashes are not dangerous. They go away on their own in 1-3 days.

    Analysis of ECG results

    Only a doctor can decipher the readings obtained after electrocardiography. For experienced specialists, this takes an average of 10-15 minutes, after which the ECG results are transmitted to the gynecologist, who issued the referral for the examination.

    In the conclusion, which is given on the basis of the electrocardiography, it is indicated:

    • the nature of the heart rate;
    • heart rate (HR);
    • electrical axis of the heart muscle;
    • the presence or absence of conduction disturbances.

    If the ECG was prescribed according to the available indications, then to make a diagnosis, the doctor analyzes the totality of symptoms and signs of the disease. In the most serious cases the patient may be hospitalized for a complete and thorough examination.

    Features of the cardiogram in pregnant women

    During pregnancy, the nature of the cardiovascular system changes dramatically. She begins to work for two, and this, in turn, cannot but be reflected in the ECG. The difference is especially noticeable when examining women in the third trimester of pregnancy.

    The cardiogram of a pregnant woman is characterized by:

    • Displacement of the electrical axis of the heart muscle to the left.
    • Increase in heart rate.
    • Reducing the PR interval.
    • An increase in the depth of the Q wave in the third lead and in all chest leads on the right.
    • The T wave consists of two leads, and it can also become both positive and negative.

    These changes are explained by an increase in cardiac output, which is typical for pregnant women. This physiological feature arises from the need to ensure normal blood flow in the placenta and the fetus. Also, the features of the cardiogram in pregnant women are affected by weight gain and a shift in the position of the heart in the chest. Therefore, in order to avoid setting misdiagnosis when deciphering the ECG, the doctor must take into account the position of the patient.