The course of the parent meeting in the preparatory group. Parent meeting in the preparatory group at the beginning of the school year "Year before school

Lameko Zhanna Vladimirovna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MABDOU No. 1 combined type
Locality: Tomsk
Material name: methodical development
Subject: "Parent meeting V preparatory group. On the way to school."
Publication date: 16.02.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Parent meeting "On the way to school".

“Education is the best provision for old age” (Aristotle).

"Good example is the best sermon."

Time and place: start school year, month of October; group room.

Goals: organization joint work kindergarten, family and school to form

the readiness of the child for school and his successful adaptation to schooling;

building a single content line that ensures effective development,

education and training in preparing children for school. Involving parents in the process

raising their children.

Objectives: to promote emotional disposition towards each other of the participants

parent meeting, the emergence of a basis for future trust; give parents and

teachers preschool experience of gaming interaction with each other, gaming

culture of communication.

Plan of the event:

1. Start the meeting. Introductory part. Congratulations on the start of the school year.

Gratitude in preparing the group for the start of the school year. Greetings. Exercise

"Exam for Parents"

2. Speech by the educator: -goals and objectives of the preschool educational institution for the academic year; - age features

development of a child 6-7 years old; - educational content educational process; - mode

days; - a network of classes; - organization additional education; - narrow work


3. An open letter to parents "Our opinion" - an interview. Memo for parents

helping children"

4.Choice parent committee groups. Presentation by representatives of the parent


5. Summing up the results of the parent meeting.

Meeting progress:

Hello dear parents! We are pleased to see you and we thank you

Thank you for finding the opportunity to come to our event. Our current

The meeting is devoted to discussing the problem of transition of children from kindergarten to school.

We parents are interested in school success your child, so

As soon as possible, we begin to prepare him for admission to school. What needs to be done to

the child went to school prepared and studied well, while receiving only

positive emotions - the purpose of today's conversation. But first let's say hello

each other.

Greetings from parents(In a circle - shaking hands)

Exercise "Exam for parents."

Parents are invited to compare how the life of a preschooler will differ from the life of

first grader. To do this, they need to answer a series of questions, the answers to which

write on tickets.

Sample questions:

What classes are held in the kindergarten? What subjects will my child study in 1st grade?

How many classes per day are held in the kindergarten? How many lessons per day will be in the 1st

The duration of the lesson in the preparatory group in kindergarten? Lesson duration

How many teachers teach a child in kindergarten? How many teachers will train

child in 1st grade?




school scheme



Intellectual readiness








establishing patterns,


thinking, the ability to establish connections between phenomena and

events, to make the simplest conclusions based on analogy. For example,

carrots - garden, mushrooms - ... forest

By the age of 6-7 years, the child should know:

his address and the name of the city in which he lives;

the name of the country and its capital;

names and patronymics of their parents, information about their places of work;

seasons, their sequence and main features;

names of months, days of the week;

main types of trees and flowers.

he should be able to distinguish between domestic and wild animals, understand that the grandmother -

is the mother of the father or mother.

Motivational readiness...





role - the role of the student.

To this end, parents need to explain to their child that learning is work,

children go to school to gain knowledge that is necessary for every person.

Only positive information about the school should be given to the child. The child must

to see that his parents calmly and confidently look at his upcoming admission to

school, at home they understand him, believe in his strength.

Volitional readiness suggests that the child has:

ability to set goals

make a decision to start a business

draw up a plan of action

accomplish it with some effort

evaluate the results of your work

as well as the ability to perform a not very attractive job for a long time.

The structure of the brain responsible for the arbitrariness of behavior is formed

by the age of 7, so your requirements should be adequate to his age.

Communicative readiness

Manifested in the child's ability to subordinate his behavior to the laws of children's groups and

norms of behavior established in the classroom.

It involves the ability to engage in children's community, act

together with other guys, if necessary, to concede or defend

right, obey or lead.

What to pay attention to...

1. Choosing a school.

If a child was often sick in childhood, if it is difficult for him for a long time hold

attention to one thing, if you see that he is not mentally ready to become

first grader




choose, the load in the first year of study should be feasible for the child.

2. Independence.


on one's own



It is very important to teach your child about hygiene.

Teach your child to clean up workplace take care of things.





the ability to make independent decisions and be responsible for them.

Give him some household chores, he has learned to do his job

without the help of adults.

So, our common task is to create conditions for successful preparation for

teaching children at school.

Conversation: daily routine; - a network of classes; - organization of additional education; - Job

narrow specialists.

"Open Letter to Parents"

Each parent receives open letter» your child.

The letter begins like this:

What I love most about school is...

I don't like it if in class...

When I do my homework, my parents...

I really want my parents...

I think in 1st grade...

Conclusion. Perhaps reading your children's letters has given you a different perspective on them.

difficulties, felt their problems. Actually, we already talked about them today.

But the most important thing is that the child feels the support of parents and understanding.

Children's hostel rules

Don't take someone else's, but don't give all of yours either.

They asked - give, they try to take away - try to defend yourself

Don't fight without resentment

Don't be offended by nothing

Don't stick to anyone

Call to play go, do not call - ask. It's not shameful.

Don't tease, don't beg, don't beg for anything. Don't ask anyone twice for anything

Don't cry over grades. Be proud. Don't argue with your teacher about grades. And for the teacher

don't be offended by marks. Do your homework, and what marks will be, such will be.

Don't sneak behind your comrades' backs

Do not be dirty, children do not like dirty, do not be clean, children do not like and

Say more often: let's be friends, let's play, let's hang out, let's go together

And don't show up. You are not the best, you are not the worst, you are my favorite

Go to school and let it be your joy, and I will wait and think of you

Cross the road carefully, do not rush.

Final part.

Teacher: At the end parent meeting, dear parents I beg you

on the big maple leaf write wishes for this school year. Perhaps you wanted

to get some consultation, do you have any questions or suggestions that you

interested and concerned.

And our journey to the land of Knowledge continues. We wish your children success and

interesting discoveries! And, of course, patience and love in order to help the child

get ready for school! Only forward!

During the child's stay in kindergarten we(children, teachers

And parents) form a triangle.

(caregiver pointer pointing at the diagram in the form of a triangle.)

teacher Parent

At the head of the triangle, of course, is the child. He, knowing new, opens the

myself (what I can, what I can do). The task of adults is to help him in this difficult

deed. We should not forget about the society, which plays a big role in the development of the child.

What do you think will happen to a three-legged stool if one leg breaks?

Remember I. Krylov’s fable “Swan, Cancer and Pike”: “When there is no agreement among comrades, on

their work will not go well, but not a work will come out of it, only flour. From this follows the conclusion that

we should combine our efforts to ensure that children are comfortable and interested in

Marina Antipina
Parent meeting in the preparatory group "Getting Ready for School Together"

Subject: « Getting ready for school together»

Target: involve parents into a dialogue on preparation for school to create an environment of common interests and emotional mutual support.

preliminary work:

1. Prepare school related questions.

2. Prepare a memo for each parent:

How to teach a child to be independent

"Rules for working with workbooks at home".

3. Arrange an exhibition of literature on preparing children for school.

4. Prepare material for the game"Who will collect the satchel faster".

Before the beginning meeting parents get acquainted with the exhibition of literature.

Meeting progress:

Introduction: reading an excerpt from A. Barto's poem “Why did Petya wake up ten times today? Because he's going to first grade today!" (see appendix 1)

1. About education of independence.

Our children are one more year older. Now they are students preparatory group, the oldest in kindergarten. Very soon in school! How the child's education will turn out in the first grade depends largely on our efforts. How will the child meet school, will largely depend on what attitude to he will do well in school what expectations will be formed. Formation of the desire to become disciples is enrichment general development preschooler, creating a positive psychological attitude on new stage life.

The seriousness of the family preparing a child for school should be based primarily on the desire to form in the child a desire to learn a lot and learn a lot, educating children in independence, interest in school, benevolent attitude towards others, self-confidence, lack of fear to express their thoughts and ask questions, be active in communicating with teachers.

What characterizes an independent child? Senior Independence preschooler manifested in his ability and desire to act without the help of an adult, in readiness look for answers to emerging questions. Independence is always associated with the manifestation of activity, initiative, elements of creativity. independent child is, first of all, a child who, as a result of experience successful activity, supported by the approval of others, feels confident. The whole situation schooling(new requirements for the behavior and activities of the student, new rights, duties, relationships) is based on the fact that over the years preschool childhood, the child formed the foundations of independence, elements of self-regulation, organization. The ability to relatively independently solve available problems is the prerequisite for the social maturity necessary in school. Experience shows that a first grader who has not developed this quality experiences school serious neuropsychic overload. A new environment, new requirements cause him a feeling of anxiety and self-doubt. The habit of constant guardianship of an adult, the performing model of behavior that has developed in such a child in preschool childhood, prevent him from entering the general rhythm of the class, make him helpless in completing assignments. Ill-conceived tactics of education, the desire of an adult, even with the best of intentions. Constantly taking care of and helping the child in elementary matters in advance create serious difficulties for his learning. Adaptation to school such children are significantly delayed.

Parents (see appendix 2)

2. Funny dictations

Preparation children to the letter begins long before the child enters school. IN preparatory group this is given special attention.

Preparation to writing involves the development of children:

Fine motor skills of the fingers (for this purpose, it is necessary to teach children to perform a variety of practical tasks, create crafts using various tools, in the process of which such qualities as the accuracy of voluntary movements of the hand, eye, accuracy, attention, concentration develop).

Spatial orientation, in particular on a sheet of paper, as well as in general directions of movement (left to right, top to bottom, back and forth, etc.).

Sense of rhythm, ability to coordinate the pace and rhythm of movements, word and gesture.

Fine and graphic skills in progress visual activity, as well as with the help of graphic exercises.

Positive impact on training hands to the letter renders coloring book. For this purpose, you can use finished coloring books. When performing such tasks at home, it is necessary to pay the child's attention to the fact that the image is painted over carefully enough, evenly and accurately.

Helps the development of graphic skills performing various tasks related to hatching. Hatching is performed under the guidance of an adult. Mom or dad show how to draw strokes, control the parallelism of the lines, their direction, the distance between them. For hatching exercises, you can use ready stencils with the image of objects.

Widely used are various graphic exercises in a notebook in cage: tracing cells, drawing up patterns, fitting into a square of various images: ovals, lines, hooks, triangles.

Parents familiarize themselves with the contents of the memo (see appendix 3)

2. Question - answer "Do you remember?".

Offer parents answer the questions (see appendix 4)

3. Game "Who will collect the satchel faster".

Soon in go to school.

A are you ready to assemble

First class

Right now?

We will trust moms, dads

Satchels school. Let's check

Didn't you manage to forget

What is needed in bring school?

I propose parents to play the game"Who will collect the satchel faster". Two are invited to participate in the game parents. They are issued school bags . In the center groups in a big basket items: pencils, pens, sweets, pencil cases, textbooks, dolls, chewing gum, typewriter, cubes, cell phone, ruler, felt-tip pens, albums, binoculars, family photos, patty, notebooks, comb, etc.

Parents must choose those items that the child needs in school, and then comment on the contents of the packs.

Advice parents: a first-grader child can take with him to school a small favorite toy to play at recess.

4. Summing up meetings, opinion exchange

Communicate with your child more often, read with him and discuss what he read. Answer his questions, help in solving any problems. Because only together With you, your child will overcome any difficulties!

I wish you success and Bon Voyage along the paths of knowledge!


1. Belaya K. Yu., Tsapenko M. M. Parents future first graders// Series: "Instructive and methodological support of the content of education in Moscow"/ Rev. Editor L. E. Kurneshova. -M.: Center « school book» , 2007.-48s.

2. Budnitskaya I. I., Kataeva A. A. The child goes to school. - M.: Pedagogy, 1985. - 160 p. - (B-ka for parents) .

3. Volkov B. S., Volkova N. V. Tasks and exercises in child psychology.

4. Educators and parents: From work experience. Comp. L. v. Zagik, V. M. Ivanova. - - M.: Enlightenment, 1985. - 96s.

5. Davydova Yu. V. How prepare the child for school / Julia Davydova. - M.: Eksmo, 2008. - 144 p. - (Cribs for parents) .

6. Zvereva O. L. Parent meetings in preschool: method. Allowance / O. L. Zvereva, T. V. Krotova. - M .: Iris-press, 2006, - 128s. - (preschool upbringing and development).

Prep Parent Meeting

Subject: Raising a child's interest in reading
allow parents to better know the reading interests of their children;
give advice to parents on how to raise an interest in reading in children;
Teach parents how to get their kids interested in reading.
Preliminary work:
Organize exhibitions:
children's books recommended by programs preschool education;
illustrations by famous artists literary works(V. Vasnetsova, V. Chizhikova, V. Suteeva, E. Racheva and others).
On the table lay out the items that are found in the works for children.
Prepare flags and chips for the quiz.
Meeting agenda:
1. Speech by the educator: "Educating the child's interest in reading."
2. Exhibition of children's books, their importance in the life of a child.
3. Literary quiz.

Meeting progress:

(The teacher, as a guide, invites parents to walk around the group. Shows what's new in the group, tells what will be done. Answers parents' questions. After that, parents sit down at the tables.)
Good evening, dear guests! Today we welcome you to our group at a parent meeting on the topic: "Raising a child's interest in reading." We learn about the importance of books in the upbringing and education of children.
Then we will introduce you to an exhibition of children's books recommended by preschool education programs.
Let's finish our meeting with a literary quiz.
1. Speech by the educator.
The teacher announces the topic of his speech and invites parents to watch the presentation on this topic. (Slide 1.)
(Slide 2.) More recently, the value of books and reading was undeniable with us. In this age of scientific and technological progress, dominated by television, computers and video games, children have lost interest in reading.
(Slide 3.) Reading plays a very important dominant role in education and personal development. Children need to love books. After all, a book read in childhood remains in the memory for life and affects the subsequent development of a person.
(Slide 4.) Art and literature develop memory, thinking, fantasy, imagination and creativity. “People stop thinking and thinking when they stop reading. They lose their ability to empathize if they do not gain or lose interest in reading.”
(Slide 5.) A lot has been said about the benefits of reading. Reading develops thinking and memory, enriches inner world. There are two stages of reading. The first is technical, when reading does not bring pleasure, that is, the child acquires a skill. The second is meaningful, when the content of the text is clear to the child. If the child stays at the first stage for more than the allotted time, then it will be problematic for him to fall in love with reading. There is no ready-made recipe for instilling a love of reading.
(Slide 6.) Why do children not like to read? Many parents make the same mistake of forcing their child to read. Such methods bring the opposite result. The child begins to consider reading as a restriction of personal freedom. He associates all the negative (cries of parents, punishments) with reading. Never resort to violence. Your task is to show that reading can be fun. Buy a bright, colorful book on a topic that your child will be interested in. The topic should be close in spirit to the child. If you have a daughter, ask her to read her recipe for delicious ice cream that you can make together. You can offer your son to read the instructions of purchased toys every time, etc.
(Slide 7.) Rejoice in the success of your child, praise and encourage him! If the child makes mistakes while reading, correct him, but try to do it very gently. Use books with bright pictures, capital letters and captivating storyline.
(Slide 8.) How to teach a child to read? Surround children with books. This is one of better ways teach your child to love reading. Arrange books and magazines so that they are easy to find. Let them be available in your home. If your child grows up among books and sees that his parents are book lovers, he will be curious and interested in experiencing it for himself. When your child is surrounded by so many books and magazines, he will naturally be predisposed to reading books.
(Slide 9.) Buy bright, colorful books for your children. Children love colorful books, and books without pictures do not interest them. Therefore, give them books containing many different colorful illustrations. Exactly bright pictures stimulate interest in reading and cognition. At present, thanks to modern technologies, publishing books, made books accessible. Lots of possibilities for sounding books. Audio books are also one of the options to show interest in works of literature.
(Slide 10.) Bedtime stories or stories. One of the best ways to instill a love of books in children is to read before bed. Children look forward to stories while lying in bed. If you have two children, ask the oldest to tell the story to the youngest.
(Slide 11.) Read for yourself. If you do not know how to teach your child to love to read, then set an example for them. Children subconsciously pick up habits from their parents. If you have a habit of reading, your child will most likely grow up to be a book lover. If you don't watch TV much and mostly read, be sure your children will repeat the same thing.
(Slide 12.) Be sure to discuss what you read with your child. Ask the child what he remembers most, which of the characters he liked or disliked, whether he approves of the ending of the story. After all, the culture of reading involves not just reading the text, but also the ability to analyze it. This advice also applies to the period when the child begins to read independently. It would be nice if you yourself were aware of what he reads about.
(Slide 13.) When the child has mastered the letters and can read the words and sentences in their entirety, invite the child to play a game - read with you in turn. First in sentences, then paragraphs and whole pages. It is quite possible that, having gone away in the course of such a game, to answer phone call, you will return to find the child over the book, raptly reading the sequel.
(Slide 14.) Take your child to the bookstore and ask what book he would like to read. And do not load the baby immediately with serious literature. Let them start with comic book magazines, as long as he chooses them himself and reads them. Include other forms of reading comprehension as well. For example, after reading the tale of the Nutcracker, take your child to the ballet of the same name. If your child is interested in literature about space, go to the planetarium with him more often.
(Slide 15.) Suggest the reverse order: after watching a movie with your child, talk about the book on which this movie was made. Even if the child is already quite able to read the book in its entirety, do not deny him the desire to listen to how adults read to him. Let him read on his own what he likes, and you read to him those books that you would like him to love too.
(Slide 16.) If you force a child to read, resorting to methods of intimidation and punishment, this can lead to the fact that the child may hate reading. Never criticize your child or compare with other children. Of course, none of your actions will be effective if you are on own experience do not show the child that reading is really interesting.
(Slide 17.) As a rule, in a reading family, children grow up to be readers. And if you, having sat your child down to read, begin to spend time in front of the TV yourself, do not be surprised if the child does not do the same in your absence.
(Slide 18.) Thank you for your attention!
Questions for parents:
Do you read to children at their request?
Do you discuss what you read?
Do you play the plot of the fairy tale you read?
Does your child have a book corner?
Do you watch how the child handles the book?
Do you have a choice, do you read to your child or offer to watch cartoons?
The book lays the foundation for the future worldview of the child, and much in his life depends on what his first books will be. In the wonderful world of books, a preschooler has friends and enemies, a moral principle, he learns to distinguish the best from the worst, right from wrong, dreams are born, on the basis of this, the views and appearance of a tiny person are formed. Therefore, we, adults - teachers and parents - should help to cultivate love and interest in the book, the need for reading.
How would we live without books
We are friendly with the printed word,
If it weren't for him,
Neither old nor new
We wouldn't know anything!
Imagine for a moment
How would we live without books?
What would a student do?
If there were no books
If everything disappeared at once,
What was written for children:
From magical good tales
Until the fun news? ..
S. Mikhalkov
2. Exhibition of children's books recommended by the program of preschool education and illustrations of famous artists for literary works (V. Vasnetsova, V. Chizhikova, V. Suteeva, E. Racheva, etc.).
(The teacher draws the attention of parents to an exhibition of books for children and illustrations by famous artists for literary works.)
The book is true
The book is the first
Book - best friend Guys.
- We can not do without a book,
We can't live without a book! -
All the guys are talking.
Z. Bychkov.

Pay attention to this exhibition. Here are the books recommended by our Parenting and Education Program preschool age. Of course, with all your busyness, you read books to your children at home.
Questions for parents:
Have you thought about what and how you read?
How do you choose a book to read?
Do you draw your child's attention to illustrations in children's books?
Are you talking to the children as you look at these illustrations?
3. Literary quiz.
Divide into four teams, please. Tasks will be given to all teams at once: whoever raises the flag is the one who answers. For the correct answer - a chip. The team with the most chips is the winner.
Team assignments:
- Guess the name and author of the passage from the work for children.
- Guess what product this item is from? (The teacher shows an object or a subject picture.)
- Tell me, in what fairy tale does this character live? (Shows an illustration of, for example, a rooster. This character is found in many fairy tales, several answers will be correct.)
- Guess the fairy tale from the paintings and name the authors of these paintings. (Shows paintings by E. Rachev, V Suteev, V. Vasnetsov, etc.)
- Guess riddles about fairy tale characters.
He sewed clothes peacefully,
He boldly said:
“I have a reputation for being a strong man for a reason,
Seven - with one blow!
(Brave Tailor.)
Granddaughter went to her grandmother
She brought pies.
The gray wolf followed her,
Cheated and swallowed!
(Little Red Riding Hood.)
To save a faithful friend,
She had to go half the country:
Run from the robbers
Freeze in a snow storm
Cross over the ice
Fight with the queen.
I am poor and dirty
I got used to the ashes and stoves.
It's very hard for me during the day
And I dream at night.
But I don't cry, I don't cry
I smile and endure.
I believe in happiness and luck
And I regret and love everyone.
fruit and garden country,
There is one in one of the fairy tale books.
And in it the hero is a vegetable boy,
He is brave and fair. Who it?
Someone famous said: "People stop thinking when they stop reading." We, educators and parents, must help the child to love the book, raise interest and need for reading. We wish you success on this difficult but joyful path.
Summing up, the decision of the parent meeting:
Given the great role of parents in raising children's interest in the book, set yourself the goal of reading with your child every day, discussing what you read. Find time and opportunities for family reading. Write out and read with children children's magazines. Assist children in the design of reading notebooks. You can put pictures in them to read books, write out interesting, liked thoughts from what you read. Announce a competition for the best reading notebook. On final meeting at the end of the year, sum up the results and choose the winner by children's voting.

MBDOU "Poltava kindergarten" Sun "

Poltava region


final parent meeting

In the preparatory group

Goodbye Kindergarten!

Prepared by the teacher

first qualification category

Beloded T. A.

r.p. Poltavka 2014.

Preliminary work:

♦ Prepare invitations to draw parents' attention to the fact that this is the last and very important meeting in kindergarten.

♦ Prepare letters of thanks and certificates for parents.

Proceedings of the meeting

1. Leaving kindergarten...

Here it ends Last year your child's stay in kindergarten. The stage of development called preschool childhood is coming to an end. Soon the school will open its doors to you, and the new period in the lives of your children. They will become first graders, and you, dear mothers and dads, sit down at their desks with them. How many expectations and joyful hopes we associate with the school. Entering school is the entry of a child into the world of new knowledge, rights and obligations, complex, diverse relationships with adults and peers. How does the child enter new life how will the first school year What feelings he awakens in his soul, what memories he leaves, to a large extent it depends on what the child has acquired during the years of preschool childhood. And the kids got a lot. First of all, they became more hardened, physically developed. We learned to purposefully carry out elementary intellectual and practical activities. They developed speech, increased cognitive activity, interest in the world, desire to learn new things, opportunities in terms of mental activity. Children are fairly well oriented in the world around them. They are aware of a number of clearly expressed relationships: temporal, spatial, functional, causal. During the years of preschool childhood, they acquired a number of mental and cognitive skills: differentiated perception and purposeful observation, the ability to reason, independently formulate questions, answer them, use simple visual models, diagrams when solving problems. A variety of special skills mastered during preschool childhood (artistic, visual, speech, musical activity) become the basis for the independent implementation of creative ideas, figurative reflection reality, development of feelings and creative initiative.

The feelings of the child acquire a socio-moral coloring, become more stable. Performance moral requirements and the rules arouse in the child a sense of satisfaction, pride, violation of them makes them sincerely worry.

Thus, preschool age is a crucial stage in a child's life, when there are high-quality acquisitions in all areas of the child's development. On the basis of children's inquisitiveness and curiosity, an interest in learning will develop. The cognitive abilities and activity of a preschooler will become the fundamental basis for the formation of theoretical thinking. The ability to communicate with adults and peers will allow you to move on to educational cooperation.

2. Our achievements.

We have been close all these years. We watched the children grow up, helped each other, cooperated and made friends, learned from each other, celebrated holidays, participated in competitions, rejoiced at the achievements of children and experienced failures together. We remember your children as very young and rejoice with you when we look at them, so grown up. Each child in our group is special, each has their own talents and abilities. Check out our Achievements gallery. (Teachers prepare a small portfolio for each child in advance, note achievements in sports, fine arts, music, dance, etc. It is imperative to mark each child.)

3. The ceremony of rewarding families for success in education.

Teacher rewards parents thank you letters and diplomas. It is important that every family receive an award

Award nominations:

♦ For raising the most gifted child.

♦ For raising the most athletic child.

♦ For bringing up kindness and sensitivity in a child.

♦ For introducing the child to healthy lifestyle life.

♦ The most active family.

♦ The most creative family.

♦ The most responsive family.

4. To the parent piggy bank: “How to spend the summer before school?”

The first bell will ring very soon, and your children will go to first grade. You are excited and worried, because this day is getting closer and closer. How will the relationship of the child in the new team? How will the teacher meet him? What changes will occur in the usual routine of your family's life? All these questions worry parents. There is no escape from solving these problems, but you will solve them as they become available. And you have great things ahead of you. sunny summer. Time for rest, health promotion, hardening, travel, interesting events. Spend this last "free" summer with pleasure!

Create more positive expectations in your child from the meeting with the school, positive attitude- pledge successful adaptation child to school. Use favorable natural factors - the sun, air and water - to strengthen the body of the future student.

Summer lasts three months. Many parents believe that they will have time to catch up during this time - to teach the child to read, count, etc. Don't repeat these mistakes. In summer, the child must rest. And it is much more interesting to consolidate the skills acquired in kindergarten using the example of the surrounding nature. For example, let the child try to count the ants in the anthill, observe the changes in nature, measure the depth of the stream.

What can you do with a future first-grader on vacation:

Make applications, collages from natural material;

Learn the names of new plants and animals, consider them and memorize;

Write poetry together

Encourage the child to meet new friends, communicate more with them, play outdoor games;

Compose short stories on a given topic, invent fairy tales;

More to be in nature, learn to swim!

Such a summer will be remembered by the whole family, and the strength and knowledge gained from communicating with nature will serve as a good launching pad in September, and will be useful to the child in the new school year.

5. The secret of a successful stay at school.

By the beginning of the school year, the child must master certain knowledge.

.(the teacher distributes memos “What should a child of 6-7 years old know and be able to do?”

But, the secret of successful study lies not only in the accumulated knowledge, but also in the fact that loved ones are nearby. Kids really need support, encouragement, praise from adults, they strive to be independent. At first glance, harmless stereotypes of parental behavior can lead to school neuroses. On your tables are cards with phrases that are quite often used by adults. Let's try to predict what the inspiring effect of these phrases can be for a child - a future first-grader, what feelings and experiences a child can stimulate such stereotypes of education:

o “When you go to school, you will…” or “You will probably be a loser!” (May cause feelings of anxiety, lack of self-confidence, loss of desire to go to school.)

o “You know how we will love you if you become an excellent student!” (the collapse of parental hopes can be a source of childhood suffering, loss of confidence in parental love, which means self-confidence.)

o “Study so that I don’t have to blush for you!” (It seems to parents that their own self-esteem depends on the child's assessments, often such an unbearable psychological burden leads the child to neurosis.)

o "You promise me not to fight at school and not to run, but to be quiet and calm?" (Do not set impossible goals for the child, do not push him onto the path of deliberate deception.)

o "Try me just to make mistakes in the dictation!" (A child under the constant weight of the threat of punishment may develop hostile feelings towards parents, develop an inferiority complex, etc.)

It is not necessary to force your child to study, to scold him for a poorly done job, but it is better to find a well-done fragment in his work, even the smallest one, and praise him for the completed task. It is important that the child is gradually drawn into intellectual activity and the learning process itself becomes a need for him.

Character traits such as responsibility, the ability to overcome difficulties, the ability to obey are very important. general rules to consider the interests of others. Parents need to develop the thinking, perception, memory of the baby. It must be remembered that while playing with a preschooler, performing the simplest tasks with him, adults in the process of doing exercises develop memorization, attention and thinking. A preschooler learns through play, and the principle “from simple to more complex” must be taken into account. Parents should remember one simple truth: education can make a child smart, but only sincere communication with close and beloved people - family - makes him happy. Parents can create an environment that not only prepares the child for successful study, but will also allow him to take a worthy place among first-graders, to feel comfortable at school.

6. A few tips for the interior of the children's room.

When preparing for school, you will have a million everyday problems, one of which is the workplace of a future first grader. Many parents in one way or another re-equip the children's room. After all, a student will now live in it. I want the child to feel good and comfortable in the children's room during this difficult period of life. Do not forget that the children's room is one of the most multifunctional rooms in the house. Here the child plays, sleeps, now he will still do his homework. So, in the room it is necessary to allocate three zones: play, recreation and study area. When choosing interior colors, give preference gentle tones pastel shades. Bright, saturated colors quickly tire the child's eyesight. It is important not to make radical changes in the room, let everything that is loved and familiar be preserved, you just need to add some elements. school life. Of course, this is the first desk. When choosing such an important piece of furniture for a future first-grader, pay attention to following rules:

· The table should be at the window, the light falls on the left.

The table should not have sharp corners and details.

· Transforming tables with a changing inclination of a cover, additional sliding table-tops are very convenient.

· The table should be spacious and comfortable for the child.

· Choose a chair with a high back for the table. It is easy to check the height of the chair: when the child is sitting on the chair, his legs should touch the floor at a right angle.

In the room, of course, there will be new shelves or racks for books and textbooks. It is important to arrange them in such a way that the child can get everything he needs on his own, and not depend on the help of mom or dad. Also, pay attention to the consultation, which says how to choose the right portfolio for a child.

7. Look into the future...

When observing children, we noticed their tendency to a certain occupation, and we decided to find out what your children will become in the future.

(the teacher puts on the astrologer's hat, takes the scroll in his hands)

I am a great stargazer

I know fate ahead.

I will tell you now

The future that awaits you.

(Unrolls the scroll.)

Misirov Rustam has become very important!

It even has its own supermarket.

Here fruits, toys and everything you want!

Don't believe? Take a look here yourself.

Ksyusha in Paris at the dance competition

Smitten with grace all foreigners!

Nikita became the best architect.

Its skyscrapers are skyrocketing.

A sports complex and even a maternity hospital

IN short time he built.

Very clever and beautiful

They will cut you all to wonder.

Super stylists Alina with Sasha

Salon opened in our capital!

Our Nastya Klimenko became a famous artist,

Her masterpieces are already kept in the Hermitage!

Oh, look, our kindergarten,

Nastya Didenko takes the kids out for a walk.

She became the best teacher

The children love and listen to her.

Our Vanya Tarasenko, just think

Became a big figure, he's so busy!

Lives and works in the neighborhood

Now chief physician children's clinic!

Tall, slender as a spruce,

Our Sofia is a supermodel!

The Bolshoi Theater is coming to us on tour,

And prima Elena - in the title role!

Very brave, just a hero,

Artem enters the battle with fire!

He is the best firefighter, everyone knows about it!

And the President gives him an order!

Our Pavel works in the bank,

Loans and deposits - under strict control.

He became the manager of a whole bank,

He sends his salary home on a tank!

A rocket flew up

Made by Ivan Fadeev.

He sets an example for everyone at work.

He is a very talented engineer

Evening, the TV is on, Karina

The news will tell us everything from the screen.

Very graceful, beautiful, elegant.

She became a popular speaker.

Matvey became a prominent scientist - to him

Nobel Prize for one

Awarded for achievements in science

There are no smarter people on Earth.

Our Kiryusha works at the school,

He became the best teacher!

Became Danya's tamer of predators:

Tigers and lions are like mice,

Walking in circles, rolling dogs,

They listen to Danya and do not growl.

Maxim became a famous sportsman.

Glorified our country to the whole world.

All gold medals to him

The sports committee gives to one!

Time flies so imperceptibly

Your children will become big people.

But all as one, when the years pass,

Bring your kids here.

Do not forget, dear parents, that childhood is an amazing time in the life of every person - it does not end with entering school. Spend enough time for games, improve children's health, spend more time together. After all, right now your child needs your attention, love and care most of all.

When we walk you to school, we do not tell you: “Goodbye!”. We say: "Goodbye, goodbye see you soon!" Perhaps in the near future we will be able to say to some of you: “Welcome!” When you bring your younger children. In the meantime, time does not stand still, we invite you to the first prom in your life!

(Parents receive beautifully designed graduation invitations.)

Target: help parents of children who are at the school start to navigate the main difficulties that a first grader may face, and possible ways prevention of maladjustment of the child at school.


1. Speech by the teacher Mavlyutova N.Kh. "The tasks of educating and educating children 6-7 years old."

2. Speech by the teacher Mavlyutova N.Kh. Exercise "Parade of opinions" on the topic: "Preparing children for school"

3. Speech by the teacher Borovkova S.V. Crisis 7 years.

4. Speeches of the teacher Borovkova S.V. "Advice to parents of future first-graders."

5. Memo for parents of future schoolchildren (Appendix 1).

6. Miscellaneous.



Parent meeting for preschool parents

"Kindergarten and parents are equal partners"

("Children and parents at the school start").

Target: to help parents of children who are at the school start, to navigate the main difficulties that a first grader may face, and possible ways to prevent a child's maladaptation at school.


2. Speech by the teacher Mavlyutova N.Kh. Exercise "Parade of opinions" on the topic: "Preparing children for school"

3. Speech by the teacher Borovkova S.V. Crisis 7 years.

4. Speeches of the teacher Borovkova S.V. "Advice to parents of future first-graders."

5. Memo for parents of future schoolchildren (Appendix 1).

6. Miscellaneous.

Meeting progress:

Hello, we are glad to see you in our garden! We want to congratulate you

dear parents with the transition to the preparatory group for school.

We invite you to play a little and rally our team.

Exercise "Match"

Purpose: Team building.

Content: Stand shoulder to shoulder (two teams). Now we will give you matches that can be held with only one finger. Your task is to reach the finish line together without dropping the match. If at least one match falls, then the whole team returns to the start. You need to make a circle around each chair. How exactly to hold the matches is up to you. The main condition is to hold with one finger. Well done, take your seats.

Answer the questions:

Was this exercise easy to complete?

What prevented you from reaching the finish line?

1. Speech by the teacher Mavlyutova N.Kh. "The tasks of educating and educating children 6-7 years old."

2. Speech by the teacher Mavlyutova N.Kh. "Preparing Children for School".

2. Exercise "Parade of Opinions"

Target: Activate the meeting participants in the discussion of the proposed topic"Preparing Children for School".

This year will fly by very quickly, and your kids, as it seems, will go to first grade. And our task is to help the children prepare for school.

A) “What benefits are better to choose for preparing for school? »

Currently, there are many manuals, we advise you to choose author's manuals, decorated with drawings, with large print, clearly stated tasks for the development of memory, attention, thinking, speech, with fun tasks, puzzles, copybooks.

For each task, give the child certain time, teach him to control time with hourglass. Encourage correctly completed tasks, tactfully point out mistakes and help correct them.

B) "How much time should I spend preparing for school at home?"

No more than 20-30 minutes, if you see that the child is tired, there is no mood to study further, switch the activity to the game, let the child study on his own.

C) “If the child categorically refuses to study at home, what should I do?”

Offer your child a small amount of classes - no more than 5 minutes.

Conduct all classes in game form: add syllables and words from pasta, count bubble, solve problems using real objects, fruits and vegetables, write letters to fairy tale characters.

Be sure to answer them. block letters encouraging the child to read. Encourage independence, non-standard thinking of the child. Help to hold a pencil, a pen correctly.

D) “If a child constantly requires new tasks and is ready to do a lot, is it worth limiting him?”

If the child does not show signs of fatigue, does not get upset because some task does not work out, perceives learning as an attractive activity -Strict boundaries for classes should not be set.

Try to switch the child from one activity to another, offer a variety of situations that may happen at school, ask what he will do if:

He will offend someone;

Someone will offend him;

Something will hurt him;

He will lose some thing;

He will not understand how to complete the task, etc.

E) “Is it necessary to talk with the child on the topic“ School ”?”

Even if the child has the necessary stock of knowledge, skills, abilities, level of intellectual, volitional development, it will be difficult for him to learn if there is no social position of the student, i.e. the desire of the child to become a schoolboy. Not only to understand, but also to accept the importance of schooling, respect for the teacher, schoolmates.

A conscious attitude to school is associated with the expansion and deepening of ideas about learning activities, with the creation emotional attitude. Tell your child about your favorite teachers, read stories about school, watch movies. This will create a positive attitude towards school.

E) Why is it difficult for a child to control his behavior?

Because his will is not developed enough. Managed should be not only external behavior, but also the mental activity of the child: attention, memory, thinking. The child needs to be able to observe, listen, remember, achieve the task. For the development of will in preschoolers, it is necessary to help him establish relationships between the purpose of actions and their motives.

G) "What is the difference between the relationship in the "child-teacher" system in kindergarten and school?"

When a child enters school, the system of relations in interpersonal communication. Relationships become businesslike. Whereas in kindergarten they were more emotional, personal and individual. At school, the child is assessed on the basis of completed tasks. It is important to gradually prepare the child for the system of new relationships at school.

G) “Could there be restrictions on watching TV for a preschooler?”

The child should not watch all TV shows. Restrictions must be imposed unconditionally. And stick to relatively decision. It must also be remembered that a child perceives a film differently than an adult. Therefore, it is better to watch the program with the child and discuss the impressions of what they saw.

H) "Why do all children unequally master reading, writing?"

Not all children develop reading and writing skills equally quickly.

There are many reasons for this, but the main one is that the child has insufficiently developed speech, phonemic awareness in particular.

By the end of preschool age, the child should be able to produce a sound analysis of words.

It can be taught using Interesting games e.g. cutting strips of colored paper different color and size and with their help to teach the child to build a word model. Then the child, as it were, "sees" the speech. It is important that he tells what he is doing. It is useful to choose entertaining material: puzzles, bingo, pictures, according to which you can consistently tell about what you saw. Developing the child's speech, it is important to remember the absurdities, shifters, fables. They are very popular with preschoolers. They significantly improve the child's speech, which at an older age becomes the basis for restructuring. mental processes, an instrument of thought.

3. Speech of the Educator Borovkova S.V. Crisis 7 years.

The crisis of 7 years usually coincides with the period in a child's life when he goes to school.

This is a crisis of self-regulation, reminiscent of the crisis of 1 year.

The child begins to regulate his behavior by rules. Previously complaisant, he suddenly begins to make claims for attention to himself, the behavior becomes pretentious.

On the one hand, a demonstrative naivete appears in his behavior, which is annoying, since it is intuitively perceived by others as insincerity.

On the other hand, it seems overly adult: it imposes norms on others.

Any older preschooler claims to be respected, to be treated as an adult. If the need for respect is not satisfied, then it will not be possible to build a relationship with this person on the basis of understanding (“I am open to understanding if I am sure that I am respected”).

Dear parents, be patient, be attentive to your children and just love them!

4. Speech by the teacher Borovkova S.V. "Advice to parents of future first graders."

Help your child acquire information that will allow him not to get lost in society.

Teach your child to keep their belongings in order.

Do not scare your child with difficulties and failures at school.

Teach your child the right way to deal with failure.

Help your child gain a sense of self-confidence.

Teach your child to be independent.

Teach your child to feel and be surprised, encourage his curiosity.

Strive to make every moment of communication with the child useful.

Annex 1

Memo for parents, future students

In the field of speech development and readiness for literacy, it is necessary:

Be able to clearly pronounce all the sounds of speech;

To be able to distinguish sounds in words intonation;

To be able to isolate a given sound in a stream of speech;

Be able to determine the place of sound in a word (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end);

Be able to pronounce words in syllables;

Be able to make sentences of 3-5 words;

Be able to name in a sentence only the 2nd word, only the 3rd word, only the 4th word, etc.;

Be able to use generalizing concepts (bear, fox, wolf are animals);

Be able to compose a story from a picture (for example, “At the zoo”, “At the playground”, “Rest at sea”, “For mushrooms”, etc.);

Be able to make several sentences: about the subject;

Distinguish genres fiction(fairy tale, story, poem, fable);

Be able to consistently convey the content of a fairy tale.

The child must have developed elementarymathematical representations:

Know the numbers from 0 to 10;

Be able to name the previous and subsequent number relative to any number within the first ten;

Know the signs +, -, =, ;

Be able to compare the numbers of the first ten (for example, 7 is less than 8, 5 > 4, 6 = 6);

Be able to correlate the number and the number of objects;

Be able to measure with a ruler;

Be able to compose and solve problems in one action for addition and subtraction;

Know the names of the shapes: triangle, square, circle, trapezoid, oval, rectangle;

Be able to compare objects by color, size, shape;

To be able to operate with the concepts: “left”, “right”, “up”, “down”, “earlier”, “later”, “for”, “between”, navigate on the sheet.

In area ideas about the environment:

Be able to distinguish appearance plants common in our area (for example, spruce, birch, oak, sunflower, chamomile) and name their distinguishing features;

Be able to distinguish between wild and domestic animals and their cubs (squirrel, hare, goat, cow)

Be able to distinguish birds by their appearance (for example, a woodpecker, a crow, a sparrow);

Have an idea about the seasonal signs of nature (for example, autumn - yellow and red leaves, on trees, withering grass, harvesting);

Know the names of 1-3 indoor plants;

5-6 insects, edible and non-edible mushrooms.

Know the names of all days of the week, seasons, months.

Besides, A child entering the 1st grade should know:

In what country does he live, in what city, his home address;

Your name, patronymic, surname;

Your age (preferably date of birth);

Surname, name, patronymic of parents, their profession;

Call the rules of conduct in public places and on the street.