The image of the mother as a spiritual symbol of Russia. Mother's love forever

About the greatness of a mother

Life begins with the mother. Mother is an amazing natural phenomenon. The mother is the first thing the child's consciousness comes into contact with. The entire endless world, the entire culture and everything that is most important is concentrated in it. For every person a mother from first to last day remains his well-wisher, an invisible shield protecting him from all life’s troubles. And only by losing her is a person truly able to understand and appreciate the full depth of the concept of mother and its meaning in his life.

An amazing, indescribable deep feeling connects him with her for life. Mother is not easy dear person, this is the most close friend, with which we are connected by thin, inextricable threads. A mother's love for her child is the purest and most selfless love on Earth. The strength of this love lies in its endless patience. With all her consciousness and heart, the mother protects the soul of the child. A mother’s sacrifice gives birth to chastity, purity of relationships, and culture. It is known that maternal prayer has the most great strength. With mother's milk, the baby absorbs everything good qualities. He absorbs all the best that is in society through her consciousness.

Mom, we say this word when it is very difficult and lonely for us, and Magic power warmth and love, compassion and tenderness emanating from him envelops us. Her voice and hands, her love for us give us peace and tranquility. It is so important for us to know that we have such a selfless and good friend, who always takes care of our happiness, protecting us from life’s adversities and disappointments. Happy is he who has such a kind mother.

The love of earthly mothers originates from love Mother of God to her son, so she is pure and selfless. This is her strength. This love is not dependent. It has no material reason. The sages say that “motherhood does not know its motherhood.” This means that earthly mothers are not aware of the source, reason and value of their mother's love. They do not need logical thinking about the reason for this love and confirmation of its correctness.

Parental love belongs to the five tastes or races in spiritual world. Parental relationships surpass neutral and friendly ones and absorb their essence into themselves, so they bring great joy and satisfaction. Mothers especially feel this, because their feelings are reflected from the love of the Mother of God. All wonderful maternal qualities, such as self-sacrifice, care, tenderness, affection, selfless love, originate from her.

© Shveta Dwipa Magazine

On Valentine's Day, it is customary to give gifts to each other as an expression of love and affection. On this day, “Valentines” (heart-shaped cards) are presented. The color most often used in gifts is red. This applies not only to postcards, but also to flowers and souvenirs.

Why was red chosen to express feelings? And what other symbols exist to show love?

Red is the color of blood pulsating in a living organism. It personifies life itself and is a symbol of love. No wonder the red heart on postcards replaces the word “love”. In Russian, red and beautiful are words with the same root. The word "red" used to mean "beautiful."


Heart - main symbol love. Since ancient times, the heart has been a symbol of all emotions. The heart is of paramount importance: as long as it beats, a person is alive, which means his love is alive. The heart symbol also means mercy and compassion.


Cupid, Eros or Cupid is the deity of love of ancient mythology, the personification of love attraction. Often in art Cupid is depicted blindfolded, symbolizing the blindness of love. In Cupid's hands is a drawn bow with an arrow, which he shoots right into a person's heart, striking him with passion. This is where another characteristic symbol denoting love arose: a heart pierced by Cupid’s arrow.

Rose and other flowers

The rose is a very common symbol of love. IN Ancient Greece the rose was a sacred emblem of beauty. The rose is a complex symbol and denotes not only beauty, but also heavenly perfection, and at the same time earthly passion, personifies eternity and fleeting time.

In the European tradition, the rose is a symbol of desire and passion. But not only the rose is a flower - a symbol. There are other plants that become extremely popular during the holidays.

Peony is highly valued in China and is called the “king of flowers”. It is known as the flower of wealth and honor, symbolizing spring, love and affection. Chrysanthemum is also highly valued in China. She is a symbol of joy and easy life. They especially love yellow chrysanthemums, which create an atmosphere of happiness. The orchid symbolizes love, sweetness and sophistication.

For family happiness not only love is important, but monetary well-being. Its symbol is Money Tree. The more leaves it has, the better, since the leaves represent coins.

Ficus is a symbol of family happiness and prosperity. It creates a pleasant, family atmosphere in the house, absorbs anger and aggressiveness. This plant is sometimes compared to a vacuum cleaner, absorbing the dust of worries and worries.

The Bird of Happiness

The Bird of Happiness is a wooden bird-shaped toy suspended from the ceiling. Usually it was mounted near the “red” corner of the house above a table with benches. When a boiling samovar was placed on the table, the carved bird, obeying the currents of hot air, slowly and solemnly began to rotate around its axis, as if inspecting its possessions. Such birds were made by the Pomeranian Old Believers, for whom the flying dove was a sacred symbol and overshadowed the house, like the Holy Spirit.

Now they are like that wooden Toys found in many homes thanks to mass production at the Belomorskie Patterns enterprise.

Phoenix, swans and dove

Phoenix is ​​the bird of happiness and immortality, rebirth and glory. The legend of the Phoenix tells how a solar bird descended to earth, so beautiful that the stars, circling, greeted its arrival. Where the Phoenix appears, quarrels stop and a holiday begins - the light and warmth of the fiery bird warms everything around.

Another bird of love, fidelity and family happiness is swans. A pair of swans is used as a symbol of love, due to their unity of love. Swans choose spouses once in their lives, and if one dies, the second either lives alone until the end of his days, or dies of melancholy.

The dove is a bird of peace and a good messenger.

What is the value of symbols? The fact that you can say your feelings without words, make it clear to another that he is important to you, you have not only sympathy for him, but also deeper feelings. But it’s better to accompany such a gift with words that will strengthen your love.

And of all the symbols that represent love and happiness, the most important will always be our children.

Today Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas Holy Mother of God. For me, this is an occasion to remind readers of the significance of the bright image of the Mother of God not only for believers, but also for everyone who considers himself Russian or a person of Orthodox culture.

One often hears the opinion that such a large country-civilization as Russia cannot exist without a national idea. Maybe. It’s just much more important that our country has a spiritual symbol - simple, understandable and unifying. A symbol that, on the one hand, would have its source in Russian ontology, and on the other, would not contradict the identities of others Russian peoples. Which, on the one hand, would be based on the traditions of Rus'-Russia and its civilizational code, on the other, would imply an organic connection between tradition and modernity, would imply the renewal of the country and its development on its own basis.

Soviet times required the presence of not a spiritual, but an ideological symbol, and they became the sickle, hammer and red star - the signs inscribed on the state banner of the USSR. Accordingly, after the abolition of the Soviet Union, no new symbols - neither ideological nor any other - appeared in Russia, and this is a problem: the country is soulless, which means its future is vague, and it depends not on people, not on the people, but on the market.

Meanwhile, in our country there is such a Symbol and its image, which for more than a thousand years has been the most revered and guiding for the Russian people, warming the souls of people and instilling in them Faith in the best; in a way that always united, reconciled, protected and inspired Russian and Orthodox people.

Salvation, birth, rebirth and renewal have been associated for more than a thousand years in Russian and Orthodox Russia with the uniquely bright and close to every person image of the Mother of God.

I believe that today, when the revival and restoration of Russian civilization is taking place, its main (although not the only) spiritual symbol could be the symbol of MOTHER and MOTHER LOVE.

Of course, we are talking not only about the Orthodox image of the Most Holy Theotokos. It's about about a spiritual symbol recognized and accepted by Russian citizens in different images, but, of course, so important for most of them to say: this symbol is the very best. Agree that the symbol of Motherhood (as well as its image) is the most important for any normal person.

For some, the symbol of maternal love is the Mother of God, for others it is the Fatherland and Motherland, the image of which is embodied in the monumental sculpture on the heroic Mamayev Kurgan.

Symbols of motherhood have come to us since time immemorial, prehistoric times. Among them are the Sarmatian-Scythian stone women, with which the whole of Eurasia from the Amur region to Karelia and Croatia was once dotted, and the ancient images of Lada and Mokosh. Well, for most people in Russia and beyond its borders, the symbol of the Mother, of course, is also associated with the image of his own Mother and the highest of all high human feelings- parental love.

Let me note that the gender policy of current European officials (as a rule, who do not have children) is essentially aimed at easily depriving thousands of children of love, transmitted to the child with mother's milk, like the Holy Fire of life given by the Lord. Their desire to level the meaning traditional family, having interrupted the spiritual and emotional connection between the closest beings, cannot but meet resistance from the citizens of Russia and many other countries that have not yet been corrupted by the inherently monstrous “European values.”

The images of Mother and maternal love are clear to everyone healthy people without exception and for everyone without exception are valuable. Mother's love is the most human and humane feeling of all. In turn, the opposite feeling - the love of a son or daughter for the Mother - exists in every person, regardless of what he does in life, and what he is like in a professional, social, political or some other sense.

The values ​​of maternal love and love for the Mother are recognized by all citizens of the world, but it is in our country that these values ​​and the accompanying images are especially enshrined - not only in the Russian Orthodox culture of worship of the Blessed Virgin Mary, but also in many other cultures of the peoples of Russia.

The image of the Mother of God, as a generalized image of a loving and beloved Mother, is especially important today for a dying Russia, for a country that yearns for revival.

In post-war Russia, tens of millions of women were left without men, without families - and it was they who had to rebuild the destroyed country. In pre-perestroika Russia, thousands of Mothers lost their sons in Afghanistan and other distant countries. In today's shrinking Russia, many mothers still do not wait for their often only son to leave the army or some " hot spot", or even simply - from the service.

It is known that today in Russia there are 10 million more women than men. More and more Russian women they don’t know what motherly love and family joys are; more and more - they don’t want to know.

The culture of the Mother of God, the veneration of the Mother, as well as the full support of Motherhood are those enduring values ​​around which, I believe, a truly national and civilizational ideology of the revival and renewal of the Russian world and our country should be built today.

Theotokos, Mother, Motherland big and small - this is what should be a symbol of the spirit and, perhaps, the main national idea for citizens of Russia, for everyone who considers themselves Russian (in the broad sense of the word) and/or a citizen of the Russian Federation.

All public policy modern Russia should be built on the support of the institution of motherhood and childhood. The solution to the demographic problem in our country should become more important than any economic task.

By the way, the symbol of the Virgin Mary has already been installed in the center of the country's capital, on Red Square. This is the most famous and most Russian of all Orthodox Temples Russia. Everyone knows it as St. Basil's Cathedral, but few know that it is the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. And it is possible that it is the spirit and bright image of the Mother of God that protects our country from enemies and misfortunes.

Meeting reality

She calls his mother every day - morning and evening. She is a woman in her early thirties, successfully (happily?) married, with two degrees, and is currently on maternity leave.

She has a husband and a little daughter who love her and expect love from her. She calls her mother with the hope of hearing from her that she loves her, thinks about her, just to hear nice words the support she needs so much now. But in response she hears only criticism, assessments, and instructions that have already become familiar.

Her mother regularly tells her on the phone what a bad housewife she is, a worthless mother, an ungrateful daughter...

She listens to all this, then cries... She cries quietly so that none of her loved ones notice her tears. But still she continues to call.

She hopes that her mother will someday change and tell her those words that she has been waiting for so long from her...

She does not notice that there are two people nearby who want her attention, love and warmth: her husband and daughter.

Mother he's been waiting all his life similar words from your mother (grandmother). She, a woman in her early fifties, now calls her mother every day and hopes to hear words of love and support from her. She wanted it so badly that she gave up on herself. She did everything the way her mother wanted, trying to guess what she wanted.

Yes, she did everything “right”: she kicked her husband out of the house (he started drinking and was far from ideal), and she heroically raised her daughter alone. There was no time here tender words and manifestations of love and affection - the upbringing was strict. She did not spare instructions: how to live, what to do in order to grow up decent. For the sake of her daughter she gave up personal life and put an end to her femininity: the resisting nature was pacified through a series of surgical operations.

She still continues to hope that her mother will someday change and tell her those words that she has been waiting for so long from her... She does not notice that there are two people nearby who want her attention, love and warmth: her daughter and granddaughter.

Grandmother– a heroic woman, a general in a skirt! She worked selflessly all her life and continues to do so now. At almost eighty, he works hard at his dacha, giving his daughters a head start. It feels like she lives while she works. Along the way, he continues to actively “command the parade.” She has a wealth of life experience, and she continues to teach her family, how and what to do, how to live correctly, without stinting on criticism, instructions, evaluations.

She is “iron” and has no time for tenderness and “pink snot.” She still continues to hope that someday she will be able to teach them wisdom and they will finally begin to live “correctly”... She does not notice that there are close people nearby who need her attention, love and warmth: daughters, granddaughter, great-granddaughter.

Daughter, a little girl, she is almost three years old. She doesn’t understand what all these adults and people close to her want from her, but she tries to do it with all her might. She so wants tenderness, care, love from her mother, grandmother, great-grandmother... From all these adults, smart and experienced people. She hopes that someday they will change and just love her...

Regularly encountering stories like this from my clients, I never cease to be amazed at the power of motherly love. Every time it is impressive how enormous the child’s need for mother’s love is and how great the mother’s power over the child is!

I am amazed how people manage to build relationships with loved ones, avoiding manifestations of love in every possible way. I admire the hope that never dies in anticipation of receiving this very love!

Working with such stories, you understand that here you are faced with something systemic, with something that goes beyond the experience of an individual person. We are talking about the heritage that is passed down from generation to generation in the form of life attitudes, a picture of the World, a picture of the Other and ways of relating to him, forming life scenarios.

IN in this case we are talking about a way of mother-child interaction with a violation of the “flow of love”. A method that is copied over and over again, from mother to child, and passed on from generation to generation as a kind of relay race, making all the “actors of this life’s theater” unhappy, but finding themselves powerless to change anything in relationships with loved ones.

There is no right or wrong here, because everyone sincerely wishes the other good and does it as they can... But nevertheless, everyone turns out to be unhappy. And someone needs to interrupt this vicious relay of dislike.Perhaps it’s just for you...

How to stop this relay of dislike? Here are some therapeutic recommendations:

The first stage is to recognize your script

The first step on this path is recognizing your life scenario which does not allow the establishment of truly close relationships. Only then does there be a chance to interrupt it and break through to intimacy.

The scenario, according to Berne, is a constantly unfolding life plan of a person, formed in early childhood under the influence of parents. Family scenario contains established traditions and expectations for each family member that are successfully passed down from generation to generation.

Having received the parents' instructions, the child unconsciously accepts them and forms the roles necessary to carry out his life drama. Distinctive feature Such a life is characterized by its drama, and sometimes tragedy. A marker of a scenario is its repeatability, which is manifested in the regular reproducibility of life and relationships, both at the level of a person’s personal history and at the level of the history of other members of his family.

In this case, we are talking about this kind of scenario relationship in which difficulties arise in the circulation of love between relatives.

By becoming aware of your scenario, you have a chance to interrupt this automatic way of living, which leads to a lack of love in close relationships.

Stage 2 - be disappointed and mourn the loss of your ideal mother

The next step on the path to love will be the need to give up the hope that your mother will one day change and give you what you have been waiting for all your life from her. Hope is a purely “human” phenomenon. Hope does not allow illusions to die. But the truth of life is that people don’t change unless they want to. But they, as a rule, don’t want to. If only because they themselves are not aware of their life scenario traps.

Psychoanalysts (in particular Melanie Klein ) argue that the child must go through a depressive phase during his development. Its essence is the integration of the image of the mother, initially split into an ideal and a bad mother.

If the mother is a “living” person, then she will inevitably make mistakes in contact with her child and admit them. The child, encountering the facts of his mother’s imperfection, experiences a phase of depression and disappointment. This allows him to meet a real, imperfect mother - good enough (the term of another psychoanalyst, Donald Winicotte).

It’s a completely different matter when mothers, due to their personal characteristics, find themselves incapable of intimacy emotional contact with your child. Such mothers demonstrate emotional detachment while having a high functional involvement in the child’s life with no doubts about the correctness of their parenting model. It is difficult for a child in this situation to accept such a mother and for the rest of his life he is in search of an ideal mother.

That's really it - The best way To tie a child to yourself is to deprive him of his mother’s love.

Those who did not inherit a gift from their mother in the form of unconditional love, such children experience hunger for it for the rest of their lives. Passionately needing it, they themselves find themselves unable to give love to others.

This stage is perhaps the most difficult. The man continues to “run into the fourth tunnel,” knowing that there is no cheese there.

Stage 3 – awaken your adult part

At this stage, a person turns to his adult inner part and accepts it.

To do this, it is useful to ask yourself the following reflective questions:

How old am I really now? (We are talking about passport age)

What do I know about myself as an adult?

What kind of adult am I (adult man, adult woman)?

How do I feel as an adult?

What do I want as an adult?

What am I dreaming about?

What can I do as an adult?

To make it easier to answer these questions, you need to remember situations in which you felt like a strong, confident, adult person. Saying the answers and immersing yourself in this state returns and strengthens faith in your own ability to cope with life’s difficulties and forms the position of the “Inner Adult”.

Stage 4 – learn to take care of your “Inner Child”

The task of the person who wants to “grow up” his inner child - try to at least sometimes be for himsuch a parent– attentive, caring, sensitive, unconditionally loving and accepting.

How to do it?

You can go to a toy store and choose for yourself the toy that you liked and emotionally touched. You need to try to imagine that this toy is you yourself - small, in need of care and love - your Inner Child.

In the future, when you find yourself in a situation of an insecure, restless, dependent state, you need to take care, support, and care for your psychological “double” in every possible way. As a result of this kind of attentive and caring attitude on the part of the Inner parent to his To the inner child a person should have feeling of reliability, stability, confidenceand the possibility of internal dialogue as a condition for self-support.

If you have a child, then it is better to do this with him. Paradoxically, by taking care of your child, giving him what was so important to you, you will take care of your inner child, feeding him.

As a result of such exercises, among other things, a person develops empathy, such an important and irreplaceable mechanism for understanding the Other and a condition for intimacy with him. In this kind of relationship, a new function appears in a person, the “give” function, in my opinion, the leading function of the maturity stage.

The result of the described work is a Meeting with reality. This is reality adult life. A life in which you don’t expect someone to give you something, but take it yourself and give it to Another. A life in which you do not live according to other people’s scripts, but you are the author of your life and can write your own life scripts.

I have great news for you: everything can be changed!

Have you decided that you need a change?

Are you tired of walking around vicious circle and step on the same rake?

Sign up for a Skype meeting Skype: Tatyana Oleinickova and find out how to find a solution to your problem, situation or task. Together we will look at each situation in detail and deal with them.

I wish you significant improvement in all aspects of your wonderful life!

Be happy

Become the love and gratitude of a daughter and son for the one who gave life - love for their mother. And she is born from maternal love to your creation. By loving our mother, we learn to love the world. Her love is always with us - from the first to the last... about the leading Role of the Mother of the World in the upbringing of Her Sons-Avatars: “Of course, now it’s time to point out that the common Mother of the Lords is not symbol, but the Great Phenomenon Feminine, Representing the Spiritual Mother of Christ and Buddha. She Who Taught and Ordained them for the feat. ...


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