The relevance of moral and patriotic education. The relevance and necessity of civil and patriotic education in the conditions of modern Russia

Department of Education

Municipal formation of the city district "Okhinsky"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 5 "Zvezdochka", Okha

"Education of patriotic feelings and love

To the native land of children preschool age»

Completed by: educator of the municipal

Budgetary preschool educational

Kindergarten No. 5 "Zvezdochka", Okha

Ryzhkova Tatyana Ignatievna


  1. Introduction. The relevance of the problem of patriotic education in modern world.

  2. Theoretical aspects patriotic education of preschoolers in scientific and pedagogical literature.

  3. The content of the patriotic education of preschool children.

  4. Forms of patriotic education of preschool children.

  5. Implementation of a system of measures aimed at increasing the level of development of patriotic qualities.
List of used literature


  1. ^ Introduction. The relevance of the problem of patriotic education in the modern world.

Who loves, appreciates, respects the accumulated and preserved

previous generation, can love the Motherland,

become a true patriot"

^ S.V. Mikhalkov.

The first feelings of citizenship and patriotism. Are they available for kids? Based on many years of experience in this direction, we can give an affirmative answer: preschoolers, especially older ones, have access to a feeling of love for their native city, native nature, and their homeland. And this is the beginning of patriotism, which is born in knowledge, and is formed in the process of purposeful education.

The task of teachers and parents is to awaken in a growing person as early as possible a love for native land, from the first steps to form in children character traits that will help him become a man and a citizen of society; to cultivate love and respect for one's home, kindergarten, native street, city; a sense of pride in the achievements of the country, love and respect for the army, pride in the courage of soldiers; to develop interest in the phenomena of social life accessible to the child.

The child's love for the Motherland is characterized by a bright emotional coloring.

“The beauty of the native land, which opens up thanks to a fairy tale, fantasy, creativity, is a source of love for the Motherland. Understanding and feeling the greatness, the power of the Motherland comes to a person gradually and has its origins in beauty. These words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky most accurately reflect the specifics and essence of the work of the teaching staff of the kindergarten in the work on the patriotic education of children. The source of the formation of a child's love for his native places is his participation in socially useful work, and the civic responsibility of parents and relatives.

Patriotic education is a capacious concept. It is based on the development of moral feelings. Modern life dictates the need to return to the priorities of love for the fatherland. But how to cultivate this love? It starts small - with love for your family, for your home. These are the roots that connect him with his home and immediate environment. Constantly expanding, this love for one's native country turns into love for one's state, for its history, its past and present, and then for all of humanity... his soul. And although many impressions are not yet deeply realized by him, but, passed through the children's perception, they play a huge role in the formation of the personality of a patriot.

With the ability to see the beauty of native nature, the feeling of the Motherland begins. The close attention of educators and parents should be directed to the content of children's activities. Leading any kind of activity, adults can influence the child's sensual sphere, his moral manifestations, judgments, attitudes towards peers, expand and refine knowledge, form his initial sense of the Motherland - the right attitude towards society, people, work, and his duties. Each type of activity creates favorable opportunities for the implementation of certain tasks of education: in the classroom to solve problems related to the mental development of the child, in the game - teamwork skills, in the process of work - respect for working people, diligence and thrift, organization and a sense of responsibility and duty.

The foundation of the future of man is laid in early childhood. For preschool period characterized by the greatest learning ability and susceptibility to pedagogical influences, the strength and depth of impressions. That is why everything that is learned during this period - knowledge, skills, habits, ways of behavior, emerging character traits - turn out to be especially strong and are in full sense words are the foundation for the further development of personality.

It is well known that on each age stage development of a preschooler has its own circle of images, emotions, ideas, habits that are assimilated by him and become close and irreplaceable. In sounds and colors, the world of the native family opens before the child, then the native kindergarten, at an older age - the world of the native land, and finally, the world of the native land - Russia. It is very important to raise a child in the world of national culture, since it is in folk art that the features and thinking of the nation have been preserved. By immersing the child in national life, the melody of speech, songs, we create a natural environment for mastering the language of the native people, its folk traditions, way of life, and thus form love for the small and large Motherland.

The central link in socialization is the humanistic upbringing of a child based on universal values: love for parents and family, people who accompany him in the first years of his life, for the place where he grew up, and, of course, for the Motherland. During this period, such feelings and character traits begin to develop that incommensurably connect him with the people, significantly influencing his worldview. The roots of this influence are in the national language, which the child learns in folk songs and music, in toys and games that he plays. The kid naturally and easily absorbs the impressions from the pictures of native Russian nature, life, traditions, rituals, customs of the people among whom he lives.

The essence of patriotic education is to sow and nurture in the child's soul the seeds of love for the native nature, for the native home and family, for the history and culture of the country, created by the labor of relatives and close people, those who are called compatriots. The inheritance of the moral and aesthetic values ​​of the native culture at the most tender age is the most natural, and therefore the right way patriotic education, education of a sense of love for the Fatherland.

The cultural heritage of the people is a huge wealth that every child needs to learn how to properly manage, own it so as not to squander it, not to exchange it for trifles, but to preserve and increase it, embody it in the treasures of their inner world, their personality, in further creative creation.

IN different time teachers and scientists addressed the problem of patriotic education of preschoolers: K.D. Ushinsky, L.N. Tolstoy, Ya.A. Comenius, G.N. Volkov, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky. In our time, this problem is being dealt with by L.A. Kondrykinskaya, N.G. Komratova, E.Yu. Alexandrova, E.P. Kostina, N.N. Kochneva, L.G. Karimova, L.L. Semenova, Yu.M. Novitskaya, R.I. Zhukovskaya and others.

^ Purpose of my work experience - education of a spiritual and moral personality, worthy citizens of Russia, patriots of their Fatherland.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks:

  • To form a sense of attachment to your home, kindergarten, friends in kindergarten, your loved ones.

  • To form in children a sense of love for their native land, their small homeland on the basis of familiarization with their native nature, culture and traditions.

  • Raising feelings of patriotism, respect and gratitude for the feat of compatriots during the Great Patriotic War, for the soldiers of the Russian Army.
Starting the work on instilling love for the native land, it is necessary to consider what is more appropriate to show and tell the children, highlighting the most characteristic of the area. The success of the patriotic education of our children largely depends on what will be instilled in the child's soul, on the atmosphere that prevails at home, in kindergarten.

  1. ^ Theoretical aspects of patriotic education of preschoolers in scientific and pedagogical literature.
In the project "National Doctrine of Education in Russian Federation” emphasizes that “the education system is designed to ensure ... the education of patriots of Russia, citizens of a legal democratic, social state, respecting the rights and freedoms of the individual, possessing high morality and showing national and religious tolerance.”

A holistic scientific concept of the formation of a citizen, a patriot of Russia in modern conditions not yet created. Practitioners in connection with this raise many questions, including: what is included in the content of patriotic education today, by what means should it be carried out.

This problem has not yet been adequately reflected in modern psychological and pedagogical research. Most authors point to the importance and significance of the patriotic education of preschool children, but do not offer a coherent system of work in this direction. A characteristic feature of research related to the education of patriotism in preschool children is the appeal to certain aspects of the problem. So, in the works of T.N. Doronova quite clearly traces the idea of ​​patriotic education, but the concept of "education of patriotism" is not used; in the study by S.N. Nikolaeva, patriotic education is considered in line with environmental education; THOSE. Komarova, T.A. Rotanova, V.I. Loginova, T.N. Babaeva, N.A. Notkina, O.L. Knyazeva, M.D. Makhaneva, E.V. Pchelintseva, L.E. Nikonova, E.I. Korneeva and others focus on introducing children to the cultural heritage of the people.

Modern researchers (O.I. Kovaleva, L.V. Kokueva, etc.) consider the national-regional component as a fundamental, system-forming factor in the integration of social and pedagogical conditions in the patriotic and civic education of preschoolers, with the emphasis being on fostering love for the native home, nature, culture of the small Motherland. The teacher in this process himself acts as a bearer of cultural values, being a key figure in the transfer of these values ​​from one generation to another. Wherein naturally the position of an adult changes: since no one person can take the responsibility of “representing on behalf of the entire culture” (E.N. Gusinsky), he becomes an accomplice in the process of joint knowledge of the world around him.

^ 3. The content of the patriotic education of preschool children.

Patriotic education includes solving the problems of not only moral, but also labor, mental, aesthetic, and also physical education. Is it possible to talk about cultivating love for the native land without telling children new knowledge about it? The selection and systematization of such knowledge is carried out taking into account the mental capabilities of preschoolers: the nature of their thinking, the ability to generalize and analyze are taken into account. In the process of familiarizing preschoolers with the outside world, favorable conditions are created for their further mental development. The teacher organizes the replenishment of knowledge about the native land and native country in such a way as to arouse interest in children and develop their curiosity. In the process of work on the patriotic education of children, tasks are also solved aesthetic education. A bright and lively word, music, and fine arts help children to emotionally perceive the surroundings. Listening to songs about the Motherland, about exploits, about work, about the nature of their native country, children can be happy or sad, feel their involvement in heroism.

Art helps to perceive what cannot be directly observed in life, as well as to present in a new way what is familiar, it develops and educates feelings. During walks in the forest, in the field, on the stream, to the river, an adult teaches children to see the beauty of the surrounding nature, to take care of it.

This is how not only cognitive, aesthetic, but also, ultimately, moral tasks are solved. The surrounding world enriches and stimulates children's artistic creativity. Children enthusiastically draw holidays and native nature, construction and harvesting. The more interesting and purposeful the teacher organizes the observation of the environment, the more meaningful the children's creativity becomes. Work on patriotic education is also connected with physical education. Future citizens of Russia must grow up strong, dexterous, and healthy.

The teacher must treat each child with respect and during games, holidays, interesting activities to form a feeling of love for the native land. Modern requirements for the education of preschoolers should ensure maximum activity of children in the predominant independent process of cognition, a combination of collective and individual forms of organizing children in getting to know their native land. The most important pedagogical principles of education are the co-creation of children, parents, teachers, reliance on the emotional and aesthetic attitude to the subject of development (M. Yu. Novitskaya). Hence, the goal of the work of our team, our group is to search for constructive forms of interaction, co-creation between all participants in the pedagogical process in solving the problems of introducing children to the region, city, fellow countrymen, using a personality-oriented model, the subject is a subjective form of communication between children and adults.

So, the formation of preschoolers' love for their homeland, their land lies, first of all, in the necessary logical interconnection of different aspects of this process, as well as in the interconnection various means and methods of education. The most important means pedagogical influence in the formation of patriotic feelings among preschoolers is an organized observation of the surrounding reality. They see how people work, how others evaluate this work, how they express their respect for those who work well. Of great importance for the patriotic education of children is their active, diverse activities, since being a patriot is not only knowing and loving your country, but also actively acting for its benefit.

^ 4. Forms of patriotic education of preschoolers.

Classes are the main form of patriotic education. In the classroom, children gain knowledge about their region, about the events taking place in the country. Since the main goal of these classes is the formation of a certain attitude to public life, the upbringing of patriotic feelings, the teacher should think over the form, structure of the lesson, means and methods that allow the implementation of the tasks set, he must think over the use of special techniques that increase cognitive activity and emotional load of each lesson. Thematic planning will help the teacher to establish a logical connection between various kinds of information. It is important that children, perceiving the material, actively think. This is helped by such methodological techniques as comparison, questions, individual tasks, appeal to the experience of children, an offer to ask questions to each other and the teacher, game techniques, and so on.

The method of comparison is very necessary in the classroom, in which children are introduced to the work of adults, to the peoples of our country. Comparison helps the formation of specific vivid ideas, an active attitude to the surrounding reality. In the classroom for communicating new knowledge, it is advisable to develop curiosity, interest in the subject of conversation, to invite children to ask questions to the teacher. It is impossible to answer questions in one lesson, and it is not necessary. Therefore, having answered one or two questions related to the topic of the lesson, the teacher writes down the rest.

The use of game techniques in the classroom is important at the same time for creating an emotional atmosphere for the lesson and for the development of cognitive activity. It is useful to include didactic games in classes. The emotional atmosphere in the classroom plays a big role in educating children's feelings. The sincerity of the feelings of an adult will certainly be transferred to the pupils. A very effective tool for facilitating the assimilation of new material and educating children's feelings is the use of artistic means in various combinations depending on the topic.

So at music lessons, children listen to Russian music, sing songs about the Motherland, about nature. Focus on features speech work during classes to familiarize children with their native country. Particular attention should be paid to the form of the lesson, it should vary depending on the purpose and program content. Periodically during the year, final classes are held, at which educators clarify how the children have learned a particular topic, whether they have an active attitude to events.

Games, as well as classes, contribute to solving the problems of patriotic education. A game started by children after observing the labor process, as well as under the influence of a work of art they like, can develop into a long game in which children apply their knowledge and life experience already accumulated. The task of the educator is to maintain interest in the game, to give it the right direction. A conversation can lead children to the distribution of roles, functions between the players. In the conversation, there is also an exchange of views on the game that should be continued. During the conversation, the successes and achievements of children are noted, the behavior and actions of a particular child are discussed.

One of the main conditions for patriotic education is to introduce children to work. Work with social motivation should be organized both in kindergarten and at home systematically, and not on a case-by-case basis. Children of older preschool age can perform permanent labor assignments not only for self-service, but also for the common good. It is necessary to educate in children a careful attitude to public good, to the nature of their native land.

^ 5. Implementation of a system of measures aimed at increasing the level of development of patriotic qualities.

In order to achieve the goals set, the stages of work were defined.

Stage 1: Acquaintance with the immediate environment: the family, its members, the meaning of the names of children.

Stage 2: Kindergarten and its staff.

Stage 3: Hometown, its sights, professions of parents.

Stage 4: Sakhalin region: flora and fauna of the native land, the main city and cities of the Sakhalin region.

Stage 5: Acquaintance with fellow countrymen, honorary workers of the native city, veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Stage 6: Native country, its capital, state symbols of Russia.

I started my work with the study of modern programs, normative documents on patriotic education. The analysis of the scientific and methodological literature related to the topic of my work made it possible to determine the range of issues that need to be resolved, specify the tasks, and identify the conditions under which the upbringing of patriotic feelings will be most successful:

  • purposeful, methodically competent management of children's activities;

  • the use of various forms of organization of the educational process;

  • taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children.
On first stage The children got to know their immediate surroundings. To clarify the idea of ​​the names of the children themselves, the album “Me and my name” was made, where the children got acquainted with the meaning of their name, didactic games “Name a friend affectionately”, “Tell me about your name”, “What does my name mean” were held.

Raising love and affection for one's family, one's home, one's loved ones, photographic material was collected for the album "My Family", which was made together with the parents. At this stage, joint holidays were held: “Dad, mom, I - sport family”, “The hut is red with pies, and the family with traditions”, “When the family is together, then the soul is in place.” All this contributed to the fact that children were brought up with a humane attitude towards family members, their activities, ideas about family values ​​and traditions were formed.

Big job was carried out on the formation of ideas about their family, their kind. Parents were taught to build a family tree, which contributed to the compilation of stories about their family, their genealogy. The presentation of family trees took place at family holiday"My Pedigree", which aroused great interest among both children and parents.

The next stage of work was the acquaintance of children with the kindergarten and its employees. There were guided tours of the kindergarten, conversations “Who works in our garden”, “Who needs what for work”, didactic games “Who does what”, “Find out by name and patronymic”.

The result of work in this area was the design of the album "My Favorite Kindergarten", where photos of all kindergarten employees were placed.

Work on third stage was aimed at familiarizing children with their native city, its sights, labor activity people living in Okha, with the flora and fauna of their native city. Children visited the museum, the library, got acquainted with the sights of Okha, the streets of their native city. There were also drawing competitions “My favorite corner of my native city”, “My favorite courtyard”, where parents were also active participants. The cycle of classes about the native city contributed to the formation of a sense of pride in their city, its history.

great attention at this stage, it was given to familiarize children with the work of adults, both parents and residents of Okha. Introducing children to the professions of oil workers, excursions were organized to the Zotov rig (the first Okha oil rig) and the oil field, where the children got acquainted with the work of oil workers and learned about the significance of their work.

At the senior preschool age, the content of work on patriotic education became more complicated: from our native city, we moved on to studying our native land, got acquainted with the flora and fauna of Sakhalin, the main city - Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and other cities of the Sakhalin region.

The next stage of work was the acquaintance of children with their native country, its main city - Moscow and other cities of Russia, as well as state symbols. The group created a corner with the symbols of our country, our region - the Sakhalin Region, our city of Okha.

The children got acquainted with the traditions and customs of the Russian people by participating in the folk festivals "Autumn", "The Feast of the Arrival of Birds - Forty Magpies", "Shrovetide", "Carols". This contributed to the familiarization of children with the folklore heritage of Russia.

Raising in children respect for the feat of fellow Okhins during the Great Patriotic War, they held actions: “Gift to a Veteran”, “Remember and Honor”, ​​“Gift to a Warrior”, in which children went to visit veterans of the Great Patriotic War, laid flowers at Eternal Flame, a monument to the Fallen Warriors in the city park, participated in the drawing competition "This glorious Victory Day." The group was invited to the grandparents of the pupils - participants in the Great Patriotic War, who brought their awards and told the children about them. The “Honor and Remember” stand was decorated, on which photos of the war years were placed. All this contributed to the fact that the children formed a sense of respect, pride and great gratitude to those who fought.

Children enjoyed participating in the creation of the projects "City of my dreams", "My favorite kindergarten", "Sakhalin - a wonderful land", "To live - to serve the Motherland", participated in quizzes, KVN, competitions dedicated to their native land, native country, where won prizes.

All work on patriotic education took place in close contact with the family. Parents were active participants in all holidays, helped in the design of photo exhibitions about their native city, about their native land, participated in competitions of drawings, crafts. Purposeful work on patriotic education was not in vain and gave positive result. This is evidenced by the results of diagnostics, which was carried out in each age group at the beginning and end of the school year. Comparing the results, I saw that positive dynamics are visible in all sections, therefore, the selected system of events turned out to be effective.

I continue to work in this direction. Together with children and parents, we plan to:

  1. Carry out targeted revitalization family traditions customs, through the creation of the club "Bereginya" and a mini-museum of family relics and traditions.

  2. Develop projects: Famous people hometown",
"My City" - about the history of the origin of street names,

"We honor and remember" - about veterans - Okhintsy during the Great Patriotic War.

This will help children acquire a system of value orientations, which in later life will provide them with a sense of security, spiritual strength, and moral health.

We hope that our children will grow up not as "Ivans who do not remember their relationship", but as successors of the family traditions of their parents and true patriots of their Motherland.

List of used literature:

  1. Arapova N.A. My home, M, 2005

  2. Demin V.N. Secrets of the Russian people. -M, 1999

  3. Zhukovskaya R.I. Native land, M, Enlightenment, 1990

  4. Zvezdina G.P. Classroom hours in elementary school. M, Creative Center, 2004

  5. Kargin S.A. Folk art culture. -M, 1997

  6. Kostina E.P. My Motherland is Russia, N.Novgorod, 1996

  7. Novitskaya M.Yu. Heritage, M, Linka press, 2003

  8. Ryleeva E.V. more fun together. M. 2000

  9. Sukhomlinsky V.A. I give my heart to children M, 1980

  10. Sukhomlinsky V.A. Homeland in the heart, M, 1980

  11. Usova A.P. Russian folk art in kindergarten, M, 1972

  12. Ushinsky K.D. Native word, Novosibirsk, 1994

  13. Yarovaya L.N. Extracurricular activities, Waco, 2004

Maletina Olesya Vladimirovna
master student of the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University

At the national level, patriotic education of preschool children is one of the important areas in education.

IN Lately The problem of patriotic education of children has become extremely urgent. The biggest danger that lies in wait for our society today is the destruction of the human personality. At the moment, material values ​​have become more and more dominant over spiritual ones, so children's ideas about kindness, mercy, generosity, and justice are distorted. There is a lack of morality in the society. One of the characteristic manifestations of spiritual emptiness and low culture was the loss of patriotism as one of the spiritual values ​​of our people. In recent years, there has been an alienation of young people from the national culture, the socio-historical experience of their people.

In modern conditions, the education of a person-citizen becomes the main social and state priority. The principles of state policy in the field of education, proclaiming a humanistic nature, the priority of universal human values, education of citizenship, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the environment, Motherland, family, ensuring the protection and development of the child by the education system national cultures, regional cultural traditions and characteristics, are defined by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (Section 1, Article 2), "The Concept of Modernizing Russian Education for the Period up to 2010", state program"Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010".

The process of patriotic education must begin at preschool age. During this period, the formation of cultural and value orientations of the spiritual and moral basis of the child's personality, the development of his emotions, feelings, thinking, mechanisms of social adaptation in society, begins the process of national and cultural self-identification, awareness of oneself in the world around. This segment of a person's life is the most favorable for the emotional and psychological impact on the child, since the images of perception of reality, cultural space are very bright and strong and therefore they remain in memory for a long time, and sometimes for life, which is very important in the education of patriotism.

Consider some of the judgments of leading scientists (Table No. 1).

Table number 1 - The opinion of scientists about patriotic education


“It is necessary to start educating children in patriotism from preschool age”

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

“Childhood is an everyday discovery of the world, and therefore it is necessary to make it so that it becomes, first of all, the knowledge of man and the Fatherland, their beauty and greatness”

Ippolitova N.V

"Patriotic education is a process of interaction between educators and pupils, aimed at developing patriotic feelings, forming patriotic beliefs and stable norms of patriotic behavior"

Kozlova S.A.

"Patriotic education of preschool children is a purposeful process of pedagogical influence on the child's personality in order to enrich his knowledge of the Motherland, the upbringing of patriotic feelings, the formation of skills and abilities of moral behavior, the development of the need for activities for the common good"

Nikonova L.E.

“This is the process of mastering the heritage of traditional domestic culture, the formation of attitudes towards the country and the state where a person lives”

Today, more than ever, it becomes clear that without the education of patriotism among the younger generation, neither in the economy, nor in culture, nor in education, it is impossible to confidently move forward, since our future must have its own spiritual and moral foundation, its own spiritual and moral core - Love for the Fatherland , to their homeland. WITH early age a person begins to realize himself as a particle of his family, his nation, his homeland. Therefore, it is from preschool age that one should instill in children a sense of dignity and pride, responsibility and hope, reveal to them the true values ​​​​of the family, nation, homeland

Patriotism is one of moral qualities personality, which is formed already in preschool age, and, like any moral quality.

The correct organization of work on the patriotic education of older preschoolers is based, first of all, on knowledge of age capabilities and psychological features children of this age.

At the senior preschool age, as psychologists note, neoplasms appear, indicating the possibility and necessity of implementing special work on patriotic education of children.

These include, first of all, the formation of moral feelings in preschoolers based on the enrichment of content, the growth of awareness, the depth and stability of emotional experiences.

At present, work with parents is relevant and especially difficult, it requires great tact and patience, since in young families the issues of patriotism and citizenship education are not considered important, and often cause only bewilderment.

In the family, the child learns basic social knowledge, acquires moral skills, perceives certain values ​​and ideals that he needs to live in this society.

Most parents are concerned about ensuring the basic needs of the family (nutrition, children's health, housing), in second place are the values ​​of the socialization process. All this led to a decrease in the educational potential of the family.

Modern psychological and pedagogical research shows that parents experience serious difficulties in teaching and raising children. They are worried about disobedience, conflict, imbalance, aggressiveness of preschool children, causes despair - poor development, lack of curiosity, passivity, parents do not know how to behave in difficult situations. It has been established that parents in the upbringing of their children use and show excessive severity. At the same time, most parents do not attach importance to the experiences of children, do not seek to establish their cause, considering them pointless and unmotivated.

The formation of patriotic feelings takes place effectively in close connection with the family. It is the parents on the bright, available examples life, their work, the attitude of the state towards children demonstrate to the child that not only relatives, but also the whole society, the whole country have hopes for him. Parents can also be advised such forms of involving children in public life as walks to the square, monuments to fallen soldiers, and other memorable places.

The results of theoretical research led to the need to develop a set of pedagogical conditions that contribute to the effectiveness of the process of forming the foundations of patriotism in preschool children using the example of their native city. This complex assumes the following pedagogical conditions:

Interaction of preschool educational organizations and families, contributing to the formation of the foundations of children's patriotism;

The means of forming the foundations of patriotism will be: communication, fiction, folk art, games.

The education of the principles of patriotism and citizenship is one of the most important components of the moral education of preschoolers.

An analysis of normative sources allowed us to determine that in modern conditions, when radical changes are taking place in the life of society, patriotic education is becoming one of the central directions in working with the younger generation. Being a patriot means feeling like an integral part of the Fatherland.


    Kozlova, S.A. Preschool pedagogy: textbook. allowance for students. avg. ped. textbook establishments. - 3rd ed., corrected. and additional / S.A. Kulikova, T.A. Kulikov. - M.: Academy Publishing Center, 2001. - 416 p.

    Moral and labor preschoolers/ S.A. and etc.; edited by Kozlova. - M .: Academy, - 187 p.

    Trubaichuk, L.V. Actual problems preschool education: theoretical and applied aspects of socialization and social development of preschool children / materials of the 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference / Ed. Trubaychuk, L.V and others - Chelyab. state ped. un - t. - Chelyabinsk: Education, 2007. - 350 p.

    Social and moral education of preschool age / Zyryanova and others; Shadradin Pedagogical Institute. - 3rd correction. and additional - : Publishing house of ShGPI, - 216 p.

    Order of the Ministry and Science of the Russian Federation of October 17, No. 1155 "On the federal state standard for preschool registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 14, 2013, No. 30384.

Today, when we are witnessing the collapse of ideals, moral and spiritual guidelines, the topic of civic and patriotic education is becoming especially relevant. The collapse of the USSR and the further disintegration of Russian society had an impact on the development of civic and patriotic education.

Civil-patriotic education forms not just a law-abiding citizen, but a person who consciously and actively fulfills his civic duty. It involves instilling respect for the State Flag and Emblem of the Russian Federation, the heroic and historical past, the culture of one's people, love for one's native language, the beauties of one's native nature, and contains environmental education.

Patriotism and citizenship are of great importance in the social and spiritual development of man. They act as constituent elements of his worldview and attitude towards his native country, other nations and peoples. Only on the basis of uplifting feelings of patriotism and national shrines is love for the motherland strengthened, a sense of responsibility for its power and independence, the preservation of material and spiritual values, the nobility and dignity of the individual develop.

We can see all this in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which says: We, the multinational people of the Russian Federation, are united common destiny on their land, asserting human rights and freedoms, civil peace and harmony, preserving the historically established state unity, proceeding from the universally recognized principles of equality and self-determination of peoples, honoring the memory of the ancestors who passed on to us love and respect for the Fatherland, faith in goodness and justice, reviving the sovereign statehood of Russia and asserting the inviolability of its democratic foundation, striving to ensure the well-being and prosperity of Russia based on responsibility for its Motherland before present and future generations, realizing that they are part of the world community… The Constitution of the Russian Federation

Patriotism and citizenship is expressed in the worldview, moral ideals, norms of human behavior and is manifested in his actions and activities. At the same time, patriotism and citizenship are also manifested in collective feelings towards their people, their way of life, history, culture, state, system of fundamental values. Patriotism is a consciously and voluntarily accepted position of citizens on the basis of individual freedom. Patriotism embraces all generations, every person with its influence. Patriotic education should contribute to the national revival of Russia as a great power. Patriotism embraces all generations with its influence. Thus, patriotism acts as an element civil society, and its underestimation leads to a weakening of the socio-economic, spiritual and cultural foundations of society. Patriotism in its essence and meaning is the moral basis of the viability of society. National scientific and political journal "Power" No. 6,20011, p.131

The movement of Russian society towards a socially just, democratic, civilized state is impossible without a person of civil culture. Today it is no longer enough to be just a moral person, a qualified specialist. The main figure in a dynamically changing world is a person with systemic global thinking, the foundations of a scientific worldview, and national identity. Udovichenko E.M. To the question of the concept of patriotism and its manifestations // Education of citizenship and patriotism of student youth in the conditions of renewed Russia. Magnitogorsk, 2005, p. 109

The content of civic education in school and family is the work of teachers, educators and parents on patriotic education, on the formation of a culture of interethnic communication, legal culture, education in the spirit of peace and non-violence. In the civil formation of personality important place occupies the participation of children, adolescents and youth in the activities of children's public associations and organizations. Golikova L.V. What does it mean to be a patriot? // Education of citizenship and patriotism of student youth in the conditions of renewed Russia. Magnitogorsk, 2005, p. 37.

K.D. Ushinsky believed that patriotism is not only an important task of education, but also its powerful pedagogical tool. “Just as there is no person without pride,” he wrote, “so there is no person without love for the fatherland, and this love gives upbringing a sure key to a person’s heart and a powerful support for fighting his bad natural, personal, family and tribal inclinations.” Ushinsky K.D. Pedagogical essays: In 6 volumes. T. 1 / Comp. S.F. Egorov. - M.: Pedagogy, 1990. - 416 p.

But patriotism has nothing to do with locking a person into narrow national interests. True patriotism is humanistic in nature and includes respect for other peoples and countries, for their national customs and traditions, for their independence and independence, and is inextricably linked with the culture of interethnic relations. If these relationships are formed, they are of great importance in moral development personalities and contribute to the maintenance of benevolent and friendly relations between different peoples and countries, the affirmation in the minds of each person of an understanding of the great importance of universal values ​​and ideals in the progress of society. In this sense, patriotism and the culture of interethnic relations are closely related to each other, act in organic unity and determine the moral significance of the individual.

Patriotic education and the formation of a culture of interethnic communication is carried out in the process of including students in active creative work for the benefit of the Motherland, instilling careful attitude to the history of the fatherland, to its cultural heritage, to the customs and traditions of the people - love for the small Motherland, for their native places; education of readiness for the defense of the Motherland; studying the customs and culture of different ethnic groups. .

According to the Russian writer F.M. Dostoevsky, there should be no place for national exclusivity: “To become a real Russian, to become completely Russian, perhaps, means only to become a brother of all people, an all-man, if you like. Oh, all this Slavophilism and our Westernism is nothing but a great misunderstanding” Dostoevsky F.M. Full collected works L., 1980, v. XXYI, p. 147..

An important role in the education of patriotism and internationalism is played by subjects of the humanitarian and natural science cycles. First of all, these are achievements in the learning process, selection of the content of the educational process. The study of the nature of the native land, its historical past is emotionally experienced by the child, strengthens and develops a sense of love for the Motherland.

The formation of a culture of interethnic communication is promoted by the study of foreign languages, revealing the history, culture of the countries of the studied language, traditions and customs of the peoples of these countries.

Civic education involves the formation of students' knowledge and ideas about the achievements of our country in the field of science, technology, and culture. This direction of the educational work of the school is achieved in the process of getting acquainted with the life and work of outstanding scientists, designers, writers, artists, actors, etc.

Patriotism and citizenship are closely related to such a concept as "universal values". We live in a cruel age, where, it would seem, with such a high level of development of science, technology and human thought, cruel, barbaric, and most importantly, wars and conflicts that take millions of lives continue, women and children die.

Thus, civic-patriotic education is very important and significant component in the process of forming a comprehensively developed harmonious personality. Since without the formation in a person of moral ideals of a feeling of love for the Motherland, striving for peace, without educating in him consciousness and responsibility not only for his own life, but also for the fate of other people, the people, the full development of the state is not possible.

Citizenship is a moral position, expressed in a sense of duty and responsibility of a person to the civic community to which he belongs: the state, the family. church, professional or other community, in readiness to uphold and defend against any encroachment on his rights and interests. A sense of citizenship arises from a person's self-awareness of himself as a person, as an independent, individual member of society, who has certain rights and obligations enshrined in legislation, actively participates in the adoption and implementation of government decisions, and is guided by Everyday life certain moral standards and values.

Citizenship involves the development and implementation of one's rights and obligations in relation to oneself as an individual, one's family, society, the Fatherland, the planet as a whole. The criteria for civic culture are the level of knowledge and the degree of their implementation in the observance and implementation of civil, political, economic and social rights and human responsibilities. The formation of a civic culture is based on the process of comprehension, development and appropriation by students moral values: dignity, honesty, freedom. The content of civic culture is aimed at forming a community of children and adults based on human rights and encouraging the dignity and achievements of everyone as a condition for the development of the rule of law.

The main goal of civic education is to form citizenship as an integrative quality of a person, which includes inner freedom and respect for state power, love for the Motherland and the desire for peace, self-esteem and discipline, a harmonious manifestation of patriotic feelings and a culture of interethnic communication. The formation of citizenship as a quality of personality is determined both by the subjective efforts of teachers, parents, public organizations, and by the objective conditions for the functioning of society - the features of the state structure, the level of legal, political, moral culture society.

The above definitions allow us to approach a more accurate understanding of the essence of patriotism as a moral quality. The term "patriotism" translated from Greek means "land of the fathers", "homeland". The feeling of patriotism originated in ancient times as a result of centuries-old traditions. This is the attachment of a person to the land on which he lived for a long time, where the graves of his ancestors are located. Already in the works of Homer, Ovid, Hesiod, we meet the concept of "homeland". A patriot is a person who loves the fatherland, devoted to his state, striving to serve the interests of civil society. Patriotism is brought up and acquired in the process of acquiring life experience by a person Belova T. Ten years of civic education in Russia // Grazhdanovedenie, 2002, No. 19 ..

As you can see, in these definitions the emphasis is mainly on various relationships individuals to their homeland. But it is obvious that these relations cannot be reduced only to moral feelings. They have a broader meaning and include the corresponding need-motivational sphere of the individual, his patriotic consciousness and behavior, which, being fixed, in their totality characterize patriotism as a moral quality.

Considering all of the above, we can conclude that the relevance of civic and patriotic education is far from the last place in the works of scientists and writers. In our time, when there is a destruction of spiritual and moral principles and qualities, it is especially necessary to study civil and patriotic education, as well as to develop it in the younger generation.

The historical significance of every Russian person is measured by his merits to the Motherland, his human dignity - by the strength of his patriotism.
N.G. Chernyshevsky

The problem of patriotic education and civic development of the younger generation is today one of the urgent tasks of the state, society and educational institutions of our country.

The national doctrine of education defines not only the state policy in the field of education, but also gives the social order of the state to educate a person with an active life and professional position, hardworking and highly moral, a patriot of his Motherland, respecting the rights and freedoms of the individual, traditions and cultures of other peoples.

Changes in the military-political situation in the world require well-functioning work of the entire system of patriotic education of the younger generation. In this regard, the role of educational institutions, children's and youth organizations, which contribute to the moral and patriotic formation of children and youth, and prepare them for independent life, has significantly increased.

Currently, the state is taking measures to revive the system of military-patriotic education of children and adolescents.

The patriotic education of schoolchildren is a systematic and purposeful activity to form in students a high patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill civic duty and constitutional obligations to protect the interests of the Motherland.

The goal of patriotic education is the development in the personality of a high social activity of civic responsibility, spirituality, the formation of a personality with positive values ​​and qualities capable of manifesting them in the creative process, in the interests of the Fatherland.

The system of military-patriotic work at school includes a system, a set of measures for the formation of patriotic feelings and consciousness of students. Patriotic education should be planned, systematic, permanent and one of the priority areas in the field educational activities.

Secondary school No. 27 has existed for 18 years. For seventeen years the local history center “Motherland” has been working in it. This center has very versatile directions in its work: "History of the city's schools", "Pedagogical dynasties", "Balakovo residents - participants in the Great Patriotic War", etc.

But already three years later it became clear that the topic of military patriotism is so broad and varied that it is necessary to separate it into a separate direction. Thus, on the basis of one of the six cabinets of history, the military-patriotic club “Motherland” arose, which I headed. In its work, the military-patriotic club "Rodina" distinguishes four main areas: search work, design, lecture and excursion and military design.

The search section of the military-patriotic club "Motherland" works in two main areas: military local history and search. All classes of the middle and senior level are involved in the work of the military local history group of the club. As a result of systematic work, bibliographic material was collected about the former commander of the Belarusian partisan brigade “For the Motherland”, a resident of our city, Fyodor Semenovich Kharlanov. Studying the biographies of famous fellow countrymen, the guys found that the name of a resident of our city, St. George Knight I.K. Khrulkov is carved in the Georgievsky Hall of the Kremlin, and the name of his grandson, Hero of the Soviet Union Valentin Kirillovich Eroshkin, is carved in the Hall of Fame on Poklonnaya Gora. Most recently, we have completed work on the study of the biography of the former commander of the 28th Pskov Guards Mortar Regiment, Mikhail Nikolayevich Yasyunase. Huge role in the work of the search section of the club is given to the preparation of high school students for service in the ranks of the Armed Forces, hence close connection with the second department of the city military commissariat. For several years in a row, we have been inviting the school of Balakovo OMON fighters, soldiers and officers who served in various "hot spots", veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Among them are the first commander and actually the creator of the Balakovo OMON Sergey Viktorovich Khalmetov, who fought in Chechnya, reserve sergeant Viktor Ivanovich Babakin, who performed his international duty in Afghanistan, the defender of the Saratov sky during the Great Patriotic War Alexandra Fedorovna Novikova and many others.

For more than four years, high school students have been working in the Nabat city search center. For three years, eight guys were on six expeditions to search for and raise soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War near the city of Kirishi, Leningrad Region, where the 2 shock army of General A.A. fought. Vlasov, recruited mainly from the natives of the Saratov and Penza regions.

In the last two expeditions alone, 139 remains of Soviet soldiers were raised, some of which were reburied on May 9, 2006 at the Piskarevsky cemetery in St. Petersburg. Eight “mortal” medallions were found, and in March 2006, for a week, 2 students worked in the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense in Mogilev, looking for the addresses of these soldiers. Two of them turned out to be residents of the Saratov region. Currently, one of the senior students of our school is on an expedition as part of the city search team on the Nevsky Piglet (see Appendix No. 3).

But if participation in search work requires enhanced physical fitness and endurance, then military design work does not require this, but it attracts boys of all ages with its opportunity to plunge into the world of strong, courageous and hardy men through the study and design of models of weapons and military equipment. Thanks to painstaking work over five years, material has been collected on the history of Russian rocket artillery and the history of the creation of the famous Katyushas - (BM-13, BM-18, and BM-31) a wealth of material has been collected on the history of the creation of various small arms from the Second World War, armored vehicles all countries of the world and much more (for example, the history of the creation of special forces of the SS troops, special forces of the Italian Navy, etc.) To date, the cabinet has more than 50 various models and one layout “Storming Sapun - mountains by Soviet troops on May 9, 1944”, created by the hands of students of the 9th and 10th grades. The design center of the club is fruitfully engaged in the collection and design of materials for various military historical dates and events. Tablets and stands in the office are decorated with their hands.

Since the establishment of the club, lectures and discussions have been held in the office with classes of different ages and groups of students. In the upper grades, lectures are given by the teacher himself, and in the middle and lower levels - by students of grades 9-11, prepared for a specific section of the exposition.

Over the past five years, it has become a tradition in the school to conduct months of military-patriotic education together with OBZh teachers. Literary and artistic evenings are systematically held on a certain topic - (for example, in February 2008, a literary evening “And the Saved World Remembers” was held, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad) with the viewing of the feature film “Star” and the invitation of the head of the city search center “Nabat” Erokhina O.A.

I am greatly assisted in my military-patriotic work by an office created with the help and hands of my students. Here are thematic tablets dedicated to the main battles of the Great Patriotic War, exhibits found by search engines on the battlefields, models of weapons and military equipment from the war.

Now we can already say about some of the results of this work - graduates are striving to enter more and more military schools, higher schools and schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. 9 people are currently cadets of various military schools and military academies. Among those who take part in the work of the club, there are neither those registered with the OPPN, nor those who are not doing well. These guys are proud of their homeland and have their own life position based on the deepest respect for the glory of their fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers.

And most importantly, what our work brings is the realization by children that the history of the Russian people should be proud of, that our people are always ready to heroically defend their beloved Motherland, regardless of the politics and economy in the country.

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1 Topic: The relevance of the problem of patriotic education of children Explanatory note Patriotic education of the younger generation has always been one of the most important tasks modern school After all, childhood and youth are the most fertile time for instilling a sacred feeling of love for the Motherland. Patriotic education is understood as the gradual and steady formation of love for their homeland among pupils. Patriotism is one of the most important features of a comprehensive developed personality. Pupils should develop a sense of pride for their homeland and their people, respect for its great achievements and worthy pages of the past. Much is required of education: its role in this regard cannot be overestimated. Unfortunately, at present, patriotic education has practically come to naught, as they say. Many factors have contributed to this in recent years: the intensified instillation of opinions in the media about the erroneous path of Russia's development, the absence of a common state, so to speak, basic ideology. In addition, the education of patriotism is hampered by the lack of methodological literature in which educators could find recommendations and advice on this issue. Their meaning lies in explaining the real concepts of good and evil, turning the consciousness of the pupils to the high ideals of national history and thereby creating in them independent ideas about the worthy global significance and self-worth of Russia. If the educator in his daily work begins to regularly refer to the materials of the collection, then their use will allow raising a generation of people who are convinced, noble, ready for a feat, those who are usually called the short and capacious word "patriot". As scholars and researchers note, as pupils grow older, the so-called “spring of heroism” (A. Ya. Burshtein) begins to form, requiring implementation, but, no matter how insulting it is to state, it most often remains unclaimed. On the other hand, the awakening forces of the growing organism can find their application in adhering to anti-social organizations, the flow of which is growing year by year. Therefore, the topic that I chose for the attestation work is relevant. The relevance of the problem of patriotic education of children and youth The formation of civil society and the rule of law in our country largely depends on the level of civic education and patriotic education. Today, the relationship of a Russian citizen with the state and society is changing radically. He got great opportunities to realize himself as independent personality in various areas of life and at the same time increased responsibility for their own fate and the fate of other people. Under these conditions, patriotism becomes the most important value, integrating not only social, but also spiritual, moral, ideological, cultural, historical, military-patriotic and other aspects. In the conditions of the formation of civil society and the rule of law, it is necessary to educate a fundamentally new, democratic type a person who is capable of innovation, to manage his own life and activities, the affairs of society, ready to rely on his own strength, to ensure his material independence by his own work. The modern school should make a tangible contribution to the formation of such a civic personality, which combines a developed moral, legal and political culture. institution additional education children, being a complex organism, reflects the nature, problems and contradictions of society and, to a large extent, due to its educational potential, determines the orientation of a particular individual, is responsible for the socialization of the individual. Childhood is the most optimal for the system of patriotic education, as this is a period of self-affirmation, active development social interests and life ideals. But the implementation of patriotic education only with the help of a scientific approach is impossible. The new time requires from the institution of additional education of children the content, forms and methods of patriotic education that are adequate to modern socio-pedagogical realities. There is a need for the activity component of patriotic education. Only through active involvement in social activities and conscious participation in it,

2 through climate change institutions, the development of self-government can make progress in this direction. Purpose and tasks: Purpose: creation of conditions for the formation of the personality of a citizen and patriot of Russia with its inherent values, views, orientations, attitudes, motives for activity and behavior. tasks: carrying out reasonable organizational activities to create conditions for effective patriotic education of students; formation of effective work on patriotic education, providing optimal conditions development in every teenager, young man and girl of loyalty to the Fatherland, readiness to benefit society and the state; affirmation in the minds and feelings of pupils of patriotic values, views and beliefs, fostering respect for the cultural and historical past of Russia. Recently, nationalist sentiments have significantly increased in Russian society. Negativism, demonstrative attitude towards adults, cruelty in extreme manifestations have increased in the children's and youth environment. Crime has sharply increased and "younger". Many children today found themselves outside the educational environment, on the street, where they learn the difficult science of upbringing in harsh conditions. Over the past decade, we have practically lost an entire generation, whose representatives could potentially become true patriots and worthy citizens of our country. One of the key areas of this activity is the creation of conditions for the education and development of the personality of a citizen and patriot of Russia, ready and able to defend its interests. In this regard, the problem of civil law and patriotic education becomes one of the most urgent. Before highlighting possible practical approaches and forms of work in this direction, it is necessary to determine the variety of concepts and terms. Recently, within the framework of this direction, the view of patriotism as the most important value, integrating not only social, but also spiritual, moral, cultural, historical and other components, has become increasingly widespread. Summarizing, we can give the following definition: "Patriotism is one of the most significant, enduring values ​​inherent in all spheres of society and the state, is the most important spiritual asset of the individual, characterizes the highest level of its development and manifests itself in its active self-realization for the benefit of the Fatherland." Patriotic education in modern conditions is a purposeful, morally conditioned process of preparing the younger generation for functioning and interaction in a democratic society, for initiative work, participation in the management of socially valuable affairs, for the realization of rights and obligations, as well as strengthening responsibility for their political, moral and legal choice, for the maximum development of their abilities in order to achieve success in life. Civil-patriotic education contributes to the formation and development of a person who has the qualities of a citizen and patriot of his country. Patriotism embodies love for one's Fatherland, inseparability from its history, culture, achievements, problems, attractive and inseparable due to their uniqueness and indispensability, constituting the spiritual and moral basis of the individual, forming her civic position and the need for worthy, selfless, up to self-sacrifice, service to the motherland. The most important part of the educational process in modern Russian school is the formation of patriotism and culture of interethnic relations, which are of great importance in the socio-civil and spiritual development of the student's personality. Only on the basis of uplifting feelings of patriotism and national shrines is love for the Motherland strengthened, a sense of responsibility for its power, honor and independence, the preservation of the material and spiritual values ​​of society, and the dignity of the individual develop. Many thinkers and teachers of the past, revealing the role of patriotism in the process of personal the formation of man, pointed to their many-sided formative influence. So, for example, K.D. Ushinsky believed that patriotism is not only an important task of education, but also a powerful pedagogical tool: “Just as there is no person without pride, so there is no person without love for the fatherland, and this love gives education the right key to the heart person and a powerful support for the fight against his evil natural, personal, family and

3 generic inclinations. True patriotism is humanistic in its essence, includes respect for other peoples and countries, for their national customs and traditions, and is inextricably linked with the culture of interethnic relations. In this sense, patriotism and the culture of interethnic relations are closely related to each other, act in an organic unity and are defined in pedagogy as “such a moral quality that includes the need, the manifestation of love and loyalty to her, the awareness and experience of her greatness and glory, her spiritual connection with her, the desire to protect her honor and dignity, practical deeds to strengthen the power and independence” The above definition allows us to understand the content of the concept of patriotism. It includes: a feeling of attachment to the places where a person was born and raised; respect for the language of their people; concern for the interests of the Motherland; awareness of the duty to the Motherland, upholding its honor and dignity, freedom and independence (defence of the Fatherland); manifestation of civic feelings and loyalty to the Motherland; pride in the social and cultural achievements of their country; pride in one's Fatherland, for the symbols of the state, for one's people; respect for the historical past of the Motherland, its people, its customs and traditions; responsibility for the fate of the Motherland and its people, their future, expressed in the desire to devote their work, the ability to strengthen the power and flourishing of the Motherland; humanism, mercy, universal values. True patriotism presupposes, as can be seen from its definition, the formation and its long-term development of a whole complex of positive qualities. The basis of this development is the spiritual, moral and socio-cultural components. Patriotism acts in the unity of spirituality, citizenship and social activity of the individual, who is aware of his inseparability, inseparability from the Fatherland. Patriotism is formed in the process of training, socialization and education of students. However, the social space for the development of patriotism is not limited to school walls. Family and others play a big role here. social institutions societies, such as: mass media, public organizations, institutions of additional education for children, religious organizations, health care institutions, law enforcement agencies, military organizations, institutions of social protection of the population, etc. All this must be taken into account in the process of educating students. Thus, the significance of studying the system of patriotic education lies in the fact that it is at school that the upbringing of a citizen of the country is considered as one of the main means of national revival. The problems of patriotic education of the individual are reflected in the regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation: the state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation" (dated 422), as well as the subprogram of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "Creation of conditions for civil formation, patriotic, spiritual and moral education of youth. Perpetuating the memory of the defenders of the Fatherland" within the framework of the federal target program "Youth of Russia", which define the concept, content of the problem of patriotic education, goals and objectives, a system of program activities, mechanisms for implementing the program, which is the basis for organizing activities with children. The "Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education" defines the priority areas of education, among which the most important is the increase in the educational potential of the educational process. The task is to form schoolchildren's civic responsibility and legal self-awareness, spirituality and culture, initiative, independence, tolerance, the ability to successfully socialize in society and actively adapt to the labor market. Thus, the orientation of the school is supposed not only to provide students with a certain amount of knowledge, but also to develop the moral qualities of the individual, including patriotism. Methods of organizing patriotic education. P.P. Blonsky, A.S. Makarenko, I.N. Russu, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, S.T. After analyzing the approaches to the methods and forms of organization of patriotic education existing in pedagogy, he singled out for himself a group of methods that can be represented by the following table:

4 p / p Group of methods Methods Properties of methods I. Methods he is not an object for applying these methods, but he himself takes an active part in their use. II. Methods Pedagogical requirement, It is necessary to create an organization of the requirement of the team, situations in which activities and public opinion, the teenager would practice the formation of an assignment, the method is in the civic experience of the requirement, the creation of activities, was aware of civic educating situations, their responsibilities for collective behavior creative attitude to the team, business, method of projects to society, responsibility for one's actions. It is important to demonstrate the importance of civic activity of adolescents for society. Traditions of behavior are formed with the help of regulatory requirements. III Methods Competition, encouragement, It is necessary to encourage incentives, punishment, mutual assistance, a teenager to correct activities and create a situation of success in his behavior. behavior Stimulation in its various forms should be dosed and deserved. Stimulation encourages the adolescent to analyze own activities, programs further behavior. It is considered important when working with adolescents to observe the following principles: - the principle of systematicity and consistency; - the principle of consciousness, activity of pupils; - the principle of respect for the individual, combined with reasonable exactingness; - the principle of relying on the positive in a person; - the principle of inclusion in activities. Forms of organization of patriotic education. The form of organization of work on patriotic education is mainly collective, but group and individual forms of work are also used.

5 Patriotic education of the younger generation has always been and remains one of the most important tasks of educators and teachers of all forms of educational institutions. The feeling of blood connection with the Motherland, the country is the basis of human morality. That is why this feeling must be developed in the child by all means. Educators of the KGBS (K) OU build the educational process so that a person with such excellent human qualities as love for the Motherland, loyalty to honor and duty, comradely mutual assistance and solidarity, citizenship and collectivism can leave the walls of the institution. Conclusion So, from all of the above, we can conclude that the core of all civic education is patriotism and internationalism. The school has always developed in the children of all the peoples of Russia a sense of freedom, unity, equality and brotherhood. The essence of the concept of "patriotism" includes love for the Motherland, for the land where he was born and raised, pride in the historical achievements of the people. Patriotism is inextricably combined with internationalism, a sense of universal solidarity with the peoples of all countries. A special place in international education is occupied by the formation of feelings of unity, friendship, equality and brotherhood, uniting the peoples of Russia, the culture of interethnic communication; intolerance towards manifestations of national narrow-mindedness. In that

In the process, the role of a truly folk multinational culture, true to the truth of life, is great. Patriotic education is a complex long-term process. He needs a coherent system of measures that take into account how age features and the interests of students, as well as the need for a closer integration here of the opportunities of the school, family and community. In order to implement the important tasks of patriotic education in the account. In 2008, a district sports contest for pre-conscription and draft youth, a district competition for school essays “My Russia”, a district competition for the best essay, essay, story dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Victory in the Battle of Kursk, a district meeting of military-patriotic clubs, a regional conference “Improving Spiritually -moral and patriotic education of schoolchildren by means museum pedagogy”, a regional handwritten album was created - a relay race “Belgorod region is a small homeland, dear fatherland”, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Victory in the Battle of Kursk and the 50th anniversary of the formation of the Belgorod Region, a regional review competition of classrooms was held on the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety”. For the purpose of harmonious spiritual development of the child's personality, instilling in her the fundamental principles of morality with the pupils of KGBOU "Klyuchevskaya boarding school", which promotes a healthy lifestyle, about Orthodox culture.

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I. Explanatory note The modern social development of Russia has sharply set the task of spiritual rebirth of the nation. This issue has acquired particular relevance in the field of patriotic education of youth.

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APPROVED ACCEPTED by the Director of MBOU "Kamskoustyinskaya secondary school on the pedagogical council" MBOU "Kamskoustyinskaya secondary I.G.Shaimurzin secondary school" Put into effect by order

2 Explanatory note Program of extracurricular activities “We have something to love. We have something to be proud of!” compiled in accordance with the federal state educational standard of the basic general

Bykov Anatoly Karpovich, Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of Civil and Patriotic Education of the Institute of Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education Patriotic education of youth as a direction of the state



Explanatory note The problem of patriotic education and civic development of the younger generation today is one of the urgent tasks of the state and society. In the National Doctrine of Education

The program of patriotic education of students GOU SOSH 1279 YuZOUO DO Moscow 1. Rationale for the development of the Program. The patriotic education of the younger generation has always been one of the most important

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school 9 with in-depth study of subjects educational field"Technology" Considered by the pedagogical council Protocol

The essence of the process of education in the university S.N. Sirenko Main questions of the lecture Goals, objectives and essential characteristics and features of the educational process at the university. The main directions of educational activities

MBOU "Zapadnodvinsk secondary school 1" Patriotic education program for schoolchildren "Know to remember, remember to be proud" Explanatory note Patriotic education is systematic and purposeful

Features of the implementation of the Program of education and socialization "7th" in MBOU secondary school 1 Purpose: Social and pedagogical support for the formation and development of a highly moral competent citizen who is aware of responsibility

Efremova O.V., primary school teacher, MBOU School 36 Samara

MBOU "Taksimovskaya Secondary School 1 named after A.A. Mezentsev" Social project Implementation period October 2016 Project participants students, teachers, parents Compiled by: Spitsyna T.D., Deputy

The program of civil and patriotic education of students of the Tyumen State Oil and Gas University for 2015 I. Introduction The program of civil and patriotic education of students FGBOU

1 EXPLANATORY NOTE The program "Patriotic education of students of the Syavskoy secondary school" was developed in accordance with the concept of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation and the state program "Patriotic

1 The program of military-patriotic education of students MBOU secondary school 14 for 2013 2016 academic year. 1. Rationale for the development of the Program. The historical experience of the formation and development of our Fatherland indicates


1. 2. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. This provision determines the procedure for social and educational work with students at the Academy. At the Academy, social and educational activities are carried out taking into account the general strategy

PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS OF PATRIOTIC EDUCATION OF SCHOOLCHILDREN Kubryakova I.A. Scientific director: Associate Professor, PhD, Akimova L.A. Orenburg State Pedagogical University (Institute of Physical

Features of the ideological education of students in educational institutions Upbringing and education presuppose the existence of an ideology that determines: what to teach and what to educate? How to teach and how to educate?


1 Explanatory note The modern social development of Russia has sharply set the task of spiritual rebirth of the nation. This issue has acquired particular relevance in the field of patriotic education of youth.

Personal results of mastering the main educational program secondary general education Personal results in the sphere of students' attitudes to themselves, to their health, to self-knowledge: - Orientation

SPIRITUAL AND MORAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE PERSONALITY OF A CITIZEN OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Mamaeva V. A. Dagestan State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology Makhachkala, Russia

Organization of patriotic education in the system of higher education Civic-patriotic education "Every noble person is deeply aware of his blood relationship, his blood ties with the Fatherland."

Considered at a meeting of the MO class teachers August 31, 2011 "Approved" Director of MBOU "Secondary School 4 pgtkukmor" Shakrtyanova NX Order 161 of September 1, 2011 Target program "Patriotic education

Head of the school museum GBOU "School 896" Ratnikova G.A. "School museum as a center of civil and patriotic education of students"

Municipal educational institution Belomorsky municipal district"Pushninskaya secondary school" My small Motherland program p.fur 2010 Contents I. Relevance II.


FORMATION OF STUDENTS' PATRIOTIC CONSCIOUSNESS IN CONDITIONS OF MODERN SCHOOL V.V. Tserkovnova MOU "Secondary school 41" g.o. Saransk Problems of formation of patriotic consciousness of students

Explanatory note Working programm « Young patriot»was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC, on the basis of the state complex-targeted program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian

TOPICAL QUESTIONS OF PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES OF SENIOR COUNSELERS 1. What type of position of the head of a children's association contributes to a high level of development of self-government? 1. Activity oriented

Modern pedagogical technologies MODERN PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES Safina Elvira Faritovna Head of the Information and Methodological Center of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Education "Institute for the Development of Education" Sibay, Republic

State budgetary educational institution secondary school 475 of the Vyborgsky district of St. Petersburg Adopted by the decision Pedagogical Council GBOU school 475 of the Vyborgsky district

The well-being of the whole people depends on the moral education of children. D. Locke EXPLANATORY NOTE At the moment, society needs training not only educated, but also highly moral,

Development of student self-government in the lyceum. The development of school self-government today is one of the most urgent problems of modern domestic education. It's reflected

Relevance of the project topic: Today there is no more important idea for the Kuban than the formation and revival of the Kuban traditions. Historical memory is important and necessary - at all times and in any state, especially

Ways to implement the main directions of education and socialization of students through the Comprehensive Program of Extracurricular Activities Anna Viktorovna Fitz, Deputy Director for Educational Work, MBNOU "Gymnasium

Kobets Olga Vladimirovna teacher of geography Municipal educational institution Gymnasium 64, Lipetsk

Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Bokhanskaya Secondary School 1" Patriotic Education Program MBOU students"Bokhan secondary school

COUNCIL OF MINISTERS OF THE LUGANSK PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC DECISION No. 723 of December 27, 2016 Luhansk On approval of the State Target Program "Patriotic Education of the Younger Generation"

VII municipal educational Christmas readings 2015 MAOU "Secondary school 6" g.o. Troitsk L.I. Ivanova, primary school teacher "Spiritual and moral education and development in

The main developers of the program. Deputy director for educational work Mukhametchina E.K. Teacher of history and social science Abdrakhimova R.A. PROGRAM of patriotic international education

Ministry of General and Vocational Education Rostov region State budgetary professional educational institution of the Rostov region "Konstantinovsky Pedagogical College"

Organization of patriotic education at school. 2016 1 Contents. 1. INTRODUCTION. Page 3-4 2. CONTENT OF PATRIOTIC EDUCATION IN SCHOOL. Page 5-6 3. PSYCHO-EDUCATIONAL COMPONENTS OF PATRIOTIC

“Agreed” Deputy Director for VR: Uspenskaya L.I. from "I approve" Director of MBOU "Shumilovskaya secondary school" Smirnova V.V. Order from the P O G R A M M A of patriotic education of students "I and the Fatherland" of the municipal

Contents 1. Explanatory note 1 2. Main directions 3. Purpose 4. Tasks 5. Forms of conducting classes 6. Planned results 7. Content of the program "I am a citizen of Russia" 8. References Explanatory

“I approve” Director of MBOU secondary school 1 E.V. Babkina. August 25, 2015 The program of patriotic education of students in MBOU secondary school 1 of the Gorokhovetsky district of the Vladimir region. (terms of the program implementation in the period

Pedagogical Council for Educational Work. Topic: "Spiritual and moral foundations of personality development." Pedagogical Council for Educational Work. Topic: "Spiritual and moral foundations of personality development." Spiritual and moral


Municipal educational institution Gymnasium 18 named after V.G. Sokolov Working program of extracurricular activities spiritual and moral directions "Native land in the fire of war" 3 4 class (9 10 years)

FGBOU HE PL 27-12.doc Sheet 1 Considered at the meeting of the Academic Council of the FGBOU HE on December 28, 2015, protocol 7 APPROVED by A.E. Komin Rector FSBEI HE Comprehensive program Civil-FGBOU VO for 2016-2020

LAYOUT "PROGRAM OF EDUCATION AND SOCIALIZATION OF STUDENTS, ACCORDING TO THE EDUCATIONAL COMPONENT" This layout is a template for developing and writing a "Program of education and socialization of students