Museum Pedagogy in Dow. Museum pedagogy as the basis for the development of the creative personality of a preschooler

Contest " Methodical piggy bank teacher"

Consultation for preschool teachers will help them organize mini-museums in groups and work with children in the direction of museum pedagogy.


Museum pedagogy is an innovative technology in the field of personal education children, creating conditions for immersion of the individual in a specially organized subject-spatial environment.

Museum pedagogy in recent decades has become very popular in the system preschool education and education - museum programs are being created, books are being published, guidelines(these are the works of M. Yu. Koval, O. V. Dybina). Today we are looking for a partner in the museum to solve problems related to the upbringing and education of children, through the implementation of museum and pedagogical activities, both in the museum environment and in the kindergarten. In this case, she subject environment environment plays the role of teacher and educator.

Of course, in a kindergarten it is impossible to create expositions that meet the requirements of museum work. Therefore, these expositions are called "mini-museums". The “mini” part of the word reflects the age of the children for whom they are intended, the size of the exhibition and the well-defined theme of such a museum. The purpose of the created mini-museums is to involve children in activities and communication, to influence their emotional sphere.

Important feature mini-museums in the developing environment - participation in their creation of children and parents. In real museums, you can’t touch anything, but in mini-museums, it’s not only possible, but necessary! In an ordinary museum, a child is only a passive contemplator, but here he is a co-author, creator of an exhibition. And not only himself, but also his father, mother, grandmother and grandfather. Each mini-museum is the result of communication, joint work educator, children and their families.

Principles of museum pedagogy

When using museum pedagogy as an innovative technology in the system of forming the culture of preschoolers, the following principles should be taken into account.

  • visibility.
  • Availability.
  • Dynamism.
  • Content (the material should have educational value for children, arouse curiosity in children).
  • Mandatory combination of the subject world of the museum with a program focused on the manifestation of children's activity.
  • The sequence of familiarizing children with museum collections (in accordance with the tasks of educating preschoolers at each age stage).
  • Humanism (exhibits should evoke careful attitude to the nature of things).
  • Encouragement of children's questions and fantasies in perception.
  • The activity of children in the assimilation of the museum heritage, which manifests itself at the level practical activities as a reflection of the acquired knowledge and impressions in the products of their own creativity, in productive activity(drawing, modeling, writing stories).
  • The mobility of the structure of classes-excursions (a clear scenario, but the possibility of improvisation).

Any exposure must take into account the following logical chain: perception - understanding - comprehension - consolidation - application.

Turning to methodological aspect development of the technology of museum pedagogy, I would like to draw attention to the fact that working with children involves not only the quality and quantity of information received in the course of acquaintance with the expositions of mini-museums, it is important to awaken children's creative activity. Therefore, it is very important to consider the mandatory inclusion of a practical part in the course of acquaintance with the expositions of mini-museums.

It can be various games museum content: entertainment games, travel games, graphic exercises, intellectual and creative games, games based on the plot of literary works.

In addition to games, you can use these types of work, How:

  • filling in museum diaries, in which children's drawings, collages, applications, schemes can be presented;
  • doing homework (draw, sculpt, come up with your own name, riddle, compose a fairy tale, etc.)

Efficiency implementation of museum pedagogy technology in terms of preschool is as follows:

  • The child has a chance to become an intelligent person, from childhood attached to culture and to one of its remarkable manifestations - the museum.
  • Children, having fallen in love with and mastered the museum space, will become the most grateful and receptive visitors to museum exhibitions and cultural events at an older age, acquire a cognitive interest in the “real” museum.
  • Children form a value attitude to history, there is an interest in museums and exhibitions, develops emotional response. “The child should leave the museum with a sense of confidence climbing “one more step”.

Task preschool teacher is to teach the child to recognize these meanings hidden in objects. Having decided to take this step, it is necessary to realize and formulate upcoming tasks:

  • to teach the child to see the historical and cultural context of the surrounding things, i.e. evaluate it from the point of view of the development of history and culture;
  • develop an understanding of the relationship historical eras and their involvement in another time, another culture through communication with monuments of history and culture;
  • to form the ability to recreate the image of the corresponding era on the basis of communication with the cultural heritage, i.e. to the artistic perception of reality;
  • develop the ability for aesthetic contemplation and empathy;
  • inspire respect for other cultures;
  • develop the ability and need to learn independently the world through the study of cultural heritage different eras and peoples.

The main task is to help the child see the "museum" around him, i.e. to reveal to him the historical and cultural context of ordinary things surrounding him in Everyday life, teach independently, analyze, compare, draw conclusions. The inclusion of museums in educational process- the matter is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

To use museum pedagogy, certain rules must be followed.

Rule one. It is necessary to seriously, purposefully prepare for a visit to the museum, and then consolidate the knowledge and impressions gained. The child is not prepared to perceive the complex symbolic language of the museum. The role of the teacher is to help little man in this difficult and very important cognitive activity.

Rule two. It is necessary to be clearly aware of the ultimate task of one's activity - the formation of a creative personality capable of perceiving cultural heritage with interest and being aware of one's responsibility not only for its preservation, but also for the multiplication and transmission of this heritage to other generations.

Organization of a mini-museum in kindergarten

At present, there is an increasing interest in the traditions, history, culture of their small homeland. The preschool educational institution solves the problems of early involvement of children in folk culture, knowledge of the past. One of the forms of familiarizing children with their native land is the organization of ethnographic rooms and mini-museums in kindergartens.

The museum is a special, special organized space of the preschool educational institution, contributing to the expansion of the horizons of both the child and the adult, increasing education, good breeding, familiarizing with eternal values.

Creating a mini-museum is a labor-intensive work that consists of several stages.

Stage 1. Setting goals and objectives for parents of kindergarten students. This phase includes activities such as:

  • parent meetings;
  • consultations
  • individual work.

Stage 2. Room selection.

It is necessary to take into account the number of visitors and exhibits.

Stage 3. Collection of exhibits and their registration in the catalog.

Stage 4. Making a mini-museum, which requires a number of conditions to be met:

  • design of a room (corner) taking into account aesthetic standards;
  • the presence of children's furniture for games, activities;
  • compliance with safety and hygiene standards.

Stage 5 Development of topics and content of excursions and classes to familiarize children with the exhibits.

Stage 6 Development of a perspective-thematic work plan, which included not only classes with children, but also events for parents, as well as competitions and exhibitions. Also materials for questioning, diagnostics

Stage 7. Choice of tour guides. They can be teachers, older preschoolers or parents.

Stage 8. Opening of a mini-museum with the invitation of children and their parents.

Principles of creating a mini-museum

  • The principle of integration - a mini-museum must take into account the content educational program DOE and help in the implementation of its general tasks and the tasks of individual educational areas.
  • The principle of activity and interactivity - a mini-museum should provide students with the opportunity to realize themselves in different types children's activities (use exhibits in role-playing games, create crafts and include x in the general exposition, etc.).
  • The principle of conformity to nature - a mini-museum should be created taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of children different ages and provide conditions for disclosure creativity every child.
  • The principle of scientific character - the presented exhibits must reliably reflect the theme of the mini-museum, explain various processes and phenomena within the framework of the chosen topic in a scientific and at the same time accessible language for the child.
  • The principle of humanization and partnership - a mini-museum should offer conditions for comprehensive development child, encouraging his initiative, creative activity within the framework of subject-subject relations in the system "adult-child", "child-child".
  • The principle of cultural conformity - a mini-museum should be focused on familiarizing children with world culture, universal values ​​through the development of values ​​and norms national culture in the course of direct educational activities in the museum space.
  • The principle of dynamism and variability - the exposition of a mini-museum should be constantly supplemented and updated, taking into account the age characteristics of the children of the group.
  • The principle of diversity is to fill the mini-museum with exhibits that are different in form, content, size, reflecting the historical, natural and cultural diversity of the surrounding world.
  • Principle regional component- a mini-museum should provide for the organization of work with children to familiarize them with the cultural heritage of the region, as well as the culture of other peoples, which contributes to the development of tolerance and the formation of a sense of patriotism.

Design of mini-museums

The most optimal placement of mini-museum exhibits is at different levels: vertical and horizontal. Racks and wall shelves, screens, stands, tables of various sizes, cabinets will help to solve this problem.

The location of all the exhibits only in a horizontal plane (on a table) is not practical. In one plane, it is best to consider collections (objects of the same name). The task of a mini-museum is to show an object from different angles, to reflect its relationship with other objects.

Secondly, in the horizontal plane it is difficult to unite the exhibits by themes and separate them visually. This complicates the task of keeping the child's attention within the same group of objects. In the absence of suitable corners, it is possible to build multi-level coasters from building cubes, cylinders, bricks on a table, fastening them together with adhesive tape and beautifully draping them with a light fabric.

Also, the development of the vertical can be carried out as follows:

  • Placement of material on wall shelves;
  • The use of screens;
  • Use of stands;
  • Mobile use;
  • Placement of fine material on dry or artificial tree branches.

Stands are very easy to use. Their advantage lies in the fact that they are easy to manufacture, light and safe for children. The stands are mobile and allow you to easily and quickly rebuild the compositional solution of the museum. Stands can be different in shape, color, location. These advantages of the stands make it possible to solve the problem of attracting and holding children's attention to the museum exhibits. Stands are used to place illustrative information, diagrams. It is convenient to attach light bulky items to them.

If there is a certain place for museums, it is very convenient to attach 2-3 small hooks to the ceiling. This will diversify the composition of the museum with vertical elements.

The theme of mini-museums.

Can be varied:

  • "Wonder Tree" - acquaintance with the structure and diversity of trees, the relationship of plants and animals, the importance of trees in people's lives; the need for respect for nature;
  • "City of Masters" - acquaintance with the problem of waste, options for using various "garbage", development of imagination, speech, creativity of children and parents;
  • "Best Friend" - expositions are connected with stories about different breeds dogs, about their origin, about different materials(comparison of glass, clay, paper figurines), about the role of dogs in human life;
  • Book mini-museum - acquaintance with the history of the emergence of books, fostering interest in reading, a story about the role of books in human life, about different writers, about how literacy appeared and developed;
  • "Toys-fun" - exhibits that attract the attention of kids can be collected here: large, bright, sounding, educational toys (dolls, cars, figures of animals and creatures unknown to science);
  • "My native city" - acquaintance with the history of the city, its interesting places, upbringing patriotic feelings, love for your city; acquaintance with the peculiarities of your area, its history, memorable places, compiling stories about the city, region, creating a series of your own drawings, comparing them with photographs, postcards;
  • "Our Motherland - Russia" - acquaintance with the history, culture, natural features of our country, education of patriotism, acquaintance with folk crafts, with the life of Russians in different time, with historical and memorable places; speech development; the formation of ideas about historical time, communication with their ancestors;
  • "Theatrical Dolls" - introducing preschoolers to the world of art, the world of theater. Development of motor skills, speech, provision of conditions for both self play, and for work in a team (staging performances), writing scripts, fairy tales;
  • Mini-museum of theatrical costume - as in the previous case, preschoolers join the world of art and theater, learn about how theatrical costumes have changed, fantasize by creating their own models, come up with their own productions, learn to play in a team, express themselves through the means of art;
  • Art Gallery;
  • Mini-museum of nature - unusual, rare objects of living and inanimate nature, various products from natural material. Such exhibits can be large cones, seeds of a rare plant in our country, intricately curved branches and roots, beautiful natural and artificial stones, stones with imprints of ancient plants and animals, old abandoned nests of birds and insects (for example, wasps), feathers;
  • "Military Valor and Glory", etc.

When defining content, you must:

1. Pick up a variety of museum exhibits and their number in advance. For example: to hold a visiting exhibition of a “museum chest”, you may need several items of the same purpose (rolling pins, painted spoons, whistles, etc.). In this case, they are not all displayed in showcases, but are purchased for use and stored in “stores” until a certain time.
2. When determining the subject of expositions, adhere to the rule of “gradual change”: something remains familiar for children, and something new is introduced in stages.
3. If on initial stage there is no variety of material - by no means expose it all. the main task museum in preschool constantly maintain a lively interest in him and prevent boring monotony.
4. Be sure to build the perspective of the museum. No need to chase the active updating of materials. Separate themes and exhibits will be present in your museum with a certain cyclicity. This is due to the features educational process DOW: acquaintance with certain topics is carried out by preschoolers in stages, with additions and complication depending on age.

Excursion work in the mini-museum

Exclusively important place in the work of the mini-museum, excursions (classes-excursions) should take place. And this is quite natural, since the museum exposition and the excursion method are interconnected. great attention should be given to the training of young guides from senior preschool groups. They are involved in conducting tours of the museum for parents and children of the younger preschool age.

Excursion work with children solves the following main tasks:

  • detection creativity children;
  • expansion of ideas about the content of museum culture;
  • development of initial skills of perception of the museum language;
  • creation of conditions for creative communication and cooperation.

The methodological forms of excursion work with preschool children in the conditions of the museum are quite diverse: conducting survey and thematic excursions, conducting informative conversations and events, organization of exhibitions.

The listed methods are implemented in various forms of the guide's work with children: quizzes and riddles, charades and puzzles, didactic games, creative tasks. The methodological principles of excursion work are clearly defined by such important factors as a developing direction of education, psychological features personality and age features museum perception.

Process aesthetic development is complex, gradual, it requires a systematic, long-term impact on the personality of the child.

Under conditions of systematic work and methodically proper organization pedagogical process It is not only possible, but also necessary to start teaching museum perception from an early age. At the same time, the role of the museum is invaluably great, its enormous opportunities for familiarizing with the world of museum values.

Annex 1

Scheme of description of exhibits in the catalog.

  • Drawing (photo) of the exhibit
  • Name: Scientific, everyday, folk names are indicated. It can be emphasized why it is called so.
  • Where collected: The place of collection, its features are indicated: for example, the Urals - mountains; country (if it is not Russia); environment: aquatic (grows in water), ground-air (flies), ground, soil.
  • Collected by: Surname, name, patronymic of the "donor". You can select family exhibits by indicating not only the family name, but also the names of adults and children.
  • Brief information about the exhibit: Where it occurs, why it has such a name, features: for example, leaves, flowers, fruits in plants; color, shape of stones; how it is used by a person; security issues; connections with other components of nature - for example, who feeds on this plant, animal, what plants the nest is made of.
  • How to use in working with children: When studying which blocks of the program the exhibit is used; what to look for when working with children; what activities can be used (experimenting, drawing, modeling).
  • Additional literature: Literature for teachers is listed; literature for children that describes this object, encyclopedias, reference books that contain illustrations with its image and with the image of its habitats.


1. Baydina E.A. Mini-Museum at the Preschool Educational Establishment as a Means patriotic education» // Handbook of the senior educator. - 2013. - No. 2. - S. 32-37.
2. Malyushova, N. Hello, Museum [Text] / N. Malyushova // Preschool education. -2009. - N11. - pp. 24-29
3. Ryzhova N., Loginova L., Danyukova A. Mini-museum in kindergarten. M: Linka-Press, 2008
4. Trunova, M. Secrets of museum pedagogy: from work experience // Preschool education. - 2006. - N 4. - S. 38-42.
5. Chumalova, T. Museum pedagogy for preschoolers // Preschool education. - 2007. - N 10. - S. 44-50.
6. Chumalova, T. Basic principles of museum pedagogy: travel in a time machine // Preschool education. - 2008. - N 3. - S. 58-63.

Kuklina Olga Nikolaevna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: GBDOU №7
Locality: St. Petersburg, Pargolovo
Material name: article
Subject: Museum pedagogy in the development and upbringing of children in a preschool educational institution
Publication date: 03.12.2016
Chapter: preschool education

In another album, photos of those who created our museum:

In our museum you can play: Connoisseurs can compete: who will name the most expressions that mention painted animals:
Our mini-museum continues to delight children. Currently, changes in education require teachers not only to have high-quality subject knowledge, but also professional flexibility in relation to the child, the need to organize the educational process, taking into account individual characteristics every pupil. As part of the modernization of education, the emphasis is on a personality-oriented model of interaction between an adult and a child. The purpose of such interaction is to provide the child with a sense of psychological security, trust in the world, the joy of existence. Modern life is subject to a very fast pace, a person must adapt to everything very quickly. It is especially difficult for a child of preschool age, when he does not yet have much social experience. This pace of life leaves an imprint on his mental development and all its cognitive processes. In this regard, the search for new models and forms of organizing all the activities of children in the conditions of education and training in a preschool institution becomes an urgent task. The education of a child - a preschooler, first of all, should be based on the emotional, sensual side of his personality, which is associated with the characteristics of child psychology. Museum pedagogy, which arose at the intersection of pedagogy, psychology, museology, art (as part of the general culture) and local history, creates conditions for the development of the child's personality by including it in
diverse activities covering the emotional, intellectual spheres. Museum pedagogy solves the problems of aesthetic, moral, spiritual, patriotic education in an integrated way. The forms and methods of its work contribute to the development and improvement of the communicative-speech, cognitive, creative competencies of a preschool child, his successful socialization in a children's, further, human society. It implements the most urgent task of modern education today - to teach a child to learn and learn.

This material is of interest to methodologists, teachers - psychologists and kindergarten teachers.

Museum pedagogy, as a scientific discipline at the intersection of museology, pedagogy and psychology, considers the museum as an educational system, that is, it is able to solve educational, developmental, educational and educational tasks.

On present stage the question arises of creating a museum environment in the preschool educational institutions.

Museum Pedagogy in Preschool Educational Institution

Today in our teaching practice Numerous museum and educational programs for pupils of educational institutions have firmly entered. Museum pedagogy, as a scientific discipline at the intersection of museology, pedagogy and psychology, considers the museum as an educational system, that is, it is able to solve educational, developmental, educational and educational tasks. Why is museum pedagogy firmly included in preschool educational institutions?

Museum pedagogy has more extensive tasks:

Raising love for the native land, people who care about its prosperity;

Formation of self-awareness, the ability to successfully adapt to the world around;

The opportunity to realize themselves in accordance with their inclinations and interests, to reveal individuality;

Formation of child-adult joint activities on the material of museum practice;

Development of innovative technologies, formation of professional competence of teachers.

The methodology of direct educational activities in museum pedagogy should have a number of distinctive features:

1. The focus of training on social adaptation and development emotional sphere child.

2. Free communication of children with the teacher and with each other, when in the process of work you can freely express your thoughts, explain the emotions that arise, disagree with the opinions of others, including adults.

3 .. Children's speech should be relaxed, without specially memorized phrases.

4. The use by the teacher at the first stages of work of the reception of "tips" (the teacher offers several answers to the question asked to the children).

5. The teacher expresses his opinion only after the children, in no case presenting it as the only true one.

6. The purpose of the course is to enrich the experience of the child, visual perception and emotional world.

However, the inclusion of such a program in the educational process is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The fact is that the museum educational program involves the use of special methods and means to introduce the little man to the cultural heritage.

First, you need to decide on age group. The most productive work will be with a child, starting from the age of 4. It is from this age that children develop the ability to see, the ability to observe, notice, analyze and reflect on what they see.

Secondly, it is necessary to find a place for classes in a dense grid of educational activities of the preschool educational institution. If the child is tired, upset, he is unlikely to receive great pleasure from classes in the circle, therefore, such classes should have a relaxing function, they can relax, dream, reason ...

Thirdly, the teacher should be aware that Small child not ready to perceive a complex symbolic language, to comprehend the hidden meaning of the things around him. The task of the teacher is to teach the child to "decipher" this language, to understand it. Therefore, before each lesson, a lot of preliminary preparation is required in order to give the child a hint, to direct his cognitive interest in right direction. It can be a game, a conversation, or the organization of a small exhibition, a selection of interesting literature. In general, the more keys to understanding the child has in his hands, the more interesting and effective his immersion will be.

And after the lesson, of course, it is desirable to consolidate the information received a small creative work can be with parents. It can be a drawing, and photographs, and interesting story on the topic, crafts, book, and much more.

Fourth, to get best result close cooperation with all specialists of the preschool educational institution is necessary both in choosing topics for educational activities, and in their planning and implementation, and in discussing the results obtained. Therefore, it is necessary to rely on the advice of a teacher-psychologist and a speech therapist.

Perhaps, working with preschoolers is the most difficult for modern museums, because they are more focused on schools and universities. Meanwhile, preschool education is gradually and consistently expanding the scope of cooperation with museums. At the present stage, the question arises of creating a museum environment in the preschool educational institutions themselves. Previously, these were, as a rule, corners and exhibitions of reproductions. But the content of the museum environment in preschool institutions can be expanded. For example, the implementation of the My Taganrog program in preschool city Taganrog, in cooperation with museums, can help solve the following pedagogical tasks of preschool childhood:

1) Acquaintance and formation of the initial concept of "history" through the history of the native city, through the concept of "small motherland";

2) The development of psychophysical qualities: observation, imagination, emotional responsiveness, sensory abilities, voluntary attention, the ability to navigate in space and temporal concepts;

3) Education moral qualities personality of the child: kindness, responsiveness, ability to empathize;

Distribution of topics of direct educational activities in the grid curriculum remains at the discretion of the teacher. Without a doubt, it should be systemic and holistic, take into account the age characteristics of children, be associated with the basic program of an educational institution.

The program may consist of several blocks, each of which consists of preparatory work in a group, one lesson or several in each block, consolidating the material. Classes can be held both in the museum and in kindergarten.

Block number 1 - "The museum is ...".

The tasks of the block lessons:

To give an idea of ​​the objects of the historical and everyday museum collection as the keepers of the memory of the past;

Acquaintance with the profession of a museum curator;

Familiarize yourself with the types of museums;

Help children realize that the past will not disappear without a trace, it is kept by the area, buildings, objects, human memory;

Create conditions for an emotional meeting with the "past".

Block No. 2 "We live in Russia"

We live in Russia.

Heraldic symbols of Russia.

Children's rights in Russia.

Russia in the future...

The tasks of the block lessons:

Pay attention to the wealth and independence of the Russian state, to those people who are proud of the country;

Consolidate knowledge heraldic symbols Russia, Yamal, the city in which we live;

Clarify children's knowledge of the rights and obligations of Russian citizens;

To instill a sense of pride in the country, inspire love and respect for people living in Russia.

Block No. 3 "315 years ago"

City map.

The history of the first settlements. Dwelling, life of Taganrog residents.

Founder of Taganrog.

City name.

The tasks of the block lessons:

Provide insight and promote education in children respectful attitude to the history of the native city

Block No. 4 "History of my city"

Coat of arms of the city.

Small homeland - the city of Taganrog, this is the story of a family.

My ancestry.

The tasks of the block lessons:

To educate in children love and a sense of pride for the city in which they were born and live.

Block number 5 Famous people Taganrog

A. P. Chekhov

Chekhov places in Taganrog

Block No. 6 The heroic past of Taganrog

City during the Great Patriotic War

Underground patriots

Heroes of war.

Block number 7 Modern city.

Why I love my city.

To expand the horizons of children and consolidate their knowledge, the staff of the preschool educational institution can create thematic videos, didactic and outdoor games. Children can reveal their impressions and knowledge gained in the classroom through their work (drawings, models, models, various buildings, crafts). Based on the results of the classes, exhibitions of children's works on various topics can be held.

Whatever the direction of the museum and pedagogical activity of the preschool educational institution, it must have a holistic and systematic character. DOW employees must realize that immersing children in an existing museum environment or creating a museum environment in a preschool with the help of children and their parents provides unique opportunity introducing kids to the natural, material and spiritual wealth of society in the process of interesting activities. Such a joint purposeful activity contributes to the unity of the team of employees, children and parents, its results become obvious, as they materialize in the form of exhibitions and expositions with unique exhibits collected or made by joint efforts.

Thus, to the question "Why do children need this?" we can answer the following: the joint activities of employees, children and parents will teach children, and not only them, to appreciate and protect the heritage of previous generations and skillfully use them. This will give a sense of soil and will contribute to the formation of the integrity of the picture of the world and the historical process. Everything in the world is natural and conditioned, nothing arises on empty place and doesn't go anywhere. Destruction to the ground is not productive and wasteful, such an approach weakens the people and leads to the disappearance of culture first, and then himself.

The technology of museum pedagogy in preschool educational institutions

(consultation for educators)

Compiled by: methodologist MBDOU "Kyrensky kindergarten "Sun" Azargayeva I.Zh

Consultation Plan

I. Theoretical part

1.1. Relevance

1.2. The effectiveness of museum pedagogy.

1.3. Organization of a mini-museum in the preschool educational institution

1.4. Features of the location of mini-museums

1.5. Design of mini-museums

1.6. Excursion work in the mini-museum.

II. Practical part

2.1. Discussion. Purpose: to determine the understanding and relevance of the topic.

III. Final part.

Purpose: Increasing the theoretical level of teachers on the topic under study.


1. Get to know theoretical foundations on the organization of mini-museums in preschool educational institutions.

2. Help in determining the subject of mini-museums.

Preliminary work: lecture development.

Methods: lecture, discussion.


Museum pedagogy is an innovative technology in the field of personal education of children, which creates conditions for immersion of the individual in a specially organized subject-spatial environment.

In recent decades, museum pedagogy has become very popular in the system of preschool education and upbringing - museum programs are being created, books are being published, methodological recommendations are being developed (these are the works of M. Yu. Koval, O. V. Dybina). Today we are looking for a partner in the museum to solve problems related to the upbringing and education of children through the implementation of museum and pedagogical activities, both in a museum environment and in a kindergarten. In this case, the objective environment of the surrounding world itself plays the role of a teacher and educator.

Of course, in a kindergarten it is impossible to create expositions that meet the requirements of museum work. Therefore, these expositions are called "mini-museums". The “mini” part of the word reflects the age of the children for whom they are intended, the size of the exhibition and the well-defined theme of such a museum. The purpose of the created mini-museums is to involve children in activities and communication, to influence their emotional sphere.

An important feature of mini-museums in a developing environment is the participation of children and parents in their creation. In real museums, you can’t touch anything, but in mini-museums, it’s not only possible, but necessary! In an ordinary museum, a child is only a passive contemplator, but here he is a co-author, creator of the exposition. And not only himself, but also his father, mother, grandmother and grandfather. Each mini-museum is the result of communication, joint work of the educator, children and their families.

Principles of museum pedagogy

When using museum pedagogy as an innovative technology in the system of forming the culture of preschoolers, the following principles should be taken into account.




    Content (the material should have educational value for children, arouse curiosity in children).

    Mandatory combination of the subject world of the museum with a program focused on the manifestation of children's activity.

    The sequence of familiarizing children with museum collections (in accordance with the tasks of educating preschoolers at each age stage).

    Humanism (exhibits should evoke respect for the nature of things).

    Encouragement of children's questions and fantasies in perception.

    The activity of children in the assimilation of the museum heritage, which manifests itself at the level of practical activity as a reflection of the knowledge and impressions gained in the products of their own creativity, in productive activities (drawing, modeling, writing stories).

    The mobility of the structure of classes-excursions (a clear scenario, but the possibility of improvisation).

Any exposure must take into account the following logical chain:perception - understanding - comprehension - consolidation - application.

Turning to the methodological aspect of the development of museum pedagogy technology, I would like to draw attention to the fact that working with children involves not only the quality and quantity of information received in the course of acquaintance with the mini-museum expositions, but it is important to awaken children's creative activity. Therefore, it is very important to consider the mandatory inclusion of a practical part in the course of acquaintance with the expositions of mini-museums.

It can be variousgamesmuseum content: entertainment games, travel games, graphic exercises, intellectual and creative games, games based on the plot of literary works.

In addition to games, you can usethese types of work , How:

    filling in museum diaries, in which children's drawings, collages, applications, schemes can be presented;

    doing homework (draw, sculpt, come up with your own name, riddle, compose a fairy tale, etc.)

Efficiency the implementation of the technology of museum pedagogy in the conditions of preschool educational institutions is as follows:

    The child has a chance to become an intelligent person, from childhood attached to culture and to one of its remarkable manifestations - the museum.

    Children, having fallen in love with and mastered the museum space, will become the most grateful and receptive visitors to museum exhibitions and cultural events at an older age, acquire a cognitive interest in the “real” museum.

    Children form a value attitude to history, show interest in museums and exhibitions, and develop an emotional response. “The child should leave the museum with a sense of confidence climbing “one more step”.

The task of the preschool teacher is to teach the child to recognize these hidden meanings in objects. Having decided to take this step, it is necessary to realize and formulateupcoming tasks:

    to teach the child to see the historical and cultural context of the surrounding things, i.e. evaluate it from the point of view of the development of history and culture;

    to form an understanding of the relationship of historical eras and their involvement in a different time, another culture through communication with monuments of history and culture;

    to form the ability to recreate the image of the corresponding era on the basis of communication with the cultural heritage, i.e. to the artistic perception of reality;

    develop the ability for aesthetic contemplation and empathy;

    inspire respect for other cultures;

    to develop the ability and need to independently explore the world around by studying the cultural heritage of different eras and peoples.

The main task is to help the child see the "museum" around him, i.e. to reveal to him the historical and cultural context of ordinary things surrounding him in everyday life, to teach him independently, to analyze, compare, draw conclusions. The inclusion of museums in the educational process is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

To use museum pedagogy, certain rules must be followed.

Rule one. It is necessary to seriously, purposefully prepare for a visit to the museum, and then consolidate the knowledge and impressions gained. The child is not prepared to perceive the complex symbolic language of the museum. The task of the teacher is to help the little man in this difficult and very important cognitive activity.

Rule two. It is necessary to be clearly aware of the ultimate task of one's activity - the formation of a creative personality capable of perceiving cultural heritage with interest and being aware of one's responsibility not only for its preservation, but also for the multiplication and transmission of this heritage to other generations.

Organization of a mini-museum in kindergarten

At present, there is an increasing interest in the traditions, history, culture of their small homeland. In the preschool educational institution, the tasks of early familiarization of children with folk culture, knowledge of the past are solved. One of the forms of familiarizing children with their native land is the organization of ethnographic rooms and mini-museums in kindergartens.

The museum is a special, special organized space of the preschool educational institution, which helps to expand the horizons of both the child and the adult, to increase education, upbringing, and familiarization with eternal values.

Creating a mini-museum is a labor-intensive work that consists of several stages.

Stage 1. Setting goals and objectives for parents of kindergarten students. This phase includes activities such as:

    parent meetings;


    individual work.

Stage 2. Room selection.

It is necessary to take into account the number of visitors and exhibits.

Stage 3. Collection of exhibits and their registration in the catalog.

Stage 4. Making a mini-museum, which requires a number of conditions to be met:

    design of a room (corner) taking into account aesthetic standards;

    the presence of children's furniture for games, activities;

    compliance with safety and hygiene standards.

Stage 5 Development of topics and content of excursions and classes to familiarize children with the exhibits.

Stage 6 Development of a perspective-thematic work plan , which provided not only classes for children, but also events for parents, as well as competitions and exhibitions. Also materials for questioning, diagnostics

Stage 7. Choice of tour guides.They can be teachers, older preschoolers or parents.

Stage 8. Opening of a mini-museum with the invitation of children and their parents.

Principles of creating a mini-museum

    The principle of integration - a mini-museum should take into account the content of the educational preschool programs and help in the implementation of its general tasks and tasks of individual educational areas.

    The principle of activity and interactivity - a mini-museum should provide pupils with the opportunity to realize themselves in various types of children's activities (use exhibits in role-playing games, create crafts and include them in the general exposition, etc.).

    The principle of conformity to nature - a mini-museum should be created taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of children of different ages and provide conditions for the disclosure of the creative potential of each child.

    The principle of scientificity - the presented exhibits should reliably reflect the theme of the mini-museum, explain the various processes and phenomena within the framework of the chosen topic in a scientific and at the same time accessible language for the child.

    The principle of humanization and partnership - a mini-museum should offer conditions for the comprehensive development of the child, encouragement of his initiative, creative activity within the framework of subject-subject relations in the "adult-child", "child-child" system.

    The principle of cultural conformity - a mini-museum should be focused on familiarizing children with world culture, universal values ​​through the development of the values ​​and norms of national culture in the course of directly educational activities in the museum space.

    The principle of dynamism and variability - the exposition of a mini-museum should be constantly supplemented and updated, taking into account the age characteristics of the children of the group.

    The principle of diversity is to fill the mini-museum with exhibits that are different in form, content, size, reflecting the historical, natural and cultural diversity of the surrounding world.

    The principle of the regional component - a mini-museum should provide for the organization of work with children to familiarize them with the cultural heritage of the region, as well as the culture of other peoples, which contributes to the development of tolerance and the formation of a sense of patriotism.

Design of mini-museums

The most optimal placement of mini-museum exhibits is at different levels: vertical and horizontal. Racks and wall shelves, screens, stands, tables of various sizes, cabinets will help to solve this problem.

The location of all the exhibits only in a horizontal plane (on a table) is not practical. In one plane, it is best to consider collections (objects of the same name). The task of a mini-museum is to show an object from different angles, to reflect its relationship with other objects.

Secondly, in the horizontal plane it is difficult to unite the exhibits by themes and separate them visually. This complicates the task of keeping the child's attention within the same group of objects. In the absence of suitable corners, it is possible to build multi-level coasters from building cubes, cylinders, bricks on a table, fastening them together with adhesive tape and beautifully draping them with a light fabric.

Also, the development of the vertical can be carried out as follows:

    Placement of material on wall shelves;

    The use of screens;

    Use of stands;

    Placement of fine material on dry or artificial tree branches.

Stands are very easy to use. Their advantage lies in the fact that they are easy to manufacture, light and safe for children. The stands are mobile and allow you to easily and quickly rebuild the compositional solution of the museum. Stands can be different in shape, color, location. These advantages of the stands make it possible to solve the problem of attracting and holding children's attention to the museum exhibits. Stands are used to place illustrative information, diagrams. It is convenient to attach light bulky items to them.

If there is a certain place for museums, it is very convenient to attach 2-3 small hooks to the ceiling. This will diversify the composition of the museum with vertical elements.

The theme of mini-museums.

Can be varied:

    "Wonder Tree" - acquaintance with the structure and diversity of trees, the relationship of plants and animals, the importance of trees in people's lives; the need for respect for nature;

    "City of Masters" - acquaintance with the problem of waste, options for using various "garbage", development of imagination, speech, creativity of children and parents;

    "Best Friend" - expositions are connected with stories about different breeds of dogs, about their origin, about different materials (comparison of glass, clay, paper figures), about the role of dogs in human life;

    Mini-museum of the book - acquaintance with the history of the emergence of books, fostering interest in reading, a story about the role of books in human life, about different writers, about how literacy appeared and developed;

    “Toys-fun” - exhibits that attract the attention of kids can be collected here: large, bright, sounding, educational toys (dolls, cars, figures of animals and creatures unknown to science);

    "My native city" - acquaintance with the history of the city, its interesting places, education of patriotic feelings, love for one's city; acquaintance with the peculiarities of your area, its history, memorable places, compiling stories about the city, region, creating a series of your own drawings, comparing them with photographs, postcards;

    "Our Motherland - Russia" - acquaintance with the history, culture, natural features of our country, education of patriotism, acquaintance with folk crafts, with the life of Russians at different times, with historical and memorable places; speech development; the formation of ideas about historical time, communication with their ancestors;

    "Theatrical Dolls" - introducing preschoolers to the world of art, the world of theater. The development of motor skills, speech, the provision of conditions for both independent play and for working in a team (staging performances), writing scripts, fairy tales;

    Mini-museum of theatrical costume - as in the previous case, preschoolers join the world of art and theater, learn about how theatrical costumes have changed, fantasize by creating their own models, come up with their own productions, learn to play in a team, express themselves through the means of art;

    Art Gallery;

    Mini-museum of nature - unusual, rare objects of animate and inanimate nature, various products made from natural materials can be presented here. Such exhibits can be large cones, seeds of a plant rare in our country, intricately curved branches and roots, beautiful natural and artificial stones, stones with imprints of ancient plants and animals, old abandoned nests of birds and insects (for example, wasps), feathers;

    "Military Valor and Glory", etc.

When defining content, you must:

1. Pick up a variety of museum exhibits and their number in advance. For example: to hold a visiting exhibition of a “museum chest”, you may need several items of the same purpose (rolling pins, painted spoons, whistles, etc.). In this case, they are not all displayed in showcases, but are purchased for future use and stored in “stores” until a certain time.
2. When determining the subject of expositions, adhere to the rule of “gradual change”: something remains familiar for children, and something new is introduced in stages.
3. If at the initial stage there is no variety of material, in no case do not expose it all. The main task of the museum in a preschool institution is to constantly maintain the keen interest of pupils in it and prevent boring monotony.
4. Be sure to build the perspective of the museum. No need to chase the active updating of materials. Separate themes and exhibits will be present in your museum with a certain cyclicity. This is due to the peculiarities of the educational process of preschool educational institutions: preschoolers are introduced to certain topics in stages, with additions and complication depending on age.

Excursion work in the mini-museum

An exceptionally important place in the work of a mini-museum should be occupied by excursions (classes-excursions). And this is quite natural, since the museum exposition and the excursion method are interconnected. Much attention should be paid to the training of young guides from older preschool groups. They are involved in conducting excursions around the museum for parents and children of primary preschool age.

Excursion work with children solves the following main tasks:

    revealing the creative abilities of children;

    expansion of ideas about the content of museum culture;

    development of initial skills of perception of the museum language;

    creation of conditions for creative communication and cooperation.

The methodological forms of excursion work with preschool children in the museum are quite diverse: conducting sightseeing and thematic excursions, conducting informative conversations and events, organizing exhibitions.

The listed methods are implemented in various forms of the guide's work with children: quizzes and riddles, charades and rebuses, didactic games, creative tasks. The methodological principles of excursion work are clearly determined by such important factors as the developmental orientation of education, the psychological characteristics of the individual and the age characteristics of museum perception.

The process of aesthetic development is complex, gradual, it requires a systematic, long-term impact on the personality of the child.

Under the conditions of systematic work and methodically correct organization of the pedagogical process, it is not only possible, but also necessary to start teaching museum perception from an early age. At the same time, the role of the museum is invaluably great, its enormous opportunities for familiarizing with the world of museum values.

II. Practical part

2.1. Discussion. Purpose: to determine the understanding of the topic.

III. Final part.

3.1. Summing up the consultation.

Annex 1

Scheme of description of exhibits in the catalog.

    Drawing (photo) of the exhibit

    Name: Scientific, everyday, folk names are indicated. It can be emphasized why it is called so.

    Where collected: The place of collection, its features are indicated: for example, the Urals are mountains; country (if it is not Russia); environment: aquatic (grows in water), ground-air (flies), ground, soil.

    Collected by: Surname, name, patronymic of the "donor". You can select family exhibits by indicating not only the family name, but also the names of adults and children.

    Brief information about the exhibit: Where it occurs, why it has such a name, features: for example, leaves, flowers, fruits in plants; color, shape of stones; how it is used by a person; security issues; connections with other components of nature - for example, who feeds on this plant, animal, what plants the nest is made of.

    How to use in working with children: When studying which blocks of the program the exhibit is used; what to look for when working with children; what activities can be used (experimenting, drawing, modeling).

    Additional literature: Literature for teachers is listed; literature for children that describes this object, encyclopedias, reference books that contain illustrations with its image and with the image of its habitats.


1. Baydina E.A. Mini-Museum in the Preschool Educational Establishment as a Means of Patriotic Education” // Handbook of the Senior Educator. - 2013. - No. 2. - S. 32-37.
2. Malyushova, N. Hello, Museum [Text] / N. Malyushova // Preschool education. -2009. - N11. - pp. 24-29
3. Ryzhova N., Loginova L., Danyukova A. Mini-museum in kindergarten. M: Linka-Press, 2008
4. Trunova, M. Secrets of museum pedagogy: from work experience //

Museum Pedagogy as an Innovative Pedagogical Technology of Preschool Educational Institution

The museum is a mixture of art and history, philology and fable, document and novel, which sends us a ray of light through the years and conveys experience and knowledge of unique value.” F. Dzeri

The museum is a repository of history, where the accumulated experience of generations is stored, it is a way of knowing the world around, therefore it reflects the most different sides our reality. It is very important to tell the child, precisely at preschool age, about where he lives, who his ancestors are, what his small homeland is, how great his country is. From history, love for the Fatherland is formed.

Museum pedagogy is an area of ​​upbringing and educational activities aimed at shaping a child's holistic attitude to reality.

“In the learning process, the mind, heart and hands of the child should be involved”

I. G. Pestalozzi.

Museum pedagogy as a scientific discipline in

at the intersection of museology, pedagogy and psychology, considers the museum as an educational system, that is, it is able to solve educational, developmental, educational and educational tasks.Proceeding from this, the subject of museum pedagogy is museum communication.

The purpose of museum pedagogy is to create conditions for the development of the individual by including it in the diverse activities of the museum. Therefore, today it is considered as an innovative pedagogical technology.

The tasks of museum pedagogy:

  • Formation of ideas about the museum among preschoolers;
  • Formation of design and research skills;
  • Raising love for the native land and people who care about its prosperity;
  • Raising a love for nature native land and a sense of belonging to its savings;
  • Formation of self-awareness, the formation of an active life position, the ability to successfully adapt to the world around;
  • Formation of joint activities for children and adults on the basis of museum practice;
  • Enrichment of the subject-developing environment of the preschool educational institution;
  • Development of cognitive abilities and cognitive activity;
  • Speech development and vocabulary expansion;
  • Education of a culture of behavior

Already in the early age children begin to be interested in the subject world. Cognition is carried out by the accumulation of sensory impressions from the things surrounding the child. The joy of knowing and the pleasure of looking are similar and simultaneous phenomena. The museum, on the other hand, is able to enrich the child with impressions from sometimes completely new, unfamiliar objects that he has never met, and could not meet in reality accessible to him. This unusually expands the horizons, ideas about the world.

In conversations with children, we found out that not all children have been to the museum at least once, some do not know what it is at all, and parents do not consider it necessary to take preschool children to museums.

The problem is solved by the creation of mini-museums in preschool educational institutions. they are one of the best means of conveying information. There is an introduction into the educational DOW process museum pedagogy, the creation of a museum and educational space in the preschool educational institution, the center of which is a mini museum.

With the help of museum pedagogy, one can help children navigate the complex world of culture, expand their knowledge and ideas about the world and about themselves, and realize themselves as the heir of not only their own, but also other cultures. Excursions to the museum are able to supplement and enrich any information of the teacher, make the process of education itself objective, visual and tangible.

The inclusion of museums in the educational process is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

  • The creation of a mini-museum is a labor-intensive work, which consists of several stages: setting goals and objectives for the parents of kindergarten students (consultation, individual work);
  • choice of premises (number of visitors and exhibits);
  • collection of exhibits;
  • design of a mini-museum (taking into account aesthetic standards; compliance with safety rules);
  • development of topics and content of excursions and classes to familiarize children with the exhibits;
  • development of a perspective-thematic work plan, which included not only classes with children, but also events for parents, as well as competitions and exhibitions, the choice of guides (teachers and preschoolers themselves);
  • opening of a mini-museum with the invitation of children, parents.

When using museum pedagogy as an innovative technology in the system of forming the culture of preschoolers, the principles of visibility, accessibility, and content are taken into account. The material should have an educational value for children, arouse curiosity in children. Mandatory combination of the subject world of the museum with a program focused on the manifestation of children's activity;

The sequence of introducing children to museum collections (in accordance with the tasks of educating preschoolers at each age stage);

Humanism (exhibits should evoke respect for the nature of things);

The activity of children in the assimilation of the museum heritage, as a reflection of the knowledge and impressions gained in the products of their own creativity, in children's activities (drawing, modeling, writing stories, excursions, interactive games).

"Mini Museum" is not just an exhibition of antiquity and the past, but also an active link in continuous educational activities. The attention of preschool children is not yet sufficiently formed. It is characterized by short duration, instability. Therefore, the effectiveness of all work in a mini-museum depends on the good location and attractiveness of the exhibits, on the ability of the narrator-guide to interest visitors-listeners.

In an ordinary museum, a child- only a passive contemplator, but here he is a co-author, creator of the exposition. And not only himself, but also his father, mother, grandmother and grandfather. Each mini-museum is the result of communication, joint work of the educator, children and their families.

The parents of pupils are the first and main assistants: they willingly take part in the creation of mini-museums and replenishment of the object-spatial environment. Together with the children, they participate in the collection of museum exhibits, thereby arousing interest in the work we started.

And in conclusion, I would like to say: “Let's educate our children in such a way that in the future they will preserve what their ancestors have saved for them, be able to learn from other peoples what will be useful to them for a successful cohabitation with all the peoples of the world in peace and harmony on our huge and at the same time so small planet Earth!”