A pregnant woman has colitis in her left side. Causes of painful discomfort in the left side. What not to do with pain in the left side

Having become pregnant, women take their health seriously, listen to the slightest changes, with fear, sometimes panic, react to unfamiliar manifestations in the body. Some girls complain of slight tingling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy. Naturally, expectant mothers are worried about a similar symptom, therefore, in order to eliminate tension, we will explain in detail why the stomach colitis during pregnancy.

Why does the stomach colitis during pregnancy

Colic, backache in the lower abdomen during pregnancy is primarily associated with growth, a rapid increase in the size of the uterus. The reproductive organ is developing every day. With the size of the embryo, her musculature, fibers stretch, stimulating stabbing, painful feelings. Who said that pregnancy is a “sweet” period, sometimes unpleasant moments happen.

The key reasons causing pain, tingling of the lower abdomen are:

  • uterine hypertonicity;
  • digestive failure;
  • flatulence, gas formation;
  • pathology of pregnancy;
  • injuries of the cervix and isthmus of the uterus;
  • inflammation of appendicitis;
  • early birth;
  • start of labor activity.
The tone of the uterus is observed during the entire pregnancy: how to initial stage, and the end. This is due to the work of the uterus, hormonal changes. It is not worth panicking because of hypertonicity and “healing” it. It is necessary to control the level of discomfort during the "petrification" of the abdomen and with the aggravation of the situation, contact the doctors.

Often, painful feelings when carrying a child appear in women with cervical injuries, which arose due to previous births with large fruit, using obstetric forceps, performing abortions.

Sometimes tingling of the lower abdomen is noticed when walking during pregnancy. Experts explain that fast walking, running, dynamic movements provoke contraction of the muscles of the uterus, “petrification”, which responds with discomfort in the lower abdomen, stabbing painful sensations. In this case, slow down, if possible, take a horizontal position. After a certain period of time, the situation will normalize.

Colitis right side lower abdomen during pregnancy

Conditionally dividing right side human abdomen into two squares - upper, lower - then in the upper right segment we will see the liver, gallbladder, fragment of the intestine, right side diaphragms; in the lower square there is an appendix, ureter, which drains urine from the kidneys to the bladder, fallopian tubes. Given the placement of the internal organs, you can guess which one is bothering you.

Increased attention is required by the situation when the right side of the lower abdomen colitis during pregnancy. Especially if the girl did not remove appendicitis - an appendage of the caecum. It is the stabbing symptoms in the right lower abdomen, which progress for 12 hours or more, give a spasm to the umbilical zone, signal inflammation of the appendix. Such symptoms, being in a position, should not be ignored, because at any moment the appendage can fester, crack - lead to death.

When colitis during pregnancy in the lower abdomen on the right early dates, we can assume an ectopic pregnancy (the fertilized egg does not descend into the body of the uterus, remaining in the fallopian tube). Especially when tingling dynamics are accompanied bleeding, general malaise, fainting, sometimes, fever body.

Sometimes right-sided pain in the lower abdomen caused by sexual infections: gonorrhea, chlamydia. Sometimes colic signal the occurrence of cystitis: with such an outcome, tingling is accompanied frequent urination And cutting pains during this process.

Under any circumstances, the main thing is not to panic, not to engage in self-diagnosis, self-treatment - in case of acute prolonged pain, discomfort, seek qualified help.

Colitis on the left side of the lower abdomen during pregnancy

Tingling in the lower abdomen on the left during pregnancy is due to the same reasons as pain in the lower right side, except for inflammation of the appendix process. Circumstances that provoke discomfort are the following:
  • cystitis;
  • the occurrence of various sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis);
  • probability ectopic pregnancy;
  • inflammation of the pelvic appendages (ovarian inflammation, tumor).
Due to pregnancy, hormonal changes in the body, organs abdominal cavity move from their trajectory, lose their muscles, elasticity, with the growth of the fetus they shrink, and often contribute to the failure of the digestive tract. Food passes through the intestines intermittently, often stagnates, which leads to constipation. Difficulty emptying the intestines causes colic, tingling in the lower abdomen on the left, right, spasms, aching pain.

Experts recommend that women competently approach the process of nutrition. Include essentials in your diet fermented milk products, fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grain bread: eat often, but in small portions. It is necessary to resort to the use of laxatives only on the recommendation of a gynecologist - self-medication during pregnancy is not permissible!

Stomach tingling during early pregnancy

Tingling in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy, first of all, says that your uterus is changing. At the time of fertilization, the reproductive organ is constantly changing its configuration. And at the time of 6-8 weeks, it changes shape from pear-shaped to ovoid and then grows in size. Such a transformation indicates the correct course of pregnancy and intrauterine development the fetus as a whole.

Due to the transformation and maturation of the uterus, its walls, muscles lengthen, causing stabbing sometimes aching pains in the abdomen. Specialists note: such symptoms are considered the standard at the beginning of fertilization, and usually worry girls who have before pregnancy menstrual cycle was accompanied by severe pain, inflammation of the appendages was observed. When the tingling in the lower abdomen is short, disappear within an hour and a half - doctors recommend that mothers calm down, lie down, or take a leisurely walk on fresh air. With prolonged symptoms, you should consult a doctor to localize the problem.

It happens that the lower abdomen pricks in the early stages of pregnancy when sneezing or coughing. In this case, you should not be afraid either, due to such manipulations, the muscles of the uterus are compressed, causing some discomfort. There is some discomfort in the lower abdomen with sudden movements, when there is a scar on the uterus after surgery caesarean section. The body of the uterus with a suture is less elastic, and when stretched, it causes certain tingling, pulling pain.

Girls re-pregnant after surgical intervention you have to be doubly alert. Because the seam on the uterus can disperse, leading to a disappointing outcome.

Also abnormal pregnancy caused by the formation of an ovum wrong place, characterized by pain, tingling in the right lower abdomen.

Stomach colitis during late pregnancy

Stab belly during pregnancy later dates often starts because intrauterine growth fetus, respectively, an increase in the reproductive organ. In view of this, the child presses on the bladder, and during the period of urination or when urging to go to the toilet, the stomach below provokes colic.

Pricking in the lower segment of the belly from the middle of pregnancy begins with training bouts. At the end of the period, increasing prolonged colic becomes one of the signs of imminent childbirth.

Pregnancy is one of the most wonderful times a woman goes through. But there are moments when not very pleasant sensations are felt. Pain during pregnancy, unfortunately, can also be a companion during this period.

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Women often complain about discomfort in the lower part of the body. There are many different organs in the stomach, which, with the process of transforming the body in order to grow in oneself new life change, and things can go wrong.

When the left side hurts during pregnancy, this can be the cause of various diseases. With a sharp incessant pain for more than twenty minutes, you should immediately call an ambulance or go to a specialist on your own.

Required urgent Care with these symptoms:

  • sharp pain on the side occurs against the background of an excellent state of the whole organism;
  • sensations only intensify over time;
  • bleeding begins;
  • pale skin;
  • state of weakness.

Such pain may be premature threat termination of pregnancy (miscarriage). It can be sharp, stabbing, similar to contractions. If the gestation period is short, the pain is pulling or pressing, but not intense, then most likely the reason is the growing uterus, which puts pressure on the organs from the inside.

Better check with a specialist

Perhaps pain from the left side suggests that the growing fetus slightly shifts the intestines, so food is unevenly distributed. Hormones that are produced during pregnancy that allow the uterus to contract can affect peristalsis. For the same reason, constipation can form.

On the upper left side of the abdomen is the stomach, pancreas, spleen, left side diaphragm. Pain may be associated with one of these organs. Approach of the fetus to them or incorrect functioning.

Back discomfort

The body of the expectant mother is under a huge load, so everything weak spots in the health of women begin to manifest themselves with a vengeance. The center of gravity often shifts, and the entire load falls on the spine, lower back.

The main reasons why the side on the left side of the back can hurt during pregnancy are:

  • kidney disease;
  • damage to the spleen;
  • pathological processes of the digestive system;
  • spine disease;
  • pancreatic lesions, inflammation, pancreatitis;
  • disease of the musculoskeletal system;
  • intestinal lesions (inflammatory processes, colitis);
  • myositis (usually localized along the spinal column).

Sometimes the cause of pregnancy pain that focuses on the back can be a disease of the urinary system.

Kidney complications

Pain localized under the ribs on the left side may indicate that this is due to pathological processes that affect the spleen. It is an organ that helps to recycle damaged blood cells. Therefore, if leukemias are formed, any damage, it increases and its capsules stretch, because of this, unpleasant sensations can occur.

This is unlikely to harm the health of the baby, but it can bring many unpleasant moments to the expectant mother, since it is rarely possible to remove pain syndrome, so often have to endure until birth.

The ribs start to hurt usually on recent months pregnancy. This happens all for the same reason - the uterus increases and gradually shifts, internal organs move with her. It becomes difficult to sit, stand and walk.

The main causes of pain in the side.

Pain in the epigastric regionOccurs due to the fact that the muscles of the organs digestive system weakened. Digestion slows down, there is pain in the stomach, it can give to the left side. Sensations can be stabbing or pulling.15%
Indigestion, constipationSharp sharp pains may be intense from the start of pregnancy. With such sensations, it is better to be observed by specialists.25%
The left side of the diaphragmA muscle located in the abdominal cavity. Due to the increase in the fetus, it stretches, causing discomfort.15%
Bowel loopsThere are colic, the uterus presses on the hinges with an increase.30 %
PancreasAt chronic disease gives dull pain throughout the lumbar space.From 10 - 15%

Folk recipes for calming

If you experience acute discomfort, which intensify over time, you need to contact a specialist. But if the pain is pulling, which appears from time to time, then you can use traditional medicine recipes.

The occurrence of acute pain

For the first you will need:

  • burdock leaves;
  • vinegar;
  • vegetable oil.

With aching pains in the left side or lower back during pregnancy, the method of application is as follows.

  1. It is necessary to take three leaves of burdock.
  2. Soak in water with vinegar diluted there (1.5 / 1).
  3. Lay the leaves one on top of the other.
  4. Apply to the side for an hour, securing on the body with a light bandage.
  5. Repeat the procedure several times a day.

For the second recipe you will need:

  • immortelle;
  • corn silk;
  • rose hip;
  • artichoke;
  • nettle;
  • plantain.

Mode of application.

  1. It is necessary to mix all the herbs, after crushing them.
  2. Pour in boiling water.
  3. Leave for at least an hour.
  4. Take before meals several times a day.
  5. Plantain juice can be used to wipe sore spots.

Necessary preventive measures

Well preventive measures will depend on what kind of pain you are experiencing. Often, to maintain pregnancy, doctors recommend taking hormonal preparations- Duphaston, Ginipral, Utrozhestan and more. They help the uterus fight the tone, and the baby develops fully in the womb.

But these drugs can only be taken in combination with other drugs. medicines and strictly on the advice of a doctor.

In the second semester, aching pains in the left side may appear due to the fact that the load on the veins of the spleen, which overflows with blood, increases. It is necessary to exclude weight lifting, reduce physical activity, do not get involved in fitness. But physical exercise will be superfluous if the doctor does not forbid.

It must be remembered that some physical labor is completely contraindicated - this applies to those who have increased arterial pressure, with its increase, the pain gives to the left side. The specialist appoints necessary drugs, to:

  • normalize pressure;
  • reduce pain;
  • get rid of the discomfort.

A little later, pain in the side occurs due to the intestines. The baby is already growing up, gradually shifting the intestines, future mom starts to feel uncomfortable about it. In this situation, you need to reconsider your diet, abandon any fatty foods, fried, spicy. It is better to divide the meal into several small ones. It is better to eat less, but more often. Overeating in this case will only worsen the general condition.

Seek advice from a specialist

Still pains in the side during pregnancy appear when the child begins to constantly move around. There is not enough space for him, he alternately stretches his arms, legs, and discomfort may also appear on this occasion.

Often there are cases of pain due to infection in the body that occurs in the genitourinary tract - chlamydia, cytomegalovirus, ovarian cyst. It only requires acceptance. medicines prescribed by the doctor.

So it is necessary to monitor your health and the health of the unborn child. Pain cannot appear on its own, you need to find out the cause and eliminate it.

Today, we will discuss the topic of pain in the left hypochondrium in pregnant women and girls. During pregnancy, the appearance of pain in the left side can be physiological in nature, but do not ignore this symptom: It may indicate the presence of life-threatening diseases.

Why does the left side hurt during pregnancy?

From the beginning of pregnancy, under the influence of hormones in the body of the expectant mother, a lot of changes take place aimed at maintaining pregnancy. Hormones regulate the processes of digestion, are responsible for muscle relaxation, blood flow to the pelvic organs and the placenta. All this may be accompanied by symptoms unusual for a woman. including the pains mentioned above.

Pain in the left side at the beginning of the gestation period

This imbalance of the body at the beginning of pregnancy is often caused by changes under the influence of hormones. Pain in the epigastric region and in the left hypochondrium It occurs due to the weakening of the muscles of the digestive system. At the same time, the secretion of digestive juices is somewhat inhibited, digestion slows down, and when overeating or eating food quickly, pain in the stomach occurs. To improve the condition switch to easily digestible food, eat often, but in small portions, do not overload the stomach with protein foods, drink a little between meals. Pain in the left side It can be pulling, aching, stabbing or sharp in nature, it can be weak or intense. Most often associated with a weakening of intestinal motility. May be accompanied by flatulence and constipation, intensify 2-3 hours after eating and disappear after defecation.

To eliminate the symptom, it is necessary to include easily digestible laxative products in the diet, normalize the diet, drink more fluids and lead a mobile lifestyle.

Pain under the left rib from below It is most often caused by indigestion and constipation. However, at the very beginning of pregnancy, the pain that occurs in this area should alert. Pulling and aching, cramping pain from below may indicate a tubal or ovarian left-sided pregnancy. In this case, the pain gets worse over time., and when the pipe breaks, it acquires an acute and strong character, accompanied by vomiting, severe sweating, sharp deterioration health, weakness. An ectopic pregnancy is a life-threatening condition for a woman that requires emergency medical care.

Pain in the left side in the second trimester of pregnancy

In the second trimester, the uterus begins to rapidly increase in size, displaces and squeezes the pelvic organs, which can also provoke pain under the ribs on the left side. Pain in the left hypochondrium It can be caused by digestive problems in the lower intestines due to bowel displacement, constipation - such pain disappears after defecation. bladder and kidney. If the pain in the upper part of the left side radiates to the back With the pressure of the uterus on the ureter, stagnation of fluid in the kidneys is often observed. At the same time, the pelvis increases, and pulling, sometimes severe pain in the side, extending to the back. To alleviate the condition of the pregnant woman, it is necessary to wear prenatal bandage , lying down to rest on a healthy side and more often stand in a knee-elbow position: the uterus moves forward, the pressure on the ureter weakens, the natural process of removing fluid normalizes.

Pain under the left rib in the third trimester of pregnancy

At this stage, the bottom of the uterus rises higher and higher, begins to displace the stomach, spleen, pancreas, and put pressure on the diaphragm.

Therefore, in addition to the pains listed above, on the left, pains in the stomach can be localized due to its displacement (in the left hypochondrium), pancreas (on the left under the ribs), as well as from aggravation of problems with the intestines (in the left side and inguinal regions).

Eliminate unpleasant symptoms you can try to maintain the principles proper nutrition, switching to a diet without sour, fried and salty, regular wearing of a bandage, as well as light physical activity. Cramping pain in the left side after 37 weeks may indicate the onset of labor.

Pathological conditions causing pain in the left side

A decrease in immunity in pregnant women leads to an exacerbation of chronic and an increase in cases of infectious and fungal diseases. During pregnancy, pain on the left under the ribs may indicate the following pathologies:

  1. exacerbation of chronic or the appearance of acute gastritis (localized under the rib);
  2. exacerbation of stomach ulcers;
  3. diseases of the spleen (in the hypochondrium and left flank);
  4. the appearance of a diaphragmatic hernia, pinching of the stomach (on the left under the ribs, in the epigastric region);
  5. pancreatitis;
  6. infectious and inflammatory diseases of the stomach, left kidney (gives to the left lumbar), ureters, left uterine appendages (left iliac region);
  7. inflammation peptic ulcer departments, infection of the intestine (in the left flank and groin) and many other conditions.

The nature of pain from the left during pregnancy

The pain on the left can wear different character, be weak, acute, intense. By the nature of the pain, as well as the presence additional symptoms it is possible to guess the reason for its occurrence.

If pulls in the left side

Drawing pain in the side can occur with left-sided pyelonephritis, pleurisy, left-sided pneumonia, indigestion, inflammation of the left uterine appendages, stomach cancer. If the pain is accompanied by fever, it is most likely caused by infectious diseases.

If colitis under the left rib

Stitching pains of varying intensity appear with pathologies of the spleen, problems with the intestines, as well as intense physical exertion.

If you are in severe and sharp pain

Often speaks of the acute course of the disease, occurs with severe lesions of the stomach tissues (perforation of the ulcer, acute gastritis), rupture of the spleen, infringement of the stomach, left-sided renal colic, rupture of a cyst of the left ovary or the ovary itself, rupture of the fallopian tube during ectopic pregnancy, volvulus of the intestines. Almost always accompanied by a mass of additional symptoms, always requires emergency medical care.

Please read what they can signal. Also, information about acute toothache during pregnancy will be important. Relevant for expectant mothers. When carrying a child, a woman's immunity weakens, such simple things as a cold can easily overtake almost any woman. And if you get a sore throat during pregnancy, please read this information.

Pregnant women often complain of pain in the side. But since this is a very vague definition, let's try to figure out what pain in one or another part of the abdomen may indicate.

You need to know that a sudden sharp pain in the side - alarm bell especially if it lasts more than 30 minutes. Do not put off a visit to the doctor or calling an ambulance, because, perhaps, a pregnant woman needs an urgent health care. If you experience pain in your side, you need to contact one of the specialists: an obstetrician-gynecologist, a gastroenterologist, a surgeon, an infectious disease specialist.

The first thing you need to tell the doctor over the phone is the symptoms, the nature of the pain and the place of its localization. To do this, you must know that the abdomen is conditionally divided into four parts: the upper right segment (right side from above), the upper left segment (left side from above), the lower right and lower left segments (right and left side from below).

Pain in the right side from above during pregnancy

Pain in the left side from below during pregnancy

Pain in this part of the abdomen is caused by the same causes as pain in the right side from below, with the exception of appendicitis.

In late pregnancy, some women note the appearance of uncharacteristic pain, a feeling of heaviness or fullness in the right hypochondrium. Often - this is the gallbladder and bile ducts, contributing to the development inflammatory process, stone formation. At the same time, dyskinesia can be one of the manifestations of cholelithiasis, chronic cholecystitis, anomalies in the development of the biliary tract.

Also, the appearance of pain in the pancreas can be caused by a special - pregnant - condition of a woman. At this time, active motor activity is reduced, and the internal organs function “at a discount” for pregnancy. For example, under the influence of the production of progesterone, the main hormone of pregnancy, the uterus relaxes, and with it, for company, other organs, including the gallbladder. Insufficient emptying of this organ leads to its stretching and the appearance of pain.

The occurrence of dyskinesia can also be associated with purely mechanical reasons: the growing uterus presses, "compresses" the organs of the chest cavity, including the liver and gallbladder, as a result, the normal process of bile secretion may be disrupted. In this case, pain is often accompanied by nausea, unwillingness to eat, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, and bloating.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

In the body of a pregnant woman constantly occur physiological changes which are characterized by various discomfort. Sometimes the left side colitis during pregnancy and this is a reason for excitement, which is contraindicated.

Such a symptom may be the cause of the development of pathology or a natural reaction of the body to some changes. To find out the exact cause, a doctor's examination is necessary.

What is in the woman's stomach on the left

Partially or completely in this area are located:

  1. stomach;
  2. spleen;
  3. pancreas;
  4. genitals;
  5. bud;
  6. liver.

With the development of diseases of these organs, it can stab on the left during pregnancy. However, identification similar symptoms does not always mean the development of pathology. Pricking the left side often begins due to the growth of the uterus, which will put pressure on the organs. Let's consider each reason separately.


If a pregnant woman has colitis on the left side in the upper abdomen, this may be a signal of a malfunction of the stomach, spleen or pancreas. In some cases, the discomfort disappears after a revision of the diet, namely if you eat often and in small doses.

If such pain in the left abdomen is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, fever, you should immediately consult a doctor. Such signs may indicate the development of peptic ulcer or stomach cancer.

With a disease of the spleen, it will also stab in the abdomen on the left. Violations in its work have devastating consequences for many organs.

With inflammation of the pancreas, it will be pricked both in the left and in the right side. With the development of inflammation, the pregnant woman will also show other signs - high fever, nausea and vomiting.

Physiology of the expectant mother

The fetus in the uterus is constantly developing and increasing in size. Along with it, the uterus also increases. This body begins to put pressure on nearby organs. This applies to parts of the liver, intestines, etc.

Although such changes are painful, they will not bring any harm to either the woman or the child.

When to sound the alarm

An ambulance must be called in the following situations:

  1. on the left side colitis strongly and constantly;
  2. symptoms appear along with high temperature body;
  3. left side colitis, with nausea and vomiting.

In these cases, a doctor's examination should be carried out immediately.