How to find out who your soulmate is. How to know that you have found your soul mate

They say that one day love comes to us... But it's not love that comes to us, but we come to it...

We live in anticipation of a miracle, in anticipation fabulous day when long-awaited love appears on our way. We accomplish our intentions and actions, moving in a direction that can lead us to love. In every person who comes into our lives, we try to see that very one, dear and most beloved, the one who will wake up our heart, sleeping under the cover of sincere feelings.

But where is he, the man who will make us happy? He is very close, closer than we think ... And somewhere on this Earth he leaves his steps, somewhere his voice sounds and his laughter is heard ... But we know what he will be like, don't we? His image always appears in our mind. And this is not a figment of fantasy, not a fictitious ideal, but a real man that exists on this Earth and in this life.

From birth, we are given the image of our soulmate, and we carefully store it in our minds, but often take it for the fruit of our imagination, for a fictional character that does not exist in reality, this person seems too ideal to us. But the more we accept the image of our soul mate as a fantasy, the further life takes this person away from us, the more difficult it will be to meet him halfway. We doubt and cannot see a holistic image of our soul mate, but as soon as we discard all doubts, prejudices and focus on the image, a picture of the person who will be next to us will immediately begin to emerge in our minds. And this picture is multidimensional, it has many facets and development scenarios.

The fact is that we can see not only the image of that very person, but also all sorts of options for our meeting. Our ancestors knew that every person has a soul mate, and that their meeting will definitely happen when each of them is ready. Because young girls and boys were not allowed to have relationships with just anyone, because virginity had importance when choosing a wife or husband. All the people with whom we have relationships leave their mark on our energy field, which in turn creates interference and distorted vibrations for the person who is truly our soulmate.

After all, we attract each other thanks to our own energy, a certain level of vibrations, which is reflected in all components of our life. Because in modern world where perverted ideals have become a value, it is so hard to meet that same person. But there is always the opportunity to cleanse ourselves of other people's energies, to tune in to the wave that will reunite the river of our life with the ocean of love. We can prepare the ground for long-awaited meeting. It is enough to realize the connection with your soul mate, cast aside all doubts and accept the image that is reflected in our minds. After all, each of the halves develops simultaneously, everything that happens to one on the energy plane, the same happens to the other.

Just stop, stop looking, feel how your heart breathes, feel the presence of your soulmate, an invisible connection - a thread stretched between you, along which the energy of your love moves. And the stronger the awareness of love in the heart, the closer that one and only person becomes to you.

One day, you will remember the eyes that reflected your life for thousands of years. You will remember the hands that always hugged you so tenderly. And your dear and beloved smile will touch your soul. Everything will be remembered by the heart when you meet your soul mate. Wonderful memories will emerge from the depths of your soul, and love will illuminate you with all your being. The love that has lived in you for thousands of years. From one life to another you went together, each time you met and parted to find each other again. So it was and will always be, and this circle of joy and bright feelings is endless. Remember, no one can lose anyone, no one will ever be left alone, because your heart keeps the image of a loved one, you follow each other in every new life, in every incarnation. And the power of your love creates its universe.

If you knew how close love is to you, if you understood that from the moment you were born, that same person is next to you, you would stop looking, suffering and making mistakes. A thread is stretched between the two halves, which binds the hearts together. You are together even when you have not yet met each other. You are always there, wherever you are, with whomever you are. There is an image of your soul mate in your mind, you always feel "your" person, you just do not attach any importance to this, since many people cannot separate their thoughts and feelings from those of others.

You live life together, develop at the same time and are always energetically connected with each other, so "strangers" will always leave, you should not consider this another disappointment or mistake and suffer from loneliness. In fact, it was just not your person. But it is worth realizing the connection with your soul mate, as all anxieties and worries will go away. You will simply feel that he is there, that he is very close to you. Remember that this person also always thinks about you, he also feels your thoughts and feelings, and there is your image in his mind. At the moment when both of you are ready for a meeting, life will bring your paths together and a long-awaited meeting will take place.

The truth of the word: "When you meet that very person, you will understand why it did not work out with others."

When you meet that same person, love like you love for the first time. Love with all your heart, with all your soul, completely surrendering to feelings, giving all of yourself, but not demanding anything in return. Love sincerely, where the light will not know darkness, where fears, doubts and prejudices will fade before the fire of unconditional love.

Wherever you are, whoever you are with, remember who is in your heart, keep your love, keep it from all negative and selfish manifestations. Protect your loved one, as the Universe protects every child. Give him warmth, tenderness, care. Appreciate it. Accept his true essence without masks and stereotypes. Admire his virtues. Respect his shortcomings. After all, he is your reflection. Everything that attracts or repels you in a loved one is only you. You see in him who you are. Love your reflection in it. Love yourself in it.

When you find your soul mate, when you love unconditional love, you are doing a great good for the entire Universe, you are helping the entire Universe. Together you create a world of harmony and love around you, fill the space with light and pure energy, you revive the world and the souls of people who come into contact with yours.

Even if a person does not yet know about your love, you send him the light of your heart, you heal him, you help him develop, he may not know that it is you who make him happy, but what could be better than the happiness of that person who do you love?

And then, one day, the love that you have been waiting for so long will appear in your life. Love that will heal your soul and fill your heart with light. Love that will reveal the truth of being. Love for everything that exists - for every living soul, every manifestation of energy is its beginning. Love is all-encompassing, limitless, all-powerful. Love that gives you awareness. Love lives in everything and everywhere. She is selfless. She is unconditional. Love that will give you the desire to see yourself in everything created by the Great Creator. Love that will open your spiritual beginning and bring boundless happiness into your life.

Unconditional love is the only key to healing and awakening the soul.

© Alexandra Mershchy

The second half of a person walks around the world until the moment determined by " heavenly office". Everything is right there. And if the meeting of the halves is planned in heaven, then it will happen under any conditions. Meeting your soul mate is one of the most amazing and exciting moments in the life of every person.

Soul is immortal

The soul is not always in an embodied state, for some time it stays between lives, in its real "House". There the soul works out the lessons passed and not passed in the previous incarnation, this is a kind of work on mistakes.

The soul is helped by mentors who accompany and support it on Earth, helping and guiding difficult moments choice. Being in the space of the “World of Souls”, where the choice takes place future life, souls preview multiple versions of bodies from the same time period. They are shown snippets of their future lives before the souls make their final decision. The selected body should best help in solving important tasks placed in front of them while working on unfinished lessons.

So, when the body is chosen, with the Guides and friends who will also play their roles in the life of this soul, the physical and psychological details of the new life and body are discussed - the decision on reincarnation is considered accepted. The last step preparation for the birth is to attend a class for identification. In this class, the soul is introduced to her future companions, companions and, of course, her soulmate, so that she can get to know them later, in a new life. In this class, the soul must remember well those identifying marks that should come to mind during a meeting with this person. This is a kind of cramming before the last exam.

Important souls in our lives can be family members, loved ones, friends, work colleagues. The time they are with us can be both very short and quite long.

The impact they have on us is very important. Relationships are different. This is a relationship of love, so deep that both partners are sincerely convinced that they cannot exist without each other. This mental and physical attachment is so strong that neither of them has the slightest doubt that they were meant for each other.

There are relationships based on friendship, camaraderie and mutual respect. And, finally, there are fleeting acquaintances that make some contribution to our lives. They are also our enemies, who do not allow us to live in peace and force us to go through the most difficult lessons. Kindred spirits, in whatever capacity they are present in your life, help us and themselves. the best way achieve joint goals, thanks to mutual support in various situations.

Relationships between people are the most important part of our life lesson. And it lies in the fact that we should accept people as they are, not counting on the fact that our happiness will depend entirely on one of them.

people meet

It could be a coincidence, some sort of extrasensory perception, a surge in the soul, a recollection of something long forgotten or a coincidence - when in right time and in right place you meet someone for the first time who contributes new meaning into your life.

And our spiritual guides help us a lot in this, guardian angels try, therefore such definitions as chance are not applicable to meetings that are crucial in life. I know many sincere stories about how close spiritual beings traveled through time and space to find each other in physical bodies at a certain moment on Earth.

It so happens that due to the fact that we may not remember the signs and go in the wrong direction, we miss this connection. In this case, this "random" meeting can be repeated again.

What signs and how many of them

Let's get back to the signs. Usually one sign is given, but in some cases there are several if this meeting is very important for this incarnation of the soul. If we talk about the second half, then laughter, voice, manner of speaking or looking, moving, facial features or a phrase, smells, jewelry ... anything can be chosen as a sign for recognition. But this is what should make you feel something very familiar, a kind of deja vu, an inexplicable state of something very important that cannot be let go.

One Buddhist teacher said a simple truth: "Life is offered as a means of self-expression and gives us what we are looking for only when we listen to our heart." Listen to your heart, it always knows the right answer.

The circumstances preceding the meeting with your soul mate may seem extraordinary to you, your behavior at this time may be unusual for you, but they are of decisive importance. Some of our best solutions come thanks to our intuition, the voice of the soul. Listen more often to what is happening inside you and do not ignore the voice of your soul.


you are waiting for your your soul mate, one's soul mate? Perhaps tomorrow you will be able to meet a person whowill be your destiny!

In order to find out exactly when you have a chance to meet him or her, you should take an easy test: several timeschoose the right number from those offered.

Numbers know everything: you can easily verify this!

Maybe you don't believe in numerology, but there are things that you don't need to believe in, you just need to check!

Is there a soul mate?

This question may have been asked by each of us in certain time. But still: do we really have “halves” and do we need them? Or just each of us quite self sufficient and unique, so there can be no "halves"? The answer, as often happens, lies somewhere in the middle.

There are several opinions, but what do you think? Write in the comments!

YES, THERE ARE HALVES! If you believe that one person can be a perfect match for you, like a puzzle, it is likely that someday you will meet him. However, the opposite also happens: we meet many different people in life, but waiting for someone special, someone unusual and most important, moving away from important relationships consciously.

NO, WE ARE ON OURSELVES. There is an opinion: the law of karma says that in this life incarnation we must complete a certain program and learn something, gain experience. The development of the soul is impossible without experience. We live for development, and other people help us to develop.

Someone has more luck: he or she meets Very harmonious relationship and live life soul to soul. Probably, their lesson in terms of relationships has long been passed, and they receive an award - their own and loved one with whom they have a good relationship.

The second option is problematic relationship from which you have to take something important, your soul wants these relationships and finds them. Such a person may well be your "half" too, you just may perceive it in a completely different way.

“Once upon a time, people were completely different: happy, self-sufficient, harmonious. They even looked different. But mortals managed to anger the harsh ancient Greek gods with something. And they punished them with deceit worthy only of the gods: they divided each person into two parts and scattered these halves around the world. Since then, a person cannot find peace of mind and peace until he finds his soul mate ... ”- this is how the great ancient Greek philosopher Plato reasoned in his work“ Feast. And, based on the history of civilization since the time of Plato, this legend of halves sounds very plausible.
On the way to our soulmate, we make mistakes, "stuff bumps" and "break firewood." Each time, with bated breath, we hope: “Oh, yes, this is it! My soulmate! ”, But a sinking heart is a useless indicator true love. Remember how many times it deceived you?
Scientists and psychologists have long been puzzling over more serious signs by which you can determine before starting a serious relationship that he is your soulmate. So far, they are also sometimes mistaken, but less often than our suddenly surging feelings (which for some reason sometimes work against us!). If trust modern science, then there are seven signs that you have met a person with whom you should start serious relationship Or even found your soul mate.

1. You share core spiritual values ​​and principles.
Not every dispute can be resolved by compromise. It's one thing to disagree about an upcoming vacation, it's quite another different look to questions marital fidelity, honesty, decency, religiosity, relationships with parents, etc. The real halves have more of the same outlook on life.

2.A spark runs between you, there is a strong mutual physical attraction.
Pure physical attraction brings people together early in a relationship. We, like animals, can subconsciously identify our half by smell. True, for some reason we mask the natural smell with perfumes and colognes, which greatly complicates our search.
The stage of relationships will definitely come when the intimate side of the relationship begins to give way to the everyday side. Children, work, home, dacha, stress... If physical attraction was strong at the beginning of a relationship, then most likely it will be enough to maintain a love fire in life's storms.

3. You have common hobbies and interests.
An ideal couple cannot and should not share all of each other's interests. On the contrary, freedom in choosing interests and hobbies strengthens relationships. However, real halves still share one, two or more of each other's interests. Some couples like to read, others like dogs, someone likes extreme sports.

4. You have the same view on financial management in the family.
According to statistics, money matters are the most common reason for quarrels in family life. If one is an impulsive spender, and the other is a prudent "economist", then money is more likely to divorce such a couple according to different sides barricade. Therefore, if you are annoyed by the attitude towards money of your alleged half, most likely this is a half of someone else.

5. You know how to negotiate.
Your soul mate, alas, cannot read your thoughts. Moreover, he may have his own, completely "absurd" ideas. The ability to speak and hear is the necessary skills for your harmonious merging into one unit called the family. For example, she loves flowers, and he loves football. He believes that bouquets = money thrown into the trash can. She thinks that family dinner with her mother is much more important than the next football game on TV. Compromise - be sure to give her flowers on holidays and do not appoint mother's visit for football day.

7. Your intuition tells you that it is HE...
Every person has a 7th sense. The difference between people is that someone hears their own inner voice, but deliberately ignores his call, and someone, when he hears it, listens immediately or a little later, but listens in the end ... If you intuitively feel that this person will bring you peace and harmony, and this one will bring you problems and a headache, then most likely, this is how it is ....

Olga Iskakova,
especially for "On my own"

Often quite sane people just lose their heads from love at first sight. And this happens both in youth and in adulthood.

What happens at the moment when the two eyes meet and some unusual spark flares up between them?

In fact, in most cases this has the following explanation: there are former “halves”, those who in past lives were spouses, lovers, or had platonic relationship. When the eyes of two people meet, the one of the past lives that is written in their energy fields. There is a "recognition".


Relationships begin. Two people may have a real coincidence of tastes, consonance of thoughts, etc. A whirlwind of emotions picks them up and makes them dizzy.

These two did not know each other in this life before, but they may not know anything about past lives. And it seems to them that this meeting, when they felt such a craving for each other, such an inexplicable attraction, is the finger of fate.

Yes, of course, such an unusual meeting is not accidental. But the reasons for it can be very different. Perhaps they have to complete something that they did not complete in past life. Perhaps they need to understand something. Karmic energy can attract two, and they don’t even know about it. And it is not at all necessary in this incarnation that they will happy love or even marriage. Very often such meetings occur precisely for karmic reasons.

When two people meet, "recognition" arises, and it seems to them that there is so much in common between them that "fate brought them together." It must be remembered that, having the memory of past lives, which everyone has in the subconscious, a person begins to impose certain expectations on his partner, his projections, etc., in connection with those qualities and circumstances that existed then, in that life.

But now the partner is a completely different person, somewhat similar to that one, but in many ways new, because, being in this moment the quintessence of our past incarnations, we still carry the features of many people, and not one specific person. And this other person (or rather, both new personalities who have entered into a relationship) think, feel, act in a completely different way. And it is not at all necessary that relationships from the past can continue now. Even if it was love to the grave.

When confronted with reality, such relationships often go out. A powerful attraction dissipates, everyday life invades, past and present realities collide and conflict.


If people are wise enough, if the feeling they have is really strong and bright, they can find mutual language, build relationships and, perhaps, somewhere at a deep level, realize or feel the reason that brought them together, and work it out. And continue a relationship free from karmic addiction.

More often it happens the other way around - people break up. remains unworked and moves on to the next incarnation.

Cases where men adulthood"lose their heads" from love and leave the family for young mistresses - from the same series. Most often, this is also a meeting of former "halves".

Even in families where there is love between spouses, but relationship problems constantly arise, when one or both do not want to understand, accept the closest person, the topic of parting constantly arises.

It is very easy, of course, to simply get away from a problematic relationship, leave and forget. This is the easiest way out, and, unfortunately, in some New Age sources it is advised to do just that: if you are not comfortable with any relationship, just break it off. Yes, it's the easiest, and many do. But without understanding why they are not comfortable, without realizing WHAT exactly we are working with this person, without neutralizing karma and learning the lesson, such a separation will not remove the problem. Karma with this person will remain unsettled and will be transferred to the next incarnation, the message that he carries will not be deciphered, and the lesson will not be passed.

And in the near future, another person from a past life with the same message and the same lesson will be attracted, and everything will start all over again. Many people all their lives do nothing but run away from their lessons and step on the same rake. But ask yourself, is this correct? And is it not worth it to more consciously approach understanding true reasons your connection and finally break the Gordian knot of karma?