Parabens danger. Paraben - what is it. Why are parabens needed in cosmetics?

The modern beauty of women is associated with a variety of cosmetics. Makeup and shower products, tanning products and skin rejuvenation - all applied daily in large quantities to female body. The fair sex is ready to give a lot of money and spend a lot of time buying and applying "elixirs" of youth. Companies selling beauty and youth promise effective results. But in reality, it's not like that at all.

Methylparaben, the whole truth

A European group of researchers has compiled a "consumer basket" with the most common cosmetics that every woman uses every day. The "basket" includes the following products: deodorants, powder, shadows, blush, hand soap, face lotions, body gels, shampoos and hairspray, suntan, hand and body creams. Such a cosmetic cocktail has one common component - preservatives, which increase their shelf life and stay on the shelves in stores.

One of the most common preservatives is methylparaben. What is it in cosmetics? Are there benefits and harms from them? These questions are of interest to many today. Methylparaben is a chemical that is the methyl ester of para-hydroxybenzoic acid.

Such a preservative is used in the production of cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and in Food Industry. Most often it is marked as E218. Methylparaben is a dangerous preservative.

Additive E218 prevents the formation of microbes, which allows you to extend the shelf life of the product. The main property of a preservative as a chemical substance is that it is quickly and easily absorbed into human skin. Given that methylparaben is part of tens of thousands of cosmetic products, a person regularly fills his body with this harmful substance.

IN Lately scientists are increasingly disseminating information that all parabens, including methylparaben, cause breast cancer. There is no reliable data on this, therefore it is impossible to say unequivocally that methylparaben causes the formation of cancerous tumors.

However, it is worth considering that if you use all kinds of beauty cosmetics for 40-50 years, then the “cocktail” of dangerous substances will be so concentrated that it is not surprising that various tumors and diseases will appear.

Disadvantages of methylparaben that are genuine:

  • The action of ultraviolet rays is enhanced. Such a reaction would certainly rapid aging skin. At the same time, cosmetics may contain UVB filters, which provide protection.
  • Allergic reactions have been reported. But this can happen even with the safest product, it all depends on individual intolerance.

What can replace methylparaben

IN modern world not one major company is engaged in laboratory research to replace methylparaben, and many other parabens. But to date, a worthy alternative has not been invented.

The most important advantage of paraben is the ability to prevent the development of bacteria. Many components that could replace this additive have a number of disadvantages. For example, essential oil or alcohol, will dry skin, respectively, the allergy is provided.

It is not possible to produce cosmetic products without the addition of parabens, in particular methyl paraben. Therefore, there is only one way out, to invent completely new technology both production and conservation of cosmetics. In this case, all stages of production should be taken into account, from the production of ethers, and to the creation of already finished product. But it is unlikely that any company, even the most serious one, will take such a step.

Such production would require huge investments. But only in this case success is guaranteed. Interest in quality products, with natural ingredients and without preservatives, parabens is growing every year. Behind Last year it rose by almost 20% in relation to the previous one.

If you are still confused by the presence of methylparabens in cosmetics, you can use herbal products, but just keep in mind that they can be stored for no more than two weeks and only in the refrigerator. Not everyone will agree to this, and it is not at all possible to do without cosmetics. What to do? How to be? How to minimize exposure to harmful substances? There is only one way out of the situation - to minimize the use of cosmetics. Here are some tips for achieving this goal:

  • Carefully study the composition of the product you want to buy. The number of chemical components should be minimal.
  • If a sufficiently long shelf life is indicated, then the chemistry in the product is more than enough.
  • In the composition, the order of the components is not written by chance. The first places are occupied by the main components, which are considered the basis of the product. What is indicated at the very bottom will be contained in small quantities. Read this information before making a purchase - it is important.
  • If it is not necessary, refuse to use cosmetics, for example, if you have a day off and you plan to spend it watching a movie, then there is nothing to do with makeup.
  • As soon as you get home, first of all, try to wash off makeup and deodorant from your body.
  • In no case do not go to bed with makeup, even without the content of chemistry it is still harmful. By the way that dear professional cosmetics, which is cheap, both contain methylparabens, only in different amounts. By and large, dermatologists allow you to sleep with make-up, but only in rare cases. The same applies to antiperspirant (only 100% natural).

On a note! In antiperspirant sprays, methylparabens are rare, due to hermetic clogging. Deo-sticks contain a high concentration of parabens, while roll-on deodorants have an intermediate concentration.

Be careful with the choice of cosmetics - take care of your health!

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The reputation of parabens is unenviable - they say that from deodorants they penetrate the skin through the skin into the bloodstream and settle in the tissues of the breast, causing cancer. And although studies have not confirmed the accusation, in the eyes of consumers they remain almost the number one carcinogen. What are parabens, and how dangerous they are to health, say cosmetic chemists.

Text: Svetlana Orlova, Mikhail Dodonov

"... everything is poison, and everything is medicine. Only the dose distinguishes one from the other ... "

Paracelsus, Epistola dedicorate St. Veit

The more complex the man-made world, the easier it is to manipulate the minds of people who have a very superficial idea of ​​those thousands of thousands of substances and objects that surround us. Often, officials, politicians and journalists use the phobias of the townsfolk for commercial purposes, putting this use on an industrial stream.

Next in line for the creators of commercial phobias are harmless parabens, which have been used in food preservation for almost a hundred years and are no more harmful than those notorious cucumbers that all people who were born in France before 1839 and did not live to see 1969 ate.

Opponents of preservatives are silent about the fact that it is mandatory in cosmetics, medicines and food products, since food, cosmetic and other products containing water produced without preservatives are stored for no more than three days, and then irreparably deteriorate even in a temperate climate. With the current industrialization and globalization of the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries, three days is an insignificant amount of time.

However, those who do not doubt the need for preservatives and even produce them are also declaring war on safe, cheap and effective parabens. For what? To bring other classes of preservatives into the market that are inferior to parabens in all respects - for example, thioisolinone derivatives (with the trademark Kathon CG).

It is clear that behind any high-profile campaign are someone's interests and, ultimately, money. But we must take care of our own interests. And for this it is important to understand whether traditional and long-known parabens are really good and safe as preservatives.

Who are parabens?

First of all, let's remember what preservatives are. These are substances that have the properties of bactericides and bacteriostatics: the former kill microbes on the spot, the latter are left in a half-dead form, but do not allow them to multiply. Naturally occurring preservatives are recognized as the safest for the human body. essential oils, salicylates, benzoates, parabens and bee propolis.

Parabens are natural derivatives of benzoic acid, which itself has been known as a good preservative for over four hundred years. It was first isolated by distillation from dewy incense (also called benzoin resin) in the 16th century. The structure of benzoic acid was determined by the famous Justus Liebig in 1832.

From a chemical point of view, parabens are esters of para-hydroxybenzoic acid with the general formula:

Where R = alkyl group (methyl, ethyl, propyl or butyl).

It has long been proven that benzoic acid and its derivatives exhibit antimicrobial and fungicidal activity. Back in 1875, a German physiologist Ernst Leopold Zalkowsky his research confirmed the antifungal properties of benzoic acid, which, however, had long been used in fruit canning.

It is due to the presence of benzoic acid that some berries do not deteriorate during storage, for example, cranberries and lingonberries. And willow bark containing salicylic acid(also, by the way, hydroxybenzoic acid, only the carboxy group is not in the para-, but in the ortho-position) has been used in folk medicine since ancient times in the form of a decoction and in the form of a powder for the treatment of wounds and burns. Salicylic acid is also contained in raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, cherries. This class of chemical compounds also includes (acetylsalicylic acid), which is also used for water conservation so that freshly cut flowers last longer. Yes, and the parabens themselves were first isolated from natural objects. For example, methylparaben was found in blueberries, which it protects against microbes.

Parabens were discovered at the beginning of the 20th century, but since 1925 they have been used for canning food products because they were significantly more effective than benzoic and salicylic acids.

Methylparaben (food additive code E218), ethylparaben (E214), is used to preserve bread, butter, cakes and other confectionery products. Parabens can be found in canned fish, mayonnaise, other sauces, but much more often in cosmetic preparations (for cosmetic preparations, the maximum possible dosage is 0.4% for a single paraben and 0.8% if a mixture of parabens is used).

In medicine, methyl and propyl parabens are called, respectively, "Nipagin" and "Nipazol" - from the name of the company "Nipa Hardwicke", which was the first to introduce an industrial method for producing parabens. They are used for preserving, for example, the Acyclovir antiviral ointment, the Diclofenac anti-inflammatory agent, the Capilar biologically active additive, for the preservation of the Hydrocortisone antiallergic agent, the Chondroxide regenerating agent, and Codelac cough syrup. Let's say "Codelac-phyto" syrup contains parabens E 216 (propyl ester of para-hydroxybenzoic acid) - 0.024% and E 218 (methyl-4-parahydroxybenzoate) - 0.074% or, for example, the content of parabens in an antiallergic syrup and in a combined antimicrobial agent was:

Parabens are part of Solcoseryl Paste (for the treatment of wounds and inflammatory processes oral mucosa).

Ready List medicines containing parabens, you can continue indefinitely. Thousands of medical and medical

Prophylactic preparations in the form of ointments, emulsions, gelatin capsules, creams, gels, tinctures, decoctions, syrups, drops for

The nose and eyes are all where non-irritant action and a quick bactericidal effect are required.

Such widespread use is explained by the fact that parabens stop the growth of microorganisms of different classes, to which

These include pathogenic mold fungi, the causative agent of thrush, E. coli, which can be not only a good symbiont, but also an evil causative agent of intestinal diseases of escherichiosis; Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, famous for its resistance to antibiotics, and others.

So speaking the language medical reference books Parabens have broad spectrum antimicrobial activity. Wide spectrum action is determined by the mechanism of action. First, sorption on cell membranes with impaired membrane permeability due to changes in the functions of membrane proteins. Secondly, slowing down the absorption of glucose and proline.

Are parabens dangerous?

The first question that I would like to get an answer to is, are parabens poisonous? Will we be poisoned by these preservatives by eating canned food? (By the way, it is worth recalling that the proportion of preservatives in food products is in the range of 0.04-0.10% and is calculated from food consumption norms so that the daily content of parabens during consumption does not exceed 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight) . Article Dina Godfrey(Dene Godfrey, Technical Sales Manager (Preservation Systems) S. Black Ltd.), who cited research data published in 1997-2004 by a number of scientists on the toxicity of parabens and their accumulation in animals and human bodies. Rodent studies have shown that parabens are virtually non-toxic. They are rapidly absorbed, metabolized and excreted from the body. As a result of their breakdown in the body, p-hydroxybenzoic acid (pHBA), p-hydroxyhippuric acid, p-hydroxybenzoic glucuronide, p-carboxyphenyl sulfate are formed, which have been proven safe for the human body.

Scientists have also answered accusations of the "hormonal" activity of these substances. Parabens were supposed to act like female hormones estrogen, and this scared people, because everyone knows about the existence of hormone-dependent forms of cancer. Animal experiments have shown that parabens have weak estrogenic activity, acting like xenoestrogens. In in vitro studies, the effect of butylparaben was approximately 100,000 times weaker than estradiol and was observed at doses approximately 25,000 times higher than those commonly used in food preservation. The results of in vivo studies are even more impressive: the estrogenic activity of parabens in animals is a thousand times less compared to in vitro activity. Methylparaben does not have estrogenic activity at all, and butylparaben at a concentration of 4000 more than is usually found in cosmetics is 100 thousand times weaker than estradiol in its activity, so about any hormonal changes in the body under the influence of parabens in cosmetics is not necessary.

An interesting analysis is another study that outlawed parabens among the "greens". The authors of the study claim that parabens have an estrogenic effect on fish, causing them various reproductive disorders. But if you look closely at the experiment, it turns out that the parabens were injected into the fish, and in huge quantities: to get a similar dose of parabens from the water, the fish would have to swim in a clean shampoo containing 0.3% parabens. Usually, the concentration of parabens in water bodies does not exceed billionths (and not tenths) of a percent.

Despite such meager estrogenic activity, researchers began to study the effect of parabens on the so-called hormone-dependent tumors, in particular, breast tumors. And soon parabens were found in a cancerous tumor. The most sensitive blow to parabens was dealt by a study by Dr. Philippa Darbre(Darbre, P. D) in 2003, who discovered increased concentration parabens in 20 tissue samples taken from breast tumors. By itself, such a finding does not mean that parabens cause cancer. But it is very easy for consumers to imagine how the parabens contained in deodorants penetrate the skin into the bloodstream and settle in the breast tissues, causing a malignant tumor.

It is no wonder that this publication sowed a real panic, and not one cosmetic product went straight to the trash can. However, some facts did not reach consumers. In particular, deodorants usually do not need preservatives, so they rarely contain parabens. In addition, the design of this experiment and its purity were repeatedly criticized in scientific publications, so the detection of parabens in breast tumor tissues was most likely an experimental error. Dean Godfrey also draws attention to the fact that the composition of parabens in the studied tumors indicates their non-cosmetic source. The fact is that 30% of methylparaben is destroyed in the skin in the first 24 hours, while other parabens are destroyed much more slowly. However, in a sensational study, it was methylparaben in tumors that was the most - 62% of the total amount of parabens.

One way or another, but direct evidence of a causal relationship between parabens and cancer has not been received. In 2005, the journal Critical Reviews in Toxicology published a comprehensive analysis of all the data obtained on parabens to that point, which was carried out by American and German researchers. Robert Golden(Robert Golden) Jay Gandy(Jay Gandy) and Günter Volmer(Guenter Vollmer). The conclusion is clear: “it is biologically impossible that parabens could increase the risk of any estrogen-related disease, including effects on the male reproductive tract or breast cancer” and that “in the worst case, daily exposure to parabens would pose a significantly lower risk compared to exposure to natural endocrine-active substances, native endocrine disruptors in the diet, such as the phytoestrogen daidzein, which is used in some diets.”

The American Cancer Society also concluded: not enough scientific evidence for the claim that the use of cosmetics such as antiperspirants increases individual risk development of breast cancer. A further systematic study of the sources (59 early publications) undertaken in 2008 by a group of French oncologists and pharmacologists led to the conclusion, which was published in September 2008 in the Bulletin du Cancer: the use of deodorants / antiperspirants is not a risk factor for the development of breast cancer. “Ultimately, it can be argued that this is not a public health issue, and therefore it is useless to engage in research on this topic.” There is no danger.

Recently, based on scientific studies, the European Consumer Protection Committee concluded that methylparaben and ethylparaben are absolutely safe. Additional data are currently being collected on butylparaben. Until such final information is available, methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, isobutylparaben and butylparaben are considered safe as ingredients in cosmetic preparations in which the total concentration of parabens does not exceed 0.8%.

All parabens are now approved for use in cosmetics in the EU, the US, and even Japan, which has some of the toughest health laws in the world.

Is there an alternative?

Or maybe there is worthy replacement parabens? Let's look at potential candidates for their place.

First of all, these are formalin producers. Formalin is one of the first preservatives used in cosmetics. It is very cheap, has a strong antiseptic effect and has (due to its high volatility) unique property- preserve not only the product itself, but also the gas phase above it. But it turned out that formaldehyde is toxic and carcinogenic. Therefore, it is banned for use in most countries, even in rinse-off cosmetics. It was replaced by DMDM-hydantoin, bronopol, DOWECIL 200, diazolidinyl urea and others - substances that, decomposing into aqueous solution give formaldehyde. Bronopol, moreover, tends to enter into chemical reactions with amines and amides contained in cosmetics, forming carcinogenic nitrosamines.

Chloromethylisothiazolinone and methylisothiazolinone are among the most powerful preservatives: the minimum inhibitory concentration is very low 0.2-8 ppm (mg/dm3), that is, about ten times less than other known preservatives. However, clinical and statistical studies have shown that these substances can cause allergic reactions, sensitization and contact dermatitis. True, it should be noted that in clinical studies, an order of magnitude higher concentrations of preservative were used compared to those allowed in cosmetics.

Sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate are food preservatives that have long been used in cosmetics and household chemicals. For the price, they are even more attractive than parabens. However, their bacteriostatic effect is weak, and the spectrum of microorganisms they act on is narrow.

Relatively recently, "new" preservatives appeared on the market - benzyl-2-pyrrolidone-5-carboxylate (Twister), o-cumen-5-ol (Biosol). Unfortunately, there is no information about their side effects yet.

And finally, "green" preservatives. This group includes substances that by their nature are not preservatives, but, nevertheless, have a noticeable bactericidal and fungicidal effect. These are C5-C8 1,2-glycols, ethylhexylglycerin, 1,3-butylene glycol monopropionate. All these compounds are non-toxic, do not show allergenic activity, but, unfortunately, they often have a narrow spectrum of action and they have to be used in a mixture with other preservatives.

It looks like we can't do without parabens. And that's good, because parabens are time-tested, thoroughly researched, and work great in cosmetics, toothpaste, foods, and drugs.

- "Food chemistry" / Nechaev A.P., Traubenberg S.E., Kochetkova A.A., etc. Edited by Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor A.P. Nechaev, St. Petersburg, GIORD, 2001. - 592p.

- "Preservatives in cosmetics and hygiene products" / Belikov O.E., Puchkova T.V. Moscow, School of cosmetic chemists, 2003. - 250 p.

Bulletin of Moscow University Ser. 2. Chemistry, 2008, v. 49, No. 4, p. 249 "Analysis of multicomponent medicines using microcolumn chromatographs of the Millichrome series / Golubitsky G.B., Ivanov V.M.

Parabens are the most commonly used preservatives used in the production of cosmetics, medicines, and food products. Their distinguishing features are lower toxicity to humans compared to many other substances and high antimicrobial activity, especially against yeasts and molds.

The effects of parabens in cosmetics and other industrial products have been studied for many years, and their safety, when used judiciously, has been confirmed by numerous factual results. The characteristics of these preservatives are approved official organizations and are confirmed by certificates, so they are practically safe in high quality cosmetic products.

However, like any chemical, these preservatives still have the potential risk of side effects.

What are parabens

To increase shelf life cosmetic products and to prevent the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms in them, manufacturers add preservatives to their composition. Most often, parabens are used for this purpose.

According to the chemical structure, these are esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid. They are part of most cosmetic products:

  • methylparaben - in 80%;
  • propylparaben - in 60%;
  • butylparaben, ethylparaben - in 25%.

Also, substances similar in structure can be used as preservatives - isobutylparaben, benzylparaben, sodium benzoate. In most creams, mascaras, etc., they are contained in low concentrations - from 0.01% to 0.3%. The maximum allowable content according to European standards is 0.4% when using one type of parabens and 0.8% when two such preservatives are added to the composition.

The denser the texture of a cosmetic product (cream, mascara, cosmetic milk), the more preservatives it contains.


Is there any harm from parabens added to cosmetics? Their safety has been proven in various studies in both animals and humans:

  • study of acute and subacute toxicity;
  • study of carcinogenic ability - the ability to cause cancer;
  • analysis of the impact on pregnancy and the developing fetus;
  • experiments on the processes of absorption, exchange and release of paraben decay products;
  • tests of skin stimulation and photosensitization (increased sensitivity to sunlight).

None of them have been scientifically proven to have any negative effects after application. In particular, the relationship between the use of deodorants with parabens and the incidence of breast cancer has been studied in detail. She has not been confirmed. Therefore, the Scientific Committee on Consumer Products of the European Commission (SCCP) concluded that, according to current data, parabens can be used in cosmetic preparations without harm to health.

Along with this, there are research results showing the harm of these substances. For example, with the introduction of parabens under the skin of rats, changes occurred in animals caused by a violation of the hormonal background. However, such data cannot be extended to humans and cosmetic products for external use. The content of preservatives in cosmetic products and their hormonal activity are negligible and cannot have a noticeable effect on the sex glands.

To date, scientists believe that the only real danger is the possibility of developing individual intolerance and, although parabens are hypoallergenic components, since they are not proteins in their structure and are neutral with respect to the skin.

Some types of such preservatives, namely propyl and butyl parabens, are prohibited for use in baby creams and lotions used as diaper skin care. This is due to the lack of studies on the safety of such substances in infants.

Why are there security concerns?

Despite numerous safety reports, doctors do not recommend the use of cosmetics with parabens in certain cases.

What are the dangers of parabens? They have an estrogen-like effect, so they can cause fluid retention and weight gain. The use of a large amount of products with parabens is not recommended for women with hormonal problems as well as pregnant and lactating women.

Another development opportunity negative effects parabens - the use of many cosmetics containing them at the same time (for example, mascara, liquid eyeliner eye shadow, eyeshadow, concealer can cause irritation when combined thin skin around eyes).

However, it is worth considering that the proportion of parabens that are absorbed into tissues and enter the blood is negligible. The body is able to process them, turning them into safe substances and then releasing naturally. Therefore, scientists cannot prove the harm of parabens to health.

Since 2015, 5 parabens have been banned for use in cosmetics under new regulations set by the European Commission. Their mixtures were also banned: Methylisothiazolinon and Methylchloroisothiazolinon.

Each person can decide for himself: whether he will trust the data obtained in the studies, or still save his body from unnecessary exposure to chemicals.

How to reduce the likelihood of a negative action

You can use cosmetics with parabens, if used wisely, they are safe. There are some simple rules:

  • use no more than 1-2 products containing these preservatives at the same time;
  • add to care routines natural ingredients or eco-cosmetics;
  • stop using the product immediately if it causes any adverse reactions;
  • when buying a new brand of cosmetics, you should start using it gradually to make sure normal reaction skin;
  • carefully study the composition before buying, know the designation of parabens in the composition of cosmetics.

What are parabens called?

  • ethylparaben: Ethylparaben;
  • propylparaben: Propylparaben;
  • methylparaben: Methylparaben.

For simplicity, you can remember that these substances include those that are labeled as E214 - E219.

Also, the names can be replaced by chemical terms that are close in meaning:

  • propagin or metagin;
  • hydroxybenzoate or hydroxybenzoate;
  • hydroxybenzoic or hydroxybenzoic acids, their esters or salts;

It is worth considering that the manufacturer is obliged to indicate chemical components on the packaging only if their content exceeds 1%. Since the concentration of parabens is usually much lower, these substances may not be listed in the composition at all.

How to choose cosmetics without parabens

There are several ways to avoid the effects of parabens on the skin:

  1. Purchasing products labeled "paraben free" ("free from parabens"). However, in reality, this does not mean that such cosmetics do not contain preservatives. It is necessary to check its composition for the presence of not only the parabens themselves, but also their analogues (benzoic acid esters, hydroxybenzoates and others listed above). Sometimes the manufacturer, in the hope of misleading the buyer, simply replaces the frightening word in the composition with a more incomprehensible and neutral one.
  2. The use of cosmetics based on natural preservatives - ascorbic acid, eucalyptus oil, extracts seaweed and others. Natural cosmetics without parabens and other artificial preservatives are very expensive, and only 2-3 weeks are stored in the refrigerator.
  3. The use of home care products instead of store-bought tonics, lotions, creams, scrubs, and so on.
  4. Purchase of products with a special label confirming the absence of preservatives: BIO, Cosmebio, Ecocert (for French products), BDIH (Germany), USDA Organic (USA).
  5. The use of products containing, instead of parabens, the modern preservative Biosol, specially developed by the pharmaceutical company Sandoz as an alternative to parabens. While maintaining excellent antimicrobial and antifungal activity, this component (Isopropyl methylphenol) does not have estrogen-like activity. So, it is used by well-known companies Uriage and ROCS, and it is also contained in many products of the Siberian Health brand.

List of cosmetic brands that do not contain parabens

A French company producing natural essential oils and cosmetics based on them, as well as hygiene products and perfumes. A small production is located in Provence, batches of products are distributed to the company's boutiques.

Swiss brand, actively selling natural cosmetics through a network of representatives, pharmacies, retail stores, as well as through the Internet, provides several product lines designed for people of different ages.

Natural cosmetics of Greek production, which are sold all over the world. Products for make-up, body care, face, hair, sun protection, perfume, men's cosmetics.


Production is located in France, products are based on useful properties vine and berries.

Lavera and Dr. Hauschka

German brands without synthetic preservatives and fragrances, including numerous plant extracts.

UK products, where consumer safety is carefully monitored; it does not contain synthetic preservatives, dyes, perfume compositions and is approved in clinical trials.

Hypoallergenic German cosmetics containing a minimum of potentially hazardous substances that cause contact dermatitis.

Russian paraben-free cosmetics are represented by Natura Siberica products. It has the necessary certificates, including international ones (ICEA, ECOCERT, COSMOS STANDARD, BDIH), confirming the complete safety of all manufactured products. Raw materials for cosmetic products are obtained from specially created farms, as well as from wild nature Siberia. Products are distributed through a network of branded stores, you can buy it via the Internet.

Eco-cosmetics are quite expensive. Therefore, you can pay attention to some mass products, which also contain a minimum of parabens. These are the brands Green Mama, Syoss, Maybelline, Revlon, CoverGirl, L'Oréal.

It should not be thought that there are absolutely no preservative substances in the composition of these products. Otherwise, they could only be stored in vacuum packaging, and after opening - only a short time in a refrigerator. Typically, manufacturers replace parabens with other preservatives - salicylic acid, benzyl alcohol, sorbic, benzoic acids, ethanol, essential oils.

Funds for children

Under conditions of significant environmental stress on the body small child every mom would like to use natural remedies for care. Of course, you can use the usual herbal infusions available to everyone. However, there are also special eco-tools for children. Children's cosmetics that do not contain parabens are produced by the following companies:

  • Weleda;
  • Mustela;
  • Mulsan Cosmetic.

The composition of all cosmetic creams includes substances that are in great disfavor with our consumers. I'm talking, of course, about parabens. There are a lot of rumors and fables around parabens. And sometimes it is very difficult to figure out what is fiction and what is true. Hysteria inflated on the net has led to the emergence of paraben-free cosmetics, which is nonsense for cosmetology. But let's talk about everything in order.

Parabens are esters of para-hydroxybenzoic acid, substances that are widely used as preservatives in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. In other words, parabens are derivatives of benzoic acid. Benzoic acid is a natural compound that is found in many fruits and berries: raspberries, lingonberries, cranberries, blueberries, blueberries. It also occurs in many fermented milk products, such as: yogurt, curdled milk, fermented baked milk. The presence of benzoic acid in natural products indicates its complete safety and non-toxicity. For many consumers, it becomes a real discovery that parabens are not artificial compounds invented by scientists, but real natural substances.

The composition of cosmetic creams includes the most famous parabens: methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, butylparaben, isobutylparaben, isopropylparaben, benzylparaben and their sodium salts. But parabens are found not only in cosmetic preparations. For example, methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben are added to bakery products, cakes, pastries, butter. They are also present in canned fish, ketchups, sauces and mayonnaise. Parabens are found in shampoos, shaving gels, toothpastes, deodorants, soaps and shower gels. Preservatives increase the shelf life and sale of products that would have deteriorated if it were not for the parabens in their composition. The concentration of parabens depends on the expiration date of the cosmetic product. The longer the shelf life, the higher the concentration of parabens in the product.

Why use parabens?

When making homemade cosmetics, for example, tonics, tinctures, lotions, you may notice that after a couple of days in the refrigerator they begin to deteriorate. And the thing is that they do not contain bactericides and bacteriostatics, which do not allow bacteria to multiply, and the cosmetic product deteriorates. Bactericides reliably kill microbes, bacteriostatics leave them half-alive, preventing them from multiplying. In cosmetic products, parabens play the role of both bactericides and bacteriostatics. A paraben-free cosmetic product is a breeding ground for all microorganisms. Parabens are a well-studied and very reliable class of preservatives, moreover, they are quite cheap, which is also important. But with them, unfortunately, not everything is so simple.

What are parabens accused of?

Recently, the Internet community has taken up arms against parabens. And the thing is that parabens were found in cancerous tumors of the mammary glands, in the fifth region of the chest - the upper outer square adjacent to the armpits. Most importantly, it was the ethereal structure of parabens that was found in cancerous tumors. And this means that they were contained in something that was applied to the skin. This discovery was associated with parabens contained in deodorants.

Deodorant manufacturers have been quick to respond, stating that deodorants usually don't need preservatives, so they rarely contain parabens. The study was conducted by molecular biologist Philippa Darbre. She examined 20 tumor tissue samples and found paraben concentrations in 18 out of 20 cases. Of course, you can associate this concentration of parabens with cosmetics, but you can also with food parabens. After all, parabens are added even to bread. But studies on mice have shown that when ingested with food, parabens are metabolized and lose their essential structure. And their “ability” to launch an oncological disease becomes even weaker. As a result, only those parabens that enter the body in ethereal form.

Further, Philippa Darbre decided to find women suffering from this disease, but never used sprays and deodorants. And here, to her great surprise, the parabens were localized in the subjects in the same place - in the upper outer square adjacent to the armpits. Mammologists joined the study. They noted that a cancerous tumor of the mammary glands at all times was localized precisely in the upper outer square, since there is a large accumulation of fat cells, which very slowly lend themselves to fatty involution. And where there is more adipose tissue, mutations occur more often. So the presence of parabens in tumors still does not say anything, since there is no direct evidence that they initiate the development of an incurable disease.

How can you figure out which source of parabens in the body can initiate a cancerous tumor? And can it really? American scientists have laboratory research and proved that parabens do not have any carcinogenic properties. There was no direct evidence, but there was indirect evidence: already formed cancer cells accumulate parabens. That is, parabens do not contribute to the formation of a cancerous tumor, but the tumor itself accumulates them in itself.

In other words, the effect was presented as the cause. For example, a cancerous tumor contributes to the accumulation of glucose, but it never occurs to anyone to designate it as the initiator of a malignant disease. However, the problem is that glucose does not have an estrogen-like property, while parabens, according to some scientists, do. A few years later, the American scientist D. Godfrey discovered that parabens in tumors are not of cosmetic origin. But the research does not end there, it continues to this day.

However, based on scientific research, the European Consumer Protection Committee and other consumer protection organizations around the world have determined that methylparaben and ethylparaben are absolutely safe and can be used in cosmetic products. But their total concentration should not exceed more than 0.8%. Also, all parabens are allowed for use in all countries of the world and in Japan, inclusive, where the most stringent legislation in relation to the health of the nation.

Can parabens be substituted?

Manufacturers of paraben-free cosmetics are constantly trying to convince consumers that their cosmetic products do not contain parabens. But they are simply cunning, calling parabens, for example, sodium benzoate or benzoic acid, and from the foregoing, we learned that these substances are the same parabens. The manufacturers just used a different name for them. Therefore, be vigilant and do not let yourself be deceived. For example, parabens in creams can be referred to as: arahydroxybenzoate, triclosan, methyl-, ethyl-, propyl-, metagin, proapgin, potassium sorbate, hydroxybenzoic acids, hydroxybenzoate, hydroxybenzoic acids, oxybenzoate, E214, E219, PHB, paraoxybenzoate, nipagin, nipazol.

Paraben-free cosmetics are a gimmick, a marketing ploy. Such cosmetics are not profitable for manufacturers, they cannot be stored and delivered to the consumer. Of course, it is possible to replace parabens, but few people do this, since it is inefficient and costly from a financial point of view. At one time, grapefruit seed extract was advertised as a preservative. There was a real boom about its naturalness and harmlessness. However, after some research, a mixture of benzethonium chloride, methylparaben and triclosan was found in its composition. And all because parabens as benzoic acid are found in many fruits and berries and are able to demonstrate their estrogen-like properties in human body. True, it is not known how strongly they demonstrate these properties. After all, their estrogen-like action is not as active as that of real estrogens. Therefore, it is impossible to say how much they increase the risk of developing cancer.

Natural cosmetics - is it possible?

A fair question arises, if parabens are not safe, then is it possible to create cosmetics without parabens? Is it possible? Perhaps, but it is unlikely that such cosmetics will be reliable and effective. For example, if the validity of natural cosmetics is a week, then the cream in the package should be exactly one week. Otherwise, it cannot be used up completely. But even in this case, there is no guarantee that the cream will not start to deteriorate within a week. The range of action of natural preservatives is not as extensive as that of parabens. As part of a cosmetic composition, they can react differently, losing their properties. In other words, their preservative properties are worse than those of parabens, and the price is much higher.

We can say with confidence that natural cosmetics is a Petri dish on which various microorganisms grow and multiply, including pathogenic ones. For this reason, cosmetics without preservatives is impossible. Without them, cosmetics can quickly turn into an explosive mixture of bacteria and microorganisms. And such cosmetics are unlikely to benefit our skin. But thanks to rumors about the dangers of parabens, an entire industry has formed that produces paraben-free cosmetics and other fun things.


We can say that completely undeservedly parabens from harmless substances turned into components pursued by the public. Any chemist can confirm if disassembled chemical composition plants such as blackberry, lingonberry, oak bark, raspberry, currant, apple, cranberry, you can get a list of substances that will not differ from the composition of our favorite creams.

It is difficult for lovers of “everything natural” to realize that their favorite berries and fruits grown in the natural environment contain the same chemical composition and as many “harmful” parabens as cosmetic creams. It's shocking, but that's the way it is. We live in a world where everything around is chemistry. We ourselves are chemistry, and before we fear anything, we need to find out if it really deserves our concern. After all, most often all our fears are from ignorance and ignorance.

We can say with certainty that:

  1. There is no point in being afraid of parabens, since it is nothing but benzoic acid found in many fruits and berries.
  2. Parabens become xenoestrogens only when they enter the body in their ether form. But how much they are capable of initiating an oncological disease is not yet known exactly.
  3. Research on parabens continues, therefore, the question of the harmfulness of parabens remains open.
  4. So-called "natural cosmetics" are disguised as paraben-free products, but in fact they are not. There are parabens in the composition of such products, but they are denoted by other terms.
  5. The excitement around parabens is sometimes associated with the desire to “drag” another class of preservatives to the cosmetic market. Less efficient and more expensive.
  6. Those consumers who still do not want to use cosmetics with parabens should use natural masks from fruits, berries, dairy products, etc.
  7. Parabens are a class of completely safe and reliable preservatives that are allowed by law in many countries around the world.
  8. Parabens in cosmetic products are found in minimal concentrations. Such a concentration is not capable of harming health.

And the last thing: if parabens still remain dangerous substances for you, then you should limit yourself to the use of cosmetic products and wait for the final results of scientific research.

Girls, hello! Today I would like to deal with such a topic as Parabens in cosmetics. Let's figure out what parabens are and why they are used in cosmetics. And most importantly - let's see why such fuss is going on around parabens in cosmetics?

What are parabens?

Just imagine the following - you yourself made, say, sauce for vegetables. We used the best fresh ingredients, prepared according to the best recipe. And your sauce turned out just unearthly taste. How long will it be stored? In the open air will not last even a couple of days, in the refrigerator, maybe a little more. Over time, it just gets moldy, deteriorates. And it doesn't matter what wonderful ingredients you used for it, right?

Likewise with cosmetics. Whatever the quality composition of the cream, no matter how carefully it is made, if it is not preserved, it will also become moldy and deteriorate over time.

If you have ever been interested in the topic parabens in cosmetics, then, for sure, they noticed that there are both ardent opponents and ardent defenders for the use of parabens. But not everyone, unfortunately, knows what parabens are and what they are used for.

Why are parabens needed in cosmetics?

Parabens are a group of chemicals that are used in cosmetics and even food as preservatives. Since cosmetics for the most part consists of water, in which microorganisms simply bloom and smell, it (cosmetics) simply needs to be preserved. The exception is homemade cosmetics, which will be used immediately. Or, for example, take fresh masks from Lush which can be stored in the refrigerator for only a couple of days.

Why are parabens in cosmetics criticized?

Parabens are structurally very similar to the female sex hormone estrogen. And since parabens, along with cosmetics, are absorbed into the skin (like everything that is applied to it), there are fears that they affect hormonal background human and "trouble" him. And these fears are not in vain. In experiments on rats under the influence of parabens in males decreased healthy sperm count, and in women it was found uterus enlargement. (1)

Are parabens in cosmetics dangerous to health?

This question is the stumbling block in the use or non-use of parabens in cosmetics. Nobody can answer this question with 100% certainty. The fact is that this lacks long-term studies in humans. But! One thing remains clear parabens can accumulate in our body. A study of 2548 participants found that parabens are in almost every person. And in women, the concentration of parabens is much higher(because they use more beauty products). (2)

On this moment very little can be said about the consequences of the accumulation of parabens in the human body. found that parabens in cosmetics have low toxicity and points out that other preservatives (such as essential oils) have a much higher allergic potential. pink ribbon , a campaign against breast cancer, showed that parabens are often found in the tissues of breast tumors. But it is still very difficult to establish whether the estrogenic properties of parabens actually affect the occurrence of breast cancer.

Studied and unstudied parabens

In total, 4 types of parabens were studied - betyl-, propyl-, methyl- and ethylparabens. And for these parabens, the highest concentrations for use in cosmetics have been established.

For other types of parabens, there are still no unambiguous studies, so the effects these parabens have on the body cannot be fully elucidated. Federal Institute for Risk Assessment recommends not using products with isopropyl, isobutyl and phenyl parabens. (3)

Unfortunately, these parabens are one of the cheapest preservatives and are still used in cosmetics.

Naturally, V organic cosmetics parabens are not used. There, as a preservative, other ingredients are used, such as alcohol, fatty alcohol, or essential oils.


Girls, in conclusion, I would like to ask you: DON'T BE GUY RABBIES!!! Be very careful about everything that has not yet been fully explored. After all, we are the same long-term experiment on people! Understand it! Do you really want future generations to learn from your mistakes?

Yes! It's impossible to avoid everything! Yes! We have already packed all our the world that it’s scary not only to eat, drink and use cosmetics, but simply to live! But this does not mean that we should give up on everything, saying that we all someday ....

After all, you don’t deliberately start eating unhealthy food, drinking and smoking together? And what??? We all sometime...

Be carefull! Remember that every purchase receipt you receive is a ballot. Every time.

Update as of March 22, 2015: The European Commission has set new rules for the use of preservatives. First, 5 parabens in cosmetics were banned. Secondly, in cosmetics that remain on the skin - creams and lotions - a mixture of preservatives is prohibited. Methylchloroisothiazolinon And Methylisothiazolinon. The highest concentration was also reduced propylparaben And butylparaben in cosmetics and the use of these parabens in baby products for diaper care is prohibited. These changes are effective for products shipped from April 16, 2015.


(1) Oishi S (2001). Effects of butylparaben on the male reproductive system in rats. Toxicol. Ind. Health 17:31-39.

Oishi S (2002a). Effects of propyl paraben on the male reproductive system. food chem. Toxicol. 40:1807-1813.

Oishi S (2002b). Effects of butyl paraben on the male reproductive system in mice. Arch. Toxicol. 76:423-429.

(2) Antonia M. Calafat -