Happy wedding day to son and daughter-in-law. We compose the best congratulations to the son at the wedding

Your son's wedding is a wonderful event. Parents experience a whole range of emotions at the same time: joy, pride and a bit of sadness, because their little blood leaves its nest. The primary task of the mother is not only to let the child go to a new family life for him, but also, if possible, to give useful guidance and advice.

The complexity of such a task is that other guests will observe the process. Moms get worried, start to get confused in words, cry - this can be avoided if you prepare in advance.

What you need to know when preparing congratulations for your son's wedding

  • Congratulatory speech should be short and capacious. No need to tell a bunch of facts from the life of your son - your congratulations will drag on for a good half hour, and the guests will start to get bored.
  • Optimal length congratulations - 2-3 minutes. During this time it is possible to give several valuable advice and express your feelings.
  • If you are afraid to speak to the public, entrust the speech to your father, or congratulate the young in tandem. The emotional factor must not be overlooked.
  • Plan your speech ahead of time. You don’t need to memorize it word for word, but at least follow the outline. First - congratulatory words, then - the essence of wishes, and, finally, a toast.
  • As a rule, the groom's mother is given the floor at least twice: during the blessing with a loaf and at a banquet. Think about what you will say.
  • Remember that the son and his wife are now a couple. Try to refer to both of them in your speech.
  • You can make it light and humorous, but don't overdo it. The groom should not be ashamed or embarrassed. It is not necessary to tell at the wedding how he ran naked or was a crybaby.

Words to son before wedding

According to tradition, it is the mother of the groom who should keep the loaf on the towel and be the first to congratulate the newlyweds. Metaphors related to bread and wedding ceremonies would be appropriate.

Example 1. Dear children! Your family life is just beginning. However, remember that family is joint work which will give results only if the desire of both parties. Walk this path hand in hand, be a support to each other, keep warmth and love in your heart! We present this beautiful loaf to you with the hope that your life path will be just as sweet. Help yourself to bread and salt, children, treat each other as a sign that in the future you will take care of your soul mate. We bless you! May you live happily ever after!

Example 2. Our beloved children! Accept my sincere congratulations! Your joint path begins, along which you will go hand in hand. We sincerely wish prosperity, prosperity, happiness! Treat each other with love and respect, cherish and appreciate feelings! On the threshold of a new life, let me treat you to a loaf. This is not just bread, but a symbol of well-being and wealth in the family. Break off a piece, children, dip in salt and treat each other. Remember that life is not only sweet, but also salty. And you will overcome all trials together. May warmth and love remain in your hearts, and the house will be a full bowl! Advice and love!

Table words of congratulations from mother to son

Option 1. Dear newlyweds! Today is the most wonderful day, because it is your family's birthday. And we, parents, rejoice at your happiness and are proud that you made such a necessary and important decision. Remember this moment, children, because now there is no "I", but there is "we". You, son, need to become a support for your wife, love her and take care of her. You, daughter, will be the guardian of the family hearth! Take care of each other! Happiness to you, good luck, prosperity! May you live happily ever after. Bitterly!

Option 2. Dear husband and wife, today you did not just exchange rings and vows, but decided to live as one family. Remember that family is not just a print on paper, it is love, respect and loyalty. Son, it's scary to realize, but how fast you've grown! You are no longer a boy, but a man, the head of the family and the support for your wife. Be a support for your beloved woman, take care of her and cherish. Then her heart will remain a beautiful bud and will not be covered with thorns. Daughter, be a faithful companion to your husband, guide him and give your support. We are sure that if together you will succeed and you will fulfill your desires. Let your house be a full bowl, laughter does not cease in it, and love will burn in your hearts even after 50 years. All the best to you, kids! Bitterly!

Option 3. Dear children! No wonder they say “there are no young wise men” and you just have to know this life. From now on, your destinies will be connected, and your path is just beginning. Son, behave like a man, be a protection for your young wife, pamper and cherish her, save her from disappointments and sorrows. Daughter, you have become part of our family, and we are glad that such a girl is next to our son! As a woman, I want to wish you wisdom and patience - you will need them. Let the house be a full bowl, and happiness never leaves it. Take care and appreciate each other! Bitterly!

Option 4. Dear son! More recently, you ran around the house and waited for dad and me from work. memory of joint evenings I am very dear, but it's time for you to start your own family! I am calm for you, because next to you is a wonderful girl whom you called your wife. Dear children! Please accept our most sincere wishes! May your home be cozy and happy. Plant trees, raise children that you will be proud of later. Your union is the key to success in life. As long as you have each other, you are not afraid of any trouble. Happiness to you, prosperity and kindness! Bitterly!

Option 5. Dear children! May your happiness and love last for many years! I am proud of the man you have become, son, and what a wonderful companion you have chosen. Family life is a cozy and calm haven, but it cannot escape storms. Always remember and take care of each other. Then harmony will always reign in your union! Be happy every second, because these moments are unique, and time flies so fast. I want to raise this glass to you newlyweds! We wish that love will continue to illuminate your path and warm your family with its rays. Walk through life confidently, holding hands tightly! Bitterly!

Congratulations to the son on the wedding in verse

Son, today is your holiday,

You have become the head of your family.

Be patient and learn wisdom

Work hard, don't be lazy.

With all our hearts we wish

You live in harmony and love.

Love your wife, pamper your children

Don't be offended, don't be jealous.

Let there be only happiness in the house,

Let's say "Bitterly!" together.

humorous poem

Son, be a good husband

Don't be late for dinner.

Don't forget about your wife

Give her time.

Don't go to sleep overgrown

Shave more often, don't be lazy.

You stay at home less

Take your wife to a restaurant.

So that the abdomen does not grow -

You eat less bread with lard.

Be an example for children

Take up sports soon.

We wish you love, patience!

Accept congratulations

In life, let there be only joy

Come on, guests, let's shout "Bitterly!".

What words of congratulations to your son for the wedding to choose is up to you. If you forgot the text (this happens) - improvise! It is important that the words come from the heart, only such a speech will be remembered and appreciated!

Mom is the most valuable person for a bride or groom. Therefore, mother wedding day plays very important role, no less important than the role of the young at the wedding. Each mother at the wedding is given a word, during the speech of which, the mother pronounces parting words. In our selection, we have collected congratulations in prose from a mother for the young, which she can read or write out in wedding card for your beloved children.

Dear children, I want to wish you that there will always be peace in your family. Peace of mind, peace and harmony between you. So that your family is friendly and that you solve all problems together. People say: "If the whole family is together, then the soul is in place."

We wish you happiness and kindness, After all, years have no power over happy ones, So let it always be like this from now on: more years the more happiness. Dear our children! We raise a glass to you family union, for your happiness, for your friends who shared your joy with you on this solemn day. Bitterly!

We wish the young: If the land is more, If the garden is rich, If the hut is good, If the cow is right, If the daughter is beautiful, If the son is strong, If grief is petty, If happiness is eternal!

Today we wish you happiness, May the Lord keep you from storm and bad weather, The human language, from pain and indigestion, From hard years, from vicious circle. And may the Lord give you a lot of passion, enthusiasm, ardor and love! And a lot of happiness!

Congratulating you on this bright day, We wish you a long and happy life, Passionate and beautiful love to you, So that misfortunes do not cover the shadow. We wish you only success in your worries, So that the house rang from songs, joyful laughter, So that a child’s smile warms your heart, So that nothing hurts you And so that adversity does not touch you, It seemed like minutes for many years!

Let love for you enter the house, Not just with a word and sound, Let it live among you, Like salt, like daily bread. May your feelings not be cooled by either storms or bad weather, And may health, peace and happiness reign when you enter the family. Let the children be a mutual sign of Love for you. Let your marriage be - the highest class! Even if it's called marriage.

Dear (name) and (name)! With all my heart I want to wish you happy married life! Make your family nest cozy and warm. Let this nest be visited more often by storks, let your family grow by leaps and bounds! Live like two swans: swan love, swan fidelity, swan song to you in a hundred thousand years.

Our dear children, let us have a happy day, in happy hour say parental parting word. Live in such a way that there is joy in your house, that laughter and songs, happy children's voices sound in it. Build your best, kindest, most Magic world. Let your family be a model family happiness and well-being.

My dear, glorious and sweet children, I congratulate you on your wedding day. Mom wants to wish you happy days and good news, peaceful sky and bright good, tender love And sincere feelings, wonderful ideas and joyful events in your life.

My dear children, your mother congratulates you on your wedding day. I want to wish that you sincerely love each other and keep the warmth of your hearts, so that you live in peace and harmony, prosperity and health. May God send you wonderful children, bright happiness and good luck.

My dear and dear children, mother congratulates you on your wedding day. I wish you to always remain happy and beautiful, achieve joint goals and success, believe in yourself and good luck, support each other and love deeply.

My children, I sincerely congratulate you on your wedding day! Now you are a family that must always move forward, and always - together. Be loved by each other, protect your home and comfort in it. But if you ever need help, you should know that I am with you. Happiness, young people!

My dear, dear children, mother congratulates you on your wedding day. I wish you, my doves, for long years happiness and love, a long road of joint good luck and luck, bright emotions and sincere feelings, high prosperity and good health.

My dear children, my dears, on your wedding day, your mother wishes you happiness and unquenchable love, confident well-being and stable prosperity, comfort in the house and joy in the soul, faithful care for each other and good luck on your joint path.

Mom is always sincerely happy for her children. My dears, on this bright and joyful day, I am extremely happy and happy for you, I congratulate you on your wedding and wish you fidelity and love for many years, prosperity and bright happiness, high prosperity and great luck, good health and welfare in the family.

Dear children, I sincerely congratulate you on your wedding day. Now your mother wishes you many years of happiness and prosperity, health and love, joy and fun. Let your house be bright and cozy, and the atmosphere in the house be kind and pleasant.

I can't believe in a miracle
How did this happen all of a sudden?
Only yesterday was the son of a boy,
And now a husband!

You, dear daughter-in-law,
Be wise, forgive him.
You, son, your wife
Take care and protect.

Stick together in hard times
Rejoice in fate!
Well, I will say without flattery:
I got lucky with my fiancee!

Dear newlyweds
I want to dedicate a speech:
Be happy folks
Feelings you must save.

I promise not to disturb you
And with the notation do not climb -
Even though I'm a mother-in-law, I'm not evil.
There is also a sense of tact.

You always live together
Don't just scold.
There will be joy in your life
And all the problems - a trifle.

Dear children, I congratulate you on your wedding day. Son, now you have your own family, take care of it and protect it from all troubles, and you, dear daughter-in-law, always remain a wonderful wife and a good housewife. May your home be filled with eternal happiness and prosperity.

I always dreamed of a daughter
And today the dream comes true
You became my son's wife,
And that means a daughter to me!

Happy wedding day, I congratulate you
Today we are one family.
I wish you happiness and all the best,
I love you folks with all my heart!

My dear children, I congratulate you,
And for you, my family, I sincerely wish:
So that you live in harmony and in great love,
Life was more beautiful than a fairy tale, sweeter than strawberries!

To overcome difficulties, hardships,
And you did not get tired of supporting each other,
So that joy, peace and happiness settle in the house,
And love and kisses were not translated!

I raised my son in love
But still dreamed of a daughter,
And now the dream has come true
And my daughter was found.

And she is pretty, and sweet,
And talented, and kind,
Both beautiful and hardworking
May they live happily with their son!

I will love my daughter-in-law
Help and praise
So that love reigns in the house,
Understanding, peace and tranquility.

My dears! Sorry.
Tears are shed from excitement.

Watching you shine with happiness
How your hearts beat in unison
Can't contain the urge
Mother's big heart.

And say hotly: Dear,
I wish you such happiness
So that you circled through life as birds,
They flew to distant stars.

And flipping through the pages,
Left in them only about high
Feelings of line and interjection!
And I'll tell you today, children,

Respect, appreciate each other!
Tender souls are very vulnerable.
I promise, son, that the wife
Become my beloved daughter!

I promise to raise my grandchildren!
If there are not many of them only ...
My tears today are from onions,
What crumbled into salads ... Bitter!

Happiness came to us and my son,
He brought his wife to the house, and his mother - a daughter!
You are beautiful now and young,
And happy to tears, relatives!

So hold on until old age
And walk together and work,
Give us more grandchildren
And live in joy longer!

Let the sun shine brightly in the sky
Be happy for you and your children
Be healthy and patient
Protected by our God!

Dear my children,
You have become one family.
May love shine brightly on you
There will be only peace in the house!

Your wedding has come
I'm already a mother-in-law now
But I won't bother you
And I will not spoil the blood.

I love you dear ones.
Be happy always.
Understand without advice
How to live in love for years.

You, my son, fell in love.
Clearly, for life.
And today you got married.
Hold on to your wife

And your big feelings
Don't hide in vain
After all, love is an art
Get to know him in action.

You, daughter-in-law, be
To only cause delight,
And you are not my mother-in-law,
You can call mom!

Daughter entered our family,
I love you, sister-in-law,
I promise that I will not reproach,
I'll just try to help!

Children, I congratulate you on your wedding,
I wish to live together until old age,
Play a golden wedding
Always obey your father and mother!

To love each other faithfully
Lived every day in harmony
We gave birth to five or six grandchildren,
Realized - there is happiness in the world!

On wedding banquet it is customary for newlyweds to be seated next to the witnesses at the head wedding feast, highlighting and decorating this area as much as possible, as if drawing attention to it. Witnesses - helpers of the young, should watch the bride and groom and take care of them at the table, adding food and pouring drinks.

Even the contents of the table of the newlyweds may differ from the guest tables. It is worth carefully considering the menu for the wedding, the food and drinks on the table of the newlyweds may be completely different, there may be some elements of culinary thought that greatly decorate the table of the newlyweds. Parents are also sometimes seated at this table, but usually the groom's parents lead the tables with the groom's relatives, and the bride's parents with the bride's relatives.

Parents have an honorable role as they experience and participate in wedding celebration no less than the newlyweds, often they organize the celebration itself, especially if the newlyweds are still young.

Parents' speech at the wedding banquet

Examples with different weddings, the newlyweds are congratulated by the parents and the brother of the groom, only mothers and father separately :), the parents of the bride and the mother of the groom, who decided to conduct the obligatory rite of bread and salt, despite the fact that during the meeting the young people refused it.

Typically, parents are given congratulatory word at the banquet first, sometimes during the first wedding table, separately from congratulating guests as the second or third wedding toast. Sometimes the congratulatory part of the wedding begins with the congratulations of the parents, usually after the second wedding table. After the parents, the presenter is obliged to give the floor to the grandparents of the newlyweds, and then, according to the list that the newlyweds make up, to all the other guests. An experienced leader can change the order of congratulations depending on the circumstances, for example, if there is a clergyman in the hall, then after parental and grandparental congratulations, they give him the floor.

By the way and in what order, the host gives the floor for congratulations at the wedding, one can judge his experience and, in general, whether he or the host is leading. The first mistake of young presenters is to turn or change these rules, to do everything like in KVN, and if newlyweds sometimes do not pay attention to such trifles, maybe due to upbringing, then parents are very offended by the disregard for the young toastmaster, who himself still does not understand much about life. And since they often order this celebration, it is clear how this could end for a person who decided that he was a toastmaster.

Now, ending this lyrical digression, we must say that parents, congratulating the young, can say as much as they like and, of course, everyone expects parental instructions, advice and beautiful wishes, because no one like the parents knows the newlyweds. It is better if mom says the first words, reads poetry, and dad adds congratulations in prose, but everything is at the request of the parents themselves, because some are so worried that they cannot say a word.

In what order is it customary to give a word? According to the established tradition, the bride's parents are the first to speak, and then, after a musical pause or immediately, the groom's parents, who are a little more difficult, since some of their wishes may coincide with congratulations from the bride's parents. Of course, the order primarily depends on the leader, sometimes it is changed by the parents themselves for various reasons.

Here are congratulations in verse, which can be found on many sites on the net:

From the mother of the groom

Son, you're a real man now

And it seems that he was only born yesterday,

But time is running and the time has come

Letting go, and there is a reason for that.

I release you with a light soul,

Now, besides my son, I have a daughter!

May your family be happy!

Today I rejoice with you.

Live together, give birth to our grandchildren,

May love not go out in your hearts!

There was just a mother, but she became a mother-in-law,

Being a mother-in-law is not an easy science!

Forgive each other any insults,

Let family days be a holiday

Be happy my children

Advice and love to you, my dear!

From the groom's father

My son, I'm proud of you not in vain,

Now you have a family

The wife is a beautiful young woman.

And today I wish you:

Walk through life with honor

And definitely together

Drive away insults with laughter

And never be discouraged.

May your family be strong

May your friends never leave you

Let the sun shine brighter above you

May your children be healthy

And let from sunset to morning dawn

Let it be sweet to you, and not at all ... "BITTER"!

From parents

You decided to tie fate forever

With each other, you have found your love!

And we want you to live in love,

So that we can go to the end together!

We want you to give us grandchildren,

We dream of loving and pampering them!

And so that we raise them together,

We hope we don't dream long!

Today all dreams have a reason to come true,

Anxiety will vanish like smoke!

Our beloved son wanted to get married!

We wish happiness to our young people!

What a beautiful day

The sky is clear, the sun is clear!

I want to joke, dance,

Kiss everyone around!

What a joy in the soul

We are already marrying our son!

He finally fell in love

And today - down the aisle!

Our glorious relatives,

Dear - "young"!

The first month is short

Let all life be "honey"!

When love knocks on the heart

You need to open the doors!

Behind her, slam the doors tightly,

And don't let go!

So it is with you, our children,

Love entered your hearts too!

Don't break these bonds

And stay together until the end!

Son, we are immensely happy

You have chosen the best wife!

God has ordained for you

Love, destiny, and life - one!

Nice to see your faces

They are so glowing with love!

May your happiness last forever

And does not give rest to the hearts!

You look great together!

Our son, your choice is perfect!

Your bride is not more beautiful

Dreamed of such a daughter!

And, young people, today you

We give our blessing!

Accept it with love

Enjoyment awaits you!

Happiness, happiness to the young!

And more love for them

And family warmth

And a cozy home!

As parents, we

Congratulations, have a good time!

Now you go together

Build a house, raise children!

Do not give quarrels a move,

Son, wife - do not offend!

In general, live friendly

Take care of your marriage, children!

You have a special day today.

So be happy always.

May the path be bright

Let there be a friendly family.

Keep sensitivity, tenderness, affection,

The thrill of the first meeting.

And the rings that they took in their hands,

Save up until the end.

May your life never

Days like these won't come back

Love is always meant to be

And only one time to get married!

We will reveal the simple truth to you,

We will open you the beginning of all beginnings:

For two, luck is twice as joyful,

And sadness will be divided in two.

So you become dearer to each other.

The hot light will warm you with love.

You just need to know how to divide and multiply,

Divide and multiply - that's the whole secret.

(name of the bride) we wish you patience,

(groom's name) only love her alone

For the young! For husband and wife!

WITH legal marriage congratulations

And we wish you much happiness!

We are talking seriously now.

May a million beautiful roses

Lies all over the high way,

What will be destined to pass.

And let the fire Great love

It burns without fading.

Life is easier with love.

Everyone knows about this.

Reach agreement on everything.

Live for many years.

Always respect each other.

Love to you and advice!

You can find many more examples, and now congratulations in prose:

Dear our children! We are glad that today you have decided to take a very serious step - to seal your relationship with the sacred bonds of marriage! This is a happy occasion for all of us! We wish you forever great love to each other, to your family and friends, mutual understanding, kindness and warmth! May all your undertakings lead only to victory, happiness and prosperity never leave your home! Let only good and reliable friends surround you! Health and great family joys! Bitterly

Dear our children! You have made a serious decision and joined your hearts in marriage! May this decision be the right one, and your family will endure all the trials of fate! So that the fire of your feelings does not go out and does not go out! Advice to you and love!

Our beloved children! Congratulations on your wedding! Love and respect each other! We wish the groom to be a real master and love his wife, and the bride to be a caring wife, support and help her husband! Love, unity and happiness to you!

Our dear children, with all my heart I want to congratulate you on your legal marriage. We all always want happiness to be long, and therefore I wish you only eternal happiness, only bright love, only true friends! I also wish you great love, and mutual affection in the family.

Dear our children! Congratulations on your wedding! We wish you a variety of blessings, live in love and happiness for many years, not knowing quarrels, disagreements and troubles! If trouble comes your way, fight together, shoulder to shoulder! Happiness, love and good luck to you!

Dear (name of the groom) and (name of the bride), on this solemn day before God and people, we bless you on happy marriage for a long family life. And we give you our parental mandate: live, live - make good! Peace and joy to you!

Dear children, admonishing you new life we wish you love, happiness, family well-being. Live in the name of kindness and love. We bless you for a happy marriage, for a strong family!

Dear children, (groom's name) and (bride's name)! We bless you for strong marriage, on friendly family. Live in peace and friendship, love and harmony, for your own happiness, for people's joy! Let children laugh in your family, let there be peace and prosperity in your house!

Dear bride and groom! On this happy day, you stand on the threshold of a new life. Just a little more, and you will become husband and wife! Before the beginning family life Please accept our parenting advice and congratulations!

Two doves, our dear children! All the best to you, all earthly happiness, well-being and tranquility to your home, strong prosperity, strong family.

Our dear children, so you became a young husband and wife. Now before you lies a long and happy road family life. I want to congratulate you on completing the first step in your new life. How many more such first steps will you have! The birth of the first child, his first word, the first step - all this you have to go through. And while you are the most happy couple on this planet. I want to wish you only happy days, so that you, like two swans, swim side by side through life, warming each other with your warmth. Be happy!

To be honest, I have lived a long and happy life with my wife. I want to wish you the same happy life. But first of all, please accept my sincere congratulations on your marriage, which took place only a few hours ago. This is very short term, but I see that during this period you have proudly managed to support a very high level happiness in your young family. Keep it up!

My dear children, you have tasted a piece of loaf. I want to keep in your hearts the warmth that this loaf has kept for you. Let your house always be full of guests and everyone will get at least a small piece of treats. Let the distribution of your first loaf be the beginning of your hospitality.

Our dear ____________________________________ (the mother calls the children by name), I also want to congratulate you on your marriage. Be happy in your union that you have created today. Cherish the warmth of this day for the rest of your life. Save your happiness and multiply it many, many times over.

Dear (name) and (name)! With all my heart I would like to wish you a happy married life! Make your family nest cozy and warm. Let this nest be visited more often by storks, let your family grow by leaps and bounds! Live like two swans: swan love, swan fidelity, swan song to you in a hundred thousand years.

Our dear children, let us on a happy day, at a happy hour, say a parental parting word. Live in such a way that there is joy in your house, that laughter and songs, happy children's voices sound in it. Build your best, kindest, most magical world. Let your family become a model of family happiness and prosperity.

Our dear little birds, so you became a young husband and wife. Now you have a long and happy road of family life ahead of you. I want to congratulate you on completing the first step in your new life. How many more such first steps will you have! The birth of the first child, his first word, the first step - all this you have to go through. In the meantime, you are the happiest couple on this planet. I want to wish you only happy days, so that you, like two swans, swim side by side through life, warming each other with your warmth. Be happy!

Every son sooner or later leaves his father's house. This is inevitable and predictable. Years pass, the boy grows up, becomes a man and wants to acquire own family. On a wedding and solemn day, mother and father rejoice for their offspring, proud of how they were able to raise him.

At this special hour, parents try to express all their love in congratulations. It is quite difficult to do this. After all, not everyone manages to immediately reflect in words the fullness of feelings that they experience for their beloved child. The task of parents on the wedding day is to bless the newlyweds and congratulate their son.

Heartfelt wishes from the mother of the groom

Often, the groom's mother is quite jealous of her son's departure to another family. Now for him main woman becomes a wife. This can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.

Mom must overcome herself and release the chick from the nest. This can be expressed in congratulations.

Often, mothers worry that the text is not unique and original. All this is in vain. The groom's parents are in pre-wedding chores, so it is not surprising that they do not have time to draw up a beautiful and original congratulations. The main thing will be the words spoken from the heart and with all the heart.

Alternatively, a mother can:

  1. Love.
  2. Patience.
  3. Mutual understanding.
  4. sincerity.
  5. Financial well-being.
  6. healthy heirs.
  7. Absence of life difficulties.

Brides don't worry fewer parents, therefore, mother, as an adult and adequate person, in her congratulations can also mention her new relative, supporting and encouraging her. Now she is a full member of your family.

Time for wedding ceremony limited, therefore necessary beforehand . Even if it is short, its main task is to reflect the general meaning. Do not invest too many concepts and meanings.

It is better to focus on the excitement for the life of young spouses, trust in a new relative and boundless love for your son. Nobody likes long and boring stories, so limit yourself to short and concise facts related to the wedding ceremony.

Original speech from the groom's dad

Father and son understand each other perfectly. From childhood, it was my father who taught male duties and influenced the formation of masculinity and strength of mind. It is very difficult for a man to express his feelings, seeming extremely sentimental. It is not required.

Possible options for congratulations from the father of the groom:

  1. Poem - take classic literature namely, poetry.
    Look through the book and you will be able to find original poems suitable for a wedding celebration.
  2. Toast - most of all, parting speeches and oriental wisdom are expected from the father.
    Toasts are always listened to with great interest and admiration. You can add both humor and a deep philosophical meaning to it.
  3. Prose is a popular form of congratulations from the father of the groom.
    Can .

Appeared new member family, namely the daughter-in-law requires attention. A man, like no one else, is better at expressing it. It would be appropriate to say a few compliments to your new relative, emphasizing not only her mind, but also her beauty.

Beautiful poems

One of the most complex options congratulations. It requires hard work, especially if everything is done in a unique and original way.

Alternatively, turn to a book of toasts or the Internet in order to read and understand which congratulations on your wedding day are most suitable. Before determining the meaning of a poem, it is necessary to determine its meaning.

It can be:

  • lyrical;
  • musical;
  • comic;
  • touching;
  • instructive.

It will be especially good if you can combine two semantic loads at once in a lyrical text. For example, start with a joke, and end on a touching note.

It should be understood that men do not really like sensual and sentimental moments, so it may be possible to completely refuse them. Not every son will like it if his parents start crying while reading a poem.

  1. My dear children! I confess to all the guests at your wedding that I am very pleased with today's event.
    Despite this, I will worry about you. I would like you not to be met with troubles on the path of life, trouble bypassed. Son, I have raised and nurtured you since childhood. Now I'm ready to step aside. I will always be there, support and prompt when you ask me about it. I love you and wish you harmony in your new life.
  2. My dear son, my words will first be spoken to you.
    You have made me happy since childhood. Always helped and supported. You always studied well, helped around the house and were a real perfect child. We've been through everything with you. difficult moments and today you have found a real family. Before you is a beautiful wife, I hope that soon you will have a child who will delight you in the same way as you do me.
  3. Sweet bride. I am happy that you appeared in our life.
    I trust my son and am proud of his choice. May your days pass happily and carefree together until old age. And you won't forget about your parents.
  4. My son. You would know how glad I am that your eyes are shining.
    Today I feel only fun and joy for you. Let your eyes shine from love until old age, and the beautiful bride dazzles everyone with her beauty and radiant smile.

Parting words in your own words

Parents say not only touching words, but also . They are not instructive. Thereby parents try to convey their reverent attitude and love.

After all, absolutely every mom and dad want their son to live without troubles and problems, without making the mistakes of their parents.

  1. Today we will all have fun and relax at your wedding.
    And tomorrow you, my son, will have to work hard. From that moment on, you became the head of the family. Your task is to provide and support your missus. And this means not only material well-being, but also permanent job over relationships. Marriage is the same work in which it is necessary to adapt to each other and make compromises. Let marriage become your favorite work, which will soon grow into a hobby.
  2. On this day, you sealed yourself in marriage.
    From now on, you are for each other and brothers, and parents, and best friends. Keep your relationship up to date. Love and protect each other. In no case do not forget about your roots, parents.

Useful video

Touching words of a mother at her son's wedding.

Mother's congratulations on son's wedding.

Best wedding gift for son.


Touching to tears, congratulations to the son at the wedding are always uttered by the parents. Only in their words there is so much warmth, tenderness and love. The song addressed to the young will sound especially original.

Parents can perform a well-known song composition. For example, great option becomes "Weather in the house".