Scenario prom "Star Olympus"

The hall is festively decorated. There are songs about school.

The light is dimmed, the gentle melody of E. Morikone sounds.

A girl and a boy come out.

Young woman. Have you listened to the universal symphony of the starry sky, inhaled the aromas of dawns filled with dew as pure as crystal, have you spoken to the herbs that quietly whisper "glory, glory ...". Have you ever thought about the fact that we all live in a fairy tale, in magical world our dreams, hopes, aspirations. And today again a fairy tale, magical, exciting, exciting... After all, today a magical bridge between childhood and independent life will be passed. And our dear, beautiful, wonderful, best graduates will pass it.

young man. Graduation party is always a fairy tale that fascinates, embraces all those present with incomprehensible warmth and light, when hearts and souls unite in a single impulse to bless graduates on an independent life path, where faith, hope and love will always be their faithful companions.

The song "Daisies" by the group "Toys" is performed.

presenter. Good evening, dear parents, teachers, guests! Seems like it just rang yesterday last call, behind - a busy time for exams, and now - prom, to which eleven years, as if by steps, our graduates had to climb.

Leading. Eleven school years... How unnoticed they flew by!.. And soon all our former schoolchildren will have to take their first own exam for adulthood.

presenter. All those present in this hall are anxiously waiting for the solemn moment.

Leading. Hundreds of shades of human feelings are reflected in your eyes. They contain care and joy, embarrassment and excitement, sadness and hope. And there is only indifference in them.

presenter. After all, everyone who sits in this hall has made efforts to bring this holiday closer.

June day is fading
The clouds are melting.
Is everyone ready? Begin
Graduate Ball.

presenter. Today in this hall is the vernissage of the stars.

Leading. We invite everyone to the graduation party "Star Olympus 201.".

presenter. ...boys and girls reached the top of our school Olympus, the top of science, creativity, daring.

Leading. They shone bright stars in the sky of childhood and youth.

Leading. A with today their path will continue further - along the star road of independent life.

Friend, graduate, freeze for a moment!
That day has come, that hour!
The school escorts you with excitement -
School childhood is leaving you.

Leading. We welcome you with applause and invite you to festive hall graduates ........ of the year!

The melody of the song "Graduation" sounds.

Graduates going up to the stage stand at the microphones and perform the first verse of the song “Cool you got to our ball”.

1. Here we are again starting our farewell school ball.
We have graduation today and the hall is already full of friends.
It is painful to part with childhood - we will soon understand this.
Let's smile at school sadly and in great life let's go.
But for now we are together: the holiday is still - do not be sad!
There will also be songs and funny poems.
The hour we have all been waiting for has finally arrived.
We didn't get here in vain: I got in and you got in.
Cool you got to our ball.
So look, you look, come on, people, don't be sad.
Cool you got to our ball.
So look, you look, come on, people, come in
Come to our ball.

presenter. Friends! You have gathered here to be the first to hear the names of the graduates of the star Olympus - and you will hear them.

Leading. Meet, greet, remember them.

The characteristic for each graduate is read to the music.

You leave school and enter the wide road of independent living, but will forever remain in the hearts of teachers:

  1. Serious, responsible, nice, persistent, lover and expert in computer science, our school erudite is Vladik.
  2. An unsurpassed singer, talented, creatively gifted, beautiful, sweet, graceful, who did so much to make life at school interesting - Natalya.
  3. Clever, calm, friendly, delicate, conscientious, cheerful, creative nature - Yulia.
  4. Capable, sincere, tactful, affectionate, nice, kind - Ira.
  5. Chirping, cheerful, hardworking, fragile, a little mischievous - Olya.
  6. Attractive, sharp-tongued, skeptical, skilled, with golden hands, in an adult economic way - Vanya.
  7. Tall and slender, self-confident, a lover of a sharp word, hardworking, like a real master, a little stubborn - Sergey.
  8. Gentle, glorious, conscientious, responsible and punctual - Volodya.
  9. Fair, reliable, resourceful, a little grouchy - Maxim.
  10. Cheerful, comic, carefree, talkative, lively, that he will find a way out of any situation - Alexey.
  11. Unpredictable, inventive, businesslike, adventurous, with a sense of humor - Sasha, etc.

After the performance, the graduates continue to sing the song "Cool you got to our ball."

2. Very cool, we ended up in our school, in the 1st grade.
We were forced to study, the jokes were over for us.
We all crammed the alphabet, now we are all on “you” with it.
They wiped the “Pythagorean pants” for a very long time.
School life is hectic, school is always fun.
Interesting things happen here every day.
If you get a deuce, it doesn't matter at all.
All the stars will recognize you because you are a star.
3. Miracles happen in life and dreams come true.
We recently lit the lessons from the heart.
We are not yet stars, but we are no longer lanterns.
Cute on the outside but stubborn on the inside.
Soon I will be a student, everyone cheer for me,
Stars go out very quickly if they are not given fire.
We are now at the start, this is definitely not the final.
But so far everything is very cool, because you got it.
4. We now know so much, we have become a hundred times wiser,
It is very sad to leave, but the parents do not sleep.
We are no longer children, I am a star and you are a star,
So they make plans where to study and when.
If we are now laughing and happy to the fullest
It means that there is a high sense of ignition of new stars.
So, the beloved teaching staff did not teach in vain.
We did not get here in vain, I got here and you got it.

Graduate. Welcome to our parents' graduation.

Graduate. Our teachers.

Graduate. Our friends.

Graduate. Those who are not indifferent to our fate.

Graduate. Those who know us as themselves.

Graduate. Those who think they know us.

Graduate. For those who want to know who we are.

Graduate. Remember this day!

Graduate. Remember this hour!

Graduates sing the song “Graduation Ball Today” to the tune of “Demobilization” of the Gaza Strip.

1. Childhood is rushing to the finish line.
Soon I will fly like a bird.
I'll fly like a bird into the distance.
Life will start without lessons
Change and teachers -
Graduation ball today.

2. We part with the school,
Certificates will be handed out soon -
And I have become an adult.
I will press my cheek against you,
You wipe away a tear with your hand -
Graduation ball today.

3. And let's walk under the moon,
We will meet the sun with you.
Impressive carnival.
Let's sing songs and dance
And cry a little
Graduation ball today.

4. Childhood is rushing to the finish line.
Soon I will fly like a bird.
I'll fly like a bird into the distance.
Life will start without lessons
Change and teachers -
Graduation ball today.

Leading. This holiday is not in any calendar - it happens only once in the life of every person, each of us.

presenter. This holiday is dear to parents who have studied with their children for 11 years, worried about you and experienced your victories and defeats together with you.

Leading. This holiday is dear to teachers, because no one spent as much time with you as teachers.

presenter. And, of course, he is dear to the heroes of this festive action. You have overcome your first stage on a long journey called Life. Today is your celebration of the triumph of youth, friendship and fidelity.

Leading. Dear parents, teachers, guests! Dear graduates. The gala evening dedicated to the presentation of certificates, I declare open.

An anthem sounds.

presenter. 11 school years, how quickly they flew by. Who recognizes in a slender, pretty girl that little button girl with huge bows and slightly frightened eyes, who with such trepidation gave her little hand into the caring hand of the teacher.

Leading. And where is that little boy who hid behind his mother and did not want to go to school. Where is he?

presenter. And who in a high-minded young man recognizes a schoolboy-baby who was a little taller than his portfolio.

Leading. The current graduates grew up, matured at school, gained knowledge and skills, gnawed at the granite of science and every day walked along their path to school.

presenter. There was everything at school: defeats and victories, good and not very grades, omissions and lateness, jokes, laughter, funny and not so pranks, excursions, evenings and first love ... And finally, graduation party.

Time, unfortunately, is fleeting,
Year after year many years have passed
And childhood has departed from us forever,
Leaving a good mark in my memory!

A song is performed to the motive "You understand" by the group "Roots"

You see, quietly childhood has gone away
You see, we can not find the right words.
You know we dreamed of growing up
And now I had to regret. Understand?
- You see, I took off my school bow
I understand that it can't be returned.
You know we can't repeat childhood
We will give free rein to feelings. Understand?

And outside the window (2p.), You understand, something else is not right.
And outside the window; and take away our cold sleep.
And we'll walk in the alleys of love
The stars are visible in the morning sky. Understand?

You see, I recently had a dream...
You see, in this dream, our school house.
Can you imagine? I catch bright stars
And I fly to my dream. Understand?
- Understand. Oh what a fool I was!
You know, I did a lot of things wrong.
You see, childhood soared up like a bird.
And you can't get to him. Understand?

The notes of the waltz have not yet ceased,
And a little flickering, the candles melt,
The hall is shrouded in magical mystery.
Farewell to childhood wonderful evening.
Farewell ball of memories
About childhood, school, hobbies.

About magical dreams, about desires,
Dreams unfulfilled, aspirations.
Let's open it up a little
The magical secret of dreams
Let's open a bright umbrella over childhood,
Tear off the mysterious cover.

Graduate. Our dear, sweet childhood, now you will come only in a dream.

Graduate. You left us with a bright, aching feeling of sadness and tenderness.

Graduate. You are the first step on the star Olympus.

Graduate. Now our younger brothers and sisters.

Graduate. How we envy them, but we will not be sad.

Graduate. Friends, meet our reduced copy.

(The sister of the graduate Anya comes out (as an example) ... Dasha).

Dasha. I came to congratulate my best sister Anya and her friends on finishing school. Although you are a little sad, smile at your moms and dads, your grandparents, your brothers and sisters, your teachers, friends, and you will immediately feel warm and comfortable, because a smile is the best medicine for pain and sadness. Smile at me too, and I'll sing a song for you.

Dasha performs the song "Smile".

We will remember more than once
That good planet
Where with rays of eyes
Dawns meet
Where are the sunny dreams
Where are the star trails
Where in the songs are heard
Laughs and sadness.
They walk through the streets
Mysterious fairies
And the knights carry
For the fairies briefcases.
And the calls are ringing
Crystal melody,
And the first verses
Warmed by the first secret.
They believe in magic here
Here they are friends with miracles,
All fairy tales are real
They come to visit.
Here the clouds are not visible,
Here from smiles closely
Under the sail of spring
The planet of childhood is flying.

Graduates sing a song to the tune "Clear Days" by Gazmanov.

How does it happen - that's the end of childhood
And it will not be so fun to call calls here.
We say goodbye to school, we part from childhood.
Why is there no place in our souls for longing?
And we school days we leave ourselves
And we return sad days to fate.

You, my school friends and cool friends,
You will never leave me, never.
How is it that our song ends
And our life goes on and boils like water.

Graduate. Today our class gathered together for the last time.

Graduate. We had to go through 11 whole years before we understood what it means to finish school, pass exams, get a certificate.

Graduate. To be honest, on September 1 ... we did not set ourselves such a goal - a certificate.

Graduate. We just really liked school uniforms, brand new briefcases, pencils and pens, textbooks that smelled so nice of printing ink. And of course, we were delighted with our teachers.

Graduate. Yes, it was all. But what is absolutely certain is that we could not even imagine how in a few years we would fight against school uniforms ...

Graduate. Forget pens and notebooks at home...

Graduate. Color textbooks...

Graduate. And instead of briefcases, wear one single notebook for all occasions.

Graduate. Girls in a bag.

Graduate. And the guys in plastic bag. Here it is - my dear bag, how much he learned, God forbid. And today I solemnly transfer this precious thing to the school museum.

Graduate. And we will remember our school, both good, and joyful, and sad, everything that we lived for 11 years.

Graduate. The Alumni Council decided to recommend the school administration to allocate premises for organizing a museum of school relics. The Alumni Council allocates the following exhibits for the museum:

  1. A knapsack with which we went to the 1st grade.
  2. A student backpack with which they went to middle classes.
  3. Plastic bag - for students in grades 9-10.
  4. Notebook general, universal - for all subjects in grade 11.
  5. Weapons: cutting, piercing, shooting.
  6. The button that for 11 years the students tried to put on the teacher's chair.
  7. A universal cheat sheet - the biggest friend and enemy of students.
  8. A pen that passed all tests and laboratory tests.
  9. Shoe of the champion of the school in the run from the lessons.
  10. The student's personal airplane, which he played in the lessons, during all 11 years of study.
  11. Chalk, with which the first words were written on the board by an excellent student.
  12. An empty pack of cigarettes - smoked first, the first of the smokers.
  13. A bottle of tears that shed during the years of schooling.
  14. The log with which the students fought their way to knowledge.
  15. A bag of knowledge (it is better if 3 bags are taken out - the heavy and most filled one is taken out by an excellent student, the second, half-full, is taken out by students who have good knowledge, the third, lightest, is taken out on a tray by a student who did not pay enough attention to learning).

It's getting dark. And the evening is so good!
Wrapped the world in enchanting warmth!
Look at the sky - you can't take your eyes off!
Oh, how many new stars lit up on it!
In whose honor shall we name these stars?
Or have they already been given names?

They burn in honor of all graduates!
Success, achievements to the glory!
And the first step behind.
Today is a special day guys
And the hall froze, holding its breath.
It's time for the certificates!

Leading. Attention, friends! Finally, an exciting, solemn moment has come, for which the entire stellar composition of our school has lived and worked for 11 years!

presenter. And parents, and teachers, and, of course, graduates!

Leading. More ... bright stars flared up in our school sky!

presenter. And their first document - a patent for stardom - a certificate - gives ...

How excited everyone is at this meeting...
Joy, embarrassment - on every face ...
He came - farewell evening,
Our first step towards the cherished dream.
So let's make a promise
Do not forget this moment, this hour.
Our school at the time of parting
Let's say to everyone: "Thank you!" Now.
For all meetings, for friendship, for knowledge -
We couldn't live without it.
Our school! goodbye to you
We say today: “Thank you!”

A song is performed to the motive "Smile" by the group "Networks"

The day, the day has come
Say goodbye to school, friends!
Year, this year
In our memory forever.
Sorry, believe me.
We're leaving school
Sadness in my heart.
Sorry, believe me.
We're leaving school
Sadness in my heart.
Hour, at this hour,
I am the happiest person in the world.
Here and now
My new life song.
School, goodbye!
As an adult, I will come here.
Moment, this moment
Will always be in our heart.

Graduate. Dear teachers! You created a small one for us magical land called "School". This country is kind and beautiful, therefore it is warmed by the warmth of your hearts. We do not want to leave her, she will always be with us. Because we all come from childhood, come from our school country.

Graduate. We just shone like little stars.

Graduate. We are just starting our journey into the future.

Graduate. But on our school Olympus there are much larger and brighter stars.

Graduate. They give us a piece of their inexhaustible energy, youthful enthusiasm, warmth and eternal teacher's burning.

Graduate. They are magicians, therefore they light new stars, do not let them go out.

Graduate. These stars, our dear teachers.

Graduate. Dear, sweet, wonderful, our best teachers. Today is your holiday. For 11 years, you have given us not only knowledge, but also your love, care, a piece of your heart, your soul.

Graduate. And wherever we are, no matter what we do, you will always be with us. Thank you for everything, forever our and only our teachers.

Graduate. So, all of us - obedient and not very, polite and not quite, diligent and not, purposeful, ambitious and shy, modest and self-confident, we wish you happiness without borders, kindness without edge, well-being every day, health forever, harmony with everyone and everywhere, cheerful smiles at every step, kind and affectionate leaders all the time, I would like the fulfillment of hopes and innermost desires, smart, disciplined and very, very respectful students always , all earthly goods Necessarily.

Graduate. We bow low to you, our dear mentors.

For the work of the saint, which is akin to a feat,
What is eternal in our imperishable memory -
Teacher before your name
Let me humbly kneel

Graduates sing a song to the tune of Gazmanov's "Lord Officers".

Lord teachers, there are few of you left,
Those who believe in kindness to the end,
They didn’t grumble at fate, they always understood us,
Those to whom all the guys trusted their hearts.
Teachers, teachers, us from the school threshold,
Life beckons, and we must live it.
Teachers, teachers, reckless and strict,
We will remember you and cherish you forever.

Gentlemen teachers, we are taken away by roads
From a burning heart and caring eyes.
Only you do not get sick, pity yourself more,
All your children wish you good health.

Graduate. Dear teachers! We have prepared a little surprise for you. A special order at our request was fulfilled by the model house. Therefore, an exclusive show only today and only for you, dear teachers! Season - autumn-winter-spring 20..-20..
This season, models that ensure the successful survival of a teacher in the harsh conditions of the school environment are especially relevant. The first model, the only one, is multifunctional. The idea behind the model is... (Girls in short skirts enter the stage, then the “actual model” appears - a tall young man). The costume of the model includes a gas mask, a fire extinguisher, a baton, a bag with medicines, a spyglass, a clamshell, a helmet with a light bulb (motorcycle helmet), mobile phone and dark glasses.

Comments are read to slow music.

  • The model is especially stable in conditions of gassed school toilets with cigarette smoke.
  • Pay attention to the detail needed to create a working environment in the classroom and establish conscious discipline (baton).
  • Another piquant detail is a spyglass, which allows the teacher to see cheat sheets that are invisible to the naked eye.
  • Bag with medicines - multifunctional. It can be used by the teacher for himself or for his desperate students.
  • A folding wagon is necessary for a teacher to relax in conditions close to extreme.
  • The mobile phone will provide the teacher with information about the overflowing cup of patience of parents.
  • An optical night vision device will allow the teacher to examine the knowledge of students deeply sunk into the brain.
  • Dark glasses allow the teacher to imagine himself for a moment as a superman who performs especially responsible and super-heavy tasks behind enemy lines.
  • An elegant headpiece completes the composition, philosophically reminding you of what can fall on your head from the windows of your favorite school.

Teacher. Dear graduates! We will definitely keep your relics and maybe, God forbid, of course, we will use such an impressive costume.
Yes, school time is leaving you forever. From today, your school path will go down in the history of the life of each of you. But do not be sad, because today you are on the threshold of a new life, you are opening a new, no less significant stage in your destiny. I really want you, dear graduates, to be happy, good people have chosen the right path in life.
You can be brave, risky in life, but the most important thing, perhaps, is simply to be reliable and good. And so are 11th grade students. They have always been a reliable support in all school affairs, although it must be confessed, they loved to play pranks.
You are a part of every teacher's soul. May our faith and optimism always be with you, our hope for the realization of a dream, and dreams grow with a great all-encompassing love for life.

Happy holiday, dear ones!
Happy First Adult Day!
Leaving the walls of the school, do not forget that knowledge is a fire that disperses darkness.
In life, do not envy the rich and arrogant, because you have to pay for everything.
Know how to curb yourself, do not succumb to lies, keep patience and value the truth.
Be temperate, and humility will save you from trouble.
Fill your hearts to the brim with kindness, because there are no other heights.

Graduate. How many feelings today. How many emotions! It seems that my star friends will not withstand a flurry of feelings and emotions and burst into tears!

Graduate. My friends, don't, think about your parents! They are also sad that we have already grown up and are starting an independent life.

Graduate. They hope so much for us and believe in our lucky star!

Graduate. Therefore, let us not upset them and say everything that is in our hearts.

Graduate. Has it really been 11 years since the time when we, small, with funny pigtails and briefcases half our height, went to school, proudly turning up our noses and considering ourselves to be quite adults.

Graduate. But, despite this, they were afraid to lose their mother in this noisy world called school, and therefore held tightly to her hand.

Graduate. We still consider ourselves adults, only for some reason our hearts aches and our souls are sad.

Graduate. Ours will turn out differently adulthood. Our successes and failures will be different. But we are sure of one thing...

Graduate. All my life, a gentle star will shine on us native home. Our parents are always waiting for us here.

Graduate. We owe our lives, our present, our happiness to our parents, relatives and relatives.

Graduate. Say quietly: ma-ma, pa-pa. You will feel how something alive, warm, tender embraced your chest and your heart beat faster.

Graduate. At such moments, one believes in goodness and justice. Because there are great words "mom" and "dad" in the world.

Graduate. Because now they are kind, the best in the world. They gave us this sky, and these stars, and this heart, which is able to feel, rejoice and love.

Thank you dear parents!
Forgive us if we offended you in any way.
For sleepless nights, tears, excitement.
For youthful pride and impatience.
For the gray hair on the temples of the father
And for the wrinkles of his own face.
In the belt we will bow to you to the ground
Thank you, family, to you all from the bottom of my heart!

Leading. Today is an exciting day not only for our graduates. Their parents are no less worried. The heart beats so frantically, or even disappears somewhere ... Both dad and mom still remember themselves as young, their graduation. And here, as a surprise, a beautiful daughter in high heels (well, when did she grow up?) And a serious son, taller than dad. More recently, helpless babies were held in their arms. And today they fly away from the parental nest.

presenter. Today we saw once again how quickly time flies. It seems to be quite recently, as the child took the first step, filled the first bruise, how he cried because he did not want to go to kindergarten. And how happy I was when I put on my school uniform for the first time, and how I was worried when I passed the first exam. And together with them, which I have no doubt, you cried, rejoiced, studied and worried.

Parents come up to the microphone.

Father. Dear our children! Today you are standing on the threshold of an unknown future, saying goodbye to your childhood, school youth. Tomorrow, you will be on your way to independent living. So let fatherly instructions always accompany you and warm boundless motherly love.

Mother. Dear children! Accept our parental blessing for your long years, for good deeds and great accomplishments. And let this symbolic flame of your native home ignite the flame of inspiration, kindness and wisdom in your hearts and will burn all your life. And this light is the candles on the birthday cake. After all, today is your birthday. You begin a new, adult life. Save these candles as a charm. Remember your parents, your home.

Father. Happiness and good luck to you thorny path adult life.

Mom sings the song "I will lay the sky under your feet."

I will lay the sky under your feet,
Become a bird, be free.
I will lay the sky under your feet,

Become the sun, burst into light.
I'll braid eternity in your hair
Just come back, come back to your mother.
Happiness is a heavy burden
Unfortunate role.
Light and joy time,
So why this pain.
You became an adult overnight
And before you a hundred roads.
But the brightest happiness -
At home, the threshold.

I'll tell you the secrets of the universe
I will be a guiding star.
I will tell you the secrets of the universe
Just come home again.

Graduate. Childhood has passed ... We are already adults, but we still want to feel the warmth mother's hands, cling to his father's shoulder and quietly say: "Forgive us ...".

Graduate. Forgive us, our dear mothers and fathers, for all the pain that we have caused you.

Graduate. Forgive us for our endless childish pranks (pampering), for those difficult 11 years when you escorted us to school every day, waited, and always with good grades.

Graduate. Dear, dear, good, our best parents! Forever ours, beloved, kind, sincere teachers! Don't worry and don't worry about us. We will be your glory and pride. We promise that you will never be ashamed of our actions.

Leading Dear graduates! We hope that everything you said was not in vain, and you will keep your word to parents and teachers.

presenter. And teachers also want to give you parting words and a song as an answer to the question: "How to live?"

The song-wish to graduates on the motive "My baby" Danko sounds.

1. You are leaving school now,
It's so sad, believe me
But you have a holiday, I will smile,
Let it be, let it be.
A little more, and at this festive hour,
Meet the dawn.
Dear good friends
I only wish you happiness
Naughty, kind always,

How beautiful, how good
2. A sea of ​​lights, smiles, flowers,
Joyful dreams.
It's a pity that childhood is already gone,
You can't bring back the past.
All friends, at this festive hour,
Sending you a big hello.
Dear good friends
I only wish you happiness
Naughty, kind always,
You won't be happier in the world
A little sad, but eat.
How beautiful, how good
May it always be in the velvet sky,
A bright star shines on you
Lovely and adults, graduates.
Sunny and generous will be the way,
But never forget about home
Here you are always loved, always waiting,
Dear good friends
I only wish you happiness
Mischievous, my good ones,
You won't be happier in the world
A little sad, but eat.
How beautiful, how good

Teacher. We, too, will not remain indebted to graduates. For them, a lottery is held to predict the future profession. Your younger friends - school singers - will predict the fate.
Graduates approach a student who holds a hat with lotteries-predictions. Having pulled out the lottery, the graduate, without unfolding it, passes it to the host. The lottery lists a specific profession or occupation. A well-known song is dedicated to them, which has a certain relation to the specified profession or occupation. First, the singers perform part of the song, and then the presenters name the graduate's "future" profession or occupation.

Sample songs and professions (occupations):

My joy lives on. - Banker.
Million Scarlet roses. - Artist - florist.
Pink Elephant. - Geneticist.
Black eyes. - Ophthalmologist.
A flight attendant named Jeanne. - Stewardess.
Chervona rue. - A sorceress.
Popandopulo couplets. - Top Model.

Palma de Mallorca. - Oligarch.
Salt on my wound for a rash. - Surgeon.
Kings of night Verona. - MP.
Black BMW. - Businessman.
Grass near the house. - Astronaut.
The House of the Rising Sun. - Millionaire.

Graduate. Well, that seems to be all. School is over. There will never be more lessons.

Graduate. Surprising, after all, the word "never". Everything will be: institute, family, work, but there will be no school and there will be no childhood.

Graduate. Childhood has left us. It left drop by drop: quietly and imperceptibly, with the first letters: even, even, for the first time a teacher on the blackboard.

Graduate. With short dresses, with long-awaited calls - which are more expensive than all the theorems in the world.

Graduate. With the familiar, habitual voice of a literature teacher who demanded to prove that Pechorin was a hero of our time.

Graduate. And they proved, and everything became clear with Pechorin, and over time, too.

Graduate. And it was raining outside the window and the electricity was turned on in the classroom and, under Tatiana's declaration of love, they wrote off mathematics.

Graduate. They proved theorems that did not fit, attributed extra laws to Newton.

Graduate. And everything is fine.

Graduate. And childhood came from us.


The school bells rang. - Never, do you understand? Never
We don't have to stand at the blackboard. - And a school dress above the knees We no longer wear. - Don't expect change
You don't have to take lessons. - Now the bells will ring not for us, Our teacher will not come to us.
- And a list of another in the class magazine
With a calm hand will bring
- Forever, you understand? Forever
Let's leave these doors.
Sometimes, you understand? Sometimes
Let's go here now.

Two parents come out classroom teacher with candles.

To have enough strength on the road,
So that the path is lighter and easier,
At the moment of farewell on the school doorstep
Don't forget these candles.
Let these candles burn for nothing
Let us remember this hour
Let the warmth of parting and meeting
It will stay with you for a long time.

Teacher. Dear friends! The stars of human destiny burn in the sky. Before a long journey in life, each of you make a wish and light the stars of the Dream come true. I want the fire of their kindness to flare up with new force and did not fade away. So that tomorrow in the country of independent living where you are going, it will illuminate your path and warm your souls, so that there will always be the stars of Beauty, Love, Faith and Hope next to you.

The lights go out, the graduates light candles and wave them.

A song is performed to the motive "The candle burns out" by the group "Freestyle"

Prom night, dreams, dreams in the wee hours.
The lights of hope are given to you by a timid candle.
Sounds in silence are barely audible, shadows are not visible.
Childhood is already over for you, fabulous dreams.
The candle lit by you is burning
Sorrow will not replace our eternal love.
It is impossible to start the days lived again.
A candle blazes, you have a candle of youth.
The school, the class and the warmth of the hand remained in the memory,
A small fire on the bank of a small river.
Everyone wishes you happiness, friends, without saying: Farewell,
May the candle of youth always burn everywhere for you.

The ball is over and the candles go out
Failed to burn.
Graduation, farewell party -
To remember everything, to be in time!
These candles, these faces
This is graduation day.
Nothing will happen again
Never for you and me...
The fire is tired of burning
The candles go out, the ball is over ...
Slowly, little by little
Spilling light all around
We are on the steps of life
Let's run without your hands.
And in the quiet sky
A bright star of grief
We are not in vain, of course, we will break out -
The stars do not shine in vain.

Yes, the story of the school is coming to an end,
Chapters have been written, dreams have been examined,
Already, not relying on someone's clues,
We must solve all problems ourselves.
Not every path will be smooth
Not all trials will be easy
And life lies before us like a notebook,
In which there is not a single line yet.

At the end of the evening, the graduates sing a song to the tune of "Light Up" by the "People's Artist".

Here ended our cheerful, groovy graduation
You studied at the best school, you were so freaky.
And now the moment of glory, the heart beats in the chest
So, let's have fun, the night is still ahead.
These are not lessons, this is not a test
We have the right, we are now honored.

Have fun, tonight is ours
Have fun, there is no better holiday.
Rock out, you graduated from high school
And trust me, this is not a joke. (2 times)

Perhaps the most touching event in a student's life is graduation. We decided to publish the scenario of one of such important events on our website.

This graduation was successfully held in 2013 at our school. There are photographs, video frames, and most importantly, for life ...

So, prom.

Scenario "City of outgoing childhood"

Under the blue sky

There is a city of gold

With transparent dawns

And with a pink dawn.

And in the city there is a garden,

Trees and flowers.

There our childhood is sonorous ...

And bright dreams.

But you won't get to the city of childhood,

You won't find it on the world map

This city on a distant planet

In blue clouds of memories.

(Background music - the curtain opens - the presenters come out.)

VED. Good evening, dear friends!

So the solemn moment has come when we want to announce to you, dear parents, that your children have already grown up.

VED. And from today, a new, unknown path opens before them, new road into an adult unknown as yet, life.

VED. Human life ... What is this? Long road in the dunes?.. Eternal call?.. Or irony of fate?.. I don't know. But I am sure of one thing: life is an interesting journey from childhood to youth, from youth to maturity, from the past to the future.

VED. Another minute and we will all find ourselves on the main square of the city of "Outgoing Childhood", where our already adult children are preparing to take their first steps into adulthood!

VED. And we offer, now together with you, to look into the city of the outgoing childhood, to remember the years of study of our graduates, their first steps towards knowledge, their first victories and defeats, their first true love ...

VED. I invite you to the main square of the city of outgoing childhood!

(leaders leave)

The fabric rises - graduates stand on the stage.


We dreamed about graduation timidly,

Plunging headlong into study

But the hour has come, we stand on this stage,

Girlfriends are here, but where is the hero?


Now the hour has come and we came in costumes,

Tie a tight tie around your neck.

I'm not going to wait half a minute

Our time has come!


"What is the use of these young cavaliers?"

Will I tell myself in private?

We unlearned with them whole

One hundred years already.


- Why did we buy a suit for ourselves,

Tie a tight tie around your neck,

We offer to live in peace today.

Vivat our ball!

Chorus: Our ball vivat!!!

VED. Begin gala evening Zheleznogorsk School No. 9 named after Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky, dedicated to the graduation of 2013!

(anthem of the Russian Federation)

VED. Meet the Graduates of 2013!

(To the music, graduates take their places in the hall)

VED. says words about each of the graduates:

Livintsov Alexander - sports pride of the class, school and city. Sasha a responsible and reasonable young man, a person with an active life position. He is able to lead his comrades and enjoyed great prestige in the class. Alexander's integrity and leadership qualities are admirable. Someday he will become a fair boss and an excellent family man.

Shepertitsky Maxim - won the hearts of the female half of the class - and not by chance: external attractiveness is combined in him with kindness and responsiveness. Maxim will always come to the rescue in difficult times, understand and support. At the same time, he is strong and determined - this is proved by his victories in the boxing ring.

Ageeva Karina– charming, sociable and cheerful girl, activist, sportswoman. Karina highly appreciates friendship and, you can be sure, she will never betray her friends. Karina will become the soul of any team and will win more than one male heart.

Azartsova Victoria- Talented, hardworking and very honest man. Throughout all her school years, Vika has been wonderful. In her certificate in all subjects there are only excellent marks. And this charming and fragile, at first glance, girl achieved special success in studying such a difficult subject as chemistry.

Evstratikova Yana. Distinctive feature this lovely charming girl- an innate sense of justice. Yana is an honest, noble person and a very strong personality. She has her own opinion and will not change her principles under any circumstances.

Elagina Anastasia. Nastya is one of those people who do not climb into their pocket for a word. Anyone will be put in their place. Perhaps that is why she enjoys prestige among her classmates. In addition, she is smart and beautiful. And also, she sings beautifully. Nastya knows exactly what she needs from life. And there is no peak that will not submit to it.

Demkin Vladislav. Vlad is an amazing person. In any situation, he is able to remain calm, at least outwardly. His prudence and erudition are admirable. Someday he will become the favorite history teacher of our school students.

Kuzovchikova Julia- our pride: smart and beautiful, an excellent student throughout the years of schooling. Yulia will achieve everything she wants from life thanks to her dedication and talent. Among other things, Yulia is a very decent, modest and principled person. For this, she is respected by her classmates and teachers. Today Yulia will receive a silver medal "For Special Achievements in Teaching".

Lepeshkina Alexandra. Now I can’t even believe that Sasha came to our school only at the beginning of the 11th grade - she joined our school so well Friendly team. Nature endowed Sasha with an attractive appearance and good heart. Thanks to these virtues, she will succeed in any field.

Sazonov Mikhail- a wonderful person. He has his own point of view on all issues and at the same time never comes into conflict. Misha has a truly masculine trait - seriousness. Words are not thrown into the wind. That is why everyone listens to his opinion.

Smirnova Irinacharming girl, refined and romantic nature. Charmingly modest and shy. Writes poems. Feels great about poetry. Loves to read. However, this does not prevent her from successfully mastering the subjects of the physical and mathematical cycle. Today, Ira will receive a commendable diploma "For special achievements in the study of the academic subject - physics."

Sumatokhina Tatiana- this girl was born to shine in all fields. Very bright personality stunningly beautiful and smart. Can't lie. Kind and responsible. Without further ado, he will complete any task. After graduating from university, Tanya will definitely return to home school as a teacher of history and will take a worthy place among our teachers.

Tsikolaev Boris- born to be successful. Boris will not be stopped by any obstacles on the path of life. He will achieve a lot from life and will not disappear anywhere. Together with Boris, cheerfulness and optimism came to our cool team. His charming smile will melt any ice. It is simply impossible to be angry with such a person. Amazing young man!

Applause to our graduates!

VED. Opens festive evening Head teacher Galina Vasilievna ZVEREVA.

(the word of the director, presenting flowers to the director)

(background music)

VED. Dear residents of the city of childhood! Yes Yes. We appeal to you, the graduates of 2013. Now you are still full-fledged residents of this wonderful town.

VED. But only a few moments will pass, and you will go to distant lands along the road of a life that is not at all a toy.

VED. Books are closed, parting words are said ...

The year flew by in a string of days

Long - for those connected with the school,

Brief - for those who say goodbye to her.

VED. Who will measure beings with the unknown?

This task is difficult, but

Your lucky ticket to the future

You will become a graduate.

VED. Today, home, family, school, escort you to a distant, unknown, but interesting world of good and evil, a world of romantic dreams and disappointments, a world of hopes and falls.

VED. And confirmation that you have successfully passed all the exams will be your certificate of secondary education.

VED. Today comes the full

And the key and joyful moment,

When you receive your main,

Your very important document in life!

VED. To read the order and present certificates, the Director of the school is invited to the stage Galina Vasilievna Zvereva and deputy director of the school for teaching and educational work Nina Ivanovna Brekhova.

(reading the order, presenting flowers to the head teacher)

Presentation of certificates to medalists (1 person).

VED. Friends! With prom guests

Without preface this very hour

Let me introduce you!

Word of the guests.

1. ROOM - VERNISSAGE - Ensemble ballroom dance"Grace"

Presentation of certificates and Ministerial letters (4 people)

VED. There will be many in this room

Bright faces and kind words,

Everyone now wants to congratulate

Dear graduates!

Word of the guests

2. NUMBER - BRING A FIRE - soloists vocal ensemble"Nocturne" Alexander Nefyodov and Ilya Lozikov

Presentation of certificates (8 people)

VED. Graduates have been waiting for this date for so long

And waiting for a happy moment!

In honor of all those who received certificates today,

Once again, the applause is incessant!

3. NUMBER - ADAGIO - Alla Basenko

(background music)

VED. My friends! Birthday today

Happy new days, moments, meetings,

But the main beautiful moments

Together we will keep in memory!

(Fanfare sounds)

VED. Greetings from the city of childhood are sent to you by future schoolchildren.

(Music background sounds. Performance of children from kindergarten).

Greeting children:
Of course, you are adults, well, just very simply adults.
Get out of school somewhere over the threshold.
Notebooks, books thrown, no more in the fall
Hurry you back to school, although the bell is ringing.

We really want to wear a ball gown too.
But we still have to wait 10 years
More recently, football was played nicely
And sometimes they pulled the braids of the girls.

They were naughty for fun and now you are uncles
And you will always be big forever.
Every day you were together, like in one big family.
Friendly, noisy, interesting - to school together and home.
But suddenly the hour of separation came - a sad hour of parting.
Stand in a circle, shake hands - maybe for the last time.
This word is not a reading word ... you can’t part forever.
Many times we wish you to meet and meet again.

My mother told me - there are no barriers for friends ..
Life begins with friendship, and I really believe in it.
And we are also curious about who you dream of becoming.
Who do you want to be in life - that would be for us to find out now.

Suddenly, yes, at least one of you will become a businessman.
You must come to our class immediately.
Although you will be important, we need you very much.
Sponsor's care - there is no better honor.

4. NUMBER - HEART, DON'T CRY - soloists of the Nocturne vocal ensemble Alexander Nefyodov and Ilya Lozikov

(background music)

VED. The city of the outgoing childhood is not only the city of our today's graduates, it is also our city with you, it is a very good city in which we all lived.

VED. Because we were all children once. But, unfortunately, time is rapidly moving forward, and not a single scientist has yet figured out how to slow it down.

VED. Yes, time flies, children grow up and, already, not your 5-year-old daughter flaunts near the mirror, but a beautiful young lady who has already become an adult.

VED. And it’s not a six-year-old boy in torn jeans who comes running from football ... What can I say, our children have grown up!

VED. And now the moment has come when it is necessary to say words about those who, from the very first minutes of the life of the heroes of today's celebration, were nearby, cared for and protected, did not sleep at night, took their first steps together and discovered the secrets of the vast world, studied together, took exams together and walked to the finish line together.

VED. These are the parents of our graduates, to whom we now provide a place on the stage. On behalf of the parents, the floor is given ...

Presentation by parents.

VIDEO - photos of graduates with parents

VED. And now, I think, it's time for graduates to say words of gratitude to their parents, who worry about them more than they do.

(music - graduates come out)

Graduate 1. Parents are our support in all endeavors! We can safely say that they graduated from school with us, going through the program of each class and participating in extracurricular activities.

Graduate 2. Together with us they wrote essays and drew school newspaper, participated in sports events and subbotniks, understood English and theorems in geometry. Dear Parents! We give you a strong...
Together. Five!
Graduate 3. The day before the birth, the Child asked God:

Graduate 1. I am very afraid! I don't know at all what am I supposed to do in this world?

Graduate 3. God replied:

Graduate 2. I will give you an Angel, he will always be with you. He will protect you from all troubles.

Graduate 1. But what is his name?

Graduate 2. It doesn't matter what his name is. You will call him "MAMA"!

Graduate 3. And now, graduating from school, we would like to sincerely, from the bottom of our hearts, thank our mothers and fathers, our parents, who have always stood behind our backs, supporting us in difficult times. Thank you, our relatives, dear ones, for everything that you have done, are doing and will do for us.
5. ROOM - CHA-CHA-CHA - Ensemble "Grace"

(Music background.)

VED. Understand what is for centuries, what is perishable,

School helped you in life

But what do you need in these walls

Without wisdom and without warmth,

VED. Without those people who taught

Walk without fear of obstacles

Without their talent, their efforts,

Their boundless faith in you!

VED. It's no secret that being a class teacher is a big responsibility. After all, in addition to your own children, you have at least 13 more children of your own ...

VED. And they have only one thing in common - they are all the same age, but they are completely different in character, they have different interests and habits, different abilities, different problems, and many, many other things.

VED. And the task of the class teacher is not to leave a single problem unattended, not to pass by, lend a helping hand, support, find the right words at the right moment.

VED. We invite to the square of the city of childhood the class teacher of our graduates, who on this gala evening finally decided to tell the graduates everything that had been accumulating in her heart all these years.

VIDEO - school pictures alumni

VED. And now I give the floor to our graduates, who certainly have something to say to those who have led them along the road of knowledge all these years - to their teachers.

(music - graduates take the stage)

Graduate 4. Today is an amazing evening - sad and at the same time exciting, joyful and touching.

Graduate 5. Time flew by so fast that we didn't even notice how we grew up big, smart, beautiful, I hope real people.

Graduate 6. And in all this, your merit, dear teachers. It was you who taught us to love and forgive, it was you who drove knowledge into our bright heads with titanic patience.

Graduate 4. To be honest, only recently we realized that you do not deserve the insults that we inflicted on you, we hurt your hearts with our harshness and selfishness, but you still loved us.

Graduate 5. You sometimes could not hold back your tears, and we laughed at your weakness.

Graduate 6. But fortunately, life always gives you a chance to correct your mistakes, and this moment has come right now and today, from this stage, we say to you sincerely “I'm sorry!”

Graduate 5. And "thank you" for knowledge, for patience, for love, for reliability and for boundless loyalty to your great cause!

Graduate 7. For us, the lessons have already ended,

And the wind stirs a bouquet of roses,

Flying handwriting of life writes lines

The girls I grew up with!

Graduate 8. Yes, in our classes you did not know the calm.

We all got dizzy

But believe us, we sincerely loved you,

You will always be in our heart!

Graduate 9. And you no longer need to frown.

Educate, teach once again.

Confess that you look with love

On the absurd and perky,

Cheerful, friendly, controversial

Our unique release!

Graduate 10. How you want to raise your hands high, fly!

High, high! Embrace your home with your eyes, fly over the streets that are very dear to you. Wave your wings and scream for everyone to hear - Thank you,

School! Where it was cozy and warm

Where it was fun and interesting

Where you were met with understanding and patience.

The school gave me wings to fly

Feeling the power and strength of knowledge!

Graduate 11. Dear teachers!
I wish you happiness
Health, smiles, kindness,
To make you more beautiful tomorrow
Than a week ago than yesterday.

Graduate 12. So that the warmth in the soul does not fade away,
For the heart to beat and beat
And such great happiness
Don't wrap your arms around him!

Graduate 13. Here for everything that voluntarily and involuntarily,
My teacher, upset you
We ask for forgiveness today.
We love you. Remember us!

VED. We want to invite teachers to the stage: ...

Let's hear what they have to say to you in parting.


VED. At this hour, at this minute, School No. 9 in the city of Zheleznogorsk says goodbye to you, our eleventh graders.

VED. And in parting, we, your teachers, give you the heart of the school, which will remind you of your school friendship and warm you with the warmth of these years that you spent together. (lights dim on stage)

To the music, a large “heart of the school” is brought in, on which burning lanterns in the form of small hearts are attached.

(Graduates are called by name, take turns approaching the class teacher, who takes off a small heart and hangs it up. around the neck of a graduate. The graduates disperse to their places, taking up the entire stage.)

VED. Well, that's all, the holiday ends in the city of Childhood. So the school clock stopped running for you, which counted your school time for eleven years.


1. Only the night will lower the veil

And a dream on tiptoe sneaks into the head,

Leafing through the memory, remembering what happened,

To which you want to return with love.

2. Like the waves of the sea thoughts flow smoothly

And a childishly cute image is born in them:

The teacher, the school... everyone laughs,

I want to be with them regardless of age.

3. My childhood city, good night And

Covered in a mysterious mist.

I grew up here and clear without clues

Forever and ever we are connected with you.

4. And tomorrow again with dawn rays

My city will wake up to live a good life,

Here the children will wake up without sadness,

To sing, laugh, work wonders!!!

The final song "TOWN" - Alla Basenko and all graduates


The most active
You are like a perpetual motion machine
Sing, dance and always full of ideas
And I can't say for sure about you
What talent will show up in you more strongly.

the most independent
You are independent and practical
Are you able to make the right decision?
And in our life you understand perfectly -
Able to quickly and abruptly change everything.

the most purposeful
You have a strong character
Proud in moderation, and always
Going forward with determination and pride
Putting a lot of effort and effort into it.

the funniest
Laughing there, laughing here
Will amuse friends, girlfriends.
There is always cheerful laughter,
To charge everyone with a mix!

The most flirtatious
Pretty face, pretty eyes
And she speaks like a princess from a fairy tale.
Dress her up like a candy wrapper
You can simply call her - a coquette!

Best sweet tooth
No cookies or sweets
They don't give us lunch...
You b from creamy toffee
I thought it would be much better
And from strawberry waffles
You would have studied "excellently"!

Best artist
Likes to draw very much
And the pictures can not be counted!
You have many talents
May your path be bright!

the smartest
You can't eat
You don't go online
Day and night you sit and read
There is no time for walking.
You have read a lot
Interesting smart books
For the hardest questions
You answer quickly, in a moment!

the kindest
You shine like the sun
Help everyone to learn
You never get discouraged.
If the pie is in your pocket,
You will surely eat.
For those who can't make it,
All tasks will be solved!

The best singer
You are a soloist in our choir.
After all, you just open your mouth.
You can hear it even in the hallway
Everyone knows who is singing.

the most confident
Confidently moving forward
And you always believe in your strength
Good luck appreciates such, you know!
Dare, fight and win!

The most exemplary
You act like
You are always attention itself.
And that's probably why
You are a role model!

The most versatile
Very talented, smart
The soul of the company and the ringleader,
Responsive, kind, honest
This is such a beautiful picture!

The most sociable
Communication with people is easy for you,
Like it works out on its own
As a diplomat you can achieve a lot
We advise you to enter MGIMO.

the most modest
Modest and very pretty
Restrained, calm and even with everyone,
Not wordy, but her smile is for sure
Suddenly, from behind the clouds in the night, the moon shone.

The strongest in spirit
Thin as a string, but it is a steel string,
I'm used to always solving everything myself,
She also plays great music.
God gave her everything - both talent and mind!


To the most shy
Smart and educated, in life - a hero,
You just get shy sometimes.
Always try to be brave in life
Success will never leave you!

For the sportiest
For dexterity, for strength, dexterity
Hard work in training
For composure, for helping others
We sincerely want to congratulate you.

To the most fashionable
A little lazy and a little imposing,
Dressed smartly and handsome
And for sure the Dandy from the magazine is important
Anyone can confirm this for you.

Future traveler
You will be a great dancer
Or you will devote yourself to geography,
You will certainly study all the countries
Those that someday, of course, you will visit.

To the funniest
Always able to joke about everything
He is an optimist and a joker, and a merry fellow,
He goes through life with an open smile,
He loves practical jokes, and a master of inventions!

To the most hardworking
The class is proud of you
Do you love to study
And you love to work
You make us happy with new successes!
You can achieve so much in life!

Best debater
Right or wrong, but in a dispute he does not back down,
There are no eternal truths - he comprehended this,
He developed endurance and strength
And I'm used to defending my opinion.

PC gamer
For a long time with a computer on "YOU"
And Bill Gates will soon be able to outshine you
You play games well
Nobody can defeat you in them.

To the most discreet
He is calm and reliable
He does not show his emotions
So restrained that it is impossible to imagine
So that he was very much indignant at something.

To the most sleepy
Even though you usually doze off in the classroom,
Having withdrawn into yourself, you sit almost not listening,
But, waking up, you answer logically,
I am confident in myself, that's what it means - an erudite!

To the most absent-minded
There are so many thoughts in my head that they are cramped there,
That's why you're distracted sometimes
You forget everything, and this is a known fact,
You come often not there and not then.

To the most artistic
You are artistic, you like to be in the center of attention
You always try to please people
And you have a very important talent -
Find a way out of difficult situations.

To the most independent
There are no difficult obstacles for you,
And you know how to win, and keep the blow,
Nothing is impossible for you
You are ready to give everything for the result!

Best Vocalist
Everyone knows you in our school -
For many years you have been singing the best,
In addition to talent, you have willpower,
So, success in life awaits you!

To the most delicate
From delicacy you are a little shy,
You know how to be friends and forgive for mistakes,
And a beautiful road awaits you in life
Friends will help you with it!

The final word of the class teacher at the graduation (delivery of certificates) in the 9th grade

Dear colleagues, infinitely beloved graduates, dear parents and guests! I wholeheartedly congratulate you on this wonderful holiday! Nine years of joint work behind us. What our graduates were students, you have just learned from the results of the certification. But what kind of people they became, probably only I know better than others. And as a class teacher, I consider it necessary to report to you on the work done. Today I say goodbye to my students and pupils, so I called my report “Don’t you dare forget the students!”

3 years have flown by!

3 years! Many or few?

How sad to leave

The time has come for a hard time.
Raised day by day
She handled it the best she could.
Here year after year passed,
My kids have turned
From gray ducks to white swans
And they decided to fly away from under the wing.
Although ducklings count in autumn
But the school releases them in the summer.
I will list them from "A" to "Z"
Such is my profession.

1. Barinov

Sasha in the classroom is a treasure

The leader of most guys!

And a handsome man and an athlete
In general, just superman!

Hardworking and well educated.
I have no doubt that not one
They will have a girl's heart broken.

2. Lika

Lika is very businesslike,
Friendly, direct
Never remembers evil
And smart and funny.

3. Gel

To tell everything about Gela,
A poem must be written
So I will say briefly:
Angelina has no flaws.

4. Artem

You are good to everyone, and we will say loving,
You are kind, sympathetic, polite, delicate,
Hardworking, smart and you,
The grades are good in the certificate.

5. Vinogradova

There is preparation for life
Skill and skill
And God did not offend you with the mind,
Responsive, kind at the same time.
Therefore, on the path of life,
You should be lucky, Anyuta.

6. Vishnevsky

In vain they grumble at the youth,
Kolya is good for everyone,
Kind, humble, non-smoker -
He is real man.

7. Gulyaeva

Natasha should be praised -

Activity, strength seem to increase.

Lively, friendly

And she laughs - they will recognize her in an instant.

Her hobby is normal.

Sports stubborn picks

Sweet and pretty

Willpower makes her stand out.

8. Nastya Dolgikh

And beautiful and slim
Both courteous and modest,
Nastya Long Miss Universe
Will be sure soon

9. Zakharina

Zakharina Julia is good at dancing.
And the beauty contest has been dreaming about her for a long time.
She would take all the prizes there,
But Yulenka is attracted to studies.

10. Zorikhin

You are not constant, Andryusha,
But overall, you're a good guy.
Distracted and very kind,
Simple, sociable, not proud.
It's never boring with you.
Friends don't forget you.
Abilities - do not hold.
Your slogan is "I want to know everything!"

11. Koldina

Everyone knows that Katya draws well,
She decorates newspapers decently,
This talent will always come in handy in life,
Wherever you need to work.

12. Lera

She makes everything easy and simple.

With success, she can become a model.

So different in everything

And not accustomed to idleness.

Valeria dances and sings.

She is ready to change everything.

Be successful always, in everything -

She has such a task.

13. Kuligin

Who is seriously interested in chemistry,
Well versed in computers
In all matters active and sociable,
Of course, this is him - Denis Kuligin

14. Lelina

Looks like our Katerina
On Pushkin's heroine:
Quiet, sad, silent,
Modest, calm - marvelous to everyone.

15. Ruslan

Our Ruslan did not like to answer during the lessons.
As a Belarusian partisan, he kept silent.
But at the exams, he suddenly started talking.
So much so that the commission almost had a blow.

16. Nikita

Nothing is so precious
Like courtesy and kindness,
You have tact, attention, devotion,
Mind, sincerity and simplicity.
Try not to lose it
A real man, Nikita, in life to become.

17. Parfenova

Parfenova Katya surprised everyone
In algebra, I got a "B" for the exam.
All nine years, as it turned out,
She was embarrassed to study well.

18. Irina Patrakova

Ira is friendly, loves to communicate,
She loves to joke and laugh.
Be serious, be responsible
May your life path be happy.

19. Vika

Vika is modest and honest,
Known for her kindness at school,
And smart, of course, and smiling,
Very fair and responsive.

20. Ponomarenko

Our Jan is a great footballer,
Don't get bored in life
And life is an optimist
It will come out of it.

21. Sasha Romina

Romina Sasha is a kind soul,
With a charming smile.
And even though it has recently come to us,
In its element was the "goldfish".

22. Christina

It's always easy with that person
Who treats you well!
Christina is very kind
And it is very difficult to quarrel with her.
May it stay with you for the rest of your life.
It will be easy for you to live and study.

23. Smirnov Sergey

Who has a perpetual motion machine inside,
Eternal runner, eternal jumper,
Everyone will say without thinking soon
That this is our Smirnov Sergey.
Always be in everything, Seryozha, you are the first,
Try to do everything by five
And your great energy
Only for peaceful purposes you spend.

24. Smirnova Nastya

She was given the name Anastasia.

And she has a luxurious and blond braid.

Everything is given to her without much effort.

Beauty is born in her hands.

What a purposeful girl.

He goes headlong into work.

He is passionate about his creations.

And she does not know idleness and peace.


Serezha in the classroom does not interfere
And don't break the rules
He has a huge talent:
Sergey is both polite and modest.

26. Zhenya

Stop the vision - you're great!

Oh Zhenya! Show up at school.

Communication can be dangerous:

Don't touch her. Don't even squint.

And suddenly the discovery: she sings with soul

And it seems so mysterious

27. Chervyakova Nastya

Nastya is on a straight path:

Waiting for medicine ahead of her

Looks very calmly ahead

Calculating mind betrays her

28. Filippova Maria

Masha is very delicate,
Cheerful and elegant
And beautiful and generous
And always good to everyone.

29. Sergey Shesterikov

At the lesson early in the morning

Suddenly there was a loud laugh

Clearly this is a guy...

Made everyone laugh, of course.

In education, this is a clear hindrance.
Now, if I had not laughed for many years,
He would have been more successful.

30 Shiryaeva

Learn from our Julia to smile,
Don't be offended by anyone or anything.
To keep her smile
We need to invite a painter.
Let everyone from the canvas constantly
Julia zealously gives a smile

Don't you dare forget the students!
They are so young and so beautiful.
And in the future we must prove
That we worked on them not in vain.
I love you, what more...
And I just want to say one thing
So as not to be forgotten in the open
Fly to visit me.

As soon as he laughs or is embarrassed - redder like beetroot. Not devoid of a sense of humor, friendly. Lover of Stolovskie sausages and cereals. Fast as lightning is about him. Sharp-witted, but very pale.

Probably no one has yet been able to fully understand it. Insanely naive, but sometimes cunning young man. Always takes part in all class events and gatherings. And we will remember him only with a smile.

The conscience of our class. The most exemplary student, the eternal headman. This little hamster will never refuse a bite to eat. From the first class, everyone knows her number by heart. The only one who does homework. And just good man. Great hostess, always happy with her pastries.

Our vanilla! Gets a lot of attention from the opposite sex. A true blonde, and everything that this concept includes is inherent in her. At the lesson of medical training, she wakes up strange desires and emotions.

Cheerful, sociable, good-natured, sympathetic ... He loves films with the participation of Chuck Norris. He loves his pets very much.

The most straightforward person who always says what he thinks. It is very difficult to convince her of anything. He dreams of a successful admission and makes every effort to achieve this. Permanent supplier of delicious smelling creams and perfumes. Not afraid to be funny.

Sincere, purposeful, diligent, kind, patient. Educational role model. Real hostess (she cooks well). Gorgeous girlfriend. He feeds his room, prepares everything for the lessons))) Always looks great. Marina is the star here!

Calm, humble, peaceful. He always listens to what he is told, and is influenced by the team. In everything he takes into account the opinion of others. He is very vulnerable and emotional. He tries not to interfere with anyone, and deserves respect.

Stylish, cute, interesting personality. He is fluent in German and often surprises us with this knowledge. Never refuses to fool around in the company of our class. Lover of high heels and short skirts.

Oriental beauty with large velvety eyes and a mop of pitch hair; knows how to turn any lesson into a pun. Always trying to get everyone's attention. Cheerful and creative person. Satellite school life- button accordion.

Calm, kind and generous person. Prefers close circle of friends big company. Respectful to opposite sex. He is fond of playing the guitar and computer games. Loves sweets.

I like: When people understand you perfectly, when there is something to talk about, as well as walking around the city with friends, going to the movies, relaxing, sports. In people I appreciate: kindness, mutual assistance and just good communication.

Very kind, good and direct person. Always smiling and always in a good mood. The class attendant is her vocation. Extremely creative person.

Turgenev girl with a charming smile and kind eyes. Purposeful, bright, deep person. The main friend of all caudates, collects figurines of cats. Likes to ski.

Man with bright spots leadership qualities. Able to rally and direct the activities of the team in the right direction. An extraordinary and active girl. Infects everyone with positivity. A face with the features of a primordially Russian beauty. Loves books and movies. Inspired by photography and people.

Unapproachable in appearance, but tender and vulnerable inside. Soft, friendly and nice girl. Impulsive, quickly loses his temper, but instantly cools down.

A very mysterious, not fully revealed girl, but at heart she is very kind. If you get to know her better, she is very sociable and cheerful person. Like a true lady, she is never late, but simply delayed.

I have many, many, many qualities. The most important thing, perhaps, is that I am very modest))) And further down the list: kind, cheerful, active, neat, attentive, polite, creative, sociable and disciplined. And that's all me!

Shy but determined. I have been involved in sports (rowing) for many years. Own free time I prefer to spend in training. The main goal in life is to succeed in sports and get a large number of awards.

Strict, smart and power-hungry. I can't live without music. I like to watch movies and series, read books, and I am also the author of several books, but only my friends read them. I am fond of basketball and volleyball. I also study chemistry and biology, and I really like it.

Lazy is a perfectionist. The mess annoys me, but I'm too lazy to clean it up. I love good music and charming people.

I am cheerful, kind, with a great sense of humor. I love and know how to cook. I love to sleep, eat, travel, take pictures and hang out with friends. My dream is to go to Cyprus. In the future I want to go to live in Europe.

I like to eat delicious food, sleep long hours, listen to music and go to the cinema with my friends. My hobbies are drawing, watching movies and series. My plans for the future are to find myself and my place in life, to reveal my creative potential and to fulfill myself.

I love to walk down the street watching people or just breathing fresh air while enjoying the beautiful scenery of nature. I'm leading healthy lifestyle life, regularly visit the gym and swimming pool, make trips by bike.

I love life with all its advantages and disadvantages and try to take everything from life. I think you should do what you really enjoy. For me, music is my everything! J I am very emotional and don't know how to be offended. I like to talk about the meaning of life, sing and drink fruit tea.

As a child, I wanted to be a doctor. I appreciate kindness and honesty in people. In the future I want to be a lawyer. I would like to visit Prague. I love sleeping, walking and taking pictures. My dream is to skydive. My favorite subject is English.

I am a sociable cheerful person, I love my motorcycle, girls and guitar, I go in for sports. I have many good friends and I don't want to lose them. I have found the purpose of my life and I am going to it, I hope that I will achieve what I want.

I associate my future with medicine, so I am fond of anatomy. I love my dog ​​very much, I like to look at the stars, dream, listen to music. I plan to visit exotic countries of our planet.

Purposeful and ambitious girl. I am a leader in life, so I'm not used to losing. I love to explore the world and find something new. I cherish people close to me. I am always ready to help.

A positive guy with a great sense of humor and good taste in music. I love sports, computer games and funny girls. I have a negative attitude towards unhealthy way life. I think that you need to treat people the way you want to be treated, so I try to find mutual language with all people.

Protective but very quiet. I love outdoor activities, good and interesting people for me. I have been working for many years in music school and play the accordion and piano. I try my best to help others.

Curious, direct, honest, capable, creative, confident. My main occupation is creativity. It doesn’t matter what and how, the main thing is to create. My hobbies are embroidery, beading. I like to listen to music, I like to walk in the evening, eat sweets, and I also love animals. I haven't thought about plans for the future yet.

Shy, cheerful, but at the same time very cautious. People like to be around me. I love sports, so I go for a morning jog. I represent our school in all sports competitions.

Kind, sympathetic, I like to joke and listen to rock))) I write off bullets faster so that teachers don’t notice. Principle: "Achieve the goal."

The longest guy in our class. Prefers to sleep in boring lessons. Always ready to help in solving complex problems. Professional computer game player. Not once awarded Olympiad.

Mother of our class. The kindest person, very sociable, easily finds a common language with new people. She has the most beautiful and sincere smile in the class. Constantly keeps abreast of the World Wide Web.

The future president of some state. Organizer of all cool events, famous womanizer, conqueror since childhood female hearts. In addition, one of the best students in our class and a good athlete.

An aspiring star of rap culture, the best consultant in matters of technology, especially computer. Good friend and comrade. A regular at the school cafeteria. Sit with him - and a fun lesson is guaranteed for you.

An attentive student and an excellent musician. Joke - minute - it's about him. He will not go into his pocket for a word and will lead a thousand arguments in his favor.

A real man. Have you got any problems? He will deal with everyone, just ask. Our dandy, always dressed to the nines. Activist with a capital letter.

Chief experimenter with his appearance. Clockwork, sometimes even crazy, super positive. She loves to read and flip pages.