Torch viruses microbiology. What infections belong to the TORCH-complex. What are dangerous torch infections for a pregnant woman

TORCH infections (or TORCH) is a group infectious diseases, which are of particular danger during pregnancy, as they can cause intrauterine infections in the fetus.

This abbreviation stands for:

T (toxoplasmosis) - toxoplasmosis O (other) - others (including syphilis, hepatitis B virus, HIV infection, mumps virus) R (rubella) - rubella C (cytomegalovirus, CMV) – cytomegalovirus (CMV) H(herpes simplex virus, HSV) - herpes simplex virus (HSV)

Why are TORCH infections dangerous?

Toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus and herpes are especially dangerous if the infection occurs during pregnancy. These four infections cross the placenta into the fetus and can lead to miscarriage, miscarriage, fetal death, or serious developmental abnormalities in the unborn child.

Why do I need a blood test for TORCH infection?

A blood test for TORCH infections can determine if a woman is immune to these diseases. This is very important at the stage of pregnancy planning or at early dates already occurring pregnancy.

Depending on the results of the examination for TORCH infection, the doctor informs whether the woman needs vaccination, gives recommendations on planning pregnancy and on the prevention of these diseases if the pregnancy has already begun.

Thanks to timely diagnosis torch infections have been able to significantly reduce the frequency of birth of children with developmental anomalies caused by these diseases.

Who should be tested for TORCH infection?

Currently, screening for TORCH infection is not included in the list of mandatory medical examinations when planning pregnancy and in early pregnancy. The doctor may prescribe this examination only if you suspect the presence of diseases of the torch complex.

However, most experts are of the opinion that it is advisable to take a blood test for TORCH infection for every woman planning a pregnancy, even if she has good health and there are no signs of infections.

If pregnancy has already occurred, then screening can be done up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. This study is very important, since these diseases can be asymptomatic, imperceptibly leading to severe malformations in the fetus.

How is the analysis for TORCH infection performed?

Diagnosis for TORCH complex infections includes several blood tests:

  • Blood test for IgG and IgM antibodies to toxoplasmosis
  • Blood test for IgG and IgM antibodies to rubella
  • Blood test for IgG and IgM antibodies to cytomegalovirus
  • Blood test for IgG and IgM antibodies to herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2

Taking blood for analysis is no different from a regular blood draw from a vein. The analysis is recommended to take on an empty stomach.

How to decipher the results of the analysis for TORCH infection?

The attending physician is responsible for deciphering the results of the analysis for TORCH infection. If you still have to wait a long time to see a doctor, and you can't wait to find out if everything is normal, you can use the data below.

Antibodies to toxoplasmosis

When you receive your toxoplasmosis test results, you may encounter one of the following 4 options:

  • IgM antibodies to toxoplasma - negative

This means that your body has never met with Toxoplasma, which means that you do not have immunity to this disease. You can plan a pregnancy, however, during pregnancy, you must strictly comply with everything.

If you are pregnant:

Your body has never met with Toxoplasma, which means that you do not have immunity to this infection. IN this moment you are healthy, but if you become infected with toxoplasma during pregnancy, it can lead to serious consequences for the unborn child. You need to follow everything to avoid infection during pregnancy.

Since toxoplasmosis can be asymptomatic during pregnancy, doctors recommend having repeat tests for antibodies to toxoplasma every month throughout pregnancy (if this is not possible, then at least once in each trimester of pregnancy).

  • IgM antibodies to toxoplasma - negative
If you are not yet pregnant but are planning to become pregnant:

This means that you have had toxoplasmosis before and you have immunity to this disease. You can plan pregnancy. Toxoplasma does not pose any threat to the unborn child.

If you are pregnant:

up to 18 weeks, this means that you were infected before pregnancy and this infection does not threaten your unborn child.

If you first passed this test during pregnancy 18 weeks or more, then there is a small risk that the infection occurred in early pregnancy. To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe an additional examination - an analysis of the avidity of antibodies to Toxoplasma.

If avidity is high, then you have been infected with toxoplasmosis for a long time, and this infection does not pose a threat to the unborn child. Low or moderate avidity of antibodies to Toxoplasma during pregnancy may indicate that the infection has occurred recently and there is a potential risk of transmission of this infection to the fetus. Cm.

  • IgG antibodies to toxoplasma - negative
If you are not yet pregnant but are planning to become pregnant:

This means that you have recently contracted toxoplasmosis, and you do not yet have strong immunity. Most experts are of the opinion that pregnancy in this situation is better to postpone for at least 6 months. If you do not have any symptoms of toxoplasmosis, then you do not need treatment. If you feel unwell, you have symptoms of a cold, then you need to consult an infectious disease doctor.

If you are pregnant:

IgM antibodies to Toxoplasma during pregnancy may indicate that the infection has occurred quite recently (no more than 1-3 weeks ago). To exclude the possibility of false positive results, it is recommended to take a blood test for antibodies again after 1-3 weeks. If infection really took place, then not only IgM, but also IgG should appear in the re-analysis. Cm.

  • IgG antibodies to toxoplasma - positive
  • IgM antibodies to toxoplasma - positive
If you are not yet pregnant but are planning to become pregnant:

This means that you have recently contracted toxoplasmosis (2-6 months ago). It is better for you to postpone pregnancy planning for some time (usually, it is recommended to postpone pregnancy for at least 6 months). If you do not have any symptoms of toxoplasmosis, then you do not need treatment. If you feel unwell, you have symptoms of a cold, then you need to consult an infectious disease doctor.

If you are pregnant:

The presence of IgG and IgM antibodies to Toxoplasma during pregnancy may indicate a recent infection that is dangerous for the unborn child. To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe an additional examination - an analysis of the avidity of IgG antibodies to Toxoplasma.

High avidity of antibodies to Toxoplasma during pregnancy indicates that the infection occurred a long time ago and the fetus, most likely, is not in danger. Low and medium avidity of antibodies indicates that infection with toxoplasmosis has occurred in the last 12-18 weeks, and this can be dangerous for the unborn child. Cm.

Rubella antibodies

When you receive your rubella test results, you may encounter one of the following 4 options:

If you are not yet pregnant but are planning to become pregnant:

This means that you are not immune to rubella and the disease can be dangerous for your unborn baby if you become infected during pregnancy. You need to make and postpone pregnancy for 1-3 months.

If you are pregnant:

You are not immune to rubella, but you are currently healthy. Rubella does not pose a threat to your unborn baby if you avoid infection during pregnancy. Since you cannot be vaccinated against rubella during pregnancy, you must strictly comply with everything.

  • IgM antibodies to rubella virus - negative
If you are not yet pregnant but are planning to become pregnant:

This means you are immune to rubella and can start planning your pregnancy. This infection does not pose a threat to the unborn child.

If you are pregnant:

You are immune to rubella and the infection is unlikely to pose a threat to your unborn child. To make sure that everything is in order, your doctor may recommend an additional test - an avidity test for rubella IgG antibodies.

High avidity indicates that infection has occurred long ago and rubella is not dangerous. Low avidity of rubella antibodies during pregnancy may indicate a recent infection. Cm.

  • IgG antibodies to rubella virus - negative
If you are not yet pregnant but are planning to become pregnant:

This means that you have recently contracted rubella. It is better for you to postpone pregnancy planning for a while and seek help from an infectious disease specialist.

If you are pregnant:

If you are positive for rubella IgM during pregnancy, then you have recently become infected, and the risk of passing this infection to the fetus is quite high. Cm.

  • IgG antibodies to rubella virus - positive
  • IgM antibodies to rubella virus - positive
If you are not yet pregnant but are planning to become pregnant:

This means that you have recently contracted rubella (2-6 months ago). It is better for you to postpone pregnancy planning for a while and seek help from an infectious disease specialist.

If you are pregnant:

Positive IgG and IgM antibodies to rubella during pregnancy indicate a recent infection that is fraught with consequences for the unborn child. Cm.

Antibodies to cytomegalovirus (CMV, CMV)

After receiving the results of the analysis for cytomegalovirus, you can meet one of the 4 following options:

  • IgM antibodies to cytomegalovirus (CMV, CMV) - negative
If you are not yet pregnant but are planning to become pregnant:

This means that you are not immune to cytomegalovirus and this disease can be dangerous if you become infected during pregnancy. You must strictly follow all recommendations for the prevention of cytomegalovirus infection. Cm.

If you are pregnant:

You are not immune to cytomegalovirus and are currently healthy. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) does not threaten the unborn child if you avoid infection during pregnancy. During the 9 months of pregnancy, you must strictly observe everything.

Because cytomegalovirus can be asymptomatic during pregnancy, doctors recommend repeat CMV testing every 1 to 2 months throughout pregnancy.

  • IgG antibodies to cytomegalovirus (CMV, CMV) - positive
  • IgM antibodies to cytomegalovirus (CMV, CMV) - negative
If you are not yet pregnant but are planning to become pregnant:

This means that you have immunity to cytomegalovirus, and you can start planning a pregnancy. Cytomegalovirus does not pose a threat to the unborn child.

If you are pregnant:

If you passed this test during pregnancy up to 12 weeks(in the first trimester of pregnancy), then nothing threatens the unborn child. You are infected with cytomegalovirus, but your immune system keeps the infection under control, and the risk of infecting the fetus is extremely small.

If you have taken this test for the first time after 12 weeks pregnancy (in the second or third trimester), your doctor will recommend an additional test - an avidity test for IgG antibodies to CMV.

High avidity of antibodies to cytomegalovirus during pregnancy means that the infection occurred a long time ago, and the unborn child, most likely, is not in danger. Low or intermediate antibody avidity may indicate that the infection has occurred in the last 18-20 weeks, which means that there is a potential risk of transmission of this infection to the fetus. Cm.

  • IgG antibodies to cytomegalovirus (CMV, CMV) - negative
  • IgM antibodies to cytomegalovirus (CMV, CMV) - positive
If you are not yet pregnant but are planning to become pregnant:

This means that you have been infected with cytomegalovirus very recently (no more than 2 months ago). It is better for you to postpone pregnancy planning for a while and seek help from an infectious disease specialist. Cm.

If you are pregnant:

The appearance in the blood of a pregnant woman of IgM antibodies to cytomegalovirus indicates a recent infection, which can be dangerous for the unborn child. Cm.

  • IgG antibodies to cytomegalovirus (CMV, CMV) - positive
  • IgM antibodies to cytomegalovirus (CMV, CMV) - positive
If you are not yet pregnant but are planning to become pregnant:

This means that you have recently become infected with cytomegalovirus (2-5 months ago), or you have been infected for a long time, but at the moment the cytomegalovirus is activated. It is better for you to postpone pregnancy planning for a while and seek help from an infectious disease specialist.

If you are pregnant:

Positive IgG and IgM antibodies to cytomegalovirus during pregnancy may indicate either a recent infection, or that the infection occurred a long time ago, but at the moment CMV is activated. To clarify how high the risk of CMV transmission to the unborn child is, the doctor will prescribe an additional examination - an analysis for the avidity of IgG antibodies to cytomegalovirus.

The high avidity of antibodies to cytomegalovirus during pregnancy means that the infection occurred a long time ago and the risk that the virus enters the fetus is extremely small. Low or intermediate antibody avidity during pregnancy may indicate that the infection has occurred recently and the risk of transmission of infection to the fetus is quite high. Cm.

Antibodies to herpes simplex virus (HSV)

After receiving the results of the analysis for herpes, you may come across one of the 4 following options:

If you are not yet pregnant but are planning to become pregnant:

This means that you are not immune to the herpes virus and the disease can be dangerous if you become infected during pregnancy. You can plan a pregnancy, however, during pregnancy, you must strictly comply with everything.

If you are pregnant:

Your body has never encountered the herpes simplex virus and you have no immunity to this virus. At the moment, you are healthy and herpes does not pose a threat to the unborn child until you become infected with herpes during pregnancy. To avoid infection, observe.

  • IgM antibodies to herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 (HSV 1/2 or HSV 1/2) - negative
If you are not yet pregnant but are planning to become pregnant:

This means that you are immune to the herpes virus and you can start planning your pregnancy. The risk that herpes is activated during pregnancy and enters the body of the fetus exists, but it is very small.

If you are pregnant:

You are infected with the herpes virus and you have immunity against this infection. The risk that the virus enters the fetus during pregnancy exists, but it does not exceed 3%.

If you develop symptoms of herpes (rashes on the lips or genitals) during pregnancy, contact your doctor immediately. Cm.

  • IgG antibodies to herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 (HSV 1/2 or HSV 1/2) - negative
If you are not yet pregnant but are planning to become pregnant:

This means that you have been infected with herpes very recently (no more than 4-6 weeks ago). It is better for you to postpone pregnancy planning for a while and seek help from an infectious disease specialist.

If you are pregnant:

A positive IgM for herpes during pregnancy may indicate a recent infection that is dangerous to the unborn child. To exclude the possibility of false positive results, it is recommended to repeat the antibody test after 1-2 weeks. Cm.

  • IgG antibodies to herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 (HSV 1/2 or HSV 1/2) - positive
  • IgM antibodies to herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 (HSV 1/2 or HSV 1/2) - positive
If you are not yet pregnant but are planning to become pregnant:

This means that you have recently become infected with herpes (1.5-5 months ago), or you have been infected for a long time, but at the moment the infection has activated. It is better for you to postpone pregnancy planning for a while and seek help from an infectious disease specialist.

If you are pregnant:

Positive IgG and IgM antibodies to herpes during pregnancy may indicate either a recent infection, or that the infection occurred a long time ago, but the infection is currently activated. Your doctor may recommend antiviral treatment. Cm.

Approximately two or three percent congenital anomalies fetus is due to perinatal infections. Most of them, when initially infected, are dangerous during pregnancy, and relapses of herpes can pose a threat during childbirth or postpartum period. TORCH (TORCH) is an abbreviation, an abbreviation for developing most often and representing a great danger to the fetus.

TORCH infection during pregnancy. Abbreviation decoding

  • T - This
  • ABOUT - other infections (others), which include hepatitis B, C, chlamydia, listeriosis, syphilis, parvovirus and gonococcal infections. Also recently the list was supplemented with chickenpox, HIV,
  • R is rubella.
  • C - cytomegalovirus (cytomegalovirus).
  • H is herpes.

There is also such a version that TORCH infections during pregnancy include only four of the above diseases, and the letter “O” in the abbreviation does not stand for others, but simply acts as the second letter in the word toxoplasmosis.

Use of the term

As we know, any person can be affected by rubella, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, herpes infection. TORCH is a term that is not used in relation to all people, but only in relation to women preparing for pregnancy and pregnant women, the fetus and the newborn. Usually, the first meeting with the listed infections occurs in childhood or adolescence. After the initial infection, an immune defense is developed. If the infection of a woman first occurred during pregnancy, the organs and systems of the fetus (especially the central nervous system) can be detrimental effect which increases the risk spontaneous abortion, congenital deformities, stillbirth, malformations.

If a pregnant woman has any infection of the TORCH complex, microbes begin to actively circulate in the blood that can enter the child's body. If this happens, it is often necessary to terminate the pregnancy. The situation is further complicated by the fact that in most cases pathological symptoms are absent, and the problem is revealed only when a test for TORCH infection is carried out.

Carrying out diagnostics

In order to avoid complications in the future, it is recommended to undergo an examination before pregnancy or in the first trimester to find out whether you have already had a primary infection with TORCH-complex infections or not. If it was, then you can breathe easy: there is no danger. If not, you should take care of your own health and take a number of preventive measures. For example, if we are talking about toxoplasmosis, it is necessary to observe certain rules, which will reduce the risk of infection; about rubella - you can get vaccinated, etc. Also, during pregnancy, you should regularly monitor your health status regarding those infections for which you do not have protective bodies in order to identify the problem in time if it suddenly appears. Many women are interested in how much the analysis for TORCH infection costs. The price of complex diagnostics varies from two to five thousand rubles.

Laboratory research

As already mentioned, often after infection there are no clinical manifestations. In some, the lymph nodes increase, the temperature rises, a rash appears, however, such signs are nonspecific, therefore, diagnosis only through an external examination is impossible.

Laboratory consists in determining the concentration (titers) to the pathogens of rubella, herpes, toxoplasmosis and cytomegalovirus. If antibodies are present, then the woman has already suffered this disease in the past and is immune to it. But if the antibody titer is very high or gradually increases, then the process is active at this particular moment. If there are no antibodies at all, it’s too early to rejoice. After all, there is always a risk of getting sick during pregnancy.

By the way, the severity of symptoms is in no way related to the level of danger of exposure to microbes on the fetus. For example, many cases have been recorded when the disease in women had vivid manifestations, but the children remained healthy, and vice versa, when the patients did not observe any signs in themselves, and the fetuses were badly damaged.

Blood analysis

All mammalian species have five homologous classes of immunoglobulins, that is, they developed even before the division of mammals into species occurred. This suggests the need for antibodies to survive. Immunoglobulins are special proteins produced when the body encounters a pathological agent. Antibodies are specific, that is, they act only on a specific agent. To clarify the specificity, the name of the pathogen against which they act is added to the designation of immunoglobulins (Ig).

So, there are five classes of antibodies: IgM, IgG, IgA, IgD, IgE. The first three of them are the most important. In a laboratory study for TORCH infection, the interpretation of the results is based on the indicators of two classes of immunoglobulins: IgG and IgM. Different antibodies appear at different stages of the immune response. They are present in the blood different time, which makes it possible for a specialist, after analyzing the data that the analysis showed for TORCH infection, to determine the time of infection, predict risks and correctly prescribe therapeutic measures.

IgM and IgG level

Shortly after the start pathological process IgM increase, they reach their peak by the first to fourth week (depending on the type of infection), and then decrease over several months. The presence of IgM in significant amounts in some infections can be quite long. And then the analysis for the avidity of IgG to the pathogen comes to the rescue (we will talk about it in more detail below).

The rapid appearance of IgM in the blood makes it possible to diagnose the disease at the very beginning. IgG appear a little later - by the third week after infection; their level grows more slowly, but they also remain in the blood much longer (with some infections they remain for life).

and enzyme immunoassay (ELISA)

PCR can effectively detect TORCH infections. Deciphering the results, however, does not always provide answers to the existing questions. With the help of such an analysis, it is possible to detect the absence or presence of the DNA of the pathogen in the body and even determine its type, but, for example, it will not be possible to distinguish a recent or acute infection from the carriage of the virus. For research, blood, urine, discharge from the cervix or vagina is used. The accuracy of the results obtained is 90-95 percent. The PCR method has proven itself in diagnosing asymptomatic and chronic infections. What is characteristic (and very important), it allows you to determine even the smallest amount of the pathogen.

ELISA is used when it is necessary to find out at what stage the pathological process is. ELISA is based on the determination of antibodies to the pathogen. The material for the study is discharge from the cervix, vagina, urethra.

And yet the most worthy correct results gives a blood test for TORCH infection. After all, antibodies contain it. Based on the data obtained, the doctor can conclude which form of the disease a woman suffers from (acute or chronic), understand whether the disease is really active or the patient is only a carrier of TORCH infection. During pregnancy, the blood must be examined in dynamics, only in this way it will be possible to obtain the correct results. If the antibody titer is rapidly increasing, then there is a danger.

Preventive measures

Only a doctor can accurately interpret tests for TORCH infection. Decryption requires certain knowledge, and you yourself are unlikely to be able to understand what's what. If necessary, the specialist prescribes an additional examination. He also offers a scheme of preventive measures. Pregnant women who do not have antibodies to a particular infection, it is necessary during the period of bearing a child Special attention give healthy lifestyle life: move a lot, visit more fresh air, take immunity-strengthening vitamins, eat fully and properly. To prevent toxoplasmosis, you additionally need to follow the rules of hygiene, avoid contact with cats. Also, during pregnancy, you should regularly donate blood for TORCH infections in order to have time to "intercept" them in case of something and take action. Next, we will talk in more detail about the effect of each specific pathology on the body.


The only situation when toxoplasmosis becomes dangerous is the primary infection with it during pregnancy. However, the probability of this, as already mentioned, is small. According to statistics, such an infection of the TORCH complex during the current pregnancy occurs in only 1 percent of women. If the infection occurred more than six months before the onset of conception, nothing threatens the fetus. And if the infection happened later, then the level of danger depends on at what specific period of pregnancy Toxoplasma entered the body: the earlier, the higher the risk of developing severe consequences when the fetus is infected, but the lower the likelihood that this infection will occur at all.

Infection in the first twelve weeks is considered the most dangerous. In such cases, toxoplasmosis often causes the child to develop serious lesions of the eyes, spleen, liver, nervous system and sometimes lead to fetal death. Therefore, doctors usually recommend artificial termination of pregnancy. This once again confirms the need to be tested for TORCH infection even before conception. The results will show whether it is possible to become pregnant now or whether it is worth waiting six months.


This viral disease is usually transmitted through saliva, manifested by the appearance of a rash on the body and an increase in temperature. As a rule, the pathology proceeds easily and harmlessly, after which the body develops immune defenses, and secondary infection can no longer be feared. Another thing is when infection occurs during pregnancy. All TORCH infections in children can lead to the development of disorders, but rubella is simply deadly. On initial stage the eyes, heart, nervous tissue of the fetus are affected. Infection in the first trimester is an absolute indication for termination of pregnancy, but if infection occurs later, there is usually no threat to the life of the child, but he may develop a variety of disorders, including developmental and growth retardation. Then it is necessary to carry out general strengthening therapy, prevention of placental insufficiency.

As in other cases, a test for rubella antibodies should be carried out in advance, even in the process of planning a pregnancy. The presence or absence of danger can be judged when the decoding of the analyzes is made. TORCH infections, including rubella, are easy to diagnose - everything will show the level of immunoglobulins in the blood. IN without fail an examination should be carried out if the woman has been in contact with a person with rubella. If signs of acute infection are detected, urgent action should be taken.

Prevention of this viral disease cannot be prevented, so the best thing you can do to protect yourself is to get vaccinated. It should be vaccinated before pregnancy. The introduction of the vaccine is simply necessary for those women in whose blood there are no antibodies to rubella. The modern vaccine has been improved so much that it gives an almost one hundred percent guarantee of protection and almost never causes negative effects, with the exception of a slight increase in temperature and redness at the injection site. Immunity developed after vaccination lasts for twenty years.


This TORCH infection in pregnant women is an order of magnitude more common than others, although in general this disease was discovered only in the twentieth century. Cytomegalovirus is transmitted through blood, sexually, with mother's milk. The degree of influence on human body will depend on the state of immunity: if it is healthy, the disease is practically not dangerous, if it is weakened, the virus can affect almost all organs and systems. Yet most people carry the infection very easily. The antibodies produced last for life, so the disease never reactivates.

But if the primary infection occurs during pregnancy, the consequences can be catastrophic. The situation is exacerbated by the high risk of intrauterine transmission of cytomegalovirus to the fetus. By the way, infection of the fetus can occur not only from the mother, but also from the father even in the process of conception, because the man's sperm also contains the pathogen. But this rarely happens, most often infection occurs either through membranes or through the placenta. Even during childbirth, when passing through the birth canal, infection is possible, although this option is the least dangerous for the child. But intrauterine infection is fraught with serious consequences: the fetus may die, or the child will be born with congenital pathology, which either immediately manifests itself with such defects as dropsy of the brain, jaundice, enlargement of the spleen or liver, underdevelopment of the brain, heart disorders, pneumonia, congenital deformities, etc., or makes itself felt only by the second to fifth year of life. The child may suffer from epilepsy, deafness, muscle weakness, mental delay and intellectual development, cerebral palsy, speech inhibition. Therefore, the detection of primary TORCH infection during pregnancy is an indication for its termination.

In the case when a woman became infected even before conception, and in the process of bearing a child, an exacerbation of the disease occurred, such terrible consequences as described above do not occur. If during the analysis it is determined that there are no antibodies to cytomegalovirus, that is, the woman has not yet encountered this disease, during pregnancy she will be recommended to undergo a new examination every month, which will allow not to miss the fact of infection, if any.

If during a blood test it turns out that the expectant mother is a passive carrier of the infection, she will need to make additional efforts aimed at maintaining immunity in healthy condition. As already mentioned, not only mom, but also dad can “give” a child with cytomegalovirus, so a man should also be examined for antibodies.


It should be noted that herpes is not even a disease, it is a whole group of viral diseases. The virus of the first type manifests itself in the form of a so-called cold on the lips, and the second - most often affects the genitals (it is also called urogenital herpes). The infection is transmitted through the air and sexually, in addition, it can pass through the placenta from mother to fetus. If you start the condition, herpes can manifest itself not only by lesions of the mucous membranes and skin, but also disorders of the internal organs, eyes, nervous system.

When infected with a virus, as in the case of other infections of the TORCH complex, antibodies are produced in the body, which largely suppress the further progression of the pathological process. Therefore, often herpes causes symptoms only when the immune system is weakened. When infected during pregnancy, antibodies, along with the virus itself, pass from the mother to the fetus, so in most cases there is no danger to the child. A threat to life occurs if, at the initial stage of pregnancy (when all systems and organs are laid in the unborn child), the mother is initially infected with the virus. In such a situation, the risk that the fetus will die or the baby will be born with congenital anomalies or deformities triples.

When infection with urogenital herpes occurs in the second half of pregnancy, the likelihood that a child will be born with an anomaly of development, for example, with retinal pathology, microcephaly, congenital viral pneumonia, heart disease, cerebral palsy, blindness, epilepsy, deafness, increases significantly. Preterm labor may also occur. If in intrauterine period the fetus has not been infected, this can happen directly during childbirth, at the time of passage through the birth canal. This is possible if, in the process of bearing a child, a woman's genital herpes worsened and the rash was localized in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe internal genital organs and cervix. As a rule, if such a situation is detected a month before the expected birth, the woman is given a caesarean section in order to minimize the risk of infection of the baby.

The conclusion here will be the same as in the previous cases: you need to be examined even before conception, while both partners should take the analysis. If an infection is detected, the doctor will prescribe treatment, after which it will be possible to become pregnant. In this case, you will be sure that the virus will not bother you or the baby.


So, TORCH infections carry a great danger if infection occurs during pregnancy. Preventing adverse events can be very simple: you should find out in advance which infections you have antibodies to and which you do not. Based on the results obtained, the doctor will tell you whether it is possible to become pregnant now or whether it is worth waiting a bit. Start taking care of the health of your unborn baby even before his conception occurs! All the best!

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 6 minutes


Analysis for TORCH infection is one of the main ones. The concept of TORCH-complex includes five infections that are transmitted in utero from mother to baby. The expectant mother, who has learned about the presence of such infections in the body, will be able to protect herself from miscarriage, as well as affect the growth, development of the baby and prevent the appearance of serious defects and diseases of the organs.

What can an analysis for TORCH infection reveal?

The complex combined the first letters of infections in its name. It includes:

  • T - toxoplasmosis (toxoplasmosis).
  • O - other infections (others). The doctor prescribes them, depending on the state of health of a pregnant woman or a woman planning a pregnancy. May note an analysis for hepatitis B or C, HIV, gonococcal infection, syphilis, chlamydia, chicken pox.
  • R - rubella (rubella).
  • C - cytomegalovirus infection (cytomegalovirus).
  • H-herpes (herpes simplex virus). The presence of virus types 1 and 2 is checked.

Despite the fact that the torch complex includes many infections, they have the same effect on the body of the unborn baby. By the way, no harm to health future mother they do not carry, that's just transmitted genetically. That is why this kind of analysis is based on DNA research. The PCR method - polymer chain reaction - can show the presence of an infectious disease.

We list what the above infections are dangerous for if they infect the fetus on different terms development:

  1. In the first 2 weeks after fertilization, the embryo may die. Many women are unable to have children for this very reason. They don't even know they're pregnant.
  2. Most dangerous period for the fetus - from 2 to 12 weeks. Primary infection with torch infections can cause the body to die inside the womb and miscarriage.
  3. At 12-26 weeks, defects of various organs can form. The child will have a noticeable developmental delay, he may be born with a congenital deformity, or remain disabled. In the worst case, the fetus will die in utero.
  4. From 26 to 36 weeks, an infected baby may develop inflammation of the organs. Doctors also note that in children the central nervous system is affected, in each baby this is expressed to varying degrees.

When and how is a blood test for torch infection performed?

The procedure for passing the analysis

Blood is taken from a vein. In this case, the patient should not eat in the morning, and exclude fatty foods from his dinner. In addition, you should not consume drugs or alcohol for 3 days before the test.
Diagnosis of infections is determined by antibodies that may be present in the blood. They are called immunoglobulins (Ig).

The study is prescribed for 2 antibodies - IgM and IgG.

  1. The first ones will show whether the body of the expectant mother was recently infected and whether there is an acute stage of any disease.
  2. The latter determine the body's ability to tolerate infections, and also indicate immunity to them.

In addition, type G immunoglobulins can accurately tell the time of infection.

There are 2 types of analysis:

  • Qualitative

Its essence is to selectively determine antibodies. As a result, he will indicate whether immunoglobulins are present or not in the body.

  • Quantitative

The essence of this analysis is to most accurately determine the amount of antibodies (titer) that are in the patient's blood. This analysis will tell the doctor more than a qualitative one.

When is the best time to get tested for torch infections?

  • When planning a pregnancy.

A woman dreaming of a child should take an analysis 2-3 months before conception. If the result of the study shows that there are no immunoglobulins in the body that can resist rubella, then the patient will have to be vaccinated against this disease. Experts say that it makes no sense to vaccinate against other torch infections.

Notice when the tests showed that there is a disease in the body that occurs in acute form, then pregnancy planning should be postponed. If possible, cure the disease.

  • During pregnancy

It happens that future mothers do not know that they needed to be tested for torch infections. Therefore, when registering with a antenatal clinic, a gynecologist must write you a referral for the delivery of this analysis.
If the results of the study are such that the pregnant woman does not have antibodies to any torch infections, do not panic.

You should follow simple rules:

  • Avoid circumstances in which you can catch the infection. For example, those who do not have protection against toxoplasmosis should be careful when butchering raw meat or digging in a garden with earth.
  • Limit your contacts. For example, if there are no immunoglobulins that resist toxoplasmosis, future mother you should limit your environment from the presence of cats.

In the event that the tests showed a recent infection with an infection, you should definitely consult a doctor. He will prescribe the necessary examination and determine what further treatment will be.

Deciphering tests for TORCH infection

You can decipher the analysis for torch infections yourself. You just need to know the name of the test and its result.

The table below shows the normal values ​​of IgG and IgM immunoglobulins.

By comparing your results and values, it can be concluded whether certain antibodies to torch infections are present or not.

Consider how the values ​​are decoded:

The cost of analysis for TORCH infection in Russian clinics

By Russian prices testing for torch infections is expensive. Its cost varies from 2 to 5 thousand rubles. The price range depends on the city of your residence and the clinic you are applying to.

For example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, they offer to take an analysis for 4-5 thousand rubles, but in cities they don’t federal purpose the cost is much lower, almost twice.

Analysis for TORCH infection (TORCH infection) is one of the laboratory tests that should be performed when proper planning conception. This prevents the development possible complications pregnancy and greatly increases the chance of having a healthy baby.

TORCH infections are a group of infectious agents that can pose a significant threat to a pregnant woman and the developing fetus.

The name of this group of diseases is formed from initial letters English names of the main pathogens that it includes: T - Toxoplasma (Toxoplasma), O - other infections (others), R - rubella (Rubella virus), C - cytomegalovirus (Cytomegalovirus), H - herpes simplex virus (Herpes simplex virus) .

Identification of infection at the stage of conception planning reduces the likelihood intrauterine infection fetus and the development of pregnancy complications by more than 80%.

Other infections (others) that are part of the TORCH complex include viral hepatitis B and C, syphilis, chlamydia, listeriosis, chickenpox, HIV, etc.

Infections that are part of the TORCH complex have a similar effect on the developing fetus. greatest danger for the fetus represents infection of the mother in early pregnancy, which can cause miscarriage and stillbirth, as well as the formation of severe anomalies in the development of the fetus.

If a woman becomes infected with any of the TORCH infections in late pregnancy, the baby often develops inflammatory diseases that can have severe course also possible premature birth.

A child born to a mother infected with one or more pathogens of the TORCH complex may experience speech and thinking disorders, movement disorders, mental retardation, microcephaly, hydrocephalus, inflammation of the choroid and retina, blindness, deafness, heart defects, skin lesions , disorders of the musculoskeletal system, etc.

TORCH infections can be transmitted from mother to child not only on prenatal stage development and during childbirth, but also during breastfeeding.

Indications for analysis and evaluation of the result

The main indications for testing for TORCH infection are planning for conception, pregnancy, determining the cause of miscarriage, and detecting infections in the fetus. Thus, in order to prevent the development of pregnancy complications, as well as in the course of diagnosing those that have already developed, it may be necessary to be tested for TORCH infection several times.

The appointment and interpretation of the results of the analysis is carried out by a specialist. Positive result obtained at the planning stage of conception, allows the doctor to prescribe treatment, pregnancy in this case is postponed until it full completion. Self-medication or lack of treatment will aggravate the situation and can lead to undesirable consequences.

If a woman becomes infected with any of the TORCH infections in late pregnancy, the child often develops inflammatory diseases, which can be severe, and premature birth is also possible.

In the case of a positive test for TORCH infection in a pregnant woman and confirmation of a high risk of severe malformations in the fetus, termination of pregnancy may be recommended.

Preparing for analysis

Blood sampling is carried out in morning time on an empty stomach (after overnight fasting for 8-12 hours). Before the study, it is permissible to drink a small amount of water.

On the eve of the test, it is necessary to avoid physical, psycho-emotional, nutritional stress, stop eating fatty, smoked, fried food, alcohol. In the case of taking medications before taking the tests, it is necessary to check with the doctor whether it is necessary to cancel the drugs before the study.

If the material for research is taken from the genital tract, for 1-2 days before the test, it is necessary to exclude sexual contact, cannot be applied the day before vaginal suppositories, ointments, douching.

Types of tests for TORCH infection

The most common methods laboratory diagnostics, with the help of which an analysis is made for TORCH infection, are polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). By means of PCR it is possible to detect infectious agents (DNA and RNA of infectious agents) already at a fairly early stage of the disease, when other methods can still show negative result. For research, blood, secretions from the genital organs, urine can be used.

ELISA is used to determine the antibodies that are produced by the human body in response to the introduction of an infectious agent. Usually, the determination of IgG and IgM to the main pathogens of the TORCH complex is required. In this case, venous blood is examined.

In case of infection with herpes during passage through the birth canal, the risk of death of the child in early age, as well as the development of lesions of the nervous system, including the visual analyzer.

TORCH infections


Acquired toxoplasmosis is usually asymptomatic and does not require treatment, but it poses a threat to pregnant women and HIV-infected women. In the case of a primary infection of a woman during pregnancy (especially in the first trimester), the fetus usually dies due to disease-related malformations that are incompatible with life, in addition, the child may be born with severe malformations. When a woman is infected for more than later dates there is a high risk of preterm birth, as well as infection of the fetus.

Other infections

Other infections (others) that are part of the TORCH complex include viral hepatitis B and, syphilis, chlamydia, listeriosis, chickenpox, HIV, etc. Infection in the first weeks of pregnancy significantly increases the risk of miscarriage, in the later stages (as well as in in the event of an exacerbation of the disease during this period) causes the risk of infection of the child during passage through the birth canal and during breastfeeding.


Rubella is an acute infectious disease of viral etiology, which refers to childhood infections and can have a typical, blurred or asymptomatic course. Transmission of infection occurs by airborne droplets, as well as transplacental (from an infected mother to the fetus). Most often the disease is registered in children under 7 years of age.

Adequate preventive actions make it possible to significantly reduce the likelihood of primary infection with TORCH infections during pregnancy.

When infected during pregnancy, the risk of multiple malformations in the fetus is high - if a woman is infected in the first trimester of pregnancy, the probability of this reaches almost 90%, in the second trimester - 75%, and in the third trimester - 50%. In 15% of patients infected with rubella during pregnancy, miscarriages or stillbirths are observed.


DNA-containing virus, carriers of which are about 90% of the population. Cytomegalovirus is found in blood, urine, secretions from the genital tract, ejaculate. It is transmitted by fecal-oral, contact, airborne droplets. Infection with cytomegalovirus during gestation is one of the main causes of miscarriage, premature birth, and the birth of children with severe malformations.

herpes simplex virus

Widespread virus (infected 95% of the adult population), which is divided into two types (types 1 and 2). Type 1 virus often causes lesions of the lips, face, neck, but can also pass to the mucous membrane of the genital organs. The causative agent of genital herpes can be either type 1 or type 2, but more often damage to the genital organs is caused by type 2. Infection occurs even in the absence of a sick person external signs diseases. Genital herpes is transmitted through sexual contact with an infected person. Clinical signs herpetic infections appear with a decrease in immunity (with a significant deterioration in immunity, they can be affected and internal organs). The disease is characterized by a chronic course with a tendency to relapse.

The causative agent of herpes simplex is most easily transmitted through contact with damaged tissues and through sexual contact. With primary infection during pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage, congenital anomalies in the development of the child, including damage to the liver and brain, is significantly increased. Risk intrauterine infection estimated at 75%.

The most common laboratory diagnostic methods used to test for TORCH infection are polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and enzyme immunoassay (ELISA).

Exacerbation of genital herpes a month before delivery may be an indication for caesarean section. In the case of infection with herpes during passage through the birth canal, the risk of death of a child at an early age, as well as the development of lesions of the nervous system, including the visual analyzer, increases. The risk of infection remains even if a woman has no symptoms of genital herpes during childbirth.

Prevention of TORCH infections and their consequences

Adequate preventive measures make it possible to significantly reduce the likelihood of primary infection with TORCH infections during pregnancy.

If a woman is not immune to rubella at the stage of planning conception, it is recommended to vaccinate a few months before the intended pregnancy. Vaccination against hepatitis B is also recommended. Ideally, at least six months should pass from the moment it is carried out to conception.

In order to prevent cytomegalovirus infection, contact with patients should be avoided, immunity should be increased.

Prevention of infectious diseases, sexually transmitted, is to refuse unprotected sexual contact with an unverified partner.

In order to prevent toxoplasmosis, you should thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables, eat only those products of animal origin that have undergone sufficient heat treatment, avoid contact with street cats, use rubber gloves when working with soil in the garden.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Infections that pose a particular threat to the human embryo, in all likelihood, have been present for many centuries, but no one knew about them and the appearance of anomalies prenatal development considered "God's punishment for human sins."

The term "TORCH" (TORCH), like many others in the medical lexicon, appeared only at the end of the 20th century. Now analysis for TORCH infection is considered mandatory during pregnancy. And even better - to do it when planning a replenishment in the family, because a pregnant woman is much more difficult to treat than a woman preparing for this important event. The TORCH complex includes the most significant diseases from the VUI group ( intrauterine infections), including a number of STIs (sexually transmitted infections).

What does TORCH mean?

TORCH is not just one disease, it is several diseases that occur in a woman during pregnancy and represent serious threat not only to the patient, but also to the fetus in the process of antenatal (intrauterine) development. Of particular danger are infections that are present before the 12-week period, that is, in the first trimester, when the main organs and systems of the new organism are laid. TORCH infections in children born to infected mothers may present with various malformations immediately after birth or may long-term effects in the form of a delay in mental and physical development.

A number of infectious agents, united in one group, are classified by gynecologists as pathogens that pose a serious danger to women's health and normal development her child. To get rid of the need to repeatedly list all these pathogens, doctors came up with an easy-to-remember abbreviation, the decoding of which explains the meaning of each specific letter:

ABOUT- a group of infections, including pathogens:

  • venereal diseases -,;
  • viral infections- , viruses chicken pox, Epstein-Barr associated with a wide range of diseases, as well as parvovirus B19, the transmission of which is possible in a vertical way;
  • other infectious processes caused by representatives of various classes of microorganisms -, etc .;

R- Rubella, which means rubella. It is caused by a highly contagious airborne virus. Rubella transferred in childhood is considered harmless and gives strong immunity. It is more difficult for women who childhood was not vaccinated or was not "lucky" to get sick. Meeting such a pregnant woman with rubella is fatal and is the basis for termination of pregnancy for medical reasons;

WITH– CMV (CMV). able to be quietly present in the body and not manifest any symptoms whatsoever. In the case of primary infection during the onset of pregnancy, the issue of terminating it is decided;

H- HSV (Herpes simplex virus) - two types of herpes simplex virus. For the virus, the placenta is not a particular obstacle, so there is quite a high risk infection of the fetus, as in the process embryonic development as well as during childbirth.

The list of microorganisms encrypted in this way that cause intrauterine damage to the fetus and pose a threat to the health of the expectant mother, called the TORCH complex, is considered mandatory when registering for pregnancy and recommended if a woman is only planning it.

Basic methods for detecting TORCH infections

The preferential right when conducting research on the presence of specific antibodies in human blood serum to pathogens of TORCH infections belongs to, which is considered the cheapest and most affordable.

Also used for similar purposes, it detects not antibodies, but DNA or RNA of the virus itself in biological fluids (blood, urine, secretions from the genital tract), and in the smallest concentration, therefore it is especially good for detecting carriage (asymptomatic). However, the cost of PCR diagnostics is higher, and not every laboratory has the equipment. Meanwhile, it should be noted that the combined use of ELISA and PCR significantly increases efficiency, allowing you to determine not only the presence of the virus, but also its type. Often, in addition to or as an independent study, which is also best done with PCR, the direct immunofluorescence (DIF) technique is used, which is also considered highly informative studies.

Direct methods for detecting TORCH pathogens include a nutrient medium (for example, gonococcus requires just such an approach) and cytological diagnostics, but the latter still cannot be considered reliable, since it only finds indirect signs infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes infection), which require confirmation by other methods (ELISA, PCR, bakposev).

If there is a need for examination

It is now absolutely easy to pass an analysis for the TORCH complex. When planning a pregnancy, you can contact your antenatal clinic, where the gynecologist will surely refer the patient to right direction. By the way, husband or prospective biological father there is no need to worry, since it is not subject to such an examination. When planning a pregnancy, it should be borne in mind that the analysis may turn out to be paid and its cost, depending on many factors, including the region, the status of the clinic, the characteristics of test systems and methods, can fluctuate within 1.5 - 6.5 thousand ( average price 2000 — 4000) . Of course, the residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg will pay the highest price, but the periphery will win in this situation.

There are special rules for pregnant women. In most cases women enrolled in antenatal clinic subject to free examination or on preferential terms, when the price of the analysis is 3 times cheaper.

You can take an analysis for TORCH, except for the antenatal clinic, where the study is mandatory, at any clinic or medical center that has an ELISA laboratory equipped with special equipment and test kits. It should be noted that the analysis is quite laborious, carried out in two stages and often on a semi-automatic analyzer, which involves only automatic reading of the results, while the rest of the process is performed manually. Of course, it is clear that the “automatic machine” available in the laboratory will take on almost all functions.

In addition, patients are often outraged by the fact that they offer to come for an answer in two weeks, or even a month. This means that a certain number of serum samples are required to use the test system, since it would be very impractical and expensive to spend a whole set for 1-2 people. For this reason, pregnant women it is better to take tests in specialized institutions that conduct a lot of research and do not delay results.

For analysis by enzyme immunoassay, blood is taken from the patient's vein, the serum is separated, which goes to work. Blood, as with all biochemical research, is taken on an empty stomach, usually in the morning, so it is assumed that a person will be hungry for at least 8 hours. Antibiotic therapy before the test should be excluded for 3-4 weeks otherwise you may get false negative results.

When conducting PCR on other biological media (urine, secretions from the genital tract), the range of rules is noticeably expanded. For getting reliable results The subject is offered:

  1. Exclude sexual contact a day before the examination;
  2. Do not urinate 2 hours before receiving the material:
  3. Do not use funds intimate hygiene, do not douche;
  4. Take an analysis immediately after menstruation (when planning a pregnancy).

The doctor, as a rule, informs the patient about all the nuances or gives a specially designed memo so that the person does not forget anything.

How to understand the results?

Considering that ELISA is the most popular method in detecting TORCH, it may be interesting for readers to find out what unfamiliar Latin symbols and numbers in the answers mean. Of course, a positive and negative result is always clear, but how to interpret it, is it good or bad, should you still be afraid of the disease or is it already there, only its course is hidden, which means the designation IgG or IgM and much more.

An example of the results of an analysis for the TORCH complex with detected toxoplasmosis

Developed for a foreign antigen at some stage of the disease, they are called immunoglobulins and are designated Ig. Depending on the period of the disease, antibodies appear, they are classified as different classes: A, E, M, G, D, etc. In the case of TORCH infections, the appearance of immunoglobulins of classes M and G (IgM, IgG) is considered.

Class M immunoglobulins are produced early in the infection process, while class G immunoglobulins appear later and indicate a state of remission or the presence of immunity. In addition, when examining serum for these pathogens, antibody titer and avidity index are often indicated. However, it should be noted that only a doctor is allowed to fully interpret the results, so we will focus only on positive and negative responses in immunoglobulin studies.

Indicators of TORCH infections - immunoglobulins of classes M and G

Tests to identify the causative agent of a particular infectious process are based on determining the level of antibody titers to the antigen of this pathogen:

  • Immunoglobulins of class M, which appear in the acute period of the disease;
  • Immunoglobulins of class G, indicating remission or the presence of immunity.

For cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, rubella virus, and herpes infection, test results may look like this:

AbsenceIgMAndIgG indicates that although there is no infection, there is no immunity, therefore, during pregnancy measures to prevent these diseases should be strengthened:

  1. Toxoplasmosis - communicate less with cats and dogs, thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits, do not eat non-thermally processed meat products;
  2. Rubella - a negative result indicates a lack of immunity, therefore, when planning, vaccination is possible, then control of IgM and IgG after 2 - 2.5 months (not earlier). During pregnancy - a risk group, control of immunoglobulins of both classes every month in case of contact with a sick child;
  3. Cytomegalovirus infection - no infection was encountered. Pregnancy is at risk. Control of Ig of both classes every month. Prevention measures: vitamins, microelements;
  4. Herpes - there was no meeting with the infection. Pregnancy is at risk. Control of Ig of both classes every month. Strengthening the body's defenses, vitamin therapy;

IgM - the result is positive, IgG - negative sign of recent infection:

  1. Toxoplasmosis, rubella - the results correspond to the initial phase acute infection or a false positive reaction, so one way or another, the analysis should be repeated after a couple of weeks;
  2. Herpes, CMVI - possible manifestations of primary infection. Re-control after 2 weeks. When planning pregnancy - general strengthening therapy, in the presence of pregnancy - consultation of an infectious disease specialist. Tactics is determined by the doctor observing the pregnant woman, who, depending on the period, chooses the treatment;

IgM - negative, IgG - positively this result means:

  1. Toxoplasmosis - infection has occurred more than a year back to currently there is immunity, so there is no threat to the health of the child;
  2. Rubella - a similar result may indicate the presence of immunity and, accordingly, the absence of a threat to the fetus if the IgG level is > 10 IU / ml. However, in the case of low IgG levels (< 10 МЕ/мл) при планировании беременности рекомендована ревакцинация с контролем уровня иммуноглобулинов через 2 – 2,5 месяца;
  3. Herpes, CMVI - the indicators indicate a remission of the disease, therefore, constant monitoring of changes in the titer of antibodies is necessary;

In the blood of the patient are present in sufficient concentration andIgM, AndIgG:

  1. Toxoplasmosis - possibly the development of an acute infection or the presence of "delayed" IgM, therefore, for clarification - repeated control of immunoglobulins of both classes after 14-15 days. In the presence of pregnancy - consultation of an infectious disease specialist, monitoring the level of immunoglobulins of both classes after 14-15 days, conducting additional tests for avidity of AT class G;
  2. Rubella - the result may correspond to the acute phase of the infectious process. Infectionist consultation is indicated, re-examination after 2 weeks;
  3. Herpes, CMVI - reinfection or the development of an acute infection is possible. To clarify the prescription of the process, re-analysis after 14 days (rubella) and an additional study on the avidity of class G immunoglobulins (CMVI). During pregnancy, tactics are determined by the gynecologist who observes the woman, depending on clinical picture and laboratory data.

table: TORCH analysis results and possible diagnoses

Treatment of TORCH infection

Treatment of TORCH infections directly depends on whether the woman is currently planning a pregnancy or is already in " interesting position". In addition, the primary task is to identify the pathogen, because each of the infections requires its own, individual approach.

Treatment of a pregnant woman is associated with certain difficulties, since many medicines, which have shown themselves remarkably well in the fight against infections, are simply capable of having a detrimental effect on the developing fetus. That's why It is recommended that all therapeutic measures be carried out before the onset of pregnancy., that is, even while planning it. However, anything can happen in life, so infected pregnant women periodically appear. The attending physician in such cases prescribes necessary examinations, consultation of an infectious disease specialist, and in treatment proceeds from the positions of the least risk with the addition of immunomodulators and general strengthening vitamin complexes to drugs of directed action.

Signs in a newborn that may indicate a TORCH infection:

Any of the above signs can be a cause for concern, so if there is minimal suspicion, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.

Video: report on TORCH infections from the maternity hospital