Normal heart rate for a 10 year old. Normal heart rate in a child. Definition and concept. Methods for measuring heart rate

Heart rate, or HR, directly reflects how the cardiovascular system functions. That is why pediatricians must check the child's pulse at the reception. However, parents also need to know what a child's heart rate is and how to calculate it correctly.

Indicators in children

The pulse rate is a variable indicator that depends on a number of signs: the state of health at the time of measurement, the temperature in the room, physical activity and, importantly, the moral state of the baby. The changes help the heart to work healthier, thanks to which human body quickly adapts to the environment.

With age, heart rate indicators change. For example, a newborn baby's heart beats much faster than an adult's. This is due to the frequency of respiratory movements (respiratory rate for short). A newly born baby, on average, produces about 40-60 breaths and exits in one minute, unlike an adult, whose NPV is limited to 25. However, by the age of 15, a child’s heart rate is almost the same as that of an adult. Therefore, when measuring the number of heartbeats in a child, it is incorrect to focus on your own indicators.

So, what is the rate of heart rate in children? The table below shows the limit of normal according to age.

We measure the heart rate correctly!

Measuring heart rate in a child is quite easy. To do this, you will need a stopwatch or any other device that allows you to count seconds. Find the baby's pulse. To do this, on the neck, back of the foot, temple or wrist, feel for the artery and lightly press it with the large and index fingers. After you feel the rhythmic pulsation, start counting beats for 15 seconds. Multiply the number you got by four. The final figure is an indicator of your child.

Remember that the child's pulse is measured only at rest! If your baby has just played active games or is very upset about something, then the heart rate results will not be informative. You should also not forcibly measure the pulse, it is better to wait until the baby calms down and allows you to take measurements.

Increase in heart rate

The rate of heart rate in a child, shown in the table above, is your main guideline. If your baby has a high heart rate, then this is not a reason to panic. Maybe hot weather, a surge of emotions (fear, hysteria, fright, delight) or active game caused an increase in heart rate. Therefore, wait for the moment when your child is absolutely calm, and measure the pulse again. If everything is also increased, then you should not postpone a visit to a pediatric cardiologist. Tachycardia, in other words, an increase in heart rate, can be a harbinger of pathological processes in the heart or the endocrine system.

slow pulse

If the heart rate in a child at rest is below normal, then this indicates the presence of bradycardia. In some cases, a slow pulse may be considered normal. So, for example, the heart of athletes or people leading an active lifestyle makes about 35 contractions per minute. IN this case, bradycardia indicates a good fitness of the body, as well as the strength of the heart muscle. If the child is far from active physical exertion, while experiencing fatigue, drowsiness or headaches during bradycardia, then a visit to the doctor is mandatory.

Normal heart rate in a child. Definition and concept

Finally, let's talk a little about the concept of norm. What is the normal heart rate in a child?

First of all, the norm is the average. That is, they took several thousand clinically healthy children and measured their heart rate. After that, they took the average indicators and agreed that they would take them as the norm. However, each human body is unique, in this regard, minor deviations from the norm are allowed. Therefore, if your child does not have abnormalities in the cardiovascular system, the parameters blood pressure are within the relative norm, while the child is active and feels good, then a deviation from the average heart rate within 20% is allowed and is not considered a violation.

We hope you found this article helpful. Now you not only know everything about the heart rate rate, but you can also measure the heart rate yourself. Monitor your baby's health and vaccinate healthy lifestyle life from an early age.

The child's heart, which provides access to blood to all body systems, works intensively. His efforts are aimed at the growth and development of the baby, so the pulse is normally higher than that of an adult. The rate of heart rate in children varies, depending on age.

Heart rate in children (the norm by age is presented in the table below) depends on various factors, including age. The heart of the child should be reduced exactly as many times as it is necessary for his body to function and develop at this stage of development.

heart rate in children. The rate depends on age. How more age child, the fewer beats per minute the heart makes.

In the following table, the minimum and maximum heart rate values ​​have a rather large gap. This is because there is a need individual approach for each case, since the gender of the baby, developmental features, height and weight affect the heart rate.

Heart rate during sleep

In children, the pulse rate decreases during sleep, as in adults. This is a physiological norm and causes concern only in the case of persistent bradycardia. In a newborn, it can drop to 100 beats per minute.

However, when breastfeeding, the heart rate usually rises, even if the baby is napping:

  • at one year old baby slowing the heartbeat to 90 beats per minute will be the norm;
  • in a baby of 3 years - up to 80;
  • in a 6-year-old child - up to 70;
  • at 12 years old - up to 50.

However, these values ​​are approximate.

At night, the body rests, cells and tissues do not need as much oxygen as they need during the day. By about 4 o'clock in the morning, you can record the lowest heart rate. Most often, the slowing of the pulse is accompanied by a decrease in body temperature. During the night, the heart rate may change due to the change in the phases of sleep, as well as emotional state sleeping.

Heart rate in premature babies

Premature babies in all health parameters fall into a special medical group. Their pulse can reach up to 180 beats per minute. However, it is better not to allow such a value. Babies born into the world ahead of time, rest and procedures necessary for life are necessary. Additional external stimuli only slow down the process of "ripening" of all body systems.

Fetal heart rate

It is possible to hear the heartbeat of the fetus from 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. It indicates that the fetus is alive and continues its development. After 10 weeks, the pulse count becomes informative for doctors. The fetal heartbeat should be rhythmic, regular and at a normal rate.

Heart rate in children (the norm by age is determined not only by la children born, but also in those in the womb in terms of pregnancy), which are still in the mother's abdomen, averages 130-160 beats per minute.

Slowing of pulse waves can indicate a serious pathology of the fetus, problems with the intake nutrients, heart defects and other abnormalities. Increased frequency may also indicate some malformations, anemia, low hemoglobin levels in the mother, etc.

Children who exercise regularly have a more trained and stronger heart than their peers. The cardiovascular system works better, pumps more blood, and the body needs fewer strokes.

This effect can be observed after 3-5 months of constant training. The higher the regular load, the slower the pulse. Athletes may even have bradycardia, which does not pose a threat to health.

Does heart rate depend on gender?

After 6-7 years, the autonomic function of the heart in children of different sexes restructures its work. The heart rate in girls, on average, becomes slightly higher than in boys. This feature persists in adults. IN preschool age there are no such differences.

Causes of deviation from the norm

Bradycardia (low heart rate) and tachycardia (high heart rate) may occur as a symptom of a disease or be the result of a reaction to irritating factors. In the first case, you need to see a doctor and treat the underlying cause. And in the second - the pulse normalizes itself in the near future, or it is the norm for a particular person.

With bradycardia, the child's body is not pumping enough blood to ensure the normal functioning of the organs.

Pathological causes of this condition:

  • cardiac disorders (ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris);
  • endocrine disorders ( hormonal changes V thyroid gland- hypothyroidism);
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • intracranial pressure;
  • infectious diseases;
  • poisoning with toxins;
  • nutritional deficiency.

TO physiological reasons can be attributed:

Diseases that cause tachycardia:

The following factors, which are natural for a person, can temporarily cause tachycardia:

  • emotional outburst (joy, happiness, anger, fear, etc.);
  • binge eating;
  • dehydration;
  • enhanced growth;
  • sinus tachycardia in newborns is considered the norm.

Methods for measuring heart rate

There are several ways to independently measure the heart rate of a child:

How to measure heart rate correctly

Heart rate in children (the norm by age is presented in the table above) must be measured correctly. Better choose morning time, after the child wakes up (he has already woken up, but has not yet played out).

He should take a seated or lying position. It is necessary to measure the pulse for several days at the same time, then the data will be more accurate. Emotional outbursts, eating, overwork will definitely affect the results.

Before starting the measurement, you should make sure that the pulse is palpable well. You can try to find the pulsation of the artery in several places on the body and decide where the shocks are more distinct. The counting is carried out within 15 seconds, 30 seconds or 1 minute. In the first case, the resulting value must be multiplied by 4, in the second - by 2.

Not all children are able to sit still for a whole minute, however, possible interruptions in heart rate can distort the data if the heart rate is taken less than 1 minute. This should be taken into account and used more authentic way diagnostics.

Where can you feel the pulse

The pulse can be felt in places where large arteries pass. Most often it is measured at the wrist joint. It is better to count the number of pulse waves first on one hand and then on the other. If the results do not match, then the test should always be carried out on both sides.

The femoral artery is located in the pubic region at the sites of the inguinal folds. Checking is done with the index and middle fingers. It is better to take measurements from both sides, as in the case of the wrist joint.

The carotid artery is located under the cheekbone in the neck. It is often used to confirm the presence of a pulse. In rare cases, the pulse is felt on the axillary, subclavian, popliteal, temporal arteries and arteries back side feet.

At infants at the age of one year, in order to compare the heart rate with the norm, you can calculate them by placing your hand on the chest. In some cases, the pulsation can be seen and felt on a large fontanelle. In children older than a year- on the wrist, at the temple, on the neck, in the groin. You can hear the pulsation of the artery at the elbow with a stethoscope.

When to See a Doctor

Violation of the heart rhythm very often indicates the development of a pathological process in the body. This means that any change in heart rate towards acceleration or deceleration from the norm is a reason for consulting a cardiologist. In some cases, these changes are physiological.

But you still need to go through an examination and see a doctor. The specialist will inform parents about the peculiarities of their child's condition, tell about the prevention of heart disease.

If the child has additional complaints, then going to the doctor becomes not only necessary, but also urgent. Treatment of tachycardia and bradycardia directly depends on the underlying cause. the main task parents - not to miss the beginning of the pathological process. Early detection of the disease is easier to treat.

Under what diseases and conditions is it necessary to control the pulse

Heart rate measurement is becoming a must for athletes. By monitoring the heartbeat, you can determine whether the body is ready for the upcoming workout. At rest, a heart rate higher than usual will indicate overwork. This means that the child needs rest, sleep, or just a day off from classes.

It will only be possible to train effectively if the body has time to recover. Otherwise, the cardiovascular system will work for wear.

Also, by measuring the pulse, it is determined how much the load is suitable for the child, whether it is excessive. Heart rate should not exceed the value calculated by the following formula: 220 - the age of the child. 5-10 minutes after training, the pulse should slow down. If this does not happen, then you need to see a doctor.

Arrhythmia is considered a reason to control the heartbeat. The child needs to do an ECG annually, and in case of heart disease - as directed by a doctor.

High blood pressure also requires regular measurement of heart rate, as the child may not complain of malaise. Lethargy, lack of coordination, drowsiness, dizziness and loss of consciousness will speak about his condition. Heart rate control allows you to take correct solution about the use of medicines.

Symptoms of a change in heart rate

Mild and moderate changes in heart rate do not always bother the child. His condition can be satisfactory in the case of a physiological slowdown or increased heart rate, and in the case of pathology. Often, the appearance of bradycardia is found on the ECG and is very surprising to parents.

Symptoms indicate that the child needs urgent diagnosis and treatment. Bradycardia is expressed in general weakness, fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness, sweating, loss of consciousness. Sometimes accompanied by unstable pressure indicators.

Tachycardia may be accompanied by interruptions, "failures" in the work of the heart. The child feels dizzy, sometimes loses consciousness or complains of darkening in the eyes.

In some cases, there are chest pains.

Small children cannot express their discomfort in words. Therefore, parents should always be attentive to the well-being of the child. Lethargy, drowsiness and calmness of the baby can be a sign of a heart rate disorder. If an older child notes any symptoms, then his pulse should be measured.

The athlete's heart rate should be restored soon after the end of the exercise. If this does not happen, then this is an occasion for a visit to a cardiologist.

What is the danger

The causes of a slow or accelerated pulse in children must be clarified.

A neglected disease can lead to such consequences as:

How to normalize heart rate

Medical supervision is necessary for any severity of the disease. Steady and pathological forms of bradycardia and tachycardia are treated by a cardiologist. It is possible to normalize heart rate at home only with slight deviation from the norm.

In this case, you can apply folk methods treatment. But they should also be selected carefully, taking into account possible allergies, individual food intolerances and the age of the child.

During an attack of bradycardia

For an acute attack of bradycardia with additional symptoms, the child should be placed on a flat surface with the legs raised above the head. To control the state, it is better to call ambulance.

You should open the window, provide access to oxygen, remove constricting clothing from the chest, abdomen and neck, wash the child cold water or make a compress on the forehead. You can drink strong tea. The ambulance team must be told about all the circumstances of the attack.

Under the supervision of a pediatrician on a regular basis, you can introduce a child into the diet walnuts, seafood and seaweed. In case of frequent attacks, strong tea, a decoction of yarrow, an infusion of coniferous branches, a mixture of garlic, honey and lemon juice can help.

With an attack of tachycardia

With an attack of tachycardia, you need to release the neck, chest from tight clothing, bring the child to the window. Holding your breath will help slow your heart rate. If it does not get better, then you need to call an ambulance. At additional symptoms lay the child on his back, try to calm him down.

If the tachycardia becomes regular, then the teenager should stop smoking, drinking alcohol-containing drinks and stop drinking caffeinated drinks.

Prevention of violations of the heart rate in children at any age is sports, healthy and good nutrition, walks in the open air.

Athletes need to avoid overload and control the heart rate during training. Do not neglect the need to undergo a medical examination and do an ECG annually. In case of interruptions in the rhythm of the heart, it is necessary to undergo treatment and follow all the recommendations of the attending physician.

Article formatting: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about heart rate in a child

How to measure the pulse to check the heart rate of the child:

The pulse is an important indicator of the health of every person, especially children. After all, deviations of the parameters of the heartbeat from the norm can indicate the development of quite serious diseases. In what cases should you sound the alarm, and when changes in the pulse indicate right course physiological processes?

Pulse and the need to measure it

Pulse or heart rate indicator - jerky vibrations of the walls blood vessels caused by contraction of the heart muscle. It is the main indicator of the work of the heart. The pulse is evaluated by several parameters:

  1. Rate - the number of heartbeats per minute. This value is the most significant in assessing the state of the body. It depends on many different factors, with girls having a faster heart rate than boys.
  2. Rhythm. The length of the intervals between heart beats is measured. If they are equal, the pulse is considered rhythmic, otherwise - arrhythmic.
  3. Filling - the amount of blood in the vessel. Determined at the peak of cardiac contraction. Distinguish pulse:
    • moderate - the norm;
    • full - above the norm;
    • empty - barely audible;
    • filiform - poorly defined.
  4. Voltage. Assessed by the force with which the artery is clamped. Distinguish:
    • moderate;
    • solid;
    • soft.

The indicators obtained allow us to evaluate the quality of work of cardio-vascular system and the organism as a whole, as well as early stages suspect the development of a number of diseases. Absolutely healthy child the pulse is rhythmic, full, moderately intense.

We recommend an annual Rufier test, that is, calculate the coefficient based on indicators at rest, after 30 squats and a 5-minute rest. It allows you to determine the allowable physical load for specific child, because its excess can lead to sad consequences.

Measurement Rules

The measurement is carried out by three methods:

  1. Palpation. The method involves assessing the main parameters and counting the number of heart beats in 15 seconds by applying the index and middle fingers to a large blood vessel. In newborns and infants, the carotid or temporal artery is chosen for measurement, in older children it is already possible to count on the radial artery. In the second case, the fingers are placed 1–2 cm higher skin fold at the wrist, since it is in this place that the radial artery passes closest to the skin. The results of the calculations are multiplied by 4, thereby obtaining the number of heartbeats per minute.
  2. Special devices. To determine the heart rate, heart rate monitors and a sphygmograph can be used, which gives the result in the form of a graph.
  3. Auscultation. The pulse is heard with a tonometer.

If a child is diagnosed with arrhythmia, counting the number of heartbeats is always carried out within a minute.

Indicators in children during sleep, immediately after waking up and during wakefulness are different. The most suitable time for making calculations is the moment of waking up. To accurately determine the heart rate of a child, you need to take measurements several days in a row at the same time.

Body position also affects performance. When a person is standing or sitting, the pulse increases, therefore, to obtain reliable data, measurements are taken with the child in bed.

The heart rate is not counted immediately after eating and in a cool room.

Heart rate norms in children of different ages - table

Age, year Average heart rate at rest, beats/min Limits of the norm, beats / min Beats / min at physical activity
Girls boys
The first days after birth, full-term babies 140 144 110–170 220
The first days after birth premature babies 140 144 100–180 220
0–1 130 126 102–162 220
1–2 124 120 94–154 218
2–4 115 111 90–140 216
4–6 106 102 86–126 214
6–8 98 94 78–118 212
8–10 88 87 68–108 210
10–12 80 79 60–100 208
12–16 75 75 55–95 204

What should be the heart rate of the fetus

In cases where doctors have doubts about the health of the mother and the fetus developing in her womb, a pregnant woman may be offered an absolutely safe study - cardiotocography (CTG). It involves attaching two sensors to the abdomen that constantly take readings of the child's heart rate for 30 to 60 minutes.

CTG is usually performed from 32 weeks of gestation.

A decrease in the child's pulse to 70 beats per minute and below indicates hypoxia, that is oxygen starvation. IN similar cases the woman is hospitalized, depending on the cause of the violations in the supply of oxygen to the fetus, she is prescribed treatment. With its failure, the question of labor induction is raised, since prolonged hypoxia leads to developmental delays.

Causes and symptoms of a slow pulse

A low heart rate may indicate bradycardia. It is diagnosed if the pulse is consistently less than the age norm by 30 beats per minute or more. This disease is often accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure and manifests itself:

  • pale skin;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • fast fatigue.

If the child's heart rate is constantly below normal, it is imperative to contact a pediatric cardiologist and undergo necessary examinations, since the lack of timely correction of the condition can lead to the development of heart failure.

Bradycardia often accompanies:

  • hypothyroidism;
  • vegetative disorders;
  • myocarditis;
  • congenital heart defects;
  • brain damage;
  • poisoning with heavy metals, nicotine, drugs, etc.

The only case when low rates heart rate is considered the norm and even a sign of the fitness of the cardiovascular system, this is among athletes. But if, against the background of regular sports, the child feels weak, complains of dizziness or loses consciousness, this is a reason to contact a cardiologist.

Causes and symptoms of increased frequency

A constant excess of the normal heart rate at rest by more than 20% is called tachycardia. This may indicate:

  • anemia;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, in particular, myocarditis, endocarditis, cardioneurosis, rheumatic heart disease;
  • infectious diseases accompanied by fever;
  • pathologies of a pulmonological nature;
  • vegetative dystonia.

The pulse always quickens with stress, emotional stress, overwork, overheating and dehydration.

Also, the heart always beats more often during active physical work, and the greater the load, the higher the pulse rate, which is the norm. But if it goes beyond the upper limit of acceptable values, this is a reason to abandon the chosen sport or reduce the load.

Normally, after physical activity, the pulse returns to normal values ​​​​after 3-4 minutes.

At high rates of heart rate, there may be:

  • strong but painless bumps in chest;
  • feeling of rapid heartbeat;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • darkening in the eyes;
  • noise in ears.

Ways to normalize the condition in children

If the heart rate deviates from the norm in children, it is necessary to provide the baby with peace, but it is better not to do anything else on your own, since there are many reasons for the acceleration or slowdown of the heart, and improperly selected medicinal or folk remedies can provoke sharp deterioration states. The only thing that can be done with tachycardia is to close your eyes, take a deep breath and try to exhale through the nose and mouth clamped by the hand.

Pulse in children - video

Thus, although the pulse in a healthy child can fluctuate quite widely, its indicators are important. diagnostic sign. Any deviations from the norm, observed for some time, are the reason for contacting a pediatric cardiologist and undergoing a comprehensive examination.

It can be different, it all depends on how old the child is. In a newborn, the heart rate is much higher than in adults. As you get older, the rate decreases. The state of health, fitness of the body, conditions affect the pulse rate. environment and many other factors.

Deviations from the norm may indicate pathological processes, so parents must know what the baby’s pulse should be in order to take timely action if it rises or falls.

The pulse is called the vibrations of the walls of blood vessels during contractions of the heart. According to this indicator, first of all, assess the state of vital important body(according to frequency, fullness, rhythm and other features).

By counting the number of contractions and noticing the deviation, one can detect pathological process on initial stages development. In good health, the pulse should be full, rhythmic, moderately intense.

This is done using the Rufier test. To do this, the baby should squat, relax, and repeat the measurements.

How to measure the pulse correctly

Pulse measurements must be carried out with the baby completely calm. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the morning, until the baby gets out of bed. However, he should not change the position of the body. If measurements need to be taken frequently, then this is done every time at the same time. With strict adherence to these recommendations, you can count on exact result. During the measurement, it is worth considering not only the frequency, but also the rhythm of contractions. Uneven pulsation indicates the development of arrhythmia and requires treatment.

The pulse rate by age in children allows certain deviations. It is not considered a problem if the indicators increase or decrease by 20 beats.

The baby's heart rate is a clear indicator of his physical health. Regulations define acceptable indicators heart rate in children by age. If in a calm state this indicator deviates in one direction or another, it is necessary to immediately show the child to the doctor in order to avoid the development of serious diseases.

At rest, the heart rate (HR) small child much higher than in adolescents or adults. This is due to the congenital weakness of the heart muscle, and in order to pump the necessary volume of blood, it has to contract much more often. As the baby grows older, the pulse rates will gradually approach those that exist in adults. Below is a table that indicates what the pulse should be, its norms by age in children:

Child's age Number of beats per minute
7-10 days 145
12 months 135
1-2 years 125
3-5 years 120
5-6 years 105
6-9 years old 100
9-10 years old 90
10-12 years old 85
Over 12 years old 70-75

Doctors evaluate a child’s pulse not only by heart rate. In addition, when measuring, its rhythm is noted. If the length of the intervals between heart beats is the same, then the pulse is considered rhythmic, if not - arrhythmic. Also important indicator is the fullness of the pulse. It depends on the amount of blood in the vessel at the peak of the contraction of the heart. Additionally, the voltage of the pulse is assessed.

All of these indicators make it possible to assess the quality of the cardiovascular system and to identify problems in the early stages. serious illness. Absolutely healthy baby heartbeat should be rhythmic, full, moderately intense and consistent age norms pulse in children.

Permissible deviations of heart rates in babies

Various factors can affect the heart rate. A 10% deviation from the norm in any direction is considered acceptable. Of the physiological factors that affect the pulse, we can distinguish:

  • gender (in girls, the pulse is 3-5 beats per minute more often than in boys);
  • hormonal background - the heart rate increases during puberty by about 10-12 beats;
  • physical activity.

In addition, fear, excitement, crying can affect the pulse rates in preschoolers. However, you should be aware that after exposure to such factors, the heart rate should return to normal after 5-7 minutes.

In children in adolescence(over 12 years of age) who regularly participate in sports such as swimming, running, football, or just morning exercises, the pulse may be slightly below normal. This condition is not considered a deviation, because if the child is physically active, his heart is trained. It pumps more blood in one contraction, which is why it beats a little less often.

How to correctly measure the pulse of a child

The most accurate information about the heart rate can be obtained in the morning, when the baby is still at rest. Physical exercise, emotional arousal, food intake affect the heart rate and the measured data is easy to misinterpret. At night, during sleep, when the body's need for oxygen decreases, the heart rate may decrease.

During the measurement, the child should lie or sit. In the standing position, the pulse becomes a little faster. If the baby was actively moving, doing squats, laughing or crying, then heart rate should be measured no earlier than after 5-10 minutes - this time is enough for the heartbeat to recover and the indicators to be reliable.

It is advisable to measure the pulse alternately on both hands in the region of the wrist joint. With three fingers of the index, middle and ring fingers, they feel for the beat and note the time. It is necessary to measure the number of beats per minute. If time is limited, then measurements should be taken in 30 seconds, and then the resulting figure should be multiplied by 2. You can also feel the baby’s pulse at other points:

Important: Heart rate should not be measured immediately after eating, especially in infants. In this case, the indicators may be incorrect.

Causes of palpitations

A high heart rate is called tachycardia. If a child has an excess of age-related pulse rates by 25-30 units from the norm, then the cause may be serious problems with health. Under the influence of physiological factors, these figures are normalized, and with the development of pathology, the condition persists. long time. If you cannot correct the heart rate at home and the situation repeats regularly, you should seek the advice of a doctor.

With a fast heart rate, there is a greater risk of developing serious illnesses. High heart rate children may experience:

You should immediately consult a doctor if other symptoms are present in addition to heart palpitations: pallor skin, fainting, chest pain, breathing problems, blue lips.

To avoid the development of complications with a rapid pulse, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of the child. First of all, you will need to do electrocardiography, in which not only heart rate indicators are recorded, but also the correctness of cardiac activity. May need ultrasonography hearts. To rule out diseases endocrine system urine and blood tests are required.

Neonatal tachycardia

A normal pulse is an indicator of a child's health. Babies born less than a month old have heart rates that are almost twice those of adults. A deviation from the normal pulse in a child is an increase in excess of 170 beats per minute. The increase in heart rate in this case is directly related to the increase in the automatism of the sinus node. Causes similar condition can be:

However, there are also physiological reasons for this condition. Increased heart rate can occur due to too tight swaddling, overheating, anxiety crumbs. However, it should be remembered that a heart rate above 170 beats per minute, which persists for more than 2 days, can provoke metabolic processes in the baby's myocardium, which as a result will lead to a threat to the life of the baby. Such attacks are quickly stopped in a hospital with the help of medications.

Causes of a low heart rate

A low heart rate is called bradycardia. Physiological reasons include the training of the heart muscle, hypothermia of the body, the time immediately after waking up. But the cause of bradycardia can also be serious pathologies of cardio-vascular system:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • myocardial infarction and subsequent cicatricial changes;
  • low blood pressure;
  • myocarditis;
  • endocarditis.

Also, a low pulse is often provoked by non-cardiac pathologies. The following diseases can reduce heart rate:

  • hypothyroidism;
  • violations of metabolic processes;
  • excess dose of cardiac glycosides;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • depletion of the body;
  • lead poisoning.

A low pulse of any etiology is a great danger to the health of the baby. At a rate of less than 40 beats per minute, the brain begins to suffer from a lack of oxygen. This condition is manifested by weakness, dizziness and fainting. If the heart rate drops to lower levels, the child may experience cardiac arrest.

That is why regular bouts of bradycardia require mandatory medical intervention. The child needs to undergo a thorough examination, including an ECG, an ultrasound of the heart, and also take blood tests to detect non-cardiac pathologies.