If a one-year-old child chokes what to do. What to do with diarrhea in a one-year-old child

12 months after birth, the tastes of the crumbs change, the need for calories decreases due to a decrease in the intensity of development.

If a one-year-old child does not eat almost anything, it is worth reviewing his daily routine

There are other reasons for loss of appetite, because of which you should not worry:

Lean constitution. These babies do not need much food.

individual biorhythms. Owls need some time after waking up before breakfast.

Short intervals between feedings. If less than three hours have passed from breakfast to lunch, the baby does not have time to work up an appetite.

Overly large portions. The abundance of food can simply scare.

Rejection certain products and regular snacks.

Sometimes a child refuses food because it looks boring. At the age of one, the baby is attracted to bright colors and unusual shapes. This should be taken into account when preparing dishes for a child.

Diseases also cause loss of appetite:

allergic reactions;

Oral problems or painful teething;

SARS and intestinal infections;

Ailments gastrointestinal tract and liver;

Problems with the heart and blood vessels.

In these cases, the baby not only refuses food, but also experiences pain. Here you can not do without the help of a doctor.

What to do if a one-year-old child does not eat well

First of all, you should assess the level of development of the crumbs, consult a pediatrician for pathological conditions. If they are not marked, use techniques to increase the baby's appetite:

Nutritional interest stimulates complementary foods. It is better if it is not too sweet an apple or a pear.

Offer small meals every 4 hours.

Seat the baby at the table only when he has calmed down and moved away from the excitement of the game.

Replace unloved foods with healthy alternatives.

Walking on fresh air great for stimulating the appetite.

If during an illness a one-year-old child does not eat anything, do not insist. Recovery takes energy. Her body saves by digesting food. Flaw useful substances compensate for vitamin-mineral complexes on the recommendation of a doctor.

It is important not only how much the baby eats, but also how he does it. Thorough chewing of food stimulates absorption nutrients and the production of gastric juice, which leads to an improvement in appetite.

By the age of one year, most children already have to walk. It is during this period that all sorts of orthopedic problems, including "clubfoot" - the habit of placing the foot when walking with the toe inward. A child may incorrectly put both legs or only one, but in any case, it must be shown to an orthopedist and osteopath.

Some parents do not pay attention to clubfoot, believing that it is simply easier for the baby to move in this way, and over time he will learn to walk correctly. Sometimes this happens, but most often clubfoot indicates the presence of health problems.

Why a one-year-old child can clubfoot on one leg

There are several common causes of foot varus (as doctors call it) this problem). First of all, this is muscle hypertonicity, when some muscles are always in a more tense state than others. With unilateral hypertonicity, the child puts one leg crookedly and, when walking, puts forward one shoulder.

The cause of clubfoot can be hip dysplasia, not identified in early age. At the same time, the underdeveloped joint becomes inactive and the child, when walking, is forced to turn his socks inward to facilitate the process of movement.

Another one possible reasonmild degree rickets, in which the shins are slightly bent, and the child simply cannot place the foot correctly.

What to do if a child clubfoot on one leg

Only a doctor can determine the cause of clubfoot and prescribe treatment. With dysplasia and hypertension excellent results gives a massage of the legs, starting from the gluteal region and ending with the soles of the feet. Parents can contact a professional massage therapist or massage the child on their own. With hypertonicity, the orthopedist often prescribes coniferous-salt baths to the baby, visiting the pool and special gymnastics to relieve muscle tension.

It is very important to monitor the nutrition of the child. Problems with the musculoskeletal system often arise due to a lack of phosphorus and calcium, so the baby’s menu must include fish, cottage cheese and other dairy products.

Choose footwear for your child closed nose and a rigid high heel counter that fixes the foot well. Do not wear sandals and booties with soft soles or walk on the floor in socks. But to run in warm time barefoot on pebbles or sand, on the contrary, is very useful for strengthening the arch of the foot.

Conifers baths well known for their relaxing and calming effect, they are indicated for insomnia, neurosis, vascular and heart ailments, hypertension. Coniferous baths will bring even more benefits if you add sea or table salt to them.

You will need

  • - natural needles or coniferous extract;
  • - regular or sea ​​salt;
  • - pine twigs, needles or green cones.


There are many recipes for pine-salt baths, which include both natural pine needles and its extracts in dry or liquid form. You will need 50-100 ml of liquid extract, 2 tablets of dry extract (one can be used). For amplification therapeutic effect table or sea salt is added to the needles (about a kilogram per 150-200 liters of water). However, such baths for therapeutic purposes should be taken after a medical examination and consultation.

Make the water temperature for coniferous-salt baths within 35-37 degrees. Stock up on everything you need for a comfortable bath. Since it has a pronounced property, do not get carried away with rest. This bath should be taken no longer than 15 minutes. Don't dive up to your neck rib cage should be on the surface. After the bath, it is advisable to rinse the area with running water.

If you prefer to use natural ingredients, make a bath according to this recipe. Take pine twigs, needles and green cones in equal parts. Pour everything cold water and boil for half an hour. Pour the infusion into a container and soak for about 12 hours. You will also need a kilogram of ordinary salt or a bag (300-500 g) of sea salt. If you will make a full bath, take 1.5 liters of coniferous infusion, 750 ml for a “half” bath, and 250 ml for a foot and seated bath.

Doctors often prescribe coniferous-salt baths for excitable people with hypertonicity and sleep disturbance. There are no contraindications for their use. Prepare edible coarse salt in the amount of 150-200 g for a baby bath. Please note that multi-colored and aromatic salts cannot be used. Both needle extracts and independently collected coniferous twigs and needles are suitable for children. Boil the collection, strain well and add to the bath along with salt. Children under one year of bath salt should take no more than a glass (sea salt is acceptable). The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes (depending on age). After the bath, wash the baby with plain water without washing off the salt from the body. Do not delay with an evening bath - best time until 7 pm for her.

Very important for the baby. Stroking his body, you not only develop his muscles, but also make it clear that you are nearby. The more parents touch little child, the faster and more successfully it develops. So if for some reason you cannot regularly do full massage- massage at least the arms or legs of the baby.

You will need


Start systematic massage sessions when the child turns one and a half or two. Of course, you have touched and stroked him before, so you already have some experience. Make sure the conditions are right. The room should be clean, warm and ventilated. Better minutes fifteen before the session, take the child to another room, arrange cross-ventilation and let the air warm up to the prescribed 22 ° C.

The baby is useful air baths, so why not combine them with a massage session? Especially if it's summer outside. In the cold season, it is better to cover the child's body with something light, leaving only those areas that you massage in naked. this moment. If it is the turn to massage the legs, put a thin vest on the baby.

Lay your baby on the back of the changing table. Start the massage, for example, from the right leg. Place it on your left palm. With your right hand, gently stroke the front and outer parts of the lower leg in the direction from the foot to the thigh. Similarly, from bottom to top, stroke his right thigh. Massage the child's left leg. Movements should be neat, slow and smooth, but confident. Repeat stroking 5-6 times.

Stroking is the first technique that is used when massaging. The first few weeks it is better for them to limit themselves. When the child is sufficiently accustomed to massage, you can begin to gradually introduce other techniques. For example, rubbing. Close your fingers as if you are making fists. The wrists should be relaxed. Rubbing perform the middle phalanges. The movements are circular, from bottom to top.

Having accustomed the baby to rubbing, enter kneading. Massage the same parts of the legs as in the first two methods. The movements are spiral, they are performed with the knuckles. Alternate rubbing and kneading with stroking. The sequence should be like this. Start the session with stroking, then rub the legs, stroking and kneading again. Finish the session again with stroking.

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If there is a doctor's indication, the inner parts of the legs are also massaged. The direction of movement coincides with the direction of the lymph flow, that is, from the feet to the hips.

Helpful advice

Foot massage is very useful to combine with gymnastic exercises. True, only when the baby has no defects hip joints. In the latter case, you should consult your doctor.

Preventive massage can only be carried out with healthy child. If the baby has a cold, refrain for a while.

Babies usually have a positive attitude towards massage. If the baby starts crying and different ways expresses his dissatisfaction, stop the massage and establish the cause.

You can not massage the child immediately after eating. Better to wait forty minutes.


  • Massage and gymnastics for babies in 2018
  • foot massage for kids video in 2018

There are many opinions about when you can start putting the baby on its feet. The moment when you should teach your baby to stand depends on many factors, including the characteristics of the development of the child and his state of health.

Some experts say that the child should not be put on legs until 10 months old, while others say that already from the age of six months you can start putting the baby in vertical position. There is still no unequivocal opinion here, but until the baby's spine and pelvis are formed, this is not desirable. Here, of course, it all depends on the characteristics of the development of the baby.

After four months, you can start doing exercises with your child to strengthen the musculoskeletal system, after consulting with a specialist. One of these exercises is alternate sipping. You need to put the baby on his back and gently pull his elbow right hand to the knee of the left leg, then do the same with the left arm and right leg. This simple exercise will help develop coordination. The duration and regularity of the exercises should be clarified with a specialist.

With muscle hypertonicity, some children attempt to stand on their feet before six months of age. Such babies, having not yet learned to sit on their own, are already trying to take a vertical position. This is very dangerous phenomenon, which can lead to foot deformity. If you notice this tendency in your child, try to distract him by not allowing him to take an upright position. Support the child in such a way that the load from his weight does not fall on the legs.

During massage sessions, doctors often transplant and put children on their feet for a while. So experts check how correctly the physical development of babies takes place. You should not repeat such manipulations on your own. In the absence of proper knowledge and experience, you can simply harm the child.

To prepare the child for standing on legs, you should regularly massage his feet. This will strengthen the muscles and prepare the baby for the upcoming stress. Such a massage consists in carefully stroking the feet and sorting out the fingers.

So, something unpleasant happened: your baby got sick. What to do?

First of all, we clarify that temperature is defensive reaction body for disease or injury. It should be remembered that normal temperature children under 1 year old are usually 37 - 37.4 degrees, and only after the first birthday it begins to gradually approach our usual mark of 36.6.

If an infection has entered the body, then against the background high temperature the ability of leukocytes to better eliminate foreign cells is enhanced. At elevated temperature cells and enzyme systems that fight the disease function more actively. That is why, if the temperature fluctuates below the mark of 38.5, you should not immediately knock it down with antipyretics.

Correct temperature measurement

Before putting a thermometer, the baby must be "cooled". Pull it out from under the blanket and remove the diaper (the diaper is a kind of heating pad, and if you do not remove it from the baby, you will not be able to set the real temperature). If the child is crying, let him calm down - increased nervous excitement can also affect the final result.

Before measuring the temperature, shake the thermometer so that the mercury column drops to 36.6. It is better to wipe the armpits of the child - moisture distorts the measurement readings.

The temperature should be measured at least 3 times a day, carefully recording the readings - this will come in handy during further treatment.

To avoid misunderstandings, you should, just in case, record the temperature of the child in healthy condition- to understand what is the norm. After all, all children are individuals.

How to bring down the temperature

In any home first aid kit, there will surely be children's "Efferalgan" and "Nurofen", or rectal suppositories. In the event that the mercury column has risen to a value of 38.5, the following treatment regimen is usually recommended for children's "Ambulance":

We alternate children's "Nurofen" and paracetamol (it is contained either in "Efferalgan" or in candles, for example, in the drug "Cefecon"). Please note: to avoid allergic reactions it is better to give the child "Nurofen" with orange flavor, and not strawberry, because. strawberries are a strong allergen. So, we give a dose of "Nurofen" according to the instructions, up to 4 times a day. We are waiting for several hours and, if the temperature rises again, we give Efferalgan (according to the instructions, by weight) or put a candle. "Efferalgan" can be given up to 6 times.

If there is only Nurofen at home, next move the drug is allowed after 6 hours. If there is only Efferalgan, you must wait at least 4 hours.

If you gave your child some kind of medicine, let's say Nurofen, but after an hour the temperature has not dropped, you should not wait several hours to give Efferalgan. In the case when the medicine does not work after an hour, you have every right to give another one.

Aspirin and analgin should not be given to children, although sometimes the Ambulance may advise them: the first is not recommended at all until the age of 15, and the second is a strong allergen.

From time to time, the child's body can be wiped with a towel moistened with warm water. Vinegar is not recommended for wiping.

If the child has a stuffy nose, you can use Aqualor Baby drops for washing - this is a solution based on sea water, so the drops are suitable for everyone.

Ventilate the room as often as possible.

: Reading time:

A one-year-old beats up her mother and keeps the whole family in fear? Yes, and it happens! Why and what to do tells child psychologist Elena Lagunova.

one year old baby with an equally innocent look, he can ask for hands and beat relatives. Because they don't really understand the difference.

At the reception, a young mother, Katya, complains:

“My one-year-old child fights, Sevushka beats everyone - me, dad, brother. The cat also gets it, although this is probably for everyone. What will happen next? Well, okay, when something is not for him, but more often it’s simple, for no reason. Maybe with a cheerful face come up and knock. I almost roar from surprise (and even pain), I say: “My dear, sunshine, don’t be angry. You can't do that, it hurts mommy. Do not do it anymore". And he laughs. Doesn't understand words. And the playground too. Like someone else's toy - selects. And to whom is he so aggressive, just a bandit! Is it because it's a boy? Maybe it's time to treat him? Or a belt, as papa suggests? So tell me, is this generally normal, no?”.

At this time, her son Sevushka looks at me with angelic eyes, takes timid steps around the office, calmly plays with toys and, you know, doesn’t look like a bandit at all.

Catherine can be understood. Every parent wants to raise a child who can communicate in a friendly way. But how to do that? Why such aggression at this age?

Causes. Why does a child fight at 1 year old

Almost all one-year-olds fight. It even happens that a child 1 year old bites non-stop. And there are four main reasons for this.

The child wants something they like. At this age, the baby discovers that taking or hitting is one of the ways to get what you want. And tries again and again.

Tries to say something. one year old baby may not speak or speak poorly. How it sometimes hurts him that he cannot convey his thought! And he understands the speech of others with difficulty, especially words that do not refer to specific subjects:

“This is a spoon, this is a cat, but your “no”, where is it? Once I heard him next to my mother, the other - next to the stove. Is it everywhere?"

Develop the baby's speech, and by the age of two, in many cases, instead of a fight, he will begin to negotiate. In the meantime, a child bites at 1 year old, trying to get in touch, for example, he shows his displeasure or interest.

Does not control emotions. The feelings of a one-year-old quickly replace each other. Today it is raging, and tomorrow it is calm. He has yet to learn how to control emotions and express them in acceptable ways. Often the kid is so captured by anger that he beats everyone who comes to hand. A one-year-old child hits his mother in the face, and when he calms down, he hugs and strokes again. A bite or a blow to the face does not differ in meaning for a child, he just fights, although it seems to his mother otherwise.

Attracts attention. Only after three years the baby will learn to evaluate whether he is doing well or badly. In a year, he seeks to get any emotions of an adult, not understanding the difference between positive and negative. Let's say he climbed to the outlet and saw a whole performance: mom frowns, breaks away and scolds verbosely. He will definitely ask her to speak again - he will crawl there again. A one-year-old child bites and pinches, because he can perceive what is happening as a game. Believe me, this act has nothing to do with genuine cruelty.

One cannot say in a year aggressive child or not. Too much depends on the mood, the situation. It will be possible to understand whether he is calm or cocky by the age of three or four.

Of course, this behavior may be a sign of a disorder. But the disease always has several signs, something else should strain the parent. With autism, for example, a child not only fights, but also makes poor contact, does not look into the eyes. All warning signs can be discussed with a psychiatrist, who is recommended for all babies to undergo at the age of one year.

“If the love of fighting is age-related, it turns out that it will go away on its own?” True, but only in part. Competent actions of an adult will help the baby to master life without assault. And because of the illiterate, normal pugnacity can develop into genuine aggressiveness.

What to do. How to wean a one year old child to fight

So, a child is fighting for 1 year, what should parents do? Here are some tips on how to wean a child to fight in a year.

1 Speak briefly and clearly. Repeat the same thought many times. Firmly and confidently, without turning to shouting. Not only forbid, but also teach what can be done. Best of all, the child will learn the prohibition if you combine words and actions, set an example.

2 Help me understand that fighting is ineffective. And teach other ways to negotiate with a peer or an adult: change, wait, etc.

3 Suggest an alternative. If a child in the game swings to hit, catch his hand and say: “No. Protect me. You can hit the ball." And show me how it's done. If a child swings in a fit of anger that has seized him, it is better to step back and say: “You can’t. Protect me. You're angry. Stomp and scream so that the anger goes away.

4 Do not punish. Even if the kid gets into a fight again and again, you should not spank him or shout loudly. The child will be completely confused: why does the parent forbid to beat with words, but does it himself? Children trust the example of an adult more than speech. If the baby is persistent, you can increase the distance with him, but no more.

5 Follow your feelings. Being angry at a kid for fighting is seriously stupid. Sooner or later, the child will begin to cope with his emotions. And parental incontinence can lead to the most sad consequences.

6 Let's give positive feedback. The child is sensitive to parental words. If you say: "Greedy", "bandit", "fighter", it will be so. Try to suggest that he is "generous" and "Friendly".

And if the child hit back the offender? Here the opinions of psychologists differ, but most believe that giving change should be taught closer to seven years. Until this age, kids cannot correlate the strength of the impact on them and the strength of the response - because of this, they can give "surrender" much stronger than resentment.

Sometimes parents need to work on themselves too.

Asking the question of how to wean a child from biting at 1 year old, one must also analyze why the behavior of the baby causes such fear in the parent himself.

Let's go back to the story from the beginning of the article. Together with mother Katya, we analyzed her feelings. It turned out that she is afraid of childish anger and in general any aggression. Her parents taught her that anger is very bad, that you shouldn't be angry. Therefore, fights and put mom to a standstill.

But actually angry is okay. Anger arises when the desired does not match the result. The task of parents is not to suppress the feelings of the baby, but to help him learn to express them without harm to others.

I explained all this to my mother Ekaterina. She left reassured and delighted that there was no need to treat the child. A month later, I received a message from her on the social network. Seva almost stopped fighting, began to hug his mother more often. And even "I love" learned to say.

Fights a year are common. They must be dealt with calmly and decisively. Instead of scolding, tell your child, “No. Protect me".

How quickly time flies! It seems that only yesterday you brought a snoring newborn into the house, and today your baby is already celebrating his first birthday! Parents are concerned about questions: how is the development of their baby, what should a child be able to do at 1 year old and what can their child do from this. Of course, all kids are different and learn new things in different time. But there is a certain average set of skills, most of which children should master by the age of one.

First skills

The first year is given little man not easy. There is so much to learn! The baby approaches the annual milestone with basic skills on which his further achievements will be based:

  1. can follow the movement of an object (or light) with his eyes;
  2. moves his eyes after the rattle, hears and is interested in its sound;
  3. gives loved ones the first smiles;
  4. is able to keep his head in an upright position;
  5. changes positions, rolls over from the stomach to the back and to the other side;
  6. reaching for a rattle;
  7. is sitting;
  8. learns to roam.

Physical development of the child

By the age of one, children can sit, stand (holding on to an adult or pieces of furniture), stand up, crawl. Babies can stand up from any position. Some babies skip the crawling stage.

Basically, babies are able to walk along the support, or with support for one or both handles. Particularly nimble children walk without support and even run.

The physical development of the child goes forward by leaps and bounds:

  • at 1 year old, the baby can walk up the stairs with the support of an adult;
  • crawl up the stairs;
  • climb on chairs, sofas, other pieces of furniture;
  • children also descend from beds, sofas down, slide down ladders.

Important! Therefore, do not leave the child in a room with open windows, sockets, heavy objects that he can drop.

Even if it seems to you that the baby does not know how to climb onto the windowsill, know that you underestimate him! At this age, children guess to substitute a chair.

Psychomotor development of the baby

At the age of one, children actively learn the world. The kid is interested in how this or that toy is arranged, how several large parts of the designer are connected into one whole.

By the age of one, the child has the following skills:

  1. knows how to assemble and disassemble a pyramid of two or three rings;
  2. can make a tower of two cubes;
  3. knows how to remove lids from pots and boxes, can put some object into a box and close the lid;
  4. masters the first sorters: can push small objects into holes cut in the lid of a cardboard box;
  5. plays with dishes: “eats” with a spoon, “drinks” from a cup;
  6. can “comb” a toy, feed it or put it to bed;
  7. plays with his clothes, hats, boots;
  8. takes toys with one or two hands, shifts from hand to hand;
  9. can take small objects with two fingers (thumb and forefinger);
  10. rolls a stroller, carries a car, can push a ball to make it roll;
  11. tries to throw and catch a ball or other objects;
  12. knows how to open cabinet doors, push and pull drawers, get things out of there, put them back;
  13. copies the actions of other children: digs, claps, knocks with a stick on objects;
  14. plays “in adults”: for example, he twists a screwdriver like dad, or paints his lips like mom.

Emotions and integration into society

  • Closer to the year, babies begin to express their emotions more often with sounds, smiles, facial expressions, and not just crying;
  • The tactile expression of feelings also becomes more active: most children know how to hug, kiss (parents, other babies, toys);
  • If you carefully observe the baby, you begin to understand his body language. Close people usually know well what the child wants to “tell” them. With strangers, children can be more withdrawn;
  • The kid knows well those whom he often sees: parents, other relatives; recognizes them in photographs and knows how to show them at the request of adults. He can also show cats, dogs, other animals or objects in pictures;
  • At this age, children already know how to flip through books. For the sake of justice, it should be noted that not everyone is interested in books in one year, and this is normal: the rest of the kids will appreciate the charm of this lesson a little later;
  • One-year-old children actively show both positive and negative emotions: they rejoice at the return of their parents from work, the appearance new toy. At the same time, they may cry if an outsider addresses them, or gets angry at the word “no”. Read the article on how to explain to a child what is not allowed?>>>
  • At this age, the baby often imitates adults: "communicates" on the phone, "reads" a book, fiddles with dad's tools.
  • In addition, children copy the facial expressions of their parents and use it. In a year they are able to distinguish facial expressions. Children also understand the intonation with which they are addressed, they can copy it when walking;
  • The baby knows how to fulfill simple requests: “give me a toy”, “show the cat”, “where are the eyes”. Children learn this skill quickly, it is enough to play such games with them several times;
  • The kid knows how to dance to the music that he likes, "sings along" to children's songs. If your child does not do this, show him an example - he will immediately learn. This activity is very popular with one-year-old children;
  • Imitating adults and peers, kids master the first games. Yearlings know how to clap their hands, play “coo-coo” (hide their faces in their hands);
  • Children are interested in their reflection in the mirror, they can actively spin in front of him, admire themselves.

This is far from complete list what a child can do, because at 1 year social and emotional development crumbs primarily depends on the people around him. At this age, kids do amazing things. Enough to deal with them physical development and show your own example, and your baby will amaze you with her quick wits.

See also in my video tutorial about the development of a baby at 12 months:

The formation of speech

At one year, the child understands the speech addressed to him. He focuses on intonation, knows simple expressions. The more you talk to him, the wider his passive becomes. lexicon(i.e. those words that he understands). From 2 to 10 words a child can speak at 1 year old.

Abbreviated words and onomatopoeia at this age are also considered words if they always mean the same thing. For example, if “mu” is always “cow”, then this onomatopoeia is also considered a word.

Important! But do not worry if the child does not say anything. It is much more important that he understands you. If this does not happen, the baby must be shown to a specialist.

The child may have problems with hearing, speech apparatus, neurological, psychological disorders.
Most deviations from the norm at this age are successfully compensated if you start exercising with the baby in time.

What else does a child know at one year old:

  1. answers the question "who is this?" in separate words: mother, av, me-me;
  2. knows how to show familiar actions at the request: how he smiles, how he stamps his foot, how he eats, etc .;
  3. knows his name, responds to his name;
  4. tries to repeat new words;
  5. knows the words "can" and "impossible".

speed up speech development a child can, if you constantly talk to him, comment on your actions and what is happening around. You can pronounce words, clearly articulating sounds, encouraging the baby to repeat after you.

When talking to children, do not distort and abbreviate words. In this case, the child remembers the “wrong” sound, and it can be very difficult to retrain him. Talk to your baby like an adult, only more emotionally.

Yearlings and their skills self-service

In a year, a small person already strives for independence. Here are some everyday skills of one-year-old children:

  • They can (or at least try to) eat with a spoon. There are even children who successfully use a fork at this age;
  • They drink from a non-spill cup, and sometimes from a mug;
  • They try to dress themselves. If you are not in a hurry, give the baby the clothes that you plan to put on him, let him practice a little;
  • Can bite and chew solid food(cookies, bread, banana). See also: how to feed a child?>>>
  • They know how to wash their hands, dry them with a towel. It is very easy for children to teach this action by showing their own example several times. Read more about how to develop independence in a child?
  • Little by little they are starting to potty train. Find out at what age to potty train a child?

At this age, it is enough if the baby knows what the potty is for, knows how to correlate wet pants and his natural needs.

It is good if he accepts some conditional sound that indicates a desire to go to the potty, although such an understanding can come much later than one year of age. To do this, you can seat the children on the potty, pronouncing this very conditional sound. They will remember it very quickly.

Each child approaches the yearly milestone with a certain set of skills. What this set will be depends largely on the parents. At this age, it is necessary not only to show the baby the world around and talk to him, but also to give the baby more independence (under the supervision of elders). Let the child learn own experience and soon you will be surprised by the result!