How to induce milk after a caesarean section. Feeding a baby born by caesarean section

The amount of milk does not depend on the method of delivery, but on your perseverance and desire to establish lactation.

Today, caesarean sections are not always done under general anesthesia. The doctor may perform the operation using epidural, or spinal, anesthesia. You will be fully conscious and will be able to attach the baby to the breast while still on the operating table. If the baby needs a special examination by a neonatologist, then the first feeding will occur a little later, after a few hours. In any case, you will establish lactation and be able to feed the baby as much as you want.

When does milk appear after a caesarean section?

The time of the birth of a child depends largely on hormones. They are your main helpers. Oxytocin is responsible for contractions, promotes the arrival of milk. During natural childbirth impulses are transmitted to the brain, and it "tells" the body what to do.

But with a caesarean section, the chain invented by nature is interrupted. The body does not immediately understand that the child has already been born and it is time to feed him. Lactation improves faster if the operation is performed when labor has already begun. Then milk appears on 3-4 days, as after natural childbirth. But a planned caesarean is done on the day chosen by the doctor. Therefore, be patient: you will have to wait a bit until the hormones "orient" and the first droplets of milk are formed (you will notice them 5-9 days after you start putting the baby to the breast).

Breastfeeding after caesarean section. Will have to wait

Breast milk is the best food for a baby. And for a child who was born by caesarean section, it is especially useful. He was born quickly and did not go all the way provided by nature. So, he could not properly prepare for a new life. In addition, the child may be a little lethargic and sleepy due to the medications you have been given. He needs to gain strength. This is best done at the mother's breast. But do not expect that the baby will immediately begin to suck and the first feeding will be one hundred percent successful. Now he just needs to take a breast and be close to his mother.

Why is it important to breastfeed

Feeding is important not only for the baby, but also for you. Due to the fact that the baby will suckle the breast, the uterus will begin to return to old size. You won't have to administer drugs to reduce it (they are usually prescribed after a caesarean section). You and your child will do just fine.

How to improve lactation after caesarean section

The next day after the operation, you will be transferred from intensive care to a regular room. The child will be next to you. Feed him on demand. This is how you improve lactation.

In the early days, only colostrum will be excreted. A few drops are enough for a child to get enough.

Do not be discouraged if the doctor recommends that the child be placed in the pediatric ward for a while. The well-being of the crumbs largely depends on the mother's mood, so do not be sad. You have the opportunity to recover faster and prepare for feeding.

  • The nurse will bring the baby every 3 hours. About 40 minutes before her arrival, drink unsweetened hot tea or dried fruit compote. Lactation will improve.
  • Unroll your baby before feeding. From the touch of his delicate skin to your milk will be more.
  • When the child "lunches", stroke him in the direction from the head to the legs. These feelings are pleasant and useful to him.
  • The child cannot be with you yet? As soon as possible, start putting your baby to the breast, but in the meantime, bring your milk to him. Don't pump to the last drop. Well, if you collect 5 10 ml at a time. Fill the bottle every 2.5-3 hours and take it to the baby.
  • After the operation, it will be more comfortable for you to breastfeed while lying on your side or sitting in a chair. Some people prefer to do it while sitting Turkish.
  • It is better to give milk from a spoon or from a bottle with a nipple that resembles a mother's breast in shape. But do not forget that the baby must suck, taking it deep into his mouth. After each feeding or pumping that replaces it, check your breasts for lumps larger than a pea.
  • When you are at home, discard the bottle. Attach the baby to the breast more often, and there will be a lot of milk.

We stimulate lactation

If you and your baby are not immediately together after the operation, you will still have enough milk. To do this, you need not only to express, but also to stimulate the nipples from time to time. Stroke them, lightly massage, pinch. Do it in a calm environment. And the milk will keep coming!


I also had no special problems with feeding the child. She gave birth via planned caesarean. For the first 5 days, the doctors did not allow me to feed, and then there were no problems.

I am also a mother of two children. She gave birth to the first one herself, after the water broke. And he is my artificial. And the second child of the COP - did not descend into the birth canal due to heavy weight. Emergency caesarean. In the maternity hospital, she was fed with a mixture and applied herself on demand. We arrived home and the porridge was not useful to us))) Now I try to save milk for further nutrition.

Wow, we don't have anything like that in the city! Not a city, but some kind of dead end and that's it! I also had a caesarean delivery under general anesthesia. It’s somehow not pleasant and painful for me to read all sorts of such articles, where they constantly write that Caesareans are some kind of not such children! You all are not like that!

The article is pure theory. She gave birth to a daughter through a planned CS. (the fetus was very large, the due date had already passed and I insisted myself, because it was hard to walk). The child was put to the breast 3-4 hours after the operation. Milk appeared on the 3rd day. Prior to that, she gave breasts and supplemented with a mixture of 30 gr. Then lactation improved and I fed my daughter up to 3 years and 2 months. I could have fed longer, it was just very hard mentally - all the time to depend on the child and be "attached" to him. She still remembers the "nanny" and there is nothing better than her mother's "nanny" for her. GV was on demand, when and how much she wanted. For almost a year, she did not want to eat complementary foods, she gained weight very well. I only tried complementary foods, I never replaced breasts with complementary foods. She slept all the time next to me, applied 2-3 times at night, but everyone got enough sleep, there was no sleepless nights and during teething. So I recommend GV to everyone, you don’t have to think only about your comfort.

The first was born EP fed up to 1.5 months, then the milk disappeared: (The second, after 10 years, she gave birth to the CS fed up to 2.5 years ... so you won’t guess

I have two children: the first is an emergency caesarean, the second is a planned one. Milk came on the 4th day after birth for the first time and on the 2nd day for the second time. Colostrum was even before birth. I didn't notice any problems with the GW. By three months of feeding, the need for milk increased sharply in children, they had to be breastfed more often. I didn’t do anything for lactation, except that I drank gulls from 5 herbs: 1 teaspoon of cumin, dill, sweet clover, nettle and 0.5 teaspoon of anise, brew 1.5 liters of boiling water and insist in a thermos. You need to drink during the day.
Cool article about breast-feeding I recently read [link-1] who might be interested.

regarding trauma during natural childbirth. during CS, by the way, the baby is pulled by the head (or other part) in order to be removed from the mother - which is also fraught with injuries. he doesn’t come out on his own - they pull him ...
although I don’t want to offend the children born to the CS at all, in the sense that they should somehow differ in the worst side. it's just that the risk is probably greater with CS than with EP.

after the first emergency caesarean nurse up to three and a half years. the second planned, milk came immediately and now for GW. The main thing is a great desire and a positive attitude.

After an emergency caesarean milk started to come only on the 7th day. At the same time, I started applying 8 hours after the CS, on the second day I took my daughter to my ward for good. By day 7, the daughter's weight loss was already critical. Therefore, we decided to introduce 2-time artificial feeding for support at night and at night. When I was discharged home, I tried to remove the mixture. But for the first week during the day, I practically fed all the time. By day 14, the milk came in for real. Successfully breastfed my daughter for 9 months.

I fed both of my Caesareans more than a year each. There were no problems with either the older one or the younger one. I just had a great desire to give children GW. The main thing the right attitude and patience.

Much depends on the mother's desire and determination to breastfeed her baby. My baby didn't breastfeed and I didn't have any milk. at first she fed, then the breastfeeding was completely adjusted on demand until he gradually refused (to 1.5 g).

I'm willing to argue with a lot!
I gave birth to two children with the help of a planned CS. The first daughter did not take the breast at all, the second one has not been torn off so far. (1g and 10m). There is plenty of milk. 1) spinal anesthesia 2) spinal + general (spinal did not work)
The statement that after the CS the mother cannot serve her child and needs the help of outsiders is bullshit. As soon as the anesthesia wore off, in both cases I easily managed the child and no one helped. Everything is surmountable
Well, to say that children after CS are very different from those born vaginally, IMHO is not at all worth it. Listen to the author, so solid cripples are born ... only for some reason no one writes about what monstrous injuries a child receives during EP and how he then lives with these injuries ...

Comment on the article "Feeding a baby born through a caesarean section"

According to Komsomolskaya Pravda, in Vladimir, all pregnant women entering childbirth are given a document to sign for consent to a caesarean section. This operation can be sudden if necessary, even if the woman was going to give birth herself. Such a document in its list of some of the described consequences seems scary, since the form, for example, contains the following phrases: “I am aware that medicine, like all branches (anesthesiology, surgery, etc.) are not exact sciences. ..

Breastfeeding after a caesarean section After a cesarean section, the development of lactation may differ from how it occurs after normal delivery. The appearance of milk usually occurs a little later, for 4-5 days. However, if the caesarean section was not performed according to plan, but with the onset labor activity, then in the body of a woman the hormones necessary for the timely start of lactation have time to accumulate. Sometimes, in the first few days after a caesarean section, the baby has to be fed ...


My water broke and half an hour later I had a CS. Colostrum stood out, milk arrived on the 3rd day, the baby was hungry, did not sleep and screamed. In our maternity hospital, bottles and nipples for feeding were not welcomed, we fed a couple of times with a mixture from a syringe.

How to survive the “stormy rush” of milk for a nursing mother? Immediately after childbirth and during the first 2-3 days, colostrum is produced in the breast. It stands out in small quantities, and the mother practically does not feel it. Then, by the end of the 3rd, the beginning of the 4th day after childbirth, the breast begins to increase in size, become more dense and tense. These changes indicate the beginning of the milk arrival process. Often they are accompanied painful sensations, a slight increase in local temperature ...


I had little milk after giving birth, as they did a caesarean section. Some of the tips from the article were needed when weaning the baby from the breast.

During the first pregnancy, she suffered for a very long time, she expressed herself. And when I gave birth to a son, I bought a breast pump, heaven and earth, much easier and very convenient!

Why a breast pump in a maternity hospital? Many moms list a breast pump as one of their must-have pre-partum purchases because you may need one at the hospital. Situations in which you can use a breast pump: Difficulties arose when attaching the baby to the breast (there can be many reasons: if the breast is not properly grasped, when the baby and mother are separated, when the baby is brought by the hour, or if the baby is simply “lazy” and wakes up feeding, perhaps incomplete emptying of the breast, which leads to ...


We didn’t buy a breast pump or bottles in advance - as a result, we didn’t need it. Although the problem with attachment in the early days was due to a short bridle.

When I first got pregnant, I thought I didn't need it. And during the second I bought it among the first necessary things) I need 100%.

Anemia is the most common problem during pregnancy, in which the amount of hemoglobin in the blood decreases. Among pregnant women, in the vast majority of cases, anemia occurs from a lack (deficiency) of iron in the body. First, the level of iron in the depot decreases, due to this, at first, the hemoglobin level may still be within the normal range. However, in the future, without adequate therapy, the level of hemoglobin begins to decline sharply and iron deficiency anemia develops ...

Currently, the best way to manage childbirth in infected women not fully defined. To make a decision, the doctor needs to know the results of a comprehensive virological study. Natural childbirth includes a whole range of measures aimed at adequate pain relief, prevention of fetal hypoxia and early rupture amniotic fluid reduce trauma to the birth canal in the mother and skin baby. Only when all preventive measures are observed ...


Absolutely agree. Unfortunately, on this moment there is no consensus on the safest management of childbirth with hepatitis C. According to statistics, the likelihood of a child being infected with hepatitis is somewhat lower with a planned caesarean section than with natural childbirth. However, none of these methods can guarantee the safety of the child in terms of infection with hepatitis. Therefore, the choice of method of delivery is more based on obstetric history than on knowledge of the presence of this infection.

Monthly cycle after childbirth The monthly cycle is a systematic process in female body providing the ability to bear children. During pregnancy, the female body, in order to save the baby, blocks the possibility of conception, as a result of which physiological amenorrhea occurs (natural delay in menstruation). After childbirth, periods are restored over time, because the level of hormones that prevent the onset of ovulation decreases evenly, and the body again ...

Human health is formed long before his birth and depends on many factors. By influencing some of them, it is possible to prevent the development of many pathological conditions. One of the factors that determine the health of a child is breastfeeding. Breastfeeding certainly has a number of advantages: 1) breast milk contains everything nutrients, necessary for the child which are quickly and easily absorbed. 2) It consists of the most balanced and suitable for the child ...


Of course, breastfeeding has an undeniable advantage over artificial, but at a certain stage it is still necessary to introduce complementary foods, the quality of which determines whether or not the baby will be bothered by allergies with diathesis. For some reason, I only have good memories of Heinz products for children. And in other cases it was necessary to observe an allergy.

Feeding a baby born by caesarean section. What can cause difficulty breastfeeding after a caesarean section? C-section: back to normal. Algorithms for the management of puerperas after caesarean section have been developed: adequate ...

Girls, for information! Looking for free and QUALITY courses for new parents? You here: [link-1] ADVANTAGES: The courses are organized by the Moscow maternity hospital No. 16, everyone can attend them, regardless of registration at the place of residence, without prior appointment, starting at 15:00, but come at least half an hour earlier, otherwise it may not enough places. The preparatory course consists of 7 lectures, the schedule is posted on the website, covers all those interested future mother themes (change...


Well, about the caesarean section, you turned it down ... 3-5 days ... Have you thought about the child? Sitting in my stomach. Suddenly they got it, and for 3-5 days - without a mother ... Well, this is a trauma for life: (Yes, it’s so easy to stay without milk.

Well, I don’t know why 3-5 days after a cesarean, this is only if there are complications. How faster baby bring, the better for both. After 1.5 days, I was already with the child after the CS (and I think that it was too long, but the hemoglobin was very low, and I was driven). Planned cesarean, if anything. Mother and child should begin to adapt to each other as soon as possible. It helps to recover.

My first birth is natural, I know what I'm comparing with :)

QUESTION It has been 4 years since the first birth. It was a caesarean section. If I get pregnant a second time, will I be able to give birth on my own? ANSWER Olesya Tveritinova, head of the gynecological department of the MEDSI Clinical and Diagnostic Center: - It is believed that planning next pregnancy after cesarean, it is necessary not earlier than 2 years later, since the scar on the uterus should form properly. Otherwise, during another pregnancy and after childbirth, it will disperse, which can lead to bleeding ...

Feeding a baby born by caesarean section. Intestines after childbirth - we restore work. natural childbirth. Diet after childbirth. C-section.


and what did she do for so long in intensive care? were there problems during the operation?
on day 1 I didn’t eat anything, only water. Day 2 - broth and liquid porridge. Day 3. Steam cutlets, puree, bananas, cottage cheese, muesli bars, kefir.
Hematogen still ate.

cesarean is not an operation on the intestines, on the 3rd day there are already few restrictions - you can’t have complex salads, well, observe the measure.

for a chair, I really liked Gaviscon candles. They clean it so that it’s better than any diet)

there should be no special restrictions, this is not an operation on the digestive organs.
but for general reasons, you should not rush with fiber and what can cause bloating.
roughly speaking, I would temporarily refuse raw fruits and vegetables, black bread and legumes

Feeding a baby born by caesarean section. After an emergency cesarean, milk began to come only on the 7th day. At the same time, I started applying 8 hours after the CS, on the second day I took my daughter to my ward for good.

Feeding a baby born by caesarean section. After caesarean - consequences, breastfeeding and restoration of shape. How to lose weight after childbirth.


After the first CS under general anesthesia, the child was shown to me after 1 day, they gave me to attach - after 3 days.
Good thing I didn't have internet back then. I did not know that a program that matured for 9 months and was designed for at least 1 year could deteriorate in 3 days ... I did not know that I MUST have problems - there were none.
No need to wind yourself up in advance, no need to wait for problems, and everything will be fine :)

Feeding a baby born by caesarean section. These theoretical considerations lead me to assume that after a caesarean section, especially a planned one, there are difficulties with breastfeeding, its terms are reduced.

Childbirth with the help surgical intervention- caesarean section - have existed since ancient times. In 2003, in America, it was decided to satisfy the request of a woman if she wants to give birth through a caesarean section.


I especially liked the doctor's argument about the "ritual of childbirth" ... I believe that a woman should have the right to decide for herself which way to give birth, if options are possible

The problem here is purely different. Whether due to acceleration, or something like that, children have objectively become much larger on average, but their mothers born 25-30 years ago have not. If in the days of our mothers 3700 was something, now even 4 kg surprise few people. Plus, our ecology, which cannot but affect the course of pregnancy and childbirth. There is another moment. Now, objectively, scientific progress helps women get pregnant and endure, who 20 years ago in their lives would not have been able to do this and simply would not have children at all, but to give birth naturally they are not always possible, and the COP is calmer for them.

In this variant, even if the child is born very heavy (does not breathe and does not suck), there are no particular problems with lactation. Feeding a baby born by caesarean section.


The appearance of milk will depend on:

mother's mood;

child's condition;

medical actions;

mother's condition after caesarean;

where the child is;


A good scenario: the mother recovers quickly after a cesarean (no additional treatment is required), the child is with the mother in the ward (ideal, even if the child is in an incubator) or at least in one building, doctors help with lactation, there is good breast pump. In this variant, even if the child is born very heavy (does not breathe and does not suck), there are no particular problems with lactation. Milk will appear as after normal childbirth, for 2-10 days. If the baby is not suckling, you will have to pump regularly.
Worst-case scenario: the mother needs treatment after the operation, the child is in a serious condition in a clinic on the other side of the city, the maternity hospital doctors (in the maternity hospital of the "all for breastfeeding" system, yeah) believe that he will not survive and stop lactation when the mother is still in an unconscious state , it is necessary to maintain lactation by pumping for weeks, since the child does not have a sucking reflex.
After this, I pumped for 9 hours a day, but more than 100 ml (per day) was not possible.

So ... it makes sense to discuss all options with doctors; if possible, look for a clinic where you can be with the child all the time after a cesarean (in Moscow, this is only a children's department at 7 GKB, paid - 2500 per day, but there is also a free one).

In any case, BEFORE the operation, it is necessary to say that it is desirable to keep breastfeeding, ask not to use drugs to stop lactation, regardless of the condition of the child, and stock up on a good breast pump.

Girls, thank you all for your experience! I made a presentation, I'll pass it on.

Feeding a baby born by caesarean section. Petrova Ludmila. After caesarean - consequences, breastfeeding and restoration of shape.

By the way, I attended courses and training and all that, read, prepared :)

Do you know what would happen if you didn't feed? Or fed up to two years? The chest deteriorates from the fact that it is tormented - they express it, do not suck it, etc. THEN it starts to hang.
And gymnastics - try other exercises. It will get better with some persistence and time.

Many future mothers who are preparing to give birth by caesarean section due to the presence of certain indications are very fond of scaring “horror stories” about problems with breastfeeding after this operation. There is some truth in this - indeed, after a cesarean section, young mothers have problems with breastfeeding. But experts agree that the organization of breastfeeding after cesarean section is not a problem, but is simply accompanied by some features that are temporary. It is enough to establish breastfeeding for early stage taking into account these features - and in the future you will not have any problems with feeding your baby!

What are the features of breastfeeding after cesarean section and how to establish breastfeeding, taking into account these features?

Features of breastfeeding after caesarean section

1. After natural childbirth, the baby is applied to the breast right in the delivery room, thanks to which the baby develops strong immunity, and the mother stimulates milk production. And the importance of skin-to-skin contact between mother and child has not been canceled. After giving birth by caesarean section, such a start of breastfeeding is, for obvious reasons, impossible - for this reason, the flow of milk may slow down and, accordingly, there will be problems with breastfeeding.

2. In the first days after childbirth by caesarean section, breastfeeding is very problematic, primarily due to physical condition mother and her antibiotics. In addition, usually a young mother stays in the intensive care unit for 1-3 days after the operation, separately from the child - which is even more long term postpones the first attachment to the breast.

All these circumstances provoke two problems. The first is the lack of milk in the mother due to the lack of suckling of the child. The second is the beginning of feeding the child not with the mother's breast, but with a bottle with a nipple, which fixes in him a certain manner of sucking, different from breast sucking.

What needs to be done so that the consequences of a caesarean section affect your breastfeeding as little as possible?

How to establish breastfeeding after caesarean section?

To establish breastfeeding after a caesarean section, you need to follow a few rules:

1. Talk to your doctor about early breastfeeding with your doctor. It will be easier to do this if the caesarean section was performed under local anesthesia (eg, epidural). But even when performing an operation under general anesthesia, there are opportunities to start breastfeeding as early as possible.

2. Try to carry out the first breastfeeding of the baby within the first six hours after birth. It is at this time that the sucking activity of the child is especially great. The best time for the first application of the baby, which appeared by caesarean section, to the breast is one hour after birth.

3. If you still don’t have the opportunity to put the baby to the breast on the first day after the operation, ask the medical staff not to supplement and not to supplement the baby after birth. It will be especially good if, while you are recovering, there will be someone from those whom you trust next to the baby - and let him take care of and look after the newborn until you can do it yourself. You can not be afraid if the child does not eat anything for some time after birth - he will not experience the pangs of hunger. After all, it is very important that the first object that enters the baby's mouth after birth is not the nipple, but your breast.

4. It may turn out that the baby still needs supplementary feeding - for example, you have not had milk for a long time (by the way, after giving birth as a result of a caesarean section, milk may not appear until the 9th day) or you drank too strong antibiotics. But even in this case, you should not despair - you just have to make more efforts to teach your baby to suckle correctly.

5. Try to find a maternity hospital where the child and mother can stay together. This will help you to breastfeed as soon as your baby wants, thereby stimulating your breasts to produce milk. If, however, your maternity hospital still provides for a separate stay, do not forget, starting from the second day after childbirth, to express between breastfeeds in order to further stimulate lactation.

6. Don't expect the first breastfeeding after a caesarean section to be complete. Your baby is not yet able to suck on the breast, and you are not able to put it on the breast. The most important thing at the beginning of breastfeeding is to “acquaint” the baby with your skin, your body, and calm him down. Gently press the baby to you, stroking the legs, tummy, arms. Start breastfeeding only when he is calm and not worried about anything. Install tactile contact with your baby - and then he will be able to adapt to breastfeeding much faster.

7. The harm of antibiotics for a newborn baby is often unnecessarily exaggerated. For your own peace of mind, you can discuss with your doctor the possibility of using gentle antibiotics, which can be taken even when breastfeeding. If the drugs you are taking are still not compatible with breastfeeding, do not forget to express to stimulate lactation. Modern breast pumps are very well suited for this purpose.

8. If everything went well - and you are still breastfeeding, but it seems to you that there is not enough milk and the baby remains hungry - do not rush to supplement. Do a wet diaper test first. This test measures the number of times your baby urinates. In the first three days they should be at least 2 times a day, from the third to the sixth - at least 4 times a day, and after 6 days - 6 or more urination per day. If these indicators are normal, then the baby has enough food. And with systematic breastfeeding, very soon you will have as much milk as women who gave birth naturally. The only condition for the introduction of supplementary feeding is the birth of a weakened or premature baby who just don't have the strength to suck required amount milk. In this case, it is worth combining breastfeeding with supplementary feeding.

9. If your child needs supplementary feeding, it should be properly organized. The form of feeding supplementation is very important - in no case should it be a bottle with a nipple. To feed supplements, use a small spoon, pipette, beaker or medical syringe without a needle. In addition, the regimen is very important for supplementary feeding - before and after the introduction of supplementary feeding, the baby must be offered a breast. The amount of supplementary feeding offered to the child is also very important - in the first 10 days of the baby's life, the amount of supplementary feeding should not exceed 30 ml at a time.

10. Try to agree in advance that in the first days after the caesarean section, someone was next to you in the ward - a relative or a nurse specially hired for this. After all, after abdominal surgery, you will need help with breastfeeding - to sit comfortably, attach the baby to the breast or find a comfortable position for feeding. Usually the most comfortable posture for breastfeeding after caesarean section is the pose on the side.

11. There are many safe means to stimulate milk production, which have practically no side effects, for example, decoctions of fennel, hot drink, cold and hot shower. These funds can also be used during your stay in the hospital, especially if you have helpers.

And the most important thing is to calm down and believe that the concepts of "breastfeeding" and "caesarean section" are not mutually exclusive. In fact, with very little effort, breastfeeding can always be established - no matter how your baby was born. How else to explain the fact that most women who gave birth by caesarean section, some time after birth, breastfeed as successfully as women who gave birth naturally?

It is believed that breastfeeding after a caesarean section is an extremely difficult task and is invariably associated with difficulties and problems. In fact, the impact of operative childbirth on subsequent lactation is somewhat exaggerated, although a lot will depend on how well the young mother will be able to properly establish the process of breastfeeding the baby. In this article, we will look at the features of milk production after a caesarean section and show you how to arrange feeding.


During pregnancy, the mammary glands almost double in mass. Under the influence of certain hormones (progesterone, estrogen), the milk ducts grow, the lobules become heavier, and only a couple of days before the onset of childbirth, the maturation of the glands is completed completely. The drop in the level of progesterone, characteristic of all women before childbirth, triggers the mechanism for the production of immature milk in the mammary glands.

But a caesarean section is not always done on the expected day of delivery, and they do not always wait for the body to be fully ready for labor. It is for this reason that after surgical delivery lactation may occur with a slight delay, because hormonal changes require certain time. The rate of milk production is also affected by the drugs that are used during the operation for anesthesia. They somewhat slow down the natural processes in the female breast.

It is clear that the closer to the due date a caesarean section was performed, the less problems the puerperal will have with lactation. If there was a premature caesarean section for health reasons and the readiness of the mammary glands is far from optimal, there are more problems with milk production.

For a successful start of feeding, the level of a special hormonal substance prolactin in the female body is important. To stimulate its production, it is important to attach the child to maternal breast. Today, when up to 90% of operations are performed under epidural or spinal anesthesia, when a woman remains fully conscious at the time of removing the baby, breastfeeding in most maternity hospitals is practiced right in the delivery room.

Problems are likely if it was not possible to immediately put the baby to the breast, if on the first day the woman is in intensive care in a serious condition or the baby is in serious condition in a pediatric intensive care unit. In this case, neither the joint stay of the mother and the baby, nor the delivery of the child for feeding is out of the question.

But even if all of the above negative factors took place, this is not a sentence. It is quite possible to contribute to the establishment of normal lactation. Only women in childbirth do not have the opportunity to feed the baby, who do not have milk and colostrum at all due to a violation hormonal background, and such disorders (of the prolactin type) are extremely rare.

What to pay attention to?

best time the first one and a half hours of his life in this world are considered to be applied to the breast. Nothing that milk is not yet fully understood, even a drop of colostrum will be quite enough for the baby to receive a large supply of proteins, vitamins, fats and carbohydrates. nutritional value colostrum is incredibly high. But even if there is no colostrum, it still makes sense to attach the baby to the breast for an hour and a half.

This will help the formation of his sucking reflex, have a beneficial effect on uterine contraction after surgery, and will also be an excellent stimulus for the production of prolactin. Not every maternity hospital tries to apply the application in the first hour and a half, and therefore this issue must be resolved with the doctors in advance, the time of application should be agreed upon, unless unforeseen circumstances occur.

Formula supplementation is not best start nutrition. After the baby sucks on the nipple, from which the food flows relatively easily, without resistance, he may then refuse to take the breast, because the baby will need to make some efforts to dissolve it. This issue should also be discussed with the doctor in advance. A woman has the right to demand the absence of complementary foods on the first day. It will be administered only if even colostrum does not appear within 24 hours.

Today, a long-term separation of mother and baby after surgical delivery is not accepted. If there are no contraindications from the well-being of the mother and baby, after 8 hours, when the woman starts to get up, she can bring a child to stay together. From this time, the main measures for the development of lactation will begin. Attachment to the breast will benefit both the woman and her child.

How to improve milk production?

Do not worry if there is no milk in the first day or two after the operation. This is completely normal, in many women after a caesarean section, even colostrum begins to stand out late. Multiparous women start breastfeeding earlier, because their nipples are more adapted to this and have the corresponding experience. If the birth was the first, then the breasts have yet to be developed. This is what the woman will have to do in the ward of the maternity hospital after the child is transferred to cohabitation.

Increases milk production pumping. It should be carried out every 3-4 hours to stimulate the production of full breast milk. Even if all the efforts of the puerperal rest only on the extraction of a couple of drops of colostrum, you should not give up this activity. You can spread the breast with your hands in the intervals between feeding the baby (attaching to the breast), you can use a breast pump.

There are several types of such devices - manual, pump-action, electric. Which one to choose is a personal matter for each mother and a question family budget. The principle of action is the same for everyone - the nipple is irritated, the production of prolactin is stimulated, and the volume of breast milk increases. Straining the breast to a state suitable for feeding a newborn is quite realistic within 2-3 days.

If the baby does not take the breast, you need to find out the reason. IN without fail you should consult with a pediatrician. It is possible that the mother's nipple is small, anatomically uncomfortable. In this case, special silicone pad on the nipple

If there is already enough milk and the baby is eating well, you still need to continue to express the excess. The baby will grow and his nutritional needs will increase every day.

If the remnants of breast milk are removed from the mammary gland, then the inhibitor that slows down the production of a new portion of breast milk will be eliminated in a timely manner.

In addition to pumping, there is a whole range of measures that will help a woman after surgery to establish breastfeeding.


Techniques of a special lactation-stimulating massage are not difficult. They are within the power of any woman. Properly done massage will not only stimulate the production of milk, but also help prevent its stagnation in the mammary glands.

Take the chest in the region of the upper part of the gland and open hand do circular motions from top to bottom, towards the nipple. After massaging one breast for five minutes, proceed to massage the second.

Light massaging of the nipples with slight pressure with the fingertips also helps. Massage each nipple clockwise and counterclockwise for 1 minute.

Massage should be done 4-5 times a day after each feeding of the baby.


There is a separate group of drugs that can help in establishing lactation after surgery. Before use, be sure to consult a doctor, because in addition to the benefits, they can also show side effects. The most popular among nursing mothers are such funds.

  • "Lactogon"- 1 tablet 3-4 times a day one hour before feeding the baby. The general course is 30 days.
  • "Mlecoin"- dissolve five granules half an hour before meals in the morning and evening. The duration of the course of treatment is unlimited, the drug is homeopathic.

Special mixtures for nursing can also help - Milky Way, Femilak. It is also recommended to take folic acid. If a woman has hormonal problems that interfere with the establishment of normal lactation, hormonal drugs will be prescribed to her.


Nutrition should be balanced, but not meager. On the first day or two after the operation, a strict diet is recommended for a woman, on the 4th day she can eat everything that is provided for by the common table for lactating women. The main thing is to prevent constipation. If you have difficulty with defecation (it’s scary to push, the stitches hurt), you need to take a laxative in the form of rectal suppositories or a microclyster to gently cleanse the intestines from feces.

Useful will be cereals, milk, dairy and dairy products, stewed and boiled vegetables, it is recommended to drink more liquid. After surgery, women doubly need liquid, because it is necessary to replenish the reserves of lost fluid, but you should be very attentive to your well-being, because stagnation and swelling of the mammary glands against the background of a large number drink.

You can add special teas for nursing mothers with fennel to the diet, they will help increase the production of breast milk.

The influence of medicines

Often, after surgery, women wonder how the medicines that are made in postoperative period mother, may affect the baby. It should be noted that painkillers are administered to a woman without fail in the first 2-3 days, since contractions of the uterus with sutures applied to it can be quite painful, and the anterior abdominal wall is quite noticeably disturbing. Separately, reducing drugs are administered, since the contractility of the uterus after surgical delivery leaves much to be desired. These drugs will not harm the baby.

Antibiotics are now prescribed only if there is reason to suspect an infection. Just like that, for prevention, as it was done before, antibacterial drugs after caesarean section is not prescribed. Modern drugs for the most part, they are not dangerous for the child, but if a woman is prescribed a rather toxic antibiotic according to indications, she will be warned about this.

At the time of therapy, breastfeeding will have to be abandoned. So that the milk does not disappear and you can feed the baby later, the woman will need to continue to express and massage her breasts.

Contractubex, which many women use on the scar area after it has healed, does not affect breastfeeding if the drug is used in the form of a patch. The effect of the gel on the composition of breast milk has not been sufficiently studied, and therefore manufacturers do not recommend nursing mothers to use the product in this form.

Develop a feeding schedule that is comfortable for both mom and baby. Tips to put the baby to the chest more often after the operation can turn into other problems - in a couple of months the baby will “hang” on the chest around the clock, which will cause both him and his mother a lot of inconvenience.

If the baby is used to bottle feeding in the hospital, then the mother will have to try to retrain the baby. In this case, a rational approach will be hourly feeding, in which the child will get used to food at certain hours, and female lactation will “adjust” as well as possible to the needs of the child.

A caesarean section is not a cause for concern for lactation and the success of breastfeeding. There is nothing insurmountable on this path. Women who have given birth naturally experience at times no less problems with lactation than those who have given birth by caesarean section. It all depends on the woman's focus on breastfeeding, on her understanding of all its importance for a growing child. IN last resort, for each antenatal clinic there are experts on breastfeeding, you can ask for advice completely free of charge at any time.

For information on how to establish breastfeeding after a cesarean section, see the following video.

Is it possible to breastfeed after a caesarean section? How to organize natural feeding at separation mom and baby? What are the nuances of the formation of lactation? What is important for a mother to know when preparing for surgery? Features of breastfeeding cesareans in the reviews of consultants on breastfeeding.

There is an opinion that it is much more difficult for a woman who has survived a caesarean section to establish breastfeeding. This statement contains only a fraction of the truth. “The number of problems that a woman faces after a cesarean is no more than that of a woman who gave birth naturally,” comments Natalia Razakhatskaya, a breastfeeding consultant. “Women who are in intensive care after difficult and long births face similar difficulties.”

It is much more difficult to break social foundations, psychological uncertainty. They are backed by numbers. In 2014, researchers at Peking University conducted a study to find out which mother-baby pairs are most likely to be bottle-fed. A survey of nearly half a million women and analysis of data collected from 1993 to 2006 found that a planned caesarean section doubled the chance artificial feeding child. Whereas after natural childbirth, women decide to feed with a mixture much less often.

The formation of lactation after unnatural childbirth

It has been scientifically proven that the level of milk produced by a woman is affected exclusively by the frequency of applying the baby to the breast. And the sooner the baby is attached to it, the better.

WHO insists on early breastfeeding. According to some data, the first hour of life is optimal, according to others - an interval of half an hour after childbirth. At this time, a child born naturally shows sucking activity. However, things are a little different for Caesars.

Passage through the birth canal forces the child to adapt to new living conditions. Babies born by caesarean are deprived of this opportunity. Their birth causes a "failure" of the genetic program. But the body still adapts quickly enough. Lethargy, the absence of sucking urges, which are observed in cesareans immediately after birth, disappear within one to two hours. Accordingly, for the first time they can be applied to the mother's breast at this time.

“According to international practice, the first attachment to the breast of children, born by caesarean section is carried out an hour after birth, - says Marina Mayorskaya, consultant on breastfeeding. - If the sucking activity of the baby is low or absent, it is necessary to apply it to each urge, "squeak", until he begins to suck actively.

The nuances of the first application to the chest of a cesarean.

  • Depends on anesthesia. If sparing epidural anesthesia was used during the operation, it is possible to apply immediately after childbirth. If general anesthesia - you should wait for the end of the anesthetic.
  • Six hours are important. As world practice shows, during the first six hours, cesareans begin to show sucking activity. Compliance with this time interval will help the development of lactation.
  • Only chest. It is her, and not a pacifier, a pacifier, a bun, that the child should taste for the first time. The use of breast substitutes after birth reduces the chances of full breastfeeding.
  • Comfortable postures. The optimal position of feeding from under the arm, which eliminates pressure on the woman's stomach.

In medical facilities that allow women to stay together after caesarean section with children, the percentage of normal lactation formation is high. If the caesarean is planned, try to agree in advance with the medical staff about the possibility of your co-location with a child in the same room.

Inability to apply early

Unfortunately, the global practice early application Caesarean breasts are rarely observed in Russia. Various circumstances contribute to this. The woman and the baby are in different wards, the mother is prescribed antibiotics. Is it possible to breastfeed after caesarean in these situations?

Stay in intensive care

Traditionally, the mother stays in the intensive care unit for one to three days. This excludes the possibility of natural feeding due to the absence of a child nearby. The tactics of a woman's behavior should be as follows.

  • Demand to bring the baby to you as soon as possible. The International Convention on the Rights of the Child obliges medical personnel to organize a joint stay of the mother and the newborn, even in the intensive care unit. The exception is situations when a woman or a baby needs to use an artificial respiration apparatus. Demand, negotiate, ask, connect relatives. How earlier child will be near your breast, the less problems with the organization of breastfeeding awaits you.
  • Forbid supplementary feeding on the first day.“On the first day after giving birth, a woman produces about ten milliliters of colostrum. In the second - no more than thirty. Of course, colostrum is extremely important for the baby, but its absence does not doom him to the pangs of hunger, says lactation consultant Marina Mayorova. - Significantly more harm will be brought to the child by the introduction of complementary foods from a bottle, which is practiced in our maternity hospitals, than a day without food at all. But it will be impossible to fulfill your demand without the control of one of the relatives.
  • Agree on spoon feeding. If the mother is in intensive care for a long time or the doctor insists on supplementary feeding, ask the husband or grandmother to supplement the child with a spoon, syringe without a needle, or a special drinker. The absence of objects that would allow the baby to realize the sucking reflex will help to establish breastfeeding in the future.
  • Express yourself. The arrival of breast milk is observed on the third day after childbirth. Caesarean section prolongs the time interval: milk comes on the fourth, fifth, even ninth day. The more actively you organize pumping, the sooner you can start breastfeeding. Express your breasts with your hands or with a breast pump every two hours for ten minutes. From midnight to six in the morning, take a break for sleep. Even if there is little or nothing coming out of your breast when you express, keep doing it. Your task now is not to express milk as much as possible, but to give your body a signal that it is already needed.

With the observance of this tactic of actions, the correct formation of lactation is ensured.

Taking antibiotics

Prescribing antibiotics after caesarean standard procedure. It is designed to protect a woman from complications. If there were no difficulties during the operations, the mother may be prescribed antibiotics compatible with breastfeeding.

There is no need to be afraid to breastfeed if you are prescribed drugs of acceptable groups (check with your doctor). Their secretion into breast milk is either completely absent or so minimal that they are not able to cause any harm to the baby.

If the mother is prescribed antibiotics that prevent breastfeeding, the tactics of action should be almost the same as with a separate stay.

  • Introduce supplements from a spoon. Typically, the timing of antibiotics is 5-7 days. During this time, the baby will be formula fed. If the baby is in the same room as you, you can feed him with a spoon or syringe yourself.
  • Express yourself. Use a breast pump or hand expressing technique. This will allow lactation to reach normal level by the time the baby can be applied to the breast. And the problem of what to eat for a baby when lactation after a cesarean section has not been established will not affect you.

Usually in maternity hospitals clinical breast pumps are used. These are powerful, efficient devices that make pumping much easier. inexperienced mom. Ask the medical staff to bring the pump to your room.

Lack of milk

When the difficulties of resuscitation are already behind, and the baby is allowed to be applied to the breast, it may turn out that there is practically no milk in it. This situation is likely even if the woman has been pumping regularly. It is caused by several reasons.

  • Pumping is not as productive as breastfeeding. However, it creates the necessary "minimum" stimulation, which triggers the production of milk.
  • The arrival of milk is possible within nine days after a caesarean section. A mother's small amount of natural food does not necessarily require temporary supplementation.

“According to the WHO, La Leche League organization, the introduction of supplementary feeding should be carried out, depending on the condition of the child,” says lactation consultant Marina Mayorova. “The wet diaper test can tell if a baby needs extra food.”

In the first day after birth, the child should write only twice. Over the next two days, the number of urination will be the same. From the third day of life, urination should be at least four, and the sixth - at least six. This means that the child does not need supplementary feeding. And while maintaining urination at the indicated level, it can exist without additional food, except mother's milk V minimum quantity up to ten days.

Supplementation is necessary in the following situations.

  • The baby was born premature. Such crumbs also have a sucking reflex, but often they are too weak to suck milk from the breast in sufficient volume. It is ideal to supplement with your own milk, which will require regular pumping.
  • Your baby is missing your milk. If the “wet diaper” test showed insufficient food for the baby, it is necessary to introduce supplementary feeding. A child who does not receive nutrition in the right amount is weakened, exhausted, nervous under the breast, which prevents him from eating and stimulating lactation.

The introduction of supplementary feeding requires the mother to follow several rules.

  • The way is important. Even if in the maternity hospital the baby was fed from a bottle, being at home or with the baby in the same room, use only a spoon, pipette, syringe.
  • The sequence is important. Give supplements only after the baby is attached to the breast. Finish feeding with one more application.
  • Volume matters. Regardless of how much milk your mammary glands produce, the amount of supplementary food should not exceed thirty milliliters per feeding during the first ten days of the baby's life.
  • The transition to natural feeding is important. Do a wet diaper test every three days. If there is more urination, reduce the amount of formula in the supplement. Once your milk supply is sufficient, artificial formulas should be discarded entirely.

“The baby was bottle-trained, and now he doesn’t want to take the breast at all” - young mothers often turn to breastfeeding consultants with such a problem. But even if the first subject that the baby met after birth was the nipple, it is possible to restore lactation in full and transfer it to natural feeding! Use a relactation technique that requires immediate nipple rejection and frequent attachment of the baby to the breast.

The question of how to establish breastfeeding after a cesarean section is fraught with many nuances. But according to lactation consultants, it is not as difficult as it is commonly believed. The correct sequence of actions of the mother will allow to establish lactation at the required level already on the fifth or seventh day after childbirth. And when early introduction supplementary feeding - within two weeks.
