The best exercises and recommendations from face fitness experts. When should you start? Sculptural Fitness Revitonika

When performing exercises, fix the places prone to wrinkles with your fingers.

At the end of the complex, apply on the face and neck code nourishing mask and then moisturizer.

Gymnastics will be performed correctly if after you feel a pleasant fatigue in the muscles of the face and neck.

Facial fitness complex

Exercise 1

The shape of the eyes is corrected, reduced. The annular muscle of the eye is trained, the upper and lower eyelids are strengthened, blood flow is stimulated. The swelling above and below the eyes also decreases, the eyes become larger.


Place the middle fingers between the eyebrows above the bridge of the nose, index fingers, slightly pressing on the skin, put on the outer corners of the eyes. Look up. Squint the lower eyelid, while feeling the beating of the muscle at the outer corners. Squint and relax 10 times in a row. Focus on the beating of the muscle all the time. When you're done, squint your eyes tightly and count to forty. Then lower your arms and exhale with your lips.

Exercise 2

The second exercise to consolidate the effect of tightening the annular muscle of the eyes, as well as to reduce the undereye space.


Place your middle fingers on the bridge of your nose, index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes, press lightly and look up. Squint strongly with the lower eyelids, feel the muscles of the outer and inner sides eye. Squint like this 10 times, while trying upper eyelid do not close. At the end, squint and look up as if you are considering something. Count to 40, relax and exhale with your lips.

Exercise 3

Prevents the formation of wrinkles when frowning, and also smoothes existing ones.


Place your index fingers in the middle of your forehead so that they are parallel to your eyebrows. Pull your fingers, without lifting from the skin, down to the eyebrows, linger in this position and look up. Pressing your fingers to your forehead, push your eyebrows up. Push and relax your eyebrows 10 times. Then place your fingers on your raised eyebrows and raise your eyebrows until you feel a slight burning sensation. Leave your eyebrows raised, but press down on them with your fingers. Count to 30. Relax and massage your eyebrows in circular motions. This will help the muscles relax and increase the effectiveness of the exercise.

Exercise 4

Lifts, expands cheeks and prevents sunken eyes.


Mentally imagine the first point in the middle of the upper lip, the second - in the middle of the lower. Open your mouth and stretch imaginary points in different sides, forming an oval. The lips should be pressed against the teeth. Place your index fingers on top of each cheek. Don't push. Smile with the corners of your mouth. Do 35 times and exhale through the lips.

Exercise 5

Charging the face with energy. Well relieves stress accumulated over the entire working day, increases blood circulation and improves complexion.


Mentally imagine the first point in the middle of the upper lip, the second - in the middle of the lower. Open your mouth and stretch imaginary points in different directions, forming an oval. The lips should be pressed against the teeth. Place your index fingers on top of each cheek. Don't push. Smile and puff up your cheeks. For the tenth time, forcefully pull the upper lip away from the lower, as if the cheeks are moving from the face to the ceiling. Then fly away like two balloons to the ceiling.

Raise your arms up and tilt your head a couple of centimeters back, while not moving your neck, but only your head. Keep imagining the cheeks moving up. Count up to 30.

Exercise 6

Shortens and narrows the nose. Stimulates blood circulation in the area of ​​the upper lip and nose.


Use your index finger to press down on the tip of your nose. With your nose, push your finger down, giving your finger a little resistance. Perform 35 times.

Exercise 7

Raises the corners of the lips. Strengthens and returns to correct position corners of the mouth.


Close your lips, smile a little and tighten the corners so that they become tight knots, as if you are sucking an orange slice to your back teeth. Place, without pressing, index fingers on the corners of the mouth. Keep tightening the corners of your mouth while lifting them up into a tiny smile. Now lower the corners of your mouth. So raise and lower the corners 15 times. Then tap the corners 35 times with your fingertips and exhale with your lips.

Exercise 8

Shapes the contour of the lips. Enlarges lips and smoothes wrinkles above the upper lip.


Squeeze your lips, but do not purse them, do not clench your teeth, slightly raise the corners. Tap your index finger in the middle of your lips 35 times. Concentrate the energy in the center of the lips and continue tapping 30 more times. At the end, exhale with your lips.

Exercise 9

Smoothes nasolabial folds. Can smooth out the most deep wrinkles from the nose to the corners of the mouth.


Mentally imagine the first point in the middle of the upper lip, the second - in the middle of the lower. Open your mouth and stretch imaginary points in different directions, forming an oval. The upper lip should be pressed against the lips. Imagine that the energy follows lines from the corners of the mouth to the wings of the nose. Move your index fingers up and down along this imaginary line. Keep moving your fingers until you feel a burning sensation. When this happens, tap the line with your fingertips to the count of 30. Exhale through pursed lips.

Exercise 10

Strengthening. Tones the muscles in the neck and smoothes wrinkles.


Squeeze your neck with your palms, as if you want to choke yourself. Stretch your head a couple of centimeters forward, leaving your neck in place. Feel the muscles in your neck flex and push up under your palms. Relax.

Exercise 11

Strengthens the jaw. Helps to tone the drooping sides of the cheeks, as well as remove sagging skin of the oval of the face.


Open your mouth and roll lower lip back, comfortably arranging it on the lower teeth. Pull the corners of your mouth towards your back teeth and roll them tightly into your mouth. upper lip hold it firmly against your teeth. Place your index finger on your chin, providing slight resistance. Open and close the jaw with a slow scooping motion while tightening the corners of the mouth. Move your jaw until you feel a burning sensation in the oval of your face. At this point, tilt your head back with your chin up and count to 30, then blow through your lips.

Exercise 12

Expands the face, improves the long haggard oval of the face.


Open your mouth and pull your lips back, rolling them over your teeth. Imagine how large plump cheeks. Think how those cheeks fill the bony part of the face. Place the tips index fingers into the corners of the mouth and make small circular motions on the face. When you feel the muscles expand, slowly move your hands away from your face and make quick circular motions. Do the last 30 times.

Exercise 13

For face slimming. Constricts, lifts and tones a wide face.


Open your mouth and forcefully roll your lips over your upper and lower teeth. Place your hands on either side of your jaw. Then move your palms up along the sides of your face. Mentally imagining how it rises. Use mentally the brain part, imagining how the lines of the face rise to the crown. Look up and keep doing the exercise until you feel a lactic acid burning sensation in the sides of your face. After that, stay in the same position, but raise your arms above your head and count to 30. Then relax and exhale through your lips.

Exercise 14

It tones the neck and chin. Helps eliminate double chin.


Lift your chin and smile vigorously. Place your hands on the base of your neck above your collarbones and pull the skin of your neck down. Look up and concentrate on strong tension in the chin and neck. Slightly tilt your head back, count to 3 and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 35 times.

The concept of “fitness for the body” is familiar to all of us, which cannot be said about fitness for the face. Today on the website we will talk about unique methodology to preserve youth and expressiveness of the look, which Alena Rossoshinskaya offers - an osteopath, a specialist in physical rehabilitation, international-class face fitness trainer and author of a book on this topic, host of the “Facial Fitness” program on the “Live” TV channel and just a charming woman.

A little about Alena Rossoshinskaya and her methodology

Facial fitness or the so-called face-building, which can literally be translated as “face building”, was developed over 85 years ago. The idea of ​​such a study of the muscles of the face was enthusiastically received in Europe and the USA. In Russia, face fitness has not been known for so long, and Alena Rossoshinskaya has been actively promoting this system.

She systematized the entire volume of previously known information on facial gymnastics and included it in her book, diluting the content with her own author's methods. So in 2014, a work called “Faceculture: home lifting for face and neck detailed description rejuvenating exercise techniques.

Alena's useful tips for caring for your face can be easily found on the Internet in the form of video tutorials. The popularity of facial fitness among women has increased many times after Alena began to practice this technique on TV channel "Live". Her face fitness program is complemented by a live interesting communication, various programs of massage, meditation and relaxation.

And now we will touch on the very concept of face fitness. This phrase covers a range of numerous exercises for the face, the action of which is aimed at solving certain problems:

  1. Loose eyelids, tired eyes.
  2. Lost definition of the contours of the face.
  3. Double chin.
  4. Nasolabial folds, mimic and age wrinkles in the region of the nose and forehead.

In order for our body to stay fit and lean longer, we must regularly expose it to physical activity in gym. Strength training and cardio workouts the best way burn excess adipose tissue and build strong muscles.

Face fitness is a technique based on the same principle. A specially designed program contains a set of exercises that allow facial muscles to maintain their elasticity even under pressure. age-related changes. The systematization of these exercises, according to Alena Rosssoshinsky, significantly increases the tone of the facial muscles and improves the metabolism in tissues. Increased blood circulation allows the skin to stay fresher, smoother and healthier with an even tone for longer.

According to Alena Rossoshinskaya, face fitness is not just an unquestioning and accurate reproduction of the actions performed by the coach. For error-free following of the methodology, constant reasonable control over compliance with a certain code of rules is necessary.

In order for eye exercises to give a noticeable result, you need to remember the following points:

  1. It is recommended to do gymnastics while standing in front of a mirror. So you can protect yourself from making some mistakes.
  2. In order for a tangible effect to be visible in less than a month from the start of face fitness classes, exercises must be done systematically: in the morning and in the evening.
  3. Facial gymnastics should not hurt, but the actions with the fingers should be intense and palpable.
  4. Performing exercises requires attention and composure. If there are distractions during gymnastics, it is better to reschedule the workout.
  5. The area around the eyes is practically devoid of subcutaneous fat, and careless movements during exercise can aggravate the original skin condition.

Any serious problems with health, incl. colds accompanied by an increase in body temperature and inflammatory process, as well as the first years after surgical interventions on the face are a contraindication for face fitness exercises.

A set of exercises for the eyes from Alena Rossoshinskaya

Any woman faces skin problems around the eyes. With age, morning puffiness and dark circles under the eyes are no longer a surprise, but a familiar sign of skin fatigue. With the help of regular face-fitness classes, you can avoid this trouble. Alena Rossoshinskaya, looking fresh and young at 38, believes that age can be deceived. Skin defects around the eyes can be eliminated with the complex special exercises and model the look of your dreams - expressive and open.

A set of exercises with a specific problem area you should start with a relaxing warm-up, such as scratching your head.

To do this, sit back and relax. With the pads of your fingers, index and middle, begin to gently comb the hair from their growth line to the crown. To tune in the right way, and at the same time activate hair growth, you need to do 10-20 repetitions of this exercise.

To awaken all body systems, you need to process with your fingers auricles: rub them vigorously with your fingers from bottom to top. Only 5 repetitions. Finish the exercise by pressing on the earlobe.

Now, according to the fitness program for the face, you can start processing directly the most problematic area.

Exercise 1

To eliminate fine mimic wrinkles and give an open look.

Cover the crow's feet skin with the pads of three or four fingers and firmly, but not painfully, press it against the protruding edge of the bone. Close your eyes so that the eyelids tremble slightly and tension is felt. Count up to 20.

Exercise 2

To reduce cyanosis of the skin and swelling under the eyes.

Install pad thumb at bottom edge jaws. Place the pad of your middle finger at the outer corner of your eye. This will be the starting point. Move slowly along lower eyelid right under the lash line to the inner corner of the eye, then along the upper contour of the movable eyelid, return to the outer corner again. Then do new circle along a larger radius - under the lower eyelid along the edge of the bone and upward, bending around the bridge of the nose, along the superciliary arch. The spiral movement is performed non-stop clockwise.

Also take a look at this one lymphatic drainage massage from Alena on video.

Exercise 3

Solves the problem of an impending century and a heavy look.

With this exercise, you can model your gaze without even leaving your workplace. You need to rest your elbows on the table. Pressing movements of the pillows thumbs walk along the length of the brow bone in the direction from the inner corner of the palpebral fissure to the outer.

Exercise 4

To moisturize and brighten the eyes.

With the pads of the index fingers of both hands, press on inner corners eye near the bridge of the nose and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3 times.

Face fitness complex for eyes

The site site also offers to get acquainted with a complex of 7 exercises, which will not only help to give the face a fresh and toned look, but also relieve the skin around the eyes from signs of fatigue, swelling and dark circles:

From crow's feet

To reduce the severity of "crow's feet" and open your eyes, it will also help acupressure from Alena Rossoshinskaya:

Exercise 1. Place the pads of the middle fingers of both hands against the outer corners of the eyes, where the bone protrudes. This point must be pressed at least 20-30 times.

Exercise 2. Then move a little lower, at a distance of 2 cm from the eyes, and do 20-30 pressures at this point.

According to Alena Rossoshinskaya, women aged 30 to 40 to receive their first visible results subject to proper exercise, it takes a month. For those who have crossed the 45-year mark, 2-3 months of regular classes are needed facial gymnastics to get the same effect.

Positive and charming Alena Rossoshinskaya, by her own example, proved to millions Russian women that desire to change in better side- the strongest argument in the fight for the beauty of the face. And it does not matter how old you are, the main thing is to start now and not stop!

*exercises taken from magazines and open sources

5 quick facts about face fitness

Only half of the women who come to face fitness training plan to deal with age-related changes. The rest just want to keep things as they are.

Like before a sports workout, you need to warm up before face fitness. Pull your hair, for example.

Many wrinkles on our face are formed not because of weak muscles, but because of their high tension (hypertonicity). In such cases, the muscles should not be trained, but relaxed. Face fitness is also suitable for this, but it’s better to do a facial massage.

The next level of facial gymnastics is self-massage vacuum jars(and this is also considered face fitness). The purpose of this execution is to force the capillaries to work with renewed vigor.

Face fitness is designed for those who with my own hands wants to win the first (second, third). Basically, it's a 10-15 minute set of exercises that strengthens facial muscles and can help with nasolabial folds, bags under the eyes, and forehead wrinkles. Face fitness has practically no contraindications. Young girls, regular visitors and women come to classes very much for it.

There are a lot of face fitness programs. The school of Carol Maggio, author of the bestseller, is considered canonical, but in general there are dozens of trainers, and they have a great variety of training programs. For the experiment, we chose the five-hour training of the Faceday club, where they teach not only to run their hands over their faces, but also to sit straight, not to make faces and not to stare, with their hands on their knees, otherwise a second chin will form.

We asked three women of different ages to go face fitness training and for a month regularly do the exercises that she showed them. The duration of such a lesson is 6 hours, and the cost is 7800 rubles. First, the coach talks about the methodology and shows photos of the results of other participants (many of them have been doing gymnastics for a year and look ten years younger), and then he offers to put them in front of them and start swaying, sticking out their tongues, wiggle their ears, bulge their eyes and do other ridiculous things. Participants in our experiment received individually designed programs of 15-minute next month tried to do it regularly. Thirty days later, we invited them to the editorial office and photographed the result, and at the same time asked what had changed in their lives with the advent of facial gymnastics.

Alla Dianova, 29 years old, producer

Problem: puffiness

My the main problem- puffiness of the face when you wake up in the morning, and there are already bags under the eyes. A friend told me about the training: she went through it and said that it was very cool, but you need to do it regularly. And I decided to try. The training itself is excellent: you learn more about your face, you begin to feel your muscles and generally think. All this month I did a short five-minute course in the morning in the shower, repeating exercises from bags under the eyes, from the second chin and on the nose. I don’t really see the results, but it seems to me that this is because I look at my reflection in the mirror every day. And the results at the age of 29 are not so obvious.

I plan to keep practicing. Complexpex is very easy to spread throughout the day: for example, I move my ears in traffic jams and do exercises on my nose. It seems that this is garbage, but the result will be: already now I have ceased to have a wrinkle on my forehead, which was going between my eyebrows. I even began to hold the phone higher when I sit! And after all this story, I decided that if I can regularly do gymnastics for the face, then I can also find five minutes to exercise.

Olga Nestor, 38, personal development coach

Problems: skin quality, rosacea, incipient ptosis

I liked that the training is not limited to exercises (although they are useful thing), but talks about how to keep your posture, sit, move. I got into the habit of washing my face and applying cream not just like that, but massage lines I started thinking about the consequences. The attitude to my appearance, to what and how I do has changed. I didn't have enough time to exercise at first, so the first thing that worked was posture. Sometimes I thought: “Oh gods, how did I crawl into a chair” - and it worked. I got into the habit of holding my phone up high. It scared people: they thought I was taking pictures of them, especially in the subway.

Fitness for facial muscles is an effective system of sequential exercises at home, with which you can easily improve your appearance and look 10 years younger than your age. Gymnastics for the facial muscles can be mastered by absolutely every woman by carefully studying the set of exercises for the video lessons posted in this article.

More than 50 different facial muscles form different groups that perform certain functions. There are oculomotor, facial, chewing muscles, as well as neck muscles. But not all muscles are actively working, and some are almost always in a calm state. With age, they lose their tone and gradually atrophy, the skin of the face loses elasticity and noticeably sags. As a result, facial wrinkles become more noticeable, cheeks sag, and bags under the eyes appear.

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The muscles of the face, like all human muscles, need regular exercise. By strengthening the muscles, we push back the approaching old age and look noticeably younger. Fitness not only stimulates the activity of all facial muscles, but also improves blood microcirculation in the subcutaneous tissues, speeds up metabolism. elastic, elastic skin will begin to tightly and evenly fit the facial muscles, facial features will become more drawn.

It is important to note that fitness for facial muscles is useful not only for women in adulthood as one of the essential factors of rejuvenation. In some women, after 30 years, mimic wrinkles begin to appear, complexion worsens, and after 40 years, cheeks begin to sag, wrinkles appear around the mouth, " crow's feet"in the corners of the eyes and swelling under the eyes. It is enough to perform a set of face-building exercises at least 3 times a week to use the" lazy muscles "and keep all facial muscles in good shape.

But fitness for facial muscles is useful not only for preventing age-related changes. If you actively get rid of excess weight with the help of a diet, then your face looks haggard, the skin sags. The second chin is also in no hurry to disappear, since its appearance is caused not so much by accumulated excess subcutaneous fat, but mainly due to weakened neck muscles. It is enough for you to perform the basic set of exercises 4-5 times a week to strengthen the muscles and tighten the oval of the face.



Fitness is an integral part of the life of most girls who take care of their appearance. taut, elastic body looks very attractive. Physical exercise positively affect not only the health of the body, but also self-esteem. But you can train not only the body. There is also a facial fitness, and in this direction already developed a large number of a variety of techniques.

What is face fitness?

Facial fitness has become popular relatively recently, but very quickly won an army of fans. And this is not surprising, because it gives amazing results, comparable to the effect of "beauty injections" and even surgical intervention.

The thing is that the muscles of the face that are not involved in everyday facial expressions become weak and cease to keep their previous shape, due to which the skin begins to sag, cheeks, a second chin, wrinkles on the forehead appear, and the outer corner of the eyes often drops. Face fitness successfully helps to avoid all this. During it, even the smallest facial muscles begin to gradually return to tone.

Rejuvenation is achieved in the following way:

  • during the performance of specially designed exercises, almost all muscles that have lost their shape are involved, as a result of which the skin on the face is stretched and becomes more elastic;
  • fitness improves blood circulation, increases oxygen supply and useful substances to the cells of the dermis, which leads to the fact that the skin becomes more even, smooth, healthy, and the complexion is even and radiant.

Thus, the indications for fitness for the face are:

  • wrinkles;
  • sagging cheeks, chin;
  • dull skin color;
  • fatty deposits in the face and neck.

It has face fitness and its contraindications. These include, for example, certain diseases of the nasopharynx, severe acne and circulatory problems.

In every specific case it is better to consult a doctor to avoid aggravating the health situation.

It is important to remember that all exercises should be pleasant and comfortable, not deliver pain. Otherwise, it is better to abandon a particular movement and choose something else for yourself.

Basic principles

There are basic principles of facial fitness that must be followed regardless of the chosen technique.

  • It's never too early or too late to start. Of course, in adolescence the girl most likely does not need face fitness, but even during this period you can start doing the simplest exercises, because it is always easier to prevent a problem than to get rid of it in the future. But even in adulthood, when the signs of aging have become obvious, you can correct the oval of the face, tighten it, smooth out fine wrinkles.
  • During exercise, you need to relax. Often, movements from the side look strange, so it’s better to do fitness alone. You can install a mirror in front of you to control the technique. It is important to feel comfortable and trust that the process will bring the desired result.
  • Perhaps the most main principle fitness for the face - regularity. Without it, there will be no result. Exercise must be done every day. They do not take much time, usually 10-15 minutes is enough to notice the first positive changes in a few weeks.
  • Often facial fitness includes elements of self-massage. It must be done very carefully, without stretching the skin. This will help prevent the appearance of new wrinkles. All movements should be confident, but smooth.
  • There is a large number various techniques face muscle training. You can choose for yourself any most convenient. For classes, you can, for example, watch videos on YouTube, of which there are a lot, or visit special training courses where specialists will show all the exercises, explaining the features of each of them.
  • The last point concerns the result. If after the first workouts you don’t see any changes, you don’t need to stop. Face fitness is work on yourself, work that will definitely bring the desired effect, you just need to be patient and not quit what you started.

Basic techniques

Consider the currently most popular fitness techniques for the face.

A set of exercises by Alena Rossoshanskaya

Alena personally developed a course for facial rejuvenation, which includes a certain list of sequential movements aimed at working out each individual zone. The workout takes about a quarter of an hour.

Alena Rossoshinskaya - the author of her own popular fitness technique for the face

Fitness shaping facial massage

This author's technique, developed by Alexander Ermolaev, is a combination of facial massage and stimulation of its individual points. In this case, the client not only relaxes during the session, but also performs certain movements. Massage can be learned in special centers where courses are held on the development of Alexander.

Alexander Ermolaev - the author of the technique of fitness-forming massage for the face, teaches people around the world

Sculptural Fitness Revitonika

The author of the technique, Natalia Osminina, long time was engaged in the study of the muscles of the face, as a result of which her work, the Revitonika complex, was born. Natalia says that youth can only be preserved by a combination of actions, which includes both exercises and careful skin care (moisturizing, nutrition). Directly sculptural fitness includes a set of movements to tension and relax the muscles of the face. The result is the removal of puffiness, smoothing of the skin, getting rid of sagging cheeks and chin.

Natalia Osminina devoted most of her life to studying the aging process, as a result of which her author's method of facial rejuvenation, revitonics, was born.

Bodyflex for the face

This set of exercises, developed by Greer Childers, includes a combination of movements and breathing. The technique was developed quite a long time ago, but still has not lost its relevance.

Exercise examples
One can give examples of the most simple exercises For different zones faces. It is easy to make them, and the result will not be long in coming.

  • For the area around the eyes. Index and middle finger, connected together, must be placed at the outer corner of the eye and lightly press on the skin. Now you should try to close your eyes - muscle tension will be felt immediately. Repeat 15-20 times.
  • For forehead. Press your palm or a few fingers firmly against your forehead and try to raise your eyebrows. Hold this position for 10 seconds, after which you can relax your forehead. Repeat 20 times.
  • For cheeks. Pull your lips forward, folding them into a tube, then pull your cheeks in, feeling tension in the muscles. Hold this position for a couple of seconds, then smile broadly. Alternating movements, do 15 repetitions.
  • For chin and neck. Tilt your head back. Alternately inflate and relax the chin area. Repeat 15 times. After that, you can do another exercise: put your fist under your chin, press it tightly. Straining your muscles, try to push your hand away.
  • For the area around the lips. Slightly stretch the corners of the mouth index fingers. You don't have to do it too hard. Now try to connect the lips with a tube, while creating resistance with your hands. The number of repetitions is 15.
  • For cheekbones. Pull out the lips, forming the letter o with them. Raise your cheekbones up towards your eyes. At the same time, other muscles in the exercise should not be involved. Repeat 15 times.

Facial fitness - effective method look younger. The effectiveness of exercises is proven, many recognize them worthy replacement plastic surgery. This does not require any material costs. Just 15 minutes a day with regular exercise will reduce the number of wrinkles, tighten the oval of the face, get rid of unwanted fat deposits, restore skin elasticity.