What is better - lotion or tonic and what is the difference? Hand and body lotion: what it is and how to use it, features and types

Svetlana Rumyantseva

Water-based cosmetic product containing alcohol solution to remove impurities on the skin is called lotion. The cleansing liquid contains vitamins, active amino acids, extracts and, which not only nourish the skin, but also moisturize it.

Cream and cosmetical tools gel-like structure compared to lotions, they have a more viscous consistency; they cannot always be used on some parts of the body, for example, the head. Lotion, on the other hand, is found in many hair care products. A semi-alcoholic cosmetic solution can treat large areas of the body and be used in the form of aerosols and sprays.

In medicine, lotion is used as basic basis for application to skin antibacterial drugs, antiseptic, antifungal and hormonal drugs. The cosmetic preparation is widely used for joint protection against ultraviolet radiation. The work of doctors in a hospital involves frequent washing hands In order for the skin of the hands to become dry, doctors treat the hands with a lotion with a moisturizing effect.

Differences between lotion and toner

Modern women confuse the definitions of “tonic” and “lotion”. Both cosmetic products belong to the same skin care line. What is the difference?

The lotion is used at the second stage of cleansing skin; tonic – used at the end of the procedure as a tonic.
The lotion contains alcohol-containing products; There is no alcohol in tonic.
The lotion can cause an allergic reaction in the form of redness on dry facial skin; toner is a mild hypoallergenic product suitable for all skin types.

Cosmetic alcohol liquid cleanses pores of sebaceous secretions, dust particles, and dries the skin. With increased secretion of sebaceous glands, pimples, blackheads, and acne appear on the skin. The lotion has antibacterial effect, fights excess sebaceous tissue, eliminates signs of inflammation. With regular use, it removes pigmentation on aging skin, blackheads on a youthful face, redness and irritation.

On cleansed skin. The moisturizing structure of the product helps to narrow pores and strengthen blood vessels. The skin becomes healthy color faces, fresh look. Many people believe that the skin can be cleansed with just a toner. This statement is incorrect. The liquid substance washes away dirt only from the upper layers of skin cells. It is not recommended to buy lotion and toner in the same package.

Positive qualities of the lotion

Basic facial skin care is carried out due to the hygienic effect of lotion on the epidermis. What functions predominate in a cosmetic product?

Eliminates tissue swelling;
Removes blue circles under the eyes;
Relieves irritation of oily skin;
Deeply cleanses pores;
Eliminates dead horny scales of the epidermis;
Slows down the production of sebaceous glands;
Removes greasy shine, mattifies the skin;
Affects the process of tissue regeneration after acne, acne, microtraumas;
Interrupts the spread of pathogenic microbes that cause skin diseases;
Removes decorative cosmetics;
Improves oxygen gas exchange between epidermal cells.

Criteria for choosing an industrial lotion

The wrong choice of cosmetic product can adversely affect the condition of the skin. How to choose the right lotion?

Before purchasing, you need to pay attention to the expiration date of a cosmetic product. It is not recommended to use expired product.
The lotion should be selected based on your original skin type.
The lotion should not contain preservatives, parabens, or sulfate components.
For problem skin with severe allergic reactions, it is recommended to choose a cosmetic product that contains.
If the functioning of the sebaceous glands decreases, the lotion should contain and.
Aloe vera lotion is useful for aging skin.
helps get rid of stretch marks.

How to cleanse your face with lotion

Cleanse your face with peeling, serum or cleansing gel.
Soak a cotton pad in lotion.
Apply the cosmetic product, starting from the central point of the forehead, moving to the temple areas.
Change the cotton pad and soak it in lotion again. Treat the bridge of the nose and wings of the nose.
Apply lotion to cheeks massage lines, moving from the center to the periphery.
Treat the chin, neck, décolleté area.

Attention: do not treat the skin of the upper and lower eyelids with alcohol-containing products.

Features of using lotion at home

Self-prepared facial skin cosmetics do not contain chemical dyes, preservatives or other harmful substances.

For preparation and use homemade lotion It is recommended to follow certain rules:

It is recommended to use plant extracts, extracts of medicinal herbs, decoctions, and infusions as a lotion base. In order for a cosmetic product to have an antiseptic effect, water base need to be diluted with alcohol (moonshine, vodka) in a ratio of 1:3.
Do not use spoiled food for cooking.
Before use, it is recommended to test for the presence allergic reaction on the ingredients. For this purpose not a large number of apply the products to inner surface forearms. After five minutes, evaluate the result: if there is no redness, flaking, or itching, the lotion can be used.
The lotion is recommended to be used 2 times a day after hygiene procedures faces and bodies.
If the skin is exposed to frequent contamination during the day, the lotion can be used until three times in a day.
At mixed skin Alcohol lotion should only be used to treat areas where it accumulates. greatest number sebaceous secretion.
A cosmetic solution with a small amount of alcohol can be stored for no more than three days. A lotion that maintains a 1:3 ratio of water to alcohol can be stored for up to fourteen days.
It is not recommended to choose colored plastic containers for storing lotion. Suitable for these purposes glassware with a tight-fitting lid.
The finished solution should not be exposed to direct contact sun rays. A dark, cool place is the best “shelter” for lotion.
You should apply the lotion at room temperature to your face.

Making homemade lotions based on skin type: recipes

When performing home recipes, you need to take into account your skin type, the presence of visual defects (pimples, hyperemia, blackheads, acne, dark spots). Skin with reduced sebaceous gland function should be treated with lotion with the least amount of alcohol in the solution. Some cosmetic preparations can be prepared without alcohol base. The effect of the lotion will not be affected by this.

Skin with reduced sebaceous secretion

Rose petal lotion
Jasmine (inflorescences) – 30 g
Red rose (petals) – 30 g
Vitamin B1 – 2 ml
Cologne – 20 ml
Hot water – 50 ml

Mix the first two ingredients and chop finely.
Pour hot water over the flowers.
After seven hours, strain the mixture through cheesecloth.
Add the last ingredients to the solution.
Pour the mixture into a bottle, close the lid and shake.

Milky lotion for sensitive dry skin

Cabbage leaves – 100 g
Milk – 1 glass

Pass the cabbage through a blender.
Boil the milk.
Stir cabbage pulp in milk.
Close the container with a lid and wrap it terry towel. After an hour, the lotion can be used.

Moisturizing lotion

Banana – 30 g
Powdered sugar – 20g
Milk – 1 glass
Freshly squeezed lemon juice – 10 drops

Place the banana in a blender and make banana pulp.
Mix banana puree with sugar.
Heat the milk; Dissolve sweet banana puree in milk.
Once the pan is removed from the heat, add lemon juice.

Skin with increased sebaceous secretion

Citrus Cleansing Lotion

Grapefruit – 2 pieces
Lemon – 1 piece
Vodka – 30 ml

Place the fruit in the juicer.
Add vodka to citrus juice.
Mix the ingredients.
Pour the lotion into a dark glass bottle.

Berry lotion

Strawberries – 200 g
Vodka – 100 ml

Squeeze juice from strawberries.
Mix freshly squeezed juice with an alcohol-containing ingredient.
Leave for one month in a cool, dark place.

After thirty days, the tincture can be used on oily skin. The product helps against red pimples.

Mattifying lotion with apple cider vinegar

Cucumber – 100 g
Apple cider vinegar – 80 ml

Place cucumber in blender; make cucumber pulp with seeds.
Pour vinegar over the mixture.
Infuse the solution for seven days in a cool, dark place.

The mixture can be used three times a day for severely oily facial skin.

Flower lotion

White lily flowers – 5 flowers

Grind the petals of lilies (preferably garden ones) using a blender.
Place flower petals in a wide-necked bottle and add moonshine. Lily petals should be completely hidden by the alcohol-containing ingredient.
Leave in the cold for one and a half months. Strain the lotion through cheesecloth.
Dilute the composition with water: one part lotion and three parts water.

Cosmetic product for oily skin on grapes

Bunch of grapes – 1 branch
Honey – 30 g
Vodka – 50 ml
Salt – 5 g

Wash the grape branch, dry it, and remove the berries. Pass the berries through a meat grinder.
After 120 minutes, add honey to the grape pulp.
Place the solution in glass container with a wide throat.
Add vodka; mix the mixture with a wooden stick.
Add salt to the mixture. Mix.

After 5 hours, the cosmetic product is ready for use. It is not recommended to use lotion for sensitive skin.

Mixed skin type

Creamy lotion

Sour cream – 100 g
Lemon juice – 30 ml
Vodka – 30 ml
Chicken yolk – 1 piece

Place the lemon in a juicer.
Add all remaining ingredients to the resulting juice.
Stir the solution until smooth.
Pour the mixture into a glass container.

Apply lotion to your face once (in the evening).

Cosmetics made with vinegar and parsley

Parsley – 50 g
Lemon juice – 15 ml
Water – 1 glass

Grind the parsley in a blender.
Add a glass of boiling water to the pulp.
Simmer the solution over low heat for half an hour.
Strain the solution.
Add lemon juice.
Pour the infusion into a container with a screw cap.

Homemade lotions for skin problems

Pine concentrate

To prepare the lotion you will need fresh pine needles. You cannot collect needles from fallen pine branches that show signs of rot. It is not recommended to use a pharmaceutical composition for a cosmetic product.

Needles – 100 g
Plantain – 100 g
Chamomile inflorescences – 50 g
Calendula – 30g
Vodka – 0.5l

Wash the plantain leaves and place on cheesecloth.
Mix inflorescences, needles and leaves.
Place the plant mixture in a dark glass jar.
Fill the composition with an alcohol-containing preparation.

Place the lotion in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. The product can be used after seven days. The lotion deeply cleanses pores, soothes inflamed skin, and fights blackheads. It is recommended to use twice a day.

Oriental body lotion

Orange juice – 50 ml
Flower honey – 50 g
Bitter almond oil – 30 ml
Grapefruit juice – 100 ml
Lemon juice – 50 ml

Place the fruits individually in the juicer. Squeeze the juice into different containers.
Mix the juices, taking into account the proportions. Add honey.
Place the mixture in a water bath. During heating, it is recommended to constantly stir the mixture with a wooden spatula.
After 15 minutes, remove the mixture from heat and cool.

19 January 2014, 18:32

Before you start comparing products - lotion and tonic, you need to understand how lotion differs from tonic. They differ in purpose and composition.

Before choosing a care product, you should determine your skin type and identify the problem that needs to be solved.

In this article:

The difference between toner and lotion

  • If on the face there are signs of acne, pimples, rosacea, which means you will need lotion.
  • When the pores on the skin of the face enlarge, but in the absence of inflammation and other undesirable manifestations, a tonic is enough, it will tighten the pores and prevent problems that require the use of medicated lotion.

What is lotion?

Lotions are divided into cosmetic and medicinal. Both types are intended for deep cleaning of pores. Remembering only the names of lotions, one immediately understands that they all contain natural ingredients:

  • Cucumber;
  • Rose petals;
  • Sea ​​buckthorn;
  • Oak bark decoction;
  • Willow bark;

Perhaps, of all the listed ingredients, oak bark is difficult to find in the composition; you can determine its presence by the name of the lotion. Produced from willow bark salicylic acid. Such cosmetic products used to treat inflammation, just like chamomile. For skin elasticity, a decoction of oak bark is used, cucumber water tones the skin, gives softness, and lavender relieves tension.

But that's not the main thing, Lotions may contain alcohol. This ingredient is unacceptable because it dries and tightens the skin. On the contrary, it is recommended to remove oily shine. And what for combination skin— lotion or tonic?

For combination skin alcohol lotions can be used, but only on oily areas. When used on dry skin, this product will cause flaking.

Attention! Based on the etymology of the word “lotio”, which is translated from French means ablution, washing; it is easy to highlight the direct purpose of all types of products. Purpose cosmetic lotion is to replace water when washing. The use of an alternative to washing is especially important for urban residents.

Chlorinated water causes dryness, dermatitis and other allergic reactions. Many skin problems arise due to the urban environmental situation, and lotions containing vitamins, minerals and other nourishing ingredients will again help.

What is tonic?

What is the difference between a toner and a facial lotion? Tonic cannot replace washing, although it is considered a cleansing agent.

It is used after washing or other method of cleansing the skin. Just like lotion, it cannot be used without a cotton pad or a soft piece of natural fabric.

Wiping my face cotton pad, soaked in tonic, it will be possible to remove the remains detergents, which clog pores, preventing the penetration of nourishing and moisturizing creams into the epidermis.

The difference between lotion and facial toner is that the toner has a low alcohol content.

Attention! Tonic cannot contain more than 5% alcohol. Most toners do not use alcohol at all.

Tonifier - translated from French means an increase in overall tone. Contrary to the prevailing stereotype, this cosmetic product should neither tighten the skin nor hide wrinkles; it should ensure that specially developed creams, serums, and gels give this effect.

But still, the tonic gives some effect to the skin due to its use in its manufacture. various ingredients, which determine the group to which he will belong.

Attention! The hyaluronic acid atom is very large in order to penetrate the cell. This high molecular weight ingredient in a cosmetic product is completely useless.

Low and medium molecular weight hyaluronic acids are used in medicine.

Manufacturers are lying when they offer consumers creams with tonal effect. But it is precisely these cosmetics that give an instant effect of radiance, moisturizing, and smoothing.

Only after the next wash will there be no trace of this visual improvement left. Your skin will not become healthier in one day. These products are not intended for cleansing, which contradicts the original purpose of the tonic.

Advice! There is no need to look for the answer to the question: “What is better - lotion or toner for the face?” It is impossible to compare these means; they do not replace, but complement each other’s action.

How to use

The lotion can be used several times a day, because it replaces washing with water. But it is not able to cope with all contaminants.

Having produced deep cleaning pores with lotion, it is necessary to continue cleansing the skin. Here you will need a tonic with a certain set of ingredients that will enhance

If a lotion with alcohol is chosen for washing, then it should not be in the tonic, so as not to dry out and burn the skin. Using a medicated lotion, its effect can be enhanced with an exfoliating toner.

It is better to use a tonic from the age group in the morning, and then night cream It is preferable to cleanse with one that will give calm and relaxation.

Hard tap water not only breaks washing machines, it also dries out our skin. So you have to look for moisturizing products, fortunately there is a wide range - these include creams, oils, and body lotions. It’s worth talking about the latter in more detail.

Lotion and cream - what's the difference?

Many people completely confuse the two different means lotion and cream. Their main difference is in consistency - cream is usually thicker and greasy than lotion. Therefore, you won’t have to wait long for the lotion to be absorbed. In addition, lotions differ in their purposes - nourishing the skin, evening out its color, you can also get a shimmering body lotion if you want to decorate yourself, and there are lotions that slow down hair growth. In stores you can buy perfumed lotion for the body, if the goal is not only to moisturize the skin, but also to provide it with a seductive aroma. Also, lotions are usually designed for different skin types.

It says “moisturizes,” but what does it really mean?

To understand how a lotion will work, it is helpful to read its ingredients. If you find aloe vera in the composition, then such a body lotion can be called not only moisturizing, but also restorative. Since aloe vera helps wounds heal faster and returns a healthy color to the skin.

  • cocoa butter wonderfully softens the skin, and regular use of this lotion will reduce stretch marks;
  • almond oil rejuvenates and replenishes lack of moisture in the skin;
  • Jojoba oil nourishes and tightens the skin well, in addition, it is hypoallergenic;
  • Shea butter is specially designed for dry skin and helps fight the formation of wrinkles.
Body lotion: how to choose?

No one has any questions about how to use body lotion - after taking a bath or shower, apply with massaging movements, but there may be problems with the choice. Many people try to buy an expensive product, believing that it is definitely the best. But there are decent products at affordable prices. For example, Johnson's body lotion is remarkably moisturizing and quickly absorbed. True, you should still be careful with products from this price segment. Take, for example, Dove body lotion - some of its variants have a not very pleasant chemical smell. In addition, it is poorly absorbed, leaving a sticky feeling. Dove's "Basic Care" body lotion and the same manufacturer's lotion with a shimmering effect perform quite well. Therefore, in order to choose a worthy product, do not be lazy to read the composition and smell the lotion - a product with unpleasant smell is unlikely to give you a pleasant feeling. But you shouldn’t be fooled by a very pleasant, strong aroma if you just need hydration - perfumed lotions can only slightly moisturize the skin. Such lotions are produced by Camey; intense moisturizers usually have a neutral scent or, like Johnson's lotion, smell like baby cream.

Most people know that lotions moisturize the skin, but not everyone knows that they also have other benefits. beneficial properties. Regular use lotions helps smooth out wrinkles, relieve irritation, get rid of acne and protect the skin from exposure environment. There are certain methods and techniques that can help you get the most out of lotions. With their help, you can properly apply lotion to your face and body, as well as to those areas of the skin that require additional care.


Applying lotion to face

    Determine what type of skin your face is. Lotions are intended for the skin different types, so the first step is to determine what type of skin your face is in order to purchase the appropriate lotion. If you're already using a face lotion, take a look at the label to see if it's currently suitable for you. The condition of your skin is constantly changing due to factors such as weather and age, so you should choose a lotion according to the type of skin you have. this moment. Exist following types skin:

    • Normal skin. This is not too dry and not oily skin, which is not particularly prone to acne formation, hypersensitivity and irritability.
    • Oily skin often appears shiny or oily due to increased activity sebaceous glands. This type of skin is prone to acne and often develops large pores.
    • Dry skin lacks oil and moisture. It often peels off, and reddish stripes and spots appear on it.
    • Sensitive skin is often confused with dry skin as it is also characterized by dryness and redness. However, sensitive skin irritation occurs due to certain ingredients found in skin care products and not due to a lack of sebum.
    • Leather mixed type characterized by different areas. Some of them correspond oily skin, others are drier or normal skin. Most often, mixed skin type is oilier on the forehead, nose and chin, and refers to normal type on other areas of the face.
  1. Use products that contain ingredients that are suitable for your skin. Once you find out your skin type, purchase products with the appropriate composition. It has been scientifically proven that some ingredients are only suitable for certain skin types, so when choosing a lotion, you should carefully study its composition to ensure that it brings maximum benefits. The following ingredients are beneficial for certain skin types:

    • Normal skin: Choose cream-based moisturizers that contain vitamin C. This vitamin is an antioxidant and skin repairer. Avoid gels, which can dry out the skin, as well as thick or overly rich creams and ointments.
    • Oily skin: Use lightweight, water-based gels that absorb faster than other lotions. Look for products that contain zinc oxide, aloe vera gel and extract seaweed. Do not use products that contain alcohol or petroleum jelly.
    • Dry skin: Use thicker cream-based lotions and rich ointments to create a thick enough protective layer, which will protect your skin from environmental influences. Choose products with ingredients such as jojoba oil, sunflower seed oil or rosehip oil. Avoid products that contain alcohol, as they can dry out already dry skin.
    • Sensitive skin: Choose products that contain soothing ingredients such as echinacea, hyaluronic acid and cucumber extract. Do not use products that contain active chemical substances, dyes and flavors.
    • Combination skin types: Use oil-free products with panthenol, zinc oxide and lycopene. These substances help balance the amount of sebum in oily areas and moisturize dry areas of the skin.
  2. Wash and prepare your face for applying lotion. To get the most benefit from the lotion, you need to properly prepare your skin. You should wash your face twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening before going to bed. When doing this, use a facial cleanser that is designed for your skin type. By using clean hands or a clean washcloth gently, slowly in a circular motion Spread the cleanser over your skin. Once a week, instead of cleanser, use a scrub to remove dead cells and remove dead skin, which prevents lotion and its active ingredients from being absorbed into the skin. Please remember the following:

    • The water should be slightly warm. Too much hot water can damage the skin, and too cold will cause the pores to close, trapping dirt and bacteria inside.
    • Avoid rubbing your face too hard as this can cause irritation, redness and damage to the skin.
    • Rinse your face thoroughly to remove all traces of cleanser, which can clog pores and lead to irritation and acne.
  3. Pat your skin dry with a clean, soft towel until it remains slightly damp. Not dry your skin completely. At the same time, it should not be too wet, otherwise the lotion will not hold on and will drain from it. It is necessary that the facial skin remains moist - in this case, the lotion will dissolve better and penetrate the skin. In addition, when applying lotion to damp skin, a layer is formed on top of it that retains all the moisture in the skin and nutrients. Remember to change your towel regularly to avoid introducing harmful bacteria to your freshly washed skin.

    Apply a sufficient amount of lotion to damp skin. Because face lotions are designed for specific skin types, they can vary greatly in consistency. As a rule, lotions indicate the recommended dosage. Usually you need a little more liquid lotion than a thicker lotion. A single dose can range from a pea-sized drop to a drop the size of an average coin. Squeeze out required quantity lotion and gently spread it over the skin using circular motions with your fingertips (make sure they are clean). In particularly dry areas, apply gentle pressure with your fingers and rub the lotion into the skin. It is also useful to adhere to the following rules:

    • Avoid applying lotion to the skin around your eyes as it is very sensitive and many moisturizers are too rough for it. This can lead to fluid accumulation and swelling of the skin near the eyes. Use eye cream on these areas.
    • It is better to use a sunscreen lotion with a protection level of at least SPF 15 for your face. This will help protect your skin from the sun throughout the day. However, avoid applying sunscreen lotion at night as it can clog your pores and cause acne.
  4. Apply lotion not only to your face, but also to your neck. Many people regularly use lotion after washing their face, but often forget about their neck. The skin on your neck is more similar to the skin on your face than the rest of your body, so don't forget about it when caring for your facial skin. Each time after washing, apply lotion to the skin of the neck, using gentle longitudinal movements from bottom to top, from the base of the neck to the lower jaw. This way you will prevent dry neck skin and keep it youthful.

    Let the lotion absorb. After you apply the lotion to your face and neck, wait about 5 minutes before putting on a shirt or blouse, applying makeup, or going to bed. Give the lotion time to absorb into the skin before doing anything that might disrupt the moisturizing layer on the surface of the skin. If you apply makeup too quickly, it can penetrate the pores of the skin along with the lotion and clog them, or lie unevenly. If you immediately start getting dressed after applying the lotion or go to bed and touch your face to the pillow, the lotion will be absorbed into the fabric instead of the skin, which will noticeably reduce its effect.

    Applying lotion to the body

      Determine what type of skin your body is. As with the face, you should use a suitable lotion for the body that is designed to certain type skin. However, do not assume that the skin on your face and body are necessarily the same type. Sometimes the skin on your body is drier or more prone to acne than on your face, so you need to determine what type of skin you have on your body.

      Buy body lotion with active ingredients that are suitable for your skin type. Just like for your face, you should choose a moisturizing body lotion that contains ingredients suitable for your specific skin type. That is why it is necessary to first determine what type of body skin is, since if it is different from the skin of the face, using the same lotion can harm it. For various types Lotions with the following ingredients are suitable for skin:

      • Normal skin: Use thicker lotions or moisturizers with ingredients like vitamin C (an antioxidant) and vitamin E, which helps keep skin hydrated. Liquorice, which is part of some lotions, helps get rid of age spots.
      • Oily skin: choose lightweight, non-greasy lotions, especially those that absorb quickly and contain witch hazel - very beneficial natural component, which cleanses the pores of the skin and thereby helps get rid of excess sebum and blackheads. Don't use thick ones greasy lotions, as well as products containing alcohol and petroleum jelly.
      • Dry skin: use thick, cream-based lotions or medicinal ointments, especially those containing shea butter or Coconut oil. These two components perfectly moisturize the skin and prevent it from drying out. Avoid products that contain alcohol as this can further dry out your skin.
      • Sensitive skin: Choose products with soothing ingredients such as echinacea (to relieve irritation) and avocado oil, which contains fatty acids and high levels of vitamin B that help hydrate the skin and regulate cell function. Avoid products that contain active chemicals, dyes and fragrances.
      • Combination skin types: Use oil-free products with panthenol, zinc oxide and lycopene. Avoid thick creams and water-based gels, as the former may be too thick and the latter may dry out certain areas of the skin.
    1. Prepare your skin for applying lotion. Although body skin is less delicate than facial skin, it should also be prepared for lotion application to ensure maximum benefits. Shower or bathe daily and use a cleanser appropriate for your skin type. Gently rub your body with a washcloth or sponge, making circular movements. Twice a week, instead of cleanser, use a scrub to get rid of dead cells and dead skin and improve lotion absorption. In doing so, remember the following:

      • Avoid showering for longer than 5 to 10 minutes to prevent the cleanser from drying out your skin.
      • Wash yourself warm water. The water should be a little hotter than the one you wash your face with. However, it should not be too hot, so as not to deprive the skin of its natural protective layer of fat.
      • Rinse thoroughly and remove all traces of detergent, otherwise it can clog pores, irritate your skin and lead to acne.
      • Shaving also removes dead skin cells, so you may want to skip the scrub on days when you shave your legs, neck, and other areas of your body.
    2. Pat your skin with a clean, soft towel until it remains slightly damp. As with your face, do not dry your skin. It should retain some moisture so that the lotion is completely absorbed and retains this moisture in the skin. Do not open the bathroom door to prevent moisture from escaping. Combination of wet warm skin and humid air will enhance the effect of the active ingredients of the lotion and improve the condition and appearance your skin.

      Apply lotion immediately. Squeeze an appropriate amount of lotion into your palm based on consistency and directions for use. Do not squeeze out enough to cover your entire body at one time, as you will be applying the lotion to individual areas one by one. Rub your palms together to warm the lotion and then apply it to your body. Gently massage the lotion into the skin in leisurely circular movements. Pay attention Special attention drier areas such as knees and elbows.

      Let the lotion absorb into the skin. Wait about 5 minutes for the lotion to absorb into your skin before leaving a steamy bathroom or putting on clothes. Wet air will keep the pores open, which will speed up the absorption of the lotion and improve skin hydration. Don't get dressed or throw on a towel too quickly, as this will wipe off the lotion you just applied and prevent it from properly moisturizing your skin.

Our body needs care no less than our face; it also needs to be cleansed, nourished and moisturized. Our skin experiences daily Negative influence environment and, if it is not sufficiently hydrated, it will begin to lose its elasticity and quickly age. That's why In order for your skin to always remain beautiful and healthy, you need to take care of it regular moisturizing . Special hydrating agents that are included in body lotions will help us fight dehydration and make the skin smooth and silky to the touch.

Everyone who cares about their own health should know how to use body lotion and how to choose it correctly, because the use of lotion depends on the type and characteristics of the skin.



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