How to bring a man to his knees. The story of a London dominatrix. Women's stories

I'm standing in a luxury Covent Garden store whose products include leather corsets, lace bustiers costing almost a thousand pounds, ponytails, collars with spikes and rhinestones, as well as anatomically shaped objects, the purpose of which should not be written on a decent website. Human imagination is endless and the inquisitive mind is limitless. However, they also took care of satisfying the latter here and assembled a bookshelf with tomes on the theory and practice of BDSM and fetish. Among the books is the world’s first fundamental scientific study on the history of female dominance, written by my new friend, from whom I am painfully waiting for a call at this very moment.

We agreed to meet her on Sunday, but, like the heroes of some quest, we did not confirm where and what time exactly. Evening is approaching, and I, like Indian shamans, decide to attract good luck by dancing a ritual dance - that is, going to a store where people are not allowed until they are eighteen. The spell works. At the very moment I pick up a familiar book, the bell rings: “Hello! Sorry, I was at a session and couldn’t call back right away. Meet me in an hour in my “dungeon”. I sent the address via SMS.”

In total, there are about 10-12 professionally equipped “dungeons” in London, available, by appointment, to the general public

What happens next is a series of completely mundane actions. I buy a box of chocolates in the store (after all, I’m going to visit!), get on the bus and, since the route is unfamiliar, I’m worried that I’ll miss my stop. But everything is ok - it’s waiting for me at the exit a tall girl with luxurious curly hair and Australian accent. We, as befits residents Foggy Albion, we kiss on the cheeks and on the way to the “dungeon” we discuss the weather and complain about the guys.

She sighs - her boyfriend works constantly, and on weekends he drinks beer with friends. “So what, you don’t punish him?” — I ask cautiously. “It’s a pleasure for him, so no beer.”

They met their boyfriend at a fetish club. Five minutes after they met, he crawled to her on his knees, holding her favorite cocktail in his hands, ten minutes later, she spanked him, and a month later she moved in with him. Now they are going to get married, and when asked: “Where did you meet?”, they answer without hesitation: “In a club.” Without specifying, however, which one.

Aesthetically, “dungeons” are divided into theatrical (in which the main thing is a finely thought-out atmosphere) and purely functional (such as garages, in which all the tools are hung so that, most importantly, they are easy to reach).

Most of my new friend’s friends are not aware that she is not only an art historian and a PhD candidate, but also a professional dominatrix. On the Internet you can find her website (naturally, with a changed name), which lists the list of services that she provides to clients. Among them: ritual ceremonies, binding and piercing with needles, scenarios with beatings and interrogations, sophisticated torture of particularly sensitive parts of the body (including using electricity), elements of cross-dressing and role reversal.

“The simplest thing,” she explains to me, “is tying. Look". Let's start small. We cut off a piece of thin rope and begin to twirl the knots. This reminds me of macrame lessons at school club- but then, it seems, I was weaving a toy turtle out of knots, and my task today is to learn how to tie the penis so that it cannot rise when it suddenly wants to. The result is like a Christmas present - all that's missing is satin ribbon and “With Love” cards. In general, it's really quite simple. The main thing is not to forget the loop on which you can hang the weight if the “patient” behaves badly.

Next we have almost a museum tour. With meticulousness good guide, they explain to me why this or that piece of furniture is needed in a dungeon. A throne resembling an electric chair, a spanking bench, a huge birdcage, a hospital couch, a table with medical instruments. They justify to me that in general this is not an ideal environment; it would be better to separate the medical topic from the school topic by organizing separate “offices”. Each fantasy has its own atmosphere. But reality sometimes turns out to be harsher than the worst BDSM - and you have to plant the entire garden of vices on the square meters allowed by the house building.

Many interior details are designed according to individual sketches and cost more than one thousand pounds

A two-hour session with a professional dominatrix in London costs, on average, from 250 to 500 pounds. That is, in general, quite decent; The only catch is that, as with any freelancing, you can’t tell in advance whether orders will fall on you. And of course, no paid vacations, maternity benefits or other government-approved benefits.

At the same time, the profession of “dominatrix” itself does not officially exist at present. But this work (at least in England) is not illegal - rather, it is a kind of “gray area” in which there are no clearly defined laws, but a number of well-established rules apply. Often quite absurd. Like, for example, the need to register an equipped “dungeon” as a Bed & Breakfast. And in Australia, like all sex workers, professional dominatrixes must undergo regular check-ups with a gynecologist - even though they never sleep with clients. “The chance of catching something from a gynecologist is much higher for me than at work,” my friend jokes.

Dominatrices never sleep with clients, and the chance of catching something from a gynecologist is higher for them than at work.

There are, however, other professional risks. Lack of vitamin D - dominatrixes spend most of their working time in spaces without windows or daylight. Severe dehydration as a result of frequent wearing of latex. Risk of losing consciousness from tight corsets and high heels. At the same time, clients should not guess that the dominatrix is ​​suffering. They must suffer during the sessions, and their mistress must be powerful, strong and seductive.

It is important to see the client's eyes to understand how he feels. That's why even many masks are designed to allow you to quickly remove the blindfold.

Professional relationships with some clients can last for years, sometimes even developing into an ordinary friendship between two people. In the dungeon, clients of BDSM sessions are slaves on all fours, but in everyday life they are leaders large companies, fathers of families, people on whose decisions the well-being and fate of other people often depend. It happens that “slaves” fall in love with the “Mistress” and even ask for her hand in marriage, but here it is worth clearly distinguishing love for a professional image from love for to a real person. IN ordinary life Most mistresses also don’t walk around from morning to evening dressed in corsets and with a whip in their hands, and in general they are not much different from other women, even the fundamental problems are the same: children, age, money, the fight against extra pounds. At work it’s completely different.

Spanking is one of the most sought-after rituals, and there are many instruments, including school pointers and camel whips.

“Men are mortally tired of responsibility and come to me for relief,” explains a friend. What happens in her prison is, of course, extreme, but on the whole, psychologically understandable. Remember the famous Internet meme “I’m a girl, I don’t want to decide anything, I want a dress!”? In the era of gender equality, another passage is just as legitimate: “I’m a man, I don’t want to decide anything, I want to kneel and woof-woof-woof.”

Exist psychological techniques, allowing to minimize the client’s need to think and make decisions independently. For example, each order of the mistress must be extremely specific. Not just “put the phone away and get on your knees,” but “put the phone on the edge of the window sill, unfasten your belt, take off your pants, fold them, put them on the nightstand...” And no more than three orders at a time. A person is not able to remember more. This applies, by the way, not only to BDSM sessions. When you order food at a restaurant, do not tell the waiter more than three dishes if he is not holding a notepad in his hands - anyway, he will either forget something or get everything mixed up.

Each session follows a clearly developed script. Often, professional mistresses complain, coming up with something new for regular clients becomes a truly tedious practice. But if this is the first meeting with a client, then the dominatrix asks in great detail what he needs, what he likes and how far he is ready to go. In essence, there is a discussion of the rules of the game, which neither the mistress (nor the slave) should violate. And there is always a safe word that stops this game at the request of either party. Sometimes clients ask for things that are simply not safe for life, and the job of a professional dominatrix is ​​to explain why, say, hanging is a bad idea.

Professional dominatrixes have to play the role of not only Mistress, but also maid. After each session, they must wash the dungeon thoroughly, thoroughly treat it with cleaning agents, and put all the tools in order. Cleanliness should be like in an operating room.

Girls working in the dungeon must have not only the skills of a psychologist and an actor, but also be able to provide first aid medical care. Occasionally, clients lose consciousness or acupuncture does not go as planned, resulting in the risk of significant blood loss. There is always, of course, the option of calling an ambulance, but most clients would rather die there than explain to the NHS what they were doing on the cross or why they had sharp objects inserted under their skin.

My friend also calls the need to hide from society and family what you do, as well as to play along with your clients, one of the significant disadvantages of her work. “Sometimes,” she complains, “it’s very uncomfortable when the phone rings during a session and the client starts talking to his wife, saying that he’s late at work. I have never considered my work “dirty,” but at such moments I feel like an accomplice to a lie, and it’s unpleasant for me.”

Most traditional wives would shudder to find out what their husbands do during their dungeon sessions. And these wives, of course, can be understood. At the same time, according to my friend, if women, before furiously condemning men, would try to trace psychological aspects their behavior and even, perhaps, slightly get involved in this game, then there would be no need to lie to anyone, and the marriages would be stronger, and the sex life of both would be richer and more interesting. “BDSM provides virtually unlimited opportunities for sexual expression,” she says. “It doesn’t always have to be extreme games with electricity, cutting, torture and humiliation. Sometimes simple tying There are enough eyes to diversify sex. Moreover, no one expects from their girlfriends the same thing that can be expected from professional dominatrixes during sessions.” That is Wellingtons and the whip are not at all necessary. But a beautiful corset and stockings will not hurt in any woman’s wardrobe.

Often valuable items are passed down from one dominatrix to another by inheritance. Some of the instruments they use in their practice are truly vintage. Like this one for example electrical appliance, which at the beginning of the last century treated mental disorders in women. It has been modified by modern electricians, and now it can be used to transmit current signals from body to body and even simulate the process of castration.

However, if one of the girls wants to go further along this path, it is also possible to learn dominance as a profession. In England, however, there are no official schools, and for a serious two-year course you will have to go to Australia, for example. People often come into this profession from areas such as school teaching (surprise!), psychology, acting, sometimes former prostitutes retrain as dominatrixes, but these are quite rare cases. Most professional mistresses are quite mature (27-35 years old), smart and confident girls.

As in any profession, there is both competition and great support between them. Sometimes dominatrixes get together to gossip like women, complain about strange clients, or, conversely, boast about brilliant sessions. “Once,” a friend tells me, “we had a tea party at a lady’s house, about 7 of us gathered, we just chatted and ate cakes. And our slaves served and poured tea for us.”

So, I live with three men and I’m ready to tell you how it happens.

I’ll tell you right away, it’s difficult. It exhausts me all the time, well, I have to divide my attention between three people at once! And this is no big deal, it takes a lot of energy to do it. And yes, I understand that this is not forever, sooner or later I plan to stay with one of them under a common roof. But honestly, I love them all (names are fictitious, coincidences are random).

Since we all lack peace and harmony, I started looking at home for something that I had already started but never finished. I finished a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of Chardonnay, a bottle of Baileys, a bottle of rum and a box of chocolates. You can’t even imagine how fabulously good I feel now.

Tell all your friends who are missing this inner harmony and tell them you love them.

U young man D. just recently I almost had sex. Well, as it almost happened: he bought it. For his sake, the young man D. performed feats for a couple of weeks. Without feats, the girl did not agree to coitus, she said she was a princess. In the absence of dragons, stinginess forced him to win: the unfortunate man took him to the cinema, paid for coffee and even gave flowers (five pieces, roses, scarlet, once).

He wouldn’t give it as a gift, but the girl had knees (two pieces) and a half-buttocks (two pieces). Both were incredibly exciting: smooth, round, alluring. At the moment of the apotheosis of passion, he squeezed them - these two alluring elastic balls on the back side of the coveted body.

And then the very thing happened that made intercourse “almost happen.”

The essence of the incident in the city of Sochi is as follows. The drunken first-year students were swaggering and focused their attention on the Sochi fountain, which beckoned with its enchantment. One of the girls decided to make a joke and squatted over the central nozzle when it was turned off. A few moments later, a powerful stream of water suddenly burst out. The girl fell and then complained of pain in the lower pelvis. Arriving doctors did not find any injuries, but noted the loss of virginity.

Well, it's a masterpiece of stupidity! Like the old one good song– at the festival of idiots I would be a member of the jury. Imagine, now this lady has official confirmation that her first man was the Sochi fountain. It’s a pity that due to lack of spirituality and lack of a civil passport, he cannot be forced to marry.

As sometimes happens, the girl suddenly became a mother. But it happened very unexpectedly! 19-year-old American Connie Wilton found out that she was pregnant 4 hours before giving birth.

Throughout her pregnancy, the girl led her usual lifestyle: she went on a diet, went to a fitness club and parties, and indulged in alcohol. The only thing that bothered Connie was her weight. She couldn't understand where they came from overweight and fought hard against them.

One day she felt severe pain and decided to go to the hospital. There, the doctor who examined the girl discovered another heartbeat. “I was told I was pregnant at 9pm and at 1am I was holding Seth in my arms. Those four hours were my nine months of pregnancy.”

And I’m a bitch, and I don’t hide it! And the philosophy of simpletons and little gray mice doesn’t bother me! It's like in the fable about the fox: "The grapes are green." No matter how much you envy and talk about selfless love, nothing will work out for you. You are victims in life, and that says it all!

And about selfishness - everything is nonsense! Healthy selfishness is an instinct of self-preservation! No one will take care of me better than myself! And I have something to love myself for! Yes, I am beautiful, lucky, successful! Only now I’m beautiful, because I take care of myself, and don’t let myself go like tortured housewives. I have a swimming pool, exercise equipment, cosmetologists, and makeup artists - everything as it should be a real woman! Lucky because I don’t wait for weather by the sea or Lucky case, but I myself know how to create this opportunity and take advantage of it! Successful - because smart! A real bitch is always smart, which is why she manages to turn men into a horn and make everyone else admire her.

In the Roman church of Santa Maria della Vittoria, in the Cornaro Chapel, there is the altar group The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa (Italian: Estasi di santa Teresa d'Avila), created in 1645-1652 by Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini by order of the Venetian cardinal Federico Cornaro.

The sculpture is dedicated to Saint Teresa, a Spanish nun and Catholic saint who lived in the 16th century. In one of her letters, Saint Teresa told how one day in a dream “an angel appeared to her in fleshly form” and pierced her womb with a golden arrow with a fiery end, causing her to experience “sweet torment.” Bernini embodied this mystical vision in marble.

They say these facts are absolute and confirmed by science.
True, I’m not telling you whether it’s English scientists who claim this...

Women talk 3 times more men. On average, women speak 20,000 words a day. This is about 13,000 more than the average man speaks.
Most women will prefer a gloomy man to a smiling one.
Some women acquire fourth cone color vision due to a genetic mutation, allowing them to see a million more colors.
Women find men sexiest when they cook in the kitchen.
About 74 percent of women prefer men with beer bellies over muscular men because they feel safer with them.
Women typically feel less emotional pain after a breakup than men.
The smell of citrus and baby powder are among the most stimulating for women, while the smell of cherries and smoke from coals during barbecue is the least stimulating.
Most effective method Flirting with a woman means holding hands.
Women prefer men with a deep, breathy voice. They subconsciously consider them more masculine.

I recently received a letter from a reader:
"Hello, Svetlana! I want to change my life using your method!"
Wow. I wondered, do I have a technique? It turned out there is! I immediately wanted to structure it and write it down point by point. And you know, it turned out that everything was ridiculously simple. It turned out to be four blocks: a week for each. Total - a month. Just a month independent work to change your life for the better! I can safely promise everyone who follows the plan below: in a month you won’t recognize yourself.

So, for each week of the plan there are three tasks that you need to implement in your life. And stay with them throughout the month. Ideally, longer, but it’s up to you to decide.

Since many people constantly have the question of why a “dominant” woman gives away a resource, while a dominant man always takes it, I’ll explain. In short, the point is that a “dominant” woman is dominant in quotes. Women don't have that thing that can dominate men.

What resource does a man get when he dominates a woman or other men? His masculinity increases due to the decrease in the masculinity of everyone else (masculinity is dominance, if anyone is not in the know). Psychophysically, this manifests itself in the fact that the “alpha” brain receives a signal for encouragement, many hormonal hatches open, energy increases, charisma arises, the man feels bolder, more confident, creative, stronger, more grandiose, and the sea is knee-deep to him, subjectively and even objectively . This is the law of the pack hierarchy: the leader is given energy for sole leadership. The subordinate environment, which has transferred the resource to the dominant, experiences awe, feels dependence, readiness to obey, feels the authority of the leader and respect for him. A woman who submits to a man feels her femininity (anti-masculinity) increase, especially if she does not resist submission. She feels softer, more tender, more seductive, more flexible, and this can give her not only physical pleasure (erotic sensations), but also moral satisfaction, since it corresponds to the archetype of an ideal woman.

What resource can a woman increase from male “worship”? All the same femininity. She feels delightful, seductive, attractive, desired, beautiful, that is, her objectivity increases, which means that very black hole in the ego identity that requires male gaze and male evaluation, male need for embodiment. Neither more independent, nor stronger, nor more creative woman“worship” does not make men. After all, she is not worshiped as a man, not as a leader and leader, her masculinity does not grow, which means her real strength, self-confidence and courage do not increase one gram. A woman, from worship and adoration, can become more beautiful and feminine, and can subjectively feel a certain power, but not the power of personality, but the power of enchantment. This is about the same as feeding the body simple carbohydrates, without giving it any protein, complex carbohydrates, or complete fats. The feeling of fullness from the cakes comes, but after an hour it passes, and the muscles become weaker and weaker, and the body essentially starves. The more men “worship” a woman and the more she gets used to feeding on this, the weaker she becomes, the fewer her real resources and the less desire to develop them. That is why the fate of such women is most often sad when their youth fades and their beauty melts.

This mechanism cannot be repeated if a woman takes the place of the lower man. Being below, she will never receive a drop of power, but will receive only sexual pleasure (sometimes tremendous), which almost always accompanies an outflow of energy towards the upper partner.

That is why a woman striving for power should avoid male worship in the same way as male dominance, without being seduced by shapeshifters. Gender distortions in the structure of resource exchange are so deep that any “changes” are most often nothing more than psychological defenses.

This story happened to a friend of mine in ancient times, but he only confessed to me a couple of years ago. And he told everything in detail only when we openly talked with him about female domination. As a child, girls forced him to perform cunnilingus, forced him to lick them in turns. At that time, in schools, I don’t know how it is now, students went to collective farms to help harvest the crops. Our school usually went every year, for a couple of weeks. Flights, there in the morning, back in the afternoon.

So, when they were cleaning, at lunchtime the classes, usually in groups of several people, went about their lunches in all directions. My friend Igor and two other friends went to some abandoned buildings, like a former farm. There they settled on a hillock, not far from the building. He was 14 years old at that time. While they were having lunch, three girls approached them; they looked about 15 or 16 years old. But girls grow up faster, so it was difficult to judge. It was clear that they had come, like everyone else, to harvest the harvest, but they were from some other school. Then they could send three schools together to one collective farm.

They approached the guys and said - Well? How are you resting?.. To which they replied that it seemed like nothing. The girls looked older than the guys, behaved impudently, it was clear that they had nothing to do and were looking for adventure. One of them, red-haired, with a cigarette in her hands, said
“So you’re the one breaking windows here on the farm, and they’re blaming everything on our school...
The friends were silent, everyone was simple guys, studied well, and they were a little scared by the tone in which they were addressed. Then Igor answered them
- What kind of glass could there be here, there are only ruins left of the building... Then the red-haired woman said
“Are you the smartest, there’s still glass on part of the farm, and the collective farmers store their tools there, they have a storage room at the end.”
Igor replied that they did not beat anything and in general they came to this place for the first time. The girls pressed
- No, it’s definitely you, and because of you, they will soon stop taking our school to cleanups and to the collective farm...
In general, it all ended with the redhead simply calling them pissers, asking Igor to go with them, and they would show him where and what was broken there. He didn’t want to go with them, since he was also a little scared, but in order not to look like a coward in front of his friends, he still went with his friends.

When they walked behind the destroyed farm building, the redhead suddenly hit Igor in the stomach and he, clutching his stomach, fell to the ground. Two friends came up and each hit him twice rubber boots to the back area. The redhead said
“Are you the smartest guy?” Igor hissed at them
- Creatures... Then they began to beat him with their boots. He heard one of his friends say
- Let's take him to cunnilingus, I think he will be obedient... But I didn’t really take it into account because I didn’t really understand what it was about. After beating him a little, the redhead stopped and said
- Well, smart guy, do you want some more? And now you will ask for forgiveness for the creatures, get on your knees and ask for forgiveness, then we will probably let you go... And everyone laughed loudly. Igor was in pain, but he refused to kneel in front of them. Then the redhead took him by the hair and put him in front of her, saying
- If you do everything that I tell you, we will let you go, ask... Igor thought, well, I’ll ask them, these creatures, for forgiveness, and it will all be over. He straightened his back and said
- Girls, forgive me for calling you creatures, I will never do that again.... They laughed, and the redhead came right up to him so that his face rested against her tights in the pubic area. He turned away, then she grabbed him by the hair. Igor tried to push her away with his hands, but one of her friends came up to him and kicked him in the back
“You put your hands down, quickly, raise them again, and we’ll beat you up so hard that your dear mother won’t recognize...” He obediently lowered his hands
– You said that you would let me go... The third friend said
- You’re behaving badly, you need to be taught a lesson... And the redhead picked up
- Yes, that’s right, a little more of our whims and you’ll go back to your friends... He didn’t understand what plans they had in their heads, but he really wanted this to end soon. Never before had he been dominated by a female. Yes, even in this way. But they were stronger than him.

The redhead pulled down her tights to her knees, holding Igor by the hair, turned his face right in front of her and said
- Kiss my pussy, kiss me, or now we’ll arrange this for you... Igor was taken aback, he didn’t expect this and mumbled
- Well, please don’t... One of the friends picked up a stick from the ground, came up and said with a threatening look
- Kiss, quickly, quickly, I said... And the redhead, without waiting, simply took and pressed his face to her pubis
– Kiss, like this, like this... And she simply poked his nose into her panties. Then she let me go and told her friends
“That’s not interesting... I just pulled down my panties, as well as my tights.” And she ordered Igor
– That’s it, kiss me and we’ll let you go... Igor was ashamed, hurt and offended that he was a guy and couldn’t fight back against these impudent girls. He was afraid. He was afraid that they would beat him again or, even worse, cripple him with the sticks they held in their hands.

He obeyed and, pushing his lips out a little, kissed her red pubic hair. The friends laughed, and the redhead said
- Now you are a waffler, and now you will do cunnilingus, lick my pussy, otherwise we will go to the boys from your school and tell them everything that happened here, I know several serious guys, I’m friends with them, that’s it Let’s go with them... Igor realized that there was no point in retreating now, but still he thought, what if they change their minds. But the redhead, spreading her legs wider, asked
Are you going to lick me or not?.. Igor nodded his head obediently. She took him by the hair again and, bending forward, pressed his face between her legs - Lick, lick normally and everything will be all right...

Her pussy smelled a little like urine, it was disgusting, but she had to do what she asked and get out of here quickly. From these arrogant, corrupted girls. He stuck out his tongue and began to gently lick her labia. He licked and wondered whether the girls would tell about him at school, or whether they would keep their word. But his thoughts were interrupted by the redhead
- No, that won’t do, take off your jacket, lay it on the ground and lie on your back.... Igor obeyed and lay down. The redhead completely undressed from below, taking off her tights and panties and taking off her boots. Then she walked up to him and just sat down over his face
- That’s how it will be great, let’s continue, just stick your tongue deeper when you lick... And she sat down with her crotch on his mouth, she literally sat down on his face and roughly pressed her head with her legs. The poor thing had nowhere to go, all that was left was to lick and suck her clitoris. He licked for about ten minutes until she got tired and said
“Well done, I’ve long wanted to find a pliable lover - a licker, now you’ll also lick my friends...” Igor tried to object, but soon realized that in his situation, it’s better to do what they say. Gradually, all this began to excite him, and he consciousness was as if in some kind of fog.

They sat with their p...s on his mouth, and he licked them. His face was all wet, sticky from the discharge from their pussies, and he had to swallow a lot of the discharge. They laughed and teased him all the time
- Yes, you will make an excellent doe... He licked each of them twice, then one of them leaned very close to him and stroked his cheek, then gave a sharp slap in the face and sniffed and said: “Now you smell just like my ****! !" This statement caused loud laughter among the girls and, for some reason, even greater excitement among Igor...
Then the redhead said
- Well, that's it, I think that's enough. Now listen carefully here. We won’t tell anyone anything at your school, if you are obedient, periodically give us cunnilingus, lick us, and no one will find out anything... Igor could only nod his head obediently, in agreement. Then the redhead crouched over him
“I’ll do a little more, lie still and open your mouth, if you twitch, tomorrow you will be fucked by the guys from your school, to whom we will tell everything then...” He opened his mouth, and the red-haired bitch tensed and splashed a stream of urine right in his face
- Don’t turn away, I told you... And I started writing directly into his mouth. The girls laughed
- Yes, that’s it, make him squirt, come on, wash him... He spat, but still the urine got into his throat, and he swallowed the salty liquid that the red pussy gave out. Afterwards, two friends, just like her, peed on his face and in his mouth.

Only after that they got dressed and, reminding him that everything would remain a secret if he periodically licked them, they left laughing. Igor got up, put on his jacket and walked towards where his classmates remained. He walked and realized that he was caught, now he would not live from these girls. But the main thing is that they don’t tell anyone that he licked them. On the way, he washed his face in some roadside ditch, and when he arrived, he did not find his friends in the same place. It was clear that enough time had already passed, and he moved towards the side where the buses that brought them to the collective farm were located. To his friends’ questions, he briefly answered that they were just talking, and then he went to the grove because he had a stomach ache.

On his next visit to the collective farm, the girls themselves found him, brought him back to that ill-fated farm, and he licked them again. There were three of them again, but one of the girls was new. Then he licked them back in the city, when they called him and ordered him to come to a meeting. He licked five more, their girlfriends. All this happened until school ended and he left for another city to study at a technical school. That meeting nevertheless influenced his sex life. After the army, he returned to the city, where he studied at a technical school, and got married. After some time, he again wanted to experience the same humiliation as in childhood, the dominance of a woman. But his wife misunderstood him and he quickly closed conversations on this topic. But about once a month, he goes to a rented apartment, where three girls, for money, force him to perform cunnilingus, force him to remember and experience the same humiliation that happened to him then, not so distant, as a child.

Femdom is an abbreviation English words female domination, meaning “female dominance”. Many people tend to mean by femdom those relationships between couples in which the female partner is sexually dominant, and lesbian couples also fall under this definition.
I call those femdom interpersonal relationships between women and men, in which She is dominant. Femdom has a connection with sex only insofar as we are talking about contact between a man and a woman, which, however, does not necessarily lead them to physiological interaction. As for the sexual dominance of a Woman, then, in fact, it is always present and therefore is a category that goes beyond femdom.
Femdom is based on the belief in female superiority due to the sexual differences of living beings. A clear example of femdom is matriarchy and gynarchy, that is, societies ruled by women.
In relations between men and women there are a lot of conventions, misconceptions and prejudices, among which the first place, undoubtedly, is occupied by a negative position towards everything unusual or not discussed publicly. In other words, “since I don’t do this, then it’s wrong and bad, and therefore a perversion.”
The purpose of this article is not to convert its opponents into supporters of femdom. Its goal is to tell about femdom to those who have a sufficiently developed ability to understand the surrounding reality. Sociologists have calculated that in 40% of cases of disagreement with each other, the reason is not a difference in views, but a simple misunderstanding of the opponent’s position.

First of all, it should be noted that there are a huge number of varieties of femdom from simple role playing game to complete slavery. Unless a woman takes absolutely no initiative, there is always at least a slight element of female dominance in her relationship with any man.
This aspect is very rarely shown publicly, because it is taboo.
For men, talking about sex usually takes the form of bragging and hardly anyone admits that, for example, a woman punishes him with a whip. And a conversation between women about sex comes down to a discussion of feelings and circumstances surrounding the moment intimacy. Women generally do not discuss physical activities, although the younger generation is less inhibited about calling a spade a spade.
Most women only gain the confidence to talk about sex freely in their later years. And some find their sexual identity only in mature age when their children themselves became adults and started their own family. And often it is during these periods of life that women begin to feel like “mistresses.” However, some women claim that they have been dominant since childhood!
At the most basic level, femdom is difficult to distinguish from old-fashioned manners: standing up when a woman enters the room; offer her your place; hold the door for her; address her politely and so on. Actually top level femdom man is in complete submission to the woman. Many couples practice mid-level femdom mainly to stimulate and enrich their sex life. No less important unique opportunity femdom enjoy the company and have intimate communication with many women without having sexual intercourse with them.


There are a huge number of reasons why some men feel the need to submit to a woman. I'm not a psychiatrist, but I'm sure even they don't know all of them. Here are just a few options:
1. Refusal of duties.
Men are taught from childhood that they are responsible for everything. However, sometimes you want to give up control and let others control you.
2. Age regression.
It is usually pleasant to remember childhood, when such a force of love emanated from my mother that the world seemed perfect. It was then that she made all the decisions, including punishment.
3. Craving for the unknown.
When a woman is dominant, a man cannot know what she will do next, even though he completely trusts her.
4. Feelings of guilt.
Men have oppressed and continue to oppress women, and in this way he corrects the situation.
5. Church Guilt (I should have capitalized the word “guilt” here).
Sex is dirty. Sex is sinful. Don't have sex. The logical conclusion from this is that it is best to have sex only when you are forced to do so. Therefore, femdom is unexpectedly an option for particularly orthodox believers.
6. Variety
Being a dominant woman is certainly a change of routine.

But, as a rule, a man does not know why he allows a woman to dominate him. He only knows that for some reason it excites him. But this is, in essence, what his partner needs to know.
And it is absolutely not true that such men are weak or incompetent as men. You have to be very strong and very courageous to decide to destroy stereotypes and entrust the most precious thing you have - yourself - to a woman. It takes a lot of stamina and emotional maturity to submit to this mysterious being that is Woman.


Femdom fantasies are just that: fantasies. They have nothing to do with reality and are only what you imagine, getting excitement and emotional shock from it. There is nothing wrong; Moreover, it internally enriches you, creating a virtual plane of existence. There is nothing wrong with episodic adventures in a fantasy world without the intention of making them happen in real life.
Fantasies are a normal element of the human psyche, and if they do not interfere with normal course Everyday life, are completely safe. Enjoy them without any guilt.
But, if you have a desire to actually experience what appears in your imagination, then there are two main ways:
1, You can find a dominant woman and build a relationship with her;
2. You may have an already established relationship with a woman and begin to convince her that dominating you is exactly what she wants to do.
In both cases, we are talking about establishing and maintaining a relationship with a woman. Dominance itself comes in second place.


The first thing you need to understand is that Mistress is, first of all, a person and, like all people, needs one simple thing: respect. It's about about the basic respect that all people deserve: respect for her intellect and for her individuality.
The second thing you should always remember is that Mistress is a woman (some of them still have a little girl inside them) and as such loves to be treated like a woman.
Third: Mistress is a dominant woman.

The secret is that you must first establish a relationship with the Mistress on the human level, then on the female level and finally on the femdom level. That is, don’t immediately throw yourself on the floor in front of her and start kissing her shoes; women tend to run away from such people or call the police. The same applies to online dating: just because a woman is dominant does not mean that she is special prostitute. Even if the Mistress is a prostitute, this is not at all what priestesses of love usually give.
Remember, femdom magic only comes from within you and never comes from outside.