Undeniable dominance. Strong femdom

If a woman dominates in a relationship with a man, then the man does not remain indifferent to this. He accepts this dominance as an expression of female affection or enters into confrontation. The latter more often ends in separation, since adults are not inclined to change their views. Is it possible to save such a relationship? Let's find out together.

How does a dominant woman behave?

Feminism is a characteristic phenomenon of our time. Men are more often reminded of their responsibilities, and women of their rights. As a result, men acquire traits such as compliance, humility and patience, which have always been considered feminine qualities.

Women, on the other hand, are focused on achieving success and gaining financial independence. This requires authoritarianism and rigidity. If such qualities penetrate into the area of ​​interpersonal relationships, then frequent quarrels and conflicts.

It is important to understand why a woman is dominant in a relationship.

However, female dominance can also be caused male behavior. Such a man is characterized by: general passivity, indecisiveness and low self-esteem.

You can recognize a dominant woman by the following psychological signs:

  • insulting a man, showing disrespect;
  • lack of interest in the personality of your partner;
  • ignoring;
  • comparing your young man with more successful people;
  • suppression of initiative;
  • display of arrogance and indifference.

When there is at least one of the listed signs, a man should think about what caused this behavior.

IN normal relationship partners occupy equal roles, do not strive for suppression, but are able to combine leadership and compliance. Such relationships bring satisfaction and joy to both.

A woman dominates: what should a man do?

When the signs become obvious, the solution may be:

  • parting with an explanation of the reasons for your decision;
  • accepting a woman in a leading role, if this does not affect the man’s self-esteem;
  • a joint visit to a psychologist to develop a behavior strategy, or a personal consultation;
  • discussing the relationship with the girl, trying to reflect her behavior from the outside and show that it is detrimental to the relationship.

In the area of ​​relationships, decisions are best made with a cold heart, since it is not always obvious which decision will be the best. The prospect of further relationships is most often unpredictable, but in love, attempts to preserve the relationship are always justified.

Very often, men and women argue. And if a woman does not want to admit that a man is right, this turns into a violent conflict. Why is a man always right? What makes him so confident in admitting his erroneous opinions are correct?

First. A man’s desire to stubbornly defend his position is explained by his desire to stand firmly on his feet. When representatives of the stronger sex are confident in something and others confirm this (especially a woman), they feel confident, one might say “at ease.”

Second. Established traditions and upbringing, when with early years There is a clear division of responsibilities between girls and boys. Girls are constantly told that they should be feminine, flexible and soft; and boys are taught to be courageous, purposeful and make their own decisions.

Third. A man has been fighting for the right to defend his point of view since prehistoric times, when he sought to prove to a woman that he was right in order to look like a leader in her eyes.

But times change, and at the same time they come to new level men's and women's rights. And although sexual equality is enshrined in law, many men continue to defend leading positions not only in society, but also in relationships. And under no circumstances do they want to admit that women are right. These are the men who write jokes about a stupid wife or a grumpy mother-in-law.

Male dominance can manifest itself in the family, at work and in public life. Each family is individual, and it can take a long time to figure out why the man is always in charge in a relationship. Statistics show that many women prefer to be in the background. A woman simply does not want to defend her rights, and carries a difficult family burden on her shoulders. For many married couples this is normal and they don't want to change anything in the relationship.

It’s harder for women who daily face male impenetrability at work. Here, every lady must learn to behave correctly so that a man does not feel her weakness, humility and fear. To do this, it is recommended to remember a few simple tips.

  • Choose the right clothes so that they emphasize seriousness and professionalism. Perfect for this classic suits with a moderate amount of discreet accessories.
  • Answer to men's questions you need a firm, expressive voice. Then the man will feel that the woman is not afraid of him.
  • Don't be shy about pointing out men's mistakes.
  • It’s good to know your business to show that a woman can work just as well as a man.

A woman should not be afraid of a man and his natural dominance. First of all, she must be confident in defending her point of view. This should not be done calmly. So that a man can hear and accept female point vision, it is recommended to use one proven psychological technique. Before you express your dissatisfaction with a man or point out that he is wrong, praise him. And then highlight his mistakes. For example: “Are you really good specialist, but in this situation the right thing to do is….” To paraphrase this technique in the right way, it can also be used in personal relationships.

Everyone decides for themselves: to always unquestioningly agree with a man or to give up their rights. But don't forget one thing wise saying: “They treat us the way we allow ourselves to be treated.”

Sometimes men want to be weak... Dreams of female dominance are dreams of a new role, completely unusual for traditional sex. The principle of such a fantasy is based on dominance and subordination, when, as a result of a preliminary agreement, there is inequality of partners and the representative of the stronger sex is the oppressed.

Popular men's magazine Men's Health in 2010, he conducted a large-scale survey on his website about the sexual dreams of men. The creators of the questionnaire offered 22 common plots, inspired by “documentary films of varying degrees of frankness” (read: pornographic), and gave the opportunity to choose several options at once. 4269 respondents took part in the survey. So, there were 14% who wanted to try on a subordinate role!

To satisfy this kind of dream, a whole industry of closed clubs operates, the dear guests of which are those who want to play the role of oppressed slaves. The relationship scenario in such clubs is clearly outlined, and the interaction between partners is subject to ironclad rules. By agreeing to contact the Mistress (this is what the priestesses of love are called in clubs), a man loses the right to vote: his desires do not bother anyone, he must unquestioningly respond to his partner’s commands. The only thing the guest has the right to is to indicate in advance the boundaries of what is permitted and come up with a word indicating the end of the game. Until this word is spoken, the Mistress has the right to everything.

A woman can choose, for example, corporal punishment: tying up, chaining, hanging - anything that deprives a man of control over the situation. Or he may focus on psychological techniques: pressure, humiliation and insults. In general, everything that will remind a man for the hundredth time that he is a slave and is not worthy of a good attitude.

You probably imagined the image of an insidious villainess, wrapped in latex and armed with a whip. However, the reality is far from this picture. Surprisingly, the role of Mistress is not always played by stunningly beautiful vamp women with raven-colored hair. Most of the employees of such clubs dress quite vulgarly and loudly for “work” (having met such a woman in ordinary life, we would never have thought that she could enjoy the attention of very influential people). But some men simply kneel in front of them - literally.

The paradox is that the women who work there become special to men. Why? They own psychological techniques and know how to work with the subconscious.

No matter how strange it may sound, you have to pay for humiliation, and considerable sums, which is partly why wealthy men become clients of such centers. But it is not only the opportunity to buy a slave role that brings rich people into the realm of dominant women. They are driven to such an adventure by the desire to feel completely different. These “humiliated and insulted” in real life occupy a high position, manage many people, are very influential and powerful. Such men gradually develop a hidden desire to experience a woman’s power for themselves, to feel weaker, but they cannot fulfill their desire either with their wife or with their mistress - everywhere this is socially taboo.

But in the club, men, for their own money, gladly put on the attributes of subordination and live out the role that is not available to them in life. And then, having realized their fantasies, they return to work, where they continue to lead and dominate.

Many advertisements in the spirit of “I will be your Mistress” are published on the Internet. An intimate service based on this sexual desire is in considerable demand. An important nuance in this matter is the complete anonymity of contacts. About 60% of men periodically experience such fantasies, but most would never admit to them, let alone bring them to life. No one would agree to tell something like this about themselves precisely because of social condemnation: there is a generally accepted male sexual role– and it doesn’t fit in with female domination at all.

It seems natural to us all that a woman submits to a man, and a man dominates in a relationship, but we forget the simple truth: everything has back side. These manifestations of sexuality always go together, which means that where there is dominance, there is always submission. Another thing is that this need is repressed and not recognized. The dual nature of each of us reappears. This secret dream can be expressed in dreams or in watching porn films. In this way, the lack of desired sensations will be filled.

How to give your man this dream? Again, due to social norms and upbringing, not every woman is able to easily fulfill male fantasies about a dominant partner in bed, especially if she was raised in a modest family where any topic of sex was taboo, and even more so if she is naturally feminine and calm . To be assertive, active and even a little aggressive, you sometimes have to overcome yourself; it’s not about matching shoes to a dress. IN such a case you have to be able to get out familiar image and try to live at least a day differently, although this is not easy - after all, submission, as a natural role, is given to us much easier. However, you shouldn’t go to extremes: you can step back from harsh scenarios and come up with something calmer, using only some elements and attributes from the world of imagination. By and large, whether the dream will be fulfilled or not largely depends on how often and how openly the partners discuss their sexual fantasies.

So, the first step towards eliminating the barrier is talking about your secret dreams. You can come up with a game like this: every day you prepare a new erotic story and send it via SMS. This is quite safe way share fantasies and receive feedback. Over time, having decided on what most excites and turns on your partner, you can try to move from words to action and bring your fantasies to life. Or maybe erotic correspondence will be enough - discussion, acceptance will already give a feeling of a dream come true.

It is worth noting that when entering into the game of changing roles, it is important not to forget: this is a simulated situation and it has boundaries. It often happens that couples who have overcome the internal barrier become addicted to action-packed games. Of course, a situation when a man and a woman reveal their secret dreams to each other, and even make them come true together, benefits the relationship. The connection in a couple becomes even closer - the understanding comes that it would be impossible to implement these scenarios with another partner, therefore close person becomes unique. The feeling of gratitude, affection, and intimate unity increases. But if you don’t take off your masks in time, this mirror communication will gradually break through into the world outside the bed. In this case, relationships at all levels will begin to be perceived only through a sexual context, as a result of which the woman will no longer feel comfortable, and the man will feel insecure in a strictly written and already played out scenario more than once. Acting talent can run out, and who wants to be an actor of one role? Therefore, moderation is important in realizing fantasies. Experimentation should not be allowed to become the norm. Don't forget - this is a game with a beginning and an end.

It is important not to deceive your own nature and not become a hostage to your own sexual desires. Biologically and historically, the role of a Real Man is always accompanied by the manifestation of activity, assertiveness and even aggression. As a rule, representatives of the stronger sex want to be in charge most of their lives - this is the main trend. A various kinds Femdom dreams are nothing more than a stop to fill up your tank.

It is worth mentioning another common dream - about male dominance. Men also most often try to hide these dreams and usually the best way implement them outside of a sexual context. And here lies good tip for charming people! Many intelligent women allow men to express and act out their dreams within the confines of the bedroom. After that in all other areas life together their companions show more patience and seem calmer and more balanced. However, in no case should dominance be confused with physical aggression or sadism - these are already serious violations, perversions, which need to be addressed to sexologists or psychiatrists.

People, obviously, by their very nature tend to follow someone, and he

Whoever has the stronger will will always subjugate the others.

Robber Harris. Pompeii

Strong people are called to command, and weak people are called to obey.

Margaret Mitchell. gone With the Wind

Dominance as a personality quality is a tendency to demonstrate a dominant position, dominance over other people.

Each of us rules the world. Maybe he does it badly. A stone on the road drives the cart. The child does not yet know how to speak, but he already controls his parents. The dog controls the owner, and the cat controls the dog. Everyone controls everyone. It's not a shame to rule the world, it's a shame to do it poorly. He who has the path constantly learns to manage the world better and better. His path is his teacher. The path is the great manager. Of course, it is easier to manage a factory or a country if it is subordinate to you, and other people are obliged to listen to you. But this is not a prerequisite for management. Only one of the possible. You can control any object from any geographical or social position, from anywhere. If it doesn’t work out, then you have to study. He who has a path has a teacher. You cannot walk the path successfully without managing others well. You cannot lead others well without having a path. When the hare was asked: “You asked your subordinate to be stronger.” Complained that your other assistants were too weak. This is where the bear is looking for work! “No, no,” the hare answered quickly, “we have already begun to cope, everything is fine with us.”

Dominance is the desire to become first and foremost. It is characteristic, as a rule, of purposeful, strong individuals. But, as in all things, there should be no excess or excess in dominance. There must be a sense of proportion. It is impossible to dominate always, everywhere and in everything. Often in many life situations It is much more important to show flexibility, listen to the opinions of others, compromise or adopt such a line of behavior as avoidance. It is stupid to dictate your own rules where you are ignorant.

Dominance favors men. Masculine nature, the male ego presupposes the need for dominance. Ordinary, normal man by virtue of his nature, he experiences a taste of happiness from life if he has someone to care about, someone to patronize, someone to be responsible for. Therefore, a certain position of an independent and controlling person is natural and organic for a man.

Women's nature is the nature of service and submission. She is perfect, all she has to do is reveal her best qualities, and life's purpose will be realized. At the same time, we must realize that we all have a spiritual nature. The soul as a whole has a feminine nature, and since the main goal of man in goodness is selfless service to people, our main nature is feminine. Nevertheless, dominance as a personality quality “cannot be erased with a rag”; it must be taken for granted. It costs a person to purchase 51% masculine qualities, and he will already be inclined to dominate. And vice versa, having 51% feminine qualities personality, the person will be predisposed to submission and service.

Dominance is the relationship between leader and follower. The leader or dominant manages the relationship, and the follower is the one who follows the leader and covers him. In aerial combat, the wingman always covers the tail of the leader. Vladimir Vysoktsy sang: “I am in charge, and behind me... Well, let me burn! - Where is he, my wingman? So he began to smoke, nodded and sang: “Peace to your home!” IN family relationships the wingman, that is, the wife, is usually called the rear. When the rear is reliable, a man is inspired to prove to the world that he owes him a lot. He has a successful career and is respected by his colleagues and superiors.

A man is designed in such a way that his mind, unlike a woman, is at a decent distance from feelings, but close to reason. The function of the mind is to indicate how to live correctly, what should and can be done, and what should not and cannot be done. Emotions and feelings for a man play a secondary role. Trusting his mind, which knows how to live, a man values ​​his abilities above women’s, and therefore feels a natural craving for dominance. However, he does not consider himself better than women, he just trusts his mind more. Dominance gives preference to the one who is less emotionally involved in the relationship, who is less subject to the whims of a restless, restless mind and the vagaries of insatiable feelings.

Henpecked men become subordinate to a woman, that is, due to the weakness of their character, they capitulate to her. The woman begins to dominate the relationship. But female nature does not need power in relationships. A woman, revealing her best qualities (caring, flexible, flexible, cordiality, tenderness), is called upon to build relationships. This is where her femininity is manifested; this is where she gets the taste of happiness. Deep down, she doesn't want to dominate. A woman wants to be next to a responsible, reliable, purposeful and self-confident man who can protect her, with whom she can feel as if behind a stone wall. Singer Irina Allegrova expresses this thought in one of her songs: “The junior lieutenant is a young boy! Everyone wants to dance with you, If only you knew a woman’s longing, For a strong shoulder.”

Having received a rebuff at the first attempts at dominance, the woman, having tested the man for strength and stability, calms down. If a man raises his hands in the air, the woman does not know what to do with the power she receives. She loses respect for the man, his value as a person is greatly devalued. Who would think to respect a rag? And she doesn’t understand what to do with her forced dominance.

A dominant person can manipulate the consciousness of the slave, impose his point of view, desires and intentions on him. Weak-willed adherence to the words of the dominant often infringes on the interests of a person inclined to subordination.

A certain man went to a tailor to order a suit from him. When the order was ready, the man went to the mirror to check how he was sitting. new outfit. At the very first second he noticed that the right sleeve of the jacket was too short and his wrist was visible. — The sleeve is too short. Could you lengthen it? “The sleeve is not short,” answered the tailor. - Your arm is too long. Pull it in a little and you will see for yourself that the sleeve is perfect. The man pulled his hand back a little, and the sleeve hid his wrist. But this movement has led to chaos top part jacket “Now the collar is out of place,” he protested. “The collar is fine,” the tailor insisted. - Your neck is too low. Pull it out a little and the jacket will fit as it should. The customer craned his neck as far as he could and made sure that the collar lay as it should. However, a third problem appeared: the tails of the jacket were lifted. “Now my backside is showing!” the man complained. “It’s easy to fix,” answered the tailor, “Just tighten the muscles and the jacket will hide it.” Finally, the man followed all the instructions, after which his body found itself in a very uncomfortable position. But the tailor assured him that the problem was with the customer himself, and not with the suit. So, the man paid for the work and went out into the street in the most awkward position, trying to keep all the parts of the suit in place. On his way, he met two women walking on the opposite side of the street. Passing by, one woman turned to her friend and remarked: “Poor man, how his illness has mutilated him!” “Indeed,” agreed the other. - But his suit is amazing!

Petr Kovalev 2013

Femdom is an abbreviation English words female domination, meaning “female dominance”. Many people tend to mean by femdom those relationships between couples in which the female partner is sexually dominant, and lesbian couples also fall under this definition.
I call those femdom interpersonal relationships between women and men, in which She is dominant. Femdom has a connection with sex only insofar as we are talking about contact between a man and a woman, which, however, does not necessarily lead them to physiological interaction. As for the sexual dominance of a Woman, then, in fact, it is always present and therefore is a category that goes beyond femdom.
Femdom is based on the belief in female superiority due to the sexual differences of living beings. A clear example of femdom is matriarchy and gynarchy, that is, societies ruled by women.
In relations between men and women there are a lot of conventions, misconceptions and prejudices, among which the first place, undoubtedly, is occupied by a negative position towards everything unusual or not discussed publicly. In other words, “since I don’t do this, then it’s wrong and bad, and therefore a perversion.”
The purpose of this article is not to convert its opponents into supporters of femdom. Its goal is to tell about femdom to those who have a sufficiently developed ability to understand the surrounding reality. Sociologists have calculated that in 40% of cases of disagreement with each other, the reason is not a difference in views, but a simple misunderstanding of the opponent’s position.

First of all, it should be noted that there are a huge number of varieties of femdom from simple role playing game to complete slavery. Unless a woman takes absolutely no initiative, there is always at least a slight element of female dominance in her relationship with any man.
This aspect is very rarely shown publicly, because it is taboo.
For men, talking about sex usually takes the form of bragging and hardly anyone admits that, for example, a woman punishes him with a whip. And a conversation between women about sex comes down to a discussion of feelings and circumstances surrounding the moment intimacy. Women generally do not discuss physical activities, although the younger generation is less inhibited about calling a spade a spade.
Most women only gain the confidence to talk about sex freely in their later years. And some find their sexual identity only in mature age when their children themselves became adults and started their own family. And often it is during these periods of life that women begin to feel like “mistresses.” However, some women claim that they have been dominant since childhood!
At the most basic level, femdom is difficult to distinguish from old-fashioned manners: standing up when a woman enters the room; offer her your place; hold the door for her; address her politely and so on. Actually top level femdom man is in complete submission to the woman. Many couples practice mid-level femdom mainly to stimulate and enrich their sex life. No less important unique opportunity femdom enjoy the company and have intimate communication with many women without having sexual intercourse with them.


There are a huge number of reasons why some men feel the need to submit to a woman. I'm not a psychiatrist, but I'm sure even they don't know all of them. Here are just a few options:
1. Refusal of duties.
Men are taught from childhood that they are responsible for everything. However, sometimes you want to give up control and let others control you.
2. Age regression.
It is usually pleasant to remember childhood, when such a force of love emanated from my mother that the world seemed perfect. It was then that she made all the decisions, including punishment.
3. Craving for the unknown.
When a woman is dominant, a man cannot know what she will do next, even though he completely trusts her.
4. Feelings of guilt.
Men have oppressed and continue to oppress women, and in this way he corrects the situation.
5. Church Guilt (I should have capitalized the word “guilt” here).
Sex is dirty. Sex is sinful. Don't have sex. The logical conclusion from this is that it is best to have sex only when you are forced to do so. Therefore, femdom is unexpectedly an option for particularly orthodox believers.
6. Variety
Dominant woman- this is, of course, a change in routine.

But, as a rule, a man does not know why he allows a woman to dominate him. He only knows that for some reason it excites him. But this is, in essence, what his partner needs to know.
And it is absolutely not true that such men are weak or incompetent as men. You have to be very strong and very courageous to decide to destroy stereotypes and entrust the most precious thing you have - yourself - to a woman. It takes a lot of stamina and emotional maturity to submit to this mysterious being that is Woman.


Femdom fantasies are just that: fantasies. They have nothing to do with reality and are only what you imagine, getting excitement and emotional shock from it. There is nothing wrong; Moreover, it internally enriches you, creating a virtual plane of existence. There is nothing wrong with episodic adventures in a fantasy world without the intention of making them happen in real life.
Fantasies are a normal element of the human psyche, and if they do not interfere with normal course Everyday life, are completely safe. Enjoy them without any guilt.
But, if you have a desire to actually experience what appears in your imagination, then there are two main ways:
1, You can find a dominant woman and build a relationship with her;
2. You may have an already established relationship with a woman and begin to convince her that dominating you is exactly what she wants to do.
In both cases, we are talking about establishing and maintaining a relationship with a woman. Dominance itself comes in second place.


The first thing you need to understand is that Mistress is, first of all, a person and, like all people, needs one simple thing: respect. It's about about the basic respect that all people deserve: respect for her intellect and for her individuality.
The second thing you should always remember is that Mistress is a woman (some of them still have a little girl inside them) and as such loves to be treated like a woman.
Third: Mistress is a dominant woman.

The secret is that you must first establish a relationship with the Mistress on the human level, then on the female level and finally on the femdom level. That is, don’t immediately throw yourself on the floor in front of her and start kissing her shoes; women tend to run away from such people or call the police. The same applies to online dating: just because a woman is dominant does not mean that she is special prostitute. Even if the Mistress is a prostitute, this is not at all what priestesses of love usually give.
Remember, femdom magic only comes from within you and never comes from outside.