Costume Contest "Autumn Melody"

The autumn ball is beautiful tradition, which in Lately introduced in kindergartens, schools and even universities. They prepare for this day in advance, as for graduation. Among other concerns, the most important, perhaps, is the choice of attire. It is especially difficult for fashionistas. After all, not only that for a girl should correspond to the theme, but girls from the very early age inherent desire to stand out, to excel, to be the most charming and attractive. High school girls can choose an outfit for themselves, and the choice for very young ladies falls on the shoulders of their parents. So, what should be the costume on autumn Ball for girl?

First, let's look at the color. Naturally, all the colors inherent in the golden beauty will be appropriate: yellow, crimson, brown, orange, terracotta, red, beige, peach. The fabric can be plain or patterned. In this case, it is better to choose floral or animal ornaments.

As for the decoration and style, they will depend on the role of the participant in the evening. For example, a girl can just be a guest at a ball, in elementary grades and in kindergarten, whole performances are held with the participation of gifts of autumn, costume contests for different ages are often also arranged.

The image of a high school student

The guest of the ball is more free in choosing an outfit. She can pick up any evening dress suitable color. You just need to remember that it should not be too short or open, that is, defiant. You can complement it with accessories suitable for the occasion. Ribbons in the hair or headband decorated with berries, flowers or leaves. From shoes - ballet shoes or They can be black or brown, or they can become a bright accent in the whole image. Large earrings, bracelets and rings. There can be quite a lot of accessories, because this is an evening dress.

Costume for the autumn ball for a girl participating in the competition for best outfit, gives room for creativity and imagination. The most popular lush Long Dresses. Finishing will look advantageous on them. Buying a ready-made outfit is hardly possible. The store can only be purchased basic dress, A decorative elements will have to think for yourself. Anything can be used here. Traditional elements: leaves, rowan branches, ears of corn. You can prepare a herbarium in advance, or you can cut it all out of paper, sew or knit. As a headdress, a wreath of leaves or spikelets would be appropriate.

What to do with the baby?

Thinking over the autumn ball for lower grades or preschool institutions Parents should ask the teacher for details upcoming holiday: will there be a costume show, active games, dancing. Usually educators and teachers themselves suggest ideas, depending on the planned scenario. The outfit should not hamper the movement of the baby. It is not necessary, for example, to sew bulky, voluminous and stuff it with cotton wool. It is enough to pick up orange pants, a blouse of the same color and complement such a costume for an autumn ball for a girl with a green hat imitating tops.

Despite the fact that the holiday is autumn, and the weather is not at all summer, you need to take into account that the baby usually does not get bored, and therefore the outfit should be light enough so that the child does not feel hot during games and dances.

If you apply imagination and a bit of skill, constructing a costume for the autumn ball, a photo of a happy girl who won the competition and overshadowed all her girlfriends will delight all household members for a long time to come.

Autumn Festival and Autumn Ball - two traditional holiday in schools and kindergartens dedicated to the beginning of the most colorful time of the year. As a rule, such festive events not without theatrical concerts and masquerade balls. And on such holidays without themed costume or dresses are indispensable! Especially since original suit it’s not difficult for a boy or girl to sew with their own hands for the Autumn Ball. In this case, you can use absolutely available improvised materials, for example, autumn leaves or even trash bags. Next, you will find a selection of original and interesting workshops with photos of costumes for the Autumn Ball and the Autumn Festival, which are easy to sew at home.

Costume for the Autumn Ball in kindergarten, ideas with photos

As a rule, in kindergartens, the Autumn Ball and the Autumn Festival are the same concert dedicated to the arrival of autumn. It usually takes place in the format of a themed matinee with elements of a masquerade ball. Traditional costume for the Autumn Ball in kindergarten choose based on the theme of the matinee. As a rule, children's costumes correspond to the images of popular characters and heroes of fairy tales. For example, for a girl, you can sew an Autumn costume for the Autumn Ball in kindergarten. It can be based on a red or orange dress, which should be sheathed with dry autumn leaves, acorns or other natural materials. In addition to the image of Autumn, thematic decorations should also be made - a crown of leaves and beads of mountain ash. Among the current costumes for the Autumn Ball in a kindergarten for girls, you can also name: forest fairy, squirrel, bird, mushroom, flower. As for the costumes for boys, they are also easy to sew with your own hands at home. Great options for this holiday can be: a straw scarecrow, autumn tree, sunflower, bunny, owl. It’s quite easy to sew a suit for a boy with your own hands and autumn fruit or a vegetable. For example, to get a tomato costume, you need to pick up a red jacket and pants. The image should be supplemented with a simple red cap with an imitation of a stalk on top or a cardboard mask in the form of a tomato.

Do-it-yourself costume for the Autumn Ball for a girl, ideas with a photo

If we are talking about do-it-yourself costumes for the Autumn Ball for a girl to school, then interesting options there are also many here. IN primary school for the Autumn Ball, the images that we mentioned in the subheading above will be quite appropriate. But for middle and high school students, you will have to come up with more original versions of the costumes for the Autumn Ball, which will correspond to both the age and the theme of the evening. For example, a very simple, but at the same time original “Leaf Fall” costume can be made with your own hands, armed with an ordinary umbrella, double-sided tape and colored paper. Autumn leaves are cut out of colored paper different sizes and flowers, which are then attached to the umbrella with tape or a stapler. It remains only to complement the image with a bright raincoat and rubber boots. You can also simply make the costume of the "Queen of Autumn" according to next master class: long light dress should be embroidered paper leaves, make a mask of dry autumn leaves and add a rowan embroidered veil.

Unusual costumes for the Autumn Ball with their own hands for girls, master classes

Suitable for the Autumn Ball and options for more unusual costumes for girls. For example, it is quite easy to sew a forest fairy or flower queen costume at home. In both the first and second versions, you will need a basic dress for this. light shade and a little improvised material in the form of leaves, cones, dried flowers and leaves, acorns, nuts. Fix such natural decor You can use threads, adhesive tape, a stapler. Be sure to add to the image and thematic details. For example, a forest fairy cannot do without tulle air wings and magic wand. Interesting costume for a girl, you can also create from ordinary garbage bags of blue color. Such material will be an excellent basis for a cloud costume master class. Packages should be cut into wide strips, after cutting upper part with ties. Then the strips are tightly fixed on a wide elastic band - the cloud skirt is ready. As the top of the suit suitable blue or a blue sweater. You can complement the image with an umbrella with stripes from bags that imitate raindrops.

Do-it-yourself costume for the Autumn ball for a boy, ideas with a photo

It is even easier for a boy to make an original costume for the Autumn Ball with his own hands. All you have to do is choose trousers and a jacket. desired color and complement the image with thematic details. For example, sewing a cardboard beak to the hood of a black hoodie, and a fringe of thread to its sleeves, you can get great option raven costume. Another simple and at the same time original do-it-yourself costume for a boy for the Autumn Ball can be made from ordinary foam. To do this, you need a thick piece of foam, from which you should cut the base for the mushroom cap. Then, inside such a base, a recess is made in diameter, coinciding with the head of the child, an elastic band is attached. It remains only to color the hat, for example, in the color of a fly agaric, and pick up a light T-shirt and pants. Even more interesting ideas do-it-yourself costumes for the Autumn Ball for boys, see our selection of photos.

Evening dresses for the Autumn Ball to school for high school students, photo

I would like to pay special attention to evening dresses for the Autumn Ball to the school for high school girls. It's about about dresses for classical balls and masquerade balls, in which traditional costume at the Autumn Ball does not look quite appropriate. As a rule, high school students for such an Autumn Ball to school choose long evening dresses traditional autumn shades. But as an exception, you can choose more original version. For example, decorate finished dress do-it-yourself autonomous garlands, bright feathers or artificial twigs and leaves. Many girls choose more unusual improvised materials for decoration, for example, the same garbage bags. But such fashionable experiments are best implemented strictly according to step by step master classes with a photo, otherwise the costume for the Autumn Ball can not be decorated, but ruined.

Autumn Ball.

Presentation of costumes by class 9a at the Autumn Ball

MOU "Bessonovskaya secondary school of the Belgorod district of the Belgorod region"

Michael: Hello, Dear friends! Today, class 9a presents two suits to your court: the first Autumn - economy and the second Autumn Rich.

Let's start with the Autumn suit - economy. We invite the model and support her with applause. This costume was developed by a special company to make life easier for girls who save their budget, future thrifty housewives.

Pay attention to the suit material - high-quality, heavy-duty, practical and completely waterproof polyethylene. Everyone knows that even in the ground it remains and rots for 265 years, therefore, with careful wear, it will be enough for 5-7 generations of economical girls, and they will not need to spend money on clothes.

Take a look at the headpiece. It will always protect your hair from getting wet and windy. And a T-shirt, it can be summer, and winter, and autumn, and spring. For autumn, our T-shirt is just right, but if you want to wear it in cold winter, then you will have to buy an additional cheap and warm accessory - glass wool. Stuff it under the T-shirt and, voila - a winter, warm vest is ready. Now we will not demonstrate this process, so as not to violate the integral exposition.

We also chose a belt made of polyethylene in gray sparkling colors, which is ideal for the autumn atmosphere and emphasizes the elegance and rigor of the costume.

Here we come to the skirt. She, however, like the whole suit is ultra-light. You literally fly in it.

Next are the shoes. Of course, they haven’t come up with a name for her yet, but I think it will be something French, like “cherche-la-legs”, which means - rubber boots in past. These shoes will emphasize your individuality and save your feet from water.

And finally, if you want to save money, and like to dress stylishly, and always be the first and most fashionable, then this costume is for you!

Daniel: And now let's look at the Autumn Rich costume. We ask the second model on the podium. We greet her with applause!

Not everyone can afford this costume, but it is undoubtedly the best and most presentable.

Let's start with the crown, which is inherited in the rich and noble houses of the world. It is cast in solid gold and adorned with nineteen Swarovski crystals, each worth $3 million.

We go below. A $120,000 Dolce Gabbana dress adorned with 999 gold leaves. Do not touch, or you will erase.

And now the shoes. Shoes bought in France by Louis Vuitton, high crystal heels. In these shoes, you will not get your feet wet, even if you walk through puddles. Such shoes should have been worn for planting trees in the fields of the Oryol settlement, and heels would have kept your feet clean and dry.

Everything is combined in this suit - elegance, rigor, superiority over others, beauty, independence, originality. Just like this girl. No one will call her not stylish or poorly dressed.

Michael: But... But...

Daniel:(gently, but for everyone to see, gives Misha 100 dollars and whispers in his ear and into the microphone) - Because her father CEO Gazprom.

Michael: Ah... Ah... Excellent! Amazing! Unique!

Daniel: Our costume is the best! Hooray!

Michael: The costumes were presented to you by students of grade 9a -

Svetlana Byankina
Costume Contest " autumn melody»

Scenario costume contest« autumn melody»

Song "My sun"- the teacher sings.

Vedas: Hello, dear guests! Hello dear members competition! Today we welcome you to costume contest« autumn melody»

Music is playing, poetry is being read.

looked in autumn in the garden

The birds have flown away.

Outside the window rustling in the morning

Yellow blizzards.

Under the feet of the first ice

Crumbles, breaks.

The sparrow will sigh into the garden,

And sing - shy.

I'm drawing autumn

yellow leaves

They bring from the forest

Red leaves.

I'll dip in autumn brush your

Autumn is golden, I love you!

Vedas: So let's start our competitive program« autumn melody» . I want to introduce you to our competent jury. These are our parents pupils:

Quiet music plays.

Vedas: In a motley gold dress

Autumn came to us in the hall,

Like a beautiful queen

Opens ball!

Mine costume represented by a participant

under No. 1 F.I. "Miss Autumn»

under No. 2 F.I. « autumn charm»

under No. 3 F.I. "Golden autumn»

under No. 4 F.I. « Autumn»

sub No. 5 F.I. « great time, eyes charm "

under No. 6 F.I. "Golden autumn»

under No. 7 F.I. « Autumn» educator 2 ml. gr.

Vedas: While our jury is sharing their impressions of the first participants, children are performing preparatory group with a dramatization of the song

"Wonderful dream"

Quiet music sounds

Vedas: Autumn- a beautiful and rich time of the year. Before us appears all the multicolor colors: green, yellow, red, orange. And how many vegetables, fruits, mushrooms nature gives us!

Introducing the following members of our competition.

under No. 8 F.I. "Amanita"

under No. 9 F.I. "Fungus"

under No. 10 F.I. "Watermelon"

under No. 11 F.I. "Amanita"

under No. 12 F.I. "Tomato"

Vedas: While our jury is sharing their impressions, children middle group will show a round dance "We were walking in the forest"

Quiet music sounds

Vedas: Flower and leaf fragrance

Patchwork-colorful outfit

And the aroma and colors of these

IN autumn collected bouquet.

Introducing the following members

under No. 13 F.I. "Forest Fairy"

under No. 14 F.I. "Pock"

under No. 15 F.I. "Flower"

under No. 16 F.I. "Chrysanthemum"

under No. 17 F.I. "Maple Leaf"

under No. 18 F.I. "Maple Leaf"

under No. 19 F.I. "Fairy of Roses"

Vedas: On this show costumes finished. While the distinguished jury will determine the winners, we will listen to the performance of our students of the preparatory group with the song

« Autumn leaves»

1. A pupil of the middle group F. I. will read a poem « Autumn»

2. A pupil of the preparatory group F.I. will read a poem "Our garden"

3. And F. I. will read a poem "Forest autumn»

Vedas: And now let's greet our members again. (passage of children in a circle 2 times)

I want to say Thanks a lot to our sponsors, the head of the gas field, F.I., for the sponsorship. (and we want to give him the floor).

For summing up and rewarding, the floor is given to our esteemed jury.

Scenario autumn holiday school for middle and high school students

Winner all-Russian competition"Most Requested Article of the Month" NOVEMBER 2017

The event is attended by one team from each class.

Event program
Competition "Autumn gift" - production and presentation of unusualautumn gift.
autumn bouquet, postcard, craft, made using improvised and natural material. The name, originality of the idea, the performance of the product and its presentation are evaluated
Contest " Autumn hairstyle»
Performing and demonstrating hairstyles using natural material. The name, originality of execution is estimated.
Competition "Autumn smile"
Production and presentation of the outfit or its elements on autumn theme. Title, originality of performance and presentation are judged.
Competition "Vegetable Presentation" An unusual presentation of a vegetable, a recipe and a dish using a vegetable.
The preparation of the competition material is carried out in advance, with the exception of the hairstyle competition.

Event progress.

Waltz sounds. A dance is being performed.

Hosts of the holiday: the young man Sasha and the girl Ksyusha.

Sasha: Good evening, invited guests of our autumn ball.Yes, yes, you are not mistaken, it is the invited autumn ball that will open in a few moments.
Ksyusha. Let me clarify that the ball in the 21st century is not very popular, and therefore it is better to call our program “ Autumn shambles". Do you agree, dear guests of the holiday? That's good. We invite all of you to take part in our unusual program.
Sasha. Yes, but at least we should keep the old traditions of the autumn balls and inaugurate our evening!

Ksyusha. I completely agree with you, and allow me, a beautiful lady, to utter these beautiful words.

Autumn us to your ball
Today invited
So that no one is late
Autumn asked.
And here is the cape
The hall sparkles
Warmly warmed faces
It's time to open our ball
And spin in the dance.
Sasha. But where is Autumn?

Suddenly she
Forgot your way to us?
With business, maybe she.
A little delayed?
Let's call autumn;
Let's all say together:
“We are waiting for you at the ball, Autumn!”

The soundtrack of a blizzard sounds. Covered with a veil crawl out onto the stage from the leaves of Slush and Chill.

Slush (stretching) Am I dreaming, or do I think ..,..(pinches himself) Not noLooks like autumn is in full swing. Hey Chill, wake up!
Frostbite: Brrr! What are you shouting, neighbor!
Slush: Wake up, autumn has come!

As soon as autumn comes, our turn comes,
And Slush and Chill are coming.
And no one is waiting for us. And we, on the contrary,
And we are always scolded, but scolded.
Slush: I am Slush, I'm around in galoshes and with an umbrella,
I wander through puddles, I catch up with dampness.
Chilled: And Chilled is a friend, everything runs around,
On all passers-by letting cold.

Listen, Slush, where are we with you? For a ball or something? Maybe we were invited here?
Slush: What are you, Kholodryga, what are you! Apchi! How many years I live in the world, no one has ever called me to visit.
Frostbite: And me, Kholodryga, is also not very favored. Well, since they didn't call us, they'll regret it. We will spoil the whole ball for them.
Slush: (whining) Here they are invited (points to the hall). And we are not with you!
Frostbite: Phew, what a mess! Don’t cry, it’s cold without you, let’s better think about how to teach these people a lesson so that they don’t become conceited!
Slush: Invented! Now we will enchant all the guests, and they will fall asleep, and we ourselves will make such a slush, we will arrange such a cold that Autumn will turn from golden into rainy.

Frostbite: Brr!
Slush: To the sad!
Frostbite: Brr!
Slush: Now I'll scout the slush on a silver platter (puts water on a saucer)
Frostbite: Hooray! Happened! Well, hold on, now I'll freeze you!

(runs around with a big fan while Slush splashes water)

Slush: And I also have candy.
Frostbite: (is reading) Snickers.
Slush: You yourself are Snickers! And this is "Rhinitis!"
Frostbite: (is reading) Ba-un-tee!
Slush: Not a bounty, but “Cheahunty give out candy!

(running and handing out candy)

Frostbite: It's time to invite our friend Apchi! He will entertain us all evening! Do you agree?

(The slush drags Apchi along. He rests and constantly sneezes)

Apchi: Where are you taking me? I am a sick, non-powerful Upchi! The most miserable on earth!
Slush: We have business for you!
Apchi: (interested) Who needs to be influenced?
Frostbite: You see, we have a plan.

(whisper in ear)

Apchi: Yes, clearly! You've come to the right place! Gotta use the trick!
Slush: (thoughtfully) Cunning?
Apchi: Ladies, who are they? Guests? Now I'm going to have some fun with you.

What are you good at? Can you sing? What about dancing? Well, let's see now! How did my dear friends, Slush and Chill, affect you. Or didn't work at all? How will you surprise me? Show me something!
Ksyusha: The guys of our school put a lot of effort into preparing a gift for Autumn! But instead of her, Chill and Slush came to our holiday.
Apchi: No, and what an autumn ball without the queen of autumn: you must call her and immediately!
Sasha: let's, guests, all together call Autumn: Queen Autumn, come to us!

Music sounds, Autumn appears.

Good evening, my friends!
Waiting for, come on, me?
The summer was hot - for a long time the power did not yield,
But everything comes to a time -
I've come to the door!

Ksyusha: We are glad to see you in this hall and invite you to a place of honor. Madam autumn, we have gathered a rich harvest of vegetables and fruits, we have made a lot of preparations for the winter.
Sasha: Autumn invited us here to give everyone its last, wonderful moments, the enchanting, barely perceptible aroma of autumn flowers, the bright alluring beauty of the harvested fruits and, of course, in autumn thoughtful and at the same time joyful mood.
Ksyusha: Yes, yes, indeed, autumn is not only a time of sadness and sadness, it is also a time of joy. Why? Because autumn is beautiful all around, and everyone is looking forward to meeting the most fun time of the year in winter.
Sasha: And so today we will not only sigh and be sad in unison with the romantic lady of autumn, but also have fun, dance, enjoy her last moments.
Ksyusha: So, dear friends, at today's holiday we will not only show our abilities and talents, but also joke, play and have fun!

Sasha: Well, now we're moving on to competitive program, because for the winners in our competitions are also prepared pleasant surprises. Therefore, those who have enthusiasm and fun mood We invite you to participate in the competition "Autumn Motifs 2008".
Ksyusha: Please pay attention to one of the Autumn Smiles competitions, which we will hold directly in this hall.

In order for our competition to take place, it is not enough for the participants alone. We need to choose the composition of the jury of the competition.

Let me ask you a question: “Where would you prefer to go to the autumn ball this season? Famous fashion designers have decided to help you

Here not in dreams, but in reality
I decided to help you "model house",
Understanding the important issue
What to wear this season.

Unfortunately, the magazine with the names of the models has been lost, and the students of the school are invited to comment on the costumes themselves.

Demonstration of outfits.
Competition "Autumn gift".

Autumn comes to us with gifts. And what gifts and to whom our participants have prepared, we will now see. Because our next competition is called "Autumn Gift".

Presentation of gifts.
Competition "Vegetable Presentation"

One evening in the garden
Turnip, beetroot, radish, onion
Decided to play hide and seek
But first, stand in a circle.
calculated right away:
One two three four five…
Hide better, hide deeper
Well, I'm going to look.
Where did the vegetables go?
Where to look for them? We learn about this from the stories of the guys.

So, the beginning of the next contest "Vegetable Presentation" is announced.

The jury sums up the results of the competitions. Rewarding.

And so the evening passed
Are you satisfied, friends?
It means everything is OK,
We met friends!

Happy holiday! With the onset of golden autumn! Our evening continues with an autumn disco.


Some striking examples of competitive performances, defense, presentations are offered below.

Costume. Ensemble "Autumn splashes". The ensemble "Autumn splashes" is represented by a skirt (sun-flare model), a hat (panama model), and a silk scarf.

Made from transparent polyethylene film. The size of the model is universal. The skirt at the waist of the fashionista is fixed with a movable cord. Long narrow stripes at the hem of the skirt give the ensemble elegance and lightness.

Panama fields protect the face of a fashionista from the cold drops of autumn drizzle, and passers-by from the sparkling gaze of a fashionista. Silk scarf gives the ensemble festivity and elegance. The color scheme of the ensemble is combined with the colors of autumn.

Vegetable Carrot.
The oldest root crop that mankind has been using for more than 4 thousand years. Carrots were known to the ancient Greeks and Romans. But until the 16th century it was considered a delicacy. Only in the 17th century, carrots began to be bred everywhere. At the same time, sauces appeared from it, which are now considered a delicacy among the Germans and the French.

In Germany, "soldier's coffee" was made from roasted carrots, which is still brewed in some villages today.

Carrots came to the territory of Russia in time immemorial. In the 16th century in Rus' carrot juice was considered curative: they were treated for diseases of the liver, heart.

In ancient times, carrots were whitish in color and thin. Only when the ancient man dug up the first garden, watered, loosened the vegetable, the carrots began to turn red and get fat. Carrots turned red because carotene was added to it. IN ancient rome spoke Latin. Now it is used by scientists, doctors, pharmacists. Carrot is Latin for carota. The substance that colors it Orange color, scientists called it "carotene".

When you eat a carrot, inside you, in your body, carotene turns into a vitamin
This is the growth vitamin. He is needed by the guys, calves - everyone who needs to grow.Why was it named after carrots - carotia, and not repin, not rutabini, not tomato, not persimmon? Because it was first found in carrots.Root vegetables contain sugar, fatty oil, nitrogenous substances, mineral salts and various vitamins - provitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, etc.


Stepmother and Alenka come out.

Stepmother: Alenka, today I have a holiday! And there will be many guests in the house! You have exactly one hour to tidy up everywhere, wash the dishes and prepare a treat!

(stepmother leaves)
Alyonka sits and sorts through the cabbage soup in the basket.

My light is a mirror, tell me
Yes, show me the whole truth.
What vegetable is the sweetest of all
All tastier and more valuable?
What should I choose, tell me.
And point to a vegetable.
Give me advice for comfort
How to prepare a meal?

Music. Elves come out.

elves(in order):
our friendly, fun class
Surprise you today!
In our view
Miracle vegetable - a feast for the eyes!
There is one beauty
And blush, and slim.
Though he lives in a dugout for a century
A big respect from everyone.
Who comes close
Bows low.
Guess, Alyonka, what kind of vegetable is this!
There are carrots, like nesting dolls,
Sitting on a wooden spoon!
From Greece and Rome
The primas have arrived.
charm people,
Become a delicious delicacy!

Song to the melody "Little Country"

We will call our carrots -
Chief among vegetables,
After all, without it you can’t weld right away
Delicious and fresh cabbage soup,
Can't cook without carrots
Soup and salad
Growth will add and dexterity
Carrots are a treasure trove of vitamins.

Carrots are a sweet root vegetable
Delicious fruit.
Known in Russia, useful for children
Sweet carrot juice!

Autumn gift.
We present the composition "Autumn Glade". It reflects the state of nature in autumn. With the onset of autumn, we admire the multicolor autumn colors. Let the sun shine less often, let the air temperature be lower, but life in nature still continues. And the fungus that appeared in the clearing asks with curiosity: “How is it there, on earth?”

Autumn. Gloomy. The rain is pouring.
But the meadow lives on.
Chamomile flutters in the wind.
nettle leaf turned yellow
The last mushroom appeared
"What's around?" I wanted to know.

Vegetable presentation.

Sounds music from the television program "What? Where? When?". A large black box is being carried out into the hall. One of the participants from the class, who plays the role of a vegetable, is salted into the box in advance.

Leading: About a vegetable that lies in a black box, they say: “Not according to good mil, but for a mile is good! It is not satisfying and poor in vitamins, but when cut into slices, lies on a plate, fresh, cool, juicy, one smell increases appetite, it was not in vain that the Roman emperor Tiberius demanded that this fresh vegetable be always served to him for dinner, and after all, one and a half There were no greenhouses thousands of years ago. But even at that time there were real inventive masters in Rome. They came up with the idea to strengthen the boxes with seedlings on wheels. The wheels turned after the sun, so that the whole day would pour on the seedlings sunlight. This is very gentle creatures They love water and heat. And if it gets a little colder, they die, because the story of their life is the story of a man's war with frost. Their homeland is Indochina, China, the country of eternal summer. When he moved to Europe, the frost threatened him: “If I find you in the field in May, I will kill you! I'll stop in September - I'll kill you! there is no way for you to go north!” But he dared to break the border drawn by the frost, and a man helped him in this. To stay in the occupied territory, the soldier digs a trench; for this vegetable, such a trench is a greenhouse. but he cannot sit in a greenhouse all his life, his grown seedlings must move to the field. And the battle in the field always wins the May frost - it completely destroys the landing force. However, recently this vegetable does not know losses. And not because the frost has become kinder, but because he has new equipment - a transparent plastic film. So, what kind of vegetable is in the black box?

(A boy dressed as a cucumber comes out of the black box).

Cucumber: I'm very good at salads. You can’t do without salads: in most cases, they are simple and quick to prepare, they are easy and healthy food. And finally, advice for those who want to keep their skin perfect. Rub your forehead and cheeks with a piece of cold cucumber. This will immediately refresh and soften the skin. Lie on the couch for five minutes, putting cucumber slices on your eyelids and your tired eyes will become shiny again.

I don't have many vitamins
But I meet you everywhere.
At the cottage, at home, in shops,
I go with any food.
I am always tasty, appetizing,
And you don't look at me.
And instead of looking
You just have to eat me.

"Autumn Gift"
Bouquet for your beloved. This original bouquet with a light touch of a button, it turns into a lamp that will help create romantic atmosphere. In addition, light can be different shades. if you give such a bouquet to your beloved, you can be sure that she will not remain indifferent.

Costume. Our model is called "Seasons". Pay attention to the organic combination of incompatible items. The shirt evokes fond memories of summer. Valenki are primordially Russian shoes that warmed our ancestors, and still serve us. An umbrella is necessary both during summer rain and in autumn bad weather. It happens to use an umbrella during the winter thaw. The poet said: “I love a thunderstorm at the beginning of May ...” May is a spring month, it turns out that an umbrella connects all seasons. Judge for yourself whether or not our model will be included in the collection autumn season 2008.

Suit "Autumn girlfriends"

Once upon a time, our girls,
Decided to show dancing.
But, and dancing without a costume,
Kinda boring, not smart.
"Autumn Friends"

Mountain ash and birch are the most beloved trees of the Russian people. not for nothing they are our reflection in Russian folklore, author's work: “White birch under my window ....”, “What are you standing, swaying, a thin mountain ash ...”, “That birch, then mountain ash ...”
Birch and mountain ash are the most beautiful trees Russia. But they are especially beautiful in autumn. The mountain ash took bright colors into her outfit: she uses red, burgundy, purple.
And birch prefers golden colors.
In crimson and gold, dressed forests - a classic wrote about mountain ash and birch. Where can you go in such costumes? At the disco, on a tour of autumn forest, and if you cover yourself with an umbrella at this time, then you can go unnoticed in the classroom.

The team of teachers of the municipal educational institution of the village of Blokhin