Costume competition “Autumn Melody. Extracurricular event "competitive program with presentation of costumes at the autumn ball"

Autumn ball is beautiful tradition, which is in Lately introduced in kindergartens, schools and even universities. They prepare for this day in advance, like for graduation. Among other concerns, the most important, perhaps, is the choice of outfit. It’s especially difficult for fashionistas. After all, not only should a girl correspond to the theme, but girls from the very early age There is an inherent desire to stand out, to distinguish yourself, to be the most charming and attractive. High school girls can choose an outfit for themselves, but the choice for very young ladies falls on the shoulders of their parents. So, what should a girl’s costume for the autumn ball be like?

First, let's pay attention to color. Naturally, all the colors inherent in a golden beauty would be appropriate: yellow, crimson, brown, orange, terracotta, red, beige, peach. The fabric can be plain or patterned. In this case, it is better to choose plant or animal ornaments.

As for the decoration and style, they will depend on the role of the participant in the evening. For example, a girl may just be a guest at a ball; in elementary school and kindergarten, entire performances are held with the participation of the gifts of autumn, and often costume competitions are held for different ages.

High school girl image

The guest of the ball is more free in choosing an outfit. She can pick anything Evening Dress suitable color. You just need to remember that it should not be too short or open, that is, provocative. You can complement it with accessories suitable for the occasion. Hair ribbons or headband decorated with berries, flowers or leaves. From shoes - ballet flats or They can be black or brown, and can become a bright accent in the whole image. Large earrings, bracelets and rings. There can be quite a lot of accessories, because this is an evening outfit.

Costume for an autumn ball for a girl participating in a competition best outfit, gives room for creativity and imagination. The most popular are fluffy long dresses. The finishing will look advantageous on them. It is hardly possible to buy a ready-made outfit. Available in the store only basic dress, and you will have to think through the decorative elements yourself. Anything can be used here. Traditional elements: leaves, rowan branches, ears. You can prepare a herbarium in advance, or you can cut it all out of paper, sew it or knit it. A wreath of leaves or spikelets would be appropriate as a headdress.

What to do with the baby?

Thinking about the autumn ball for junior classes or preschool institutions, parents need to find out more details from the teacher upcoming holiday: will there be a costume show, active games, dancing. Usually, educators and teachers themselves suggest ideas, depending on the planned scenario. The outfit should not restrict the baby's movements. It is not at all necessary, for example, to sew a bulky, voluminous one and stuff it with cotton wool. It is enough to choose orange pants, a blouse of the same color and complement such a costume for the autumn ball for a girl with a green cap that imitates tops.

Despite the fact that the holiday is autumn, and the weather is not at all summer, you need to take into account that the baby usually does not get bored, and therefore the outfit should be light enough so that the child does not get hot while playing and dancing.

If you apply imagination and a bit of skill when constructing a costume for the autumn ball, the photo of the happy girl who won the competition and outshone all her friends will delight everyone in the household for a long time.

Scenario Autumn holiday at school for middle and high school students

Winner all-Russian competition"The most popular article of the month" NOVEMBER 2017

One team from each class takes part in the event.

Event program
Competition "Autumn Gift" - production and presentation of unusualgift of Autumn.
Autumn bouquet, postcard, craft, made using available and natural materials. The name, originality of the idea, execution of the product and its presentation are assessed
Contest " Autumn hairstyle»
Making and demonstrating hairstyles using natural materials. The name and originality of execution are assessed.
Competition "Autumn Smile"
Production and presentation of an outfit or its elements on autumn theme. The title, originality of execution and presentation are assessed.
Competition "Vegetable Presentation". An unusual presentation of a vegetable, a recipe and a dish using a vegetable.
Preparation of competition material is carried out in advance, with the exception of the hairstyle competition.

Progress of the event.

It sounds like a waltz. A dance is being performed.

Hosts of the holiday: young man Sasha and girl Ksyusha.

Sasha: Good evening, invited guests of our autumn ball. Yes, yes, you were not mistaken, the invited autumn ball will open in a few moments.
Ksyusha. Let me clarify that the ball in the 21st century is not particularly popular, and therefore it is better to call our program “ Autumn chaos" Do you agree, dear holiday guests? That's good. We invite you all to take part in our unusual program.
Sasha. Yes, but at least we should preserve the old traditions of autumn balls and open our evening with a grand opening!

Ksyusha. I completely agree with you, and allow me, a beautiful lady, to say these beautiful words.

Autumn brings us to your ball
Today I invited
So that no one is late,
Autumn asked.
And here is the cape
The hall sparkles
Faces are warmed with warmth,
It's time to open our ball
And spin around in the dance.
Sasha. But where is Autumn?

Suddenly she
Forgot your way to us?
With business, maybe she,.
A little late?
Let's call autumn;
Let's all say together:
“We, Autumn, are waiting for you at the ball!”

The soundtrack of a blizzard sounds. Covered with a blanket, they crawl onto the stage from the leaves Slush and Kholodryga.

Slush (stretching) I'm dreaming, or it seems to me ..,..(pinching himself) Not noIt seems that autumn is in full swing. Hey, Kholodryga, wake up!
Kholodryga: Brrr! Why are you shouting, neighbor!
Slush: Wake up, Autumn has come!

As soon as autumn comes, our turn comes,
And Slyak and Kholodryga are advancing.
And no one is waiting for us. On the contrary, we
And we are always scolded and scolded.
Slush: I am Slush, I’m all around in galoshes and with an umbrella,
I wander through the puddles, catching up on the dampness.
Kholodryga: And Kholodryga is a friend, he keeps running around,
Letting all passersby feel the cold.

Listen, Slush, where are we with you? To a ball or something? Maybe we were called here?
Slush: What are you, Kholodryga, what are you! Apchhi! No matter how many years I have lived in the world, no one has ever invited me to visit.
Kholodryga: And they don’t really like me, Kholodryga either. Well, since they didn't call us, they'll regret it. We will ruin the whole ball for THEM.
Slush: (whines) So they were invited (points to the hall). But you and I are not there!
Kholodryga: Phew, what a mess I made! Don’t cry, it’s cold without you, it’s better let’s think about how to teach these people a lesson so that they don’t become arrogant!
Slush: I came up with an idea! Now we will bewitch all the guests, and they will fall asleep, and we will create such slush, we will make it so cold that Autumn will turn from golden to rainy.

Kholodryga: Brrr!
Slush: To the dull!
Kholodryga: Brrr!
Slush: Now I'll spread the slush on a platter (spreads water on a saucer)
Kholodryga: Hooray! Happened! Well, hold on, now I'll freeze you!

(runs with a large fan, and Slush splashes water)

Slush: I also have candy.
Kholodryga: (is reading) Sneakers.
Slush: You're a Snickers yourself! And this is “Runny nose!”
Kholodryga: (is reading) Ba-un-ti!
Slush: Not a bounty, but “Chiaunty, give out candy!”

(run around and hand out candy)

Kholodryga: It's time to invite our friend Apchhi! He will entertain us all evening! Do you agree?

(Slush drags Apchhi along with him. He resists and constantly sneezes)

Apchhi: Where are you taking me? I am a sick, weak Apchhi! The most unfortunate person on earth!
Slush: We have business for you!
Apchhi: (interested) Does anyone need to be influenced?
Kholodryga: You see, we have a plan.

(whisper in ear)

Apchhi: Yes, it's clear! You've come to the right place! We need to use some cunning!
Slush: (thoughtfully) Cunning?
Apchhi: Ladies, who are they? Guests? Now I’m having a little fun with you.

What can you do? Can you sing? What about dancing? Well, now let's see! How did my dear friends Slyakot and Kholodryga affect you? Or did they have no effect at all? How will you surprise me? At least show me something!
Ksyusha: The children of our school put a lot of effort into preparing a gift for Autumn! But instead of her, Cold and Slush came to our holiday.
Apchhi: No, what would an autumn ball be without the queen of autumn: she must be invited immediately!
Sasha: Come on, guests, let’s all call Autumn together: Queen Autumn, come to us!”

Music sounds, Autumn appears.

Good evening, my friends!
Are you tired of waiting for me?
It was a hot summer; for a long time the power did not yield,
But everything comes in time -
I arrived at the door!

Ksyusha: We are glad to see you in this hall and invite you to a place of honor. Lady Autumn, we have reaped a rich harvest of vegetables and fruits and made a lot of preparations for the winter.
Sasha: Autumn invited us here to give everyone its last, wonderful moments, the enchanting, barely perceptible aroma of autumn flowers, the bright tempting beauty of the collected fruits and, of course, autumn-like thoughtful and at the same time joyful mood.
Ksyusha: Yes, yes, indeed, autumn is not only a time of sadness and sadness, it is also a time of joy. Why? Because autumn is beautiful all around, and everyone is looking forward to seeing the most fun time of the year in winter.
Sasha: And so today we will not only sigh and be sad in unison with the romantic lady of autumn, but also have fun, dance, enjoy her last moments.
Ksyusha: So, Dear friends, at today's holiday we will not only show our abilities and talents, but also joke, play and have fun!

Sasha: Well, now we are moving on to the competition program, because for the winners of our competitions we have also prepared pleasant surprises. Therefore, those who have enthusiasm and fun mood We invite you to participate in the competition “Autumn Motives 2008”.
Ksyusha: Please pay attention to one of the competitions “Autumn Smiles”, which we will hold directly in this hall.

For our competition to take place, participants alone are not enough. We need to select the composition of the competition jury.

Let me ask you a question: “What would you prefer to wear to the fall prom this season? Famous fashion designers decided to help you

Here not in dreams, but in reality
I decided to help you “house of models”,
To understand an important issue,
What to wear this season.

Unfortunately, the magazine with the names of the models has been lost, and the school students themselves are invited to comment on the costumes

Demonstration of outfits.
Competition "Autumn Gift".

Autumn comes to us with gifts. We will now see what gifts our participants prepared and for whom. Because our next competition is called “Autumn Gift”.

Presentation of gifts.
Competition "Vegetable Presentation"

One evening in the garden
Turnips, beets, radishes, onions
We decided to play hide and seek
But first we stood in a circle.
calculated clearly right there:
One two three four five…
Hide better, hide deeper
Well, I'm going to look.
Where did the vegetables hide?
Where to look for them? We learn about this from the stories of the guys.

So, the start of the next competition “Vegetable Presentation” is announced.

The jury sums up the results of the competitions. Rewarding.

So the evening has passed,
Are you satisfied, friends?
It means everything is OK,
We met friends!

Happy holiday! Happy golden autumn! Our evening continues with an autumn disco.


We offer some striking examples of competitive submissions, defenses, and presentations below.

Costume. Ensemble "Autumn Splashes". The “Autumn Splashes” ensemble is represented by a skirt (sun-flared model), a hat (Panama model), and a silk scarf.

Made from transparent polyethylene film. The model size is universal. The skirt is secured at the fashionista's waist with a movable cord. Long narrow stripes at the hem of the skirt add elegance and lightness to the ensemble.

The brim of a Panama hat protects the fashionista's face from the cold drops of autumn drizzle, and passers-by from the fashionista's sparkling gaze. A silk scarf adds festiveness and elegance to the ensemble. The color scheme of the ensemble matches the colors of autumn.

Vegetable Carrot.
The oldest root vegetable that humanity has been using for more than 4 thousand years. Carrots were known to the ancient Greeks and Romans. But until the 16th century it was considered a delicacy. Only in the 17th century did carrots begin to be grown everywhere. At the same time, sauces appeared from it, which are now considered delicacies by the Germans and French.

In Germany, “soldier’s coffee” was made from roasted carrots, which is still brewed in some villages.

Carrots came to Russian territory in ancient times. In the 16th century in Rus' carrot juice It was considered healing: it was used to treat diseases of the liver and heart.

In ancient times, carrots were whitish in color and thin. Only when the ancient man dug up the first vegetable garden, watered it, loosened the vegetable, did the carrots begin to turn red and get fat. The carrots turned red because they had added carotene. IN ancient Rome spoke Latin. Now it is used by scientists, doctors, and pharmacists. In Latin, carrot is “carota”. The substance that colors it Orange color, scientists called it “carotene.”

When you eat a carrot, inside you, in your body, carotene turns into vitamin
And this is a growth vitamin. Children, calves need it - everyone who needs to grow.Why was it named after the carrot - karotia, and not repin, not rutabwin, not tomato, not persimmon? Because it was first found in carrots.Root vegetables contain sugars fatty oil, nitrogenous substances, mineral salts and various vitamins - provitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, etc.


Stepmother and Alenka come out.

Stepmother: Alenka, today is my holiday! And there will be many guests in the house! You have exactly one hour to clean up everywhere, wash the dishes and prepare a treat!

(Stepmother leaves)
Alenka sits and sorts out the cabbage soup in the basket.

My mirror, tell me,
Yes, show me the whole truth:
Which vegetable is the cutest of all?
Tastier and more valuable than everyone else?
Tell me what should I choose?
And point to the vegetable.
Give me advice to console me,
How to prepare a treat?!

Music. The Elves come out.

Elves(one by one):
Our friend, fun class
Will surprise you today!
In our opinion
A miracle vegetable - a sight for sore eyes!
There is one beauty
And blush and slim.
Even if he lives in a dugout for a century
And a great honor from everyone.
Who passes close
Bows low.
Guess, Alyonka, what kind of vegetable this is!
There are carrots here, like nesting dolls,
Sitting on a wooden spoon!
From Greece and Rome,
The primos have arrived.
To charm people
Become a delicious delicacy!

Song to the tune of "Small Country"

We'll call our carrot -
The main vegetable
After all, without it you can’t cook right away
Delicious and fresh cabbage soup,
Can't cook without carrots
Soup and salad
Increases height and skill
Carrots are a treasure trove of vitamins.

Carrots are a sweet root vegetable,
Delicious fruit.
Known in Russia, useful for children
Sweet carrot juice!

Gift of autumn.
We present the composition “Autumn Meadow”. It reflects the state of nature in autumn. With the onset of autumn we admire the colors autumn colors. Let the sun shine less often, let the air temperature be lower, but life in nature still continues. And the fungus, which appeared in the clearing, asks with curiosity: “How is it there on earth?”

Autumn. Gloomy. It's raining.
But the clearing lives.
Chamomile trembles in the wind.
the nettle leaf has turned yellow
The last mushroom appeared
“What’s around?” I wanted to know.

Vegetable presentation.

Music from the television program “What? Where? When?". A large black box is brought into the hall. One of the participants from the class plays the role of a vegetable in the box in advance.

Leading: They say about a vegetable that lies in a black box: “Not according to good darling, but it’s good for a mile!” It is not filling, and it is poor in vitamins, but when cut into slices, it lies on a plate, fresh, cool, juicy, the smell alone increases your appetite, it is not for nothing that the Roman Emperor Tiberius demanded that he always be served this fresh vegetable for dinner, and in fact one and a half thousands of years ago there were no greenhouses. But even at that time, real inventive masters were found in Rome. They came up with the idea of ​​strengthening the boxes with seedlings on wheels. The wheels were turned to follow the sun so that it would rain on the seedlings all day sunlight. This is very gentle creatures, love water and warmth. But as soon as it gets a little colder, they die, because the story of their life is the story of man’s war against frost. Their homeland is Indochina, China, the country of eternal summer. When he moved to Europe, the frost threatened him: “I’ll catch you in a field in May and I’ll kill you!” If I find you in September, I’ll kill you! There’s no way for you to go north!” But he dared to break the border drawn by the frost, and a man helped him in this. To stay in the occupied territory, the soldier digs a trench; for this vegetable, such a trench is a greenhouse. but he cannot sit in a greenhouse all his life; his grown seedlings must move to the field. And the battle in the field is always won by the May frost - it completely destroys the landing force. However, recently this vegetable has not seen any losses. And not because the frost became kinder, but because he had new equipment - transparent plastic film. So, what kind of vegetable is in the black box?

(A boy in a cucumber costume gets out of the black box.)

Cucumber: I'm very good at salads. You can’t do without salads: in most cases they are simple and quick to prepare, they are an easy and healthy meal. And finally, advice for those who want to keep their skin perfect. Rub your forehead and cheeks with a piece of cold cucumber. This will immediately refresh and soften the skin. Lie on the sofa for five minutes, putting cucumber slices on your eyelids and your tired eyes will become shiny again.

I don't have many vitamins
But I meet you everywhere.
At the dacha, at home, in shops,
I approach any food.
I am always tasty, appetizing,
And don't look at me.
And instead of looking
You just have to eat me.

"Autumn Gift"
Bouquet for your beloved. This original bouquet With a slight press of a button, it turns into a lamp that will help create romantic atmosphere. In addition, the light can be different shades. If you give such a bouquet of lamp to your beloved, rest assured that she will not remain indifferent.

Costume. Our model is called “Seasons”. Pay attention to the organic combination of incompatible items. The shirt brings back warm memories of summer. Valenki are primordially Russian shoes that warmed our ancestors, and still serve us. An umbrella is necessary both during summer rain and in autumn bad weather. It happens to use an umbrella during the winter thaw. The poet said: “I love a thunderstorm at the beginning of May...” May is the month of spring, so it turns out that an umbrella connects all the seasons. Judge for yourself whether our model will be included in the collection or not autumn season 2008.

Costume “Autumn Girlfriends”

One day, our girls,
They decided to show dancing.
But dancing without a costume,
Somehow boring, not reasonable.
"Autumn Girlfriends"

Rowan and birch are the most beloved trees of the Russian people. It’s not for nothing that they are our reflection in Russian folklore and author’s works: “The white birch tree under my window...”, “Why are you standing, swaying, a thin rowan tree...”, “Now a birch tree, now a rowan tree...”
Birch and rowan are the most beautiful trees Russia. But they are especially beautiful in autumn. The mountain ash has taken bright colors into its outfit: it uses red, burgundy, and purple.
And birch prefers gold colors.
In crimson and gold, dressed forests - this is what a classic wrote about rowan and birch. Where can you go in such costumes? To a disco, on an excursion to the autumn forest, and if you cover yourself with an umbrella at this time, then you can remain unnoticed during classes.

A team of teachers from the Blokhino Municipal Educational Institution

The autumn ball is a wonderful tradition, popular among students, schoolchildren and children in kindergarten. They prepare for the seasonal holiday in advance, as if for New Year's carnival or a graduation party. Among the abundance of troubles and concerns, the most important, perhaps, is the selection of outfits. It is especially difficult young fashionistas and fashionistas. A costume for the Autumn Ball made from leaves, bags and other available materials should not only be thematic, but also beautiful, stylish, original and unique. And if high school girls can choose autumn dress for the ball yourself, then preparing the costumes with your own hands for the youngest “Madame and Monsieur” falls on the shoulders of their mothers.

So, what should be the outfit for the Autumn Ball for boys and girls at school and kindergarten? How to quickly make it with your own hands using a master class, and then successfully present and protect it? About all these important things Let's talk in more detail!

DIY dresses for the Autumn Ball for school from scrap materials

Preparing a dress for the Autumn Ball with your own hands from scrap materials begins with selecting a good style. The model should never be too open or short. Such an outfit is unlikely to be adequately appreciated by teachers and guests of the holiday. The best option is lush long dress with sleeves or wide straps with generous trim and numerous decorative elements. Don't forget about the appropriate color scheme. A do-it-yourself dress for the Autumn School Ball from scrap materials can be golden, yellow, orange, red, burgundy, terracotta, peach, beige or brown. Any natural shades and colors autumn nature are welcome, while artificial tones will look out of place.

The style and decoration of the dress for the Autumn Ball often depends on the role of the participant. If a girl is going to be a simple guest of the ball or a nominee for the role of queen, it is better to choose an elegant floor-length evening dress, complemented by autumn attributes. Buying a ready-made outfit is unlikely to happen, but purchasing a basic dress and decorating it with your own hands is very possible! If the outfit is intended for one time, you can safely embroider it with burgundy and gold beads, cover it with velvet maple leaves and bunches of rowan berries, decorate satin ribbons and tulle rags.

If the dress is purchased for the purpose of wearing it at other grand events, you should not get carried away with decorative elements. It's better to create an autumn look using matching accessories: fabric bracelets and boutonnieres made of spikelets and dried flowers, an elegant crown made of autumn leaves or felt, red beads made of rubies, amber or other natural materials, large “gold” earrings and a matching pendant, a small themed hat or handbag.

Girls participating in the competition for the best autumn outfit don’t have to spend any money at all. If there is a long-forgotten, tasteless dress hanging in the closet, remake it using the materials at hand in the master classes. Anything that was previously in the way can come in handy: old yellowed newspapers, garbage bags, plastic dishes, fabric scraps suitable colors, pieces of fur from old fur coats and raincoats, pieces of ribbons, dry leaves and flowers, beads, beads, rhinestones, sequins, buttons, etc. It is enough just to successfully combine the found materials and decorate an old unnecessary dress with them. The result is a stunning outfit, one and only of its kind!

DIY costume for the Autumn Ball for a girl: pictures

Traditionally, the Autumn Ball scenario is filled with all kinds of competitions, skits, performances, and choreographic compositions. This means that the costumes of the participants must fully correspond to the role they receive. Most often this is one of the seasonal vegetables, a plant from autumn nature, Lady Autumn herself or a fairy-tale forest character.

"Queen Autumn"

Mom can make a costume for the Lady of Autumn for a girl at the ball with her own hands. According to most master classes, for this you will need a base dress, artificial maple leaves (plastic, paper, felt, knitted, etc.), tulle, wire, satin ribbons, a composition of dried wild flowers, etc. The collar and hem of the selected dress, suitable in color and size, must be trimmed with leaves and satin ribbons. Make from tulle and wire light hat and decorate it with ikebana of wildflowers. To complement your outfit, you can choose bright accents in the form of large beads, bracelets, a handbag or an umbrella.

"Forest Fairy"

Making a forest fairy costume with your own hands is very similar to the previous one. The only differences are the length of the outfit (a fairy dress is usually shorter - to the knee) and the presence of air wings. To make elegant wings at home, you need to form a frame from strong wire and cover it with any translucent stretch fabric. Don't forget about magic wand. Reward the fairy with a wonderful attribute - wrap an ordinary pencil in shiny foil and attach a small star made of bright cardboard or plastic to the end.


Easier to do it yourself funny costume sunflower for the Autumn ball for a girl. So that the outfit matches the character and looks like lush flower, it is worth using yellow and brown flowers. A thick elastic band, thin tulle, an old hat and an artificial sunflower will come in handy. From tulle you need to cut out 35 brown and yellow pieces of fabric (1.5 m long and 7 cm wide), sew them alternately to the elastic, bending them in half, and attach the straps there. To the old one felt hat need to be glued carefully artificial flower sunflower. The outfit can be complemented with black round beads and thick plastic bracelets.

DIY costume for the Autumn Ball for a boy: photo

Traditional men's images at the autumn ball - gnome, harlequin, mushroom, pumpkin, pine cone, tomato, bear, wolf, mouse, raven, woodpecker, beetle, etc. Making such a costume for the Autumn Ball for a boy with your own hands is more difficult, but quite possible. The main thing is to stock up on fabric and get sewing machine.

"Pumpkin", "Mushroom"

The mushroom and pumpkin costume is sewn almost identically, with the exception of the hat. From thin red or orange satin and linen elastic, you need to sew wide knee-length breeches, using patterns from master classes on the Internet. From a material that is darker and rich color- a blouse or shirt with a vest, a fluffy collar and ruffled cuffs. The top and bottom can be decorated with contrasting ribbons and bright stripes. The headdress for the fungus is a cone-shaped foam cap; for the pumpkin, it is a round orange cap with a tail, tied with a cord in the shape of a pumpkin.

"Good Beetle"

Unlike previous outfits, the beetle costume requires not a shirt, but a long frock coat in black, dark brown or red. Pants or breeches do not play a special role in the composition, so they can be sewn in any style you like. The upper part has important role and should resemble the back and wings of a bug. Most often, a jacket-frock coat is trimmed with golden cord, shiny sequins, large plastic buttons, etc. The character's headdress is a voluminous hat with horns or antennae. It is important that all elements of the image are selected in the same color scheme: beige-brown, red-orange, gray-black, etc.

Do-it-yourself elegant costume for the Autumn Ball in kindergarten

Thinking through an elegant costume for the Autumn Ball in kindergarten, parents should check with the teacher about the program of the upcoming holiday: will there be a costume performance, will there be dancing, games, competitions. Most often, teachers assign roles to children in advance, thereby suggesting which outfit is best to choose. The only rule, applies to all costumes without exception: clothing should not be too massive, heavy, or restrict movement.

When creating costumes for the Autumn Ball in kindergarten, parents often make the same mistake - they follow the traditions of Soviet matinees. There is absolutely no need to sew huge baggy outfits and stuff them with cotton wool and foam rubber to depict an ordinary carrot, corn, or tomato. It is enough to make it on a quick fix bright pants and a blouse, in the color of the chosen character, and add to them a green cap that looks like fresh tops. Such a suit will look neat and will not cause discomfort to the child.

The most popular characters at the autumn ball are autumn, Forest Fairy, September, October, November, mushroom, fox, wolf, hare, hedgehog, bear, mouse, pumpkin, tomato, carrot, beetle, forest gnome, etc. For these and others famous characters It’s easy to make an elegant costume yourself using master classes from several pieces of fabric and natural materials, or rent an outfit for the Autumn Ball in kindergarten.

Presentation and defense of the costume for the Autumn Ball

Do beautiful suit for the Autumn Ball in kindergarten or school - important task, but far from the only one. The outfit will be unsuccessful if the wearer cannot properly present and protect it. In order for a participant in the Autumn Ball to win the competition, the speech made must be bright, colorful, but at the same time laconic. For example, protection elegant suit for a girl's Autumn Ball might sound like this:

All the stunning colors of autumn are intertwined in this marvelous dress. It is not for nothing that they say that autumn is the last smile of the year. It is impossible to create a more magnificent outfit! Gold, orange and brown leaves seem to be dancing on the lush hem. The sophisticated bodice is trimmed with sparkling glass beads. It emphasizes all the elegance of fresh autumn look. Light and airy tulle sleeves look like the last cobwebs of Indian summer. The composition is complemented and completed by velvet shoes, in which Mrs. Autumn herself flies around the world, giving us a variety of colors. The headdress is weightless lace made of delicate wildflowers and fading maple leaves. This is a crown worthy of a true autumn queen...

When choosing and creating a costume for the Autumn Ball with your own hands for a boy or girl for school or kindergarten, do not forget about important things. The outfit for the holiday should not only be beautiful and suitable for the theme of the event, but also comfortable for the child. Think in advance about how to make a dress from scrap materials, and then successfully protect it.

Costumes for girls

So let's start with the girls. Traditionally, it is easier and faster to make a suit on them. The undoubted hit of the season is the use of fluffy tulle skirts (tutu skirt) in costumes. It's a win-win and universal option. Such a skirt can be made from multi-colored strips of fabric or be plain, decorated with leaves, flowers, acorns, pine cones, and chestnuts. Tulle can be easily painted with paints (ordinary gouache), creating spectacular colorful feathers. In addition, you will not find a girl who would refuse to wear such a fluffy skirt.

The next attribute of beauty autumn suit- wings. They can look like dragonflies, and then the costume will be a fairy autumn forest. The wings can be like those of a butterfly, like those of a bee. The most important thing is that the base - wings on a frame - can be purchased at any gift store. And decorating them to match your costume with the help of paints, beads, leaves, and ribbons is very easy and simple.

Also, don’t forget about accessories. Using a regular headband, silicone glue and autumn attributes, you can create beautiful headdresses.

Using these three simple ideas, you can make a huge number of costumes for girls: pumpkin, fairy, autumn, witch, fox, flower, etc.

Boys' suits

For boys, there are also several ideas on how to make a costume simply and beautifully. Let's start with original suit mushroom. The most labor-intensive part here is making the hat. Some people make it from papier-mâché, some sew it from fabric, some glue it from paper. But there is a simpler option. From an old hat wide brim, covered with fabric, you will get an excellent mushroom.

And as a mushroom stem you can wear a simple white suit from shorts and a T-shirt, or you can work a little more and build a spacious robe.

It's very easy to make a goblin costume. You just need to sew threads, scraps of fabric, ribbons imitating grass, leaves, pine cones onto any clothing - and the costume is ready. The main thing is not to overdo it, so that the baby himself is not scared and agrees to wear the outfit for the matinee.

Very colorful and interesting costume ladybug. You will need a black shirt, black trousers or shorts and a piece of red fabric for a raincoat. The pattern of the cloak can be curly, or it can be the simplest, rectangular shape. You need to sew black circles on the cloak and think about the headdress. To add modernity, a red and black polka dot scarf tied like a bandana and a headband with “horns” like beetles, which can be easily purchased at a gift store, are quite suitable.

Another option for a boy - autumn tree. There are two attributes - a robe of “wooden” color and a crown of leaves on the head. You can embroider such a suit with oak or maple leaves, and even “plant” a toy bird somewhere on your shoulder.

Take the time to prepare a costume for the autumn ball together with your child. Let him choose colors, cut out and paint leaves and colors with you, look for acorns and chestnuts on the street. This time will then be remembered with joy and happy smiles. Showing your imagination and dressing up your child is so easy if you have the desire and a little patience.

Svetlana Byankina
Costume competition " Autumn melody»

Scenario costume competition« Autumn melody»

Song "My sun"- the teacher sings.

Ved: Hello, dear guests! Hello dear participants competition! Today we welcome you to costume competition« Autumn melody»

Music is played and poetry is read.

I looked in autumn in the garden -

The birds have flown away.

There's rustling outside the window in the morning

Yellow snowstorms.

First ice underfoot

It crumbles, breaks.

The sparrow will sigh in the garden,

But he’s embarrassed to sing.

I'm drawing autumn

yellow leaves

They bring it from the forest

Red leaves.

I'll dip into autumn your brush

Autumn is golden, I love you!

Ved: So, let's start our competitive program« Autumn melody» . I would like to introduce you to our competent jury. These are our parents pupils:

Quiet music is playing.

Ved: In a motley-gold dress

Autumn has come to our hall,

Like a beautiful queen -

Opens the ball!

Mine costume represented by the participant

under No. 1 F.I. "Miss Autumn»

under No. 2 F.I. « Autumn charm»

under No. 3 F.I. "Golden autumn»

under No. 4 F.I. « Autumn»

No. 5 F.I. « It's a great time, the charm of the eyes"

under No. 6 F.I. "Golden autumn»

under No. 7 F.I. « Autumn» teacher 2 ml. gr.

Ved: While our jury is sharing their impressions of the first participants, children are performing preparatory group with a dramatization of the song

"Wonderful Dream"

Quiet music is playing

Ved: Autumn- a beautiful and rich time of year. All the colors appear before us paints: green, yellow, red, orange. And how many vegetables, fruits, mushrooms nature gives us!

Introducing the following participants of our competition.

under No. 8 F.I. "Amanita"

under No. 9 F.I. "Fungus"

under No. 10 F.I. "Watermelon"

under No. 11 F.I. "Amanita"

under No. 12 F.I. "Tomato"

Ved: While our jury is sharing their impressions, children middle group they will show a round dance "We were walking in the forest"

Quiet music is playing

Ved: Flowers and leaves scent

Patchwork - colorful outfit

And these aroma and colors

IN autumn collected bouquet.

Introducing the following participants

under No. 13 F.I. "Forest Fairy"

under No. 14 F.I. "Pock"

under No. 15 F.I. "Flower"

under No. 16 F.I. "Chrysanthemum"

under No. 17 F.I. "Maple Leaf"

under No. 18 F.I. "Maple Leaf"

under No. 19 F.I. "Rose Fairy"

Ved: That's it for the show costumes are finished. While the distinguished jury will determine the winners, let's listen to the performance of our preparatory group students with a song

« Autumn leaves»

1. Secondary group student F.I. will read a poem « Autumn»

2. Pupil of the preparatory group F.I. will read a poem "Our garden"

3. And F.I. will read a poem "Forest in autumn»

Ved: Now let’s welcome our participants again. (children pass in a circle 2 times)

I would like to say Thanks a lot to our sponsors, the head of the gas field, F.I., for the sponsorship provided. (and we want to give him the floor).

To sum up the results and awards, the floor is given to our distinguished jury.