Children's costume on the autumn theme. Do-it-yourself costume for the Autumn Ball for a girl and a boy in kindergarten or school. Autumn costume introduction and protection

Maybe someone will find this tutorial useful:
1. Cut out the details (feathers) in 2 copies. and glue them with interlining from the inside. sides.

2. Cut out one layer of synthetic winterizer (it seemed to me sufficient, the tail is well worth it). If the details are made wider, then, perhaps, 2 layers for density should be made.

3. Folding the Feathers front side inside, apply a layer of padding polyester on either side, chip off with pins.

4. We grind, leaving lower part for last twisting on faces. side. Do not forget to back-tack at the beginning and end of the line, this is important! when everted, the tail will not unravel at the edges. We cut off everything superfluous from the upper corner, so that later we turn it out more carefully.

And so is every feather.

We turn everything on the front side.

Divide the tail in half, then work with the halves. We take the longest pen, put a shorter one on it and adjust it, making bartacks at the beginning and end of the line.

Then the next feather (even shorter) is superimposed and also adjusted over the two already connected.

Adjusting the 4th feather. Similarly, we make the second half of the tail of 4 feathers.

We fold the tail wrong side inside and sew together the 2 longest feathers. At the point of their connection, to give the tail rigidity and stability, you need to insert 2 Japanese sticks into each feather. We align the ends of the sticks at the base of the tail (no need to push them very deeply inward). Fasten the sticks at the base of the tail with a couple of stitches so that they do not go out (sew them inside the tail).

Next, cut off the belt from Velcro. It will stick to the entire length of the wrap and hold well and can be adjusted to fit any waist. We fold the Velcro inside out: so that we get the working (useful) sides of the Velcro on both sides of the belt. We grind the Velcro belt along the length, fixing the edge with a fringing. We put the tail in the middle of the belt. I made the hook side of the Velcro inward, towards the body.

We sew the tail on the belt in several places (in the middle and along the edges) perpendicularly.

This is what the wrong side of our tail looks like (rear view).

Wear the finished tail to your health! :-)

By the way, if you turn it down, you get the tail of a parrot! ;-)

The autumn holiday in kindergarten is one of the most beloved, because it is during the solemn matinees that children can have fun, look at others, and show themselves. But there is also the "other side of the coin" - headache for parents - where to get a child a costume of Autumn, Pumpkin, Bunny, Melon, Fairy ... (the one in which the baby will perform at the holiday).

The easiest option, of course, is to rent it. But, given that there are not many rental companies in our city, and the Autumn Festival is one of the most popular holidays in kindergartens, you simply may not get a suit, or its condition will not satisfy you. "First City" decided to pick up for you a few very simple ideas so that you make your child a bright and original costume with your own hands.

Turn a simple dress into a festive one

The main part of the autumn costume is, of course, the dress. Most often it is simply sheathed with leaves. But, firstly, the stitches in this case are very noticeable, and secondly, after such manipulations, the dress can be safely thrown away, since except for it will be damaged by puncture holes if you decide to remove the leaves from it after the holiday.

The ideal solution for this case- sewing on top of the dress some kind of mesh with a large cell, to which leaves would already be attached on adhesive tape. Or tulle, to which you can already sew leaves. The main thing is to find the right material. After that everything was easy. Any dress suitable color can be turned into a festive one in a few hours.

Crown of leaves...

We take pastel paper. Sufficiently dense, with a choice desired color. Immediately buy a few sheets of this three papers different colors format like A2.

Templates for leaves on the Internet sea. In addition, they can be taken from a variety of books and coloring books, well, or in last resort) draw yourself. Using templates on sheets of colored pastel paper, draw the outlines of the leaves as tightly as possible. The number of finished leaves depends on the splendor of the headdress.

Alternatively, you can attach the leaves to the hair hoop. Or you can make a paper ring from a sheet of drawing paper. Or rather, from whatman paper glued in three layers for greater strength. To that paper ring you could already attach the leaves, but why not improve the design by turning the wreath into a crown? Take a piece of paper and fold it into a cone. Having attached this cone to the previously obtained paper ring, we outline the contours of the future crown with a marker. We finalize the resulting sketch and use it to cut out three layers of drawing paper, gluing which we get a ledge desired shape and size, which we attach to the ring with a stapler and glue in several places. You can just glue it, but it's faster and more reliable. The crown is pasted over with thin colored paper so that the white base does not stand out much, although it could just be painted. When the base was dry, previously cut leaves from colored paper were attached to it. The leaves were overlapped with the same stapler. Places where metal staples remained visible are simply sealed with smaller leaves. Everything, the headdress is ready!

... or from felt

A real crown can be made from felt. To do this, cut out the leaves from the remnants of felt and sew them onto the felt base with a “needle forward” seam. We sew on a wide elastic band and cover the wrong side with another piece of felt, sewing it in a zigzag on a sewing machine.

Puffy skirt or tulle dress without stitching

Initial materials: tulle 2m, satin ribbon 1m, elastic band 2cm wide and scissors.

1. Cut the tulle into rectangular strips 20cm*50cm in size. It is more convenient to cut by folding the fabric.

2. Cut off the elastic to fit the waist minus 4 cm.

3. We pull the elastic on the chair ... believe me, it's more convenient))))

4. And we begin to tie strips of tulle on an elastic band, folding in half. Fluff the ends.

5. After about an hour, when all the strips are tied. We tie a satin ribbon with a bow to one of the strips.

6. all the skirt is ready)))

By the way, you can make a dress in the same way, only you need more tulle.

Butterfly or fairy wings

You will need:

4 wire hangers (for each winglet) or wire.

Nylon tights (you can take black, white or nude)

Acrylic paints


adhesive tape

Safety pin


Manufacturing process:

1) Disassemble the hangers and use a piece of wire, with your hands give two of them - the shape of a drop and the remaining two - the shape of a leaf (petal).

2) Pair them up and tape them together so they hold.

3) Pull nylon tights on the frame and tie a knot at the end so that they do not slip.

4) Now take the duct tape again and tie them at the intersection.

5) It's time to start decorating the wings for the butterfly. You can involve children in this activity - let them color them acrylic paints, decorate with sparkles. Leave everything to dry.

6) Measure the length of the elastic, which is necessary for your baby's hands to pass into it, twist it into the shape of a horizontal eight or an infinity sign. Sew the ends of the elastic and the center of the figure eight, or pin with a safety pin.

7) Use duct tape again or take a piece of Velcro fabric to get the best possible connection between the wing and the elastic.

8) Decorate the junction of the butterfly wings and the elastic band with flowers so that the adhesive tape is not visible.

Squirrel costume

Necessary parts: faux fur (length - 15 centimeters of fabric, width - 1.5 meters, 50 centimeters of steel wire and about a meter of aluminum wire. You will also need a belt.

Master Class:

1. Bend the steel frame in the form of a tail, and to strengthen the structure, as well as to give the tail volume, wrap it around it with lighter aluminum wire

2. Now you need to sew a ponytail from faux fur previously purchased. As mentioned at the beginning of the article, the height of the fabric is only 15 centimeters, which means that it needs to be sewn in order to bring it to the required tail length (45 centimeters)

3. Thread the fabric over the frame and the tail is ready.

4. So that the tail does not fall under the weight of fabric and wire, sew narrow fur harnesses somewhere in the middle of the tail, like a satchel, which will hold the structure.

5. From the remnants of fur, sew a short skirt. To do this, simply measure the required length and fasten the two ends of the fabric.

Instead of traditional ears that cling to an elastic band, you can make a squirrel-style hairstyle: two small bumps, fixed with brown, matching the color of the suit, elastic bands, to which you can attach small patches of fur that remain after sewing.

Autumn is great time which delights us with its amazing colors. The period is rich not only in harvest, but also various holidays. Many kindergartens and school institutions are preparing for their meeting. Children's autumn costumes will help your baby stand out. For girls, there is a variety of outfits that emphasize individuality.

Autumn marathon

Preparing for a matinee is the most trembling moment of mother and child. Every parent tries to make their baby look original and beautiful. Now you can find any for girls in stores, but by doing so you are depriving yourself of the pleasure of creating something with your own hands. Today we will teach you how to prepare your child for the holiday.

The outfit should not only be beautiful, but also not stand out from the theme of the holiday. This can be achieved with color. Here they are, the famous shades of autumn:

  • red;
  • yellow;
  • green.

Before making an outfit, stock up on various attributes that represent autumn. You can use:

  • colorful leaves;
  • acorns;
  • dried flowers;
  • fruits;
  • vegetables;

For example, we want to provide the first master class.

autumn queen

The outfit is made easily and, if desired, quickly. Autumn costumes for girls should be bright and emphasize individuality. Remember this, because you are growing future woman. To make a costume, you will need a dress or a skirt with a blouse. It is desirable that the clothes be in the "correct" shades that represent autumn. For additional decoration can be used:

  • beads;
  • beads;
  • sequins and sequins.

You can sew the dress yourself, and find patterns in special sewing magazines. If the dress is ready, then you can start making autumn suit queens:

  1. Embroider the entire chest with yellow and red beads or sequins.
  2. We embroider the hem of the dress with multi-colored leaves, which you must prepare in advance.
  3. We sew a wide red satin ribbon on the belt.
  4. On it we sew branches of mountain ash, various dried flowers and leaves.

The costume is ready. It can be done with a child. Collaboration will be helpful. And what is a queen without a crown? For its manufacture it is necessary to prepare:

  • ordinary headband without decorations;
  • various autumn flowers.

We form compositions on the rim and fix them with Moment glue. Now your little queen is ready to visit autumn Ball.

The scariest night of the year

Autumn is remembered not only by various flower festivals and fairs. Halloween is quite popular right now. This holiday is celebrated at the end of October. All children and adults dress up in bizarre outfits of ghosts, ghosts, pirates and many other creatures. They go for a walk in this form, thereby scaring away evil spirits. Autumn costumes for girls can also be made for this holiday with your own hands. A little fashionista can transform into a witch this evening. This is the most common image. You can make it in a couple of hours. For it you will need:

  • black dress;
  • a large piece of black satin ribbon;
  • an old long bough, it is desirable that it be of the original form.

No jewelry is required here, witches do not wear them. The main thing is that you should sew a long cloak with a hood on the little witch. It should be fastened around the neck with ties.

The main attribute in this image is the staff. For him, we have prepared a wooden bough, which must be varnished in a dark shade. This treatment will protect gentle hands from splinters. When the image is ready, you can go to conjure at a children's party.

As you can see, cooking for girls is easy. All you need here is your imagination, desire and free time. Involve your children in this process, who will gladly take part in this wonderful idea. If you want everything to work out for you, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following recommendations:

  1. The costume should please your child. Don't do anything that doesn't satisfy his needs. With such steps, you will spoil his mood and expectation of a miracle. It is better to discuss the entire design with your child at the development stage.
  2. The costume should be exactly subordinated to the autumn theme. This mood is conveyed by shades and decorations that nature itself has prepared.
  3. Complement fancy dress in autumn style with decorations, for example, rowan beads. It is easy to make them, and how much admiration your daughter will have.

Today we have learned how to prepare an autumn costume for a girl with our own hands. To do this, we took only the material that is under our feet. Let your child be beautiful and original at the autumn ball!

The autumn ball is a wonderful tradition popular among students, schoolchildren and toddlers in kindergarten. They prepare for the seasonal holiday in advance, as if for New Year's carnival or graduation party. Among the abundance of troubles and worries, the most important, perhaps, is the selection of outfits. It is especially difficult young fashionistas and fashionistas. A costume for the Autumn Ball made of leaves, bags and other improvised materials should not only be thematic, but also beautiful, stylish, original and unique. And if high school girls can choose autumn dress for the ball on their own, then the preparation of costumes with their own hands for the youngest "madame and monsieur" falls on the shoulders of their mothers.

So, what should be the outfit for the Autumn Ball for boys and girls at school and in kindergarten? How to quickly make it with your own hands in a master class, and then successfully present and protect it? About all these important things let's talk more!

Dresses for the Autumn Ball to school with your own hands from improvised materials

Preparing a dress for the Autumn Ball with your own hands from improvised materials begins with the selection of a successful style. The model should never be too open or short. Such an outfit is unlikely to be adequately appreciated by teachers and guests of the holiday. The best option - lush long dress with a sleeve or wide shoulder straps with generous trimmings and numerous decorative elements. Don't forget the right one color scheme. A do-it-yourself dress for the Autumn Ball to school from improvised materials can be golden, yellow, orange, red, burgundy, terracotta, peach, beige or brown. Any natural shades and colors of autumn nature are welcome, while artificial tones will look out of place.

The style and decoration of the dress for the Autumn Ball often depends on the role of the participant. If a girl is going to be a simple guest of a ball or a nominee for the role of a queen, it is better to choose an elegant floor-length evening dress, complemented by autumn attributes. Buying a ready-made outfit is unlikely to succeed, but basic dress and decorate it with your own hands - it's very possible! If the outfit is intended for one time, you can safely embroider it with burgundy and golden beads, paste over with velvet maple leaves and rowan clusters, decorate satin ribbons and tulle patches.

If the dress is bought for the purpose of further wearing to other grandiose events, you should not get carried away with decorative elements. It is better to create an autumn look using matching accessories: fabric bracelets and boutonnieres of spikelets and dried flowers, an elegant crown of autumn leaves or felt, red beads of rubies, amber or other natural materials, large gold-tone earrings and a matching pendant, a small themed hat or handbag.

Girls participating in the competition for the best autumn outfit can not spend at all. If a long-forgotten tasteless dress hangs in the closet, redo it with the help of improvised materials for master classes. Everything that used to interfere with it can come in handy: old yellowed newspapers, garbage bags, plastic tableware, fabric scraps suitable colors, pieces of fur from old fur coats and raincoats, pieces of ribbons, dry leaves and flowers, beads, beads, rhinestones, sequins, buttons, etc. It is enough to successfully combine the materials found and trim them with an old unnecessary dress. The result is a stunning outfit, one and only of its kind!

Do-it-yourself costume for the Autumn Ball for a girl: pictures

Traditionally, the scenario of the Autumn Ball is filled with all sorts of competitions, skits, performances, choreographic compositions. This means that the costumes of the participants must fully correspond to the role received. Most often, this is one of the seasonal vegetables, a plant from autumn nature, Mrs. Autumn herself, or a fairy-tale forest character.

"Queen Autumn"

Mom can make a costume for the mistress of autumn for a girl at the ball with her own hands. According to most workshops, this will require a base dress, artificial maple leaves (plastic, paper, felt, knitted, etc.), tulle, wire, satin ribbons, an arrangement of dried wild flowers, etc. The collar and hem of the chosen dress, suitable in color and size, must be sheathed with leaves and satin ribbons. Make from tulle and wire light hat and decorate it with ikebana of wildflowers. In addition to the outfit, you can choose bright accents in the form of large beads, bracelets, handbags or umbrellas.

"Forest Fairy"

The handmade production of a forest fairy costume is very similar to the previous one. The only differences are the length of the outfit (the fairy dress is usually shorter - to the knee) and the presence of air wings. To make graceful wings at home, you need to form a frame from a strong wire and cover it with any translucent stretch fabric. Don't forget about magic wand. Reward the fairy with a wonderful attribute - wrap an ordinary pencil with shiny foil and attach a small star made of bright cardboard or plastic to the end.


Just as easy to do it yourself funny costume sunflowers for the Autumn Ball for a girl. To make the outfit match the character and look like lush flower, it is worth using the materials of yellow and brown flowers. A thick elastic band, thin tulle, an old hat and artificial sunflowers will come in handy. From tulle, it is necessary to cut 35 brown and yellow pieces of fabric (1.5 m long and 7 cm wide), sew them alternately to the elastic band, bending them in half, and attach the straps there. To the old felt hat need to be carefully glued artificial flower sunflower. The outfit can be complemented with black round beads and thick plastic bracelets.

Do-it-yourself costume for the Autumn ball for a boy: photo

Traditional male images at the autumn ball - a gnome, a harlequin, a mushroom, a pumpkin, a cone, a tomato, a bear, a wolf, a mouse, a raven, a woodpecker, a beetle, etc. Making such a costume for the Autumn Ball for a boy with your own hands is more difficult, but quite realistic. The main thing is to stock up on fabric and get sewing machine.

"Pumpkin", "Mushroom"

The costume of a mushroom and a pumpkin is sewn almost the same, with the exception of the hat. From thin red or orange satin and linen elastic, it is necessary to sew wide breeches to the knees, using patterns from master classes on the Internet. From material darker and rich color- a blouse or shirt with a vest, a puffy collar and ruffled cuffs. The top and bottom can be decorated with contrasting ribbons and bright stripes. The headdress for the fungus is a cone-shaped foam hat, for the pumpkin - a round orange hat with a ponytail, tied with a cord in the shape of a pumpkin.

"Good Bug"

Unlike previous outfits, the beetle costume does not require a shirt, but a long frock coat in black, dark brown or red. Pants or breeches do not play a special role in the composition, so they can be sewn according to any style you like. The upper part has important role and should resemble the back and wings of a beetle. Most often, a frock coat is trimmed with a golden cord, shiny sequins, large plastic buttons, etc. The character's headdress is a voluminous hat with horns or antennae. It is important that all elements of the image are chosen in the same color scheme: beige-brown, red-orange, gray-black, etc.

Do-it-yourself elegant costume for the Autumn Ball in kindergarten

Thinking over an elegant costume for the Autumn Ball in kindergarten parents should check with the teacher about the program upcoming holiday: will there be a costume performance, will there be dances, games, contests. Most often, educators give the kids roles in advance, thereby suggesting which outfit is better to choose. The only rule, valid for all costumes without exception: clothes should not be too massive, heavy, restricting movement.

When creating costumes for the Autumn Ball in kindergarten, parents often make the same mistake - they follow the traditions of Soviet matinees. There is absolutely no need to sew huge baggy outfits and stuff them with cotton wool and foam rubber to depict an ordinary carrot, corn, tomato. Enough to make on hastily bright pants and a blouse, in the color of the selected character, and add a green hat to them, resembling fresh tops. Such a suit will look neat and will not cause discomfort to the child.

The most popular characters at the autumn ball are autumn, Forest Fairy, September, October, November, mushroom, fox, wolf, hare, hedgehog, bear, mouse, pumpkin, tomato, carrot, beetle, forest gnome, etc. For these and others famous characters it is easy to make an elegant costume on your own using master classes from several cuts of fabric and natural materials, or you can rent an outfit for the Autumn Ball in kindergarten.

Presentation and defense of the costume for the Autumn Ball

Do beautiful suit to the Autumn Ball in kindergarten or school - important task but far from the only one. An outfit will fail if the wearer fails to properly present and protect it. In order for the participant of the Autumn Ball to win the competition, the speech made must be bright, colorful, but at the same time concise. For example, protection elegant suit for the Autumn Ball for a girl may sound like this:

All the stunning colors of autumn are intertwined in this marvelous dress. No wonder they say that autumn is the last smile of the year. It is impossible to create an outfit more magnificent! Gold, orange and brown leaves seem to be dancing on a lush hem. The delicate bodice is trimmed with sparkling glass beads. It emphasizes all the elegance of fresh autumn image. Light and airy tulle sleeves look like the last gossamer of Indian summer. The composition is complemented and completed by velvet shoes, in which Mrs. Autumn herself flies around the world, giving us a variety of colors. The headdress is a weightless lace of delicate wildflowers and fading maple leaves. This is a crown worthy of a real autumn queen...

When choosing and creating a costume for the Autumn Ball with your own hands for a boy or girl to school and kindergarten, do not forget about important things. An outfit for a holiday should be not only beautiful and suitable for the theme of the event, but also comfortable for the child. Think in advance how to make a dress from improvised materials, and then successfully protect it.

Some concerts and interesting events are constantly held in schools and kindergartens. But very often, parents receive a specific task to prepare a costume for the baby on a selected day. Let's talk about what can be carnival costumes For

About the child

Since autumn is the word female, then, most likely, the main character will be just a girl. What can she be? This time of the year is associated with the harvest, so it is better to pick up a child who is not too thin or dress in puffy clothes to show that autumn is really rich.

The basis

So, where to start if you need to prepare an Autumn costume for the fall festival? The main thing is to choose the right dress or jacket with a skirt. You can, of course, dress the girl in pants, but this will not be very appropriate. As mentioned above, the dress or skirt should be long and puffy to show all the richness of this season. Special attention must be given to the color of clothing. Ideally, if it is orange, yellow or red - colors. A little green may also be present. It will look nice layered skirt from chiffon, but if there is none, you can decorate an ordinary skirt with multi-colored collected autumn leaves, making it voluminous. As for the top of the dress or the sweater itself, they do not need to be overloaded too much, a small brooch in the form of a berry or an autumn flower will be enough.

You can also try to make a skirt out of autumn foliage itself, only such an outfit will be very fragile and can “break” at any moment. Also, do not forget that any costume for a child should be comfortable. And even if the baby does not have to walk a lot, he should be comfortable.


What else is important to consider if you need to think over the Autumn costume for the autumn holiday is the headdress. This is where fantasy can run wild. This, most likely, will be a wreath created from leaves and even berries (for example, viburnum). It is better, of course, to arrange all these elements, then the dress will turn out to be truly royal.


The autumn festival may also involve the presence of a raincoat. However, it will come in handy in a situation where the girl's dress is not curvaceous or completely undecorated. Then you need to work on the cloak, dressing it up with leaves, flowers, as well as fake fruits, it will look very beautiful and really regal.


The Autumn costume for the holiday may also include certain accessories. So, big red beads, which will look like viburnum, are perfect for a girl, you can wear the same bracelet. If the costume is not overloaded with decorations, you can play with the belt and make it also very original. It can be berry or flower, it all depends on the costume itself. The girl’s staff will also look good, but it should also be decorated with leaves, flowers or berries. The Autumn costume for the autumn festival may also include a small basket with autumn gifts, which the girl will hold in her hands. There you can put various berries, fruits, vegetables, you can decorate the basket with leaves and even ears of corn.