An incredibly beautiful birthday greeting. What you can wish for your birthday: non-standard ideas

1. Original congratulation “Starfall wishes”

(To music, for example, “Star Country” “Happy birthday” or “We wish you happiness
“To you” - everyone takes turns throwing their stars with wishes, the birthday girl tries to catch them. The captured stars' wishes are read aloud by the hero of the day.

Fallen stars - the host, with the help of the guests, collects and uses them in the next game moment- “Star Necklace”). Game moment "Star Necklace". The guests are conditionally divided into 2 teams, each is given a star and a relay race is organized: which team, using their stars, beautiful braid and paper clips, will quickly collect and present their star necklace to the hero of the day.

Such an original congratulation for an anniversary with a star theme is especially good. 2. Congratulations on a woman’s anniversary “Portrait of a birthday girl.”

(For this original congratulations which is held at the table, you need to stock up on a frame with blank slate paper and colored markers or felt-tip pens): I suggest not just saying a congratulation, but drawing it, because each of us is an artist at heart. (A frame with a place for a future portrait and markers are passed from guest to guest.

It is important for the presenter to unobtrusively guide the process so as not to lose dynamics and at the same time not to lose the expressiveness of the presentation of the poetic number) Please draw in turn what I will read about. But imagine the composition well - let's start with the face. And the portrait will be full-length, so that everyone complements the work of their neighbor, remembering that each of the guests must contribute to this masterpiece. Let's start! (under number 1 - detail of the portrait for the first guest, under number 2 - for the second, etc., each draws his own and passes it on to the next. If there are more guests, you can offer to draw one detail in pairs) 1. Draw eyes
Irina is beautiful: Brown, crafty and funny (passed to neighbor) 2. Eyelashes shot up, right up to the eyebrows,
The look of these eyes has become more cheerful (passed to neighbor) 3. We draw a nose with a crooked comma.... Funny, looks like a funny question (passed to neighbor) 4. And there is a place for a smile in the portrait,
The most pleasant smile in the world (passed to neighbor) 5. Let’s add a little rosy color to the cheeks. (passed to neighbor) 6. We’ll decorate our ears with diamonds, of course. (passed to neighbor) 7. We will cover our head with a fashionable hairstyle,
To become
Irina is like a queen... (passed to neighbor) 8. Then we draw beautiful body (passed to neighbor) 9. And hands that are skilled in any task (passed to neighbor) Not just any, but slimmer ones (passed to neighbor) 11.

IN fashionable shoes we'll put shoes on the legs (passed to neighbor) 12. Kind heart we'll draw her (passed to neighbor) 13. Also, let’s depict a riddle inside her
Feminine zest - the sweetest!

(passed to neighbor) 14. With a beautiful voice
We will reward Ira,
Moreover, it’s musical - that’s what we want (passed to neighbor) 15. We draw a dress, very glamorous,
Ruffled on top and openwork on bottom (passed to neighbor) 16. Still holding a crocodile handbag (passed to neighbor) 17.

It contains a cosmetic bag and a fashionable mobile phone. (passed to neighbor) 18. Another card with a bank account,
In which there are zeros, well, simply, without taking into account (passed to neighbor) 19. Draw next to
Iroy cool car (passed to neighbor) 20.

And a dacha by the sea, well, very big (passed to neighbor) 21. There is also a convenient garage next to the house (passed to neighbor) 22. And luggage ready for travel!

(passed to neighbor) 23. At the top we’ll write: “Happy Birthday!” (passed to neighbor) 24. And we will not regret good wishes!

(passed to neighbor) 25. Let's draw flowers and fireworks in the corner! (passed to neighbor) 26.

We'll hand over the portrait and
Let's kiss Irina! (They present a portrait as a gift, offer to take a photograph with the portrait)

Alexander. Happy Birthday. Alexander's name day

3. An unusual congratulation to a Soap Opera woman.

This original congratulation is intended for the anniversary of a woman who loves watching TV series and melodramas. For it you need to stock up on several bars of soap under the following names: “Children’s”, “Flowers of Love”, “Family”, “Baby”, “Favorite”, “Tar”, “Granny’s Soap”, “Berry” and “Dolce Vita”. It is best to pack soap in beautiful boxes or put it picturesquely in a gift basket. If you cannot find soap with exactly the names mentioned, then it is quite possible to choose something that suits the meaning.

“Almost every woman has a weakness for soap operas.” And let's make our birthday girl the main character of the most exciting series!
I'm sure the Oscar is in her pocket!
So, here is our beautiful heroine at the very beginning of her life's journey (give children's soap). She grows and blossoms, entering the most great time girl life - she falls in love (give “Flowers of Love”). Blooming like beautiful flower, she becomes inimitable. And, naturally, the most worthy man who becomes her chosen one (soap "Family"). Very little time passes, and the newlyweds become happy parents ("My baby") . Living together spouses are full of mutual understanding and love (give soap “Favorite”), but don't you think that everything is going a little too smoothly? It doesn't happen like that!
That's why. Without going into details, let's add a fly in the ointment to this barrel of honey. (“Tar”). Moreover, after quarrels, reconciliation is so sweet. Time is running.

How good mother, our birthday girl one day becomes just a great granny (“Granny’s soap”). Finally, a moment comes in her life when she can live for herself and her beloved husband, because the time, rich in everyday difficulties and problems, has passed, and she herself has reached her heyday - her 45th birthday!
What do people say? Right!
At 45, Baba Berry again! (give Berry soap). However, the end of our soap opera is only the beginning sweet life (queue of “Dolce Vita” soap)!” If you want to arrange such a “soapy” surprise for a woman on another anniversary date- just rewrite the end of the story by replacing the “Berry” soap, for example, with “Flower” or “Autumn Garden” soap.

4. Congratulations are a joke" Best gift for a girl - "Vasya." To carry out this comic congratulation P first draw on a piece of Whatman paper
Vasya according to your own taste. The main thing is that it is the size of a human being.

We paint the left ear red, but cover the top with the same organ of hearing, only flesh-colored (we attach this false ear with double-sided tape). Let's do
Vasya and removable panties, whatever frivolous color you want, are attached in the same manner over quite decent panties, for example, with the inscription “Happy Birthday!”
Before unwrapping the “gift”, you can arrange a survey among guests (by type music hat), approach several guests and ask what gift is best to give the girl, and the DJ takes turns playing various cuts from songs: “ Best friends girls are diamonds”, “Cinema, wine and dominoes...”, “This dark cherry shawl” and others, and the last one will be “Of course
Vasya. Vasya,
Vasya. Well, who doesn't know him? Vasya,
Vasya..” - with this answer, present “Vasya” in all its splendor and read out to the hero of the occasion instructions for its use: 1. Vasya does not take up much space, is compact and convenient, in the household and everyday life indispensable assistant 2. After all
Vasya will always greet you with a mysterious smile and, of course, will not ask: “Where have you been?!” 3. When everything goes wrong and you want to “just tear and throw” - Vasya is always at hand, you can throw darts and plates at him - he still won’t be offended.

4. If you are bored and have nothing to do, you can
Vasya... color it! 5. Vasya is muscular, so when you return home late, you can safely take him with you. It will protect you from any misfortunes (just roll it up into a tight tube first)! 6. You can put a flashlight under Vasya’s eye, and your home will always be light! 7. Vasya can be used as a lie detector, because when people lie in his presence, his left ear turns red (With these words we remove the removable ear). 8. Also
Vasya can be dressed and undressed (the top panties can be removed with a slight movement of the hand, but underneath there are others with the inscription “Happy Birthday!” or “I love you!”)" Then “Vasya” can be twisted and tied gift ribbon, give to the birthday girl, turning on the band’s song again
Bravo "Of course"
5. Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary “Sand Ceremony”. For the sand ceremony, colored sand is used, painted with dry gouache or school chalk.

Several are selected basic colors, which carry a symbolic load: green means health, yellow - optimism, red - love, blue - self-confidence, purple - spiritual enlightenment and so on. Salt different colors pour into small containers; You can use gravy boats, beautifully decorated glasses, cups, vases. You need to prepare another, larger container, where, mixing different colors, congratulatory participants will sprinkle colored salt. It can be an elegant bottle, a decorative vase or a jar for pouring transparent material. The main thing is that it closes hermetically.

The sand ceremony itself consists of the fact that the relatives of the hero of the day are invited to choose salt of the color whose symbolic meaning coincides with the main wish of the relative. Beautiful background music is turned on, and relatives take turns pouring salt into a container common to everyone, each in the proportion in which he wishes the birthday person health, love or spiritual enlightenment.

It turns out very beautifully: inside the glass vessel, peculiar swirls of multi-colored salt are created. Then the result of the sand ceremony is presented to the hero of the day as a souvenir with Best wishes. (Also, as a beautiful and lyrical moment, you can arrange an original “Family Hearth” congratulation on a woman’s anniversary) 6. Comic “heartfelt” congratulations from male guests (To congratulate two or three men, distribute the words, dividing the text and saying who follows whom and give each a souvenir heart to present to the birthday girl, which they will give to the culprit at the end) Must visit very good and visited
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unusual birthday greetings

Comic gifts for a woman's anniversary

If you want to be original, give something from the list of these gifts. This will never be forgotten!
Give a bottle with a pacifier (for fun we put the pacifier on a pin) Hello, our long-awaited day,
We didn't come here in vain
The table is set, the glasses are poured,
But, and she should drink from a glass,
In theory, it’s not possible!
And to us for her health
It's time for a drink!
Let him grow and not get sick,
Gathers us once a year.
If only she were healthy
And the rest will come!
We can't on your birthday
Give expensive gifts,
Because with such and such prices
We can't buy anything anywhere.
But don't think that we're not paying attention,
You are more valuable than any gifts,
It’s just a wonderful day for us
All that remains is to love you.
Even though we can’t do it on your birthday
Give expensive gifts,
But still with great effort
We were able to buy some things.
And we want to wish you from the bottom of our hearts
A sea of ​​happiness, health, love,
And we'll give you a necklace,
And we will put it on your shoulders.
You protect him from moths and frost,
In it you meet the dawn and sunset,
When you're hungry, boil it for yourself,
And there is no need for huge expenses.
If sadness and sadness visit you,
Disperse them with a miracle of miracles,
And sell this wonderful gift,
And buy it expensive
Mercedes. A modest gift
Anniversary congratulations from
L. Zykina (To the tune of the song "Orenburg down scarf") On this gentle and affectionate evening,
When all the relatives are already at the table
Please accept my modest gift - a three-ruble handkerchief. (We give the hero of the day a handkerchief prepared in advance.) I'm in
I bought it in Orenburg,
I take care of you like a mother.
I'm ready for you, darling
Not a scarf - give me a towel. (We hand the hero of the day a towel.) Let everyone in the hall envy you,
We will not upset our guests.
So that my gifts are not stolen,
I'll ask everyone to hand out napkins. (Napkins are distributed to everyone present.) Age is not only years,
When there is hot blood in your veins.
So let's fill our glasses
Birthday hero and faith in love!
Unusual congratulations with gifts 1. Happy Day
Congratulations on your birthday,
We wish you all the best. We give you equipment
And fashionable clothes. To quickly clean the apartment
Take a wonderful car,
Very easy to use
Our "Roventa" vacuum cleaner. He will wipe anyone's nose,
Will remove all your chaos.
You will take it gently in your hands,
You'll wave in different directions
Instantly dirt from the entire apartment
If it scatters, there is no dust.
It won't take up much space,
It will fit into any crack. Saves kilowatt
Doesn't buzz and is lightweight.
Everything in the house will shine,
There is no place for dust to fly. (broom) 2. Here is a device “Just in case” It is the best assistant in life,
With him, grief is no problem.
He will always help you. And the name is sonorous
Enema - scientifically. It's not difficult to apply
We will attach instructions. (enema) Use it every day
And your migraine will go away
He will remove all the toxins from you
Your body will look slim.
In general, we are telling you,
He cannot be replaced in life. For extensive angina
You can gargle
When renovating an apartment
You can spray paint.
Finding ourselves at the dacha with him
You spray the bushes
And then how crazy
Flowers will bloom everywhere. I think you're convinced
What kind of miracle are we giving you?
And now through life boldly
You will go with him alone.
3. Regarding the outfit
Put it on quickly
You'll be a gorgeous woman in it
And Madonna is just a shadow. Winter panties with cotton wool
Will fit just right
Because in November
The cold is bitter outside.

Put it on quickly
Attract men to sex.
It's not so difficult to warm up together
And it's impossible to freeze
Wearing hot leggings
You will survive any cold. (diapers) 4. And boots from Versace. The last squeak is nothing less. You carry them all winter
And you won't get frostbite on your feet.

(slippers, socks, shoe covers) You will highlight your figure in them
I twisted my long leg. Klavka
Slate herself
I would go crazy if I started it.
In a headset with panties
It will be as hot as
You carry gifts
And bless fate. There will be a reason to drink
We'll get together again
Women's happiness is endless. In a day
We wish you. Gift basin. For our anniversary we give a basin, it will always be just right. You can wash floors in it, you can milk cows,
You can pick berries, burp after being drunk,
You can wash with it in the bathhouse, it will be useful to you there too,
You can wash your clothes in it, you can wash your butt,
You can sow flour in it and hang it on a branch
You can ride down the slide, it will always be useful to you,
How will it be (50.
60...) we will come to you again,
Prepare okroshka for us, and find a bigger spoon,
We’ll pour okroshka into a basin and celebrate the anniversary,
In general, you keep it, don’t break it, don’t crumple it,
Don’t leave it in the yard and put it back,
Happy anniversary, we wish you all a drink now,
Some from the pile, some from what, and we will drink from it. Comic gift(horseradish) .

Unusual birthday greetings

So, if your friend is approaching that very event that, as the song says, happens once a year, take care to come up with an unusual birthday greeting for him!
So, experiment with gifts. Think about what your friend likes and, in the end, give him a gift for the soul, and not another unnecessary trinket for the museum of unnecessary beliefs. Unusual and an interesting gift will be the one to whom you put imagination and sincerity, and spent time. You can, for example, transform several pairs of socks into a bouquet of flowers by twisting each sock in a special way - the result will be fun, unforgettable and useful (socks are always useful). You can experiment with sweets by beautiful craft, decorated with the birthday boy’s favorite sweets. You can also, to bring a truly unusual birthday greeting to life, buy any one you consider good gift, pack it in such a way that the unpacking process itself will already bring a bunch of positive emotions. Here you need to act, of course, according to the situation, because every birthday person is special, and his birthday should be special. But let's give an example: the birthday boy unpacks a huge box, and inside is a mountain of his favorite chocolates. Between the chocolates there is, for example, a shaving machine. For an unusual birthday greeting, simply “a hundred clothes” for a gift will do. For example, if you give jewelry– judging by the size and shape of the box, everything will immediately become clear. But if the gift is in a box, and the box is in a box, and this box is in another bigger box- this will truly become the most unusual and funniest gift in his life. Between the spaces of the boxes you can also sprinkle sweets, balloons, streamers - whatever your heart desires!
Stylish and fashionable, you're just crazy.

This is a mega-sophisticated and most natural tea bouquet in bags
The latest and only declassified developments in 2011, in which Nina took part in the most direct participation, collecting herbs.

The bouquet smelled delicious and, as it turned out, it made a very aromatic, pleasantly relaxing tea.
There was candy in the small box, and the main gift in the bag.
I REALLY LOVED it))) Nina, once again THANK YOU SO MUCH!

photo 7darov

And check it out again - as soon as I have a DSLR, I will be able to please myself and everyone around me with such stunningly harmonious photos!

photo 7darov

Immediately in the context of this tea gift Let me remind you of the idea of ​​writing congratulations and wishes on improvised labels for tea bags instead of cards.
Read more about this gift idea

Photo for collage

Congratulation gift idea number 2. And here is a gift given to one to a good person, who is always a pleasure to go hiking with.
We wanted to buy him a new karemat (tourist rug) to replace the lost one. And by chance it so happened that the idea of ​​a carpet was intertwined with a man’s long-standing dream of an airplane carpet.
I ask everyone who still does not believe in the existence of this phenomenon to take a close look at this photo. And this is a real flying carpet! No Photoshop!

photo 7darov

Congratulation gift idea number 3. Go ahead. In the photo is a gift from Olya, who gave me the starry sky (that’s how it was)

It’s a pity that I was in a hurry and the gift wasn’t photographed during the process, but I’ll tell you everything now.
Inside, the gift is wrapped in several layers of paper (in some ways it reminds the Diamond Hand of how the main character was given a cast with jewelry), on each of them there are cards with wishes.
The pictures were selected from the Internet, this time all from my favorite blog
I will tell you in detail how and where to select pictures and ideas for wishes.
You can also use your own photographs, which is much more interesting, because they can turn into something so wonderful.... a mega gift)) More about this in detail

And let's return to the gift for Olya)) The key idea of ​​​​the congratulations was embodied by a specially purchased toy - here it is in the photo.

photo 7darov

You've probably seen these: you hit it or shake it hard and it starts to glow.
And the wish is: “Whatever happens, let it only make you stronger, wiser, and internally perceived with ease! Let everything grow, be for the good and increase the light of your smile and your soul! Rain - don’t go to the sea, and okay, it means something else more interesting will turn up, and so on"

photo 7darov

Congratulation gift idea number 4. And this is how we wished Happy Birthday this time wonderful person and friend Maxx, with one of the gifts connected to a very interesting story

Maxx knew what he wanted this time, so... main topic The gift was determined - these are two sticks of RAM. Boring. In the sense that you can’t scare a pear anymore and you can’t give some big and useless nonsense (just kidding, kidding!)

What did we come up with? At the suggestion of my colleague Olya, whom I just told you about, we came up with this. I’ll start the story from the moment of donation - it will be much more fun this way.

As a gift, the birthday boy received a tattered, incomprehensible box (by the way, as it turned out, tearing the box from quality shoes turned out to be a more difficult task than we expected)

photo 7darov

I opened it, and there was a bunch of pieces of paper, from which, one by one, all kinds of junk were fished out, strange things, circuit boards, keyboard halves (we also “crushed the keys into the box”)

On every subject there are wishes and jokes - I like to write notes, what can you do - if creativity rushes, it’s difficult to stop

photo 7darov

photo 7darov

Item after item and... hurray! power supply (while we are technically silent, of course)
But Maxx himself guessed: “I hope the gift is not in the power supply.”

photo 7darov

However, hopes were not realized

photo 7darov

The power supply was disassembled and a long-awaited gift was found in it! Ta-da-am! CONGRATULATIONS!

photo 7darov

Congratulation gift idea number 5. And this is one of the “ingredients” of the gift that the girls with whom we practice wushu gave me. Meet the chocolate angel.

And although angels themselves are unusual creatures, this one is of a special kind. This is a guardian angel. You need to eat it and it will protect you from the inside, in general, more reliably))

photo 7darov

Congratulation gift idea number 6. By the way, by the way! I have long wanted to post congratulations from capital letters. And it came true))

This is what the gift for Marina looked like: congratulations and a little candy

photo 7darov

The photo shows the happy owner and eater of the candy))

photo 7darov

Every year on this special day everything becomes noticeably more beautiful and warmer. Congratulations on this on a holiday, happy birthday. I wish you many bright and wonderful moments in life, so that your loved ones delight you and surround you with care, just as you always do. Remain as beautiful, desirable, successful.

Let every day of your life have at least one sincere smile to the world, which will remind you how sometimes the clouds above your head are illusory. I wish that there will always be those who love you and those whom you love nearby. So that the feelings are real, the friends are true, and you are just as natural and happy! Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday! I wish you to live a bright life, happy life, remain as feminine, sexy, cheerful! Patience, life wisdom, good luck, warmth, good health, fulfillment of all desires, more chocolate and so that the cockroaches in your head always know their place!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! Be happy, unique, love and be loved. So that happiness becomes your shadow, and your soul is filled with beautiful music. May the years always be powerless before you. Never grow old, never get sick. Be healthy, strong, energetic, cheerful, fashionable, stylish!

Happy birthday and the beginning of another year of your fruitful life! I wish such a strong-willed person like you great achievements, because you deserve it! Let there be a tightly closed circle around you of people who love you and want only your happiness, and let other people not invade your personal space, filled with joy. May your potential never dry up! You are beautiful, now and forever.

I sincerely wish you this Holy holiday, an ocean of positivity, and a sea of ​​emotions. May spring always bloom in your heart and lilies in your soul. May you not be afraid of frosts, because you will always be surrounded only by the warmth of your family and friends. I wish you more sweetness in relationships, because this is one of the most important things in life. More to you indeed sincere love and the most pleasant tenderness.

Happy birthday to sweet and charming, wonderful and beautiful woman. I wish you to become only more beautiful, happier, more successful day by day. May the stars of the night sky fulfill all your wishes, may the light of the daytime sun always give joy and inspiration to the soul!

Happy birthday. For the sweetest, most charming and beautiful lady, I want to wish love in my heart, joy in my soul, happiness in life, good luck on my way. Be graceful and elegant, always perfect and talented in everything.

I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday and want to wish you: all the best that exists in our World, and never lose heart. May everything you dream about happen, and may the heavens be favorable - the fairy tale will come true in life, and you will always be happy!

Wonderful, sweet and beautiful, may this birthday leave a joyful trace of memories in your life, may this year give you the opportunity to be incredibly happy and successful in everything, may there be even more love in your heart, may sadness or sadness never knock on your door .

So that there is no time to think about age, I wish to fill my life with the following moments: spontaneous attacks of happiness and joy, influxes of love and romance, a series of successes and even greater successes! Let all things go smoothly, like snow under a penguin’s butt, and let any obstacles stumble over you! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! Let there be more sharp turns in your life, let your refrigerator burst at the seams, and let money fall out of your bags. Lives in an aquarium gold fish, fulfilling your every desire, and your favorite kisser and hugger sleeps in the bedroom.

Happy Birthday
And we wish you many years!
Don't know any worries
Troubles and troubles!

We wish you a lot of money,
And good luck along the way,
Let clouds surround your house
The sun shine brighter!

Whatever your cherished desires
I was able to fulfill this day!
Happiness, laughter, rejoicing
Bring our congratulations!

Happy Birthday!
Or like in the cartoon - jam.
To cause surprise
I wrote a poem.

I wish you happiness in it,
Ocean of love, kindness,
To fall down overnight
There's a mountain of dough on you.

So that the President personally,
Having selected a moment in the chart,
I called and wished
Everything I didn't say.

Happy Birthday,
I send you a big kiss.
Let both at home and at work,
Everything will always be Feng Shui.

Let the chakras be open,
For cosmic gifts
Every member of your family,
May he always be healthy.

Let horoscopes promise you,
Powerful cash flow.
So that foreign currency
Your bag was full.

On a glorious holiday - Birthday,
Please accept congratulations:
May you always be lucky in everything,
Living in a new house, of course.

In the garage for an all-terrain vehicle,
And in the hangar there is an airplane.
Euros, pockets full of bucks
Must be stuffed

And let the sofas be in rubles
Full for elasticity.
To live and not grieve,
Tasty to eat and sweet to drink.

Don't be bored day or night.
So that a son and daughter are born.
In general, we wish you happiness -
Congratulations! Congratulations!

We wish you well, good luck,
We wish you a long life.
Let the envious people gossip
Wondering what your secret is,

What is the strength of spirit and charm?
Well, curiosity is not a vice.
And we give you on your birthday
Sincere congratulations.

Let them go through life with you
Friends and relatives always
Guarded, be heaven
And never get sick!

Well, it’s done, we’ve waited!
We are happy to congratulate you
Let everything go well,
Well, in a word - as it should be.

Let on any rainy day
Your smile is like the sun
Burns, scaring away the shadow
And clouds outside the window.

I wish you good luck
Another bag of love to boot.
And plus a huge ball of happiness,
And let a fire burn in your chest.
Another bag of inspiration
And in addition - luck.
More dreams, cheerful light
And an adventure special package.
To receive all this on time -
All wishes in congratulations.

There is a beautiful day in the year,
Mark him in delirium.
Drink the sea, draw love,
And pour it to your friends.

Don't let bad things come in
In your wonderful bright year.
Every day you start
With joy, drive away sadness.

When getting ready for an anniversary, each of us thinks about the question: what to give, how to congratulate in such a way as to please the hero of the day? And, it’s worth thinking about this even more carefully if a woman’s anniversary is coming up. We must remember that congratulations and gifts to ladies should be targeted, taking into account the age, profession and tastes of the hero of the day. After all, most often (contrary to general opinion) ladies value not so much expensive gifts, as much as those who convince them of an attentive and sincere attitude towards them.

When choosing original entertainment, surprises and congratulations for the hero of the day should be guided by individual characteristics for each: for one, touching and sincere ones are more suitable, for another, cheerful and perky, for the third, solemn and meaningful. In anniversary congratulatory numbers, loved ones can indulge in sentimental confessions or, conversely, piquant jokes that ordinary life rarely allow themselves to be served, most often, in musical form or on behalf of some person.

We offer 11 of our own and other people’s ideas, how to congratulate a woman on her anniversary in an original and beautiful way, choose those that will please your birthday girl.

1. Original congratulation “Starfall wishes”

(you need stars cut out of paper for all guests and pens or markers, or cut them on the spot then colored paper and scissors)

Presenter: (at the table) Now each of the guests will sign Galina (or other name) your star with your wish (everyone receives a pre-cut paper star and a felt-tip pen and writes their wish on it).

Then everyone, led by the birthday girl, is invited into the hall: the birthday girl in the center - everyone around her.

This is your starfall of wishes,

Confessions about love and friendship,

Which of these stars will you catch?

Perhaps you will find out your destiny!

(To music, for example, “Star Country” “Happy birthday” or “We wish you happiness” - everyone takes turns throwing up their stars with wishes, the birthday girl tries to catch them. The caught stars with wishes are read out loud to the hero of the day. Fallen stars - the presenter with the help collects guests and uses them in the next game moment - “Star Necklace”).

Game moment "Star Necklace". The guests are conditionally divided into 2 teams, each is given a star and a relay race is organized: which team, using their stars, beautiful braid and paper clips, will quickly collect and present their star necklace to the hero of the day.

2. Congratulations on a woman’s anniversary “Portrait of a birthday girl.”

(For this original congratulations which is held at the table, you need to stock up on a frame with a blank sheet of paper and multi-colored markers or felt-tip pens)

Presenter: I suggest not just saying a congratulation, but drawing it, because each of us is an artist at heart.

(A frame with a place for a future portrait and felt-tip pens are passed from guest to guest. It is important for the presenter to unobtrusively guide the process so as not to lose dynamics and at the same time not to lose the expressiveness of the presentation of the poetic number)

Presenter: Please draw in turn what I will read about. But imagine the composition well - let's start with the face. And the portrait will be full-length, so that everyone complements the work of their neighbor, remembering that each of the guests must contribute to this masterpiece. Let's start!

(under number 1 - detail of the portrait for the first guest, under number 2 - for the second, etc., each draws his own and passes it on to the next. If there are more guests, you can offer to draw one detail in pairs)

1. Draw beautiful eyes for Irina:

Brown, crafty and funny (passed to neighbor)

2. Eyelashes shot up, right up to the eyebrows,

The look of these eyes has become more cheerful (passed to neighbor)

3. We draw a nose with a crooked comma....
Funny, looks like a funny question (passed to neighbor)

4. And there is a place for a smile in the portrait,
The most pleasant smile in the world (passed to neighbor)

5. Let’s add a little rosy color to the cheeks. (passed to neighbor)

6. We’ll decorate our ears with diamonds, of course. (passed to neighbor)

7. We will cover our head with a fashionable hairstyle,
So that Irina becomes like a queen... (passed to neighbor)

8. Then we draw a beautiful body (passed to neighbor)

9. And hands that are skilled in any task (passed to neighbor)

10. Let’s draw Irina’s legs quickly,

Not just any, but slimmer ones (passed to neighbor)

11. Put your feet in fashionable shoes (passed to neighbor)

12. We will draw her a kind heart (passed to neighbor)

13. Also, let’s depict a riddle inside her

Feminine zest - the sweetest! (passed to neighbor)

15. We draw a dress, very glamorous,

Ruffled on top and openwork on bottom (passed to neighbor)

16. Still holding a crocodile handbag (passed to neighbor)

17. She has a cosmetic bag and a fashionable mobile phone. (passed to neighbor)

18. Another card with a bank account,

In which there are zeros, well, simply, without taking into account (passed to neighbor)

19. Draw a cool car next to Ira (passed to neighbor)

20. And a dacha by the sea, well, very big (passed to neighbor)

21. There is also a convenient garage next to the house (passed to neighbor)

22. And luggage ready for travel! (passed to neighbor)

23. At the top we’ll write: “Happy Birthday!” (passed to neighbor)

24. And we will not regret good wishes! (passed to neighbor)

25. Let's draw flowers and fireworks in the corner! (passed to neighbor)

26. Let’s hand over the portrait and Irina with a kiss!

(They present a portrait as a gift, offer to take a photograph with the portrait)

3. An unusual congratulation to a Soap Opera woman.

(Author Gerasimova M. A.)

6. Comic “heartfelt” congratulations from male guests

(To congratulate two or three men, distribute the words, dividing the text and saying who follows whom and give each a souvenir heart to present to the birthday girl, which they will give to the culprit at the end)

1. Amazing thing

How the hostess managed everything:

I put together a beautiful table,

I brought beauty!

2. Hairstyle, like in a parade.

And mystery in the look!

And look at the outfit:

This outfit is completely trash!

3. She is beautiful to everyone

And it becomes clear to us

That we all have problems!

Diverting from the topic,

I'll tell you a secret:

We fell in love, no doubt!

4. But reciprocity is impossible,

Our fate is hopeless!

5. So we’ll just congratulate

And practically without toast:

Happy birthday, dear,

You are always like family to us!

Sun: We give you our hearts

We give you sadness, shaking it off your face!

(each of the participants in the skit gives the birthday girl a heart-souvenir)


7. Cheerful congratulations Happy anniversary "A happy song for the birthday girl."

Before singing a cheerful song, think about what musical composition fits better Total. We can offer the following options: “We wish you happiness”, “Everything that I have in life”, I. Allegrova’s song “Happy Birthday!”, as well as works in which personal female names, for example, “Anastasia” by Yu. Antonov, “Julia” by the group “A-Studio” and so on. Great option songs of the White Day group - “Galina” or “Birthday Girl”, which are easy to play in the Russian folk style.

Volunteer artists from among the guests will be needed to perform the selected composition. They, of course, will perform the song with a soundtrack. The main thing is to dress up the volunteers correctly, because everyone has heard the song intended for congratulations more than once, but you rarely see colleagues, for example, accountants, dressed in the style of singers of the 70s. Therefore, prepare in advance wigs, different ties of the most unimaginable colors, skirts, shirts and - be sure to! - various noisy and blowing sounds musical instruments(similar sets are sold in children's toy stores). So let the guests crackle and play for the glory and amusement of the birthday girl.

8. Cheerful congratulations to the hero of the day from her friends.

(Performed to the tune of ditties, in chorus or in turns wearing suits or shawls on their shoulders)

We are on Liza's anniversary

Give us some salad

Don’t feel sorry for the tramp!

Congratulations on your anniversary

And we wish from the bottom of our hearts,

So that you always have health

And there were pennies!

Anniversary is a wonderful holiday

You can sing, make noise, dance,

And also a ringing ditty

Congratulations to the hero of the day!

At work Lisa first

And men like:

Busy, energetic

And, besides, she’s a beauty!

We also wish Lisa

That's how kind to be.

Fashionable, generous and cheerful,

To turn us all on!

And now the last piece of advice

To the beautiful Liza:

Love yourself more

So that men like it!

Lisa, dear friend,

And beautiful and slim,

Laughter, merry

And the kindest soul!

We wish the birthday girl -

Be healthy all year round

And love your husband more deeply!

Oh! This gives me strength!!!

The bear stepped on my ear -

We'll still eat.

If we don't wet our throats -

We'll cry and leave / 2 times

9. Touching and beautiful congratulatory moment “Garden of Love”.

To organize such a congratulation, you need to prepare one large flower from thick paper and many small ones - according to the number of guests. Wishes and congratulations are attached to each flower as a stamen. It’s better to make ready-made “stamens” with the most with different wishes and each guest chooses a wish that he would like to say to the birthday girl - it will look more stylish. But you can leave this at the discretion of the guests, then you need to prepare several pens and markers. A piece of double-sided tape is attached to the base of each flower - you can use it to glue your flower to a larger flower.

During one of the breaks, you can invite the guests to arrange a “Garden of Love” for the hero of the day (having previously explained what needs to be done). Turn on beautiful instrumental music and let the guests, slowly, make their choice and contribute to decorating the “Garden” for the birthday girl. Then, when all flower composition will be collected, hand it over to the hero of the occasion with wishes to pick a flower and read it in moments of sadness. An additional surprise can be that on big flower there will be an inscription: “We love you!”, which will open only when all the flowers are picked by the birthday girl.

(about funny congratulations with gifts for the hero of the day see)

10. Cheerful congratulations to the birthday girl “The stars are “resting!”

To make this entertainment for the hero of the day more effective and comical, you can prepare signs with the names (or photographs) of the stars about whom we're talking about in the congratulations and a sign with the inscription: “RESTING.” Call 12 guests - give each one a corresponding poster with a photo or name on back side whose text is congratulations. And every time, as soon as the guest says the name of “his” star, the presenter standing next to him raises a sign with the inscription: “resting.” Depending on the talents and data of a particular birthday girl, you can remove some or add your own composition in the same style.

1. Charm, beauty
It's worth admiring.
And model Naomi Campbell
Can't hold a candle.

2. Before your image
I'll get down on my knees.
And out of envy he tears his braid
Yulia Timoshenko.

3. Your bust is so strong
Until then I like it.
Anna Semenovich herself
They'll fit your size. (Option: Very admired)

4. You dance just great.
You're ready to dance.
He wants to wash you
Nastya Volochkova.

5. You use your hands just like that
Clear the clouds.
Requests a personal meeting
Monica Belluci.

6. You have such charms
Everyone notices.
Even Jennifer
That Lopez is salivating.

8. You are always dressed smartly.
I want to admire it.
And Seryozha Zverev is here for you
Asking to become an apprentice.

9. If the hero of the day sings,
Grab your guitar quickly.
Let him sing along
Piekha and Rotaru.

10. You are such a lady with us,
Everyone notices.
Queen Elizabeth
Just resting.

11. You are the height of charm,
They took it with simplicity.
You are Natasha Rostova
They easily would have.

12. We would reward you
The important ones were asked.
So that Putin and Medvedev
They carried it in their arms.

11. Congratulations on the “Minute of Fame” photo shoot

All words belong to the Presenter.

What if you take it and imagine:
Did we instantly find ourselves in a fairy tale?
And we will bring pleasure to the guests,
Trying it on... (name of the hero of the day) different masks.
What if ours... (name of the hero of the day) was
A dexterous rider? Here she is!

The rider's hat is put on. Music sounds, the hero of the day makes a small circle around the hall.

What if you take it and timidly imagine,
That our hero of the day is a queen?

The crown is put on. Fashion show to appropriate music. Further similar.

And if I had to live in Hawaii,
Then use all your talents

The hero of the day tries on a Hawaiian wreath.

What if in a Russian village it happened
be born?
Soul… (name of the hero of the day) sings, rejoices, has fun!

They put on a kichka, a Russian headdress.

It's already the 21st century outside, friends!
And our heroine is modern and fashionable.

Wear a baseball cap or bandana.

All the dresses and hats are good!
Everything suits you, everything is a holiday for the soul!
But I really wanted to offer some clothes
For the birthday girl it is the most expensive!

Guests are given fresh flowers with flexible stems, and they take turns weaving their flower into the wreath, saying warm regards. When all the guests have congratulated, the wreath is placed on the hero of the day.

We are all amazed by the beauty of this!
How does an outfit suit a woman?
made of love!
Only she is truly beautiful and sweet,
Who is dressed in happiness, who has
eyes glow!
Here in front of us is a woman like this -
Beloved, blooming and dear to the heart.

The guests applaud.

12. Gift - wish “Life is a full cup!”

“An abundant life is called a full cup
And in this phrase is the wisdom of our ancestors.
Filling the cup with gifts for you,
We strengthen your destiny in its good path!”

The birthday girl is given a bowl (vase, fruit bowl, salad bowl, etc.) and filled different fruits with words of wishes. The same person can speak and fill the cup on his own behalf, for example, congratulating. Or all the words belong to the host, and the guests fill the cup with gifts. Fruits, sweets and fruits - gifts of nature and civilization lie on a beautiful tray, guests come up, choose what they like and place it in the presented bowl. The presenter voices what the guest wants - how to fill the cup of life of the recipient. Of course, guests can approach congratulations creatively and come up with their own associations, and then the words belong to them, and the host can complement or leave without additions the wishes of the guests.


"We want your life to be abundant (and places a pineapple in the bowl) PINEAPPLE is a symbol of abundance.

We wish you peace. PEAR is a symbol of peacemaking.

We wish you to always remain so young on any anniversary or ten. And rejuvenating APPLES will help you maintain your youth . (Also, apples in Rus' were a symbol of a good marriage - goodwill, desirability for the groom, a symbol life potential- they were given to children)

We wish you grace in everything, a gracious path in life, so that grace will always be with you. GRAPES are a symbol of grace.

We wish you love and enjoyment of its fruits and therefore we give you TOMATOES, which translated from Italian “pome de amor” means the fruit of love.

We wish you pleasure and give you STRAWBERRY - a symbol of pleasure (voluptuousness).

We wish you to have vitality, and therefore we give GARNET - a symbol of vitality

We wish you the sweetness of life and the brightness of life events and therefore we give you these sweet tasty candy in bright packaging.

We wish you wisdom and therefore give you NUTS - a symbol of wisdom. And also the desire to get to the point in everything.

Almonds in France are a symbol of a happy marriage.

Olive is a symbol of peace, prosperity, fertility, and victory. There was a wreath of olive branches highest award. We sincerely wish you to achieve this and give you OLIVES.

We wish you health and therefore give you: LEMON - it brings health; or ORANGE - like a little sun brings health; or PEACH - in the East it is considered a symbol of health.

We want your thoughts to be pure, like spring water, and therefore we give you SPRING WATER (a container with spring water- jug, bottle, souvenir bucket).

We want your life to be fertile and fruitful, so that there are many different ones and that they are all good. Symbol of fertility - grains of WHEAT, OATS, RYE, RICE, etc.

- We want your head to be drunk with happiness, fun and joy, and therefore we give you HOP.

We wish you rich life: We give chocolate or real COINS. You can add to them the words: “We give you silver so that there will be good in your house; We give copper so that there will always be food in your house.”

We give you the fruit of a beautiful evergreen tree - ORANGE. This tree can bloom and bear fruit at the same time. We wish you to always remain a lovely flower, at the same time, possessing two virtues of an orange tree, that is, to become a wonderful loving mother, a caring grandmother, a wise great-grandmother, and so on along the path of life. (The flowers of the orange tree are a symbol of purity and innocence. They are also the flowers of a tree that gives a large harvest - therefore they serve as a guarantee of the birth of large offspring from a woman. Brides decorated their heads with a wreath of orange tree flowers - fleur d orange, sincerely hoping that, having become a mother , they will remain a beautiful flower)

Of course, we give FLOWERS - a symbol of blossoming, beauty, fragrance.

We wish you joy and therefore we give you BANANAS. Science has proven that they contribute to the production of joy hormones in the human body. And also a banana is like a smile and we wish you to smile more often! (And we want to enjoy your smile more often!)"

You can also add sweets with symbolic names: “Inspiration”, “Dream”, etc. And, accordingly, wish inspiration, a dream come true or come true.

You can also come up with the symbolic meaning of certain fruits and vegetables yourself, for example, KIWI can be a joy full life, PEACH - charm, tenderness, BERRIES - a symbol of femininity, MANDARN - a symbol friendly family, banana is like a smile. (You can use the encyclopedia of symbols). An option is possible when they directly ask the birthday girl what she associates with: love, tenderness, wealth, wisdom, abundance, youth, femininity, beauty, etc. Associations can be with fruits, vegetables, sweets, gifts of nature, etc. And then the named association gifts are presented, strengthening one or another aspect of life. How pleasant it is to taste these gifts - nourishing not only the body, but also the soul.

Another variant. A box of chocolates, a bottle of good wine, a bowl of fruit, whatever is on hand - we pass it all from hand to hand, filling it with our wishes for everyone standing in a circle or sitting at the table, and then we treat ourselves. And all wishes materialize!