Exercises to facilitate childbirth. Exercises for easy childbirth. Making childbirth easier with exercise

Every specialist knows that labor pains are a natural condition for women, as they indicate that the body of a pregnant woman is properly preparing for the birth of a baby. Accordingly, the fact that a woman is in pain during childbirth is normal, and it should be understood that contractions cannot be completely painless. At the same time, every pregnant woman should know how to relieve pain during contractions so that the birth process takes place in the most relaxed state. Indeed, severe torment actually has a very depressing and negative psychological impact on the woman in labor, not allowing her to concentrate on the most important task, namely helping her baby.

Why is excessive pain bad?

When the contractions are very hard and the pain during childbirth is exacerbated by fear, panic, and a moral sense of insecurity, the opening of the cervix usually slows down. As a result, there is a so-called discoordination and weakening of labor activity in general. This, in turn, can lead to suffering of the child (intrauterine). For this reason, during childbirth, girls need to breathe properly, relax with their whole body and trust doctors. And the main thing is to understand that pain during contractions is not a reason for unrest.

Childbirth is a complex process. And not only for the woman in labor, but also for the baby. Whatever pains accompany a woman, her goal is a positive outcome of childbirth, it is on him that her health and the future of the crumbs depend.

At birth, taking the right vertical position and changing postures, mommy helps her baby to be more comfortable near the very pharynx of the uterus. This action significantly reduces the risk of possible injury to the still soft baby head at the moment when the baby is moving through the birth canal. It will also help to avoid perineal ruptures in the woman in labor.

Despite the fact that the stomach hurts, you need to move in order to warm up the body, since blood circulation improves precisely at the moment of movement, which really helps to relieve a little spasm when it hurts a lot and contractions do not allow you to focus on what the doctors say.

How does it all happen?

When the stomach hurts badly during contractions, even simple walking is useful. By the way, in many German clinics, no matter how the girl is disturbed by her stomach, she is generally not allowed to lie in the 1st period. birth process. And according to an interesting ancient Russian custom (no matter how hard the contractions are, and how badly the stomach hurts), a woman had to go around her entire house completely in order to open all the locks and untie the knots. These traditional actions meant the complete readiness of the pregnant woman and her entire body to give the world a new life and, one might say, “guaranteed” that everything should go well for the expectant mother. Also, this ritual was quite useful for a woman in labor from the point of view of obstetricians. It is difficult to argue with this, since the most ancient signs, and even traditions, usually had not only a sacred, but also a logical and practical justification.

At present, in many modern maternity hospitals doctors offer women in childbirth to sit on a special gymnastic ball during contractions, performing very slow movements of the pelvis (circular). At the same time, a midwife or a future dad can gently massage the cervical region, shoulders and sacrum.

Making childbirth easier with exercise

  • Significantly facilitates contractions during childbirth in a rather simple position - when a woman stands with her body leaning forward and her hands resting directly on the couch. This option of support during childbirth, by the way, is the most common in our country, as is the presence of a spouse when the wife is in pain during labor. future dad not only supports the spouse morally, but also strokes the stomach, helps during the exercises to alleviate the suffering of the beloved woman in labor.
  • In addition to tilting forward, it is recommended that pregnant women perform the following exercise during childbirth: girl doing special breathing exercises, while she is kneeling on the couch, both of her hands are at this time on her husband’s shoulders, and he is standing in front of her on the floor. The woman focuses on rhythmic but shallow breathing, tries not to stray from the rhythm set by the midwife, and shakes her hips. This exercise is not only a good distraction from thoughts about how badly her stomach hurts and what excruciating contractions she has, but also provides enough oxygen for the baby himself.
  • If a woman is worried that it will be very painful for her to give birth, then she should find out in advance how to easily endure contractions and make sure that she gets to good doctor. Enough effective tool to relieve spasm is considered warm water. Of course, not all doctors and maternity hospitals today practice childbirth in the bathroom, since this type of delivery has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. However, in some maternity hospitals, women in labor are able to take a warm bath to numb the pain of contractions. In water, people almost do not feel heaviness. own body, but the body itself perceives any immersion in warm water as a pleasant and well relaxing massage. At this moment, the heat of the water is transferred to the muscles, it relaxes and quickly warms them up, the contractions become more tolerable. Of course, it will still hurt, but the cramps will release the stomach a little.
  • If an experienced midwife takes care of the birth, she should know how to reduce pain during contractions. But cases are different, so it would be nice to take care of such knowledge for the pregnant woman herself. Sitting postures help a lot, for example, squatting, or even on a chair, the main thing is with legs wide apart on the sides. If the girl is more comfortable in the knee-elbow position, then you can get on all fours. At first, of course, it will be painful, but in fact, it really helps to ease the contractions.
  • endure contractions on a rope in a fully suspended position offer today only the most advanced maternity hospitals. This method really allows you to ease the pain of childbirth. The fact is that in a hanging position, all the load from the pelvis is instantly removed, that is, its muscles relax well, the woman does not feel so much pain (the stomach stops experiencing tearing spasms), and the baby opens the way to this white world.

It is important to note that in no case should a woman in labor feel embarrassed - she should take any position that is convenient for her during contractions. Many women even know themselves (who are not giving birth for the first time) which positions are better for them to take, and what to do in order to alleviate their plight and the stomach does not hurt so much.

Barbiturates / tranquilizers: all the pros and cons

These drugs do not help women in labor when they are in great pain. However, doctors sometimes give them to patients in order to remove excessive anxiety state. Sometimes, because of the panic, it only seems to women that their contractions are not going on like everyone else's and they are in a lot of pain.

Negative effects from tranquilizers and barbiturates:

  • they cause drowsiness;
  • a woman in labor may forget about some details that should be controlled when contractions are going on;
  • these drugs are able to suppress the activity of the baby immediately at the time of his birth.

Hypnotics and analgesics: action and negative effects

Such medications can be taken at absolutely any time if the contractions are terribly painful, and it hurts so much that the woman loses consciousness. However, it is recommended to take these drugs in advance, that is, do not wait until it is very painful - it is advisable to introduce them at the very beginning, during the expansion of the uterus by about 7 centimeters. These medicines are usually given as an injection into the buttocks or thigh muscles. These medications will help relieve contractions and relax the stomach. Such drugs are considered safe, since they, without reducing the optimal labor activity, help to survive the contractions calmly.

TO negative effects can be attributed:

  • these drugs cause drowsiness (the stomach does not hurt and the woman relaxes);
  • an incorrectly calculated dose (increased) can cause respiratory depression in the mother and child.

Epidural complex - is it harmful for the baby?

In general, any epidural means are considered a type of anesthesia, and today they are used quite often, especially during periods of overly active contractions, when a woman is in great pain, and also for holding caesarean section. Their action is reduced to the fact that they block on certain time pain, while relaxing the stomach. Tissues relax, it becomes not so painful. Plus, the epidural method absolutely does not suppress consciousness, and the woman remains in a state of readiness.

Almost all pregnant women have a well-founded fear of childbirth. After all, they understand that there is quite a difficult job ahead. From the way a woman spent her time maternity leave whether she was engaged in special exercises, whether she led an active lifestyle, the result of labor activity will depend. Independent childbirth without pain is impossible, but you can definitely reduce it by performing certain exercises and activities. Today we’ll talk about how to alleviate and reduce painfulness and aches.

Factors on which the strength of pain during contractions depends

1. Tension and strength of contractions, attempts. During childbirth, they gradually increase, lengthen, and each time the woman suffers even more.

1 exercise. Sit comfortably on the ball with your feet shoulder-width apart. Shift from foot to foot. Then slowly tilt your torso forward and to the side. You can bounce lightly. This exercise relieves tension in the muscles and increases blood flow to the organs.

2 exercise. Lay a rug or blanket on the floor. Lie on your back, bend your right leg at the knee, and then place it on the ball. And make a bicycle with your left. After a minute, swap the limbs. This exercise is great for relieving pain and tension in the legs.

3 exercise. Sit in a comfortable chair with a back. Place the ball between your legs. Gently, slowly bring your knees together, while squeezing the ball. This exercise remarkably strengthens and stretches the muscles of the perineum.

4 exercise. Get on your knees in front of the ball and just hug it. Be sure to make sure that the stomach does not squeeze, and you are comfortable in this position. Such an activity will simply give you time to relax and unwind.

These are all exercises for easy childbirth. Be sure to memorize them and perform them in the delivery room.

Relaxing exercises to prepare for childbirth

1 task. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Grasp your stomach with your hands or put them on your hips. And now the most important point: try to relax as best as possible and start rocking the pelvis to the right and left, and then back and forth. You must imagine that the basin is a bowl filled with water to the brim, and the contents cannot be spilled.

2 task. Lay a soft blanket on the floor, sit on it, connect your heels together. Hold onto your knees with your hands. Now gently rock back and forth. Watch your breath: when you bend forward, then inhale, if backward, then exhale.

3 task. You will need a husband or other family member for this exercise. Sit on a soft mat on the floor opposite your partner. Connect your legs so that the feet touch each other. Hold hands and begin to tilt back and forth. First you pull your spouse, and then he pulls you. This exercise perfectly relaxes, and also trains the inner thighs, which will be very useful to you in the future.

After performing such exercises, childbirth without pain, although they will not be guaranteed, but discomfort will surely decrease.

Exercise for stamina, endurance of a pregnant woman

To learn a long period transfer the load on the body (during childbirth, this is very important), you need to work out in advance. For this there is special exercise for endurance.

Lay a soft rug on the floor near the wall. Lie down on it and begin to slowly move your feet along the wall, as if climbing it. Raising your legs, spread them to the maximum width and hold out in this position for as long as you can. Each time the time should increase.

Now you know what the best remedy against the reduction and alleviation of pain during labor is to train your body, as well as emotional condition women in labor. In addition, adequate behavior is considered an important point, which involves strict adherence to the advice of an obstetrician-gynecologist. By following all the recommendations and exercises in this article, you will be able to give birth safely and easily.

Pain during contractions is considered natural phenomenon. It testifies to right woman to childbirth. But severe pain prevent expectant mothers from concentrating on the right actions, increase fear and panic. How to make contractions easier? What needs to be done for this?


Practice shows that a lying woman in labor is very difficult to endure pain during contractions. And movement relieves painful spasms for many pregnant women. In addition, moving during contractions, changing the position of the body, mommy helps her baby. Walking during contractions improves blood circulation, which helps reduce painful spasms.

But you can move different ways. Earlier, in the old days, a woman during the period of contractions had to go around the whole house, open all the locks and untie the knots. This meant the symbolic opening of the birth canal and the readiness of the woman herself for childbirth.

Today, in some maternity hospitals, it is practiced to use a special ball in contractions and perform circular movements of the pelvis on it.

Facilitates contractions and a standing posture with a forward lean and support on the sofa, couch. It can be applied from time to time between walking. It is also recommended, if desired, to borrow lying position placing a pillow between your legs. Some women want to squat in fights.

You can also just swing your hips, imitating a dance. After all, it is not in vain that the most prosperous in the matter of childbirth are Indian women who practice Eastern dance. Such swinging of the hips relaxes the muscles of the perineum, contributes to the rapid opening of the cervix.


Women on the forums share their experience of pain relief of contractions. Many speak in favor of the pose on all fours, while they recommend breathing, and the husband (sister, mother, if the birth is partner) should do a light massage of the lower back. If there is no one to help from relatives in fights, then at the same time the woman can be recommended to massage on her own: from behind, stroke the lower back on the sides, and the stomach with circular movements of the palms also on the sides.


Proper breathing during contractions is the key to a successful and healthy delivery. When contractions begin, you need to inhale through your nose, counting to four, and exhale through your mouth, counting to six. That is, the essence is a shorter inhalation than exhalation. This allows you to relax the muscles, fill the body with oxygen.

If the nature of the contractions becomes more intense, then you can use dog-like breathing, that is, superficial. In this case, the mouth should be ajar, and the portions of the inhaled air are small and frequent.

Practice shows that such breathing will help relieve pain in contractions, and you don’t need to be shy about breathing like that. After all, the main thing is that you and the baby are comfortable.


An excellent way to relieve pain during contractions is to stay in the water. Yes, not all maternity hospitals practice such facilitation of labor and childbirth in water, but in many of them women in labor can take warm bath during fights. Being in the water, we almost do not feel the heaviness of the body, and it perceives the water as a massage. The heat of the water warms up the muscles, relaxes them and thus reduces the woman's pain.

The World Health Organization recommends that women should not be prevented from taking the position that will be optimal for reducing pain. The expectant mother must decide for herself which position is most convenient for her. After all, the main thing in labor activity is self-control and calmness.

A pregnant woman should be armed in advance with knowledge about correct behavior during childbirth. And for this, all expectant mothers are offered to attend special courses for parents. In such classes, experts will teach you the technique of proper breathing in childbirth, massage. If you decide that the birth will be partner, then in practical classes, the future daddy will learn how to massage and help his wife.

So, there are many ways to relieve pain in labor. Practice ahead of time, prepare for labor early, and remember to stay calm and listen to the medical staff.

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

All pregnant women have heard that the contractions are long and painful. Therefore, it is not surprising that long before childbirth, a woman begins to think about how to ease contractions. There are several techniques that are a worthy and less harmful alternative to medical pain relief. In addition, childbirth can be relatively painless if you learn one of them. ABOUT best practices we will tell in this article.

Why does it hurt?

Why childbirth is accompanied by pain is difficult to say for sure. But many experts tend to believe that the matter is not in the uterus, because it itself does not have special nervous sensitivity. The most likely is a psychogenic mechanism for the development of pain at birth. Fear, stress, uncertainty - all this triggers a complex process of activating the pain center in the cerebral cortex. Scientists call this process corticogenic pain.

If the cause of the pain is in the head, then it is quite possible to cope with it, supporters say. non-drug relief pain during childbirth.

At the physiological level, during contractions, the opening of the round muscle - the cervix. This process is quite long, since the neck opens slowly, especially in the first phase of contractions.

Harbingers are irregular contractions that almost do not cause any pain and are more frightening. In it time is running final preparatory work V female body- the cervix becomes softer. This will make it easier for her to open. The hormones estrogen and oxytocin begin to be produced, since the contractility of the uterus depends on them. In the cells of the uterus itself, a very special type of protein accumulates - actomyosin, which will give the uterine tissue the opportunity to contract.

Cramping pains in the back, lower back, abdomen begin when the uterus is ready both at the physiological level and at the hormonal level. Childbirth begins. The morbidity of the process depends on many factors:

  • features of the current pregnancy;
  • the size of the fetus and the ratio with the size of the pelvis of the woman in labor;
  • individual perception of pain;
  • mood and psychological state of a woman;
  • the number of births in the anamnesis - the more there are, the less likely it is to have sharp, intolerable pain.

Some techniques can reduce pain, but, of course, they do not completely relieve a woman from them.

To facilitate childbirth, it is important for the expectant mother to know exactly how the pain background of labor contractions develops and changes and what needs to be done at each of these stages.

How do sensations change?

The physiological stages of the development of contractions imply their increase and intensification. The first contractions are called latent, or hidden. They really manage to be detected not immediately and not by everyone. The fight is repeated with a frequency of once every 30-40 minutes, lasts about 15-20 seconds. Gradually, the stomach turns to stone more and more often, and the duration of the contraction increases. This period lasts until the opening of the neck by 3 centimeters. In primiparous, the period can take up to 10 hours, in multiparous - up to 6-8 hours. Toward the end of the period, the woman should come to the hospital.

The benchmark for hospitalization is the frequency of contractions every 10-15 minutes.

The cervix continues to open. Opening from 4 to 7 centimeters occurs already at active phase contractions. Each of them lasts for 40-50 seconds and repeats every 4-5 minutes. Many note that at this stage the stomach hurts quite a lot. The period lasts about 2-3 hours in women who have previously given birth, and up to 5 hours in women who give birth to their first child.

The most painful and strong contractions are called contractions. Sometimes they, according to women in labor, are more painful than the attempts themselves. Fortunately, they begin almost at the end of contractions and do not last long - from 15 to 40 minutes for multiparous and from half an hour to an hour and a half for primiparas. The uterus makes full disclosure up to 10-12 centimeters. After that future mom feels that she really wants to go to the toilet in a big way. This is the beginning of the straining period of childbirth, which will be led by the obstetrician.

In pain relief measures, women usually need the active phase of contractions and with transient uterine contractions that precede pushing. But some complain of pain in the first period - latent. Therefore, all methods natural pain relief childbirth implies not only their use from the very beginning of labor, but also some preliminary preparation during pregnancy.

painless childbirth technique

At different times and different countries scientists and physiologists, reflexologists, neuropathologists, psychiatrists, gynecologists were puzzled by the issue of pain relief in childbirth. Shamans and healers of various ancient peoples were able to make it easier for a woman to do her natural task. So, in the Indian tribes of Peru, women gave birth without any outside help, on their own, and after giving birth, they immediately carried the baby to pay off in a waterfall or pond, since this had a certain religious significance. By the way, the mortality of mothers and children during childbirth among Peruvians was extremely low.

The amazing techniques of the clans of Indian tribes, ancient Egyptian priests, as well as the rich historical heritage of other peoples in different time interested in the best minds of mankind, the luminaries of medicine and the natural sciences. They developed the key provisions of the methods painless childbirth, which today are used by modern obstetricians in the preparation of women in labor. Here are some of the techniques.

According to Lamaz

The French obstetrician-gynecologist Fernand Lamaze in the 50s of the last century devoted to the issue of labor pain relief without any medications and medical interventions. Special attention. The results of his many years of work formed the basis of the technique that he presented to all expectant mothers. To this day, Lamaze births are considered the gold standard for natural labor pain relief.

The method is based on increasing the woman's confidence in the easy delivery that awaits her, as well as on some auxiliary influences in the process of transition from one stage of childbirth to another. The Lamaze program includes a large list of practices - this is breathing exercises, teaching proper breathing during contractions, and exercises for muscle relaxation and relaxation between contractions.

Also, a woman is taught meditation, concentration, the basics of analgesic massage and self-massage. Apply hot and cold compresses, aromatherapy for pain relief. The first to use the fitball (or as it was then called the “maternity ball”) was also suggested by Dr. Lamaz.

Also, the doctor, who took, it should be noted, the basis for the development of Soviet scientists and doctors, added the principle of partnership in childbirth to the methodology. He argues that the husband should not be a passive observer during childbirth, he is given important role. The task of a man is to help a woman give birth more easily. To do this, part of the poses and exercises, as well as massage techniques, should be mastered together with the pregnant woman by her husband, if it is planned to carry out childbirth according to Lamaz.

The main postulates of the method are the assertion that labor pain is not mandatory, and therefore it can be completely avoided if the coherence of the cortical and subcortical parts of the cerebral cortex is coordinated. Every woman has such power, Lamaze believed. It is given to her by nature, you just need to activate certain processes in the brain.

How more woman learns in advance about the process of childbirth, the easier it will be for her to apply the technique in practice, the French doctor believed. He was one of the first to start large-scale educational work among pregnant women. According to his methodology, 99% of home births worldwide are performed.

The basic rules of this method are as follows.

  • Do not induce labor and do not try to hasten it, natural start labor activity guarantees an easier flow of all other stages.
  • Do not lie down or sit still during pregnancy. The more a woman moves and trains her muscles, the easier it will be for her to endure contractions and attempts. Especially useful can be special yoga for expectant mothers, which includes poses and exercises for training. pelvic muscles, press, buttocks and back.
  • Do not neglect the help of loved ones. A person whom a woman in labor trusts can significantly alleviate her condition with one presence, not to mention help in taking comfortable positions and massaging the sacral zone.
  • Don't resort to taking painkillers.
  • Avoid childbirth on your back. This position is only suitable for the obstetrician who delivers. In the supine position, the pain of a woman intensifies many times over. Master the Technique vertical delivery and enlist the support of the doctor who will attend the birth.

Method of Platonov, Velvovsky, Bekhterev and Lurie

This method is based on a hypnosuggestive effect on a woman in advance of the onset of labor, as well as on the effect of a word during childbirth. The method was developed in the 1920s by a group of Soviet scientists led by K. Platonov, and later supplemented by Lurie.

Since the 30s of the last century in the USSR, the method has been used everywhere - in each antenatal clinic with pregnant women, an appropriate preliminary conversation was held - setting for childbirth. The psychoprophylactic method of labor pain relief was approved by the Pope as a "humane gift to mankind."

There is evidence that the French doctor Lamaz, mentioned above, fell in love with the works of Soviet scientists so much that he actually copied key statements from them. It should be noted that childbirth under hypnosis was a great success in the USSR - more than 5,000 women with high hypnosis agreed to try the method on themselves and did not regret it.

Today, practicing psychotherapists-hypnologists also work according to the "Childbirth without fear and pain" technique. But in women's consultations there are no such classes. The woman who wants to have positive attitude for natural and easy childbirth, should start visiting a hypnologist well in advance, a few months before the birth.

Most likely, you will have to pay for hypnosis sessions, because this type of assistance to women in labor is not included in the compulsory health insurance program today.

How it works? Preliminary verbal setting, training a woman in deep relaxation does not allow the cerebral cortex to become overexcited with the onset of labor. As a result, there is no pain, there are small pain which are much easier to transfer.

If training individual methods is not included with the plans of the expectant mother, then she will be helped by several useful tips to help reduce the pain of childbirth.

Breathing according to Kobas

Dr. Alexander Kobas created a whole breathing system in childbirth. He based his method on the works of Soviet scientists, as well as Dr. Lamaz. In fact, he systematized all the data on the breathing of the woman in labor. Operating principle - natural decrease pain when saturating the body with oxygen. Deep and slow or rapid and short breathing gives the brain a large number of oxygen, which stimulates the production of endorphins. These hormones have a noticeable analgesic effect.

At the beginning of labor, when contractions have just begun, Kobas recommends breathing deeply and measuredly, slowly. The exhalation should always be longer than the inhalation. This will saturate the body with oxygen, will contribute to relaxation and prevention of fetal hypoxia.

When the contractions go into the active stage, become more protracted, you need to be able to “breathe” the spasm using short exhalations (like extinguishing a candle, like a steam locomotive puffs, like a dog breathes). Between contractions, the first type of breathing is recommended - deep and relaxing.

With attempts and in the previous final stage For the longest contractions, it is recommended to use "dog-like" breathing, and to push - with a breath hold after a deep breath.


Circular, arched movements in the sacrum can be done by the woman herself with both hands, or maybe by a partner if the birth is joint. Massage the area of ​​the so-called "Michaelis rhombus". You can make any movements from the center of an imaginary rhombus in all directions and lines to the sides.

Massage can be done both during contractions and in between uterine spasms.

You can also use some tricks acupressure. To survive contractions with the least pain will help you to use your fingers on points on the face, wrists, as well as lower legs and thighs.

We are talking about non-drug anesthesia of childbirth, or self-anaesthesia. Self-anesthetic methods include birth massage, special breathing techniques, relaxing postures and movement techniques, the use of a fitball (gymnastic ball) and water therapy during childbirth. These methods are absolutely harmless, very simple and effective, they can be used at any stage of childbirth.

Reducing pain in childbirth. Step one

Drive away the fear of childbirth! The main cause of pain during childbirth is the fear of childbirth. Naturally, before childbirth and during labor, the expectant mother experiences great excitement, fear for herself and the child. If a woman has no idea what exactly will happen to her during childbirth, how long they can last, how her feelings will change, where she will be, what doctors are doing and why, a new fear joins the listed worries. This fear of the unknown is dangerous psychological condition, which during childbirth can lead to destabilization of the nervous system. If a woman knows that she is facing a serious test, but has no idea what, where and how exactly it will happen, the fear of childbirth increases and takes on threatening forms.

With significant emotional arousal, which is associated with a feeling of fear, the work of the nervous system is disrupted. As a result of nerve failures, the signals that coordinate tribal activity, act unevenly, may weaken or, on the contrary, sharply increase. Due to the violation of the nervous regulation of childbirth, contractions become painful, weak and unproductive. sometimes in the background panic fear before childbirth, destabilizing nervous system women in labor develop rapid childbirth, painful and traumatic for mother and fetus.

The level of discomfort and pain during contractions directly depends on fear and tension. If a woman in labor is not mentally prepared for childbirth and is very afraid, even in cases where childbirth proceeds without complications, contractions are felt much more painful than usual. This is easily explained: the sensation of pain directly depends on the ratio of various hormones in the blood of the woman in labor. The most important of these are endorphins and adrenaline. Endorphins possess, an increase in adrenaline in the blood, on the contrary, leads to a decrease in the pain threshold.

The fear of childbirth causes a decrease in the production of endorphins and stimulates the release of adrenaline, as a result, the pain during the contraction is felt much more strongly. You can say this: “The more terrible, the more painful!”

Most effective method fight the fear of childbirth - preparation for childbirth. You need to understand what, where and how will happen, what you will feel and who will help you. This simple information will help you imagine the upcoming process, and childbirth will no longer seem like something unknown and frightening.

Reducing pain in childbirth. step two

Move. First and the most important factor reducing pain from contractions is active behavior in childbirth. This term refers to the free behavior of a woman in labor, permanent shift postures and movement around the ward, searching for the most comfortable body position.

The movements themselves significantly reduce the overall sensation of pain from contractions. And not only because any action is distracting. First, the level pain depends on circulation. During a contraction, the muscle fibers of the uterus contract, while expending energy. The main "energy fuel" for the work of all cells in our body is oxygen, and myometrial cells (uterine muscles) are no exception. As you know, oxygen is arterial blood, and, consequently, cell respiration depends on the level and speed of arterial blood flow. When the body is stationary, the total blood flow decreases, the supply of oxygen to the uterine muscle slows down, and pain increases. If a woman in labor walks around the ward or moves within comfortable posture, due to movement, the level of blood flow increases and the cells of the uterus are better supplied with oxygen. Therefore, with active behavior in childbirth, pain from contractions is much weaker than with a stationary position. Secondly, the feeling of pain from contractions depends on the overall tension. The more you push, the more it hurts, and vice versa. During a contraction, when the uterus tightens and painful sensations appear, some women instinctively “freeze”, completely stopping moving. The woman in labor, as it were, hides for the duration of the contraction from pain and from herself. However, in childbirth, this behavior does not bring relief: “freezing”, the expectant mother unconsciously strains, which leads to a sharp increase in pain. The main assistant in the fight against excessive tension during contractions is physical activity. After all, when we are in motion, our muscles alternately tense and relax; therefore, hypertonicity (excessive muscle tension) is excluded. And if the movement helps to relax, then it reduces the overall level of pain!

Movements during childbirth can be very diverse. If the birth proceeds without complications, the choice of the type of movements during the contraction remains with the expectant mother. In this case, there is only one, but a very important limitation. At any stage of childbirth, sharp, jerky movements should not be made.

Reducing pain in childbirth. Step Three

Look for a comfortable position. During fights, you should behave freely, choosing the most comfortable position body. There are many well-known positions that reduce discomfort during contractions and help you relax. The main principle by which a woman in labor chooses a position during a contraction is the level of comfort, stability and relaxation. Most of the "generic" poses use four points of support and a predominantly vertical position of the body, but there are also "lying" poses. However, in order for the postures to help, you should change the position of the body as often as possible and do not forget to move a little within any posture. To reduce the pain in childbirth, you can take, for example, such postures during a fight:

  • Stand by the bed (sink, window sill, bedside table) with your legs slightly apart. Lean your hands on the bed, relax your back and stomach, as if transferring the weight of your body to your arms and legs. Swing from side to side, back and forth, shift from foot to foot, shake your pelvis.
  • Stand in the position of a sumo wrestler: legs wide apart and half-bent at the knees, the body is slightly tilted forward, hands rest on the middle of the thighs. Shift from foot to foot or sway from side to side.
  • Squat down with your legs wide apart and leaning on a full foot. Behind the back there should be a fixed support (headboard, bedside table, wall).
  • Squat down facing the bed. Hands and head can be put on the bed.
  • There are so-called partner poses for which the expectant mother will need an assistant. Here are some simple and comfortable positions for pain relief of contractions:
  • Stand facing your partner and wrap your arms around his neck. top press your body against your partner, turn your head to the side. Bend your legs at the knees, spread them as wide as possible and sway from side to side without lifting your legs from the floor.
  • Lie on your side and ask your partner to sit next to the bed. Bend the leg located on top at the knee and rest it on the shoulder of the partner. Try to bend and unbend this leg (ask your partner to offer a little resistance to this action).

IN Lately in many maternity hospitals, women in labor are allowed to use a fitball. With it, you can take a wide variety of poses, easily changing one to another, guaranteed to relax and move continuously, while saving strength.

As you can see, active behavior in childbirth does not require special physical training. In order to use the "active" anesthesia of childbirth, only the knowledge and desire of the woman in labor to be a participant in childbirth, and not a passive patient, are needed.

Reducing pain in childbirth. Step Four

Help yourself with a birth massage. Another effective way of non-drug pain relief in childbirth is massage. By stimulating certain points and zones on the body during contractions, the expectant mother can independently regulate the pain impulse, reducing the level of pain and relaxing.

The most “popular” massage area for women giving birth is the lower back, or rather, the sacral region. The sacrum is the fixed junction of the vertebrae in the lower back. In this area is the sacral nerve plexus: a nerve node that innervates the uterus and other organs of the small pelvis. Stimulating the sacral area ( Bottom part back in the middle), the expectant mother blocks the transmission of a nerve impulse, thus reducing pain. Massage can be done with one or two hands, massaging the area with the pads and knuckles, the base of the fist, the base of the palm, the inside of the palm or a manual massager. Movements during a massage during childbirth can be stroking, pressing, you can pat, pinch and even lightly tap the affected area. To prevent irritation on the skin of the sacral region, you can periodically lubricate it with cream or oil. It is possible to stimulate protrusions during a fight pelvic bones on the sides of the abdomen. These bones should be treated in the same way as the sacral area. You can try different methods massage during childbirth: squeeze, press and release, stroke, pinch. This method is a kind of distraction, transferring the source of pain - like rubbing the temples with a migraine.

Periodically, gently stroke the lower abdomen, the area of ​​the fundus of the uterus in a semicircle. The same stroking movements can be made by moving the hands from the lateral protrusions of the pelvic bones along inguinal fold towards the perineum and back. These movements soothe, help to relax and improve blood circulation in the uterine area.

The next massage option during childbirth is most convenient to use while lying on your side or sitting on a ball. Hold it down inner sides palms to inner surface hips. During the fight, move your hands with pressure, without lifting your palms - from the groin to the knees and back. In this area passes the recurrent nerve that innervates the pelvic organs. Massaging the inner surface of the thigh helps to reduce pain and relax as much as possible.

In partnership childbirth, the assistant can constantly carry out a light relaxing massage of the whole body, avoiding only the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chest, perineum and abdomen of the woman in labor. The touch of hands loved one soothes the expectant mother and helps to relax better.

Reducing pain in childbirth. Step Five

Use warm water. Recently, many maternity hospitals have begun to use non-drug pain relief of contractions with the help of water. For childbirth with hydrotherapy, special reservoirs with hydromassage and showers are used.

IN warm water contractions are felt softer, blood circulation improves, the woman in labor has the opportunity to relax and take a comfortable position of the body, less tired. Water eliminates the occurrence of such side factors of discomfort in childbirth as dry skin, increased sweating, chills or feeling hot.

Unfortunately this wonderful method contraction pain relief may not always be used. Staying in a water tank during childbirth can only be considered absolutely safe as long as the baby and the uterine cavity are protected by a wall. amniotic sac. After the break membranes the last barrier between the sterile uterus and the non-sterile vagina disappears. After all, water through the vagina can penetrate the uterine cavity and cause infection. There are fewer restrictions for using the shower in childbirth: this method will have to be abandoned only if the doctor recommends bed rest to the woman in labor.

Reducing pain in childbirth. Step Six

Breathe properly. The most effective way to anesthetize childbirth is with special breathing techniques. The analgesic effect of breathing is based on hyperoxygenation - supersaturation of the blood with oxygen. The respiratory center of the brain, registering an excess of oxygen in the blood of a woman in labor, sends an impulse to the pituitary gland - the main hormonal gland of the body responsible for the release of endorphins. These substances, called pleasure hormones, regulate a person's pain threshold. The more endorphins are released, the higher the pain threshold. That's why correct breathing in contractions and attempts, it anesthetizes no worse than analgesics! Breathing techniques can be used at any stage of childbirth without restrictions. They are applicable in any position of the body, they are equally effective in helping both with normal flow childbirth, and with the development of various deviations of labor activity.

The birth of a child is the most wonderful event in a woman's life! Of course, the process preceding this event requires a lot of strength and patience from the expectant mother. But you should not expect pain and unbearable pain from childbirth. Childbirth is a rewarding job. And if a woman was preparing for childbirth, knows how to help herself and goes to give birth with a smile, this exciting event becomes a real holiday. And there is no place for pain on a holiday!

Pain relieving breath during childbirth

At the beginning of labor, when contractions are almost painless, it is recommended to use "belly breathing". At the beginning of the contraction, the woman in labor takes a relaxed, slow breath through her nose, and then exhales air through her mouth for a long time (as if blowing on water). Such breathing during childbirth helps to relax, relieves nervous excitement and gives high blood oxygen saturation, stimulating and paining contractions. By the middle of the first stage of labor, when the contractions increase and become painful, “candle breathing” helps a lot. This is frequent shallow breathing, in which a short breath is taken through the nose, and exhaled through the mouth (as if we are blowing out a candle). As contractions intensify, breathing becomes more intense, but still remains very frequent. Breathing in this way should only be during the contraction, and at the end of the pain, the woman in labor does deep breath and exhale, aligning the breath, and rest until the next contraction.

At the moment of full disclosure of the cervix, when the contractions become especially long and frequent, it is most effective to breathe like a "train". This breathing is an alternation of the previous techniques. At the beginning of the fight, the expectant mother uses breathing with her stomach, saving strength. As the pain intensifies, breathing quickens and at the peak of the contraction becomes as intense as possible. Then, as the contraction subsides, the woman calms and evens out her breathing.

In the second stage of labor, when the fetus begins to move along the birth canal, each contraction is accompanied by a false urge to defecate (the desire to empty the intestines). This sensation is caused by the pressure of the fetal head on the rectum, located next to the vagina. At this stage, it is necessary to avoid premature attempts and relax as much as possible, helping the baby to descend through the birth canal. To achieve this goal during the fight, you need to breathe "dog". This is rapid, shallow mouth breathing, really reminiscent of a dog's breathing. When breathing "doggie" the diaphragm - the main abdominal muscle - is in continuous motion, which makes the attempt impossible. Breathing has the maximum analgesic and relaxing effect.

In search of the ideal method of labor pain relief…

The use of chloroform and ether in medicine had to be abandoned long ago: their overdose leads to irreversible consequences, and it is quite difficult to accurately dose these substances. Nitrous oxide, or "laughing gas", is also rarely used in obstetrics today: it has been noted that if inhaled repeatedly, it can cause respiratory distress; in addition, the analgesic effect of this substance is negligible. Narcotic painkillers act not only on the woman in labor, but also on the fetus; besides, they have side effects. Even the most modern method- epidural anesthesia is not ideal: the "epidural" disrupts the release of endorphins in the woman in labor - natural hormones that anesthetize the baby during childbirth. In addition, the technique requires high qualifications from the anesthesiologist, as it is theoretically associated with the risk of spinal injury and infection of the cerebrospinal fluid (cerebral fluid). Finally, all types of drug anesthesia can adversely affect the duration of labor (both in the direction of acceleration and in the direction of slowing down).