How to remove traces of candle wax from clothes. Leather and suede products. How to remove depilatory wax from clothes

Romantic dinner by candlelight or a sacrament in church may not end on the most joyful note. A candle flame is a mesmerizing sight until the wax ends up on your clothes. Melted candle stains are not as popular, but they are also just as common as tea or sauce stains. Purchased detergents can help with the question of how to remove wax from clothes, but it is not always worth resorting to drastic measures and washing the item. In addition, you risk damaging the material irrevocably.

Due to the components included in the candle, the wax cannot be washed off with detergents or water. A reasonable question arises about how to remove wax from clothes if they cannot be wetted. Must be applied more effective cleaning methods. The main thing to remember: under no circumstances try to remove wax immediately after it gets on the fabric. Blot it gently with a napkin and wait until the paraffin hardens, otherwise you may damage your clothes and increase the size of the contamination. After this, scrape off as much wax as you can.

Various materials

Before you start to solve the problem In order to remove candle wax from clothes, you need to decide on the material of the damaged item. Each fabric requires individual approach. And if some of the products help in the fight against wax stains on one material, this does not guarantee that when cleaning another fabric there will be the same result. So, materials:

Removing fresh drops

If the stain is small and fresh, it can be removed using a heated hot spoon. Just apply it to the drop and wait. After some time, the contamination will go away. If your items cannot be subjected to heat treatment at all, then use alcohol-containing solutions. Rub the stain with a cotton swab soaked in the solution and rinse the item in cold water. Check in advance how the product may affect your fabric. To do this, drop a small amount of the solution onto an area hidden from view and wait. If no reaction occurs, then you can use the solution.

A fresh drop of paraffin from a church candle can be removed with a piece of ice. Just place it on the spot and move it until it melts. Then rub in cold water with a soft brush.

Another effective method for removing wax from clothes is steam or hot air. Special steam generators fit tightly into modern life and are available in almost every home. Operating principle for removing paraffin simple. Direct a hot stream of steam at the dirt; after a while, you will see how the wax moves away from the fabric. Remove it with a napkin and wash your clothes.

If you don't have a steamer, use a hairdryer. Blow a hot stream of air over the spot, placing a napkin under it. After 2-3 minutes, if the stain was small, it will come off. All that remains is to clean the contaminated area with a sponge and remove the stain.

If you do not have any type of equipment, then you should use steam from a kettle. Place the kettle on the fire and when a stream of steam comes out of the spout, place a wax trail under it. Leave for 3-4 minutes and remove the melted wax with a cloth.

And fresh stain easy to clean vegetable oil. Place a few drops on the dirty area and remove the oil after 10 minutes. washing gel for dishes. All that remains is to wash the clothes.

Wash off colored wax

The situation with colored wax is more complicated than with colorless wax. The dyes that make up the candle can behave unpredictably. Not all home methods for removing wax stains will help in this case. When washed, the dye will penetrate deep into the fabric and will be almost impossible to remove. More drastic measures are needed. But before you strip colored paraffin, you need to know some rules:

  • Never wet the stain;
  • Don't try to scrub it off; you may rub paint particles deeper into the material;
  • Do not heat the wax drop.

The best method for removing colored wax from clothes is to freeze them. Then carefully with a blunt object scrape off the drop and wash clothes with stain remover.

Getting rid of greasy marks

Wax drops, even after removal, often leave greasy marks. Getting rid of them is not difficult, the main thing is to follow the recommendations and perform all actions with caution.

Cleaning products

Remove greasy wax marks will help different means cleaning. So let's apply:

On furniture

Steam will help remove wax stains on furniture or carpet. Move the steamer over the dirty area and wipe with a napkin. You can also use the iron method. The procedure has not been changed. Cover the stain with a napkin and iron at low temperatures.

Ice or cold water also copes with this problem. Fill the stain with water and scrub with a coarse brush. You can add a drop of dishwashing detergent and leave it for 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

You can remove paraffin from a white sofa or carpet using bleach. But in this case, you will have to wash the entire surface of the object. Special stain removers can help, but only if you have removed the main wax drop.

For high-quality removal wax from clothes, use these friendly recommendations:

If you get a drop of wax on your favorite item, don’t worry. There are proven folk recipes, which will cope with this problem in no time. But if home methods do not help you, then you should contact a dry cleaner. Don't make hasty decisions and don't get rid of clothes. You can always find a cleaning product that is right for you.

Attention, TODAY only!

Non-specific stains from paraffin (wax) on clothes appear infrequently, but they always cause confusion and the question of how to remove a candle stain from clothes without going to the dry cleaner. This process is not that complicated, so there is no need to rush to throw away the soiled item.

Before you search various ways How to remove candle wax stains from the surface of fabric, you need to take into account some information. It is this knowledge that will help eliminate candle stains quickly and without causing subsequent problems with the fabric product itself.

How to remove a candle stain: what to remember

  1. The principles for eliminating paraffin or wax contamination in the classic format are identical, but it is important to take into account the specific features of the material and the contamination itself.
  2. Wax is a substance that melts at a temperature of 42-45 degrees. Therefore, the main way to remove a candle stain is based on thermal exposure.
  3. The specificity of contamination is based on the fact that paraffin not only leaves greasy mark on the material, but also penetrates deep inside, collecting between the fibers of the fabric. Due to this feature, stain removal can occur not only through direct thermal influence, but also through heated steam.
  4. If the candle was not white, but aromatic, with coloring components, then the initial thermal effect is excluded. Otherwise, it will be possible to remove the greasy mark, but the dye will be “absorbed” into the fabric and it will be impossible to remove it. For such cases, it is worth using the means household chemicals, which help eliminate colored stains.
  5. Various delicate fabrics (silk,) as well as synthetic materials They also cannot tolerate heat. In the first option it suffers appearance material, in the second the fabric fibers themselves may melt. Therefore, for such products it is necessary to use or chemical substances, or strong detergent for dishes.
  6. Before using any chemical, you need to check how the clothing fabric reacts to it. For example, some types of synthetics, when reacting with gasoline components, can simply dissolve. It will be possible to remove a candle stain from such clothes, but after that you will have to mend the item.
  7. In addition to the fact that paraffin (wax) melts perfectly under the influence of not the most high temperatures, it freezes perfectly in certain conditions. By exposing your clothes to the cold, you can easily clean the top visible layer of dirt, after which all that remains is to remove the greasy stain.
  8. To get rid of waxy stains covering the fur, clothes should be placed in the cold for 1.5-2 hours, then rub the fur fibers with your fingers, shaking off the paraffin.

The option with heating the fabric is suitable only for dense, natural, undyed fabrics.

Additional recommendations before removing wax stains from clothes
  • If the wax (paraffin) has not yet hardened, it should be quickly blotted several times with a soft paper napkin. Do not press or rub the paper on the fabric. Otherwise, the area of ​​contamination will increase, and the substance itself will penetrate deeply into the structure of the material, becoming fixed inside.
  • If candle stains are noticed when they already have a fully cured top coat, hardened wax you need to carefully scrape it off the material using a plastic knife or any other devices at hand.
  • To effectively harden the paraffin, you can wrap the item in plastic bag and leave in the freezer for 30-40 minutes. When this is not possible, place an ice pack on the wax stains.
How to remove paraffin (wax) stains from clothes: aids
  1. Dishwashing detergent, such as Fairy, perfectly removes grease stains on delicate and velvet fabrics.
  2. Laundry soap, washing powder.
  3. The following chemicals help in the fight against such pollution:
    • ethanol;
    • ammonia diluted in water, as well as wine or table vinegar;
    • petrol;
    • acetone and acetone-containing liquids;
    • White Spirit;
    • bleaches of various brands, as well as stain removers.
The process of removing greasy marks after wax or paraffin can be done manually or using. When choosing the second option, you must add to the powder any bleach that is acceptable for use within the selected clothing fabric. Washing mode in in this case It is better to set delicate for any material.

Before using aggressive chemicals, it is necessary to protect the skin and Airways wearing a mask and gloves. And when choosing the degree of thermal impact on clothing, you need to take into account the information located on the labels of things.

Removing wax stains using steam and heat

Deciding to remove stains from a candle that are on a dense one, natural fabric without staining, you should resort to the simplest, “classic” cleaning option. It will not take more than half an hour and will not require any specific effects on the material.

  1. Unnecessary white fabric spread on a table or ironing board.
  2. Place napkins or paper towels on top. It is important that they are without patterns or pictures.
  3. Then place the affected clothing on top, covering the wax (paraffin) stains with a paper napkin (towel, just thin paper or toilet paper). To be safe, you can spread a piece of gauze on top.
  4. Turn the iron on no more than 50 degrees and wait for it to heat up. The steam function is not needed in this case. Then you need to iron the material in the contaminated area, replacing paper napkins on top and bottom from time to time.
  5. When the greasy noticeable stain disappears, the wax will transfer to paper and other fabric, all that remains is to wash the clothes using laundry soap, powder or any other suitable remedy.
The second common option for removing wax (paraffin) marks from fabric is steam exposure. This method is especially relevant for suede fabrics, which may suffer during the smoothing process.

How to Remove Wax Marks Using Steam

Place clothes, cleaned of the top layer of dirt, over hot steam from an iron or boiling water. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Then wash in the usual way or carefully wash only the areas of former contamination.

In addition to steam, it is also permissible to use simply heated air, for example, using a hair dryer.

Heating the stained area on clothing can also be done using regular hot water. This method of removing stains from wax or paraffin candles is suitable for various delicate fabrics that require careful handling.

The technique is very simple: It is necessary to hold the contaminated area of ​​the material under a powerful stream of boiling water so that the water seeps through the material and does not flow down it. 3-5 minutes of such exposure is enough, and after that you can wash the item by hand or in a machine.

Additional ways to clean clothes from paraffin (wax)

If the materials of the products do not require strong thermal exposure and the question of how to remove stains from the surface of clothing remains relevant, you can use the tips below.

Removing wax marks from wool and fine delicate fabrics

After removing the wax from above, drop a little dishwashing detergent onto the stained area. The fabric should first be slightly moistened. Next, you can either simply leave the detergent on the surface, or foam it with your fingers.

Exposure time: from 6 to 10 hours. After its expiration, the clothes are washed in the usual way using necessary funds(soap, powder).

For delicate materials, using ammonia solution is also suitable. For a liter of water you should take a teaspoon of this alcohol. Dissolve. Then pour the stained area and leave it for 40 minutes. Finally, the clothes are rinsed well in running water.

How to remove paraffin stains from velvet material, its analogues and synthetics

It is necessary to use the available chemical agent(gasoline, alcohol, turpentine, etc.). The solvent components present in the compositions of these liquids easily destroy traces of wax without damaging the fibers of the material.

For a cut thick fabric or a cotton swab needs to be applied required amount chemical liquid. Then rub the stained area and leave the cloth or cotton wool over the stain for 30-40 minutes. Then you just need to wash your clothes.

If you use gasoline that has strong smell, you need to wash the entire item using conditioner, which will drown out the unpleasant odor.

When using such recommendations for synthetic fabrics, it is prohibited to use gasoline, which is an excellent solvent for these materials. Other chemical liquids must be tested on a piece of material, monitoring the reaction of synthetics to such exposure. Only then follow the instructions given.

How to remove wax stains from skin

The easiest way to fix this problem is to:

  1. frozen paraffin is carefully cleaned off; It is not necessary to use knives or other devices; it is enough to simply knead the leather material well and then shake off the wax particles;
  2. if there is a visible greasy mark left, it should be wiped with cotton wool soaked in a solution of laundry soap, and then rinse the area with clean water.
Fighting colored spots from paraffin (wax)

When colored stains from a candle appear on your clothes, you need to act as follows:

  • wax is cleaned from the surface of the product;
  • clothes are soaked in warm water with the addition of a stain remover or bleach; the choice is made based on the structure and color of the material;
  • then leave things soaked for 3-5 hours;
  • after time, the clothes are washed thoroughly with soap or powder;
  • the remaining greasy mark on the surface of the material can be removed using any in a suitable way(iron, steam, chemical solvents), based on the characteristics of the fabric.
Two visual tips on how to get rid of unsightly wax stains on jeans or thin fabric, shown in the video:

Eliminating such a nuisance as contamination from candle wax is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Taking into account the characteristics of fabrics, choosing the appropriate product and convenient way will help not harm clothes, easily getting rid of unsightly stains.

A wax stain can appear on clothing completely unexpectedly. This may happen on romantic date, celebrating a birthday, when visiting church or at a large-scale celebration. At first it seems that an inconspicuous stain does not bother us at all, but then a greasy stain spreads on the fabric under the wax. Because of such a nuisance, you have to put your favorite trousers or dress in the back drawer of the closet. After reading this article, you will learn that such stains should be removed immediately, as well as how to remove wax from clothes.

Hot iron

This is a very popular way to remove candle wax from clothes.


  • Turn on the iron and set it to the lowest temperature.
  • Place paper towels under the stained cloth and on top of the wax.
  • Iron the stain. As the wax is absorbed into the napkins, they need to be replaced with fresh ones.
  • The spots completely disappear after 10 - 15 minutes.
  • After treatment, place the clothes in the washing machine and wash with washing powder.

Instead of napkins, you can use powdered chalk. It is a good absorbent; with this material, stain treatment time will be reduced to 5 minutes.

Important: Ironing wax stains works very well, but should not be used on delicate fabrics. In this case, it is better to just try to wash the item well with liquid agent intended for such washing or use other methods.


How to remove candle wax from clothes without any extra effort? You can use the same method as with chewing gum. Take advantage of the freezer compartment in your refrigerator. Place the "stained" clothing in a plastic bag and place it in the freezer. Try not to lean the packaging against the walls. After a couple of hours, the wax buildup will harden and become very brittle. Remove the item from the freezer and rub it with your hands in the area of ​​contamination. This needs to be done quickly, since you can only wipe wax off clothes while it is cold and crumbling. Try cleaning off small residues with your fingernail.

Hot water

There is another way to apply heat to a paraffin or wax stain. This is processing hot water.


  • Heat water in a kettle or draw hot water from a tap.
  • Use someone's help to stretch the stained cloth over the bathtub or sink. IN as a last resort, stretch the clothes over a bucket or pan.
  • Run hot water over the stain until the wax is completely dissolved.
  • After treatment, wipe the stained area with a clean napkin and put the item in the wash.


Many people have a lot of different household substances stored at home, which can be very useful for those who don’t know how to remove candle wax from clothes. If in home arsenal If such a product is not available, you can always buy it without any problems at a hardware store or pharmacy.


Before you remove wax from your favorite clothes, make sure you have some at home. cotton pads or clean cloth rags. Then dissolve 1 tbsp. l. ammonia in a liter of water room temperature. Pour the resulting liquid over the stain formed by the wax. Wait for it to dissolve and wipe the dirty area with a cloth or cotton wool. The clothes should then be washed in the machine as usual. Ammonia is even suitable for removing wax stains from many delicate fabrics.

Alcohol and turpentine

How to clean candle wax from clothes using alcohol? Take cotton pad and blot it with alcohol or turpentine. Squeeze a little and thoroughly wipe the stained area with the swab. The wax must completely dissolve during processing. If you can’t remove the stain in one go, you can put cotton wool soaked in alcohol or turpentine on the stain, leaving it for half an hour for a more intense effect.

Dishwashing detergents

Don't worry about ruined clothes, as you can remove wax from clothes with regular dishwashing detergent. It is even suitable for items made of wool and silk. Pour a little concentrated, undiluted product onto the stain and leave for some time to act. It is better to carry out this procedure in the evening and leave the stain with dish liquid overnight. In the morning, remove any loose wax with a napkin and place the clothes in washing machine. You can wash it in the usual way suitable for this type of fabric.

Note: Dishwashing liquid is also useful if, after removing wax from clothing, difficult-to-remove residues remain on it. greasy spots.

Removing wax stains from denim

Denim clothes can be washed at any temperature without fear, because this material is very resistant to damage and high temperatures. If you have a stain on your favorite jeans, then immediately begin to neutralize it. First, soak the item in very warm water for 30 minutes, then add a little more hot water and try to wash it by hand.

You can also use help automatic washing machine. The temperature must be set in the range of 50-60 degrees. This heating will be enough for the wax to come off without any problems. denim. Unlike machine processing, when hand wash it is much easier to determine whether the wax stains have disappeared from the jeans or not. Just look at the water in which the item was soaked and washed. If you notice greasy stains on the surface, it means the contamination has left the fabric. While washing your jeans, periodically remove them from the water and inspect them. If stains are not sufficiently cleaned, they can be immersed in a soap solution again and crushed with your hands. After washing, rinse items in clean cold water.

Before using any of the wax stain removal products described above, try applying a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing. Wait 30-40 minutes to make sure that the fabric has not changed color or its structure has collapsed. Soak items made from delicate fabrics overnight in warm soapy water, and then wash them in the special mode that every washing machine has.

Features of cleaning clothes from colored candles

Colored wax is a substance that is very difficult to remove. Under no circumstances should you immediately grab a hot iron, as high temperature will only aggravate the situation by facilitating the absorption of paint into the fabric. Proceed with extreme caution.

Here detailed instructions for removing colored wax from clothes:

  • Try to cool the wax dripping onto your clothing as quickly as possible. To do this, you can use an ice pack or some frozen product from your home freezer. Place the ice or food in a clean bag first.
  • Wait until the stain has completely hardened.
  • Remember the item with your hands and carefully shake off any spilled wax. What remains can be scraped off with a fingernail or the blunt side of a knife.
  • After this procedure, a colored greasy stain usually remains on the clothing. You can try to remove it with a store-bought stain remover.
  • Rinse the remaining stains under running water and soak the item in the selected product for several hours.
  • Wash your clothes as usual in the washing machine.
  • In some cases, leftovers unwanted color does not remain, and the fat is not removed in any way. Now you can use the iron according to the instructions described above.

Got your favorite clothes stained with wax? There is no need to throw it away or calculate how much dry cleaning costs. Our ancestors knew how to remove wax from clothes using improvised means, and shared their secrets.

you spent romantic dinner with your loved one by candlelight? And before that, of course, there was some waxing... Despite the unforgettable moments, unpleasant consequences inevitable.

Just like after New Year, Easter or Christmas, mandatory attribute which are candles. And these “consequences” often become stains on your loved one. elegant dress, which cannot be washed off.

How to remove wax from clothes without going to the dry cleaner? There are several effective methods, which are used depending on the type of material on which the wax has been applied. But almost all of them have one thing in common - the use of high or low temperatures.

Experienced housewives know that it is impossible to remove traces of wax - due to its specific structure, the product does not dissolve in either water or detergents.

Linen, cotton, calico - natural materials, which are the easiest to clean. To do this, it is enough to take thin cotton fabric, paper napkins and an iron heated to 50-70 ° C.

You should place several napkins under the area of ​​clothing where the wax stain is located, and a cotton cloth on top of them. Then you just need to iron this “structure” with an iron. This will allow the wax to melt and soak into the napkins and fabric. The procedure can be repeated several times, changing napkins and fabrics to clean ones.

To remove small stains, just use a spoon heated in boiling water.

There is another way to remove wax from unpretentious materials. Boil water in a large container and place the cloth there for a few seconds. When greasy stains appear on the surface of the water, remove the item and inspect it.

If it is not completely cleaned, then you need to repeat all the steps again. Then wash the product in warm soapy water and rinse first in warm, then in cold.

These methods cannot be used if there is a stain from dyed wax on the clothing. Under the influence of temperature, the dye will be absorbed even more and then it will no longer be possible to remove it. In this situation, it is better to use a stain remover.

2. Jeans

Wax stains on denim can be removed in a similar way - using an iron. But first, the soiled item should be frozen by leaving it in the freezer for some time.

Frozen wax crumbles easily if the product is rubbed, as when washing. Then all you have to do is use an iron and napkins to remove the residue.

3. Synthetics: silk, satin, organza, chiffon, wool

These fabrics are more difficult to clean because they practically cannot withstand high temperatures. It is important to first pay attention to the manufacturer’s label and set the iron to only the permissible temperature.

However there are more safe way Remove wax from synthetics by soaking it in hot water, then gently blot the softened paraffin with a rag or napkin. Remaining fat will be completely removed after normal washing.

But there are cases when delicate items cannot be heat treated at all. This could be a light organza dress, which has markings prohibiting ironing.

In such a situation, you can remove wax using an organic solvent: apply the substance to a cotton pad and rub the problem area with it. After this, just wash the item in warm soapy water and rinse thoroughly.

Advice! Before using a solvent, it is better to first test its effect - treat an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing with it. If this has a bad effect on the structure of the fabric or spoils its color, then you cannot do without a special stain remover.

In some situations, regular dishwashing liquid will be an effective solution for removing wax from wool and silk fabrics. A few drops should be applied to the surface of the material, foamed and left for 5-6 hours. All that's left to do is wash it.

We remove “capricious” wax stains from “capricious” things

Colored wax

If colored paraffin gets on things, then practically none of the listed methods will work. The situation is complicated by the presence of dyes in such wax, which penetrate deeply into the fabric when heated. As a result, withdrawal will be difficult.

Also, you should not try to scrub the item, since there is a risk of driving particles of colored wax even deeper into the structure of the material. Therefore the only thing possible way Try removing colored wax by freezing it and carefully peeling it off.

The remaining paint stain should be treated with a stain remover, and then wash the clothes in soapy water.

Fur and suede

The first thing to do when you find wax is to place the fur in the freezer for 30 minutes. Frozen paraffin can be easily removed from the villi with your fingers. Small crumbs just need to be shaken off or removed by running your fingers through the fur from bottom to top.

To clean suede, cover the stained area with a paper towel and gently press it against the iron for a few seconds. It is not allowed to hold a hot iron on a suede surface for a long time. Otherwise, dents or gloss may appear. If this does not help, you need to prepare a mixture of the following components:

  • 35 ml ammonia;
  • 10 ml of wine alcohol;
  • 50 ml gasoline.

A simpler composition: dilute 0.5 teaspoon of ammonia in 1 liter of water.

It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad in the prepared solution and apply it to the stains for a minute. Then wipe the suede with a clean damp cloth. The structure of suede after the procedure can be easily restored by holding it over steam.

How to remove wax from suede shoes?

You just need to hold it over the steam. After the shoes have cooled, you should clean the stains with a stiff brush. If necessary, repeat the procedure until completely cleansed. Particularly difficult wax marks can be cleaned with ammonia or gasoline.

Materials with unstable paint

The situation is almost the same as with colored wax. You should freeze the wax, then crumble it with your hands, rubbing it thoroughly. Then sprinkle the stained area with talcum powder or chalk and cover with a paper napkin. Place something heavy on top and leave for 2-3 hours. After this, clean the stains with a brush and wash the clothes in soapy water to wash off any remaining absorbent (talc, chalk) with wax.

Cleaning up leftovers

To remove greasy stains left after wax, the following products are suitable:

  • ammonia;
  • kerosene;
  • unleaded gasoline;
  • acetone;
  • turpentine;
  • solvent;
  • synthetic detergents;
  • dishwashing liquid.

After processing, the material must dry well and only then can it be washed. However, it should be taken into account that if the wax is not removed immediately, it will be almost impossible to remove it after a few days.

Attention! If it is difficult to determine which cleaning method is suitable for your item, then it is better not to take risks, but to use dry cleaning services (especially if wax stains are noticed on expensive clothes). Firstly, it is much easier for professionals to cope with such a task. Secondly, in case of failure, they will compensate for the damage for the damaged item.

Mother of two children. I'm leading household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I try all the time various means, ways, techniques that can make our lives easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

Almost no holiday is complete without such an attribute as candles. This decorative element adds beauty and romance to the celebration. But how great is our disappointment when we later find frozen greasy wax stains on our clothes, shoes or elegant tablecloth. The material from which the candles are made, falling on the fabric while hot, is absorbed into it instantly and hardens. Getting rid of them is not at all easy. But this does not mean that it is completely impossible to save a textile item. Effective methods for combating such pollution exist. We talk about how to remove wax from fabric in this article. From the information provided you will learn how to clean different types textiles from stains. You can safely adopt these methods; they have been tested by many housewives who confirm their reliability.

Natural fabrics

A melted candle fell on cotton, linen or We will find out how to remove wax from clothes made from these types of textiles right now.

To perform the procedure for removing paraffin stains, you will need an iron, a rag and paper napkin. Place the contaminated item on the table, place a napkin directly on the damaged area, and cover it with a cloth on top. Iron the entire resulting structure with a hot iron. Under the influence of high temperature, the wax will melt and be absorbed into the paper. If the stain does not come off completely the first time, change the napkin to a clean one and repeat the procedure one or two more times.

When using this textile cleaning method, it is important to consider the following point. A spot made with a colored candle should not be heated with an iron. Otherwise, the dye will be firmly absorbed into the fabric, and it will be almost impossible to remove it. In this case, the stain should be cleaned only with an industrial stain remover.

Synthetic fabrics

Textiles of this type can be cleaned in the same way as natural materials. But in this case, you should be careful when choosing the heating mode of the iron. As a general rule, synthetics should not be exposed to high temperatures. To avoid damaging the item, set the iron to the delicate ironing setting.

But what to do if the item is made of synthetics, which cannot be ironed at all? In this case, we recommend using the method of cleaning paraffin using hot water. How to remove wax from clothes made of delicate synthetics is described in the following instructions.

Pour hot water (50-70 degrees) into a bowl and place the contaminated item in it for two minutes. Next, try to remove the stain using gentle movements using a clean rag. The wax will melt and come off easily. But don’t try to wipe off the dirt, otherwise the paraffin will only smear and make it even more difficult to remove. If the stain does not come off after one soak in hot water, it is recommended to repeat this procedure again.

There is another one effective method how to remove wax from clothes made from organic solvents are used for these purposes: purified gasoline, turpentine oil (turpentine). Apply any of these liquids to a cotton swab or napkin and treat the stained area. After the stain has come off, wash the item in warm soapy water and rinse thoroughly.

Suede and leather

In order to remove wax from clothes or shoes made from suede, we will use the same iron. But there are certain nuances to the procedure. First, carefully scrape off the frozen stain with a blunt knife. Next, apply a dry paper towel to the area. Heat (but don't get hot!) the iron and place the suede against it. When the material heats up, the wax will release onto the paper. It is important to adhere to this particular technology for performing the cleaning procedure when the stain is applied to a heat source. A hot iron cannot be placed on this material, much less ironed, otherwise gloss and dents will appear.

There is another known way to remove wax from suede. To do this, we will prepare a “miracle remedy” from purified gasoline (50 g), wine alcohol (10 g) and ammonia (35 g). Soak a cotton swab in this solution and apply it to the paraffin stain. Then use a clean, damp cloth to wipe the stained area. The wax softens under the influence of solvents and comes off easily.

Here is another easy-to-follow method on how to remove wax from suede clothing. Boil in a saucepan clean water. Hold the contaminated item over the steam for several minutes. When the paraffin melts, remove it with a dry cloth or sponge. Do not rub the contaminated area with force, this will only make the situation worse. If you do not get the expected effect after the procedure, repeat it one more time.


Products made from this natural or artificial material, can neither be washed nor ironed. if it hit precisely those areas that are made of fur? It's quite simple. Place the item in the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour. The paraffin should harden well during this time. Then use your fingers to gently remove the wax from the lint. Perform this action from the base to the tip.

Delicate fabrics

Organza, chiffon, silk, satin cannot be treated with aggressive alcohol-based products. Want to know how to remove wax from delicate fabrics? In this case, industrial preparations such as stain removers and dishwashing gels will come to your aid. They dissolve fat very well, which means they can cope with wax. Apply one of these products generously to the contaminated area and leave until completely dry. Next, wash the item in warm water using washing powder. At heavily polluted It is recommended to repeat this procedure twice.

contact a specialist

If you value that item of clothing that has been “attacked” by melted paraffin and want to return it original appearance, then use the services of professionals. Masters of their craft working in dry cleaning, with the help special means will remove all stains efficiently and reliably.