Consultation for parents “Environmental education of preschoolers in the family. Consultation on the topic: Consultation for parents “Environmental education of preschool children


The upbringing of the younger generation, its education - these issues cannot but worry every adult, and especially those who are responsible for children and their fate, starting from preschool age.
A child is a ray that shines subtly,
But there is immortality in it, the light of ideas.
And kindergarten is for the child,
What a lot for people.
And every year, every milestone
Don’t call your children strangers -
After all, these are the children of man,
You are a person, they are yours!
You can't stay away from them
The whole meaning of life -
In their destiny.
And the thoughtless voice of a child
It calls to me and to you.

Formation ecological culture preschoolers
That humanity has no future unless it changes its attitude towards the environment is a generally accepted fact. Much is being done now to avert environmental catastrophe. The focus is on our nature and man’s attitude towards it!

And kids are known to show increased interest in the environment. But due to the lack of purposeful and unified work of kindergartens, families and the public, many 6-year-old and even 5-year-old children are developing negative attitude to some of its objects - mostly insects and amphibians, which leads to incorrect actions by children. They consider them “harmful”, unnecessary, without understanding their significance either for humans or for the environment.

In nature, everything is interconnected. Parents should help children understand that all living things need food, which they spend a lot of time searching for. Help with leading questions: “Why do butterflies fly over flowers? What are birds and ants looking for in the grass? Tell us what different animals eat. Preschoolers can understand and understand feedback between prey and predator (ants, feeding on other insects, save plants, and the eaten insects themselves from excessive reproduction, which will inevitably lead to their death from lack of food).

Initial ecological ideas become a regulator of children’s behavior in nature and help to foresee possible Negative consequences wrong actions - callous attitude towards plants and animals, pollution of objects inanimate nature. On a walk in nature, unfortunately, we often see damaged trees, bushes, trampled grass, and dead animals.
Please, adults!

Don’t pass by in silence, evaluate it all, using the mobilizing power of pity and sympathy. It is very important to influence the child’s feelings, make him want to help the plants, and prevent damage to others. When showing a tree with a broken branch or trampled grass, compare it with objects in excellent condition, together with the child, determine their living conditions, ask them to imagine what would happen if there was a lot of damage - i.e. focus on the significance of these objects for everything alive. In the process of observing nature, convince your child that where there are no trees, birds, butterflies and bees do not fly, even grass does not grow in trampled places, damaged plants develop poorly and get sick. Such figurative characteristics will play important role in the formation of environmental motives, in the regulation of child behavior in nature. It is better to formulate these rules not in a negative form (“do not tear, do not break, do not trample”), but in a positive form (help, care, protect).

It is important to create emotional contact with nature: let the child wander around on his own, look for something unusual, sit quietly on a hillock, listen to the singing of birds or the murmur of a stream, or just look around him.

Dear parents!

Foster in children love and respect for plants and animals, teach them to behave correctly in the forest, field, and near water bodies. Tell us how noise has a detrimental effect on the inhabitants of the forest. Because of the noise, birds abandon their nests, and forest animals run away from the forest. Therefore, in the forest, and in nature in general, it is necessary to maintain silence. Tell children about the danger of fires and that they should not damage trees, destroy nests, or mine Birch juice, litter the territory of floodplains and reservoirs broken glass, destroy anthills and much more.

Already in preschool age children must LEARN and KNOW:
- must be protected and preserved useful species plants, animals,

We must behave carefully in nature, remember that in the forest, in the floodplains, in the river there live permanent residents (birds, fish, animals, insects), for whom this environment is native home! Therefore, you cannot destroy it, spoil plants, collect flowers, litter, make noise; you cannot take living beings from their habitat;
- we must take care of the earth, water, air, since this is the environment where all living things exist. You need to take care of the land, feed it, because you can’t just take from it and not give it anything;
- water should be used sparingly, because plants, animals, and people need it. You cannot pollute water bodies or light fires on their banks.

And one more piece of advice: consolidate all knowledge in Everyday life, using questions - situations that our lives are so rich in.

For example:
Vova and her mother went to the floodplain to pick mushrooms. “Mom, mom, look, the bird is flying so low that I can catch it. Let her live at our house." “No, you can’t do that,” my mother answered. Why did she answer Vova like that?
Seryozha with mom and dad went to the river. Many small fish swam close, near the shore. “Give me a jar, I’ll catch some fish,” Seryozha asked his parents. “You can’t catch them,” dad said and explained why. What did dad tell Seryozha?

Consultation for parents of preschool educational institutions. Ecological culture of a city dweller

There is just a temple
There is a temple of science.
And there is also a temple of nature -
With scaffolding reaching out
Towards the sun and winds.
He is holy at any time of the day,
Open to us in the heat and cold,
Come here, be a little hearty,
Do not desecrate his shrines!

Nature is not an endless warehouse, its reserves are exhaustible, therefore human activity in nature must be reasonable: protective and creative.
This attitude towards nature must be cultivated in children with early years. It is from these years that a person begins to experience the beauty and diversity of nature.
Vaccinate with early age love for nature is necessary for two reasons: firstly, to cultivate a caring attitude towards the animal and plant world; secondly, for the development of more complex moral feelings and qualities: humanism, kindness, sympathy. A child’s behavior in nature is sometimes contradictory: having a positive attitude towards objects of nature, children often commit negative actions (plucking flowers they like and immediately throwing them away, torturing them - “petting” a kitten, etc.).
Sometimes they mistakenly think that the emotional impact of nature is a natural basis for cultivating a positive attitude towards it. From external relations to nature is not born, but only a deep conscious feeling of love and humane attitude towards it can be born. Interesting example given in the book by B. Ryabinin “On Love for Living Things.” “The child is scaring the pigeons. At first glance, an innocent activity. But he has fun by scaring him, he likes that the pigeons flap their wings when he approaches and fly away, that they are afraid of him - and this is where, as they say, the dog is buried, here is the root and primary cause of evil.”

Adult guidance is needed so that external emotional attitude to nature has grown into a moral and aesthetic feeling, presupposing an active, effective position of the child.
As practice shows, children have an insufficiently developed proactive, independent attitude towards natural objects. A child will not offend a lonely kitten he sees on the street, but he will not help it either; will not break tree branches, but will not tie up broken ones. Solving such problems as developing an effective attitude towards the environment, developing skills in caring for animals and plants, depends on the coordination of efforts and unity of requirements kindergarten and families.
Children are often dominated by selfish and utilitarian motives for communicating with objects of nature (“I like to play with the dog”, “I wrap my cat in a blanket and tie bows”, “I like to go to the forest and pick mushrooms with my dad”), however, he good deeds and selfless work are available. The presence of knowledge does not yet indicate a child’s conscious and sustainable positive attitude towards nature. Therefore, it is so important to include the child in the daily care of plants and animals at home: “Look if the soil is dry.” flower pots”, “Prepare food for the parrot”, “Feed the dog”, “Change the water for the cat”, “Sow oats to feed the birds”, etc.
Great importance have watched TV shows “About Animals”. It’s good if parents first watch the program, focus on the material that will be interesting to the child, think through an accessible commentary, and when the program is repeated, they watch it together with the child.
During walks, it is interesting to show children the plants listed in the Red Book, introduce the children to medicinal herbs, and tell them why they are called that. Children easily remember names such as coltsfoot, valerian, plantain, etc. After such conversations, they treat plants with care, even widespread ones.
Thus, every child should know well the rules for handling natural objects. It is advisable that these rules are formulated not in a negative way (“do not tear”, “do not trample”, “do not break”), but in positive form(how to help, care, protect).
It is important to create an emotional contact between the child and nature: let him wander around on his own, find something unusual, sit quietly on a hillock, listen to the singing of birds or the murmur of a stream, or just look around him.
Of course, a child’s emotional attitude to nature is largely determined by the attitude of the adult himself, so it’s good when parents know a lot of poems, songs, and riddles about nature and use them during walks and observations. The relationship between the ethical and the aesthetic contributes to the formation effective love to nature.
The task of educators and parents is to bring children to the understanding that we are together, and each of us can preserve and increase the beauty of our Earth.
We and nature are one big family. Teach children to see beauty native nature, cultivate a caring attitude towards her. If a child treats everything that surrounds him with care, your upbringing will not be in vain. They will be attentive not only to the world around them, but also to you, the adults.
The word “ecology” and its derivatives have firmly entered our everyday vocabulary, but they understand it in different ways. There are many definitions in the scientific literature. The most common: ecology is the science of the relationships of living organisms with each other and with environment.
Typically, environmental education is understood as instilling a love for nature. Indeed, this is an important part educational process, but often the methods by which such love is cultivated are very questionable. For example, for this purpose, houses contain wild animals or domestic animals without proper care, which get sick and even die in front of children. And children get used to not noticing their torment. Often during summer walks parents offer to collect flowers, catch butterflies, dragonflies or other insects. Such activities become permanent summer fun Guys. They tear off insects' wings, legs, or even trample their prey with their feet. Thus, such educational activities teach children not to love, but to destroy living things, and quite cruelly.
Environmental education children - first of all, education of humanity, i.e. kindness, responsible attitude towards nature, and towards the people who live nearby, towards descendants who need to leave the Earth suitable for full life. Environmental education should teach children to understand themselves and everything that happens around them. We need to teach children how to behave correctly in nature and among people.
Remember the rules!
- When in nature, you should not pick plants for bouquets. Bouquets can be made from those plants grown by humans.
- Gather medicinal plants only possible in places where there are many of them.
- In nature, especially in the forest, you need to try to walk along paths so that the plants do not die from trampling.
- It is necessary to protect not only rare plants, but also other, even the most common plants.
- Do not go close to bird nests. Following your tracks, predators can find and destroy your nests. If you accidentally find yourself near the nest, do not touch it, leave immediately. Otherwise, the parent birds may completely leave the nest.
- If you have a dog, do not take it with you into the forest. She can easily catch flightless chicks and helpless baby animals.
- Do not catch and take home healthy bird chicks and young animals. In nature, adult animals will take care of them.
-DO NOT FORGET that plants provide shelter for animals. Protect the grass, bushes, trees, you help the animals, birds, insects that take refuge in their thickets.
On April 1, the month of spring cleaning starts in Samara
Started in Samara preparatory work to organize an annual month of improvement, landscaping and improving the appearance of the city. Traditional subbotniks and mediations with the participation of townspeople will be held in April. For city services, this period starts much earlier.
All relevant structural divisions of the municipality were involved in the organization of the spring month of improvement, including the Department of Improvement and Ecology, the Department of Housing and Communal Services, district administrations, municipal enterprises "Blagoustroistvo" and "Spetsremstroyzelenkhoz", the municipal autonomous institution " Road maintenance».
This year, during the spring cleaning period in Samara, the following types of work will be carried out: cleaning urban areas from household and industrial waste and removing it to landfills; repair of playgrounds, small architectural forms and fences; repair of container sites; as well as putting construction sites in order; installation of new bins and benches; arrangement of flower beds, bringing outdoor advertising in the city into proper condition and dismantling unauthorized advertising structures; cleaning and repair of waiting pavilions public transport; cleaning and repair of facades; arrangement of flower beds; cleaning storm sewer networks, etc.
In addition, on the eve of the celebration of the anniversary of the Victory, Special attention is given to putting in order memorial places: monuments, steles, memorial plaques located on the territory of Samara, as well as burial places of war participants.
Traditionally, during the city beautification month in Samara, work will take place to prepare the areas of parks, squares and embankment attractions for the spring-summer season, as well as the launch of city fountains.
Dear parents, take part in improving the appearance of your yard and kindergarten area!

Tatiana Skorokhodova
Consultation for parents on ecology “Nature-family, child”

Consultation for parents on environmental education

on the topic: « Nature is family, child» .

“A man became a man when he heard the whisper of leaves and the song of a grasshopper,

the murmur of a spring stream and the ringing of silver bells in the bottomless

summer sky, the rustle of snowflakes and the howling of a blizzard outside the window, the gentle splash

waves and the solemn silence of the night - he heard, and, holding his breath, listens

hundreds and thousands of years of wonderful music of life.”


Human activity in last years causing more and more damage nature means pollution, and excessive waste of its resources.


We must teach children not only to take from nature, but also to take care of it, protect and increase its wealth. Real care for nature arises in children only when they have an adult example in front of them every day. We can talk endlessly about respect for nature, but if the adult whom the children imitate callously broke a branch, stepped over a flowerbed, screamed when he saw a worm in the child’s hand nka: “Quit this crap!”- then there will be no benefit

Human activity in nature must be reasonable: protecting and creating. This attitude towards nature need to be taught to children from an early age. It is from an early age that a person begins to experience beauty, diversity nature. The foundations of a child’s character and life position are laid in the family. And to explain to children how to take care nature to instill in them some natural history skills personal example is important parents! Their caring and caring attitude towards nature. Native beauty nature reveals the beauty of human labor, gives rise to the desire to make one’s land even more beautiful. Therefore, it is so important to show children how a person protects and increases natural resources how much work he puts in.

In raising a child careful attitude To nature doesn't, and there can be no trifles. A flower picked just like that, a butterfly caught out of curiosity, a bug trampled on - all this, with an indifferent attitude on the part of adults, can lead to extremely undesirable consequences. Children's respect for nature begins with understanding its values. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to show cognitive and aesthetic value nature. Thanks to this, over time, a careful, responsible attitude towards the environment will develop.

You can interest your child in a variety of ways. For example, growing house plants. The most suitable for this are fast-growing plants such as geranium or begonia, indoor crops of tomatoes and cucumbers. In order for the children to water them in a timely manner, their interest in the growth and development of plants, the appearance of new sprouts, flowers, and fruits should be encouraged in every possible way. Responsibility - important quality. And it is this that we will develop, trusting the little one with the life of green pets. You can also try growing green grass, wheat, oats for pet (hamster, kitten, parrot). Plant fruit seeds in a pot and see what happens, and in the spring, transplant the seedling and take care of it. Well, isn't this a miracle?

Every family has every opportunity to awaken and develop a child’s interest in nature, the need for constant communication with her.

Regular family trips to the nature. Child under beneficial influence parents, gradually perceives beauty natural landscapes, delves into the mysteries of life nature. In direct contact with it, children develop observation, curiosity, interest in natural objects. If during walks you systematically observe insects, plants, birds with children, then they will accumulate certain knowledge in this area. The first lessons in thinking should be among nature.

Books about children are of great importance in raising children. nature, animal life. By involving the child in a discussion of what they read, adults explain unclear points and guide the child’s thoughts and interests.

Suggested literature for children 3 – 4 years: “Turnip”, “Chicken” by Korney Chukovsky. Books by Vladimir Suteev “Under the Mushroom”, “Chicken and Duckling”, “The Magic Wand”, “Apple” and others. Poems by Samuil Marshak “Mustachioed and Striped”, “Where did you have dinner, sparrow?” V. Bianchi “Like an ant hurried home” other. This also includes folk tales about animals “Tails”, “Cat and Fox”, “Fox with a rolling pin”, “Zayushkina’s Hut” and others, Sergei Mikhalkov’s fables “Who wins?”, “The Helpful Hare”, “Friends on a Hiking” and many other stories. With age, the works become more complex.

Children are especially drawn to animals. He passionately desires to have and care for any living creature. Content that involves additional burden and difficulties. And yet, it is difficult to overestimate the impact that communication, care and care for a weak living being has on the formation of a child’s personality. With animals a child and parents can communicate emotionally - care for, play, talk. Child becomes more sociable, mobile and dexterous, his motor skills and coordination of movements improve. Having an animal in the house makes the family more friendly and united.

Artistic and creative activities are of particular importance.

Organizing art at home workshop:

- modeling: from clay, plasticine, dough;

Application, design using cereals, And natural materials;

Drawing with plant elements

Promotes emotional opening baby, develops observation, attention, memory, fosters children’s respect for nature. Creative potential, increases the level of speech development in preschool children, children learn to create, learn to understand and see beauty and wealth nature.

Ecological Education will be more effective only if there is constant, daily communication between adults and children in the family. Don’t waste your time on games, experiments, walks, reading, creativity. And then your children and adult life will consciously and carefully treat all living and nonliving things on Earth.

Publications on the topic:

Consultation “A reading family is a successful child” Every child has the right to literary education. Every family, thinking about the future of the child, should take part in this. Preschool.

Conversation for parents “Child and Family” The most joyful and long-awaited event in a family is the birth of a child. But parents are already faced with the question of how to raise their child so that...

Educational objectives: Learn to correctly name all family members. Give the concepts of “relatives”, “relatives”. Continue to form ideas.

Consultation for parents “Aggressive child” Consultation for parents “Aggressive child” Aggressive child- a great disappointment for parents, a “thunderstorm” in the yards, but also unfortunate.

Consultation for parents “Environmental education of preschoolers in the family”

Sent by: Fedotova E.

In preschool childhood, the foundations of personality are laid. And this is impossible without the child’s communication with nature and the animal world. As children begin to get acquainted with their surroundings, they eagerly absorb everything new. They are interested not only in the names of objects, but also in their features, properties, qualities, actions with them, natural phenomena, and animal behavior. Kids reach out to every twig, blade of grass, and butterfly. They enthusiastically greet the rainbow, the bright sun, watch the running clouds and rustling leaves. The task of adults is to help them get acquainted with the natural world, to show their kindness, right attitude to the environment. Parents and teachers should take care of this, forming in children a cognitive and humane-value attitude towards nature. One careless word from an adult can accustom a child to the idea that it is not necessary to rejoice at all living things. It often happens that a baby picks up a bird feather or a pebble from the ground and immediately hears from his mother that he should not pick up dirty things. It is necessary not only to show what beautiful world surrounds them, but also clearly explains why we need to love and take care of all living things. Constant communication of a child with nature and animals gives noticeable healing effect, helps relieve psychological tension, stress, aggressiveness, and instills a friendly attitude towards all living things.

For a child, animals and plants are a source of new impressions and experiences. Positive experience appears good relations to people. Emotional life becomes richer, which has a positive effect on personal development. In a family where they take care of comprehensive development It’s a good idea to create a natural development environment for your baby, have books, games about nature, have indoor plant, and if there are no contraindications, then a pet. Adults help children get to know them and teach them to treat them with care and attention. Of course, all the worries and troubles of caring for pets fall on the shoulders of the parents, but asking the child to help an adult solves another problem - labor education. It is better not to force the baby to do anything, but to point personal example, ask for help. Gradually the child gets used to taking part in caring for the animal and plant. He develops a position of protection and care for “those who have been tamed.”

Sometimes we notice that some children like to torment a small bug by tearing off its legs, break and throw flowers, tree branches, and watch with pleasure how a big dog offends a small one. Curiosity may be at the root of this. An adult should talk to the child, explain to him how the unfortunate animal or plant feels. A child’s communication with nature should not be uncontrolled, because often he does not yet know how to behave in nature and therefore can harm it and himself.

Our task is to bring children closer to the natural environment, because every time of the year is wonderful. Bright, rich colors of summer, rich shades of autumn, tender greens awakening nature in spring or even the strict white robe of winter arouses children’s interest and touches emotional sphere. We must support their interest, teach them to see, notice, understand the world nature. While walking, teach your child to listen, examine, observe, and compare. There is a great opportunity to develop his sensory abilities, to introduce him to shape, color, smell, size. It is necessary to support children's interest in a timely manner, teach them to see, notice, and understand the natural world around them.

Impressions need to be reflected in creativity: drawings, applications, stories. An adult can help make a collage, write a riddle, draw a picture with the child, or write a fairy tale. These could be photographs taken on a walk or homework from a kindergarten, where the family is given the opportunity not only to make something for the group, but also, for example, to show their child what can be made from waste material.

The main goal of environmental education is to form a consciously correct attitude of children towards natural objects with which they are in direct contact. Children are our future, and if they grow up to be partial to birds, insects, trees, flowers, bright sun and an elegant rainbow, ready to defend a weak chick or an abandoned kitten, then our efforts and concerns were not in vain.

And then maybe in our country the air will become a little cleaner, there will be a little less stray animals, the rivers will become deep and clear, and people will be kinder.

Consultation for parents

"Ecology and Children"

For a child, a family is his place of birth and his main habitat. He has close people in his family who understand him and accept him for who he is - healthy or sick, kind or not so kind, flexible, he belongs there.

It is in the family that the child learns the basics about the world around him. It is in the family that the child’s ideas about good and evil are deposited. With loved ones, he experiences feelings of love, friendship, and duty. By it's nature family education based on feeling. Feelings of love with all the harmony of the various nuances of its manifestation accompany the child in the family, starting from intrauterine development until adulthood. This range of feelings has a beneficial effect on the development and upbringing of a child: it gives him a passing feeling of happiness, tenderness of existence, a sense of protection from external adversity, and in the person of parents - helpers, advisers, older friends. Moreover harmonious development child in the family is created various manifestations feelings of love from family members.

From the first years of life, children formulate the beginning of an ecological culture. Children see at home how their mother takes care of flowers, a cat or a dog. They themselves are drawn to all living things, they want to pet the animal and admire beautiful flowers.

Growing up, children learn that every creature has its own “home”, which contains everything for its life. Environmental education is the knowledge of living things that surround the child in their habitat, and our the main task, teach them to protect and take care of what they see. You need to clearly explain to your child that breaking a tree branch is prohibited, especially in winter. Draw the child’s attention to the beauty, how beautiful they are in the frost. In winter they sleep and they have only us as protectors.

We need to cover the roots with snow, explaining that we are helping them survive in the winter. When you are in the forest with your children in winter, pay attention to the silence in the forest, its beauty and how well you can breathe in the forest.

In spring, nature transforms, and we rejoice at every new blade of grass and new leaf. Work at the dacha begins and the children help you, albeit very little, but they are drawn to it, seeing how you do it. There is a forest near the dacha areas; you go there with your children. We all reach out to nature to relax and breathe. fresh air, listen to the babbling brook. We adults collect flowers and medicinal herbs, pick only as much as you need, and try not to tear up the roots.

When picking mushrooms and berries in the forest, take only those that you know, and leave others alone. Animals need them, they feed on them and are treated with them. Like, for example, the fly agaric mushroom, it’s so beautiful, admire it, but don’t touch it, the elk will come and use it for treatment. To prevent mushrooms from disappearing from our forest, do not disturb the mycelium, explain to children that mushrooms need to be cut with a knife, a new mushroom will grow here.

Children often act cruelly to nature and we adults are to blame for all this. They couldn’t teach us to see the beautiful and make sure that everything that surrounds us only makes us happy.

Feed the birds, hang a feeder outside the window or on the balcony. The child will put the food there himself. If you want to please your child, get him a parrot or a goldfinch, a turtle or a hamster. Explain and teach how to properly care for them and the child will be happy. Many children have a dream to have a friend nearby, this is a kitten or puppy. And if you get yourself an animal at home, do not throw them out into the street when they grow up, they are animals and trust people. I wish you to cultivate a sense of compassion in children, teach them to see the beauty of the world around them and this will not be in vain. If a child treats everything with care and takes care of this “home”, your upbringing will not be in vain. They will be attentive not only to the world around them, but also to you adults.