An effective way to meet love. Ways to attract a decent man into your life. With the help of Feng Shui

Love manifests itself in all spheres of life: some ladies have a passion for picturesque landscapes, others find solace in the face of a newborn baby, others find happiness living life with their beloved man. The last category of women will be discussed. What to do if you can not find a satellite on long years? Buy a love potion or cast a spell? Let's consider the steps in order.

Step #1. Create the image of the right man

  1. To attract love into life, it is not necessary to make an endless list positive qualities. The image of the future partner is projected in the head. Find out what kind of man you want to spend the rest of your days with. Perhaps the betrothed should have a sense of humor or material wealth, be reliable and self-confident. If you have already become an object of adoration for someone, find out what attracts you to him. Transfer the qualities to the image of the future companion and fix it in your memory.
  2. Thoughts are material. What kind of person you draw in your head, this is how he will appear. Want romance? Receive, sign. Would you like to be with a gallant gentleman? It's doable. It is only important to think through every detail. If you represent serious man, imagine how he is leading a press conference or returning home with a purse and polished shoes. Do you want to bring to life creative personality? Scroll in your head as your betrothed sits at an easel in a soiled shirt. You can create a "clean" image by imagining that the future companion is a writer who constantly taps on the keyboard.
  3. The procedure is amazing. Perhaps all your life you thought that you wanted to be close to a strong brutal companion, but when drawing up a portrait, it turned out that you feel more comfortable next to a caring man. There is a “contrary” option: for many years you wanted to meet a romantic, but it turned out that they are in the clouds and good for nothing, as a result of which you switched to a courageous and reliable type.
  4. You won’t be able to draw the perfect man right away, you will need several “samples” for comparison. Make it a habit to communicate daily with the strong half of humanity, and the interlocutors should be different in mindset, character and physique. Go on dates, start entertaining conversations, only in this way you can create a mental image of “your person”. Adopt a few positive qualities from each interlocutor, remember and negative sides who you do not want to see in the future beloved man.
  5. To root the image in your head, you should resort to visualization. When you have made an approximate type of a future partner, start imagining life together with him. Clearly define what you expect from the connection, whether you will have children, in which house you will settle. Come up with more details, scroll through the image several times a day.

Step #2. Leave the past in the past

Girls fail in their search for new love because of old mistakes. Painful memories, bitter tears and merciless quarrels are still fresh in my memory. You cannot move forward unless you let go of the past. Perhaps, with a former gentleman, you imagined in reality how to raise children together, build a house and grow a tree, but now he is not around. Focus on yourself, it's time to bring to life true love. Put your thoughts and general state of mind in order.

Step #3. Love your own "I"

Love won't come until you make it right ideal relationship with your own mind. Love yourself, then let a man do it. Those tales of self-sacrifice in the relationship between a man and a woman are quite romantic, but one cannot give up oneself even in spite of love. Men praise beautiful and well-groomed women who take care of themselves no matter the situation.

Go shopping, update your wardrobe beyond recognition. Buy only things that fit perfectly. Don't forget about good perfume if a man does not remember what you are wearing, he will definitely catch nice smell. Replace pants with skirts, sneakers with shoes and go, conquer heights! Find a hobby that makes you happy, develop yourself.

Step number 4. Chat with happy people

To attract the love of a man in life, you need to constantly be in the appropriate environment. Communicate with really happy people, avoid negative and problematic personalities. Limit conversations with those who constantly lament and hope for the worst. A person is subconsciously drawn to successful people, it is easier to communicate with them, they energize and give confidence in their own strengths. An important aspect interpersonal communication is to maintain contact with already found love acquaintances. If you do not become jealous, their loving state will be transmitted like a virus.

Step number 5. Carry love in you

Many women sit and wait for a worthy gentleman, while they constantly lament, claiming that love is a lie. Of course, if you tune in this way, it will happen. Become a source of love, do not listen to those who say that it does not exist. It can be expressed not only to males, but also to children, parents, pets, the world around. Try to find something bright, attractive in everything. Stop complaining that you are alone. Men pay attention to women who glow from within. They understand that if they conquer a lady, they will kindle a real fire in her. Dull and sad girls repulsive, they are closed to new feelings and are constantly in a kind of mourning.

Even if you, being in a "gray" mood, meet love, romance will soon pass and the man will open his eyes. He will understand that he is pulling the relationship on his own, as a result of which loneliness and sadness will engulf you again. Many people say “It is better to be loved than loving”, such a statement is erroneous, it is used only by selfish people. To take love and give nothing in return? How do you imagine that?

Step number 6. Help those in need

Have you noticed that a friend does not leave the apartment for several days, mired in depression? Help. An important feature methodology is to promote love affairs. If a friend cannot find love or has a fight with her current boyfriend, provide support. Do your best. you can cook romantic dinner and reconcile them, talk heart to heart with each one individually. Share worthwhile tips.

Help people find love. Chatting with a good friend at the same time nice guy? Great, bring them together. Arrange an unscheduled trip to the cinema, sit in a cafe, and then say that it's time for you to leave. Psychological reception aimed at sincere and disinterested help to others.

Can't attract a man's love into your life? Start with an image ideal partner, carefully work out the details, do not forget about the visualization process. Leave the past, move forward. Try to spend more time with loving people who have already met love.

Video: how to attract a man into your life

Hello dear readers. Meet true love also in young age, and to live with her all his life is considered a rarity. Every day people meet and disperse, but, alas, not everyone is destined to meet truly sincere mutual love. This is how girls are used to thinking, who, in their opinion, are always unlucky in love. Or maybe you're just looking in the wrong place? You can spend your whole life waiting for your soul mate, who would ideally complement you, and never meet her. But why take such a risk? So let's take matters into our own hands and let love find us. In order to attract love into your life, you must perform certain actions. It can be both simple purchases for your future lover, and more serious rituals.

It all depends on whether you are really ready to meet your love? Desire is a pretty strong thing, because it depends on it future success in one matter or another. Remember that love only comes to those who really need it.

If you have not yet met your love and turned to the Internet for help, then it is unlikely that at least a drop of skepticism remains in you. And if it remains, then you need to get rid of it urgently. You must really believe that you will soon meet your love, because otherwise, without noticing it, you will scare her away.

So here are some tips to help you find your happiness. You just need to perform some actions aimed at achieving the main goal.

1. Letter of desire

Put down on paper what you feel right now. Write about how you would like to meet your love and why it is so important to you.

Do not forget to list the qualities that your future chosen one should have. It is recommended to engage in the presentation of one's own thoughts precisely on the new moon.

3. Finding the love zone in your bedroom

By transforming your room, you can show the Universe that you are really ready for a fateful meeting.

You will have to change your room a bit by doing the following:

Get rid of all the things that still remind you of past relationships. Keeping things like this means that you are still holding on to your past, blocking the opportunity to meet your destiny. Let go of the past by sending all "memories" to the trash can;

Remove from the home all objects that make you sad. It's about about paintings with dull rainy landscapes, and lonely people depicted in them. Replace them with more fun pictures that show happy families with kids. Or just place a summer seascape on the wall, which will keep you warm even in winter;

Each bedroom has a love zone located on the far left of the door. It is there that a small table for two should be placed, on which glasses and scented candles will stand;

In any souvenir shop you can find a small figurine consisting of two birds, which will symbolize the love of two hearts.

3. Sleep on a double bed

But if you do not have the opportunity to purchase such a luxurious bed, then at least put one more pillow on your small bed. So, you select a place that is intended for your soulmate.

4. Shop double

Thinking about buying yourself a fresh croissant in the morning? Buy two, as the second will be for your lover. But you shouldn’t get carried away with this method either, because it won’t take long to get better.

5. Buy a second pair of slippers, and specifically men's

Actually, it doesn't have to be slippers. You can buy another cup or a toothbrush.

6. Stop watching scary movies and replace them with romantic comedies.

It is also undesirable to get involved in too sad melodramas, otherwise you will seize grief with the same croissants.

7. Start loving yourself

Usually the reason for the failure personal life lies precisely in the lack of self-love. In other words, if you do not love yourself, then on a subconscious level you are sure that you do not deserve such happiness as love.

Of course, all this is not done in one day, so you should not immediately expect the result. By doing one action after another, you tune in to see you soon with your destiny, and, of course, it will take some time.

Rituals to attract a man, that is, your soulmate

If carrying out the previous actions do not have any special requirements, then the rituals will be carried out a little differently. Each of the rituals should be performed only in certain time, at the same time, the actions will be accompanied by a conspiracy, which will become a kind of appeal to the Universe.

"Magnet" attracting a man

This ritual consists precisely in the creation of this talisman, which will be accompanied by a reading of the plot. It is this item that will act as a magnet that attracts special men.

The ritual should be carried out precisely on the “growing” moon. On one of these nights, you must leave your photo on the windowsill, previously wrapped in a basil leaf.

During the night, the photo will be saturated with the energy of the moon, and just the same basil leaf will serve as a conductor. In the morning we wrap the photo in a small piece of green cloth, and then place it in the bag that you always carry with you.

So you get charged positive energy a magnet that will work in your favor. Please note that the effect of such a talisman is not eternal, so after a month it will lose all its properties.

Apricot Kernel Talisman

First of all, you need to choose the ripest apricot and eat it. The remaining bone is thoroughly washed and dried. After a while, we divide it into two parts, taking out an edible core from it.

In the process of eating the fruit, be sure to say the following words: "Love, come to me."

But the nucleolus, extracted from the bone, needs to be fed to the bird, accompanying this process with the following words: "Love failures are left behind."

The remaining parts of the bone are glued together. IN finished product we make a hole into which the thread will be pierced. In fact, we get a pendant that we will wear around our neck as a talisman. In order for love to come into your life as quickly as possible, you need to color the bone red.

Such a talisman will be near your heart all the time, which means it will help you find your love. So get ready for the apricot season, which can be life-changing for you.

Ritual for marriage

Every woman dreams that one day she will become the wife of her beloved man. But sometimes this process drags on quite a lot, so a woman has to take the initiative into her own hands.

IN this case the goal is to meet her future husband. Therefore, you must clearly understand that after doing this ritual, there will be no turning back.

This ritual requires the preparation of special attributes, which will be a broom and a yellow scoop. To increase the chances, it is recommended to shop on Wednesday or Friday. Please note that when buying these things, you should not take change. So it's time to leave the sellers a little tip.

On the way home, try to think about how you will sweep the house with this broom. It is this new purchase will help you keep order in the house, as well as get rid of everything unnecessary that is in your life.

On the same day, you will have to do a little cleaning, in which a new purchase will help you. If you live in a private house, then you will have to sweep whole yard, well, if in an apartment - the whole entrance is yours.

We collect the collected garbage on a scoop and bring it into the house. We pour it into a special bag, and put it in any free corner of the house. It should stay in your house until the next full moon.

If during this time you were lucky enough to meet someone, then the garbage is taken out of the house with the onset of the full moon. Please note that the bag must be taken as far from home as possible.

Ritual "Is he my destiny?"

This ritual is quite unusual, because most often, women are in search of that same man. In this case, we will ask for help from the Universe. We will need to find out whether the fate of the person who is next to us at the moment.

Well, if you are just in love with someone, and the person does not reciprocate, then this ritual will also help you understand if you need this person at all?

You have to wait for the full moon. Before you go to bed, put a photo of your betrothed and any thing belonging to him under the pillow. But do not try to fall asleep immediately. Think about your relationship with your loved one, is everything good in them?

Plunging into a dream, ask the universe a question that interests you. Ideally, you should have a dream, which will be the answer to question asked. Well, if this did not happen, or you simply do not remember what you dreamed about, then expect a "sign of fate" in the near future.

Ritual for unmarried women

To get started, you will need to ask your married friend cup. If none of your friends married women, then you will have to turn to relatives for help.

It is generally accepted that it is the cup that contains the energy of marriage, therefore, by giving you her cup, a friend shares with you part of the energy. But be sure to make sure that your girlfriend is really happy in marriage, otherwise you will only bring trouble on yourself.

We managed to get a cup, so it's time to proceed to the next stage - the purchase wedding ring. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money to purchase a gold ring. You can get by with simple jewelry, but the ring must be gold.

Nine grains of rice and a red ribbon must be placed in a cup, the length of which will be exactly 18 centimeters. We also place our ring there.

Throughout the day, the cup with all its contents should be near your bed. Before going to bed, put a ring on your finger, and falling asleep, try to imagine your life as vividly as possible. family life which makes you happy.

Thus, you are setting yourself up for a future married life. And this means that your betrothed will find you very soon.

Rules for conducting rituals

A properly performed ritual greatly increases your chances of finding love. Therefore, do not neglect them, otherwise your strength will simply be wasted.

If you are really determined to find your love this year, then take into account the following conditions:

All rituals are performed during the period of the growing moon, because it is this time that the effectiveness of the ritual is increased significantly.

The ritual should be carried out in complete solitude, therefore perfect time it will still be midnight. Moreover, it is this time of day that is the most magical.

Each ritual must be accompanied by a conspiracy. Even if it is not specified, then your job is to improvise. Just say what you feel. Sometimes it's even better than memorized words, because it sounds really sincere.

At the time of the ceremony, you must be in good mood. Negativity in this case will not help you achieve your goal.

Do not tell anyone that you performed the ceremony. And don’t get hung up on this yourself, because you risk frightening off your happiness.

These simple rules can you figure out how to attract love into your life - tips, conspiracies, rituals. You must clearly understand the importance of these conditions, which will help you achieve your goal.

Many do not trust this way to find their love, but someone has already tested their effect on themselves, and lives in happy marriage. You can believe or not believe, but why not take a chance and do at least one ritual? This will only increase your chances of finding your soul mate.

The power of thought is a powerful thing and should not be underestimated. By setting yourself up for a brighter future, you are getting closer every day to what you really desire. After all, everyone deserves to love and be loved. And if the Universe does not help you, then you should just ask her about it.


Love is the main feeling in the life of almost every person. This is especially true for women. They are constantly looking for a soul mate, if they have not yet found their happiness.

Girls, her behavior: she changes, glows from the inside, radiates beauty and vibes of goodness, becomes soft and tender.

Love happens from a mother to her child, between relatives, friends, even animals experience this feeling. But the most important question remains how to attract the love of the opposite sex into your life, to compose a “yin and yang” composition.

Follow these tips in practice, and very soon your life will change.

Live in the present . How we love to remember the past, to hope that those moments will repeat again. Many of us have experienced the feeling of love. Sometimes relationships end unexpectedly when you don't expect them to. An unpleasant aftertaste remains on the soul, it seems that it is you who are to blame. We look for flaws in ourselves, eat from the inside, delve into the words that we said to our beloved. Sometimes such reflections take up most of the free time. There is no time left for oneself, longing, fear of loneliness appears in the eyes. Under no circumstances should this be brought about. To find happiness, live for today, become happy alone with yourself. Only when you accept yourself, understand what true happiness is, breathe in full chest, new love will come into your life again. Do not dive into the past, it will absorb you completely. And when you wake up at 60 alone in an empty apartment, it will be too late. Although, all ages are submissive to love. Perhaps that is when you will find true happiness.

Think over the look . To attract love into your life, think about what kind of man suits you, with whom it will be warm, cozy and comfortable. But this does not mean that you have to make a long list of external qualities and character traits of your desired chosen one. Appearance remains in the background. Although do not forget that a person is greeted by clothes, but the main thing is what is inside. Think about what is important to you: reliability, loyalty, sense of humor, romance, etc. Sometimes it happens that it seems perfect man- this is a reckless merry fellow who is ready for extreme deeds, but in fact you will be fine with a calm home man who likes to spend time at home watching TV. If there is a person nearby who you like, think about what qualities attract you in him. To understand what exactly is “your”, you need to “try”. Open up to people, do not sit at home, get to know each other. This does not mean that you need to immediately rush into the pool with your head. You have the right to choose. , compare. After some time of such an analysis, you will reach the truth and make a real "identikit" of your future chosen one. Thoughts materialize, so regularly twice a day: in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed, think about the portrait of this person. Represent it. Only regularity in such exercises will lead you to discovery and meeting with your future loved one.

Be happy . Before love appears in your life, and the soul opens to it, you must. Do not be afraid to be alone with yourself, on the contrary, when you realize the beauty of being with yourself, you find true harmony inside. Then happiness will flow from within you. Everyone around you will definitely see it and reach out to you. While you are alone, you devote time only to yourself. There are no obligations to a man, you are completely free, do what you want (within reason). Enjoy loneliness, become happy, enjoy every moment spent with yourself. Remember, soon in your life will appear native person for which you will live, give him love, start new chapter. In the meantime, look for harmony within yourself. Love yourself, without it you will not feel happiness. Accept yourself for who you are with all your flaws. If they are related to appearance, then gradually change: go in for sports, eat right, do not forget about the hairdresser and manicurist.
Look around and love this world . Love is a pure feeling that exists in the world. Without it, life seems uninteresting, empty, incomplete. Some women can't for years. But why is this happening? A man will not suddenly burst into your life, contribute to this.

Learn to see beauty in everything. In every falling leaf from a tree, in every drop of dew in the early morning, and then people will come towards you, like a light in the thick of a dark forest. This is the boomerang effect. Everything that we give to the world, we eventually get back, be it good, evil, love, hate, etc. When you see the beauty of the world, start sharing it with others, then miracles will happen in your life.

Recharge from the people around you . Probably everyone wants to get a "vaccination of happiness." This does not require much, just surround yourself with positively charged people, and they will fill you, “infect” you with their energy of love, kindness and happiness. Please note that unhappy and lonely people are always unhappy with everything, they radiate negativity, are in depressed state and grieve for any reason. Communicating with them, and you become the same pessimist. Leave in your environment only people who are happy with their lives, who are happily married, have children and enjoy every day they live. Then they will fill you with the necessary feelings that will attract you. right person And future love.

feng shui attract love . The Feng Shui teaching is quite old, it is used for different purposes: attracting money, harmony, improving health. Love is no exception. In order to attract love to your home, you need to make room for the second half. Show that you are ready for a relationship, you are open. First of all, remove old things from the apartment. Throw them away or give them to those in need. This will not only free up space, but also purify the atmosphere. The next step will be to clean up old gifts, memorabilia from fans or former men. If it's a pity to part with them, just collect them in one box and hide them in a closet. Buy paired souvenirs or utensils for the house. These can be the same mugs or figurines of birds: cranes, swans. They are a symbol eternal love. There should be as many such items intended for two as possible. Buy and arrange images around the house happy people. It can be paintings or photographs.

Using these tips on how to attract love into your life, you will soon find this feeling. The main thing is to believe and wait, and a miracle will happen!

January 19, 2014

Love is the most important and valuable feeling in the life of every person. meet your your soul mate and it is possible to live nearby all your life using one of the three effective rites that attract love.

Even unrequited love contains many strong emotions: some of them contribute to creation, others to destruction, but in any case they make life brighter. However, the preponderance towards the negative and long suffering can lead to almost complete exhaustion. vitality. If you feel that you are literally obsessed with some person and cannot imagine life without him, then it is likely that you have become a victim of a love spell.

Get rid of the imposed feeling and gain inner harmony you can, after spending the cold - a special ritualhelping to fall out of love and forget any person.

If there is no loved one in your life and you want to experience a feeling mutual love, unity and harmony, then three the strongest ritual, tested by generations of people who have found their true destiny.

Call your loved one to the wind

This the way is fine those who are not in love with a specific man or a specific woman, but want to attract a partner into their lives that meets all your expectations. For the ceremony you will need:

  • piece of paper;
  • red pen;
  • dried mint leaves;
  • dry rose petals;
  • refractory dishes;
  • matches.

To begin with, stay alone and focus on the image of the person you wish to have next to you. Slowly, write down all the characteristics on paper. After the image is described, read it out loud, visualizing how the described person comes into your life. Put the description sheet in a fireproof dish and burn it. After that, add mint and rose petals to the ashes, open the window and scatter the contents of the container into the wind with the words:

“I call on the four winds as witnesses and messengers: Mighty winds, carry my word around the Earth, on the four cardinal points, carry it to my fate, call my fate, whisper my name, bring me! Truly!”

On the night after the ceremony, do not close the window and try to remember your dreams: it is likely that it is in them that you will find the answer to how soon your fate will change.

Attract love with water

This method is suitable for those who have experienced the pain of parting with past love and wants to forget all the bad things in the new happy relationship. To conduct it, you will need an open flowing source and loneliness.

Come to the source in the morning, dip your palms in the water and imagine all the bad things that you experienced in a past relationship. If these memories bring tears, don't hold them back. Water will take away all the bad things, and after a while you will feel inner emptiness. At this moment, raise your hands out of the water and say the words of the conspiracy:

"Water-sister, accept the pain, wrap it with happiness!"

Mentally imagine the image of the person you want to meet, and again put your hands in the water for a few moments. After that, go home without talking to anyone.

Find your happiness with fire

The third ritual was used by our great-grandparents. To embody what you want, you will need any source of fire: from a small candle to a fire. The location of the ceremony also depends on your capabilities. In addition to fire, you will need small scissors.

When you are alone, give yourself time to think about your desire. Make sure that you are definitely ready not only to receive, but also to give warmth and care to your future partner. The “fire” ritual is the most powerful, but fire is a very dangerous and demanding element.

Coming in desired state, light a fire and, looking into the flame, tell him about the person with whom you would like to be near. Put as much emotion and effort into your story as possible. When the story is finished, take scissors and cut off a small section of your hair as a sign of the seriousness of your intention and burn it in a lit flame.

Wait until the source of the fire goes out, and save what remains of it. If you were sitting around a fire, take a coal from it with you, and if you were working with a candle, save the cinder until the person you called appears in your life.

It can be extremely difficult to achieve a reciprocal feeling from a loved one. If you are desperate to attract the attention of your lover, then five effective love spells for a man can help you. We wish you mutual love and joy. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

23.08.2017 03:03

It is known that money and luck are inextricably linked with each other. Therefore, to attract the attention of capricious Fortune ...

If you are reading this article, how to attract the man you love into your life , then you are ripe for those relationships when you can hear the word “beloved” from your loved one. In fact, everything is very simple. You just have to really, really want it. With all my heart!

If you think that a loved one should appear when you have difficulties in life and a lot of problems, then you are mistaken. Your love can only come when there is a void in your heart. That emptiness that you want to fill with love for a man.

Love for a man, what is it? Do you know what it means to love a man?

We live in an amazing time. Each of our thoughts, any of our desires, coming from the depths of the soul, materializes. Listen to yourself, what does your heart want? Be honest with yourself. Your life depends on it. What you send to the world is what you receive.

Place your hands over your heart center and close your eyes. Listen. What is your heart telling you? What's there?

Perhaps there is a lot of pain and resentment, or it froze and became stone, insensible, look what is there. When you see what is inside, you will understand that with this you are looking for your love. And only this you can give to your beloved - howling pain, your grievances, your insensitivity, your problems. Can you keep this kind of love? I think no.

So what to do, what to do, because almost all people on earth live in states where their hearts are filled with these heavy stones and suffer alone. How to be, how to save this world? I KNOW THE ANSWER.

My friend, it is we women who can save ourselves and this world from loneliness. Man is born and dies alone. And that interval between birth and death is called life. And this gap must be filled with life. It is life, not existence. Life is when your heart blossoms. It's like a flower bed where all year round divine flowers bloom. And your life depends on how you treat this flowerbed. If you want, then this flower bed will be a piece of paradise, but if you want, or rather, if you don’t want anything, then the flower bed will be overgrown with weeds.

How to connect the state of a flowering heart and a loved one? In what state is your heart, your feelings, it is in this state that men are attracted. And if there is a man next to you who for some reason you do not like, know that you are in this and you need to work with it.

The first thing modern woman encounters in his life, this is not the ability and not the knowledge that there is a feminine and masculinity. And they are absolutely different from each other. We women need to understand for ourselves that they are different! It is we who, fighting for imaginary freedom, have lost our femininity and natural dependence on men.
If he learns to respect his masculinity in a man, then such a man will never allow a woman to be courageous. He will do everything for his beloved, trying to keep her in her. feminine. After all, it is this force that pushes him to exploits.

So how do you make sure that the right one appears in your life? man next to which you will feel loved. I offer you the following. Every morning and every evening, before going to bed, fold your hands over your heart, close your eyes and repeat the following words:

» My dear, beloved Man! I want you to know: You are always first, always right and always in charge! You are ahead and I am behind you! You are the most head man in my life and for Me it is a great happiness to love You, to create for You and to be close to You! The Creator Himself gave You to me, and I am ready to serve you like a woman and love you with all my heart. In my soul I lay before You your future full of victories and achievements, prosperity and abundance. And on this path, my beloved and the only Man, we are always together, heart to heart, hand to hand, we create our happy world. I melt in Your arms and thank the Creator for sending You to Me. You are My Great God and I am Your Goddess. I love You My strongest, most courageous and most brave man in the world!"

If you already have a man in your life, then your relationship with your beloved will become an order of magnitude higher. If there is no man nearby, then through these affirmations you can attract him. At first, the mind will interfere and dictate its conditions to you, but don't listen to it. Keep saying those words and one day he will come. Your one and only - FAVORITE MAN, and you deserve it, because you have learned to live with your heart and deserve a real man. Repeat this always, even if a man has already come into your life. fill up female power. By recognizing a man as a man, you acquire a huge power of love from which men do not leave.
I wish you great love!