Skin stretch marks. Stretch marks and methods of dealing with them - Video. Stretch marks on the body: treatment

Skin stretch marks are deformations of its individual segments, accompanied by shaped changes in the natural relief of the skin surface and a change in its pigmentation in places of formation.

This disease is also known as striae, stripe atrophy/atrophoderma. It appears in the form of numerous uneven stripes directed in one direction. They can be different in color: from red-violet to white and colorless.

U ordinary person The manifestation of stretch marks most often occurs on the abdominal, femoral, and buttock parts of the skin. With intense sports activities, they are possible in other areas.

Reasons for appearance

The nature of these manifestations is different, but all the makings are reduced to one thing - a traumatic factor. Nodes are formed due to numerous microtraumas resulting from stretching of individual areas of the skin.

Let's look at the reasons in more detail:

  1. Pregnancy. The increase in the size of the womb leads to stretching of the tissues of the abdominal area. A strong tension is formed in its lower part, which leads to numerous ruptures of capillaries and tissue structures. Also, when breastfeeding, nodular structures sometimes appear in the breast area.
  2. Intense weight gain. The formation of stretch marks occurs in places where the skin is most subject to stress (on the thighs in the groin area, lower abdominal area, forearms). This is also facilitated by deteriorating blood circulation due to forced compression, the result is fragility and loss of elasticity.
  3. Sudden weight loss. To maintain an attractive shape, women often resort to various diets. As the total mass decreases, the nutrition of the body deteriorates, which affects its quality. Experts have recommended methods that allow you to lose weight by no more than 2% physical weight per day.
  4. Teenage growth. During active growth bone tissue does not always have time to develop proportionally. Due to hypercortical processes, areas of increased skin tension and numerous tears occur in areas of bone stretching.
  5. Sedentary lifestyle, physical restrictions on movement, as well as frequent stays in motionless positions ( sedentary work, lying in bed due to a prolonged illness, etc.). Prolonged distribution of part of the body weight over a limited area provokes atrophy of its protein masses and feeding tubules, and microtrauma.
  6. Failures in hormonal secretion, processes of chemical imbalance. Catalysts: deviations menstrual cycle hormonal suppressing diseases or drugs, poisoning chemicals, oppressive hormonal system, etc.
  7. Genetic predisposition.“Bad skin” sometimes occurs in a person from birth, which is a birth defect (transmitted to the child from a parent with a set of genes at conception).

Depending on the nature of the appearance, individual characteristics stretch marks of the skin are accompanied different symptoms, have their own classification. Let's do a detailed analysis.

Types and their features

The classification of atrophic scars gives an idea of ​​their origin, stage of neglect, and choice of treatment methods. Therefore, it includes several subgroups that allow us to form a clearer picture of the complication.

Distinction of nodes by shape and structure:

  • filiform– shallow stripes of whitish color;
  • scars– pale pinkish scar nodules;
  • longitudinal- similar to filamentous ones, but at the beginning of manifestation they have a blue-burgundy texture, which decreases over time until completely discolored.

The color spectrum of scar formations tends to be white or red. The presence of the latter indicates poor blood permeability in the places where they appear, and a purple tint indicates microscopic ruptures in blood flow, stagnation of blood removed from the circulation system in scars.

According to the position relative to the axis of the body, the factor of their origin is determined by the manifestations:

  • horizontal – more often appear during hormonal imbalances;
  • longitudinal (vertical) – observed during pregnancy or weight gain.

Stages of color flow:

  • pigmented nodules, purplish or red, characteristically visible during initial scarring;
  • with further progression, segmental clouding, fading or fading occurs (the main shade often does not disappear).

Scar formation also occurs in stages:

  1. Manifestation of a scar contour with mild inflammation often with an aggressively contrasting red or purple color.
  2. A white stripe or nodular spot forms on the surface of the skin without protrusions and has no signs of deformation upon palpation (feeling).
  3. There is no gradation, but palpation reveals a slight compaction in the upper layers of the skin (without color saturation or with deep dyschromia).
  4. White scar, stepwise, 1 or more centimeters wide.

Taking into account the listed evaluation criteria makes it possible to make a correct diagnosis. Based on this, the most appropriate treatment drug is selected.

How to choose the right product

The main risk group is extraordinary:

  • young men,
  • young and future mothers,
  • office employees,
  • athletes (arm wrestlers, bodybuilders, weightlifters),
  • people with physical disabilities,
  • pensioners, etc.

The most common medications for stretch marks are creams.

Based on their operating principle, they are divided into 2 groups:

  • preventing the formation of scars,
  • masking them.

If the risk of the appearance of nodal elements is known in advance (increased gain of muscle/fat mass, the beginning of abdominal growth in a pregnant woman, multiple increases in daily loads), then it is recommended to start using a cream from group 1. In other cases, when symptomatic therapy is required - from group 2.

When choosing a cream, special emphasis should be placed on its ingredients. It should be based on plant components. The composition should also be well moisturizing and have regenerating properties.

What is contained in creams that prevent/treat stretch marks:

  • acids, collagen - they increase the strength of skin tissue and reduce the risk of damage during mechanical manipulation.
  • ethereal/ vegetable oils, extracts from algae, plants or microorganisms, vitamins A, E, panthenol compounds - create a comprehensive moisturizing and supporting effect;
  • regenerating synthetic drugs - not contained in all formulations, but their presence has a positive effect on the treatment of severe forms of skin scarring.

The main objectives of the cream:

  1. strengthening,
  2. increased flexibility,
  3. reducing the time to restore the integrity of problem areas.

Since most of the components are of a simple herbal category, there are few contraindications to such creams (they are possible only in case of personal intolerance to individual components).

Particular attention is paid to formulations that can be rubbed over the surface of the breast during the period of breastfeeding. Their presence in the market is also numerous and comes in different price ranges.

Video: Important Features

Review of ointments for stretch marks on the skin

For clarity, let’s look at the compositions of some brands that can be used to treat stretch marks.


Broad-based cream almond oil.


  • hydration,
  • recovery,
  • natural antiseptic.

It also includes:

  1. deresined naphthalan,
  2. urea,
  3. salicylic acid,
  4. D-panthenol,
  5. Sophora japonica extract.

Rub in a small layer up to 3 times a day, completely absorbed. Main course: from 2 weeks to a month.


Cheap, effective remedy.


  • sesame oil,
  • aloe vera,
  • beeswax,
  • tulsi,
  • yashada and tankan bhasma,
  • neutral base.


With a simple composition (retruxel, regestril, water) it is effective even against old striae accumulations. Harmless to any skin type and consumer. Perfect for care during pregnancy.


A powerful remedy for stretch marks on the skin. Complex of vegetable oils, citrus extracts and seaweed effective and harmless in combating any signs of scarring and replacement natural pigmentation. The disadvantage is the high cost.

Green Mama

Algae based:

  • spirulina
  • kelp.

Completely natural. It has drainage properties and high penetration, due to which it also supports the upper muscle layers.


Created on the basis of water from thermal springs, due to which it is rich in mineral compounds. Excellent supplier of collagen. Removes even the most advanced stretch marks in 3-4 months. Intended for all patient groups.

Pharmacology today has hundreds of different names, similar in principle of action and application, similar to those described. Let's look at how to use them.

How to treat correctly

The timing of treatment for stretch marks depends on the degree of their neglect. Sometimes it drags on for several months. With this development, it is recommended to change the treatment creams, using each for no longer than the course indicated in the instructions (after completing the use of one, it is better to take a break of 5-7 days, limiting yourself to a cosmetic moisturizer).

During pregnancy, it is better to select therapy with an observing therapist or gynecologist. If this is not possible, you need to make sure that the composition and individual components are harmless.

Vegetable oils are widely used to smooth and restore the skin. But their use in pure form not recommended due to the high concentration of active trace elements.

Main types of oils used:

  • Coconut, Miroli, Shea, Wheat Rostov, Jojoba, Olive oils are natural moisturizers enriched with vitamins E and A;
  • Cocoa, orange, tangerine oils - contain microelements that help smooth out scar accumulations and heal epidermal damage;
  • Plant-based essential oils (lavender, carrot seed, immortelle, nerol, jasmine, rose, etc.).

Ointments based on them can be purchased at a pharmacy or made independently by mixing with baby cream or massage product: 1 tbsp./l. 2-3 drops of oily substance.


Sphere preventive measures is a comprehensive health support. Active lifestyle, eating healthy foods, following hygiene rules and monitoring hormonal balance is the basis for preventing conditions for the formation of first stretch marks.

With a sedentary lifestyle, it will be useful to develop physical fitness as a daily light gymnastics or jogging in the morning. Taking a cool shower after playing sports will harden the skin and create the first prerequisites for normalizing its condition.

It is important to monitor the moisture of the skin. It is periodically necessary to use moisturizing lotions, ointments and creams for dryness, and drying masks for hyperhumidity (for example, with goose bumps).

To maintain hormonal stability and the integrity of the immune system, you need to pay attention to diet and its abundance: food should include an abundance of ingredients that create a balance between proteins and fats, animal and plant fiber, including vitamins A, C and E.

The best prevention for weightlifters and other athletes:

  1. avoid excessive one-time loads,
  2. adhere to the developed training system,
  3. maintain the required level of proteins and vitamins.

To maintain immune stability, immunostimulants and hormonal drugs are used.

When losing weight or pregnancy, it is recommended to consume pumpkin and carrot juices to maintain elasticity. They retain a set of epistimulating vitamins, which will help strengthen and protect skin tissue from destruction and the formation of nodular anomalies.

Photo: Before and after

Striae is not a new problem, but it still raises many questions. Why do stretch marks appear on the skin? How to get rid of them? How to prevent their occurrence? Types of striae? But don't worry too much. The problem of stretch marks is not as bad as it seems. Today you can be offered cosmetical tools, and hardware techniques, and plastic surgery. To prevent it from reaching the last point, the most important thing is to detect the problem in time and begin immediate treatment while still initial stage their occurrence. The main reason for the appearance of stretch marks is a violation hormonal levels with a sharp decrease or increase in body weight. But there are a number of other provoking factors. But first things first…

What causes stretch marks to appear?

Striae can form due to stretching of the skin. The cause may also be the effects of wound healing, microtrauma and scarring of sutures after surgical operations. It is worth considering the main reasons in more detail.

Stretch marks in men (on the lower back, sides, buttocks, thighs, armpits and forearms). Causes:

  • Horizontal stretch marks on the sides, lower back and hips are formed as a result of excessive physical activity, sudden weight loss or weight gain.
  • The defect may occur due to hormonal changes or disorders of the pancreas.

Stretch marks in women (can form in almost any area of ​​the body). Causes:

  • Pregnancy. During this period, the skin stretches in the chest and abdomen.
  • Obesity. Rapid weight gain dramatically stretches skin.
  • Diabetes. Due to cracking and drying of the skin.
  • Endocrine diseases and pancreatic diseases. The body releases large amounts of cortisol, which weakens connective skin tissue.
  • Sharp weight loss.
  • Long-term use of drugs from the glucocorticoid group, which lead to obesity and, consequently, stretch marks.
  • Heredity.

Stretch marks in teenagers (form all over the body). Causes:

  • Obesity.
  • Hormonal disbalance.
  • Increased growth. When the skin does not have time to grow behind the body and muscle mass.
  • Stretch marks on a teenager’s back may indicate problems with internal organs.

Stretch marks in children. Causes:

  • Hormonal disbalance.
  • Obesity.
  • Losing weight or sudden weight gain.
  • Increased growth.
  • Not proper nutrition.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Excessive physical activity.

Why do they appear? hormonal stretch marks?

Hormonal striae most often appear during pregnancy, as well as during puberty. During this period, the balance of hormones is disrupted, causing the skin tissue to become thinner. You need to see a doctor, get tested and start taking medications that can normalize hormonal levels.

What causes stretch marks to appear during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a wonderful moment in a woman’s life, but skin defects can overshadow this period. As the fetus grows and develops, the belly grows expectant mother, arise overweight, the skin stretches, there is a lack of moisture, its elasticity is lost and then scars appear.

What causes stretch marks on the face?

Striae on the face can form due to mechanical damage skin or an increase in the hormone progesterone, which slows down the production of much-needed elastin. Stretch marks on the face can also form due to weight loss.

Features of stretch marks:

Pink stretch marks. They are formed at the very beginning, after ruptures of the skin fibers. The scars are still very fresh and close to the surface of the skin.

Purple stretch marks. This is what they become after stretched fabric no longer so fresh, but there is still a chance to quickly and easily get rid of the defect.

Blue striae. They acquire this shade after 4-5 months. IN in this case creams won't help anymore.

White stretch marks. Old scars become completely whitish and lose pigment. These stretch marks last about 8 months or more. They are no longer amenable to cosmetic treatment and require, at a minimum, laser resurfacing.

3 options for getting rid of stretch marks: surgical, cosmetic, products from the pharmacy

The choice of treatment method depends on the color of the stretch marks. You should contact a surgeon only when all other options have failed and your stretch marks are more than 8 months old.

Still, it is better to first contact a cosmetologist. Modern hardware procedures and professional products have proven their effectiveness many times.

Home treatment should be considered first. Today on the shelves of pharmacies and cosmetic stores big choice drugs that are ways to quickly rid the body of stretch marks. But only if they are pink or violet shade. Such products contain amino acids, essential oils, collagen, vitamins and minerals.

What procedures can be used to get rid of stretch marks?

It is impossible to quickly get rid of old stretch marks. Especially on the back and stomach. But in addition to special ointments, gels and lotions, cosmetology can offer you mesotherapy and laser resurfacing.

The essence of mesotherapy is the injection of a special device into the area of ​​stretch marks. This allows you to improve local metabolism. Several procedures are required.

Laser resurfacing allows you to achieve results after one session. However, this method is more painful and expensive.

Preventive measures:

  • Try to fulfill physical exercise which strengthen the muscles of the body.
  • Do it more often cold and hot shower and pour cold water over your body.
  • Do a light massage with your hands in different areas.
  • Use moisturizing creams and gels that improve the elasticity of the skin.
  • Don't forget the wraps. Contact them at least once a week.
  • Wear quality underwear.
  • Try to eat a balanced diet. This will avoid hormonal problems.
  • Don't overeat or starve if you don't want to stretch your skin.

Popular questions:

Can stretch marks form after breast augmentation surgery?

Yes, they can, due to a sharp increase in volume and stretching of the skin. Therefore, before surgery, it is necessary to take preventive measures against the appearance of stretch marks - moisturizing the skin, various massages, balanced diet, taking vitamins.

What causes stretch marks on the sides?

If vertical stretch marks have formed on your sides, this is due to sudden weight gain or sudden weight loss. Horizontal stretch marks indicate hormonal imbalance and disease endocrine system.

You need to deal with stretch marks on your sides in the same way as with stretch marks in any other areas, plus you should visit a nutritionist and endocrinologist to normalize your diet and level out your hormonal levels.

Why do stretch marks appear on the buttocks of men?

This is usually due to excessive physical activity, as well as sudden weight loss or weight gain. Therefore, at the first symptoms you should take immediate action.

Can stretch marks form on the hips after childbirth, and not just on the stomach and chest?

Yes, during childbirth, when pushing, there is a strong tension in the entire body of the expectant mother, including the skin. It tears, and stretch marks can form on both the thighs and buttocks, between the legs and in other areas. There is also big risk get stretch marks on your legs and calves, as your legs are forced to bear during pregnancy heavy weight. In this case, doctors usually recommend resting more often.

Many women and some men know firsthand what stretch marks are on the skin. This cosmetic defect makes it worse appearance. There are many ways to combat unsightly furrows. But what causes stretch marks on the body? Let's look at this issue in more detail.


The main reason for the appearance of stretch marks on the skin is stretching of the skin, which is observed as a result of weight gain or weight loss, hormonal imbalance and water balance of the epidermis. Let's take a closer look at why stretch marks form on the skin.

In men

Stretch marks on the skin can appear not only in women, but also in the stronger sex. Most often in men they are localized in the following places:

  • sides;
  • small of the back;
  • buttocks;
  • outer and inner thighs;
  • forearms;
  • armpit area.

The main reasons for the appearance of stretch marks in men:

  • excessive physical activity;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • malfunction of the pancreas.

Men at risk need to pay attention preventive measures to prevent the formation of stretch marks on the skin.

For girls

Representatives of the fair sex are more susceptible to the appearance of stretch marks on the body. They can form anywhere. The most common causes of stretch marks in girls are:

  1. Obesity or weight gain. Stretch marks in this case appear due to the fact that the epidermis does not have time to stretch as the fat layer increases.
  2. Diabetes. This disease is characterized by dry skin and cracking.
  3. Improper functioning of the endocrine system or pancreas. In such cases, excessive amounts of cortisol are released. This substance weakens connective tissue.
  4. Dramatic weight loss. Stretch marks in this case are formed for the same reason as with weight gain. That is, with a rapid decrease in body weight, the skin does not have time to return to normal.
  5. Long-term use medications group of glucocorticosteroids. These medicines cause obesity.
  6. Genetic predisposition.

Most often, stretch marks in girls form as a result of poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle, since these factors quickly lead to excess weight.

In teenagers

The appearance of stretch marks during puberty is observed mainly in girls. This is due to the rapid growth of the breasts, hips, and buttocks. The skin does not have time to stretch during the process.

Probable causes of stretch marks in adolescents are also:

  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • excess weight;
  • rapid weight gain or sudden weight loss.

It is important to know! The formation of stretch marks on the back in adolescents may indicate certain diseases of the internal organs! Therefore, if they occur in this place, you should definitely show the child to a specialist.

After training

This problem concerns mainly men who play sports professionally. They develop stretch marks as a result of a rapid increase in muscle mass. The furrows appear most often in the armpits and forearm.

During pregnancy

Women during pregnancy are the first to be at risk. There are many factors that contribute to the formation of stretch marks during pregnancy, namely:

  1. Changes in hormonal levels. This applies to all expectant mothers without exception. When hormonal levels change, the skin loses its firmness and elasticity, and the water balance is also disturbed.
  2. Increase in volumes. In the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes significant changes: the abdomen and hips begin to actively grow, and the mammary glands begin to enlarge.
  3. Poor nutrition. If a woman does not receive enough vitamins and other useful substances, then the production of collagen, which is responsible for the condition of the skin, decreases.

It is important to know! Not every pregnant woman has mandatory Stretch marks are forming! But in order to definitely avoid their occurrence, it is necessary to use special cosmetics for preventive purposes before childbirth.

After childbirth

If a woman does not develop stretch marks during pregnancy, they may form after childbirth. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the prevention of stretch marks after the birth of a child. Indeed, in the first months, a woman sharply loses kilograms, which negatively affects the skin.

Regardless of what caused the stretch marks, they must be removed immediately. This will help restore the skin's surface short time. It is extremely difficult to get rid of old stretch marks. To do this, you should use expensive cosmetic procedures.

Treatment of stretch marks

What to do if stretch marks form on the body? There are many methods to combat stretch marks that you need to start immediately. You can level the surface of the epidermis in the following ways:

  1. Cosmetical tools. The modern cosmetology market offers a wide selection of ointments, creams, gels or balms aimed at eliminating stretch marks. They moisturize the skin, nourish it, and also improve blood circulation and metabolic processes.
  2. Massage. To carry out such procedures, you can use the services of a professional massage therapist or do the manipulations yourself.
  3. Cosmetology procedures. This is the most quick way removal of stretch marks. In just a few procedures, a woman gets rid of them. A significant disadvantage of this type of impact is the high cost.
  4. Folk remedies. Alternative medicine offers a large number of recipes for preparing masks, wraps, creams and scrubs that help effectively fight stretch marks.

During the treatment of stretch marks, you should not forget about proper nutrition and moderate physical activity.


The appearance of stretch marks on the body is much easier to prevent than to remove them, which takes a long period of time. The following rules will help you avoid their occurrence:

  1. Do body wraps regularly. It is not necessary to go to specialized salons. You can use white or blue clay, as well as seaweed purchased at the pharmacy.
  2. Eat properly. To increase collagen production, you need to saturate your daily diet with protein foods. You should drink at least 2 liters of water per day. This will help avoid dehydration. Proper nutrition also prevents you from gaining extra pounds.
  3. Use moisturizing creams, ointments, body balms. They will moisturize the skin and also saturate it essential vitamins, microelements and other beneficial substances.

Women who focus their efforts on losing weight should know that they can lose no more than 2% of their total body weight per month. If you adhere to this rule, the skin will not lose its tone. That is, the formation of stretch marks will be minimized.

Many people associate the word “stretch marks” only with women, and women who have either given birth or those who have overweight. As sad as it may be, this trouble can happen to absolutely anyone. It doesn’t matter whether this person is a man or a woman, a teenager or an adult, thin or fat. If in a certain category of people the occurrence of such scars is still understandable, then why do stretch marks appear in those who are seemingly not predisposed to them? In fact, there are about a dozen reasons, which we will consider further.

In the body, the ability of fibroblasts to synthesize elastin and collagen elements sharply decreases. At the same time, the ability to produce metalloproteases, namely elastase and collagenase, remains at the same level. At the cellular level, fibroclasts rather than fibroblasts predominate. Their action is aimed at producing enzymes and destroying elastin proteins and collagen, which help our skin remain strong and elastic, which is why stretch marks appear skinny people(the skin loses its ability to stretch and even minor loads threaten injury).

Against the background of these changes, the action of excessive skin tension leads to ruptures. These breaks are not external damage; the mesh layer of the skin is destroyed, but the epidermis remains intact. Damage to elastic, collagen fibers, ruptures of blood vessels, deformation of sweat, sebaceous glands and hair follicles are expressed in the form of subcutaneous dimples and depressions, which are commonly called stretch marks.

If the stretch marks are still pink or purple-red, they are easier to treat than whitish stretch marks

Immediately after microtrauma of the subcutaneous tissue, the places of ruptures become bright red-violet color. After a while they turn white, sometimes with light blue shade. They do not cause physical discomfort and are not a cause for the development of other diseases. Of all the possible inconveniences, one can only highlight their unaesthetic appearance.

All possible reasons for the formation of stretch marks on the body

The most common and most well-known causes of stretch marks on the skin have already been announced, but still, they need to be included in common list, where they will occupy the first three places.

  • Pregnancy

Hormonal changes and the growing fetus, which affects skin tension, cause stretch marks to appear. Most often they appear in the abdomen, thighs and chest. But the causes of stretch marks on the legs may be as follows: poor nutrition expectant mothers, which entails a sharp weight gain, severe swelling of the lower extremities, which may be associated with the use of large quantity salts or with kidney problems.

Daily care about yourself will return beauty to your body and attractiveness to your skin

  • Sudden increase in body weight

This is not only weight gain due to an unbalanced diet and addiction to harmful products. Weight can also increase due to any diseases in the body.

  • Building muscle mass in a short time

This is why stretch marks appear on the hips and shoulder girdle in athletes. Prevention consists of evenly distributing loads throughout long period time.

  • Hypercortisolism or Itsenko-Cushing's disease.
  • Consequence of diencephalic syndrome.

Diencephalic syndrome manifests itself as a result of damage to the hypothalamic-pituitary region of the brain, accompanied by disorders of the autonomic and endocrine systems. Has a number clinical manifestations, but the state of skin elasticity is affected only by disorders of water, fat, mineral, protein metabolism and dysfunction of the endocrine glands (these include the thyroid and gonads, pituitary gland and adrenal glands).

The appearance of stretch marks may be a consequence of taking hormonal drugs

  • Consequences of taking anabolic drugs, hormones in particular.

To artificially accelerate muscle growth, athletes take anabolic steroids; an uneven increase in the size of the subcutaneous tissues leads to overstrain of the skin. If accepted hormonal agents, then they only make the situation worse. This is why stretch marks appear on the legs, although this is far from being the area that is predisposed to their formation, especially in people who are fond of sports.

It is a hereditary pathology of connective tissues. It develops due to gene mutation; usually one gene is responsible for several traits that are not inherent in it at this stage of development. Serious illness, which must be treated, because otherwise the patient will live no more than 40 years.

Clear signs of this syndrome are disproportionately elongated tubular bones of the skeleton

  • Adrenal hyperplasia (disease of the adrenal glands).
  • Eating disorders in children, causing them to gain excess weight.

To protect your children from appearing in such at a young age stretch marks, you need to carefully monitor the products you consume. It is mandatory to exclude fast food and sweets from the diet.

  • Hypercortisolism in adolescents

About the basics pathological change says the name of the disease - excessive production of cortisol. Excess quantity of this substance leads to the destruction of protein structures and the matrix of many tissues. Internal organs, muscles and skin are affected by atrophic and dystrophic changes. They are presented in the form of stretch marks on the body.

If you develop stretch marks for no apparent reason, you should immediately visit a doctor for a detailed examination. There is a high risk of developing scars due to serious hormonal or other changes in the body. That's why local treatment will be ineffective and will only delay the elimination of more serious problems.

The vast majority of the fair sex are familiar with the problem of stretch marks appearing on the skin. Almost 2/3 of all women note their occurrence in the abdomen, hips and chest, as a result of sudden weight loss or after breastfeeding. Stretch marks themselves are nothing more than scar changes in the skin caused by microtraumas of its individual fibers.

Exist stretch marks 3 types: small pinkish-pale scars, whitish shallow thread-like stripes and cicatricial longitudinal defects of burgundy-blue color, which lighten over time.

Stretch marks are usually localized on the skin of the abdomen, chest and thighs, and if there are associated hormonal disorders, then on the face. Stretch marks that appear as a result of sudden weight loss are usually located vertically on the torso, and those that appear due to endocrine disorders– horizontally.

Under the influence of significant stretching of the skin or disruption of hormonal regulation, its elastin and collagen fibers begin to lengthen and thin, which ultimately leads to internal tears. In those places where the fibers are injured, the connective tissue grows. Stretch marks initially have a purple-pinkish tint, then fade over time and become pearly white. If no measures are taken in time, then after a while they will look like scars. On a tanned or dark skin Stretch marks are even more noticeable because there is no pigment in the connective tissue and it does not tan.

Stretch marks - reasons

Stretch marks occur not only due to overstretching of the skin. This is the result of healing of elastin and collagen fibers after microtrauma (scarring).

Their appearance is usually due to increased secretion of cortisol, that is, a hormone from the adrenal cortex. Its hypersecretion leads to stretching, thinning, and then to rupture of skin fibers with the appearance of stretch marks.

Also, the causes of fiber rupture and subsequent scarring may be poor regenerative ability of the skin or its insufficient elasticity. When internal microtraumas of fibers occur, scar (connective) tissue grows in places where they are torn.

Stretch marks in the buttocks, chest, thighs or abdomen appear the following reasons: pregnancy, significant weight fluctuations or puberty. Athletes, pregnant women and teenagers are also susceptible to their occurrence, that is, anyone whose body weight quickly begins to increase. Heredity also plays a big role if older women in the family have stretch marks. Another reason for their appearance is diseases of the endocrine system or hormone replacement therapy.

People who take steroid hormones (prednisolone, hydrocortisone, or other adrenal hormones) for a long time or suffer from Cushing's syndrome may develop stretch marks all over the body and even on the face. They are more pronounced in width, length and area occupied on the surface of the body.

Stretch marks - symptoms

In young people, bluish-reddish stripes appear on the chest, thighs and buttocks, which in most cases are located either radially (on the abdomen and mammary glands) or parallel. Stretch marks can be multiple or single. Their width usually ranges from 1 to 6 mm, and their length from 1 to 10 mm. Clinical picture depends on the morphological properties of the skin, the degree of stretching, concomitant pathology and hormonal levels. The color of stretch marks changes over several months from bright bluish-pink to pearly-whitish. Up to six months they are called “young”, and after that they are called “old”.

Stretch marks - diagnosis

Stretch marks in themselves are not dangerous, but you still need to figure out why they appeared. If the reason is not pregnancy, then it may be increased blood pressure, changes in body weight or the appearance of hair on the face, back, chest. In any case, you need to consult an endocrinologist. For example, to identify early stage still the same Itsenko-Cushing syndrome.

Stretch marks - treatment and prevention

You definitely need to see a cosmetologist. Treatment depends on the condition of the skin, the size and location of the damage, and the condition of the skin.

It is impossible to completely get rid of stretch marks, but it is possible to make them almost invisible. Nowadays, resurfacing is often used for these purposes, which removes surface layers and creates the impression of smoothing the skin. Therefore, the contrast between stretch marks and other areas of the skin is not so noticeable. For those with less noticeable stretch marks, you can use special creams, absorbable substances are also suitable. Sometimes a cosmetologist offers mesotherapy.

Gentle treatment takes a fairly long period, which can range from 6 months to a year, so this disease is much easier to prevent than to cure.

You can prevent the appearance of stretch marks by using creams with essential oils, plant extracts, elastin and collagen. Works well from a home first aid kit olive oil.

For pregnant women, a contrast shower, as well as massage with a special brush and the use of special creams are well suited for the prevention of stretch marks.