Photo captions are cool. Instagram titles and quotes from A to Z, what is it

The article contains quotations and beautiful words for photos, choose the one that suits you:

  • I love life as it is in its reality, in its perpetual motion, in its harmony and in its terrible contradictions. F. E. Dzerzhinsky
  • To live without profit is untimely death. W. Goethe
  • What started in anger ends in shame.
  • There is such love, which in its highest manifestation leaves no room for jealousy. La Rochefoucauld Francois
  • Man must learn to obey himself and obey his decisions.
  • In love and in war it is the same: the negotiating fortress is already half taken. M. Valois
  • By the character of a man I mean the totality of his moral habits.
  • In the world of feelings there is only one law - to make the happiness of the one you love. Stendhal.
  • A woman has a whole heart, even a head. Jean Paul
  • Falling in love begins with the fact that a person deceives himself, and ends with the fact that he deceives another. Oscar Wilde
  • Only a usefully lived life of duty. L. da Vinci
  • You can hate life only because of apathy and laziness. Seneca
  • To resist love is to supply it with a new weapon. George Sand
  • Any love that is caused not by the freedom of the spirit, but by something else, easily turns into hatred. Spinoza
  • The most insignificant trifles contribute to the formation of character.
  • For those who love, as for birds, not only a nest is necessary, but also the sky. E. Panteleev
  • The dumbest woman can handle the most smart man, but only the smartest with - a fool. Rudyard Kipling
  • If you judge someone, then you don't have time to love him. Mother Teresa
  • prolong youth mature man can only happy love. Any other instantly turns him into an old man. Albert Camus
  • If you dream of a rainbow, be prepared to get caught in the rain. Dolly Parton
  • Set 100 teachers above you - they will be powerless if you cannot force yourself and demand from yourself.
  • If you're going to love someone, learn to forgive first. A.Vampilov
  • Seeking diversity in love is a sign of powerlessness. Honore de Balzac
  • The feminine instinct is worth the clairvoyance of great men. Honore de Balzac
  • Need to improve. Any character can be changed. Patience, ability, even physical strength - everything can be developed in yourself if you really want to, if you do not give yourself any indulgence.
  • A woman attracts men to her by playing on her charms, and keeps them near her by playing on their vices. Somerset Maugham
  • The New Year has come to visit us!
  • Unforgivable pride - not wanting to be indebted to your loved one for your happiness. G. Lessing
  • Life is a bad thing. Everyone dies from it. S.E.Letz
  • You cannot love either the one you are afraid of or the one who is afraid of you. Cicero
  • Life is not the days that have passed, but those that are remembered. P.A. Pavlenko
  • Our personality is the garden, and our will is its gardener.
  • Life is a hospital where every patient dreams of moving to another bed. S. Baudelaire
  • We recognize as a person only the one whose soul dreams in love as much about spiritual pleasure as about bodily pleasure. Honore de Balzac
  • Life is a theater, and people are actors in it. D.B. Show
  • People are surprised that the female praying mantis devours the male after an act of love. However, there are many women who do the same.” E. Ray
  • Life is what happens to us while we make plans for the future. T.La Mans
  • Love that is not renewed every day turns into a habit, and that, in turn, into slavery. D. Gibran
  • Life is a wonderful adventure, worthy of enduring failures for the sake of success. R. Aldington
  • Love is too great a feeling to be only personal intimate affair everyone. B.Show
  • Life is not about living, but about feeling that you are living. IN. Klyuchevsky
  • Love hurts even the gods. Petronius
  • Life! It's not as good, but it's not as bad as many people think. Guy de Maupassant
  • Love is like luck: it doesn't like to be chased. T. Gauthier
  • Like a fable, so life is valued not for its length, but for its content. Seneca
  • Love for an idle person is an occupation, for a warrior it is entertainment, for a sovereign it is a pitfall. Napoleon
  • He who is poor in love is stingy even with his politeness. Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Love is a crisis, a decisive moment of life, awaited with trepidation by the heart. Michel Montaigne
  • It is easier to love memories than a living person. Pierre La Mure
  • Love is not outward manifestation She is always within us. Louise Hay
  • To love means to wish for another what you consider to be good, and to wish, moreover, not for your own sake, but for the sake of the one you love, and to try as far as possible to deliver this good to him. Aristotle
  • Love is the only thing in nature where even the power of imagination does not find a bottom and does not see a limit. Johann Schiller
  • You love not the one with whom you go to bed, but the one next to whom you wake up. T. Guerin
  • Love is a battle between the sexes. A woman must defend herself first, a man must defend himself afterwards, and woe to the vanquished! Alexandre Dumas son
  • Love - main way an escape from the loneliness that plagues most men and women for most of their lives. Bertrand Russell
  • To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another. G. Leibniz
  • Love is the most interesting and most forgivable of all human weaknesses. Charles Dickens
  • Only he is worthy of life and freedom, who every day goes to fight for them. Goethe
  • Love is a delusion that one woman is different from another. G. Mencken
  • Whoever can't do little, can't do more.
  • Love flees from those who chase after it, and those who run away, throw themselves on the neck. William Shakespeare
  • When one complains about life, it almost always means that the impossible was demanded of her. J. Renard
  • You can't hide love and cough. Ancient proverb
  • The task of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to live in accordance with the inner law that you are aware of. Marcus Aurelius
  • Love is like an epidemic disease; the more we fear it, the more vulnerable we are to it. N. Chamfort
  • Life is a tragedy when you see it up close, and a comedy when you look at it from afar. Ch. Chaplin
  • Love should not be measured in the way young people measure it, that is, by the strength of passion, but by its fidelity and strength. Cicero
  • Life is given once, and you want to live it cheerfully, meaningfully, beautifully. I want to play a prominent, independent, noble role, I want to make history so that the same generations do not have the right to say about each of us: it was a nonentity, or something else. worse than that… A.P. Chekhov
  • Love has created a whole staircase of pleasures, and vision in it is only the first step. Lucian
  • Life is an alternation of all sorts of combinations, they need to be studied, monitored in order to remain in an advantageous position everywhere. O. Balzac
  • They love not for something, but in spite of. A. Vasiliev
  • Life is what we value most and cherish least. Jean de La Bruyère
  • People without will are cowards, and if a coward means weak.
  • Life is a moment. It cannot be lived first on a draft, and then rewritten on a white copy. A.P. Chekhov
  • The real properties of a person are revealed only when the time comes to show them, to prove them in practice.
  • Life is too serious a thing to be taken seriously. O. Wilde
  • It is not always in our will to be loved, but it always depends on ourselves not to be despised. A. Knigge
  • Life is a trap, and we are mice; others manage to break the bait and get out of the trap, but most of them die in it, and the bait can only be smelled. Silly comedy, damn it. V.G. Belinsky
  • It is not true that life is gloomy, it is not true that there are only sores and groans, grief and tears in it! It is not only vulgar, but also heroic, not only dirty, but also bright, charming, beautiful. It has everything that a person wants to find, and in it there is the power to create what is not in it! This force is not enough today, it will develop tomorrow! Life is beautiful, life is a majestic, indomitable movement towards universal happiness and joy. M. Gorky
  • Believe in life, because it teaches better than any books. Goethe
  • You need to feed your love, not feed on it. Chantilly de Mustier
  • A woman only then believes the word "love" when it is said quietly and simply. Yaroslav Galan
  • The first breath of love is the last breath of wisdom. Anthony Bret
  • If a person did not fall in love before the age of forty, then it is better for him not to fall in love after. B. Show
  • Indeed, always where there is a lack of reasonable arguments, there they are replaced by a cry.
  • If you don't love too much, then you don't love enough! L. Du Peschier
  • At first love they take the soul before the body; later it is taken first by the souls, and sometimes the souls do not take it at all. Victor Hugo.
  • If pride screams, then love is silent. F. Gerfo
  • Broken can only be considered a life that has stopped in its development. O. Wilde
  • Souls meet on the lips of lovers. P. Shelley
  • The most precious thing for a person is life. It is given to him once, and he must live it in such a way that it would not be excruciatingly painful for the aimlessly lived years, so that he would not burn the shame for a vile and petty past, and so that, dying, he could say: all life and all strength were given to the most beautiful in the world. - the struggle for the liberation of mankind. ON THE. Ostrovsky
  • The main essence of love is trust. Anna Steel
  • Glory is love, accessible to few; love is the glory available to all. Grigory Landau
  • Our will, like our muscles, is strengthened by ever-increasing activity; without giving them exercise, you are bound to have weak muscles and weak will.
  • A state of mindless, unbridled anger is just as fatal as a state of mindless kindness or tenderness.
  • Perhaps in this world you are just a person, but for someone you are the whole world. Marquez
  • The tragedy of love is indifference. Somerset Maugham
  • Power over oneself is the most supreme power enslavement to one's passions is the most terrible slavery.
  • Character is the greatest multiplier of human ability.
  • In love, the most interesting thing, especially for men, is victory and separation; everything else is rigmarole. M. Donne
  • Chastity is the most unnatural of all sexual perversions. O. Huxley
  • In the end, a person is given only one life -
  • The higher the position of a person, the more strict should be the framework that restrains the self-will of his character.
  • Marriage is the only war during which you sleep with the enemy. La Rochefoucauld
  • To conquer a man, it is enough for a woman to awaken the worst that is in him. Oscar Wilde
  • Poor is love if it can be measured. W. Shakespeare

The selection contains beautiful words for photos, choose your favorite!

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    The social network "Instagram" is very popular during recent years. This is largely due to the format of the news presentation, which always contains a photo with a caption at the bottom. This is extremely convenient for ordinary users and advertisers, because beautiful images attract attention. However, many people have problems with compiling signatures, and therefore this field often remains empty.

    Do I need to caption photos on Instagram?

    This question is quite logical, since the use of text in a social network designed for uploading photos may seem strange. This is the opinion that most beginners have when they first learn about the possibility of adding captions to photos on Instagram.

    However, having become acquainted with the largest and most famous accounts of this social network, you can see that the signature field never remains empty. This is due to the ability to write in it not only simple text, but also the so-called hashtags, by which you can find this or that content. The format of this element is the # sign and the word immediately after it, without a space, which refers to the photo above. You can figure out this function quickly enough, but you should remember that you should not abound with these tags and use too complex expressions. The simpler and clearer - the better for the account.

    Where to get the idea for a signature

    Come up with interesting captions it may not be so easy to access photos on Instagram, in this regard, you have to turn to outside sources. In most cases, the text can be a statement from a book or simply famous words. However, a photo on Instagram also requires originality, since not everyone is interested in reading repeated words in different accounts from time to time.

    In order to correctly compose a caption for a photo on Instagram, first of all, you should decide on the initial topic, which should be associated with the picture to which it is composed. After that, you can turn to third-party sources that will serve as inspiration or a basis for compiling a full-fledged text. If there are problems with the essay, then you can resort to the simplest replacement of words with synonyms or retelling the sentence while maintaining the original idea.

    What language should the photo be signed in?

    Often, Russian-speaking users use captions for photos on Instagram on English language. Someone like this seems beautiful or is used as an opportunity to attract foreign users. There is nothing negative about this style, and it is quite acceptable if the posted photo contains materials that refer to foreign figures or elements. However, this may slow down the development of an account in the home market, which is undesirable when promoting your own brand created for a specific country.

    If the account owner has poor knowledge foreign language, then you should resort to the help of third-party sources and take a ready-made quote or statement. When using online translators, problems may arise due to incorrect or simply crooked translation, which will only spoil the impression of outsiders about the account owner. Also, do not forget about the use of foreign hashtags, which will also attract the attention of a foreign audience. The rules for working with tags remain the same (briefness and clarity).

    Relationship between image and caption

    One of the main nuances that can cause a negative reaction to the user is a gross discrepancy between the content of the caption to the photo on Instagram and the image itself. This phenomenon becomes especially noticeable with famous sayings left under frivolous photographs of girls or men. Such captions under photos on Instagram collect serious negative comments and lead to an outflow of subscribers with frequent use.

    In order not to get into a similar situation, try to use only words that correspond or at least do not contradict the content of the image. This may seem strange to some, because signatures are rarely paid attention to, but this does not work for popular accounts.

    Do I need to add hashtags to my signature?

    This element has already been mentioned in the previous paragraphs as a handy tool for attracting an audience. However, users often use it incorrectly, adding all sorts of words and whole sentences under the hashtag. Initially, the purpose of this tool was to simplify the search for the material of interest. Examples: Instagram captions for photos with a hashtag can include one word:

    "Animals": Entering this word in the search box, other users expect to see animals, discarding extraneous material.

    "Autumn": users may be looking for pictures of this season.

    If the photograph does not contain the declared element, then this may cause disapproval of the audience.

    Keep in mind that using long, multi-word expressions doesn't make sense because it's unlikely that someone will type that into the search box.

    Is it possible to use other people's quotes in the signature

    Such borrowing is very common in all social networks, and there is nothing wrong with it. However, before using something like this as a caption for photos on Instagram, find out the author of the words and indicate the appropriate icon, after which you need to write the name of the author.

    When quoting, you should pay attention to classical works, thanks to which you can demonstrate your knowledge of literature. Various new books are not so desirable, since few of them can contain really interesting and serious thoughts and conclusions.

    Also, don't forget the movies. Excerpts from dialogues as captions for photos on Instagram will make sense when used as a picture of a frame or any reference to the specified film.

    Which is better: own words or other people's statements for a signature

    Accurately determine the best option in this case can be difficult. At first glance, expressing one's opinion as a caption for photos on Instagram meaningfully attracts the audience, but this only works if the thoughts expressed are really interesting. Unfortunately, this is quite rare, and many users write down simple ideas using abstruse words, which can only lead to misunderstanding and condemnation from other users.

    Using other people's expressions, especially famous people, may be the best choice for most. This is due to the fact that the thoughts of famous figures attract serious attention and are highly respected. However, you should not take the first words that come across, passing them off as a great idea. Such a trick will be quickly discovered and will lead to a decrease in popularity and respect from others.


    As examples for photographs of yourself and a friend (if any), you can use simple expressions, in accordance with the content of the text "Me and Victoria near the university" or "Dinner with best friend". There can be many options, depending on the situation.

    Also, do not forget about well-known and not so sayings, for example:

    "Do not lose your feelings, they are your guide to the truth."

    "A native person is more important than grievances and principles."

    "Family is when you determine who is walking by the sound of steps."

    "Until you learn how to handle the oars, it is useless to change the boat."

    Brief conclusions

    Create interesting and original signatures taking pictures can be quite difficult in the beginning. For beginners, there are several ways to achieve your goal at once. They may consist of using third-party sources at the beginning, with a gradual transition to compiling independent content. Or you can start from the beginning by compiling your own captions for photos on Instagram with meaning, even if at first not as ideal as we would like, but with experience the necessary skill will come.

    At the same time, do not forget about the basic rules for compiling a signature, which include compliance with the theme of the image and literacy. Also, hashtags, which can be indicated at the end of the signature, play a significant role. They should not be abused or use large phrases and sentences under the sign of a hashtag. To compose a beautiful signature, it is enough to follow the named rules.

    To successfully promote your account, you need to make interesting subscriptions to the photos that you post. But how to sign a photo on Instagram correctly?

    What can be written under the photo

    How to make a description or small subscriptions to an Instagram photo so that it becomes more popular and selling is something that worries many account owners. Even professional photos, without witty captions and smart hashtags, can fail.

    First of all, keep in mind that you should actively use hashtags. Make entries (description) on Instagram under the photo with the following criteria:

    • Write clearly and understandably for the target audience.
    • Avoid turns of speech that do not correspond to the norms of the Russian language (in some cases, exceptions are made, but this depends on the specifics of the target audience).
    • Your inscription should correspond to the content of the photo, ideally, it should complement and clarify the meaning of the image, become one whole work of art with it.
    • You can leave your contacts or the address of the organization.
    • You can write reviews or post links to them.

    Most importantly, remember that the photo and the inscription under it should become a single composition and help each other in promoting your business or promoting your account.

    Ideas for Quality Signatures

    What to write, what inscriptions to put under the photo on Instagram is actual question for a large number of users of this social network. Moreover, the competition in this field is very high and grows with each new subscriber.

    We will try to give some tips on how interesting and beautiful it is to sign a photo on Instagram. If you want to attract more subscribers to your page, then the approach to this process must be very serious. First of all, you need to clearly understand the concept of your account, its target audience and make a portrait of your average subscriber. This is necessary to form the most appropriate manner of communicating with followers, because you must speak in a language they understand, perhaps use special slang to get closer to the audience, etc.

    To build a portrait of your average follower, analyze some of your followers. Define:

    1. Average age of subscribers.
    2. The percentage of sexes.
    3. Hobbies and interests.

    Already by these three criteria, you can draw up a portrait of your subscriber, if you wish, you can adjust this plan and add new items to it. By deciding on the target audience, you can better influence your subscribers.

    Now you can write beautiful captions to photos on Instagram, and how to come up with them, read on. To do this, we suggest you use fantasy, ingenuity and originality, but while you are learning, you can use our templates.

    How to sign a photo on Instagram with a girlfriend or sister - If you post a photo with friends or sisters, then a simple listing of the faces that are depicted on it, for example, “Me, Masha and Ksyu”, is quite acceptable.

    Instagram photo captions for girls' selfies should usually be light and unpretentious, something like "A small portion of selfies from cute and pretty girls”, she can also describe what is happening in the selfie, for example, “my first morning selfie without makeup” and so on.

    How to caption a photo with a cake on Instagram? - if you send a photo with food, then the caption should be tasty, making subscribers hungry. Or rather neutral, for example, "Thank you for a delicious cake, my beloved."

    What can I sign (write) under a photo on Instagram” examples of a signature:

    • Beneath the image, where three girls stand with their faces covered - "Guess where I am? (Write in the comments). Such an inscription is quite interesting and unobtrusive, and most importantly, it encourages subscribers to take active actions on your page.
    • The caption under the picture (depicted coffee) on the Yandex taxi page - “Even in the morning rush hour, we serve the car in five minutes. You'll just have time to finish your coffee."
    • Popular captions, statuses and quotes for photos on Instagram options for what to write under the photo:
      “Youth… A rising wave. Behind the wind, ahead of the rocks.
    • “How I love such sunny frosty days!” Ksenia Sobchak.
    • “in the city)))) Very much for love. Very about the present. And very beautiful) Thank you)))” Anna Sedokova.
    • How to use the hashtag

    Many newcomers to this social network are interested in the question of how to correctly sign photos on Instagram through hashtags (lattice). In Instagram, this technique is used very often. All you need to do is put a # symbol before any word, and the social network will automatically accept it as a hashtag. Words marked with # sign become active links. Remember:

    Do not use spaces, the whole sentence must be written in one word, for example, #Gohereman. Using this method will make your tags global, they won't be assigned to a specific page.

    In order to successfully promote your account, you need to use the most popular Instagram tags that Instagram is targeting. a large number of network users.

    You can find examples on the Internet how to write hashtags on Instagram, the photo of most accounts contains a caption with a # sign.

    How to caption an image

    Consider the basic method of how to make an inscription (signature) on a photo on Instagram. Often there are situations when you need to write something on the photo beautiful font. For example:

    • A girl in a photo of her boyfriend can write "Beloved".
    • On the photo of the cat they write "My cat".

    There are several ways to write text on a photo on Instagram:

    1. With the application. For Android or IOS, there are special applications that allow you to overlay text on images. You will first need to take a picture, and then use such an application to write the desired text.
    2. With an online service. There are many online services on the Internet that offer services of this nature.

    If you enter social network through a computer, you can use the program Adobe Photoshop. In this case, you will have much more options for editing the overlay text, get access to a wide variety of fonts, and even create your own.

    Now you know how to add an inscription (write) on an Instagram photo. And you can use this skill to promote your page.

    What should I do if I forgot to leave a caption under the photo?

    Many account owners are interested in the question of how to sign a comment on their photo on Instagram. If you forgot to write a caption on a new post, don't despair, you can place tags in the comments to it. For this:

    1. Click on the posted image.
    2. Next to the like symbol, you will see a comment box.
    3. Write whatever you want, including tags in the comments.

    In this case, the hashtag will work just as if it were placed in the description itself, so you don’t have to worry when you forget to add a caption on a new post in a timely manner.

    • In all the world there is no heart for me like yours. All over the world, there is no love for you like mine. - Maya Angelou
    • I keep your heart close to me (I keep it in my heart). You are always with me. - E. E. Cummings
    • Love makes the world go round. Love is what makes life priceless. - Elizabeth Browning
    • You don't need to be on safari to see the local wildlife(although a trip through Africa should be on any travel list).

    Headings of physiological feelings

    • If having a soul means being able to feel love, joy, and gratitude, then animals are better than many people. — James Herrio
    • Many people talk to animals. However, not many people listen to them. — Benjamin Hoff
    • The greatness and morality of a person can be judged by his treatment of animals. - Mahatma Gandhi

    Traveler's signature

    • Of all possible subjects, travel is the most difficult for an artist, but the easiest for a journalist. - W. H. Auden
    • The traveler does what good artists do Everyday life, putting the image in a frame, betraying the sophistication of the setting, adding joy and clarity to everyday worries. Traveling means forgetting everything and enjoying art. - Freya Stark
    • What is art? - Georgia O'Keeffe
    • To understand and be surprised in our time is a great luxury. — Glen Robinson
    • About the problems of the world for purity, only your eyes will tell. — Edward Garis
    • I saw a lot of good things in Russia - it made me a better person - Andreas Haevaro

    B - Quotes under the photo in instagram

    Headings to keep in mind, well, just in case. There are no quotes in reserve, always write down smart thoughts, screenshot or add to bookmarks.

    Best Signatures for Subscribers

    • Beach life is bliss. — Dennis Wilson
    • Don't grow up so fast, or you'll forget what rest is. - Gala Brant
    • Every wasteland, every crooked beach, every grain of sand has a story about the earth. - Rachel Carson
    • There is a belief that if you throw a coin into the sea, you will definitely come back, it’s a pity you can’t do this with childhood. - William Netsby

    Brothers signatures

    • Brethren, do not let one another wander in the dark alone. - Jolene Perry
    • We flew through the sky like birds and swam in the sea like fish, but we have not yet learned to walk on land like brothers. - Martin Luther King Jr.
    • Help your brother's boat and your own boat will make it to shore. - Hindu proverb
    • Only your brother knows the real you. - Anonymous
    • I will remember you, I will believe and hope for a meeting, but now only there. - Mikhailov

    Signatures for brunch

    • Breakfast at lunch, waste of time. - Anonymous
    • Dinner without champagne is just a waste of time. - Anonymous
    • Akuna "Mimosa". It means lunch. - Anonymous

    Soul Headlines

    • Like this wine, our love must ripen. - Graham Greene
    • It's just luck to love someone until the time he leaves you. - Rosim Stern
    • Why does it hurt so much, because our souls are connected. - Nikolai Iskra
    • Forget about the problems of the world, and plunge into her eyes without a trace. - Alena Vetrova
    • I do not need much, just to see your lips in the morning. - Anonymous

    Ship Signatures

    • If you want to build a ship, don't make people work. Divide the work and give the order. Teach them to strive for the vast and endless sea... - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
    • A ship in a harbor is safe, but that's not what ships are made for. — John A. Shedd
    • To reach the port, we must sail. A sail, not an anchor. Swim, not drift. - Franklin Roosevelt

    B - Captions for Instagram

    Cats, well, where without them. Finding a good, humorous quote about the Kotovskys is sometimes very difficult. One has only to imagine the fallen "cat-clyster" from the table, it becomes ridiculous. However, many philosophers compare people and their lives to cats.

    Signatures for "Kus"

    • This a big secret creativity. You treat ideas like cats, making them follow you. - Ray Bradbury
    • I have lived with several Zen masters - they are all cats. - Eckhart Tolle
    • Time spent with cats is never wasted. - Sigmund Freud

    Signatures of the great

    • I realized there is no more right way than a journey to find out if you like a person or not. - Mark Twain
    • Never travel with someone you don't love. - Ernest Hemingway
    • Any day spent with you is my favorite day. So today is my favorite day. - A. A. Milne

    Christmas and New Year Instagram Quotes

    • At Christmas, all roads lead home. - Marjorie Holmes
    • Christmas waved magic wand over this world, and behold, everything became softer and more beautiful. - Norman Vincent Peel
    • Christmas is a season of hospitable people, homes, and charity. - Washington Irving
    • This evening, everyone thinks about tangerines and gifts, and I just want to sleep. - Light Bridge
    • I would stop drinking champagne on New Year's Eve, but no one likes sober.
    • I can't believe it's been a year since I didn't become a better person.
    • Save water, drink champagne.
    • Let your life be colorful gorgeous, shimmering and joyful like the magic of Christmas.
    • He who does not take risks does not drink champagne. - old Russian proverb
    • Come quickly, I'm tasting the stars! - Dom Perignon
    • I solemnly swear that I will not do anything good in the new year. - J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter
    • My New Year's dream is to stop hanging around people who ask me about my New Year's dream. - Ogness Larch

    Instagram quotes that will change you

    • Travel and change of place give new impetus to the mind. - Seneca
    • If you try to imitate another person as much as possible, you will fail. - Herman Gref
    • Trust your intuition. The inner feeling is one of the most truthful that exists. - Artur Mavrielyan
    • Believe in a miracle - it exists. - Alice in Wonderland

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    Quotes are like dancing

    • Movement is a barometer that communicates the state of the soul's weather to all who can see it. - Martha Graham
    • And those who were seen dancing were considered insane by those who could not hear the music. - Friedrich Nietzsche
    • Let's read, let's dance! These two games will never harm the world. - Voltaire
    • We must forget every wasted day in which we did not dance at least once. - Friedrich Nietzsche
    • After all, Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did. She did it backwards and on high heels. ― Ann Richards

    Wise Quotes

    • Love yourself and the world will love you. - Amy Mercree Lee
    • A person who believes only in the intellect will eventually run into problems that the intellect will not solve. — Amit Kalantry, A wealth of words
    • Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the universe. ― Einstein
    • Love is the universal music of the universe. Only the heart can hear, feel, store, and transmit. In this process, one heart fills other hearts with rapture. ― Debasish and Mridha
    • You think you are an artist, but you are a canvas. ― John Green
    • Appearance is never forever. ― Laila Olga Akita

    D - Signatures for Instagram

    Food is the most common type of post on Instagram. With these Quotes and Captions, you will add variety to your photos.

    Edible Quotes

    • All you need is Love. But a little chocolate from time to time never hurts. ― Charles M. Schultz
    • I love you like a well-fed child loves cake! ― Scott Adams
    • Don't ask what you can do for your country. Ask what's for dinner. ― Orson Welles
    • After a good meal, you can forgive anyone, even in your own relationship. - Oscar Wilde
    • Take advantage of the moment. Think of all those women on the Titanic who sent out the dessert cart. ― Erma Bombeck
    • It is impossible to think well, love well, sleep well if you had a bad dinner.” - Virginia Woolf

    Titles Browsers

    • Why are we going in circles? You have often seen the dawn, breathed the fresh, morning air, but never looked inward. It is difficult to look into the depths of consciousness, but it will reveal the truth to you. - Lada Bernadtsky
    • See if you're surrounded by assholes. - Evgeny Smolensky
    • It is impossible to develop an internal burning sensation and start working 25 hours a day without a strong desire to live forever. - Savin
    • We are like lions, jaguars, or the bats. Someone is a rabbit and someone is a rat - you choose. Anonymous
    • In the spring the most right time to see the world with different eyes. - Rosalia Block
    • She said many times that it was impossible. It turned out that she simply did not visit to do otherwise. - Erwin Grochowski

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    Instagram family quotes

    • Family is the compass that guides us. They are an inspiration to reach great heights and our comfort when we lose from time to time. — Brad Henry
    • There is nothing that makes you crazier than family. Or happier. Or even more annoying. Or... safer. — Jim Butcher
    • A person needs sometimes to separate from his family, comrades and go to new places. You need to go without acquaintances, be open to outside influences in order to change. - Katharina Butler Hathaway
    • All happy families similar, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. - Lev Tolstoy
    • Happiness has a big, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city. — George Burns
    • There are never enough socks," said Dumbledore. “Another Christmas has come and gone and I didn't get a single pair. People will insist on giving me books. - J.K. Rowling

    winter quotes instagram

    • In the depths of winter, I finally knew that within me lies an invincible summer. - Albert Camus
    • We are who we are because of those we love and those who love us. - Kate Mosse
    • IN New Year without snow, as in summer without greenery, and we have only this way, in Novorossiysk - Anonymous
    • The cold should be only on the winter streets and not in your hearts - Gefo Ryan

    G - Captions for Instagram

    In music, you often find clever thoughts and useful sayings. Not all texts by modern artists are considered stupid, you will find good captions for publications on Instagram in them.

    Quotes from songs for instagram

    • Life would be a mistake without music. - Friedrich Nietzsche
    • One a good thing in music, when it hits you, you don't feel pain. - Bob Marley
    • Music expresses that which cannot be expressed in words and that which cannot be silent. - Victor Hugo
    • Physics is what I can do, music is what I wanted to do. - Albert Einstein
    • Without deviation from the norm, progress is impossible. - Frank Zappa
    • After silence, what comes closest to expressing the inexpressible is music. - Aldous Huxley
    • There are two ways to escape the poverty of life - music and cats. - Albert Schweitzer

    Captions about laughter

    • If you can make a woman laugh, you can make her do anything. - Marilyn Monroe
    • Never make fun of living dragons. - J. R. R. Tolkien
    • Sometimes crying or laughing are the only options, and now laughing makes you feel better. - Veronica Roth
    • Books are my friends, my companions. They make me laugh, cry and find meaning in life. — Christopher Paolini
    • Learn what to take seriously and laugh at the rest. - Hermann Hesse
    • The only way to penetrate life is to laugh at it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying calls headache. - Marjorie Play Hinckley

    Quotes about rivers and lakes

    • Perhaps the truth depends on the walk on the lake. — Wallace Stevens
    • The lake is the most beautiful and expressive feature of the landscape. This is the eye of the earth. — Henry David Thoreau
    • Make your heart like a lake, with a calm, unmoving surface and great depths of kindness. - Lao Tzu

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    Headlines about Friendship and Love

    • Love journeys don't end that easy. - Pico Iyer
    • Home is comfort, and I feel comfortable. - Lily Leung
    • If I were given a flower for every time I thought of you, I could always walk in the garden. - Alfred Lord Tennyson
    • You know you love it when you can't sleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. - Dr. Seuss
    • A friend is someone who knows everything about you and still loves you. - Elbert Hubbard
    • We accept the love we think we deserve. - Stephen Chbosky
    • It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes marriages unhappy. - Friedrich Nietzsche
    • If you judge people, you don't have time to love them. - Mother Teresa
    • Being loved deeply gives you strength, and deep love for others gives you courage. - Lao Tzu
    • There's never a time or place for true love. It happens randomly, in an instant, in one flashing, pulsating moment. - Sarah Dessen

    Quotes about the road

    • If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there. - George Harrison
    • Books are a plane, a train and a road. It is a destination and a journey. They are at home. - Anna Quindlen
    • It's just... I just think that some things are meant to be broken. imperfection. Randomness. It's a way to provide the universe with contrast, you know? There should be several holes in the road. It's like life. - Sarah Dessen
    • There was nowhere to go, they are everywhere, so keep riding under the stars. — Jack Kerouac
    • Always go to other people's funerals, otherwise they won't come to you. - Yogi Berra
    • Man often meets his fate on the road he has chosen to avoid it. - Jean de La Fontaine
    • You forget what you want to remember and remember what you want to forget. - Cormac McCarthy
    • Even though the road was rocky, I don't care. - Bob Marley

    What quotes and sayings do you like? Write in the comments.