What to give your sister for the new year and wish a happy future. What to give your sister for the new year

After parents, brothers and sisters become the closest people. All bright emotions from childhood and adolescence, most likely, will be associated with them, so support a good relationship important and necessary. And the question "What to give your sister for the new year?" requires a meaningful response.

It's no secret that the best gifts are the ones you dream about. To surprise a loved one, you should think in advance and answer just one important question: What are your sister's interests/hobbies? By answering it, you can narrow the circle of possible presentations as much as possible.

Hobbies and hobbies are always win-win gift options, because the choice is huge and a gift for a sister on New Year will definitely make her happy.

  • If a sister is adventurous and she is old enough, a good gift will be a tour to a distant country.
  • If she is fond of knitting, then expensive yarn will be a gift;
  • If your passion is swimming, then an annual pool membership can be a gift;
  • For lovers of reading, you can choose either an e-book, or find and buy an expensive or first edition of your favorite work.

You should not give those gifts that you can’t say for sure that they will be liked. In this case, it is enough to buy gift certificate for the purchase of goods in a specialized store and let the sister choose for herself. After all, in the New Year, all dreams should come true!

Gifts according to age

Age plays an important role when choosing a gift, because expensive cosmetics will not be useful for a nine-year-old girl, and a huge doll will definitely please grown woman. Therefore, gifts should be pleased taking into account age:

  1. For a child from 1 to 9 years old, the value of the gift is unimportant, as well as its seriousness - bright toy will be the best option;
  2. A sister from 10 to 18 years old should be given clothes, cosmetics or jewelry - it is at this age that she is formed as future woman and it is extremely important to support her at this moment;
  3. A young girl of 18-15 years old can be given expensive and beautiful things - perfume, clothes, gadgets, personal care devices (curling iron, iron, epilator, etc.), jewelry or cosmetics;
  4. For an adult woman from 25 to 40 years old, the choice of presents is huge, you should consider what your sister needs, what she wants, what she is interested in and choose the best option.

Present close person should be chosen carefully, because the New Year is an opportunity for something new to enter life and this can start with a good gift.

Christmas gift for little sister

The older sister is always the authority and role model of the younger sister. Gifts from her are always expected with special trepidation and delight, so the gift younger sister New Years should be a little magical. Of course, this should definitely take into account her age and hobbies. A bright doll or other toy will be a good gift for a sister under 10 years old, but more older sister you can donate:

  • Hair dryer;
  • Decoration;
  • A set of decorative cosmetics;
  • An expensive book or series if the sister loves to read;
  • Needlework kit, if that's what she likes;
  • Equipment or accessories for sports activities that the child attends.

A gift for a sister should definitely be beautifully packaged and put under the Christmas tree, because it is the beautiful wrapper and the place of the find that will make the present itself a little magical.

Gifts for a Teenage Sister

Adolescence is characterized not only by frequent outbursts of emotions, but also by the formation of the child's personality itself. What you can give your sister for the new year should help her choose the right course in life and, of course, please her. Here you can not only take into account the existing desires and preferences of a little girl, but also give a chance to her desires, even if they are not yet formed. Gift options are varied:

  • Cosmetics and clothes are always a win-win for a teenager;
  • Pet - the truth should be agreed in advance with the parents on this issue;
  • PC accessories;
  • High-quality and beautiful linen;
  • Jewelry;
  • Guitar or other musical instrument and a training course to it;
  • A trip abroad with my sister or just to the place where she wanted to visit;
  • An adventure, whether it's going to the water park or skiing.

Who, if not the older sister, will support the younger one in her endeavors and dreams?

Christmas gift for older sister

For adult lady it is much easier to choose gifts than for a teenager, because she has already formed rationality and high-quality necessary presents are likely to be rated higher. But sometimes you can do crazy things and give something crazy:

  • A trip for two to the resort;
  • Certificate for climbing courses;
  • Gift certificate to the spa;
  • Master class of the famous chef;
  • Good perfume;
  • quality bed sheets;
  • A set of expensive knives;
  • Phone or other gadget.

It is worth remembering that all people are different and prefer different things. Therefore, you should always focus not on your preferences, but on the desires of your sister.

What can you give your sister for the New Year when her preferences are not known

It so happens that family ties do not have a special strength and hobbies, the preferences of a loved one are not known. Do not despair in such a situation, because there are certain gifts that are quite versatile and in any case will bring positive emotions to a person. These include:

  • Perfumes and cosmetics;
  • Manicure set;
  • Quality dishes or textiles;
  • Photo album;
  • Shower gift set;
  • Purse or bag;
  • Gift certificate to a hardware or cosmetics store.

What is important in a gift? Of course, attention. Therefore, a gift is a great opportunity to show a person that he is not indifferent and start building closer relationships.

Budget options for Christmas gifts

IN difficult times crisis, inexpensive budget gifts are in great demand. The concept of budget is different for everyone, but an inexpensive gift of low cost can be:

  • Set in the bathroom of gel, foam and bombs;
  • Kit delicious sweets that the sister loves;
  • Photo album or frame;
  • Scarf or hat;
  • Souvenir candles or sculptures.

Even inexpensive gift can be made special if it is packaged beautifully, write warm and tender wishes and leave under the tree on New Year's Eve.

DIY gifts

The best gift is a gift made with my own hands. IN Lately hand-made is very common and popular, so a gift made by yourself can be a wonderful New Year's gift for your sister. You can easily and quickly do:

  • A scrapbooking style postcard - it only requires cardboard, clippings from magazines and books, as well as warm memories and their embodiment on paper;
  • A bracelet or other piece of jewelry is easy to create with the help of beads, certain utensils and accessories that can be found in specialty stores;
  • Bouquet of sweets - with the help of sweets beloved by your sister, long skewers and glue, it is easy to make in a couple of hours;
  • A panel or photo frame made of shells, buttons and other small things;
  • Beautifully framed photo collage.

A gift for a sister for the new year 2018 requires careful selection. After all, attention is always nice, especially when it is in the desired form!

The long-awaited and fabulous holiday and therefore shops and markets are full of people who want to buy Christmas decorations, toys, food for New Year's feast, beverages, festive clothes and, of course, gifts. It is gifts that are the most important and pleasant component of this holiday, because not only the status of the giver, but also the mood of the person to whom it is intended for the whole next year depends on a properly selected present. In order not to offend anyone, a few weeks before the New Year, a list of people should be compiled, not forgetting to include all relatives and relatives, including brothers and sisters.

But if it’s not difficult to decide on a gift for a brother, then the answer to the question of what to give a sister for the New Year is far from being so simple, since you will have to take into account such factors as:

  1. Sister's age
  2. Hobbies;
  3. Possible wishes;
  4. Hobby;
  5. Financial situation.

Guided by the above, you can choose a fairly good present for your beloved sister and still consider in more detail.

For big sister

An older sister is a person who replaces a mother in many ways, therefore she should choose a gift in the most careful way, trying not to save:

  • In the event that everything is in order with the funds in the wallet, the best gift for a sister aged 14 to 35 will be a set of expensive cosmetics, perfumes, or Nice dress , in which she can appear at the New Year's holiday. In order not to be mistaken, you should secretly look at the nurse's shelf in the bathroom and carefully look around her wardrobe in the closet, preferably writing down the size of the clothes, the length of the sleeve and the volume of the chest. It will be a shame if the presented thing turns out to be small, or if we are talking about cosmetics, will contain substances to which the sister is allergic;
  • An excellent gift for an older sister will also be a certificate for cosmetic procedures, a subscription for nail, hair, eyelash extensions, going to a hairdresser, fitness, or a sports club;
  • It is possible that before the New Year, the sister herself will make hints about what exactly she wants to receive as a present, therefore, during this period, she should special attention listen to what others are saying, because hinting about what you want is much easier than saying it out loud;
  • All women in the world love toys, regardless of age and position in society, so the ideal option would be to present to your sister New Year's toys depicting Santa Claus or the Snow Maiden, or toys - a symbol of the coming year;
  • Also be creative group photo against the backdrop of a Christmas tree and festive fireworks. It is easy to make such a picture with your own hands, taking a regular photograph as a basis and using the functions of graphic editors;
  • Will be a good gift beautiful bag preferably done by hand. You can attach the same type of wallet to the bag;
  • gifted to sister mobile phone will not only show how much the donor lacks her attention and regular communication, but outwardly it will look like a manifestation of love and respect, because buying some models is not at all cheap.

sister who has big family you can present something homemade, for example, dishes, a beautiful bath towel, small household appliances, or a certificate for a trip with the whole family to an amusement park, a matinee and even tickets for a new movie at the cinema. It is important to remember that the lack of financial resources does not affect the quality and beauty of the gift, so we will consider several options for how to purchase a valuable thing without having it in your pocket. big money:

  1. Earrings. Currently, it is not difficult to buy beautiful and inexpensive women's earrings. In addition, the quality modern jewelry grows every year, as a result of which the purchased earrings, with careful handling, will please the sister for several years;
  2. Scarf. Beautiful Warm scarf you can buy it on the market very cheaply, and what’s even better - you can knit it with your own hands, choosing exactly those colors and styles that will appeal to the one to whom it is intended;
  3. Gloves. You should prepare for the New Year's frosts in all seriousness and provide relatives with the proper amount of warm clothes, for example, by presenting warm gloves to your sister;
  4. Sweater. A soft and pleasant to the touch sweater can also be bought cheaply at any counter. The sister will definitely appreciate the care shown for her;
  5. A cap. Fashionable headwear is relevant in any season, especially its popularity is growing in winter period, therefore, there is nothing reprehensible in presenting a beautiful hat for the New Year;
  6. Christmas tree decorations. beautiful New Year's toy it was not at all easy to find just 50 years ago, today we are solving this issue, there are enough in stores original toys, which can not only be hung on a Christmas tree, but also presented to a sister;
  7. Christmas mug with the image of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden;
  8. New Year card. Magical and Enough simple gift there will also be a postcard, the acquisition of which practically does not require either money or time.

For little sister

Children, especially those girls who are the happy owners of older brothers, expect from them in the New Year, if not miracles, then beautiful gift exactly. Since the brother may not be much older than the sister, he may not have a lot of money to buy, so you can limit yourself to the following:

  • Doll. All girls like dolls, but perhaps before buying them, you should still take a closer look at what cartoons your sister watches, which of the doll characters she likes and make an amazing surprise for the baby;
  • coloring book. A colorful book that you can not only read, but also decorate will be one of the best gifts for a little sister, in addition to which pencils or felt-tip pens should be presented;

Handmade Presents

When choosing a gift for your sister, you should never refuse it. self-manufacturing. Most of all, hand-made beads, baubles and bracelets are suitable as a gift.

have gained immense popularity in recent years origami and various products from paper, the manufacture of which does not take much time, and even the most insecure user can find the entire sequence of actions on the Internet. What else can you give your sister for the New Year? Knitted items can also act as options, beaded and threads of the picture, hand-sewn Christmas boots, papier-mâché toys.


A special category of New Year's gifts should include pets:

  • cats;
  • dogs;
  • rats;
  • mice;
  • guinea pigs;
  • birds.

But, before choosing an animal, it is necessary to think carefully about whether it will bring joy, or whether it will be accepted only out of love and respect.

Many people have an aversion to certain animals because they cause them to develop allergic reactions, therefore, before buying a kitten or a puppy, the sister needs to ask her parents, or herself about the appropriateness of the planned surprise. Having decided to please a little sister with a kitten, it is important to be sure that she will be able to properly care for him, will not torment the animal, or forget about timely feeding. It is also extremely important to make sure that the animal has an accommodating character, an aggressive-minded cat should not even be allowed close to children, so you need to play with the purchase for several minutes before paying for it. Any animal must have accompanying documents and a health certificate. Before giving a gift, you need to decorate it with a cute bow, or a hat, then it is guaranteed to please both the little and the big sister. The New Year is the time for the fulfillment of desires, and everyone can become a good wizard and bring joy to adults and children, friends, relatives and beloved sisters, without making any effort at all, but simply choosing from the options proposed above. In conclusion, you will find a video with another portion of ideas for New Year's presents: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpomrjKeggA

Sister is closest native person after parents. A good sister- dear friend and right shoulder which you can always rely on. After all, there is no friendship stronger, there is no warmer care than sisterly. How to please your beloved sister?

Choose with love

In order for a gift to bring sincere joy and benefit, you need to find out what pleases your sister the most. What does she do in her spare time? Maybe she has some kind of hobby? What is she interested in? What does he talk about most often? Or maybe she herself had already unwittingly let slip about the gift in a recent conversation? Even if not, ask directly: what would she like to find on New Year's Eve under the tree?

  1. A lover of classical music can be presented with a ticket to the Philharmonic or an album of favorite composers.
  2. Homebody reader - a hardcover volume of your favorite author.
  3. It is appropriate for the goddess of culinary masterpieces to give a blender or a slow cooker. And if they have long settled down in her kitchen, then it’s up to the “Book of the Most Delicious Recipes”.
  4. If all the window sills of your sister's house are lined with flowers, give her a rare indoor plant or florarium.
  5. An avid theatergoer will love a ticket to the theater or videos of your favorite performances.
  6. A lover of sports achievements or just healthy lifestyle suitable for life: a pedometer, a massager, a skipping rope with a counter.
  7. For a motorist - a video recorder, a wireless headset or a navigator.
  8. An adrenaline hunter who cannot imagine herself without extreme sports can be presented with a long-awaited snowboard.

Choosing a gift is simple: find out exactly what would be most useful to her.

What to give a sister for 10-12 years

At 10-12 years old, relations with a sister may not develop. New Year is a family holiday, and, perhaps, just nice gift help smooth out sharp corners. And as a gift you can present:

  1. T-shirt with the inscription: "The best sister."
  2. A poster with a favorite celebrity that she is a fan of (you can make it yourself in Photoshop or order it in a photo salon).
  3. A set of stickers for manicure and colorless varnish.
  4. An original flash drive in the form of a piece of chocolate or ice cream.
  5. What to give for the New Year to a sister from a brother? A notebook with a cover on which your joint photos (or photos of your sister) are printed can be ordered at any photo salon. Also on the cover, do not forget to print: "To your beloved sister."
  6. Mug with sister's name.
  7. A small decorative jewelry box.

A gift can be small and symbolic, but pleasant and necessary. Because sincere attention to the little sister is the most important part of it.

What to give a sister for 14-16 years

14-16 years old is the age of eternal change and experimentation. It is not surprising if your sister changes style and image several times a year in search of herself. It's best not to disturb her. The main thing is to help you be yourself.

  1. A set of silver charms for bracelets. This good gift for almost all girls, since a bracelet made of silver parts can be assembled independently to your taste. And the charms include hanging watches and bright beads, which will not leave indifferent any lover of stylish things.
  2. Headphones for the player or phone. They are great for listening to audiobooks and your favorite music.
  3. A beautiful photo session with a professional photographer - such a surprise will strengthen self-confidence and leave pleasant experience. And the most better pictures You can also put it on your profile avatar.
  4. 16 years old is the time for exams and tests. What to give your sister for Christmas? It would be appropriate to give an e-book in which you can learn the answers to tickets and read your favorite book.
  5. Qualitative manicure set. Every self-respecting girl needs such a set, because daily care for nails and fingers will never lose relevance. And what could be worse than a broken nail?
  6. Movie ticket for the New Year's premiere. It's even better if you go together to share the experience.

Maintaining friendship with your sister at this difficult age is very important: your future relationship and mutual assistance depend on it. Be there to give her your care, and a warm response will not keep you waiting.

What to give a sister for 20-30 years

From 20 to 30 - the age when a start in life has already been taken, and now the girl is only moving forward: conquering career peaks, getting married, having children.

  1. Gift certificate to a beauty salon. Giving cosmetics to a girl is a thankless task, because only she herself knows everything about the properties of her skin and hair, and if you buy perfume or cream at random, you can get into a mess with a gift. Therefore, it is easier to make a knight's move: give her the opportunity to choose the means for personal care to her taste.
  2. Gifts for the New Year to your sister is a simple matter. Gift a personalized wine glass or thermo glass, depending on your sister's preferences.
  3. Hair styler. There are more and more things to do, and less and less time, but, despite the whirlwind of worries, your sister wants to look still beautiful. The styler will allow her to save time on long styling and money that she usually leaves at the hairdresser.
  4. Paid travel. To rest and relax after a difficult year - isn't this what every girl dreams of? Warm up by the sea gentle sun or conquer a snowy peak to enjoy the magnificent scenery - it depends only on the temperament of your sister. Just do not forget to find out in advance about your sister's plans for the New Year!
  5. Fondue for chocolate or cheese. This one will always come in handy, the main thing is not to forget to buy chocolate and strawberries for him, in order to try this simple present with your sister.
  6. Soft plaid with sleeves. This gift is very relevant in the New Year, when frosts crackle outside the window: you can wrap yourself up in it with pleasure and remember it with a grateful smile.

Even if you haven’t talked for a long time and suddenly met on New Year’s, be sure to go somewhere together: play a game of bowling, ride on a snowy hill, like in childhood, play snowballs.

DIY gift for sister

If you don’t have large sums at hand, but you still want to please your sister, it doesn’t matter! You can create a gift yourself:

Liana Raymanova

In anticipation new year holidays store shelves are bursting with abundance various gifts. Each of us wants to please our loved ones with something pleasant and useful at the same time.

For many, a sister is the closest person after her mother, which means that a gift for her should be special and unique.

From our article you will learn how to make a gift inexpensively and leave pleasant memories in the memory of the recipient.

Three rules for choosing a gift for a sister

The scope of your imagination is not limited by anything, but based on the recommendations below, the success of presenting a gift is guaranteed!

  1. Each age has its own characteristics - choose a gift in accordance with them.
  2. Character and taste preferences- The main thing to please the interests of the sister. Be attentive to her hobbies, and then the question of a gift will not put you in a difficult position. Avoid having the gift point to weak spots girls. For example, you should not give scales or dumbbells to a full sister, but a girl with problematic skin- a certificate for a visit to a beautician. The gift must be selected delicately, taking into account the characteristics of the fair sex.
  3. Take advice from people with whom she communicates most closely (friends and girlfriends, a young man, classmates or classmates). They probably know about her secret dreams and will help you decide.

It remains to think over the budget and the concept of the gift. And, of course, take into account the onset of the New Year! The gift can be presented in a shiny package with an image, for example, of a pig - a symbol of 2019.

As a gift to my sister - a plush pig

gift for older sister

If the recipient of the gift is a practical girl and does not like useless things (figurines, caskets, mugs, vases), give her something really necessary:

  • camera;
  • e-book;
  • headphones;
  • perfume of your favorite brand;
  • cosmetic set;
  • jewelry, brooches;

Silver brooch with cubic zirkonia, SL(price link)

Gold pendant with topaz and diamonds, SL(price link)

  • a subscription to a pool, gym or other circle;
  • store purchase certificate underwear, a certificate for a photo shoot with professional makeup in a rented studio, a certificate for spa treatments, etc.;

If you are afraid not to guess with a gift, invite your sister for a joint shopping - this will not be a surprise, but together the chosen gift will definitely be to her taste

You can choose a dress for the new year on your own, having familiarized yourself with her wardrobe and writing down her parameters (sleeve length, chest volume, etc.).

If your sister is romantic and dreamy, you can choose something for her from the following list:

  • socks with New Year's paraphernalia;
  • cozy pajamas or home bathrobe with slippers;
  • original jewelry boxes;
  • warm scarf, blanket or mittens;
  • a set of towels with the symbol of the coming year;
  • handmade soap and scented candles.

For a sweet tooth, you can order a set of cupcakes with snowman figurines and a figurine of Santa Claus. For a girl who loves creativity, a good gift would be her portrait in the style of "pop art", a piggy bank in the form of a cash register or a safe, a flash drive with her favorite cartoon character, or a bag with original design. TO universal gifts can be attributed theater, ballet or cinema ticket. Maybe she has been wanting to learn a new hobby for a long time, and is there a master class or seminar on this topic taking place in your city? Scrolling through the poster of the city will not be superfluous. Perhaps she has been dreaming of going to a concert of her favorite artist for a long time - make her wish come true! By the way, this might be original. New Year's gift sister and her husband, such an outing will please both and do not have to think about a present for him.

If you're on a budget, give it a try. Freely available online a large number of instructions for making paper or fabric products. Knit a cute little thing, embroider a picture with beads, make soft toy! If handmade- not your strongest side, decorate cookies, tangerines and sweets in a beautiful wrapper. This will definitely be a pleasant surprise for her.

What can you give your little sister

The best option would be to write a letter to Santa Claus together. So you will understand exactly which options the sister chooses from cherished desire, which will receive in new year's eve. If the age difference with your sister is significant and she attends kindergarten or junior classes of the school, you can give her such gifts:

  • plush toy of large size;
  • children's kitchen or shop with imitation products;
  • magnetic constructor;
  • sets for weaving rings and bracelets;
  • barbie or baby doll Dollhouse, dishes, stroller;
  • "smart" plasticine or coloring, various creative kits (drawing, modeling, beading);
  • a bouquet of soft toys (bears or bunnies).

If your sister is in high school or at the university, then these gifts will suit her:

  • board games ("Monopoly", "Guess the word", etc.)
  • skates, rollerblades or a bicycle;
  • phone case, lenses or selfie stick;
  • portable speakers;
  • a pillow with her photo or a cute inscription "The best sister in the world";
  • a calendar with her image;
  • computer accessories: mouse pad, duster or luminous keyboard.

When choosing a gift cousin advice remains the same.

Gift Ideas for Husband's Sister

You can give your husband’s sister for the New Year a little thing necessary in the house: bed linen, kitchen utensils, unusual candlesticks, items household appliances, night light, ottoman or an interesting picture.

The guy's sister can be pleased with a basket of sweets and fruits. Also you can order Christmas tree toy with her photo - such a gift will definitely surprise her.

Complement your gift with bright handmade packaging and warm regards. After all best gift- made with love, in which you have invested a part of yourself!

December 26, 2017

IN this case, age should be at the forefront. If the girl still goes to kindergarten, then you can buy an original soft toy for her. IN school years it is best to give your sister a useful, developing thing. For example, a home planetarium or glasses virtual reality. The girl who received the certificate will be happy with a valuable gift.

Chocolate postcard. Gift and treat at the same time. The wrapper can be issued own will. For this, a photograph, a text of your own composition, and even children's drawings of a girl are suitable. Dare!

Photobook. Will become great gift sister for New Years. Notebooks from the store can not be compared with this present. Classmates need to say so: “The design of the cover was invented by Santa Claus himself!” Let them prove otherwise.

Give without hesitation! As children, we are very sorry when, at the end of the holiday, Christmas trees are thrown into the street. Your sister will be able to start growing spruce from seed already in winter! Of course, it will take years before it becomes a symbol of the holiday. But dashing trouble is the beginning!

Designer-organizer. In a few years, the girl will grow up and will be actively interested in fashion magazines, cosmetics, jewelry. In the meantime, you can collect a box for them of their plastic parts. The process is painstaking, but very exciting.

Gel anthill. Great option holiday gift. If parents do not want to start cats and dogs on principle, then it will be an ideal gift for an animal lover. The inhabitants do not even require feeding.

What can be a gift for a sister who is older than you?

big sister puffy nose? Don't get upset, certain period life is a common thing. Better try to become Santa Claus for the girl. In the New Year, arrange a surprise for her, hide the gift under the Christmas tree. Then even the simplest symbolic present will make a strong impression.

Decision ball. The most original of all gifts. Will please the sister who always doubts her actions. At the crucial moment, she will have to press the button and follow the advice exactly.

. Good choice for the New Year! True fashionista changes not only their outfits. She wants to "dress up" and the phone. To make everyone talk about the gift with admiration, decorate it original drawing or photograph.

Selfie Remote. You can give a lover of "selfies". Very quickly, the sister will become a real luminary in mobile photography. She will get used to the new method of shutter release for once or twice.

Portrait from photo. A surprise to be commended. Prepared for a long time and carefully. First, you need to send a suitable photo to the designer, then he will make a photomontage and agree on the result. After applying the image to the canvas, it will look like an oil painting. welcome original ideas and wishes. Do you want, for example, to make your sister's hair in a new way?

Women's backpack. At first sight, a fan of a free style of clothing will like it. Holds many times more than a traditional handbag. If desired, you can decorate with a color print or inscription.

Choosing a gift for an adult sister

Adults value attention first of all. They are more pleased with a successfully ending year than sparkling tinsel. The older generation treats holiday gifts as necessary addition celebrations. Surprise your sister with a practical present. In any home, such a thing will become very desirable.

. Solid and useful gift. Surprise your sister with champagne, wine, cognac or grappa glasses. In a word, what is especially loved in her house.

Cutting board set. A good hostess is crazy about such gifts. She constantly cooks, bakes, cuts something. A presentation can be easily made especially memorable. An engraving with the name of a woman will help with this.

Tea or coffee service. A win-win choice for the New Year. In the variety of shapes and colors of dishes, you can easily get confused. In order for the sister to be satisfied, pay attention to the contents of her buffet. two similar gifts there is no place.

. It is very easy to surprise a woman with this gift. It will be much more pleasant for her to use a wallet on which she flaunts given name. It is immediately evident that a person is attentive to trifles and demanding of himself.

Vase. Traditional, but at the same time, a welcome female present. It mainly has a decorative function, so you should be especially careful when choosing. A good choice indicates the presence good taste and desire to please a loved one.

book of wisdom. Should be next to her sister throughout her life. The tips of the great philosophers will be useful to a woman in any situation. There is a special energy in such gifts.