What do they wear in Italy in winter? In the style of Europe: how true fashionistas from Italy dress

Such a phrase evokes in my head the image of a passionate, self-confident and self-sufficient beauty who is well aware of her attractiveness and knows how to use it perfectly. Italian women have been playing movies for a long time, defiling on catwalks and shooting for glossy magazines - it seems that they have occupied all areas that are in any way connected with beauty. So what is the secret of these beautiful, cat-like beautiful and independent creatures?

And what's the difference?

At one time, a large number of Russian women emigrated to Italy: someone went to earn money, someone was able to find a husband and escaped from behind the Iron Curtain. In any case, there are enough Russian women on the Mediterranean coast. But no matter how many years they live away from their homeland, it is still felt that they are strangers, no matter how hard they try to copy the locals. How can this be explained?

According to themselves, a woman knows her worth very well, she will never act to the detriment of her interests in order to please a man. At the same time, the Russian, fearing to be left out of European life, will make concessions and completely and completely adapt to the wishes of her husband - which, by the way, only goes to her disadvantage: what is the point of seeking a woman who is ready for anything?

Another feature of migrant women is that they take care of themselves exactly until they get married; then, according to men, it’s as if some kind of mechanism is triggered, as if saying that since you have already managed to get settled, then there is no longer any sense in endless cosmetic procedures to maintain your beauty. Not a single Italian woman will allow herself this - she will be beautiful always and under any circumstances.

And of course, the last thing that distinguishes a Russian woman is an incomplete understanding of her goal: yes, she is here and understands that she wants, for example, to get married, but then what? Uncertainty does not allow to form a complete image that could attract a life partner. Moreover, this can lead to nervousness, instability, and many other things that are not entirely pleasant from the point of view of psychology, which will almost certainly scare away a potential partner. A mature Italian woman is not only about age, but also about the perception of everything that exists: she knows what she needs and how to achieve it, she sees the goal and goes towards it, even if over her head.


A separate topic for conversation is Italian clothing for women and men. Italians are traditionally considered stunning couturiers: George Armani, Gianni and Donatello Versace, Domenico Dolce and Miuccia Prada all hailed from the Italian coast. It is difficult to explain why this particular country supplies fashion industry such a number of both talented fashion designers and stunning models, but Milan has become one of the centers of world fashion for a reason. In general, it is difficult to determine what exactly attracts a buyer in clothes from Italy, but still, focusing on the style of local residents, we can say that this is an amazing combination of beauty and practicality, sometimes alien to the rest of Europe, so blindly chasing the desire to amaze. Italians understand that clothes are just an addition to a perfectly created image, the main thing is individuality.

Young woman style

Is it possible to ignore the style of Italian women? Sometimes it seems that they are already born with some kind of subconscious understanding of what to wear and what to avoid. Usually the bows of Italian women differ depending on their age, so let's try to consider each category.

You will not see in Italy mini and decollete in Everyday life, and for ceremonial exits, an Italian woman from 19 to 25 will not allow herself such frivolity. Simplicity of silhouettes is complemented bright accessories leaving room for some intrigue and mystery. The rebelliousness of youth is amazingly combined with innate elegance.

The style of a determined woman

Girls between 25 and 30 who have already experienced teenage crises with an endless desire to stand out and attract attention, come to a discreet sporty style. No it doesn't mean domination tracksuits on the streets, comfort comes first. On the feet - ballet flats or sneakers, no heels that impede the movement. Clothing that fits everything you need and don't need is also not very welcome - wide pants, shirts are a couple of sizes larger, the same sweaters. Typically, these sets are complemented by catchy scarves and accessories and roomy bags. Yes, for a Russian girl it will look very strange: after all, voluminous clothes hide all the femininity that Italians are so famous for, but at the same time, why demonstrate it all the time? Especially, for example, at work or study, where attention should be paid directly to the lesson, and not to how you look?

Sophisticated woman style

An Italian woman from 30 to 55 comes to elegance. It is expressed most often in the transition from short leather jackets and baggy sweaters to flowing capes, cardigans, strict coats. Sneakers are giving way to pumps, but heels are still on the sidelines. An Italian woman will not wear anything that interferes with her comfort even a little (except for an official ceremonial exit). And of course, what is elegance without accessories? Beads, bracelets, rings, scarves, glasses are used - everything that comes to mind. Some even remark that it is very difficult to meet in Italy a woman of this age category without any bright addition to the common bow.

Oh yes! At this age, ladies are already quite self-sufficient, so they can afford branded clothes, and not the mass market revered by young people.

Amazing Woman Style

It is impossible not to say about Italian women who have crossed a certain age limit and, according to the ideas of our compatriots, should completely stop taking care of themselves. Yes, we are talking about women over sixty. Italians at this age come to the classics and minimalism. A simple loose light blouse, strict straight trousers, all the same pumps, a discreet coat - here it is, typical woman over sixty in Italy. And no thoughts that "since the old one, who already needs it."

Some Italians will easily give odds to our young girls with their sense of style and ability to compose perfect combinations clothes and accessories.

Italian women are famous for their elegance and ability to dress stylishly.

However, their style of dress is completely different from the style of our Russian women.

To understand this Italian feature, you need to immerse yourself in their culture, which we will try to do.

You rarely see an Italian dressed in tight-fitting clothes, high heels and evening make-up.

Most likely, the lady just gathered for a celebration or is a TV star. IN ordinary life Italians prefer comfortable, but at the same time fashionable things.

Russian women, in everyday life, look like Italian women on a holiday. Our ladies are always in high heels and impeccably made up.

This fashionable behavior can be justified, perhaps, only by the fact that Italian women have always lived well and their taste has been formed over decades.

While our ladies began to make their first, and therefore inept fashion steps after the collapse of the USSR. We are all trying to catch up and catch up with the Western one, which, unfortunately, often fails.

If we take a simple example of a Milan-Moscow flight, then immediately at the airport you can notice the cardinal differences between us and Italians. They will get off the plane comfortable shoes on a flat course, jeans, with a stylish and expensive bag in his hands, with a minimum of make-up on his face and glasses. Our women even travel in heels, lipstick and skinny jeans. It remains only to wonder, is it really convenient?

This situation is well described by one popular Italian proverb. Dressed heavily in wedding celebration, you can say: “we put on everything we could for this wedding ... even the chest of drawers!”. In Russian, the phrase would sound like “putting on all the best at once,” which seems to be what our women are trying to do every day.

Let's take a look, in turn, at an ordinary working Italian who, after work, also runs to kindergarten or school to pick up her children and at the same time manages to drop into the grocery store.

1) The average resident of Italy in casual clothes extremely simple - jeans straight cut or a knee-length skirt, comfortable and elegant.

Flat shoes that provide comfort of movement, because there is so much to do! At the same time, the Italian woman will have a very discreet make-up on her face, but she will proudly carry an expensive and stylish hand in hand. bag from Louis Vuitton will be combined not with gold, stones or even silver, but with modest jewelry in a minimalist style.

2) In make-up, Italians try to emphasize the beauty of the eyes, preferring smoky eyes.

Lips in Italy are painted extremely rarely, mainly for going out. red lipstick is sometimes even considered bad form and can only be seen in elderly Italian women.

They even try to look like queens in their old age, putting on suits, bags, shoes and painting lips.

However, even an elderly Italian woman will not allow herself to wear gold and diamonds in the middle of the day, as this is considered bad manners.

Italian women are happy to give preference to simple jewelry, bracelets and massive watches in men's style. Young fashionistas choose Tiffany brooches, while older girls can afford a small, thin necklace.

IN summer time years, Italian women dot their wrists with a variety of textured bangles. I skillfully combine them with each other.

3) Accessories - shoes and bags, that's the real weakness of Italian fashionistas.

They believe that these wardrobe items should always be of high quality and luxurious. Italian women line up during sales fashion collections and some even pass on their exclusive Louis Vuitton handbags.

Sometimes, women save up for several months to afford the coveted expensive bag.

Well, you should not blame them, because nothing makes a woman look better than high-quality designer shoes and a handbag.

4) By the way, many Italian women are very skeptical about high boots, especially with heels.

They do not understand how you can wear such shoes, because the Italian climate is very mild even in winter. They could not feel our winters, then they would definitely have bought a pair of other boots for themselves.

However, many Italian women still wear these shoes, though mostly on flats and prefer oversized boots rather than boots.

5) But the most important thing to learn from Italians is the ability to combine colors.

Sometimes, they combine seemingly incompatible colors with each other - red, scarlet, yellow, blue, green.

The women of this southern country simply adore bright colors in clothes. They can wear even the simplest things, but because of the riot of color duo, their look will be amazing!

You can easily admire the Italian in dark blue pantsuit, decorated with cognac-brown accessories - the height of elegance.

6) Everything looks good on Italian women, no matter what they wear, and all because they are tanned!

We go pale-skinned all year long, waiting for the holidays to finally soak up the sun and tan a little bit. Italians bathe in sunshine as the thermometer exceeds 20 degrees. They bare their legs, put on glasses and take on the Italians!

7) Due to the abundance of the sun, glasses accompany fashionistas throughout the year, so they are used to them.

Some do not take them off in transport and even indoors. Also, many Italian women want to be so original that they choose the glasses of the most different forms, with rhinestones and sequins, just like some of our women.

So, you can learn a lot from Italians.

8) But the main lesson that these southern women can teach us is that everything is good in moderation.

Let's save the high heels short skirts, tight and uncomfortable leggings, make-up and fake nails for rare, evening outings.

Russian girls are already very beautiful and attractive, and the abundance of rhinestones, heels and cosmetics on the face only sets off our natural beauty.

Giorgio Armani's quote "To be elegant does not mean to be conspicuous, it means to be remembered" will be appropriate here.

Italian women dress comfortably, in ordinary things, but at the same time they are incredibly elegant and luxurious! To learn how to be elegant, try the Italian beauty recipe.

We all sometimes like to watch old black and white Italian movies where you can enjoy how gorgeous these amazing Italian women look. And sometimes we really want to be a little like them, but we can't always figure out what it takes to look like a real Italian lady. Let's talk about secrets Italian style and attractiveness.

Italian clothing style - How do Italian women dress?

  1. We place accents

Italian women really know how to look extravagant, while remaining truly fashionable and always on trend. They achieve this at the expense of one, but very bright accent in an outfit around which the whole image gathers. It can be a blouse with a "ton" of ruffles, or bright colored pants that catch the eye and create the main focus in the image. It can also be accessories, such as huge earrings, shiny, unusual shoes or a bag. But important rule that the emphasis is on only one bright thing in the image, while others will remain more neutral and calm.

2. Invest in quality basics

Forget about buying cheap clothes that will please you for just one season. Better start investing in classic and necessary elements wardrobe that will have high quality and will last you almost a lifetime! Moreover, for the base basic wardrobe choose neutral colors that go well with each other and with fashion trends. Black trousers, dresses, white shirts and t-shirts, blue jeans straight cut - all this should be in your wardrobe, and all this should be in good quality. You can read more about the basics of a basic wardrobe here -. If you have quality basic clothing, you will never look cheap and tasteless.

3. Special things

Quite often, we enthusiastically acquire the very desired thing and store it in a closet for “ special occasion”, which, as you understand, may never come. 🙂 Make every day of your life so special. And, if you want to look like an Italian, then do not put off your favorite things for later. Italian women of fashion consider every day a holiday and the clothes should be appropriate! Celebrate life Italian style and grab and try on your secret "special occasion" dress right now.

4. Good underwear

You can try to look like a million dollars, but you will never achieve it if you wear low-quality or worn underwear under your luxurious clothes. Therefore, really good important advice from Italian women - an investment in good underwear. Quality linen will give you a feeling of confidence and sexuality, even if you are wearing ordinary blue jeans and a white T-shirt on top.

5. A little glamour.

And finally, pay attention to the fact that Italian women are not afraid of glitter, sequins or precious stones in their images. In fact, this method is perfect for creating a bold and stylish appearance. But be careful and don't go too far. Yes, Italians believe that a woman should shine every time, whether it's a sequined skirt or a bright blouse. But, as we wrote above, the image should not have too much artificiality and too many accents.

So, a little shine in the image in combination with basic things and self-confidence and the image of a sexy and bright Italian - ready! 🙂

Italian style is synonymous good taste and elegance all over the world.

For some reason, some people think that Italian style means wearing Armani and Gucci every day, high heels and designer dresses. However, this is absolutely not the case. As the Italians themselves say, dressing in Italian means looking good and feeling comfortable all day long.

Let's take a closer look at what it is and how to create it.

What is Italian style?

Italian style is often called "Italian chic". For Italians, this means femininity, elegance, naturalness and some intrigue. This is expressed in the lines and silhouettes of the clothes that are chosen, as well as in in large numbers details.

- this is not primarily about how to comply with the latter fashion trends, not about where to buy luxury brands, but about how at any event (walking the dog, working in the office, studying, party or romantic dinner) to be yourself, to feel confident and comfortable, to be able to emphasize all your advantages with clothes.

Elegance and vulgarity

Most often, any clothing is evaluated by Italians according to two criteria: how elegant or vulgar the image looks.

Vulgar is not only what is considered to be so among us: the chest is outward in deep neckline, underwear that shows through clothes, a super short miniskirt with fishnet stockings.

Vulgar in Italy will be considered, for example, high heels for ordinary office day, a combination of a short top and a short bottom (mini skirt and top), bright makeup for daytime outings, a combination of short shorts or a skirt and boots / shoes on high heels, red Wellingtons hairpin, etc.

This is probably why Italian women rarely wear clothes that reveal most of the body even in warm time of the year. If, for example, an Italian woman wears shorts, then the top is likely to be completely closed.

Naturalness and comfort

As we wrote above, for Italians one of important requirements to clothing is its comfort and convenience. The most comfortable clothes These are jeans, t-shirts and knitwear. Perhaps that is why, when choosing between a skirt, a dress and jeans, an Italian will choose jeans for every day, which she will wear with shoes on flat sole(According to the latest statistics, Italian women have an average of 10-16 pairs of jeans in their closet). The most popular jeans model is skinny or cigarettes. And who can say that these jeans are unfeminine?

From shoes, it will most likely be converse, multi-colored sneakers or ballet flats.

By the way, if it were possible to define the symbol of the Italian style of women for every day, then it would be ballet shoes. Ballerinas just combine elegance, femininity and at the same time are insanely comfortable.

Naturalness is respected in everything: in the fact that hair is most often worn loose, rarely dyed (and if dyed, then only in natural colors), almost never use intricate hairstyles. Make-up is a must, but daytime images always natural and barely noticeable.

Colors in clothes

Naturalness, naturalness, the desire to look elegant and not vulgar dictate the colors that can most often be seen in women's wardrobe Italians. It will be black, gray, blue (denim). For summer things, white and beige are added. Usually in one set there are 2-3 colors. Bright multi-colored combinations can be seen on Italian shows, in magazines or fashion blogs, but very rarely in everyday life.

Fashion style

If we are talking about Italian style, then usually the whole image of a woman is built around some significant thing. It can be, for example, an Armani jacket or a Chanel bag, which will be the central part of the set. Everything else in the kit should be simple and basic. However, even the fact that the thing is designer will not be flaunted. Italians consider it bad taste to wear things with large and prominent logos.

Another feature of the Italian style is layering in clothes. T-shirt and jacket or blazer, t-shirt, cardigan and Leather Jacket, T-shirt, shirt and cardigan - these are Italians with great pleasure. If we talk about outerwear, then it will most likely be a leather jacket, trench coat or coat.

Frequent difference Italian clothes especially among young women is the presence of elements of rock style. It can be a bracelet with studs, a leather jacket, several rings in the ear, or heavy boots. I do not know what it is connected with. Maybe because music and musical culture in Italy is very developed. Rock performers are very popular among young people and girls.

Lots and lots of accessories

Italians believe that it is accessories that personalize the image, because in fact everyone wears the same clothes. That is why they are very fond of wearing narrow or wide straps, large voluminous scarves, large rings and massive bracelets, long chains with pendants and necklaces. And of course, almost at any time of the year, Italian women wear sunglasses(but this is already a feature of the climate).

I will add that Italians are very fond of: starting from dark shades(which are very popular in Italy), ending with pink, green, blue, etc.

As you can see, the secret to creating Italian style is quite simple. It is enough to dress naturally, to choose comfortable clothes, know the advantages and disadvantages of your body, create simple elegant images, and most importantly - to show yourself through the clothes, and not the clothes themselves and how good or expensive they are.