Scenario of the holiday "festival of kindness" with a presentation. Spontaneous acts of kindness day script

  • Help children learn the formulas of verbal politeness, encourage them to be interested in the meaning of words.
  • Continue enrichment work vocabulary words.
  • Cultivate courtesy and respect for others.

Types of children's activities: communicative, cognitive research, play.

Integration of educational branches: "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Reading fiction"

Preliminary work:

  1. Reading works
  2. Memorization of poems, proverbs
  3. Introduce the "Lessons of Politeness"

Expected results of implementation

  1. Children's ability to behave in their environment
  2. The ability of children to determine: "What is good and what is bad"
  3. Children's understanding of the statement: "In the vast sea, the sea of ​​​​words bathes every hour."

Event progress

Invented by someone
Simple and wise
Greet when meeting:
- Good morning!
- Good morning!
sun and birds
- Good morning!
Smiling faces
And everyone becomes
kind, trusting
Let Good morning
last until the evening

Good evening dear children and adults. Hello!

Today we have an unusual evening - a celebration of kindness and courtesy.

“Kindness is an amazing thing. It brings together like nothing else, it saves us from loneliness, unpleasant insults. Kindness is the desire of a person to give complete happiness to all people. Politeness is the ability to behave in such a way that others would be pleased with you. open little secret if kindness, politeness and honesty live in the world, then adults and children rejoice!

(The song "The world is like a colored meadow" is performed)

Leading. In order to become polite, we must use magic words that make us warmer and more joyful. People say "The word heals, the word hurts." What magic words do you know? (Children's answers.) Well done! I will start reading poetry. I will start, and you finish, in unison, answer in unison.

V. Even an ice block will melt from a kind word ...

D. Thank you

B. The old stump will turn green when it hears ...

D. Good afternoon

B. If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom ...

D. Thank you

B. When they scold for pranks, we say ...

D. Please forgive me

B. The first words we start the day with are hello, good morning! Saying them, we wish our loved ones good health, Have a good mood

Hello, will you tell the person
- Hello - smile back
And probably will not go to the pharmacy
And will be healthy for many years.

Good afternoon - you were told
- Good afternoon - you answered
Two strings tied you
Kindness and warmth

B. What are all the same beautiful words"Hello", "Good morning", "Good night". When you hear good words Yes, and said from the heart, with a smile on his face, it immediately becomes warmer. We need to say more kind words to each other and give a smile.

Song "Smile"

B. Being polite and kind is not easy. One boy wanted to be polite, but didn't know how to use "polite words." Listen to how it was.

Promised Father Petrus
- I'll take the courtesy
I will thank everyone
Say "hello" first
Here is an old boy
Keeps the promise
Sees in the morning at the gatehouse
Dozing watchman on the doorstep
He didn't sleep at night
Only - just dozed off
And Petrus yells:
- WITH Good morning, grandfather Fedot!
Grandfather scolded him awake:
- Get out of here shooter!
Here Petrus caught up with Irishka
Yes, how to pull a scarf
Where are you Irishka, stop
I say hello to you!
She leaned back -
What a disrespectful girl...
The counselor carried a stack of books
And Petrus from the fence - jump
Almost sat on his shoulders
– Excuse me, good evening!
- You - the counselor shouted
And ignoramus and impudent
Petya is very surprised:
Was he impolite?

What do you think, was Petya polite? (Children's answers.) Yes, being polite is not very easy ... And tell the guys, “What is the most bitter”?

R. What is the bitterest of all, I asked the guys?
They claim - unripe dogwood
- Potion - some brave man will say
Mustard and onions will be called at last
But bitterer than mustard, believe me the words,
An offensive rude word.

Q. Well, what is the sweetest thing?

R. What is the sweetest thing, I asked the guys?
- Sleep well Sony yawning, mumbling
Sweeties, squeezing their eyes shut, lollipop
Candy, halva finally.
But sweeter than halva and everything else
kind word of the heart

C. The children recited poems, and I offer mysterious hearts to the guests. The people have many proverbs about kindness, courtesy and baths, you need to combine two parts to make one whole - a proverb.

(A game with the audience.)

V. Yes, an affectionate word warms the soul. I suggest you play the game Sweet Nothing»

V. Today the heroes of a fairy tale came to visit us, and from which, you will now find out

M. Hello Pinocchio!

B. Hello Malvina

M. Why are you not so cheerful? Maybe the task was not completed?

B. I did a poor job

M. Why?

B. Because I can't restrain myself.

M. Do you think it's nice for people to talk to you when you're so angry?

B. Here's another! Who does not want to let them not talk to me, I will not cry.

M. Wait let the guys say if you really have an ordinary tone (Children's answers.)

B. Am I the only one talking like that? Yes, I can say I learn from others. And how do they speak? And you know, I understood everything.

V. Let's not argue about who behaves better or worse, but just become kinder. Do you agree with me? Well then I have a game for you shows faces). Children determine where a cheerful face is, and where a sad one, and choose for themselves a gnome that they like. Pinocchio chooses a smiling dwarf for himself.

R. I want everyone to laugh
So that dreams always come true
For children to have happy dreams
To have a good morning
To keep mom from being sad

Q. We invite our guests to the Chunga-Changa dance.

Q. A letter came to us, and on the envelope it was written: "Be kind there."

The game "Spider Web" (you need to connect all the dots and get the word "Kindness").

V. From childhood we love
play and laugh
From childhood we learn to be kind
That's how it always stays
To smile and make friends

V. So our extraordinary holiday is coming to an end. As a keepsake, we give everyone, both guests and children, “7th” emblems and, of course, sweet prizes

C. Be kind and polite to each other, give joy to everyone and then life will be easy and life will be easier.


Tasks :

Holiday progress:


Chorus: In the spring the water will rustle,
In winter the winds will sing.
Come on, friends, always
Wish each other well!

1. Kindness is needed by all people,

May there be more good ones.

They do not say in vain when they meet

"Good afternoon" and "Good evening".

And it is not for nothing that we have

Wish "In good hour».

Kindness - it is from the century

Human decoration...

2. Being kind is not at all easy,

Kindness does not depend on growth.

Kindness does not depend on color,

Kindness is not a gingerbread, not a candy.

If kindness shines like the sun

Adults and children rejoice.

She shines with kind eyesInvisible, but bright raysThe soul will warm and respond.

Beauty changes its priceIt fades with time, like rhinestones,But only like brilliant diamondsA welcome ray, Kindness shines.

There is nothing more beautiful than beauty, She deserves all the praiseBut only the one who knows kindness,

1. Kindness, kindness,

Kindness is not enough for you

There is love in kindness

And, of course, there is pity!

May all people in the world

Very much love each other,

2. Let them not stand between them,

Cold, evil blizzards!

You give kindness

From the heart and spontaneously

And let this act

It won't seem strange!


PoemSuch a friendship

5. I am my neighbor Olya
Pulled a pigtail at school

- This Olya to me again
Didn't give an answer.

I poked my hand painfully in the back
classmate Marina,

So as not to make faces at me.

I threw a washer at Lena,
To her - like peas against the wall,

6. And the cheerful Katyushka,
I called it a joker.

In the bag of sneak Larisa
I threw a rat in the morning
She will make a hole in the bag,

- Here comes the fun soon!

For the whole class one Irishka
I respect like a boy
I have been friends with Ira for a long time -
I'll just give her a button...

You, yes I, yes we are with you,
You, yes I, yes we are with you,

If everyone lived alone
That has long been in pieces

You, yes I, yes we are with you,
You, yes I, yes we are with you,

Maybe by the orange river
There are already sad little men,

You, yes I, yes we are with you,
You, yes I, yes we are with you,

Even if we break up
Friendship still remains
Stays with us forever.


1. Guys are growing before our eyes!
Lived in my poems once
Vovka is a kind soul.
(So ​​called the baby!)
And now he's an adult
Looks like twelve years old
And readers, perhaps
Adult Vovka will surprise.

2. Vovka ended with kindness,
He decided he was embarrassed
IN adulthood such
Be kind!
He blushed at this word,
Became ashamed of kindness,
He, to look harsh,
Pulling cats by the tails.
Pulling cats by the tails

3. And after waiting for darkness,
He asked them for forgiveness
For bad treatment.
Know all that he is unkind,
Worse than a wolf! Worse than cobras!
- Watch out, I'll kill you! -
He threatened with a sparrow.

4. Walked with a slingshot for an hour,
But then he got upset
Buried her furtively
In the garden under a bush.
He's on the roof now
Hiding, not breathing
If only not to hear:
"Vovka is a kind soul!"

Now let's play a game“Speak Nice wordsis to replace all bad words with good ones.

Give good things to others
This will not make you poorer.

You, in this world of eternal vanity,

You do not spare affection, warmth,

Demonstration of the scene "HEN RYABA"

They lived, did not grieve.

Rusk was washed down with tea,

They chewed sausage once a month.

And everything would be fine

yes little hen

She took and laid an egg.

The testicle is not simple,

Golden egg.

Now for our prices.

And in general it is priceless.

For family advice

Gathered Granddaughter with Grandma Grandfather.

Grandfather. Anyway. Such a thing.

What to do with the egg?

Maybe eat? Or to sell?

Or change to dollars?

Maybe for the walls to fall

Will we buy a modern music center?

Grandmother. What are you, Grandpa?! Fear God!

Music doesn't cost much!

Better buy a TV

Vacuum cleaner or transistor

Or take a cart of soap,

To keep the house clean.

Granddaughter. Can we buy me some perfume?

Grooms are smitten!

Or French lipstick?

I'll be happy for her too!

And worldly noisy dispute.

That's not it, that's not right.

Grandfather. You are a badass!

Grandmother. You are an idiot!

The world did not see this!

Only the Hen is silent,

It is near the table.

Hen. Well I didn't expect

Be the cause of a scandal.

To stop it

I need to crack an egg.

And, gently waving the wing,

Dropped an egg on the floor

Smashed him to bits!

Granddaughter is crying, Baba is crying ...

Granddaughter and grandmother.

What have you done, Ryaba?

Turned out pockets with holes.

Grandfather. I don't have money, so what?

Peace in the family is the most precious thing!

The song is "Do Good"

1. Your hands are strong-
You protect the weak!
Your thoughts are true
You teach a fool!
Your eyes are your soul:
Good and clean!
Give it to the one
Who hurts alone!

Do good on the whole earth,
Do good for others.
Not for a nice "thank you"
Hearing you near

Do good on the whole earth,
Do good for others.
Not for a nice "thank you"
Hearing you near.

2. I will fly to the sky,
I'll scream to my heart's content
I will tell all the secrets of the day
Until the light la.
I will reach the sky
I'll scream to my heart's content
I will tell all the secrets of the day
Until the world la!

And sacrifice your life, and hurry

Not for fame or sweets

But at the behest of the soul.

Do not let the offended soul

momentary judgment.

Wait. Cool down. Believe -


Everything will fall into place.

You are strong.

The strong are not vindictive.

The weapon of the strong is kindness.

1. Today we celebrate gray hair

Tired wrinkled hands

But it happened in the old days

These hands of boredom did not know

Your whole life is filled with work

Warmed by the warmth of the soul and joy

Yes, look around you

The planet has never seen nicer faces.

And let autumn walk in the yard

And the world has turned the page of the century,

How good is what is in the calendars

Day of the elderly.

2. You have reached the age of such

What is asking greeting

Please accept our congratulations

Health, happiness and kindness

Let it go bad mood

You will never have

Look at the world with pleasure

And sadness will recede and trouble

Success, luck and fortune

May you always be with you.

3. Year after year, years run

They run tirelessly

Years always rush in spite

But let them pass

Fight zealously with them

Live longer, don't age

And against all enemies

Take medicines as little as possible

4. The law of nature is so harsh

Years run in the stream of the century

How much to eat beautiful words

To congratulate a person

But we're not looking for these words

And just from the bottom of our hearts we wish:

Health, happiness and flowers

And live all 100 without losing heart.

5. We wish you not to get sick, not to lose heart.

Get more rest, sleep better

Quietly to argue things

And so that fate always keeps you

accept you thanks a lot

For your severity and kindness

May peace and happiness be in your life

One road side by side go

6. All of you are over 50

But we just can't believe

Where are the years going in such a hurry?

What are they hoping for?

We won't let you grow old

Let others grow old

And all the ailments as one

Let them fall off you.

Health, happiness, bright days

Good luck and lots of fun

And no matter your age

Don't give in to old age

Children's performance:

1. If shared with a friend

You are your candy

Well you did

Everyone will say it.

2. You learned someone else's secret

And smashed it right now

It's bad, it's not worse

It's mean even!

3. If you filed in front of everyone

girl coat,

You- man of culture,

World boy!

4. If you like wild animal,

You immediately go to fight

You are not worthy, believe me

To be called a man!

5. If you warmed a cat,

Feed the birds in the cold

It's just beauty

That's the only way it needs to be!

6. You knocked out a dog's eye

Threw the cat into a puddle.

Be sure forty times

You are worse dogs.

7. Respect people around

Seniors, juniors too.

And then you, my friend,

They'll call it good.

There is some magic in it...

Good people too few.

And yet they are the majority.

Become a good wizard

Come on try

When someone is in trouble.

You can rush to the rescue

Any minute, always.

And if someone helps

Your kindness and your friendship

You don't live in vain in the world.


-Let's shout

to admire each other

- high-pitched words

No need to be afraid.

-Let's understand

Each other from a half-word,

-So that, having made a mistake once,

Don't make a mistake again.

Give people nice words!

Evil starts a war

The song "Good Road" sounds

Ask strict life
Which way to go?
Where in the world white
Leave in the morning?
Follow the sun
Though the path is unknown
Go my friend, always go
Dear good!

Forget your worries
Falls and rises
Don't whine when fate leads
Not like a sister
And if it's bad with a friend -
Don't rely on a miracle
Hurry to him, always go
Dear good!

Oh, how many will be different
Doubts and temptations
Don't forget that this life
Not child's play!
Drive away temptations
Learn the unspoken law:
Go my friend, always go
Dear good!

‹ ›

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  • class teacher


The script of the holiday "Do Good"

Target: the formation of a value attitude to the moral category - good


  • To form in students the idea of ​​goodness, good deeds.
  • Develop the ability to work mixed age groups, cooperation skill, communication skills.
  • Cultivate a sense of kindness, sensitivity, compassion, goodwill.

Holiday progress:

- human kindness and mercy, the ability to rejoice and worry about other people creates the basis of human happiness. A person who does good to others, who knows how to empathize with them, feels happy.

The song "Song of Kindness" sounds

In this huge world in which you and I live,
Not enough warmth, not enough human kindness.
Together we will learn to protect and love each other,
Let's learn together to each other, like stars, to shine.

Chorus: In the spring the water will rustle,
In winter the winds will sing.
Come on, friends, always
Wish each other well!

Let them not give us marks at school for the generosity of the soul,
Once you take it and do good just like that,
And then in the cold it will smell achingly in spring,
And then there will be more than one smile on earth!

Hundreds of roads are waiting for us, but everyone will have their own,
And to reach the goal, of course, friends will help.
So that our long-standing dreams come true,
Let the lesson of kindness always be the main lesson!

1. Kindness is needed by all people,

May there be more good ones.

They do not say in vain when they meet

"Good afternoon" and "Good evening".

And it is not for nothing that we have

Wish "Have a good time."

Kindness - it is from the century

Human decoration...

2. Being kind is not at all easy,

Kindness does not depend on growth.

Kindness does not depend on color,

Kindness is not a gingerbread, not a candy.

If kindness shines like the sun

Adults and children rejoice.

3. The most valuable thing in the world is Kindness,
She shines with kind eyes
Invisible, but bright rays
The soul will warm and respond.

Beauty changes its price
It fades with time, like rhinestones,
But only like brilliant diamonds
A welcome ray, kindness shines.

There is nothing more beautiful than beauty
She deserves all the praise
But only the one who knows kindness,
Bow to her low to the ground.

- A kind, benevolent person knows how to communicate, maintain good relationships with people.

- And now we will play and find out if you know "Magic Words"?

1. Even an ice block will melt from the word warm ... (thank you)
2. Even the stump will turn green when it hears ... (good afternoon)
3. If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom .... (Thank you)
4. A polite and developed boy speaks when meeting ... (hello)
5. When we are scolded for pranks, we say ... (excuse me, please)
6. And in France and Denmark they say goodbye ... (goodbye)

1. Kindness, kindness,

Kindness is not enough for you

There is love in kindness

And, of course, there is pity!

May all people in the world

They love each other very much

2. Let them not stand between them,

Cold, evil blizzards!

You give kindness

From the heart and spontaneously

And let this act

It won't seem strange!

- You rarely meet a person who has never quarreled with anyone in his life. We give advice: avoid conflicts, quarrels, ill-considered actions. Quarrels develop bad character traits, a person becomes grumpy, unrestrained, angry.

Poem such friendship

5. I am my neighbor Olya
Pulled a pigtail at school

This Olya to me again
Didn't give an answer.

I poked my hand painfully in the back
classmate Marina,
It is necessary with her, in general, stricter,
So as not to make faces at me.

I threw a washer at Lena,
To her - like peas against the wall,

6. And the cheerful Katyushka,
I called it a joker.

In the bag of sneak Larisa
I threw a rat in the morning
She will make a hole in the bag,

Here comes the fun soon!

For the whole class one Irishka
I respect like a boy
I have been friends with Ira for a long time -
I'll just give her a button...

The song sounds "You, yes I, yes we are with you"

You, yes I, yes we are with you,
You, yes I, yes we are with you,
It's good to have friends in the world.
If everyone lived alone
That has long been in pieces
The earth would probably collapse.

You, yes I, yes we are with you,
You, yes I, yes we are with you,
We'll go around the Earth, wave to Mars,
Maybe by the orange river
There are already sad little men,
Because we've been gone too long.

You, yes I, yes we are with you,
You, yes I, yes we are with you,
Nothing will ever separate us.
Even if we break up
Friendship still remains
Stays with us forever.

- It is impossible to cause even the smallest suffering to anything living. Worthy of condemnation are those heartless people who throw cats and dogs into the street, dooming them to torment. Be involved with homeless animals, help them survive.

1. Guys are growing before our eyes!
Lived in my poems once
Vovka is a kind soul.
(So ​​called the baby!)
And now he's an adult
Looks like twelve years old
And readers, perhaps
Adult Vovka will surprise.

2. Vovka ended with kindness,
He decided he was embarrassed
At a mature age,
Be kind!
He blushed at this word,
Became ashamed of kindness,
He, to look harsh,
Pulling cats by the tails.
Pulling cats by the tails

3. And after waiting for darkness,
He asked them for forgiveness
For bad treatment.
Know all that he is unkind,
Worse than a wolf! Worse than cobras!
- Watch out, I'll kill you! -
He threatened with a sparrow.

4. Walked with a slingshot for an hour,
But then he got upset
Buried her furtively
In the garden under a bush.
He's on the roof now
Hiding, not breathing
If only not to hear:
"Vovka is a kind soul!"

The song "If you went on the road with a friend ..."

And now let's play - the game "Speak good words" is to replace all the bad words with good ones.

Rude - affectionate, evil - kind, greedy - generous, sad - cheerful, enmity - friendship, grief - joy, hatred - love, deceit - truth, humiliation - praise, cruelty - tenderness

-I would especially like to say about the attitude towards parents. Sometimes children are impudent, rude to their parents, inattentive to them. It's upsetting. Be gentle, kind, considerate. Give love and gratitude to those who gave you life, put you on your feet, whose days and nights were filled with care for you.

Give good things to others
This will not make you poorer.
Everything you give is considered yours
The hand of the giver, believe me, does not grow thin.

You, in this world of eternal vanity,
glorify yourself good deeds,
You do not spare affection, warmth,
For those who are near, who are with you today.

Do not offend loved ones with a rude word,
Give them happiness and tender love.
And let them know that you are ready
Come to their aid at the first call.

Demonstration of the scene "HEN RYABA"

They lived, did not grieve.

Rusk was washed down with tea,

They chewed sausage once a month.

And everything would be fine

yes little hen

She took and laid an egg.

The testicle is not simple,

Golden egg.

Now for our prices.

And in general it is priceless.

For family advice

Gathered Granddaughter with Grandma Grandfather.

Grandfather. Anyway. Such a thing.

What to do with the egg?

Maybe eat? Or to sell?

Or change to dollars?

Maybe for the walls to fall

Will we buy a modern music center?

Grandmother. What are you, Grandpa?! Fear God!

Music doesn't cost much!

Better buy a TV

Vacuum cleaner or transistor

Or take a cart of soap,

To keep the house clean.

Granddaughter. Can we buy me some perfume?

Grooms are smitten!

Or French lipstick?

And worldly noisy dispute.

That's not it, that's not right.

Grandfather. You are a badass!

The world did not see this!

Only the Hen is silent,

It is near the table.

Hen. Well I didn't expect

Be the cause of a scandal.

To stop it

And, gently waving the wing,

Dropped an egg on the floor

Smashed him to bits!

Granddaughter is crying, Baba is crying ...

Granddaughter and grandmother.

Turned out pockets with holes.

Grandfather. I don't have money, so what?

Peace in the family is the most precious thing!

-When doing good deeds, many people expect praise, gratitude, without receiving which they even begin to repent of the perfect deed.

The song is "Do Good"

1. Your hands are strong-
You protect the weak!
Your thoughts are true
You teach a fool!
Your eyes are your soul:
Good and clean!
Give it to the one
Who hurts alone!

Do good on the whole earth,
Do good for others.
Not for a nice "thank you"
Hearing you near

Do good on the whole earth,
Do good for others.
Not for a nice "thank you"
Hearing you near.

2. I will fly to the sky,
I'll scream to my heart's content
I will tell all the secrets of the day
Until the light la.
I will reach the sky
I'll scream to my heart's content
I will tell all the secrets of the day
Until the world la!

Do good - there is no greater joy.

And sacrifice your life, and hurry

Not for fame or sweets

But at the behest of the soul.

Do not let the offended soul

momentary judgment.

Wait. Cool down. Believe -


Everything will fall into place.

You are strong.

The strong are not vindictive.

The weapon of the strong is kindness.

- In the life of every person there have always been, are and will be grandparents. And, probably, out of love and gratitude to grandparents, one a wise man announced October 1 international day elderly person.

1. Today we celebrate gray hair

Tired wrinkled hands

But it happened in the old days

These hands of boredom did not know

Your whole life is filled with work

Warmed by the warmth of the soul and joy

Yes, look around you

The planet has never seen nicer faces.

And let autumn walk in the yard

And the world has turned the page of the century,

How good is what is in the calendars

Day of the elderly.

2. You have reached the age of such

What a welcome word is asking for

Please accept our congratulations

Health, happiness and kindness

And let the bad mood

You will never have

Look at the world with pleasure

And sadness will recede and trouble

Success, luck and fortune

May you always be with you.

3. Year after year, years run

They run tirelessly

Years always rush in spite

But let them pass

Fight zealously with them

Live longer, don't age

And against all enemies

Take medicines as little as possible

4. The law of nature is so harsh

Years run in the stream of the century

How many beautiful words there are

To congratulate a person

But we're not looking for these words

And just from the bottom of our hearts we wish:

Health, happiness and flowers

And live all 100 without losing heart.

5. We wish you not to get sick, not to lose heart.

Get more rest, sleep better

Quietly to argue things

And so that fate always keeps you

Please accept thank you very much

For your severity and kindness

May peace and happiness be in your life

One road side by side go

6. All of you are over 50

But we just can't believe

Where are the years going in such a hurry?

What are they hoping for?

We won't let you grow old

Let others grow old

And all the ailments as one

Let them fall off you.

Health, happiness, bright days

Good luck and lots of fun

And no matter your age

Don't give in to old age

Teacher: And now the guys will tell us again what is “good” and what is “bad”.

Children's performance:

1. If shared with a friend

You are your candy

Well you did

Everyone will say it.

2. You learned someone else's secret

And smashed it right now

It's bad, it's not worse

It's mean even!

3. If you filed in front of everyone

girl coat,

You are a cultured person

World boy!

4. If you are like a wild animal,

You immediately go to fight

You are not worthy, believe me

To be called a man!

5. If you warmed a cat,

Feed the birds in the cold

It's just beauty

That's the only way it needs to be!

6. You knocked out a dog's eye

Threw the cat into a puddle.

Be sure forty times

You are worse dogs.

7. Respect people around

Seniors, juniors too.

And then you, my friend,

They'll call it good.

8. - But no matter how life breaks us,

There is some magic in it...

There are too few good people.

And yet they are the majority.

Become a good wizard

Come on try

There is no need for special tricks here.

Understand and fulfill the desire of another

A pleasure, honestly.

9. Don't stand by indifferent

When someone is in trouble.

You can rush to the rescue

Any minute, always.

And if someone helps

Your kindness and your friendship

You are happy that the day was not lived in vain

You don't live in vain in the world.

- Our holiday is coming to an end. Guys! Be kind to those around you. Do good to people and, be sure, they will thank you in the same way. Remember that without good deeds there is no good name.

-Let's shout

to admire each other

- high-pitched words

No need to be afraid.

-Let's understand

Each other from a half-word,

-So that, having made a mistake once,

Don't make a mistake again.

-Let's friends stand in a circle of Kindness. Now put right hand on the shoulder of the person on the right - this means that you have a friend on whom you can lean. Hug the person on the left with your left hand - this means that you are ready to support a friend. And all together we will sing the song "By the way of goodness"

Give, people, warm words!
To make them dizzy.
After all, the word can heal the soul,
Or maybe just hurt and kill.
After all, the word can create beauty.
Or maybe denigrate and spit ...
After all, in every word there is a whole country!
Evil starts a war

And resentment, revenge is born ...
Oh, how many words?! Can't count them all...
Let's create happiness!
After all, the word is peace and grace!

The song "Good Road" sounds

Ask strict life
Which way to go?
Where in the world white
Leave in the morning?
Follow the sun
Though the path is unknown
Go my friend, always go
Dear good!

Forget your worries
Falls and rises
Don't whine when fate leads
Not like a sister
And if it's bad with a friend -
Don't rely on a miracle
Hurry to him, always go
Dear good!

Oh, how many will be different
Doubts and temptations
Don't forget that this life
Not child's play!
Drive away temptations
Learn the unspoken law:
Go my friend, always go
Dear good!

February 7 is the Day of Kindness, it was created by international charitable organizations.
This day is celebrated by everyone, regardless of religious beliefs, nationality, citizenship. The holiday is unofficial and is still little known in Russia. But it is in our power to make sure that this holiday takes root in our country!
It's simple - give good on this day to everyone around you, say kind words to family and friends, friends and work colleagues.
And remember the main thing: you should not wait for a response to your kindness, because true kindness is that, having shown which you do not expect and do not require anything in return.
On this day in our kindergarten it has become a tradition to hold events with the participation of the priest, parents and, of course, children. Believe me, even if someone comes without a mood, then after a conversation with a representative of the church, as well as emotions presented by children at a small concert, good lines from poems learned by children, no one has a gloomy face, and even less a bad mood.
Script musically - literary composition, for children of senior preschool age
Program tasks: to educate in children positive traits character, promote team building, motivate children to do good deeds
The song "The Road of Good" sounds, music. Y. Entina, children enter the hall, walk in a circle and line up in a semicircle
Today we will talk about kindness.
Let's worship kindness!
Let's live with the thought of kindness!
All in blue and starry beauty, the Earth is GOOD!
We all really, really need her!

Child 1

I love it when we meet
We are friends and relatives
"Good morning",
"Good evening",
"Good night we say."

Child 2

Invented by someone simply and wisely,
Greet when meeting:
- Good morning!
Good morning sun and birds.
Good morning smiling faces.
And everyone becomes
Kind, trusting.
Good morning lasts until evening.

Child 3

Good afternoon - you were told.
- Good afternoon! - you answered.
How two strings were tied -
Warmth and kindness.

Child 4

We wish:
- Bon Voyage!
It will be easier to drive and walk.
Will lead, of course, a good way.
Something good too.

Child 5

Please, I'm talking confidentially.
Be kind - and do not expect candy for this.
Be kind - without the game and during the game.
If you can, please be kind.

Child 6

These words are known to everyone for a long time,
You see, they are both simple and new.
But I'll repeat anyway:
- Good people, be healthy!

Let's never forget the kind, polite words. Let's talk to each other more often. Speak softly, softly, softly. Looking into the eyes of a person and smiling.

Every person should have good: you, and I, and your parents. This kind heart, kind soul kind words to help those who are in trouble. People like that are talking about a kind person".

Dance "Kindness"

(dance composition for the song of the same name by the group "Barabariki")

Guys, guess my riddle:

I won't stop enjoying

song of the lark,

I won't change for anything

Sweet side!

Warm wind will bring

currant flavor,

So what is more expensive? -

There is no more ... (Motherland)

What do you guys think, what is the Motherland?

Child 1

In the morning the sun rises
Calls us to the street.
I leave the house:
- Hello, my street!

Child 2
I sing in silence
The birds sing to me.
Herbs whisper to me on the way:
- Hurry, my friend, grow up!

Child 3
I answer the herbs
I answer the wind
I answer the sun
- Hello, my Motherland!
(V. Orlov)

Certainly, motherland, Motherland is the place where you were born. A man has one mother, and he has one Motherland. Guys, but a person does not always stay in the place where he was born, so the Motherland is not only your house where you live, your yard, street, city. This is your country.

Guys, what is the name of our country?

Children: Russia.

Hear this word.

Russia - like a word from a song,

Birch young foliage.

Around the sea, gardens and mountains,

Expanse, Russian soul.

S. Vasiliev

Russia is a powerful and majestic country. Throughout its territory, forests, fields, mountains, plains stretch, many rivers flow, which flow into lakes and seas. Our state is so vast that when night falls in one part of it, day begins in another, snow falls in one part, and the sun shines in another.

Child 1

There is no more beautiful edge in the world

There is no Motherland, the world is brighter!

Russia, Russia, Russia, -

What can be dearer to the heart?

V. Gudimov

Child 2

Here are white groves and downpours slanting,

Here are yellow fields and the rise of cranes.

Love Russia, love Russia

For the Russian heart, there is no sweeter land.

O. Milyavsky

Song "My Russia"

(music by G. Struve, lyrics by N. Solovieva)

Russia is our common home.

Different people live in it.

Child 1

In the vast white world

There are very different children:

Quiet and noisy

Silly and smart

There are skinny ones, there are fat ones.

Child 2

Someone is small in stature

Someone is a weak student.

Some have big ears

Others have freckles all around.

Someone is red, and someone is white,

Some people are bad at games.

Child 3

No one can be laughed at

Nobody can be teased

It takes a lot of effort

Like loving all brothers.

And then in the white world

So it will be wonderful to live.


Child 1

Together they live on a huge planet
Different adults, different children.
Appearance different and skin color,
But, of course, we are somewhat similar!

Child 2
We all want to be happy
Open new stars in the sky
Be strong friends, not be afraid of the “other”.
My friend is in a wheelchair, what's wrong with that?

Child 3
He rides with us in a race,
Together we fish with him by the river.
There are no barriers and insults between us,
He is the best, our disabled friend!

Child 4
Years will pass and we will grow up
Taller, wiser in life,
And the whole world will change around
But a devoted friend will remain nearby!

Dance "True Friend"

(rhythmic composition for the song of the same name)

Let's raise our children to be kind, friendly, loving, understanding and try our best to make sure that our children never turn off the path of goodness.

Target: Formation of a culture of communication between children.


To form an idea in children about kindness as an important human quality;

To develop the ability to work in different age groups, the skill of cooperation, communication skills.

Development of speech motivation, general motor skills, voice, auditory and visual attention and perception, phonemic hearing, coherent speech, thinking of students.

educate at spiritual and moral qualities, polite attitude towards others,feeling of kindness, sensitivity, compassion, benevolence

- encourage the child to do good deeds;

Sounds music "Kindness" (from m / f "Funtik").

Children are divided into two teams. They sit down at the tables.

The leader greets the children.

Good afternoon guys! Today, February 17, the brightest, most good holiday It's Spontaneous Kindness Day!

In Russia, this holiday is still little known. The main thing on this day, as the organizers urge, is to try to be kind to everyone. And not just kind, but kind infinitely and disinterestedly.

Remember, if a person expects gratitude for his kindness, this cannot be considered true kindness. You should not expect to witness the joy of others and hear their praise.

Good deeds should give you pleasure in and of themselves, and while giving something to others or helping them, you should not expect a reward. This is real kindness.

- Guys, which of you managed to do a good deed today? (children give answers)

Well done! There is still time for each of you to do many good deeds!

Tell me, do you need to be kind only on February 17, the Day of Spontaneous Kindness?

It's not easy to be kind Kindness does not depend on growth. Kindness does not depend on color, Kindness is not a gingerbread, not a candy. If kindness shines like the sun Adults and children rejoice.

Let's smile at each other, our smiles will immediately become brighter. And more fun.

"Magic Words" (for all participants of the event. Children answer in chorus)

And now we will play and find out if you know "Magic Words"?

1. Even an ice block will melt from the word warm ... (thank you)
2. Even the stump will turn green when it hears ... (good afternoon)

3. If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom .... (Thank you)

4. A polite and developed boy speaks when meeting ... (hello)

5. When we are scolded for pranks, we say ... (excuse me, please)

6. And in France and Denmark they say goodbye ... (goodbye)

Contest « Broken heart"

A big heart cut into small pieces in advance, and the participants must assemble the whole picture (in the heart "hidden" saying)

    A good person is not one who knows how to do good, but one who does not know how to do evil.

    Life is given for good deeds.

Team members explain how they understand the meaning of this saying.

Warm-up "Dance of Friendship" to the music from the cartoon ("If you hit the road with a friend, have fun!”)

Competition "Speak good words"

And now let's play - the competition is to replace all the bad words with good ones. (each team responds in turn)

(Rude - affectionate, evil - kind, greedy - generous, sad - cheerful, enmity - friendship, grief - joy, hatred - love, deceit - truth, humiliation - praise, cruelty - tenderness.

"What would you do?"

On the board are pictures of different situations. The children take turns going to the blackboard and explain what the situation is depicted and how to do the right thing.

Contest " Fairy tale characters»

Each team is given a sheet of paper A.4 . The line team divides it into two parts. On the one hand write positive fairytale heroes, on the other hand, are negative. After they read out who has more.

Kindness is for all peopleMay there be more good ones.They do not say in vain when they meet"Good afternoon" and "Good evening".And it is not for nothing that we haveWish "Have a good time."Kindness - it is from the centuryHuman decoration...

Look who is it? (the image of Kolobok is on the board)

All good and educated people- they are a bit magical! And now we will turn Kolobok into the Sun! Wish Sun!

Children are given strips of yellow paper, where they write their wishes to classmates. Then they are glued to the "kolobok" and the sun is obtained.

Let our sun shine bright!

Let all children rejoice!

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Special (correctional) general education school No. 16"


Simferopol city district of the Republic of Crimea

Teacher-psychologist Komazyonkova A.A.

Prepared by:

Educational psychologist

Komazenkova A.A.

Press marathon "Give people kindness" for children of senior preschool age

Target: formation ethical standards behavior in society and communication with each other, the development of the emotional and value sphere of students.
To form students' ethical ideas, knowledge about the categories of good and evil;
Develop the ability to compare, analyze, highlight the main thing, generalize;
Develop the ability to work in a team;
To promote the process of self-knowledge through the creation of conditions for self-expression.
Bring up good relations to surrounding people, cultural behavior in all spheres of life.
Equipment: flower appliqué, baby palm appliqué, sun appliqué

Event progress:
Dear children and dear adults! GOOD AFTERNOON! We are glad to see you and welcome you to this holiday "DOBRA"! Today we learn a lot about kindness and politeness. I am very glad to see you and your kind faces, radiant eyes! Let's give a piece of our good mood to each other. Look guys at each other and smile at each other. When you smile, you have a happy and kind face. It means that good-hearted people have gathered here.
Do you guys think you're kind? (responsible children)
Polite (responsible children)
Who in your family is cultured and polite (responsible for children)
Well done guys, very good answers!

Children, what do you think the words "kindness", "kind" mean?
kindness smile, children's laughter is health and success.
Kindness is everything good, kind, beautiful.
Kindness is responsiveness, the desire to do good to others.
A kind person is one who loves people and animals, who in any Hard time ready to help.
Let's go on a magical journey through the city of "Magic Words" together with you.
This is an unusual city: its streets, alleys and squares are open only to those who are smart and kind and know polite words.
1. Street of kind words
Invented by someone
Simple and wise
When meeting, greet:
-Good morning!
-Good morning!
Sun and birds!
-Good morning!
Smiling faces.
And everyone becomes
Kind, trustworthy...
May good morning
Lasts until the evening.

A game " Cheerful greetings»
I suggest you say hello in the following ways:
Eyes and head (children greet their eyes the way they come up with at this moment, you can offer a wink, a nod of the head, etc.)
- Hands (children greet as they can and as fantasy allows them)
- Mouth (say: “Hello!”, “Hi!”, “Great!”)
Now let's change the rules a bit. On a signal, you begin to move around the hall and greet everyone who meets on the way. You need to say hello in a certain way:
One clap - we shake hands;
Two claps - we greet with shoulders;
Three claps - we greet the backs.
The boy is polite and developed, he speaks at a meeting ... (Hello).
During the day we were very tired, let's tell everyone ... ( Good night).
The old stump turns green when it hears ... (Good afternoon).
When we are scolded for pranks, we say ... (Excuse me, please).
You met a friend at lunch and told him ... (Hi).
If there is a meeting in the evening, let's tell him ... (Good evening).
If a girl is sick, she coughs hoarsely
And five times she sneezes again, we will tell her ... (Be healthy).
If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom ... (Thank you).
And in France and Denmark they say goodbye ... (Goodbye).
And now I propose

Game "Don't Make a Mistake"
I will ask you to complete the task, but you must complete it only when I call “ Magic word" - Please. Be careful!
-Stand up please!
- Please clap your hands!
-Hands up!
- Sink, please.
- Jump, please.
- Hands forward.
Sit down please.

We continue the journey and the next stop
2. Dead End bad advice»
Scientists recently discovered that there are naughty children who all do the opposite. They are given helpful advice: "Wash in the morning" - they take and do not wash.

If you come to friends
Don't say hello to anyone.
Words: "please", "thank you"
Do not tell anybody.
Turn around and ask questions
Don't answer anyone.
And then no one will say
About you, that you are a talker.

« If a friend for his birthday
invited you to my place,
You leave a gift at home -
Useful for yourself.

If younger sister
Lost in the garden
And yells, unable to go home
Find the way back
Quickly hide behind the bushes
And why help her.

And you don't do that?

Now let's play a game
Game "yes-no!"
Are you brave?
Are you skillful?
Are you lazy?

Phys. A minute around the sun
"One two three four five -
Together we will go for a walk
Hands stretched to the sun
We smiled at each other.
Let's take hands quickly
And let's gather in a circle.
If we frown in the morning,
Kindness will help us.

Our next stop
3. "Square of kindness"
Let's play the game "Affectionate word".
I will name the word, and you have to change it so that it sounds kind, for example: Bunny hare.
Candy, mouse, cat, girl, fish, mother, flower, Ira, watermelon, children, hands.

A game " magic chair»
(magical because - whoever sits down, everyone starts talking kind words about him)
Put the teacher on a chair and the children say kind words to him.

Our guys are friendly and peaceful. Even if someone quarrels a little, he will immediately make peace.
(children, holding their little fingers, repeat the words)
If you quarreled with a friend,
Then go and make peace.
Don't pout and don't frown
If necessary, apologize!
And then everything around is brighter
And suddenly it becomes brighter
Because right next to
There will be a real friend!

Our children are very funny and friendly.
Here we spread our hands
As if they were surprised.
And to each other, to the ground,
They bowed to the belt!
Bent over, straighten up
Bent over, straightened up.
Down, down, don't be lazy
Bow and smile.

4. Station "Fairytale"
Do you know fairy tales? Love? And guess the good heroes of fairy tales?

The fairy tale brings us good, the one who knows will understand!

Heals young children
Heals birds and animals
Looking through his glasses
Kind doctor ... (Aibolit)

wooden boy
He sounds like a drum
Favorite of adults and children,
All sorts of inventions,
A long nose will show deftly
Instead of a nose, not a carrot!
Who is this? (Pinocchio)

The man is middle-aged
Very long beard!
Offends Pinocchio,
Artemon and Malvina,
Does any of you know
Who is this? (Karabas)

I fly in a mortar - I kidnap children
In the chicken hut
I live on the leg
Crocheted nose, bulging eyes
Who am I? (Baba Yaga)

Everyone is waiting for him in the winter,
He is kind, he is not evil,
Beard up to the eyes.
Red-cheeked ... (Santa Claus)

In a fairy tale, he was born gray,
Everyone is afraid - like fire!
All the animals have fled
They hid from me in the house!
Menacingly suddenly click teeth ..
Evil, terrible, gray .... (Wolf)

These little children
The wolf offended - ate, the villain!
Only one survived
The wolf was not caught in the teeth.
He told his mother everything
he showed all his brothers
Who are the gray ones?
If you know, tell me! (Kids)

He lived in a poultry house, he was afraid
That the turkey was laughing at him,
After all, no one knew that he
Born a white swan. (Ugly duck)

Application "Magic flower bed of the group".
Let's all create a magic flower bed together. First, we need to plant grass on which it will grow magic flower. I suggest you make it from green palms, because green color is the color of nature, the color of life itself. Our palms will reach up and support our flowers. Do you know why our flowers will be magical?
They are magical because the color of its petals means different qualities of people. And the qualities are different: good, kind and not very ... So you choose and what color you choose will depend on what your flower will be (the children are offered multi-colored petals - bright colors- positive qualities of people (should be named), dark colorsnegative qualities(should be named). (Positive - friendship, love, kindness, responsiveness, honesty, politeness, negative - rudeness, disrespect, lies, anger, laziness, anger ...)