Holidays dedicated to rowan. Scenario of the literary and musical composition "Rowans of Russia

Name day at the mountain ash

autumn holiday script for children

(children read poetry to autumn music)

1. Summer flew by quickly

The breeze rustled

Autumn looks out the window to us

Frequent rain knocks

Doors opened by the wind

Leaves fan unfolded

Collected birds on the road

She brought us guests!

2.Autumn with a fox step

Sneaking through the ravines

Along rivers and streams

And along the forest edges

Steals and at the same time

Everything is painted in fox color

The birch turned yellow

Rowan turned red

And the maples blushed

And autumn is closer, closer ...

She will drive away the summer

And how sad it is.

3.Gives autumn miracles

Yes, and what

The forests are dressed up

In golden hats

On a stump they sit in a crowd

red mushrooms

And such a trickster spider

Hides the network somewhere

4. Yellow maple looks into the lake

Waking up at dawn

During the night the ground froze

All hazel in silver

Belated ginger squirms

A broken branch is pressed

On his chilled skin

Light drops tremble

Silence frightening disturbing

In a sensitively dormant forest

Moose roam cautious

Gnawing bitter bark

Birds have flown away

Silence their sonorous rehash

And the mountain ash celebrates autumn

Wearing red beads

Song "Autumn"

Autumn took the paint, began to draw

Wandered into the old forest and did not recognize him

The birch forest turned yellow, the thin maple turned red

Golden jacket, old ash dressed

Mountain ash in the air Clusters of berries on fire

Colors autumn in the forest all in a row in September


Dear Guys! We are amazing today beautiful holiday"Name day at the mountain ash."

Rowan is one of the most beloved and revered trees in Russia. In Russian folk representation, a mountain ash is a thin, tender girl, suffering and weeping. She is sung in songs, there are about her folk omens, composed poems, proverbs.

Late flowering of mountain ash - to a long autumn.

If mountain ash is born, rye will be good.

There are a lot of mountain ash in the forest - autumn will be rainy, if a little dry.

The mountain ash is good and beautiful in autumn, when autumn paints all the trees in the forest with its magic brush. After the first frost, the rowan becomes sweeter and is harvested for food. Jam is made from rowan berries, pies are baked, marshmallows, marmalade, jelly are made, dishes are decorated, cabbage is sour with rowan. But you can’t cut off all the bunches - you have to leave them for the birds too. Rowan berries are loved by forest voles, hedgehogs, elks, and bears.

And yet, some customs in Rus' are associated with mountain ash. It has long been believed that the "spirit of mountain ash" drives away diseases. Therefore, the children often sat under the mountain ash, played and danced round dances. In autumn, branches with fruits were tied into bundles and hung under the roofs of houses. This custom is associated with the notion of mountain ash as a tree that can protect a person and his home from all sorts of troubles.

Cobwebs float over the sleepy stubble,

The rowanberries are reddening under every window.

Autumn sometimes at the mountain ash

There is a holiday - name day.

Name days are something like a birthday for people,

I invite all my friends to the mountain ash.

(Music sounds, Ryabinka comes out.)

Sun you are free,

Warm up mother earth

Warm the tree - the red maiden,

Curly rowanberry.

I came up in the spring

Ripened by the sun.

Bloomed at dawn

Grew up in the summer.

In summer the wind blew

It rained on me.

My berries are turning red

For my friends they will be in time.

Music sounds, Komarik and Hare run out.

Ryabinka, Ryabinka, how beautiful you stand! Your name day is coming soon. Girls will come, guys, they will pick your berries, they will sing songs, dance round dances. Here you will have fun!

Baba Yaga:
Lead round dances - do not thresh with a flail. Yell - do not plow.

Z-z-z ... Who amuses people - for that the whole world is worth it!

Know the matter, do not buy in vain. All the same, people will come for Ryabinka and take it away with them.

You let Ryabinka go for a walk, sing, dance!

Baba Yaga:
So you agreed! Do you want to take Ryabinka away from me? And who will make me a rowan tincture? Who will use the rowanberry jam, vitamin cooking? Bake pies with rowan? Go for a walk yourself, but do not lure Ryabinka!

(drives Mosquito and Hare with a broom)
Baba Yaga:
(grouchily) I raised you, gave you water to drink. You grew up near the hut to the joy of the old woman. Why did you decide to leave me, the old one?

What are you, a beautiful grandmother! And rowan is enough for you. Look how many rowan berries this year!

Baba Yaga:
That's it, it means that the autumn will be rainy. The cold is annoying. How am I without you, without rowan tincture? I'll die in the prime of my life. People are greedy, they will break you all off. And the birds will fly in - they will excise everything, they will carry it far away, oh, those tits! Well, what other birds are there! And tell me, guys, what kind of birds do not fly south, but winter here?

(Children answer the question.)

And now you don't yawn

And play with me.

The game "Birds" is being played.

I invite two people here. You will be birds .. And the one who wins will be the one who picks the berries with his beak faster and puts them in a cup. And so we started..

Baba Yaga: Look, what clever ..

(heard "Aw!")

Baba Yaga:
Come on, quickly hide, and I'll scare them. So they will run away, get away without salty slurping. Kill yourself on the nose: sit quietly, no gu-gu. Let yourself, my dears, come around!

Ryabinka, meet the guests! Where is she? She was here!

Baba Yaga:
It was, but it all came out!

And where did ours not disappear!

Let's find a robin!

Let's have a name day.

Well, let us, Baba Yaga, into the hut!

It looks like you're hiding our little girl there!

Baba Yaga:
Shit, Mosquito! Run away, Goose! I’ll scare you with a “goat” (“A horned goat is coming”).

Don't scare us with a goat, It's better to play with us.

Hey, guys, do not yawn, but start a game.

The game "Grandma Yozhka" is being played.

Grandmother Yozhka

bone leg

Fell off the stove

I broke my leg

Went to the street

scared the chicken

Went to the market

crushed the samovar

Went out on the porch

Ate a little man

And then he says

"My stomach hurts!"

(B.I. with a broom leads in a circle, the children bounce)

The music of N. Kadysheva "Rowan Rus'" sounds; children enter.
A dance is being performed

Baba Yaga:
Appeared - not dusty.

Peace to your home, and long summers to the hostess!

Baba Yaga:
Nothing, I'm not complaining. I live three centuries without any flaw.

1st child:
Didn't you see, grandmother, Ryabinka?

2nd child:
It's time for berry picking.

3rd child:
We need to hang a mountain ash on the doors so that devilry walked around the house.

4th child:Cook jam, bake a cake!

Baba Yaga:

What kind of berry is this? Didn't hear.

5th child:
And we will guess a riddle for you - will you guess? Round-red, leaves are oblong.

Baba Yaga:
ABOUT! Yes, it's a rowan! (recollecting himself) Oh, cunning, deceived. It is rightly said: even a cunning old woman will find a hole. Okay, I'll call Ryabinka if you show your skill. Can you sing, dance, play different games?

We know how!

Baba Yaga: Now I'll check it out..

The game "Rowan beads"

Baba Yaga: Well, who wants to play? Come out 10 people, stand around.

Children stand in a circle. And the game is called Rowan Beads. As soon as the music starts, you start passing the beads in a circle, putting them on a neighbor. As soon as the music stops, the one with the beads is out of the game. When there are two left. And the winner is the one who eats the rowan berry and does not wince.

Like on the grass, on the ant, on the path of the Red maiden they go, they lead a round dance.

The round dance "Ryabinushka" is performed.

Baba Yaga:
They sang well. Perhaps you want to?

The game "Guess the rowan jam"

Baba Yaga: Well, who wants to treat myself to my jam? (summons the requester)

Among all this jam, taste rowan. But only blindfolded.

My dear guests! Thanks for coming to my birthday party.

Hare:Well, what, granny-beauty .. Convinced that we did not offend the mountain ash-beauty?

Mosquito:- Have fun yourself, and you have fun

Baba Yaga:

Yes, I already understood that you are not bad people - cheerful, but mischievous. I really love my rowan!
Your own mountain ash is better than someone else's raspberry!
We will be with my mountain ash in next year wait for you, but glorify the mountain ash!

Hare: And finally, let's start a round dance for the mountain ash.

All: happy birthday congratulations

We are a mountain ash "Karavaem!"

Scenario of the autumn holiday "Name day at the mountain ash"

Goals : organize leisure activities for children; develop them Creative skills .

Event progress

Vedas. There is a forest on the shore, thick as a wall. You shout - the forest will answer. If you ask once, the forest will answer 3 times. Echo of the forest, can I ask?

Echo. Ay, ay, ay...

Vedas. Where have the forest leaves gone?

Echo. Fallen, fell, fell...

Vedas. Forest grass where are you, I don't see?

Echo. Down, down, down….

Vedas . Meadow flowers, what are you missing?

Echo. Withered, withered, withered ...

Vedas . How long have you been singing birds?

Echo . They flew away, they flew away ....

Vedas. River fish where did you go?

Echo. And we are at the bottom in the silt, in the silt ...

Vedas . Where have the frogs and crayfish gone?

Echo. And we dug in, we dug in.

Vedas. Squirrels and hares, we don't know about you!

Echo. We change coats, change ...

Vedas. So what happened in nature we ask

Echo. Autumn came to us, autumn, autumn

Presenter: Autumn gives everyone its last, wonderful moments, the enchanting, barely perceptible aroma of autumn flowers, the bright alluring beauty of the harvested fruits and, of course, an autumn-like pensive and at the same time joyful mood. Yes, indeed, autumn is not only a time of sadness and sadness, it is also a time of joy.

September: Cobwebs float over the sleepy stubble,

The rowanberries are reddening under every window.

Oktyabrinka :

Autumn sometimes at the mountain ash

There is a holiday - name day.

November: Name days are something like a birthday for people,

We invite all our friends to the mountain ash.

September: We congratulate Ryabina,

Rowan's….. NAME DAY!

Oktyabrinka :

Today is not a raspberry holiday,

At Rowan's .... NAME DAY!

November: Happy hares and penguins

Name day at ... ROWAN!

September: Both brunettes and blondes

Everyone is in a hurry for ... NAME DAY!

Oktyabrinka : Like autumn bride

Name day at ... ROWAN!

presenter : On September 23, our ancestors celebrated the day of Peter and Paul Fieldfare. To this day in middle lane the mountain ash was ripening, and at night there were already frosts, from which the bright berries of the mountain ash lost their bitterness.

The people said that when the berries become sweet, the mountain ash celebrates its name day. In her honor, on this day, bunches of branches strewn with scarlet berries were attached under the roofs of houses and on window frames, the hostesses baked delicious pies with meat, cabbage, lingonberries.

Today we have an amazingly beautiful holiday "Name day at the mountain ash." Rowan is one of the most beloved and revered trees in Russia. You can find many songs and poems dedicated to mountain ash. Her slender appearance, snow-white fragrant flowers, bright fruits. How not to look at the mountain ash when it is in a white spring dress or in autumn, when clusters of bright red mountain ash are burning!

There are many legends about mountain ash.

Rowan legend

The merchant's daughter fell in love with simple guy, but her father did not want to hear about the poor groom. He decided to save the family from shame with the help of a sorcerer. To save her love, the girl came up with the idea of ​​running away from home. On a dark rainy night, she hurried to the river bank to the meeting place with her beloved. On the same moonless night, a sorcerer came out of the house. But the guy noticed the sorcerer. Taking away the danger from his beloved, the young man rushed into the water. The sorcerer waited until he crossed the river and waved magic staff when the young man was already getting ashore. Lightning flashed, thunder struck, and the guy turned into an oak tree. All this happened in front of the girl, who, because of the rain, was a little late for the meeting place. And the girl, too, remained standing on the shore. Her thin frame became a rowan trunk, and her hands - branches stretched towards her beloved. In spring, she puts on a white outfit, and in autumn she drops red tears into the water, grieving that “the river is wide, do not step over, the river is deep, and not drown.” So they stand on different banks, two loving friend friend of lonely tree. And “you can’t get over the mountain ash to the oak, it’s clear that the orphan can swing alone for centuries.”

A song about a mountain ash (Music sounds - the boy Petya appears. Leaves in his hand, a slingshot in his pocket.)

Peter . BRRRRR! It's getting cold in the forest. So it doesn't take long to catch a cold! And all because of these leaves! (Throws leaves on the floor.) They also came up with some kind of gyrbarium to collect! Apchi!(A squirrel appears )

Squirrel. Be healthy boy!

Peter . Well, finally, at least one alive soul showed up. Now you can have some fun!

Squirrel . Do you want a nut boy?(Holds out a nut ). Take it, I have a lot of them.

Peter . No I do not want to! But to pull you by the red tail, with great pleasure!(Tries to catch up with the squirrel)

Squirrel. Ah ah ah! Let me go! I'm in pain! (The squirrel escapes and runs away).

Peter. She ran away ... Oh, it seems that the hedgehog is coming. What a luck(Hidden, takes out a slingshot) . Well, prickly head, closer, closer! (Shooting a hedgehog ).

Hedgehog . Oh who is it? Don't you dare fight! It won't be worse.

Peter . Oh you! Bag of needles! Are you still threatening me? I'll deal with you now in two accounts (aims at the hedgehog, the hedgehog runs away). That's it, look at me! What else would be fun to do, otherwise you can die of boredom, but I found it, here is a birch and a mountain ash. Now gyrbarium and collect! (Breaks rowan ).

Rowan appears

Rowan . Hello boy.

Peter . Hello, aunt, why are you picking berries, mushrooms?

Rowan . I came up in the spring

Ripened by the sun.

Bloomed through the dawns

Grew up in the summer.

In summer the wind blew

It rained on me.

My berries are turning red

For my friends they will be in time.

I, Rowan, and this is my forest. Why are you complaining here?

Peter. I came to the forest to break a gyrbarium, but something here is somehow boring!

Rowan . Ah, there it is! Well, firstly, not a herbarium, but a herbarium. Secondly, because out of boredom you began to offend my animal friends, break branches from trees, I deprive you of speech. From now on, you can no longer offend or threaten!

Peter . Oh no, I don't...

Rowan . Now go home, today is my name day and I have invited guests.

Peter . M..M.. (shakes his head, waves his hands)

Rowan . Well, if you want, stay. Just don't bother us guys. Hey, my forest animals, my dear friends! Everything is closer to me. Don't be afraid, no one will hurt you anymore. (The animals run up to Rowan)

Squirrel . Hello, dear Ryabinka.

Hedgehog . Low bow to you.

Squirrel. We have been so afraid here.

Rowan . I know everything. But it's all over. Have you forgotten what day we have today?

presenter . Yes, today the guys and I have a holiday dedicated to you, Ryabinka, we have been waiting for you for a long time, and we learned a lot about you. Here listen:

1 child rowan tree unpretentious, it grows almost throughout Russia. Rowan is called Russian grapes.

2 reb . After the first frost, rowan berries become not so bitter. Compote, juice, jelly and tea are made from berries.

3 children Squirrel, hare, elk, wild boar are not averse to eating rowan berries.

4 children And the bear just breaks the tree and sucks on the bitter berry.

5 children . For bullfinches, waxwings, thrushes, mountain ash is a tasty dish. When the harvest year is for mountain ash, they do not fly south, but remain to winter.

6 children . In addition to berries, mountain ash has soft valuable wood. Furniture and musical instruments are made from it.

7 children . And wicker furniture, baskets are made from twigs.

1 child Rowan wood and berries were used in magical rituals more druids.

2 reb . It is also known that for many centuries rowan logs were laid for magical protection during the construction of residential buildings, places of worship, ships...

3 reb . Many centuries have passed since then, and mountain ash still faithfully serves people. Any crafts made from its bark and wood give a person good luck andsuccess, protect from evil.

4 children For example, to speed up the recovery of a patient, put a sprig of mountain ash by his bed. And laid at night by the bed healthy person the same branch will drive away unpleasant dreams.

presenter . rowan is beautiful different times of the year. In early spring, she puts on an outfit of pale green lace leaves, and at the end of spring, in May, she blooms in lush white clusters.Bright nights are popularly called: “rowan nights” - fragrant, dewy.

In summer, rowan gives us coolness, protecting from the hot sun.
And in autumn days this tree becomes magically beautiful.
Like a fairy-tale princess in a lace yellow sundress with bright red cluster earrings, a mountain ash flaunts. Then winter comes, and white sparkling snow will decorate the branches.

Rowan . Do you want to play with me?

presenter . Now we will play"Leafy Volleyball"

A rope is pulled between two chairs. Teams get on different sides. They are given an equal amount autumn leaves- 15-20 pieces. Leaves are scattered across the floor.

The task of the players is to transfer their leaves to the side of the rivals in 1 minute. The team with the fewest leaves wins.

Here is the leaf fall! Simply pleasing to the eye! Real Golden autumn!

Leading. The next competition is called "Weather Forecast". Since ancient times, people have observed the habits of animals, insects, plant life, natural phenomena and noticed the connection between them. So there were folk omens. The task of the competition is to complete the phrase - a folk sign.

    The leaves on the mountain ash turned yellow early - early Cold winter will.

    Late flowering of mountain ash - by a long and warm autumn.

    Everything is red from mountain ash - we have to wait for a cold and long autumn.

    If the mountain ash is born in the forest - by a rainy autumn, if not, by a dry one.

Peter. Mm…

Rowan. So what about Petya? Have you thought about your actions?

presenter . I think Petya should be forgiven.

Rowan. But first you need to ask the guys if you can forgive Petya or not? OK then.

Leading. Wait, let the guys tell Petya the rules of behavior in the forest.

A game " Magic wand » (A rowan twig is passed in a circle to the music. The music stops. Which of the guys has a wand in their hands, he tells 1 rule of behavior in the forest)

Rowan. But that's not all, Petya. You must guess my riddles, only after the correct answers will you be able to talk again. "Antoshka stands on one leg."

Peter. Mm... (points to a flower)

Rowan. No, Petya. Wrong! Think again! (Petya finds a mushroom, shows)

Rowan. Well done, Petya! And one last riddle. "Large, fractionally frequented and watered the whole earth."

Peter. I know I know! It's rain! Hooray, I spoke again!

Leading. We are all very happy for you Petya. And we invite you to stay with us.

Peter. I will remember your lesson for the rest of my life. Thank you for your friendship and the lesson in how to love the forest.

Leading. Guys, what kind of birds can be called to visit the mountain ash? (Bullfinch, titmouse, jay, crossbill, waxwing ).

We will treat our feathered guests.There are many, many small round red berries on a rowan branch.Let's try to draw a rowan branch ourselves.And we will draw with our fingers: we lower the index finger into the red paint (the rest of the fingers are hidden in the cam) and put prints on a sheet of paper. Like this. Many times. After all, the mountain ash also has a lot of berries. ( Russian folk song "What are you standing, swaying ..." )

Competition "Don't Drop"

Imagine that you are bullfinches. You need to peck rowan berries (they are strung on a string ).

Participants, wearing a bird mask, run to the rope, remove the berry with their mouth, chew it and run to the team

Game "Yes or no?"

Give the correct answer.

Do flowers bloom in autumn?

Do mushrooms grow in autumn?

Does the sun cover the clouds?

Is the prickly wind coming?

Do fogs float in autumn?

Well, do birds build nests? (No)

Do the bugs come? (No)

Animals mink close?

Is everyone harvesting?

Are the birds flying away?

Does it rain often?

Do we get boots?

Is the sun very hot? (No)

Can children sunbathe? (No)

Well, what should be done?

Jackets, hats to wear? (Yes)

Competition "The main thing is that the suit fits"

Leading. I suggest updating your wardrobe by pulling something out of the box.To the music, the participants pass the box. As soon as the music has stopped, the player holding the box opens it and, without looking, takes out the first thing that comes across, puts it on himself, etc. Everyone is dancing. The view is amazing!

Leading. It happens that in the wardrobe there are old things that need to be mended. We announcecontest "Merry tailor"

Rowan chooses 2 tailors. We invite 2 teams of 5 people (alternating boys-girls ). Every « tailor"receives a small wooden stick into which a long woolen thread is threaded (better if it is wound into a ball). On a signal, “sewing” begins. Pull the thread through the sleeves. The “tailor” who “flashes” his team faster wins.

Presenter: Autumn is the most changeable and unpredictable time of the year. May shine in the morning bright sun, and in the evening pour rain or snow. In autumn bad weather there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it circles, it stirs, it roars, it pours from above and sweeps from below. In October at one o'clock and rain and snow.

Cloud-cat, tail pipe,
A cloud with a long beard

Cloud-horse, cloud-beetle ...

And there are only two hundred of them.

The poor clouds are very crowded,

There is no place for clouds in the sky.

All two hundred will quarrel,

And then they will pay together.

And the people below shout:

"Run away It is raining

Presenter: We invite you ondance - a game with umbrellas: "Hide from the rain" .
I invite three adults. They stand with closed umbrellas in a circle.
Bye plays funny music all the children are dancing. When the music stops, adults open umbrellas, and children should hide under these umbrellas. And the main thing is not to go beyond the outline of the circle. If a child does not fit in the circle, he is out. Circles can be made smaller each time. You can also reduce the number of adults.

Presenter: Autumn, not only rain
And a brightly colored umbrella.

These are bright bunches of mountain ash,

This is a yellow leaf in the dew

This is a big basket of fruits.

Juicy, tasty, healthy for everyone!

Do you know how fruits and vegetables taste? I suggest you play

Rhyme focuses - choral game

Petya and Alena know

That a banana is always… sweet.

On the table - a smooth lemon,

And it tastes very... sour.

Here is a watermelon - big and ripe -

And cut it - very ... red.

Take any cucumber

It is in color ... green.

Dried fruit is very useful,

Look how… dry he is.

You can't eat it like a cabbage leaf,

Hot peppers very… bitter.

In the forest I saw in the hoarfrost

Rowan bright ... red.

Well done! Right! You are a smart people.

Congratulation of autumn birthdays

Leading. I ask those who were born in September, October and November to come out here.(children and parents). To you, autumn birthdays, September, October and November have prepared gifts.

(Months give gifts).

1. Here you have crispy cabbage

So that all victories are real.

2. Here's a potato for you, train your memory a little.

3. And your family onions from 7 ailments.

4. A carrot for you

To manage affairs deftly.

5. And for you, beets are sweet

To make life smooth.


Autumn - sweet Nothing, warm days,

Because the sun is friends with a light breeze!


Autumn is a delicious word, jam is being cooked,

Because there are a lot of fruits, a lot of treats!


Autumn is a red word in a red picture,

Because the leaves on the mountain ash turned red!

I want to give my mother forest beads.

They are not for sale, they have to be made.

I will put a cobweb in a pine needle,

I will pierce fragrant strawberries with a needle.

Then I'll find a mountain ash, but I won't put it in my mouth,

I will plant blueberries closer to the strawberries.

Then I will find a mountain ash and start all over again:

Crimson, black, yellow. Down, down, down.

I'll make a clasp out of soft birch bark.

You will find such beads for your mother in the forest.

Leading. Rowan is considered a female tree. It is women that she primarily takes under her protection.Our great-grandmothers considered mountain ash a talisman against the evil eye and spoilage and made rowan beads for themselves. In the villages, women wore homemade "jewelry" all year long until new berries appeared. Then a new piece of jewelry was made, and the old necklace was burned.

Children give beads to their mothers.

And so our meeting came to an end. We had a wonderful time and learned a lot about the mountain ash itself and the holiday that is celebrated in its honor.
Mornings became more frequent
Throwing handfuls of silver
And rowan in the dark thicket
The generosity of the summer saved.
Our cheeks from frost
They begin to bloom brighter
In man, apparently, too,
There is something from the rowan.

See you soon!

Leading What, didn't you hear? -

A holiday flies to us on the wings!

Happy, kind, glorious day,

The most personal, the most important!

Day of lush, new outfits,

Promises hundredudovyh,

Day of smiles and curls,

The day when they do not feed porridge.

1 - Day of bright balloons,

Day of surprises and gifts,

Day of revealing secrets

Sweet cakes and rolls,

2 - Candy Day and Cake Day,

All kinds of drinks day

Jam Day, Cookie Day...

Our group is celebrating a birthday!

(N. Rodivilina)

Muses. hands. We are celebrating our birthday now!

Everyone is in a good mood

On this day and at this hour?

Well, whose birthday is today?

You will sing to me now.

The song "Whose, whose, whose birthday is today?" (V.Gerchik, M.Frenkel)

Muses. hands. How old is the group?

How long have we lived together without trouble?

Children- Three!

Leading- We stomp 3 times! Have fun!

We will clap 3 times! More friendly!

What's a birthday if there's no fun?

Play music louder!

Announce your birthday!

Muses. hands. - If the group has a birthday,

The gift of time what to waste?

All become in a round dance,

Let's celebrate the group!

The song "The sun has risen"

Muses. hands. - Everyone sit down in a circle,

And I'll light a magic fire.

(lights a candle and walks around with it to all the children in the group)

Fire, fire, crackle,

Whisper over the entire Kolosok group,

To grow up healthy, love everyone,

Mom, dad, everyone around was amused.

(consider which figure came out of the droplets of wax)

The little fire crackled, whispered,

What did he promise the kids?

(comments on the wax figurine)

It turned out flower,

To make you joyful

Each was a day.

You guys didn't say

What was the name of the group?

1 — The berries are burning brightly

They are looking at me.

What a wonderful picture.

This is a berry - ... ROWAN.

2 - I look out my window,
I see one tree.
Red clusters hang
Birds want to eat them.

Many berries - lights
Will fall on it.
And give for Marina
Beads red rowan.

3 - We are funny mountain ash,

Together we are like in the picture

We live in a friendly bunch

We play and we eat!

Behind the windows of houses

Hanging rowan ripe,

Beautiful, no words.

It costs green-red,

All in the morning dew

Happy and clear

Everyone envies her.

autumn beauty,

She is not afraid of frost,

Worth, shimmers

The purple of their braids.

Bykov G.

Muses. hands. - Autumn sometimes at the mountain ash

There is a holiday - name day.

Name days are something like a birthday for people,

Let's have fun together! Let's invite her soon!

(Music sounds, Rowan comes out.)

Rowan- You are a free sun,

Warm up mother earth

Warm the tree - the red maiden,

Curly rowanberry.

I came up in the spring

Ripened by the sun.

Bloomed through the dawns

Grew up in the summer.

In summer the wind blew

It rained on me.

My berries are turning red

For my friends they will be in time.

Leading - Thank you, mountain ash, for the red berries.

They are just ripe for the holidays.

We called our group "Ryabinka"

We invited you to our birthday party.

Rowan And today is my birthday!

I want to have fun and dance.

Leading- That's a miracle! Our holidays coincide!

Now we will congratulate you.

5 - Knock on the window
thin branch
Faithful friend is good,
Good neighbor.
We planted it -
The years have gone by
Grew pock.

Knock a little audibly
Throw a yellow leaf...

Here comes the summer.
On the threshold of autumn.
Anna Alferova

6 - In the spring, the beauty of mountain ash

Curls white pitchfork ...

Ah, mountain ash

Bloomed early dawn.

I put on red beads,

Blushed, blushed.

7 - And the beauty is standing,

Plays with grapes...

It's expensive to watch -

The heart freezes.

How can we not love.

And confess your love.

The rowan girls come out.

1 — On the edge of the forest

Like in a picture

Gathered girlfriends -

Bright rowans.

2 — Girls dressed up

They cheered too

Steel on mountain ash

They are all similar.

Round dance at the mountain ash

1. We became around the mountain ash,

We became curly around

In a round dance, in a round dance.

Everyone sings songs.

2. Thin branches sway,

Ripe grapes lean

To the ground, to the ground.

How beautiful they are.

3. We sing to you, beauty,

Our song never ends

Everything flies, everything flies

The wind rustles through the leaves.

8 - The rays of the sun warmed

Ripe red bunches

The waxwings have arrived

A miracle of trills sounded.

9 - A lot of red berries,
Ripe and beautiful

Hanging in clusters
Their outfit is beautiful.

Rowan twigs shine with gold,
The sun merrily plays with their foliage.
10 - Collect berries for the soul on a string.
Rowan beads are very good!

And in winter, mountain ash burns with a twinkle,
Red as rubies, shining on the branches ...
11 - I will collect rowan berries in beads,

I will give beads to my mother and girlfriends.

A berry - to a crow, a crumb to a sparrow,

To everyone I know, remember and love.

Rowan- Thanks guys. Very beautiful poems you know about me.

Leading- Ryabinka, and the guys know not only poems, but also songs.

12 - Balalaika began to play

And the legs began to dance.

We ditties about rowan

Let's sing for you now.


  1. Congratulations to our group:

Happy Birthday! - They say.
After all, in "Ryabinka" with the mood
Each of the guys is walking! Wow!

2. We picked red berries,
We put on beads.
Bullfinches flew in
And they ate all the beads!

3. Gave a berry
Sweet rowan.
Thought it was sweet
It turned out to be a hina! Wow!

4. How good is
The rowan has grown.
I will take pencils
I'll take a picture! Wow!

5. What are you standing, swinging,
Thin blade?
They named their group
You are our "Ryabinka". Wow!

6. We sang ditties to you,
Tried from the heart
Our ditties are good,
And we are good too! Wow!

presenter- We are celebrating a birthday!

Everyone is in great spirits!

And since Rowan has a name day,

You have a gift from us - a picture!

Attraction "Who will finish the picture faster?"

Rowan - You are a cheerful Ryabinka

Invites you to a workout.

Don't be embarrassed, don't get lost

And repeat after me!

There is a mountain ash on the hill,

Keeps straight, straight back. (Sipping - hands up.)

It's not easy for her to live in the world -

The wind turns, the wind turns. (Rotation of the body to the right and left.)

But the mountain ash only bends,

Not sad - laughing. (Tilts to the side.)

Free wind blows menacingly

For a young mountain ash. (Children wave their hands, imitating the wind.)

Leading- Bulk, ripe rowan,

Do not be sad, blushing under the window.

You are cold and long winter

You will become a festive table for the birds.

Rowan - How does it happen?

Leading- Who plays, he will know!

The game "Rowan and Birds"

Children are divided into two teams: one team is rowan berries, and the other team is birds. The “rowan berries” have a medal berry.

Teams of children line up in two lines and stand opposite each other in different parts rooms.

The bird team says these words:

The wind suddenly blew harder

I blew the berries from the mountain ash.

The wind drives the berries

Like playing with a ball.

The rowanberry team responds:

These berries are flying

They don't want birds in their beaks.

Berries quickly, quickly

The birds will have more fun.

After these words, a team of birds catches a team of rowan berries. The "rowan berries" try to run away from the "birds" and reach the place where the "birds" were. In this place, the "rowan berries" are safe and the "birds" cannot catch them.

Catching "rowan berries" continues in time, for example, 1 or 2 minutes, and then the whole game is repeated again.

Leading- This tree is in fashion,
Dressed like in autumn
With a green coat
But the buttons are red.

Run out, get out

That the birds did not peck -

Collect in baskets.

Game "Collect rowan berries"

Rowan - Thank you guys, you made me happy. You are the most cheerful, kind, smart, interesting, inquisitive, most active, dexterous, fast and, I am sure, loved by everyone. And, you know, I also love being affectionately called. Let's play the game "Call Me Affectionately"

Game "Call me affectionately"

Rowan - Thank you kids! We have a real, common birthday.

Let's congratulate each other once again!

Song "Happy Birthday to You"Happy birthday to you (Hill sisters)

In autumn sometimes our garden is all golden,

Rowan dressed her beautiful dress.

Ryabinushka - rowan, elegant, cheerful.

For the holiday, the mountain ash brought all the berries to us.

She lowered the branches to us - the mountain ash sends a bow

And he puts bunches of red berries in a basket.

And the winter will come, the cold will blow -

Rowan birds will feed hungry birds without difficulty.

Rowan brings in a cake decorated with rowan branches.

Rowan - Let in your group, like rubies,

Rowan beads are burning!

Thank you guys for the fun.

Take everything for a meal.

Because my loaf is already ripe!

So, start dancing!

Loaf. Round dance. Russian folk game, arr. T.Popatenko

Children make a wish and blow out the candles.

Musical hands - Birthday is a bright holiday

There are no gifts.

Your guests have come

They brought you a story as a gift.

Children senior group"Yablonka" give a fairy tale.

23 September our ancestors celebrated the day of Peter and Paul Fieldfare. By this day, mountain ash was ripening in the middle lane, and at night there were already frosts, from which the bright berries of mountain ash lost their bitterness. This is another holiday for the "Unusual Holidays" section.

The people said that when the berries become sweet, mountain ash celebrates its name day. In her honor, on this day, bunches of branches, strewn with scarlet berries, were attached under the roofs of houses and on window frames, the hostesses baked delicious pies with meat, cabbage, and lingonberries.

In the old days, in some regions of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, rowan holidays took place four times a year - once a season. All rowan holidays accompanied by special bell ringing, which was popularly nicknamed "rowanberry".

Rowan was held in high esteem not only by the Slavs. It was dedicated to the Thunderers Thor (among the Scandinavians), Perun (among the Slavs), the Celts considered it the food of the gods, comparing the berries with Greek ambrosia.

There is an Irish legend, which tells about the wonderful berries of the magic mountain ash, which are guarded by the dragon. These berries could replace nine meals, and they also healed wounds and gave people extra years of life.

The goddess of love and beauty of Asgard, Freya, was also associated with mountain ash, she wore a mountain ash necklace, which was her amulet from the evil eye and damage.

Our great-grandmothers also knew this ability of mountain ash and made such beads for themselves. In the villages, women wore homemade "jewelry" all year long until new berries appeared. Then a new piece of jewelry was made, and the old necklace was burned.

Wood and rowan berries were used in magical rituals by the Druids. It is also known that for many centuries rowan logs were laid for magical protection during the construction of residential buildings and places of worship, and rowan boards were sometimes sheathed to the stems of ships...

One of the old English legends tells about a young man who went on a long voyage, but still could not return home, because he was disturbed by evil witch who took over his castle. She sent the hero of the legend of storm and wind towards the ship. The young man was able to defeat the sorceress and return home only when, on the advice of a sage, he replaced the oak keel of the ship with a rowan one.

Many centuries have passed since then, and mountain ash still faithfully serves people. Any crafts made from its bark and wood give a person good luck and success, protect from evil. For example, to speed up the recovery of a patient, put a sprig of mountain ash by his bed. And the same sprig laid at night at the bedside of a healthy person will drive away unpleasant dreams.

Berries, flowers and even leaves of this wonderful tree can be used as a talisman. So that the amulet has more power, recommend making it yourself. Just do not forget to thank the beautiful mountain ash from the bottom of your heart when you take the material for the amulet from her.

You can also make requests to the mountain ash. It is best to do this from 10 am to 2 am, the best active time is from 12 pm to 4 pm.

How to ask for help from a mountain ash. Lean back against the trunk and straighten your spine, wrap your arms around the tree. Start a communication session with 5-10 minutes, no more, because the mountain ash has a very strong energy. Even during a short (especially the first) session, it is possible slight increase body temperature or blood pressure.

Each subsequent session can be gradually increased by 2-3 minutes. But look at how you feel. Maybe 10 minutes is enough for you. An overdose will cause nausea and dizziness.

Consider also that the rowan has the strongest beneficial effect on Aries and Scorpios and the signs of the Zodiac related to the elements of the Earth.

The mountain ash biofield is most active when it blooms (in June), at the end of September (for its name day) and in October (when the berries are already fully ripe).

IN artistic creativity mountain ash, like birch, is a poetic symbol of Russia. How many poems have been written about her, how many songs have been composed!
so let's celebrate this day with these two clips for songs about mountain ash.

Russian script ritual holiday"Rowanberry"

Head: Makarova M.V.

Purpose of the event:

revival of the traditions of the Russian people, familiarization with Russian oral and musical folk art, with traditional game folklore

Event objectives:

introduce students to traditional autumn holidays; the history of their occurrence and features of the celebration;

attach to folk culture;

to develop the creative abilities of children by introducing them to the culture of the Russian people;

to cultivate feelings of patriotism, love and respect for their people and folk traditions through its history.


multimedia setup and presentation to get started


folk costumes (3 male and 6 female)

tablecloths and towels

kvass, rowanberry jam and rowan twigs

wreaths with rowan tassels


Folklore holiday "Ryabinnik"

Mistress: Hello, dear, lovable guests, you are welcome to join us for a youth party on the occasion of the Fieldfare holiday. How have you not heard of this!? Well, let me tell you about him. By folk calendar fieldfare day falls on September 23, just in time for the ripening of rowan berries. Baba Daria told us about this holiday, she then told us how it was celebrated in ancient times. Well, so, as soon as the rowan berries ripen, the boys and girls will immediately gather for her - to pick berries. And mothers and grandmothers immediately put the kvass to bake pies. And fathers and grandfathers rush to the basement for rowan kvass to treat the youth for their efforts to thank. And after picking berries, with pies and kvass, yes in best outfits youth will rush to me, celebrate the fieldfare holiday. The mountain ash, our beauty, has always been considered by our people as a symbol of happiness and peace in the family, therefore, they always tried to plant a mountain ash near the house. Under the mountain ash they met, parted, declared their love, asked for advice.

Here, for example, if a girl weaves a wreath on a fieldfare, then the girl is in love and at the party she will give this wreath to someone, which means she will open her heart, explain her love. And a guy, if he is in love with a girl, hurries to present her with a bunch of berries for this holiday, and if the girl reciprocates, she will definitely pin her on her chest or decorate her braid, but if she gives it to her girlfriend, then her heart is occupied by another. This is how the Rowan tree is not a simple one, it is a constant companion of girlish joys and sorrows. Ryabinushka and medicinal properties famous and rich in vitamins. The mountain ash will cure the liver, and the stomach will strengthen, and the blood will stop. And the mountain ash is also valued in the manufacture musical instruments. And it is quite possible that our instruments are made of it. Here, go, and I told everything about the “rowanberry” holiday, and if I missed something, then I’ll tell you at the evening. You are welcome to us, for the evening ...

Girl 1"Rowanberry" will do it.

Girl 2 Let's glorify the rowan.

Girl 3. We will sing songs, eat pies (points to pies;

Girl 4. B play games, cool your ardor with kvass (points to a jug of kvass)

Young woman 5. (goes forward and, as it were, boasts of a wreath) To give wreaths to a sweetheart - to speak fables.

(The girls at work start 1 verse of the song “What are you standing, swinging” Someone works with a wreath, someone embroiders and boasts of their embroidery, or maybe asks a friend for advice, and someone sets the table, here the song is interrupted by his tale 1 girl, she starts out mysteriously)

Girl 1 Oh, girls, what have I heard! ... It turns out that there are vengeful trees that will certainly take revenge on the chopper and even bring to death.

Young woman2 (affirmative) Of course there are! My grandmother told me that Ryabinushka is just a vengeful tree. Whoever cuts or breaks it will soon die himself or there will be a dead man in his house.

Young woman 3. (calmly, judiciously, as if reporting one more piece of news) Even the one who decides to cut down a tree planted by human hands sins heavily. So this sinner will either go crazy, or break his leg, or break his arm.

Girl 4.(with fear and anxiety, in a half whisper) And I heard that you can’t cut down a tree that creaks, they say that it sure sign the fact that the human soul is tormented in it, cutting down such a tree will force it to look for a new haven, for which it can pay with life or injury ?!

Young woman 5 (with fear, as if brushing aside these horrors) Oh, what passions.

Young woman 1 (firmly, intimidating) Not passions - life. Even in a dream, if you see that you are chopping a tree, then this is a sure sign of a serious illness or the loss of loved ones.

Young woman 2 (reducing to laughter) And if you collect the fruits - to the birth of a child or to an inheritance (she laughs and captivates others)

Young woman 3 (continues with a laugh) But grafting a tree is for marriage.

Girl 4.A I just saw such a dream that I was grafting a pear with my dad.

All(laughing) it means you're after Grisha.

(as if having heard the laughter of the girls, the guys enter, they also begin their conversation on a cheerful note.)

Guy 1. That the girls laugh, wipe the tears (flirting with the girls)

Boy 2. (Looking at the table) Or the pies have already been eaten.

Guy Z.(jumping up to his friend and looking around the wreath) Or the wreaths were broken

Girls(with enthusiasm) The wreaths were not broken, but the friend was tired of waiting.

Guys(strictly commanding);

Let's sit on the benches

Let's take a look at the girls.
All girls are white.
Everything is blush.
(scaring) But one is nicer,

(hugging) And I love it.

The guys come up to the girls and give them their bunches of mountain ash, someone accepts, and some gives to a friend.

All. Lovely! Get up from the bench

Pay tribute.

If by heart magnify.

The girls get up, bow to the guys, and who reciprocates - they come up and kiss their sweet friend. Chastushka music begins to sound; girls and boys sing ditties.

Girls:(the girls give their wreaths to their beloved, and then continue) I broke the mountain ash.

A brush fell from a mountain ash,

Waving my right hand,

Come rowan ist!

Guys: I'll go to the garden and break it off

red rowanberry,

I will entice - I will not walk.

Let the winter go.

Girls: It was interesting to listen.

How mother scolded Vanya,

Didn't give permission

Walk with a lively girl.

Guys: I'm not myself - she herself,

I put a bench

I'm not myself - she herself,

Made me play.

Girls: I'm going up the steep mountain.

To speak with a mountain ash:

"Tell me, rowanberry,

Who will I love?

Guys: Love me girl.

I'm not spoiled.

I am a young boy

Never unkissed.

hostess(cutting pies mysteriously) Here's a piece of pie with rowan. But I can’t decide who to give to my son or daughter? Well, who knows the tale of the mountain ash?

Guy 1. I know.

Mistress. Come on, say it.

Guy 1. Once lived a husband and wife, they had two children. The eldest daughter is unloved, and the name was not affectionate, her name was Eighth. She was angry, envious. But the parents affectionately called the younger son Romanushka. He was kind, friendly. Eighthly disliked Romanushka and planned to destroy him. Somehow she led Vosmukha Romanushka into a rotten swamp and drowned her. A friendly and curly tree grew in that place, we fell in love with it in Russia and affectionately called it "Ryabinushka". Since then, a wonderful tree has been growing throughout the Russian land - Rowan.

Mistress:(treats with a pie) Well done earned.

Girl 5. And I know the game about the mountain ash - let's play?

All: Let's play.

Girl 5. Remember the words

Rowan shady,

Rowan branch.

Where it will be, it will force it.

Under the melody of the song, we pass a twig to whom it stops, he must do something. Let's play!?

Players:(on the break of music they say)

Rowan shady,

Rowan branch.

Where it will be, it will force it.

Sing, dance, crow.

Mistress: Well done! Eat the pie, we've earned it. Drink kvass. (Girls surround everyone with pie and kvass)

Mistress: Well, and a round dance in honor of the mountain ash, why don’t you start it. Al don't know?

All: We know! Let's start now.

Round dance (performed with dance)

l. Bo field rowanberry, curly in the field.

Who broke the rowan

Who broke the curl

2. Broke the girls

Broke red

Playing with guys

Picking berries.

3. For whom is the mountain ash,
Who is curly for?

Mothers bake pies

The girls make wreaths.

4. For you rowanberry
The tables are going

For a beloved friend

The wreath curls.

5. About you, mountain ash,

Songs are being sung.

Below you is a rowanberry.

The girls laugh.

Mistress: So, my dear guests celebrated the fieldfare holiday. Remember, and you, and tell your children. We hope that everything you heard and saw today will remain in the soul of each of you!


Mountain ash is a tree of health, and if you keep a vase with rowan branches near the patient's bed, he will be cured sooner. In addition, rowan symbolizes harmony in family life. Place a few dried branches in a vase at the head of the matrimonial bed to strengthen marriage bonds. The same bouquet on the kitchen window will turn an ordinary family dinner on a romantic holiday.

Organic acids and bitterness of mountain ash increase the secretory function of the stomach and the secretion of bile, improve digestion. Sorbitol reduces the content of fat in the liver and cholesterol in the blood, so mountain ash is used for atherosclerosis.
Oil extracts from rowan fruits containing a large number of carotenes and carotenoids, have wound- and ulcer-healing, anti-inflammatory effect, contribute to the formation of rough scars.

Rowan fruits are used fresh and dried as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for scurvy and other vitamin deficiencies. They are part of vitamin collections (teas).

IN traditional medicine infusion, decoction and tincture of rowan fruits are used as a diuretic, hemostatic, mild laxative and appetite enhancer.


Sweet and sour infusions, fruit drinks are prepared from dry fruits of mountain ash. At home, jelly is prepared from rowan berries, containing a large amount of pectins and vitamin P.

Mountain ash can be chopped with a blender or in a raw meat grinder and mixed with sugar, there is more sugar than mountain ash, stir well and let stand in the refrigerator. This mixture is tastier, the longer it stays, the mountain ash ceases to be bitter.

You can cook jam with the addition of apples, but first, the mountain ash must be darkened in the oven until soft, otherwise the skin will be rough, then add it to the apple jam. Stewed mountain ash can also be poured with honey and let it brew.

Jam from mountain ash krasnoplodny. Pour the selected and washed fruits with cold sugar syrup. The next day, boil the syrup, cool, pour the fruits over them again, hold until next day and cook the jam at a low boil until tender. For 1 kg of fruit 1.5 kg of sugar, 2 cups of water.

Juice with sugar. Pour sugar syrup into rowan juice, bring to a boil and bottle. For 550 g of fresh rowan juice, 450 g of 35% sugar syrup.

Rowan puree. If the mountain ash is forest, then the fruits should be pre-boiled in 2% saline solution, put in a colander and wash cold water. Rowan softens and is easily rubbed through a sieve. Put the resulting puree into jars and heat in boiling water (1 liter - 20 minutes, 0.5 liter - 15 minutes). For 1 kg of mountain ash, 40 g of salt and 2 liters of water are consumed.

Rowan tea "Fragrant". 100 g dried rowan fruits. Mix 20 g of dried rowan flowers, 10 g of field mint and use for brewing at the rate of 1-2 tablespoons per 1 cup of boiling water. Add sugar to taste.

Vitamin drink "Golden Autumn". Crush the rosehips, mix with the fruits of mountain ash, pour boiling water, boil for 10 minutes. Infuse for 4-5 hours, strain and add granulated sugar, stir 2 tablespoons of dried rowan fruits, 2 tablespoons of dried rose hips, 1 liter of water, 50 g granulated sugar.
Kvass. Mash the selected and blanched rowan with a wooden pestle, add water and cook for 10 minutes. Strain the juice, add granulated sugar to it, cool. Add diluted yeast, mix well, bottle, cork and put in a cool place for 3 days. For 1 kg. rowan 2 cups granulated sugar, 4 liters of water, 10 g of yeast.

Rowan puree. The fruits are slightly boiled in a small amount of water, then rubbed through a sieve and with an equal amount of sugar, as well as a small portion of white wine, boiled into a puree. Used for loss of appetite and indigestion. Several times a day, give 1/2 - 1 teaspoon, which increases the secretion of gastric juice.

Pies with rowan from time immemorial they have been made in Rus'. The first frosts are not far off, when you can start collecting mountain ash. But according to this recipe, you can prepare rowan filling for pies for future use in order to surprise your guests with delicious and unusual pies in winter. We clean the berries from the branches, boil in a small amount of water for 10 minutes. Then add sugar - for 1 kg of mountain ash 300 grams of sugar and 3 grams citric acid, cook for another 15 minutes. Boiling rowan is poured into sterilized jars. Banks roll up.