What to give to grandparents, elderly people. Happy wedding anniversary greetings to grandparents

Not only the wedding itself, but also its anniversaries, which the couple celebrates every year after the celebration, are important family holidays that remind of the boundless love and fidelity of the spouses. Therefore, if such an amazing event awaits your family and friends, you should definitely prepare a beautiful and original congratulations Happy wedding anniversary, advises the portal Svadebka.ws.

Short congratulations on your wedding anniversary

Not all people have the talent to express their sincere feelings beautiful phrases in prose or poetry! And coming up with a short and beautiful congratulations on your wedding anniversary is an art. Therefore, we have prepared several examples for you, perhaps among them you will find something suitable for yourself or, based on them, compose your own unique congratulations on your wedding anniversary.

Congratulations on your family holiday! May your journey together continue to be filled with happiness and joy, and may sorrows and sorrows pass you by!

Today there is a wonderful reason to celebrate - your wedding anniversary! So let your love continue to grow stronger, your family and friends always surround you with attention and care, and only joy and happiness awaits you ahead!

Congratulations on a beautiful date - your wedding anniversary! Let your union only grow stronger over the years, becoming an example for your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Take care of your feelings, love and respect each other, then your family nest will be filled only with joy and happiness!

We congratulate you on your wedding anniversary,
May your hearts be filled with happiness today,
We wish you love and joy,
And may the happiness last forever!

Happy anniversary,
We wish you happiness and good luck!
You live in love and peace,
Take the best from life!

Let everything turn out the way you want
You fly through life on the wings of love,
We wish you good luck and happiness, of course,
May your couple be together forever!

Touching congratulations on your wedding anniversary

While searching for congratulations on your wedding anniversary, you can come across the most different variants beautiful wishes: serious and humorous, short and long. If you are looking for something universal, then pay attention to touching congratulations, prepared by us, which will appeal to all spouses, regardless of their age and status.

Congratulations on your family's next birthday! Let your hearts continue to be filled with tenderness and love for each other, and your eyes burn with happiness, because among the huge number of people on the planet you managed to find that “same” person - your soul mate. And it’s so wonderful when two hearts beat in unison, giving each other the best in the world - tenderness, love and affection!

Congratulations on your beautiful holiday- wedding anniversary! We would like to wish you to carry tender feelings to each other through the years, again and again falling in love with each other, as before! Let your eyes sparkle with happiness and joy simply from the fact that your loved one is next to you, without whom you cannot imagine a second of your life!

Congratulations on wedding anniversary! On this day many years ago, you tied each other with magical bonds called “love”, but your eyes still sparkle with happiness, and your glances are filled with boundless tenderness and affection, so don’t lose these amazing feelings until the 100th wedding anniversary! You - real example for us, so be happy and joyful in every minute of your life together!

Of course, there is no feeling more beautiful than love,
You gave it to each other!
To a single destiny for a hundred years
You have combined your two paths!
We wish you to love even more,
Filling your home with goodness and joy,
And tenderness and affection every day
May your children and grandchildren always surround you!

Your feelings and views are so tender,
There is a lot of light in them, a lot of goodness!
You are still happy next to each other
As if wedding day was yesterday!
May love remain in you forever,
May the happy ones wait for the years ahead,
May everything succeed in your life,
May you be happy forever!

Congratulations on the wedding anniversary to grandparents from grandchildren

When relatives are planning a very significant event- marriage anniversary, grandchildren quite often panic, wondering how best to congratulate them on their anniversary. So that you don’t waste a lot of time looking for the perfect speech, we give you a couple of examples of anniversary congratulations in prose and verse, from which you can create your own unique wish that will touch your grandparents to the core.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary - a beautiful date that confirms the strength of your feelings, because you were able to carry your love through the years, maintaining touching and tender feelings for each other despite some quarrels and troubles that you encountered along the way. You are for us - clear example what a family should be like!

Dear grandparents, we would like to congratulate you on this important event in your life, like a wedding anniversary. Today you are in Once again They proved to us how strong love can be, because you were able to preserve your feelings for so many years. Let your eyes continue to sparkle with happiness, and your hearts beat in unison. Good health and all the best to you!

You've been together for so long happy years -
This is definitely something you should be proud of,
What is the secret of your happiness?
We're sure you had to work hard!

Although there were many difficulties,
But you were able to save love,
Since she saved your marriage more than once,
You know how to value family!

So let in the coming years
There will be kindness in your hearts,
So that even in gloomy weather
Life was painted in bright colors!

The secret of happiness is to
To love more and more and more?!
Today is your wedding anniversary,
Have a wonderful anniversary for your family!
Through everyday life, and storms, and adversity,
What sometimes awaited you during these years,
You were able to carry love...
Having overcome adversity,
You deserve a sea of ​​happiness
After all, they were able to save the family!

Happy wedding anniversary, I congratulate you,
May the Lord protect your home from troubles.
And luck flies to you on its wings,
Youth in the soul never fades.

Happy wedding anniversary greetings from friends

If you are a close friend of the spouses, then you should definitely prepare for them touching speech in poetry or prose. Don't know how to express your thoughts beautifully? For creative inspiration, here are a couple of examples of happy anniversary greetings. wedding celebration!

Congratulations to you, my friends, on your wedding anniversary! Your union has become even stronger and more beautiful over the years! So continue to live in peace and harmony, share both happiness and troubles with each other, lending your marital shoulder of help at the right time. Carefully keep the light that lit up in your hearts many years ago, because it is this, and not money and fame, that will make you truly happy in this difficult world!

We would like to congratulate your couple on a beautiful holiday - your wedding anniversary, from which many years have passed, but you still treat each other with the same tenderness and reverence. You have already been wished for love and happiness, prosperity and prosperity, but we only want to wish that you look at each other with the same loving eyes as when you first met!

Friends, I want to congratulate you on your wedding anniversary, which is proof that your feelings only become stronger over the years! So continue to be happy together, sharing every moment of this with each other. have a wonderful life! I would like to wish that until old age you look at each other as tenderly and tenderly as on your wedding day, and cannot live without each other a single day!

You have been together for many years,
And in the eyes there is still the same sparkle,
Hearts are filled with tenderness,
It’s as if the years haven’t touched you.
There seemed to be no disagreements or quarrels.
There were, but the fire did not go out from them
of your native hearth -
And the family is successful and strong!

Don't believe that love has passed,
Having replaced myself with a simple habit,
She is still alive in you,
Putting all of myself into care and affection,
In the warmth, soulfulness of the hearth
And comfort has been created in the house,
In children (their family is strong!)
And in faith that they will not betray you!

Let's celebrate in a narrow circle
A beautiful holiday - anniversary,
The hostess is wonderful, as always,
And the husband is the standard of a family man!
We wish you success in business,
Health, family happiness!
May there be blessings in the future
And life in the present makes you happy!

The portal www.site has collected for you the most various congratulations happy wedding anniversary: ​​touching and sweet, short and long, in poetry and prose. We hope that among them you found suitable option worthy of your family and friends to congratulate them beautifully and effectively on their wedding anniversary. If you need wishes that emphasize the symbolism of the holiday, then articles about congratulations on the golden wedding and others will be useful to you round dates, which you will also find on our website.


    Happy wedding anniversary,
    We wish peace to your couple,
    And love, care, adoration,
    Respect, affection, understanding!
    May you live together for many years,
    After all, the two of you are never bored,
    Achieve compromises in disputes
    Protect your family from all troubles!

    There is a reason for celebration -
    Your wedding anniversary!
    Let's celebrate it together
    We sincerely congratulate you!
    We wish you a sea of ​​happiness,
    Life is bright and brilliant,
    Let love warm you,
    And it never fades away!

    Are you celebrating a wedding anniversary?
    Celebrate with your family!
    And I will say that your couple
    I don’t know who is friendlier and more beautiful!
    Wish You happiness and health,
    Hearts burning with love
    Prosperity, home - a full cup!
    And may your dreams come true!

    You have lived together for many years,
    Today is a glorious anniversary!
    And on this day, so wonderful,
    I am glad to congratulate my friends!
    Live together and love,
    Keep your marriage from all troubles,
    Treasure each other very much!
    My toast: love and advice to you!

    You are celebrating a wonderful anniversary,
    Celebrating your wedding anniversary!
    You have lived together for many years,
    And the family has become stronger over the years.
    You have a lot of happiness - even too much,
    Nice kids are growing up
    There is wealth, there is a cozy home,
    And love burns with fire in our hearts!
    Keep all this for the rest of your life,
    Take care of each other from all troubles,
    Don’t skimp on care and tenderness,
    Don't be lazy to help each other!

    Happy wedding anniversary greetings
    Take it without delay!
    Wishes of happiness and health,
    And hearts filled with love!

    Celebrating a big wedding anniversary
    In the circle of those closest to you: family and friends!
    I want to dedicate poems to you on this day,
    To surprise you “young” a little!
    I wish you peace, health, goodness,
    May life be extremely generous to you,
    Let your love warm our hearts,
    Family happiness knew no end!

    Congratulations today
    Happy beautiful wedding anniversary!
    Surrounded by children and grandchildren
    You are glad to be there, and this is clear to everyone!
    We wish you peace, goodness,
    Endless happiness, health,
    So that your life is bright
    And filled pure love!

    On a wonderful wedding anniversary
    Our wishes are appropriate:
    A sea of ​​happiness, love, respect,
    Understanding, affection, patience!

    A great reason to celebrate:
    Big date - wedding anniversary!
    Today everyone toasts and congratulations
    Only in your honor! And there is no doubt about it!
    We wish you to remain young,
    Falling in love with each other again every day,
    Live in peace, understanding and harmony,
    May happiness be an eternal guest in the house!

    Other congratulations in verse for a wedding anniversary

    What to gift:

    The couple celebrates their golden wedding after 50 years of marriage. This anniversary family life considered the most important, golden. All children with their beloved grandchildren, close family members, and beloved friends usually gather for the celebration. Gifts for a golden wedding should be chosen taking into account the importance of the anniversary and its respectable name. It is not necessary to give Jewelry- elderly spouses can choose items for the home, useful things or cute souvenirs.

    Traditions of giving gifts for the golden anniversary of marriage

    Before deciding what to give your parents, grandparents or friends for your golden wedding, you need to study the rituals and rules for choosing gifts for this solemn anniversary of their long life together. There are many traditions for such an anniversary, so some important points should be taken into account:

    • Children, together with their grandchildren, must present new gold rings to their parents and grandparents, symbolizing strong marriage, life together for 50 years. According to tradition, spouses should give old worn-out rings to those grandchildren who will soon get married or are going to get married in the near future.
    • When presenting gifts from friends and family, celebrants should be showered with “gold” - sparkling sparkles or golden rain, pieces of shiny paper.
    • By ancient rite older children should give and immediately tie a scarf embroidered with gold threads on their mother’s head. It can be replaced with a scarf or shawl.
    • Before presenting gifts to relatives or children, you should light 2 golden candles on the table and say parting words about the importance of such a major date, the years lived together and family happiness. You can tell the guests a little about what the couple’s family life was like, what they experienced together over 50 years.
    • After all the gifts have been presented, the spouses are obliged to cut the anniversary cake together. wedding cake or cake, distribute a piece to all guests. This tradition means that the celebrants share their happiness and wish everyone the same lasting love.

    Choosing gifts for parents from children for a golden wedding

    When choosing a golden wedding gift for their beloved parents, many children are in doubt and hesitation. It’s one thing to choose paired gold rings for them and present them to the applause of guests and relatives. Another question is whether anniversaries need such expensive gifts whether they will wear them. At this age, many people have swollen fingers, and they will have to spend a lot of money on gold jewelry.

    Gifts chosen for parents for a golden wedding do not have to be made of gold. You can find more acceptable options, making the spouses happy for 50 years of marriage warm blanket, large TV or beautiful souvenirs. It is the adult children who know best what their mother and father would like to receive for their joint anniversary, what their desires are.

    You can give your parents for their anniversary after 50 years of marriage:

    • gilded watches, boxes, bracelets;
    • anniversary medals With beautiful inscription“A whole 50 years together”, cups, glasses with gold engraving;
    • large household appliances: TV, vacuum cleaner, microwave oven, new gas stove or heater;
    • soft blankets, pillows, blankets for armchairs or sofas;
    • large carpet on the wall, rug, carpet runners;
    • pieces of furniture for the kitchen, bedroom, living room;
    • family portrait in gilded frame;
    • orthopedic mattress;
    • a trip to a health resort;
    • service with gold rim on cups and saucers;
    • curtains, bed sheets in gift wrapping.

    Parents should choose gifts from children for a golden wedding together; they can be purchased together. Be sure to pack all the gifts, tying them with golden bows.

    Options for gifts for anniversaries from grandchildren

    If a golden wedding gift to parents from their children should be large and substantial, then the grandchildren can give their grandparents any small souvenirs or nice things. You can make them yourself or choose something at any souvenir shop. The main thing is to present the gift beautifully, interestingly, saying sincere wishes. The youngest grandchildren can read poetry, perform a playful song and ditties for their grandparents.

    Here are a few options for what their beloved grandchildren can give to celebrants on their family anniversary:

    • symbolic scarves trimmed with gold lurex;
    • gilded souvenir figurines, figurines, stands;
    • books, photo albums, desk calendars in gilded covers;
    • gold embroidered tablecloth, shiny curtains, napkins, towels with an anniversary inscription;
    • general photographs of all the grandchildren in golden frames, an interesting collage with photographs of spouses;
    • homemade paintings, postcards, souvenirs;
    • flowers and figures made of golden balloons;
    • glitter paper crafts.

    There’s no point in thinking long and hard about what to give your grandma and grandpa for their golden wedding. The main thing is attention from grandchildren, expression of their love, respect and devotion to the family.

    Gift options for a golden wedding from guests and family

    Guests who are wondering what to give for a golden wedding can choose any souvenir they like, symbolizing a strong marriage. These can be paired figurines of the bride and groom, elderly spouses, original figurines made of wood, metal, glass. On such an anniversary of marriage, relatives can choose to receive a collage of family photos in a gilded frame, a painting depicting portraits of heroes of the day, an anniversary photo album in gilded binding.

    Do not ignore gifts and souvenirs for a golden wedding, made with your own hands from golden paper, cardboard, wood, shiny fabric. They look very symbolic paper swans, rings, flowers made from origami modules. Many people like sewn using technology patchwork pillows, blankets, original oven mitts and coasters. You can weave vases from vines, willow twigs, make boxes from newspaper tubes, thick cardboard.

    Gifts from guests for a golden wedding should be colorfully decorated and packaged in golden or shiny paper. On the anniversary of their marriage, you can present the spouses with anniversary medals, print a celebratory certificate or diploma. There are a lot of such souvenirs now; in any store you can easily find all the attributes for congratulations, beautiful cards and anniversary symbols. There you can also find gold-plated souvenirs with rings, gift wrapping and bows of any size.

    Guests can give the following gifts to the celebrants for 50 years of marriage:

    • electric kettle, samovar;
    • a brilliant set for many people to set the table when all the relatives arrive;
    • curtains or curtains made of golden fabric, silk;
    • yellow blankets, bedspreads, sofa cushions;
    • tablecloths decorated with gold embroidery;
    • gilded candlesticks with a set of beautiful candles;
    • collage with photographs of all past anniversaries, the most highlights life together;
    • an aquarium with small goldfish, if the couple breeds them;
    • anniversary coasters;
    • fresh flowers in a pot.

    Be sure to attach a personally signed postcard to a beautifully decorated gift to accompany the delivery kind words wishes. The hostess should be given a bouquet of her favorite flowers, tied with a golden ribbon. The theme of the souvenirs should include the inscriptions “50 years”, “ Golden wedding" or "Happy marriage anniversary."

    What else can we do to make each other happy?

    The article offers you ideas for celebrating the “diamond” anniversary and options for congratulatory poems.

    The marriage anniversary of 60 years is truly considered one of the most significant dates in family history. Such an anniversary does not happen often and therefore always “requires” special attention, honor and respect. The name of the anniversary is not at all surprising, because the diamond is deservedly considered one of the hardest and most durable stones in the world.

    Moreover, the diamond the most precious stone. So marriage, after 60 years, acquires similar value and recognition by the world. The accumulated wealth of a married couple is not measured in money and valuables; the warmth of loved ones is much more significant for them: relatives, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. To this can be added the wisdom accumulated over the years, time spent traveling and raising heirs.

    Over the course of 60 years, a married couple gains great understanding, they have a lot in common, and the world perceived equally (by both men and women). The couple’s memories of the years they have lived are also valuable. Love after 60 years is no longer so ardent and passionate, but strong and strong, because it can hardly be compared with the feeling that appeared between spouses many years ago and “led” them down the aisle.

    INTERESTING: The “Diamond” wedding was called many centuries ago. The fact is that it was extremely rare to live to such a date (even taking into account the fact that they got married at 13 and 14 years old). The anniversary did not often “meet” among loving people, as rare as a natural diamond in nature. Marriage was also considered valuable because at that time health that allowed one to live to the age of 75-80 was also very rare.

    The modern “diamond” anniversary is celebrated, of course, with the help of the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the heroes of the day. The couple themselves, due to their age, are not able to engage in such organizational issues. On this day, it is customary for the whole family to gather, inviting even distant relatives to the event.

    It is customary to congratulate the heroes of the occasion in beautiful words, poems and give gifts. The date is very big and therefore your gifts for spouses should be meaningful, necessary or expensive. You can also pursue the name of the anniversary by presenting souvenirs with crystals and stones that imitate a diamond (this will bring harmony, understanding and harmony to the family).

    Celebrating the Diamond Anniversary

    How to celebrate your 60th wedding anniversary: ​​celebration ideas

    As already mentioned, this anniversary has great importance for the whole family and therefore requires obligatory celebration. Most often it is noted:

    • Ordering a cafe or restaurant. The most popular way to congratulate your parents (or grandparents). At such an event, an “aged couple” will be able to calmly take their place of honor and spend time with pleasure. As a rule, the entire celebration is led by a toastmaster, accompanied by musicians, competitions, and entertainment (as happens at the very first wedding).
    • You can organize a celebration in nature. IN warm time year, nature can become an alternative to the hall of a restaurant or cafe. In the clearing you can stretch out an awning, place tables with refreshments, organize an area for a photo shoot and food over a fire. Good idea– make a holiday near a pond, forest, or in a park area.
    • Send the couple on a trip or vacation spot. If a couple does not want to spend a “lavish” celebration of their anniversary (and this often happens with older couples), you can, as a gift and entertainment for your parents (grandparents), organize a short trip or vacation in a sanatorium, special health institutions, where they will be provided a variety of procedures and exercises to maintain good health.
    • Organize a celebration at home. You can also limit yourself to such a celebration, but do not forget that even a modest family dinner You can diversify it with beautiful poems, songs, videos about the family, photo collages and slides, competitions, jokes, gifts and surprises. To do this, you should write your own holiday script.

    What to give to parents for their 60th wedding anniversary: ​​gift ideas

    A married couple cannot be left without a gift in honor of such an anniversary. Choose the one you really need and nice gift that will give spouses emotions and joy:

    • A trip to the sanatorium - If your parents are in good enough health to move, you can offer them time at a health facility where they can not only take care of their feeling good but also have a good time.
    • Journey - a good gift for that couple who doesn’t like to “sit still” and is always ready to learn new things. The journey may not be far at all (to a lake, to the sea, to a mountainous area, to mining sites mineral waters). Let a parent at your age experience bright emotions and get a portion of bright impressions.
    • Holiday– the anniversary celebration itself can be a gift for a married couple, because the event is quite expensive, consuming in effort and time. Organize a holiday by ordering a toastmaster, inviting all your family and friends, taking care of appearance“newlyweds” (in other words, make a “second wedding” for them).
    • Amount of money – no matter how you look at it, money always turns out to be an important and necessary gift. For older couples, they may be useful for treatment, purchase of household items and clothing (which often become worn out by this age).
    • A symbolic figurine - it's small but meaningful gift. It is important to choose a figurine that will be decorated with crystals that imitate diamonds. The gift will allow the couple to remember their anniversary and partially realize its significance.
    • Family portrait - Perhaps your parents still don’t have a complete family portrait. Such a gift, either a photograph or a painted canvas, can become a real “treasure” for an elderly couple. Order a drawing from the artist, providing photographs of loved ones, or arrange an organized photo session in the studio.
    • Jewelry with anniversary symbol – This gift is quite expensive due to the fact that diamonds are not cheap. However, such jewelry can be kept in the family as heirlooms and passed down through generations.

    What to give to your beloved grandparents for their 60th diamond wedding: gift ideas


    • Video – very touching and modern gift. You can take it yourself, filling it with congratulations, joint photographs and quotes about a happy family. You can also hire a professional cameraman who can professionally create touching marital films.
    • Photo slides – such a gift is somewhat similar to a video film; it should also provoke an attack of sensuality and remind family values, which are present in every couple and are regarded as a treasure.
    • Furniture - for example, a new sofa or bed with an orthopedic mattress will be very useful, given the state of health of the elderly couple. You should choose such a gift based on the preferences and wishes of the spouses.
    • Home textiles - always pleasant and the right gift. Due to the significance of the date, you should choose expensive textiles and high-quality, expensive materials: satin bed linen, bed linen with embroidery, soft bedspreads and blankets, curtains, satin tablecloths, bath towels and robes.
    • Service or dishes - may also be useful elderly couple When choosing such a gift, you should not be cheap and buy only expensive and high-quality sets for tea, coffee, dinner parties, and daily use.
    • Aged wine (60 years) – this gift is symbolic and beautiful at the same time. Such a wine (or any other “noble” alcoholic drink) can become a family heirloom or simply remind an elderly couple of how valuable, precious and durable their marriage is.

    Diamond Anniversary Gifts for Grandparents

    Scenario for a diamond wedding with family: how to diversify the holiday

    For big and “lush” wedding anniversary will be very relevant fun competitions. They will become entertainment, rather not for the spouses, but for the guests present.

    Diamond wedding competitions:

    Video: " Diamond wedding 60 years together!!!”

    60th wedding anniversary cake: ideas

    A beautiful cake, ordered from a professional pastry chef, will be the highlight of the holiday. The cake must be beautiful, special, large and carry all the energy of the anniversary.

    Cake ideas:

    Beautiful congratulations on a diamond wedding for a couple, friends in verse and prose

    Dear (surname of spouses)! Looking at you, one cannot hold back tears of joy: you so beautiful, so happy, so cheerful and cheerful. I would like to wish you many more good married years. May the warmth of your loved ones and the care of your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren never leave you.

    Dear (surname of spouses)! Having lived to see the diamond wedding anniversary, you have gained great value - love with a shelf life of 60 years. Not every couple has such a “treasure” and therefore let me drink to your health, longevity and that good example, which you serve to your children!

    Our beloved (surname of spouses)! You can't even imagine what it's like It’s a pleasure to be present at your celebration. Thank you for never ceasing to delight us with your sensuality of relationships and inspiring us with your sincerity!

    Diamond is a very strong stone
    And today he is a symbol of love,
    Let your sadness melt away in a moment,
    Leaving only the feelings of strength!

    Compare your couple to a diamond,
    Shines just as brightly in the sun,
    And as beautiful as roses in a vase,
    Radiant as the light in the window!

    Your union shines brightly,
    Like a rare diamond
    Accept all gifts
    Don't be sad, kind look

    You have lived many good years,
    You gave the family precious light,
    You cared, you loved, you inspired,
    Every day we worried with our souls.

    And today on this very important day
    We invited relatives and guests,
    We sincerely and loudly congratulate you,
    You still have a lot bright years we wish!

    Six decades of happy
    Flew by in an instant
    Life was easy, beautiful,
    Leaving sadness behind.

    And today next to you
    Full of happy people
    All with gifts, flowers,
    Many great-grandchildren and children.

    We sincerely congratulate you
    And we wish you good years,
    So that life is perfect,
    Where there is no place for problems.

    You are so smiling and happy
    And the years don’t spoil you,
    Your marriage is like a reward to your loved ones,
    Let no tears roll...

    Let everyone keep getting younger
    Your happy eyes
    And let all the problems be timid
    With your joyful tears!

    Your love is like a jewelry stone,
    It sparkles, it shines, it shines,
    Let life be beautiful, easy and stable,
    Let everyone talk about you kind words speaks!

    How hard it is to find a great feeling,
    Like a real valuable diamond,
    May life never be empty,
    To live so happily your whole life is a talent!

    Love is measured over the years
    You have great and valuable wealth.
    Let it stir your blood
    And everything will be fine in your life!

    May your days not be dark,
    May the sun shine brightly for you,
    You have so much beautiful love,
    Everyone in your family has enough of it!

    Your event is wonderful
    It was not in vain that we gathered today,
    May the sun shine clearly in your sky
    And everyone gives you only love and affection!

    Beautiful congratulations on a diamond wedding from a husband to his wife in verse and prose

    Dear wife! Thank you for this perfect occasion– celebrate 60- anniversary of our marriage. Your patience and affection became the foundation for our happy family. May God grant you many more years and good health so that you can please me for a very long time.

    My beloved wife! So many years have passed, but I still see that young woman in you And beautiful girl that captured my heart. Thank you for your patience and care, beautiful children and fabulous life.

    You are the decoration of my leisurely life,
    You brought peace and warmth into our life.
    With you, all my heavy thoughts are light,
    I often think that I am so lucky!

    Thank you, dear, wonderful wife,
    For 60 years of human loyalty,
    I tried to be your support and friend,
    I can’t imagine life any other way!

    The years haven't changed you at all,
    I see a girl from many years ago
    I became loved with all my heart and soul,
    I so appreciate your kind, gentle look!

    I can't forget how happy we were
    When children were born into this world,
    Now they are like we loved them so much then,
    They protect us and give meaning to life.

    Thank you, my dear, for these days and nights,
    That you were by my side and always
    Gave light when I looked into your clear eyes,
    And she never gave any reason to doubt!

    Congratulations on your lovely anniversary,
    Let the size of the numbers scare us,
    But in my entire life I have never been close to you,
    If I could, I would live another eternity with you!

    We have been connected to you for 60 good years,
    Today I noticed how fast they run,
    But I’m sure, dear, we have ahead
    There are a lot of events that will surprise us!

    There are so many reasons to smile and know
    That nothing in life can separate us,
    That we have many close, beloved people,
    What will dilute and make life more fun!

    Today you are beautiful, as if those years never happened
    That we have lived, experienced a lot,
    Today I will ask and get the answer:
    “Do you agree to go down the same road again?”

    Today you will be sad and maybe upset,
    What life is left on the path, but...
    I just want to go through it with you
    Whether it’s long or short, I don’t care!

    How sweet is our union with you,
    Filled with peace and quiet,
    May it last another year
    Let the sky be bright!

    Your character is as hard as a diamond
    You are happy and pleasing to the eye,
    Thank you for being close, close,
    What flames do you give me sparks!

    Do you remember our wedding, dear,
    Since then I've been very happy with you
    Thank you for the warm feelings,
    You are very lucky!

    A sumptuous table has been laid for us today,
    The smiles of loved ones delight our eyes,
    It’s beautiful and there are dear people all around,
    We won’t forget such a wedding in person!

    Thank you for a lot of trouble,
    We are very lucky in this life,
    We have a large and friendly family,
    We live loving her every day!

    Beautiful congratulations on a diamond wedding from a wife to her husband in verse and prose

    My dear husband! It seems that as many stars in the sky as there are us survived the events, lived for so many years. Thank you, dear, for filling my life with joy. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be so happy! You embody all the meanings of existence and are for me the ideal man!

    Your words, beloved, give inspiration.
    Thank you for always being able to cheer me up!
    I am a happy wife, without any doubt,
    You have become my meaning, a faith with which to simply live!

    The years have changed your features,
    But you are just as dear to me, just as dear,
    I always feel warm with you,
    You have become so dear to me like no one else ever will!

    You gave me a diamond
    Which is as much as 100 carats,
    Its name is family,
    I am so happy in my life with him!

    Enveloped in your attention
    For many years in a row, I
    We have an understanding
    It's like a diamond!

    We broke a lot of cups
    We glued a lot together later.
    Didn't drive away our happiness
    Not a single problem from home!

    A good 60 years in a row
    We lived, as they say,
    So “when you don’t need anything”
    For our happiness and benefit!

    Sometimes we often forget
    How should you value your life?
    But we will never stop
    Love each other sincerely!

    Sometimes it seems short-lived to us
    Our difficult, harsh century,
    But I live easily and calmly,
    When a person is with me!

    And he is a man with a capital letter:
    He is a husband, father, great-grandfather and grandfather,
    Can't survive separation from you,
    Live at least another hundred years!

    I look into your clear eyes
    And I say: “Life is wonderful!”
    Thank you for being our happiness
    You made the diamond more beautiful!

    Beautiful congratulations on a diamond wedding for parents in verse and prose

    Dear Mom and Dad! Thank you for being here today to celebrate our family - 60th anniversary marriage union(surname of spouses). You gave us beautiful life and the least we can do for you is to thank you with this holiday, gifts and warm words. Live very long so that we can organize every decade magnificent celebration in honor of your love!

    The two closest people
    What brought up love in us,
    Today we celebrate the date
    What stirred the blood in my veins!

    It's a diamond wedding
    For the couple this day came
    And we want to wish you all
    Spiritual blessings and only goodness!

    Let it be sunny on the road
    On your life's journey,
    May there be a lot of happiness
    And there are fewer reasons to be sad!

    How tightly your hands are clenched,
    Hearts are so closely connected
    We wish to avoid separation
    Together until the very end!

    May your feeling be forever
    In all years, in all centuries,
    Don't let your thoughts get dark
    And the fear of life does not choke you!

    Live forever, mom, dad,
    We thank you together,
    For giving life once upon a time,
    For always loving us!

    Find your other half
    It’s very difficult and not everyone can do it.
    But you found strong love,
    You're in great luck with this!

    Life is strewn with diamonds,
    It's been 60 good years now,
    Let your soul be open to happiness,
    As long lasting as your vow!

    Parents, you are our beloved people,
    We will not forget your kindness and affection,
    You gave us love and tenderness,
    May your joy be like an ocean, boundless!

    We are very proud of you,
    You are fresh, you are beautiful, you are beautiful!
    We wish you many more occasions
    Prove your mighty love!

    Touching congratulations on your diamond wedding from your grandchildren in poetry and prose

    Grandmother and grandfather! You can't even imagine what a blessing it is to be around swami here and now! Thank you for the upbringing, love and affection that you have given us over the years. Our children and great-grandchildren look at you and absorb a good example that will teach them to live with love, devotion, dignity and happiness!

    The years fly by like birds in a clear sky,
    The bad is now forgotten
    But wherever I am and whoever I’m with suddenly,
    I know that your door is open to me!

    You are still my grandfather and grandmother,
    Even though I am no longer young and a father myself,
    But I'm so glad you found great love,
    What brought you down the aisle one day!

    Parents of parents are our elders,
    They are beautiful, the wisest in the family,
    They gave us an example of affectionate love,
    That life will turn into a sweet fairy tale!

    Your features are still beautiful,
    Your thoughts and good deeds are beautiful,
    Let only wonderful conversations
    They talk about your union behind your back.

    Diamond strewn with crumbs
    Your past is only good,
    May your life continue to be easy,
    Grievances and all scandals go away!

    Beautiful and touching congratulations on your diamond wedding from great-grandchildren in verse and prose

    Great-grandmother and great-grandfather! Soon your great-grandchildren will be “ripe” for to know this mystery and sweetness of family life. It’s very good that we have such a bright, good and fabulous example of a strong, friendly and faithful family!

    You gave it to us every time,
    And the wonderful feeling “hurts” the eye,
    Let tears of joy roll down,
    Great-grandmother, great-grandfather - happy old age to you!

    You are young at heart, admit it
    Don't give up your cheerful spirit in the future,
    Live to see our children
    Live many good sweet years!

    You are our pride and wealth,
    We wish you another twenty years
    Look ahead and smile
    And never part!

    Smile, our dears,
    You are so happy, and we are with you!
    You are so beloved to us, dear,
    Be forever joyful and in love!

    Video: “Diamond Wedding”

    Grandma is a bride
    Grandfather - groom
    Happy golden wedding
    Congratulations to them.
    50 years of life
    You lived together
    We wish you happiness
    The bride and groom.
    And may the years to you
    The whiskey was silvered
    You are your love
    Kept in my heart
    Lived 50 years
    We wish so much more
    Golden at the wedding
    We shout to you “Bitter!”

    Today is the most tender, important holiday -
    Today your union is fifty.
    Today is your golden wedding.
    How quickly the years fly into the distance.

    My grandpa, my grandma,
    Happy golden anniversary to me
    I hasten to congratulate you and I understand:
    You are forever married to fate.

    And of course, happiness to you, dear ones,
    So that trouble does not touch you at all,
    So that all bad weather remains in the past,
    May you always be together!

    Dear and beloved grandparents! Congratulations on your 50th wedding anniversary! I wish you real deep, quiet happiness together! A golden wedding is a huge amount of work and a mutual desire for a wonderful life together. And you managed to create a real strong family! Health to you, joy, warmth and many good moments!

    Your golden wedding
    Your golden anniversary!
    You have been together for half a century,
    Many happy days.

    Things weren't always smooth sailing
    But love kept you
    It's still flowing
    Joy from your eyes.

    And care and attention
    You surrounded each other
    Through years and distances
    Your feelings have been preserved.

    From the bottom of our hearts we wish you
    Eternal youth bloom,
    After all, for true happiness
    There is no limit in time!

    Grandma and grandpa, happy wedding!
    I wish your life to be filled with comfort and peace.
    Health does not fail you, but may it make you happy,
    And may you be happy every moment and hour.

    Good luck, inspiration, success to all your endeavors,
    And there is no time for sadness and tears.
    Grandma and grandpa have a golden wedding!
    Always move forward to pursue your dreams.

    Fifty is an important date
    Dear grandmother and grandfather!
    Your feelings are a great reward,
    Be happy for a thousand years
    And healthy, of course, too,
    Appreciate each other very much
    After all, there is nothing more valuable than family!
    Always take care of your happiness!

    Golden wedding - golden thread,
    What could I do to each other?
    I'll sew you on,
    What sealed destinies
    Strong, forever,
    So that you go through life
    Hand in hand.
    Grandfather and grandmother, happy anniversary to you!
    Let it only become stronger
    Your lives are connected!
    Let them not leave
    Many more years to come
    You are healthy and happy
    And love dawns!

    You've been together for so long -
    Fifty happy years
    We congratulate you on this,
    Our grandmother and grandfather
    Your golden wedding
    May it bring you joy,
    Be happy, healthy,
    Let the blues and sadness pass!

    Golden wedding of the best of people -
    Happy grandma and grandpa's anniversary!
    I congratulate you on this anniversary,
    Let the diamond of common souls shine forever,
    Make each other happy, take care of happiness,
    Give warmth to everyone around you,
    And be healthy, dear, dear
    My dear people!

    Grandfather and grandmother, relatives,
    Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
    What golden years have you lived?
    Having reached many peaks together.

    You've had a lot of trials,
    But you overcame them with dignity,
    There is still love in your hearts,
    Shining in the eyes with bottomless warmth.

    So may she be in your souls forever
    Blooms in gardens, warms in the sun,
    And your happiness will be endless,
    Nobody knows what it is like yet.

    Fifty happy, bright years -
    You should be proud of your anniversary,
    What is the secret of your happiness?
    Of course you had to work hard!

    Yes, even though there were many difficulties,
    But you were able to save love,
    After all, she saved me from quarrels more than once,
    You know how to value family!

    So let the coming years
    There will be purity in your hearts,
    So that even in rainy weather
    Color life in bright colors!