Moldavite or Czech stone vltavin. Moldavite - a stone of special origin

The attractive, extraordinary appearance of a stone that fell from the sky is mesmerizing. A gift from outer space has an amazing shape, color and properties that emphasize exceptional beauty and extraordinary power.

Moldavite, as a gift from the Universe, tempering the human will, healing and giving hope, showed itself as a magical attribute.

History and origins

The ancient age of the bottle stone is 15 million years. Moldavite in the Czech Republic is called "vltavin" from the name of the river where precious fragments were found. Found natural bodies, no larger than 3 cm, outwardly resemble bottle glass. However, they are one of the few types of tektites that are used as jewelry material.

The history of the emergence of the gem is divided by long disputes of scientists into two hypotheses. One claim is that the Vltavin originated from an impact event. Academician Emlen Vladimirovich Sobotovich stated this in his writings.

As a result of the comet's collision with the Earth, a crater was formed, from which crystals were thrown hundreds of kilometers away from the incident. Frozen drops of precious glass were formed as a result of melting at a temperature above a thousand degrees of a cosmic body and terrestrial substances.

The following theory is no less interesting, although it does not have scientific justification. It is assumed that a natural stone, something other than fragments of the comet's nucleus. Proponents of this hypothesis insist that the cosmic body did not come into contact with the surface of the globe. Probably, the comet collapsed on the outskirts of the planet, "sprinkling" the soil with fragments of tektite.

Place of Birth

The extraterrestrial origin of the “bottle stone” is indicated by its only location on the planet. In the Czech Republic, not far from the Vltava River, a moldavite deposit was discovered. The crater Nördlinger-Ries, located on the territory of the state, is considered the landing site of a celestial body.

Fulgurites, formed as a result of passing through a composition having a huge electrical discharge, were thrown into environment under high pressure. At the time of the comet's fall, a vacuum formed around it, which explains the low gas pressure in the voids inside the glass.

Physical properties

Moldavite is a type of tektite. These are glassy formations of siliceous rock, with a structured surface and sinuous depressions. transparent stone medium hardness and low density, melts at 1300°C.

Medicinal properties

Modern healers show professional curiosity about the precious glass from outer space. This is not surprising, because the stone has passed thorny path through the stars before falling into the hands of man. Having lived on the planet for a dozen and a half million years, having absorbed the power and wisdom of nature, the mineral has a powerful potential.

  • Green stone is used to get rid of nervous and mental ailments. The use of a gem helps to eliminate problems in emotionally, relieves anxiety, fear, apathy, depression.
  • Healing stone affects psychological condition person, helps to take a different look at the situation, directs the focus to right direction. It helps to recharge with positive, revives faith and hope in a happy present, relieves anxious thoughts regarding the future period of life.
  • Moldavite has a strong calming property, so jewelry with a stone is left at the head of the bed or under the pillow to drive away insomnia, disturbing sleep or nightmares.
  • Precious glass gives an analgesic effect, so it is applied to the area of ​​the body where pain. In this way, you can relieve migraines, spasms or cramps.
  • Considering how a stone looks is useful for the eyes, in the process of visualization, it is as if a veil is removed, vigilance improves, pain and cutting sensations disappear.
  • Knowledge workers require high concentration, have to control thinking process which consumes a large amount of energy. The resource needs replenishment, therefore, to whom the crystal can be suitable due to its properties, it is used to enhance brain activity.
  • There is a beneficial effect of the gem in the treatment of diseases of cardio-vascular system especially ischemia and hypertension. Helps to cleanse the composition of the blood, improve blood circulation.
  • The compatibility of the mineral with human energy helps to cope with problems gastrointestinal tract. Purifying from toxins and toxins, helps to lose weight.

Important! Moldavite changes the structure of water, which has a healing effect. Applying mineral water with a preventive purpose, a healing, strengthening and rejuvenating effect is achieved.

magical properties

For practicing magicians, the value of an amulet of extraterrestrial origin has a huge advantage compared to artifacts formed in the bowels of the Earth.

Modern wizards focus on the properties that magic stone moldavite:

  • the protective qualities of the cosmic glass are able to repel and prevent the attack of negatively charged substances. Restriction from the impact of malicious human manifestations, such as rage, aggression or hatred. It also helps prevent reactions. black magic, protects from unkind magical ritual actions;
  • the crystal clear energy of transparent specimens helps to discover and develop superpowers in a person. Favorably influencing sleep, Vltavin will help people prone to clairvoyance to correctly perceive the information provided;
  • if intuitive cues have great importance for a person, the vibrations of precious glass help to develop a "sixth sense". An amulet with a stone will give a hint when it is necessary to switch attention to one's own feelings;
  • powerful cleansing effect of the gem is not only on the physical body, but also on the biofield and external energy space. Improves circulation energy flows Helps cleanse the chakras. Recommended to use during meditation;
  • bottle stone favors creative activity helps in achieving well-being.

Important! Magic force an amulet with moldavite helps to defeat evil. However, this applies not only to negative attacks from outside, but also to psychological problems the owner of the stone. The gem helps to cope with the "devilry" in the character of a person.

Jewelry with a mineral

Transparent samples of tektite are cut, therefore they are used in the manufacture of jewelry. Moldavite is combined with others precious minerals, so it is often found in jewelry with other stones. However, the cost of the product increases significantly. The list of approximate prices demonstrates the value of space glass in the world market.

  • a silver ring with a moldavite insert can be bought for $50;
  • an uncut nugget, weighing 41 carats, costs $250;
  • silver earrings with free-form inlays cost $48.

The price of jewelry depends on the color and transparency of the stone, shape, as well as the metal that serves as a frame.


Jewelry glass fragments of tektites have several definitions. The common name for the gem is moldavite, the Czechs call crystals "vltavin", there are also names - bottle glass and water.

There are specimens of very bizarre forms, with the formation of bubbles and iridescent magnificent shades. Moldavite is characterized by the following palette of colors:

  • tone of green bottle glass;
  • green with a brownish tint;
  • black color with a greenish tint;
  • brown tone with a transition to black.

Air chambers, various inclusions create unimaginable patterns. Such specimens are of very high value.

How to distinguish a fake?

Unfortunately, one has to deal with situations where instead of original product you buy, albeit qualitatively executed, but still an imitation. Some expert recommendations help to distinguish a natural gem from a fake.

  • You need to carefully look at the shade. Natural stone It has saturated color, but not as bright as fake samples.
  • Faceted specimens cannot be big size. The natural size of a gem rarely exceeds 3 cm.
  • Bubbles, veins, inclusions, heterogeneity are the properties of natural jewelry. Absolute transparency is characteristic of fakes.
  • Glassy tektites are quite brittle, easily split and scratched.

High Quality fake stones It is better to check with the help of an experienced expert.

Caring for stone products

Jewelry with an unusual gem, which is fragile and vulnerable to mechanical stress, should be protected from bumps and falls. In order not to scratch the glass, it is better to store in a separate case or box, upholstered inside with velvet.

If the use of the stone occurs very often, then such a stone should be cleaned at least once a week. Wash with soapy water without harsh chemicals. Rinse with running water and dry at room temperature.

Compatibility with names and zodiac signs

The astrological properties of moldavite can be used by each representative of the zodiac as an energy charge.

(“++” - the stone fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is categorically contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+

  • Any sign of the zodiac ruled by the element Air will receive the full amount of support that it is capable of. magical energy stone. Higher knowledge, self-confidence - this gift from heaven will help to realize any undertakings.
  • Earth signs receive with the help of a talisman the ability to receive original solutions, avoid "steps" from ill-wishers.
  • Signs of Fire get a chance to realize their plans, while the talisman eliminates unwanted interference rivals.
  • Signs of the Water element with the help of an amulet reveal their talents and find ways to implement their plans.

Names that are compatible with moldavite:

  • Borislav amulet leads to firmness of spirit.
  • Vasily is helped by a talisman in finding harmony.
  • Vitaly, with the help of a magical artifact, solves material difficulties and gains stability.
  • Karina's amulet adds patience in completing difficult tasks.
  • Natalia receives support in charitable affairs.
  • Lyudmila get rid of commercialism.

Moldavite is able to awaken superpowers in a person. If there are signs of extrasensory qualities, the acquired jewelry will provoke spiritual activity. It is important to know about the magical properties of stones so that there is no unexpected reaction to unusual manifestations characteristic of psychics.

Moldavite - sky shards on the banks of the Vltava

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About 15 million years ago, a huge meteorite fell on the territory where Moldova is located today. Its molten and then solidified pieces were scattered over a vast expanse with a radius of several hundred kilometers. Now the remnants of the celestial alien are called Moldavites.

Transparent and dyed bottle green or greenish brown, moldavite is the only tektite that supplies jewelry material, which is sometimes also called bottle stone and water chrysolite.

The color of vitreous formations is green, brown. Luster - glass.

Hardness - 5.0 - 6.0; density - 2.3 g/cm3.

It is mined in places where meteorites fall.

Medicinal properties

Lithotherapists suggest that moldavite calms the nervous system. It is believed that this mineral removes Negative consequences stressful situations, normalizes sleep, relieves insomnia and nightmares. Some traditional healers It is recommended to wear moldavite beads or pendants to get rid of fears. Sometimes, due to its rich green color, moldavite is used to stabilize blood pressure, relief of headaches, prevention of eye diseases. Abuse medicinal properties this stone can lead to the accumulation of bile.

Moldavite affects the parietal and sacral chakras.

magical properties

Having an unearthly origin, moldavite holds the secrets of the cosmos. It contains magical abilities of unprecedented power, laid down by the forces of the Universe. Experts recommend wearing a stone constantly. It rejuvenates the body, closes holes in the aura that are formed as a result of unrest and stress, gives its owner a philosophical view of things, makes him tolerant, merciful and satisfied with everything that happens to him.

Moldavite is believed to help open any of the chakras, especially the “third eye” chakra. It is not surprising that Moldavites help lovers of mysticism to establish ties with higher powers, because they are guests from the Cosmos on our planet.

Fortunetellers and magicians use moldavite when performing rituals and recognizing the future, since moldavite protects them from possible impact evil forces.

Astrologers claim that wearing products with this stone will benefit all signs of the zodiac without restrictions. However, in magical rituals it should not be used by Pisces and Scorpions.

Talismans and amulets

As a talisman and amulet moldavite protects its owner from the impact of any kind of negative from the outside (both of a natural nature and from people), protects him from natural disasters, helps to understand divine essence being.

Interesting about Moldavite

Findings of numerous small pieces of glass in Czechoslovakia have been known for a very long time, since 1787. This glass was called moldavite. Due to the absence of signs of volcanic activity in this area, it became clear that its origin differs from obsidian. A fairly plausible theory has been put forward, according to which moldavite represents pieces of glass left at the site of prehistoric glassworks, but this theory was discarded when similar pieces of glass were found a century later in areas remote from the centers of ancient civilizations.

Moldavite is a stone that took its name from the Czech river

Many millions of years ago, an unknown space object fell on the territory of modern Europe. According to one version, it was a small meteorite, according to another, a comet. As a result, under the influence of high temperatures and high pressure rock melted at the point of impact and formed moldavite.

Name of this unusual stone comes from the name of the Czech river near which it was first discovered. The locals called the river in the old manner - Moldau, and this is how the name of the mineral was born. Nowadays the river is called Vltava. That is why the second name of this stone is Vltavin.

Main characteristics

Moldavite is often called bottle stone or water chrysolite. If you see moldavite in the photo, then it can be mistaken for a fragment glass bottle, because in its structure it resembles molten glass. The surface of moldavite is covered with small depressions, but this only gives the stone a peculiar charm. The crystal size rarely exceeds 3 cm. Hardness corresponds to 5-6 on the Mohs scale.

Modavite stone belongs to tektites. The basis of its composition is silicon oxide. Chemical formula- SiO2. In its structure, the stone is heterogeneous: bubbles and cavities are filled with gas, the pressure and concentration of which differ from those of the earth.

The color of the stone is grassy green, green-brown, dirty brown, black. Luster - glass.

Place of Birth

In the world, the number of moldavite deposits is limited. The deposits of this mineral are found only in places where meteorites fall. The most famous place where moldavite is mined is the Vltava river basin. It is there, in the Czech Republic, that placers of this mineral can be found. Also, small amounts of moldavite are found in Moldova.


Moldavite is of no practical value for industry. However, due to its visual appeal, it is widely used for making jewelry. The stone lends itself well to cutting, but unusual appearance allows it to be used in in kind. Small crystals of uncut moldavite are hung on a chain in the form of pendants. And faceted stones act as inserts in a variety of jewelry.

Despite the fact that the stone has been mined since the ΧVΙΙΙ century, scientists are still arguing about its origin. Initially, there was a version that this mineral is pieces of glass that remained at the site of prehistoric glass factories. However, over time, this theory was refuted. There are suggestions that moldavite is a frozen comet nucleus, and not melted rock.

The only thing that scientists have proven for sure is that moldavite was used as protective amulets back in the Stone Age. True, from whom the ancient people defended themselves with its help, it is still not clear.

magical properties

While scientists are arguing about the origin of moldavite, magicians and oracles use it in their practices. The magical properties of moldavite include its ability to discover the gift of a predictor in a person. It promotes the development of intuition and helps to see a prophetic dream.

Mediums wear moldavite jewelry to protect them from otherworldly entities. A ordinary person he is able to protect from damage and the evil eye.

On energy level moldavite cleanses the human aura. It helps a person's energy to circulate properly and opens his chakras. The owner of jewelry with moldavite comprehends the divine essence of being, becomes tolerant and merciful. He stops getting upset over trifles and begins to take what is happening to him for granted.

For people of creative professions, this mineral will help to keep the muse and reveal talents.

Application in astrology

Products with moldavite can be worn by all signs of the zodiac. Since this stone is an alien from outer space, it greatly enhances the exposure of each sign to its heavenly patrons. As a result, the development positive qualities each sign of the zodiac.

Medicinal properties

Jewelry with moldavite can balance state of mind person. They help ease stress and improve mood.

Moldavite stone must be worn when:

  • eye diseases
  • anemia
  • insomnia
  • heavy falling asleep
  • high blood pressure
  • depressive states

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="moldavit stone" width="300" height="251">!} One of the features of the Czech Republic is the presence on its territory of various precious and semi-precious stones. This applies not only to world-famous garnets and amber, but also to such a mineral as vltavin. Moldavite stone, as it is also called, is one of the types volcanic glass. It is considered an ancient representative of the tectics, which are distinguished by their meteorite origin.

Description of moldavite

Vltavin stones are different emerald color and sparkling tint. The intensity of its color can be different. Specialists distinguish monophonic and heterogeneous stones, as well as those on the surface of which there are overflows. To date, there are instances various shades. Some of them are quite pale, while others are saturated and bright.

If Vltavin is not processed, its surface will be uneven and wrinkled. Depressions, cracks, tubercles and grooves will give it such a texture. Inside, if you look closely, you can even see small bubbles.

Png" alt="" width="80" height="68"> It is believed that Vltavins are found in nature only in the Czech Republic. At the same time, not all regions of the country can boast of such semi-precious stones. Mostly they are found in the south of Prague. This is quite easy to do, as they appear on the surface in riverbeds, in fields due to plowing the soil, and also in quarries.

Due to the fact that the Vltavins in nature limited quantity they are highly rated. It is believed that if they continue to be mined in the near future on Earth, these stones will not remain in the public domain in natural conditions. At the same time, some experts claim that today people have been able to detect only about 1 percent of all Vltavins on the planet. That is why these stones of the Czech Republic will not end for many centuries.

magical properties

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="vltavin stone" width="280" height="220">!}
It is believed that Czech stone called Vltavin is the Gift of the Universe. This is due to the fact that it is of meteorite origin, that is, it came to Earth from outer space. A precious rock was formed under the influence of all four elements - fire, water, air and earth. That is why many people attribute to Vltavin (Moldavite) some magical properties among which it is important to highlight the following:

  • protecting a person from various evil eye;
  • restoration of lost energy;
  • development of intuitive abilities;
  • strengthening the gift to foresee the future.

Thanks to the above magical abilities vltavina, jewelry from it was considered a pretty good amulet. It was believed that, having placed such an amulet in the house, it was worth waiting in next year good harvest.

Vltavin for a long time was considered the stone of those who plow the land. Its properties are primarily associated with fertility and the continuation of the human race.

In ancient times, peasants even performed rituals with the help of Vltavin. Before sowing, the land was plowed and left for some time in this state. As soon as the first rain fell, people went out into the open field to collect shiny glass. Only after that was it allowed to sow grain. It was believed that the more stones a peasant collects, the more significant his harvest from this crop will be. Subsequently, jewels were made from the collected stones, which were given to the girls. This improved their health, increased the number of years they lived, and also made it possible to give birth to strong and beautiful children.

Some healers, magicians, and psychics claim that Vltavin allows you to look into your future or see some moments from the past.

Jpg" alt=" moldavite pendant" width="120" height="301"> Йоги также используют молдавит в своей практике. Камень помогает им раскрыть чакру сердца. Это необходимо сделать для того, чтобы она была свободна для потоков энергии, что позволяет достичь человеку высших целей. Считается, что именно через сердце можно понять любовь к себе, людям и всему, что находится вокруг. Если в чакре находятся блоки, то это влияет на сухость в общении с другими, а также развитие собственного эгоизма. Нередко это отражается и на физиологии человека в виде проблем с сердцем или же нервных расстройств.!}

Some people believe that due to time travel on an energy level, moldavite allows you to achieve that state. unconditional love, which a person feels in the very first days after his birth. Then he is the most pure and open to the world around him.

Medicinal properties

Treatment of diseases with the help of stones is called lithotherapy. A Czech stone called vltavin is used in it in the following ways:

  1. Through touch. It mainly helps with various problems With nervous system. First of all, this concerns neurological disorders, feelings of anxiety, stressful tension, anxiety states, lack of adequate sleep, the presence of headaches and neuralgia. It is believed that the semi-precious stone copes well with an overabundance of negative experiences. A person only needs to hold it in the palms of his hands or attach it to his own temples.
  2. Through visual contact. This method of treatment helps with problems with vision, memory and concentration. This is explained primarily by the green tint of the stone. This color has a good effect on a person, helping him to calm down and recover. In addition, it can affect the level of heart rate. It is believed that even people with overweight useful to look at vltavin. At this time, they dull the feeling of hunger and the desire to eat.
  3. For charging water. Like many other stones, moldavite has the ability to make liquid healing. To do this, just put a small piece of jewelry in a vessel with water. After that, it is worth washing with a charged liquid. It will help in cleansing the body and restoring internal strength.

The above properties have ensured its popularity in Vltavin, thanks to which many people choose jewelry with this semi-precious stone for themselves.

Buying moldavite jewelry

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="vltavin earrings" width="160" height="209">!} To date, moldavite can be purchased in many jewelry stores or shops throughout the Czech Republic. Most of them are located in the capital of the state - Prague. Some of the most popular shopping destinations include:

  • Celetna street 596/15 in Prague, where there is a shop called Celetna Crystal;
  • Panska street 1/892 in Prague, where the Czech Pomegranate Museum is located, called "Granat Turnov";
  • Panska street 6 in Prague, where the Czech Information Center is located, which allows you to issue a VAT refund on jewelry;
  • Latran street in Český Krumlov, where the Mozart Collection is located.

In addition to the above places, there are many others, but tourists from all over the world prefer these establishments. This is primarily due to the fact that they are located at the intersection of many tourist routes in the Czech Republic. That is why it is not difficult for a person, visiting any museums or sights, to visit a shop with precious and, more importantly, useful gems.

In order to win over the energy of the Universe, to gain health and a surge of inner strength, in no case can one ignore the purchase of an amulet or jewelry with a piece of moldavite. It is far from necessary that the stone be very large and massive, just a small insert made of it is enough.

Moldavite is a stone whose properties allow you to achieve quite a lot, but it is important to understand who this jewel of the Czech Republic is suitable for. That is why, before purchasing amulets based on it, you should read about all the conditions and features of their use. Do not forget that the incorrect use of stones can lead to rather adverse consequences.

Moldavite is a semi-precious stone with a bottle glass luster ranging from green to black. Its surface is covered with scars, cavernous fractures and resembles small sculptures - this is the result of exposure to Earth conditions. The mineral is fragile, the size of found specimens rarely exceeds 5 centimeters.

Many millions of years ago, a meteorite fell to Earth. This probably happened after a collision with another cosmic body - the structure of moldavite, its properties, color, speak of the reactions that took place high above the earth's crust. Dust rose, particles of earth, plants, sand, stones melted together with the burning alien, forming a new breed.

In the 18th century, when jewelers began to use the stone, it was believed that this was a special type of glass, smelted by ancient people who lived many years ago on the banks of the Czech river. Scientists have been working on obtaining similar compounds in laboratories.

At present, this stone has been found only in one place - near the Vltava River, in the Czech Republic. Moldau is the German version of the name of the river. At a jewelry exhibition, a reporter called moldavite "vltavin". The Czechs liked it - they decided to link the name of the stone to the Czech name of the river. Dissonant options gave rise to confusion: experts in a conversation about stones called vltavin and moldavite different breeds, believing that moldavite was found in Moldavia.

Moldavite and its magical properties

Vltavin is a gift from the Universe, an alien who brought with him a particle of outer space. The breed was formed under the influence of four elements. The stone is prescribed magical properties:

  • protection from the evil eye;
  • energy recovery;
  • development of intuition;
  • strengthening the abilities of the gift of foresight.

Jewelry and amulets made of moldavite were considered a good amulet. The peasants believed that if there is moldavite in the house, then there will be a good harvest.

Moldavite is a plowman's stone, magical properties are associated with fertility, procreation.

The peasants had a ritual: before sowing, the land was plowed and left. After the first rain, they went out into the field and collected shiny pieces of glass. Then the land was sown. The more pebbles the peasant found, the better the harvest. From the collected stones they made jewelry that they gave to the girls. Wearing moldavite jewelry promised health, longevity and the birth of strong beautiful children.

Magicians and psychics say that the stone allows you to look into the future and see the past.

In the practice of yogis, moldavite helps to open the heart chakra. The chakra must be free for the unhindered movement of energy and the achievement of the highest goal. Through the heart, a person learns love for himself, people, the world. In the presence of blocks, a person experiences difficulties in communicating with people, seems dry and selfish. At the physiological level, this manifests itself in heart disease, nervous disorders.

Moldavite, having the ability to move in time at the energy level, gives the opportunity to return to a state of unconditional love, familiar to man at birth.

The healing properties of the mineral

Lithotherapy (treatment with stones) implies several options for using moldavite for medicinal purposes.

  1. Touch. Nervous disorders, anxiety, stress, anxiety states and insomnia. With headaches, neuralgia. The stone will help to cope with an excess of negative experience. It is enough to hold the stone in your hand for a while, or apply it to the temples (for headaches).
  2. visual contact. To improve vision, memory, attention. The vast majority of vltavins are green. This color is good for the eyes as it relaxes the eyesight. At the same time, contemplation of green stones improves heart rate. Look at Vltavin if you want to lose weight - green color soothes, you want to eat less.
  3. Charging water. You can charge water with Vltavin energy. To do this, put a stone in a container for several hours. Use energy water for washing. Water has the ability to purify, and vltavin has a restorative property.

Jewelry from moldavite and prices

Vltavin is a stone with an interesting structure that has long been used as jewelry. The stone was rustic, because it was found right in the field. The peasants of South Bohemia made jewelry with moldavite for girls.

Czech jewelery masters skillfully use what lies on the surface. By creating masterpieces, they increase the demand for semiprecious stones and minerals.

Today you can find moldavite products in combination with precious and semi-precious metals and stones. Brooches, earrings, rings, pendants, bracelets, tiaras for every taste can be purchased in the Czech Republic.

Buyer demand is fueled by claims that the mineral will soon disappear. Data on depletion of the stock are causing a stir, although there is no exact data on the number of stones left in the ground.

Lovers of rarities can purchase jewelry from manufacturers, at exhibitions, or in an online store.

Prices for products range from 30 USD.

Zodiac signs

The stone is universal, suitable for all signs of the zodiac. With caution when conducting rituals, it must be used by Scorpions and Pisces. Representatives of these signs are endowed with the gift of foresight and transformation from birth, they do not need to use this stone to develop these abilities. The stone will benefit the intuitions of Aries and Taurus. For Capricorn, Gemini and Virgo, the stone is useful in undertakings. And Cancers and Sagittarius - to restore peace of mind. Aquarius and Libra will open up new abilities, and Leo will increase their influence on people.

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