Nylon or polyester which is better for a jacket. Polyester fabric: composition, reviews. What kind of fabric is polyester

Various new products are constantly appearing on the synthetic materials market, which can be very difficult to understand. For example, which is better - nylon or polyester? To answer this question, it is necessary to study the features and properties of these fabrics.

Characteristics and scope

Adipic acid and hexamethylenediamine are used to produce nylon. When these substances combine, it occurs chemical reaction, which results in the formation of salt. Solvents are added to this composition and then heated, thus obtaining polyamide - a special type of plastic. Next, fibers are made from this mass, which are used in the manufacture of nylon fabric.

This fabric is wear-resistant, elastic and not subject to deformation. It is used for sewing outerwear, stockings and accessories.

Polyester is made from polyester, which is extracted from petroleum products. The fabric is not as light as nylon, but it has similar properties and is resistant to mechanical stress, dirt and moisture.

Polyester is considered one of the most popular synthetic materials and is used in sewing tracksuits, bags and other products. Polyester fibers are often mixed with cotton or wool threads, and sometimes combined with nylon.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like all types of materials, nylon and polyester have a number of advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of nylon include the following qualities:

  • ease;
  • strength;
  • elasticity;
  • ability to maintain original shape;
  • resistance to moisture and chemicals.

The disadvantages of such fabric include the following factors:

  • increased electrification;
  • low breathability;
  • ability to cause allergies;
  • sunburn;
  • discomfort when wearing nylon items for a long time.

The advantages of polyester include the following properties:

  • ease of care;
  • quick drying;
  • immunity to mechanical stress and stretching;
  • relative lightness (however, this indicator is worse than that of nylon);
  • resistance to dampness and mold formation when stored in places with high humidity.

The disadvantages of this fabric include the following factors:

  • allergenicity;
  • electrification;
  • poor resistance to chemical stain removers and bleaches.

Clothes made of nylon or polyester should not be worn constantly: due to poor breathability, these materials do not allow the skin to breathe. In addition, people prone to allergic reactions should avoid wearing jackets and raincoats made from such fabrics.

Similarities and differences between materials

The similarity of these synthetic fabrics is that they have increased wear resistance and strength, are poorly breathable, and can also cause allergic reactions.

The difference is this.

  • Raw materials. Nylon fabrics are made from adipic acid and hexamethylenediamine, while polyester is a product of petroleum refining.
  • Structure. The surface of nylon fiber is smooth, while polyester fiber is rough.
  • Weight. This indicator is superior to nylon.
  • Water permeability. While nylon is almost unable to absorb liquid, polyester fabric allows moisture to pass through in small quantities.
  • Reaction to ultraviolet exposure. Nylon differs from polyester in that it fades in the sun, while the latter is not in danger of being exposed to direct aggressive rays.

Despite a number of differences, it is easy to confuse nylon and polyester, so you should carefully study the label before purchasing a product.

Which fabric is better?

Things made of nylon and polyester are equally popular, but consumers often wonder which material is better. It is impossible to give a definite answer - it depends on personal preferences, as well as on the purpose of the thing. For example, for sewing winter or demi-season jacket would be better suited nylon fabric, and a lightweight windbreaker should be purchased from polyester, since such material will be more breathable.

Nylon and polyester - two different materials, which are based on synthetic fibers. The production of these fabrics began in different years XX century. In such a short period of time, nylon and polyester have become widely used for the manufacture of a huge range of products. U artificial materials There are advantages and disadvantages, similarities and differences. Knowledge of the properties and characteristics of each type of fabric will help to make right choice when purchasing products made from synthetics.

Chemically produced nylon has become an affordable alternative to expensive natural silk. At first the new kind fibers were used to make parachutes, body armor, cables, camouflage nets and other products for the needs of the army. Over time, polyamide threads, as chemists call nylon, began to be used for the production of hosiery, women's and women's items. men's wardrobe, military and tourist equipment, upholstery and interior textiles.

Nylon fabrics and natural materials with the addition of polyamide threads have a lot of positive characteristics:

  1. Easily withstands high tensile and tensile loads.
  2. After deformation and stretching, they return to their original shape.
  3. They are not difficult to care for (they practically do not wrinkle, are easy to wash, do not fade, dry quickly, and retain an attractive appearance for a long time).
  4. Resistant to mold, mildew and bacteria.
  5. Things made of nylon, be it wardrobe items, interior items or military equipment, are light in weight.

Light, thin and smooth fabric its pleasant shine resembles silk, but costs much less natural fabric. But in some respects, nylon is inferior to materials made from natural raw materials:

  • Things made of polyamide do not allow air to pass through and do not absorb moisture, causing increased sweating. IN warm time years, nylon clothing causes discomfort, making a person feel like in a steam room.
  • Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the structure of nylon fibers is disrupted, the material loses strength and “creeps”.
  • During operation, polyamide textiles become electrified and spark.
  • On some people's sensitive skin, it may appear after contact with nylon clothing. allergic reaction– redness or irritation.

Despite a number of shortcomings, this type synthetics are the main competitor to textiles made from natural fibers.

Initially, threads obtained from petroleum-containing raw materials were used to make ropes, cables, packaging bags and packages. Now they are made from polyester underwear, home textiles, upholstery fabrics, sportswear, outerwear, casual and smart clothes. Fluffed polyester fibers are used as filler in blankets, pillows and soft toys.

Artificial material has undoubted positive properties:

  1. Does not fade or crumble under the influence of sunlight.
  2. Doesn't wrinkle.
  3. Has high strength and wear resistance.
  4. It is easy to care for.
  5. When stored and used in places high humidity resistant to bacteria, fungi and mold.

Polyester has disadvantages that are traditional for many artificial fabrics:

  • Rigidity.
  • Low breathability.
  • Selection harmful substances, which can cause irritation and allergies to the skin.
  • Rapid loss of attractiveness with improper care.

Like any synthetic fabric, polyester can accumulate static electricity, “stick” to the body and spark. But this drawback is easily eliminated with the help of antistatic agents - aerosols, conditioners and rinses.

General characteristics

The qualitative characteristics of the materials under consideration are almost identical. Nylon and polyester have high strength, wear resistance, resistance to various stains, organic solvents, harmful microorganisms and moth larvae. With proper care, items made from these fabrics can last and not lose their attractiveness. appearance.

It is not recommended to wear clothes made of nylon and polyester all the time, because the poor breathability of both fabrics makes it difficult to sweat and disrupts natural thermoregulation, and in direct contact with the skin, it provokes irritation and allergic reactions.

The difference between the two materials

Nylon differs from polyester in weight and density: if you take pieces of the same size, a cut from nylon will be much lighter. Other differences between materials made from polyamide and polyester fibers are presented in the table:

Products made from nylon or polyester are sometimes very easy to confuse, since manufacturers rarely use only one type of thread in the weaving process. Most often, on the label of clothing, a bag or curtains you can find a list of several types of fibers - such mixing helps to give the product decorativeness and the best quality. physical properties. Elastane, viscose, acrylic and cotton are usually used as “companions” for nylon and polyester.

So what should you choose - nylon or polyester? Both fabrics are durable, do not deform and can last for many years.. They do not allow moisture and air to pass through well, so they are an ideal material for sewing jackets and raincoats, but for the same reason they are absolutely not suitable for making summer clothes.

Since polyester slightly allows water to pass through, it is better to choose demi-season jackets and raincoats made from nylon. Polyester should be preferred when buying summer windbreakers and swimsuits - the fabric will not fade in the sun and will allow the body to “breathe” a little. When purchasing a bag or backpack, it is important to consider the weight finished product– accessories made of nylon will be lighter than trunks made of polyester fiber.

The quality characteristics of materials are not always decisive. Products made from nylon or polyester can last 10-15 years, but they will lose relevance and will require replacement much earlier, because after 3-5 years you will want to buy a new one ski overalls, a bag, curtains for the living room or a fashionable blouse.

If you want to choose correctly sport swimsuit for swimming pool, then the first thing you should pay attention to is the fabric from which it is made. Study the material before trying it on; the fabric should be dense, elastic, smooth, pleasant to the touch, the seams should be even, without protruding threads.

After that carefully study the composition of the fabric. In the production of closed sports swimsuits for swimming, polyamide, nylon, lycra, polyester, PBT, and microfiber are used.

Polyamide and nylon

This is the common name polyamide fibers and materials that are obtained from solutions or melts of polyamides. Nylon and polyamide It has high strength and wear resistance, elasticity, is low-hygroscopic and unstable to light, is resistant to many chemical reagents, and is resistant to biochemical influences, that is, it is in many ways similar to polyester. This material is easily dyed, which allows you to create a wide range of colors.

Polyamide fabric practical, dense, soft and elastic, dries quickly. It is better if lycra is added to polyamide. Most often, for the manufacture of one-piece sports swimsuits, a material is used, which includes 80% polyamide and 20% lycra. A swimsuit made of this fabric has excellent stretch due to lycra and makes the figure slimmer.

Lycra (lycra, elastane, spandex, dorslastan)

Lycra– segmented polyurethane is a synthetic elastane fiber that has elasticity, strength, and at the same time excellent stretchability (5-fold stretchability without residual deformation). Lycra was developed and produced by the American company DuPont since 1958.

Lycra fiber is threads of various linear densities made of polyurethane rubber; such fiber can be white, translucent and transparent. Lycra in small quantities in combination with other types of fibers is added to fabrics, which allows a product made from it to stretch and fit, making it softer, more comfortable, shape-resistant and wearable. At the same time textile products save best qualities And full feeling the type of fiber that predominates in this product. Lycra is chemically neutral and quite durable.

As already said, best properties has a swimsuit made of polyamide with the addition of lycra. Percent lycra content should be less than 16 - 18%, then the swimsuit does not tighten the body very much. If you manage to increase its size by 1.5 - 2 times, then it definitely contains lycra. The more elastane, the more elastic the swimsuit. When purchasing, try to stretch the swimsuit. Figure-sculpting swimsuit contains at least 20% lycra. But if the elastane content in the fabric of a swimsuit is more than 30%, then such a swimsuit practically does not allow air to pass through, which is not hygienic. In swimming suits used by serious athletes at international competitions, the elastane content in the fabric reaches 40%. This suit compresses the muscles, significantly reducing their vibration in the water and reducing its resistance.

However, lycra has one serious drawback - it is destroyed when interacting with chlorinated pool water. Therefore, over time, the swimsuit (or swimming trunks) becomes translucent in some places and stretches out, which looks very ugly. By training twice to three times a week, the changes will be very noticeable in four months to six months. Not so long ago, “extra life” lycra appeared on the market, whose resistance to chlorine is 5-10 times higher than that of ordinary lycra. So far, swimsuits and swimming trunks made from fabrics containing such lycra are not so often found in stores.


Tactel- special polyamide fiber (related to nylons) from DuPont, intended for the manufacture sportswear subjected to a wide variety of loads. In addition to the highest strength and wear resistance, it provides sportswear with the following properties: protection from wind and moisture, unique ability transfer sweat to the outer surface of clothing, where it evaporates, quick drying in the shade and in the sun, light weight, easy care, non-electrifying, resistant to snags, high wearing comfort. Fabric made from such fiber can be shiny and matte, velvety and silky.

Microfiber. (microfiber, microfibre, microfiber)

Microfiber or microfiber- fabric made of fibers several micrometers thick, made from polyester fibers, can also consist of polyamide fibers and other polymers.

Microfiber is elastic, silky to the touch, perfectly breathable and dries instantly. Microfiber is highly resistant, washes well and does not fade, does not pill and does not leave fibers behind, and can have a rich palette bright colors. Microfiber fabrics have increased absorbency due to the very small cross-sectional diameter of the thread.

Polyester (polyester, polyester, lavsan, PET)

Polyester- a widely used synthetic fiber, polyethylene terephthalate, used both in pure form, and in combination with various materials.

In its pure form, polyester fiber looks like snow-white wool and perfectly imitates the texture of natural fiber.

Polyester fabric can have specified properties depending on the manufacturing technology used. Blends with cotton, acrylic, polyamide, lycra, etc. are often used. in order to improve the properties of products made from the resulting fiber. Many types of fabrics are created from polyester with various properties, shiny and matte, fluffy and smooth. Polyester fabrics they breathe, do not lose strength when wet, retain their shape well, do not fade, and are easy to care for. The wear resistance of pure polyester is worse than polyamide.

To give strength sports swimsuit and increasing its elasticity, now world leaders use fabric containing 57% polyester and 43% PBT(English - PBT, Polybutylenterephtalat, polybutylene terphthalate), the proportion may differ slightly from different manufacturers. Swimsuits and swimming trunks made from this fabric dry quickly, do not lose their shape and performance for a long time, have a very durable color, and the fabric is soft, elastic and pleasant to the touch. But most importantly, this fabric is 20 times more resistant to chlorinated and salt water than fabric made with elastane (Lycra).

The world's leading manufacturers of sports swimming products "Speedo" and "Arena" stand for chlorine-resistant swimsuits and trunks"Endurance" and "Chlorine resistant" (waternity) respectively. Look for relevant information on the label or tag, but not only from these manufacturers.

When choosing sportswear for swimming in the pool, pay attention to the rubber bands, which are inserted into the straps of a swimsuit or into the waistband of swimming trunks, which are also exposed to chlorine and will simply become unusable after a while. In swimming trunks, a failed elastic band can later be replaced with a rope, but unfortunately, nothing can be done with a stretched swimsuit. Therefore, it is better to choose swimming trunks with a rope, and a swimsuit without elastic bands at all, that is, one where its role is played by the fabric itself, processed with an overlock stitch.


Cotton- the most breathable fabric, but holds its shape worse than others. In addition, cotton is not at all resistant to bleach. If your training takes place on natural water, and not in a chlorinated pool, pay attention to cotton fabric with lycra (it should be at least 15%), such a swimsuit will not lose its shape. A cotton swimsuit is a reliable barrier to harmful ultraviolet radiation.

Symbols of fabric composition on a swimsuit tag:

  • tac - tactel;
  • res - polyester;
  • sp - spandex;
  • el - elastane;
  • pa - polyamide;
  • co - cotton;
  • ny - nylon.
  • pbt - polybutylene terephthalate
  • lycra - lycra

Summary: To choose the right pool sports swimsuit, consider both the frequency of visiting the pool and how often you are willing to buy a new swimsuit. If swimming lessons are held at least twice a week and you don’t want to change your swimsuit every six months, choose a swimsuit made of fabric consisting of 57% polyester and 43% PBT; it will withstand bleach well. If classes are less frequent, or you quickly get tired of a swimsuit, feel free to take a swimsuit made of 80% polyamide and 20% lycra. If you want a more pronounced slimming modeling effect, the proportion of lycra should be from 20 to 30%.

When choosing a new dress or a well-tailored pair of skinny trousers, you should pay attention not only to the appearance of the item, but also to its composition. He can tell you how the clothes will behave when washed and ironed, whether they will last a long time or stretch quickly. True, with all the variety of artificial and natural materials It’s easy to get confused by names like “nylon”, “polyurethane”, “viscose” and “polyester”.

Product manager Oh, my Nadezhda Koltsova told The Village what materials to beware of, why there is a low percentage of synthetics in woolen items- it's not scary, but natural cotton good at any time of the year.

Synthetic fibers appeared at the peak of scientific progress in the 30s–60s of the last century. At that time, such clothes seemed stylish and modern, but now comfort and environmental friendliness are valued first, so the choice most often falls on clothes made from natural materials. Nevertheless, synthetic additives are necessary: ​​they increase the service life of things, prevent wrinkles and retain their shape when washed. Therefore, if clothes contain no more than 30% synthetics, there is nothing to be afraid of.

It is important to remember that synthetics are made from petroleum products with an abundance of various chemical components. The process uses volatile toxic components that can remain in the material forever. Neither washing, nor ironing, nor drying will clean the fabric completely. Therefore, synthetic clothing is contraindicated for allergy sufferers who suffer from asthma, eczema or psoriasis. Moreover, cheap 100% synthetic fabric can cause dermatitis even in an absolutely healthy person.

Synthetic fabric does not allow air to pass through. Therefore, it should not be worn in summer: in hot weather you will sweat even more. In addition, static electricity arises from the contact of fabric with skin. This, in turn, can cause increased irritability and fatigue.

The most commonly used synthetic fabrics

Polyester (or polyester fiber)

Films and plastic are made from the same material, only of a different density. Externally, polyester is a bit like fine wool, but its properties are closer to cotton. Fabric made from 100% polyester is wear-resistant and durable, does not require special care (can be machine washed at 40–60 degrees), dries quickly after washing, holds color well and practically does not shrink. But it is extremely harmful for people with sensitive skin. Therefore, when choosing clothes for everyday wear with polyester, take models with large cutouts that are loose and do not restrict movement.

What are they sewing? Polyester is often used in the production of casual trousers, dresses, knitwear and outerwear (raincoats, windbreakers), as well as in the production of sportswear, where it is practically irreplaceable.

Lycra (another name is elastane)

Invention of the American chemical company DuPont. The material resembles rubber, so it is highly durable and has excellent stretch. One hundred percent lycra is a very durable material that quickly returns to its original shape. It is extremely difficult to leave folds on it. Lycra thread is very thin, so it is often included in cotton and linen clothing. IN Everyday life you are unlikely to find clothes made from 100% lycra. But the Spider-Man suit was made of elastane.

As a rule, the content of lycra in basic things no more than 8%. It is better to wash things with lycra at high temperature(from 40 degrees), but with a mild detergent (for example, liquid powder concentrate). Iron on the delicate fabric setting.

What are they sewing? Lycra allows you to create graceful models underwear (almost all push-up bras are made of lycra), stockings and leggings. Elastane is often added to tight pants and jeans.


Acrylic - synthetic material, obtained from natural gas. Literally clothes made out of thin air. Acrylic is made in the form of a thread. You can get both smooth and very bulky yarn for sweaters large knit. This yarn is much lighter than regular wool, which allows you to knit quite long things that will not weigh two or three kilograms later. Acrylic yarn often called artificial wool. The material does not wrinkle well and does not absorb moisture well, which is important for outerwear, but is ideal for dyeing.

What are they sewing? Acrylic often replaces natural wool in sweaters, cardigans and turtlenecks. Mittens, socks and warm tights. If you see that the color of the sweater is very rich and bright, and it is much lighter than it seemed on the hanger, then most likely it is acrylic. Remember that an acrylic sweater will never keep you warmer than a wool sweater.


Nylon appeared as an alternative to natural silk. This is also a DuPont development. The fabric is valued for a light weight, incredible strength, resistance to damage and even some chemicals. Thanks to the smoothness of the fibers, nylon is very easy to wash: any dirt can be washed off without effort, and detergent does not settle on the fabric.

An item made of cotton, linen, wool, or cashmere will be stronger if 5–30% nylon is added to it. It is better to wear things with nylon if it is windy or cool outside, as it does not allow air to pass through.

What are they sewing? Stockings and socks are used in the production of dresses, sweatshirts, sweaters, and windbreakers.

Big misconception

Many people mistakenly believe that viscose is a synthetic material. Actually this is not true. Viscose is a product of cellulose processing. It is created by breaking down cellulose products in an alkaline solution of NaOH (sodium hydroxide). If you set fire to viscose thread, it will smell like wood. Viscose is very soft to the touch, retains heat well and allows air to pass through. Lightweight viscose items can be safely worn in the summer.

What you need to know about synthetics and natural fabrics

Pay attention to the tags with information about composition and care. In addition, you should always look at the appearance of the item. For example, to understand the quality of a woolen item without trying it on, pinch it. Are there hairballs on your fingers? This means the clothes are of poor quality. A few lint? Take it with confidence.

Almost all cotton items shrink after washing, as it is a living fiber. If an item is washed or boiled during production, it will most likely retain its appearance.

A wool sweater can feel like a felt boot, if you wash it in a machine at high temperature. To eliminate these shortcomings, synthetic fibers are added to wool. Therefore, you should not be afraid if there are not many of them (up to 30%).

If the item is 100% synthetic, then the manufacturer decided to save money without thinking about the consequences for the skin. It's not worth buying.

Natural cotton is good at any time of the year. In summer, it breathes well, removes moisture, preventing the formation of irritations on the skin. In winter, it is perfect as an inner layer between the body and a wool sweater or sweatshirt.

Nice to wear in hot weather natural silk: It conducts heat poorly, so it remains cool to the body for a long time. A good substitute is flax or hemp.

Cotton fabric is suitable for the off-season. It can be textured (with fleece) and dense - this will give softness, warmth and comfort. Wool suits and suits are well suited for cool spring and late autumn. coat fabrics. They provide excellent warmth, remove moisture and allow required amount air inside.

Nylon or polyester raincoats with a special waterproof and windproof coating will perfectly protect from rain and bad weather. But it is better not to wear them as an alternative to a light jacket on sunny days: you will sweat more.

Best choice for winter- multi-layering. For example, the first layer (the one closest to the body) is a cotton long sleeve or T-shirt; the second is a thick shirt made of viscose or the same thick cotton; third - wool sweater or cardigan.

Mostly in winter the air warms us, which heats the body. And it circulates under clothing and between fabric fibers. Therefore, the fabric must hold it, and natural wool fibers do this best, since they were created by nature precisely for this purpose.

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Currently, stores selling camping equipment have a huge selection of tents from various manufacturers. Prices different models may differ several times from different manufacturers.

Let's try to figure out what prices depend on.

What are we buying?

In this review we will not compare various designs tents, as well as differences inherent in brands.
Of course, a well-promoted brand costs more, but we must not forget that a serious company (brand) always values ​​its name and cannot afford to offer the buyer products of poor quality.

So, by buying a little more expensive, you are insured against troubles that may arise during operation. And the more complex and intense the operating conditions are, the more the safety of the person using the equipment depends on the quality of the equipment.

Other things being equal, in various models tents are used different fabrics, accessories, threads, etc. Let me draw your attention in this article to these most important components of any product, on which the cost of the equipment and its functional properties mainly depend.

Tourist tent: materials, technologies, quality

CODING of tent materials

Tents and materials released in different countries, by different manufacturers, are labeled completely differently. Moreover, you will not find two companies that would designate fabrics in the same way.

There is complete confusion in the numbers describing such properties as water resistance, “breathing” properties of membrane materials, strength, and weight. This is due to the use of data obtained from various tests carried out during different conditions. Many companies “forget” to indicate accurate data or consider it unnecessary - often this is dictated by competition.

When choosing a tent, you should pay attention to the designation of the awning fabric.

Here's what you can find in various descriptions:

  • Rip Stop Nylon 190T
  • 210T Rip Stop Nylon PU 3000
  • 185T Polyester Taffeta PU/Si
  • 210T Rip Stop Nylon PU
  • 70D Polyester Ripstop W/R
  • 75D Polyester Ripstop PU/SI
  • 70D Nylon Taffeta 210T PU
  • 75D Nylon Taffeta W/R
  • 75D Poly Taffeta PU

Let's look at these codes in order. The description may contain information about the following fabric properties:

Density (strength)

Exist various ways fabric density markings:

  • Thread Count is the total number of threads per square inch in the longitudinal and transverse directions (for example: 210T means 210 threads). The higher the number, the denser the fabric.
  • Den (Denie) - the thickness of the threads involved in the weave (for example: 75D).

Chemical composition of threads:

  1. Polyester, Poly - polyester.
  2. Nylon - nylon (polyamide).

Type of fabric weaving (for example: Rip Stop, Taffeta - fabrics with weaves, where a thicker thread is woven through a certain number of threads. In this case, the fabric will be more tensile with a slight increase in weight).

Tactel - a type of special threads (sometimes: Nylon 66, Dupon Nylon 66, Tactel, etc.); usually a proper name.

Type of fabric treatment (e.g. PU 3000):

  • PU - polyurethane coating (usually applied to the inside of the fabric).
  • 3000 is the indicator of the waterproofness of the fabric in millimeters of water column (up to 1500 mm - the fabric cannot be considered waterproof; when it rains it will begin to leak; 3000 mm or more - the awning fabric will withstand almost any weather conditions).
  • PU/SI - polyurethane coating plus silicone, which can be applied internally or externally outside fabrics.
  • W/R - water-repellent coating on top of the fabric.

An example of a full description of the tent awning material:

70D/75D Nylon Taffeta 210T PU 3000 W/R

  • fabric made of special polyamide threads with Taffeta weave, 70D thick in the longitudinal direction and 75D in the transverse direction
  • density 210T
  • with a polyurethane coating that “holds” 3000 mm of water column
  • the fabric has a water-repellent upper treatment

Brief comments on all parts of the tent

awning tents

  • The thickness of the threads is responsible for the strength. Thicker threads also give more weight to the fabric.
  • Thread Count is an equally important parameter.
  • Loose fabric warps, stretches a lot and, as a rule, is not durable.

Polyester is more UV resistant than Nylon, which is very important for awnings. In addition, Nylon fiber fabric stretches when wet and contracts when dry (i.e., you will have to re-stretch the Nylon awning each time the humidity and temperature changes)

Water resistance (water resistance - measured in mm of water column), a very important indicator.

Awning fabric with a rating of 3000 mm will withstand almost any rain.

It is important that the water resistance value indicated in the tent’s characteristics corresponds to reality (for many companies this is not the case).

Water resistance of 3000 mm is achieved by double application of polyurethane impregnation, 5000 mm by triple application and so on.

It is clear that each application means additional weight and price. PU impregnation is applied to the inside of the awning. At the “correct” factories, it is applied in such a way that it does not crumble, does not crack, and lasts a long time.

The question arises: why do we need such high water resistance if we are not going to put up tents under water?

Here's the thing. A drop of water with a certain weight falling from a great height has kinetic energy and when hitting the awning, it can simply “pierce” material with low water resistance.

The second reason is that the material gradually wears out and begins to leak over time. Accordingly, the more waterproof the tent is, the longer your tent will last.

Silicone treatment is usually applied to the top or bottom layer of the material (can also be applied over PU impregnation, but in this case it is not possible to seal the seams).Most tent companies now use fabric with silicone applied to the outside.This impregnation is very durable and functional: silicone prevents moisture from accumulating in the fabric fibers. At the same time, the silicone coating significantly increases the tensile strength of the fabric.

If Rip Stop weaving is used, then such a fabric will be more durable with a slight increase in weight
All tent manufacturers shorten the descriptive part when specifying material characteristics.

Pay attention to the taping of the seams. They must be taped with a special thermal tape. If they tell you about the special properties of the fabric, in which the holes from the needle are tightly tightened around the thread and do not allow water to pass through, I can assure you that after a short period of use the fabric will stretch and in heavy rain it will flow like a sieve.


If the awning of the tent is designed to protect you from the rain, then you will live in the inner tent. Just like your favorite room, an inner tent should be comfortable ( additional pockets, strong seams, large living volume).

Pay attention to the color of the inner tent: it should be light and match the color of the awning. Otherwise, the morning will seem joyless to you. Light passing through two obstacles can change the complexion of the inhabitants of the tent beyond recognition. It's not very pleasant to see blue or green face neighbor

The fabric from which the inner tent is made must have the following properties:

  • Be light and durable (preferably Rip Stop weave), because... The inner tent takes on a significant load during operation.
  • Possess good "breathing" properties, but at the same time block the wind.
  • It is advisable that the inner tent has a water-repellent W/R treatment. This impregnation will protect you from drops of condensation, which under certain conditions weather conditions arise on inside tent. The drops will roll off without penetrating into the living space. W/R treatment does not impair the breathability of the inner tent.

For an inner tent, Nylon is better. It is softer and more tensile than polyester. UV resistance is not important for an inner tent.


The material of the bottom of the tent can be made of fabric or structural polyethylene (as on the bags of “shuttles” in which they transport their cargo). Polyethylene is typically used in cheap tents; fabric - in good condition

The fabric on the bottom of the tent should be more waterproof than the tent fly.

  • 5000 - 10000 mm is enough to prevent water from penetrating inside the tent under strong pressure. The fabric of the floor is under pressure from the bodies of sleeping tourists. This pressure can cause the fabric to become wet.
  • The floor fabric with 3000mm waterproof resistance can withstand body pressure;
  • 5000 mm - leg pressure;
  • 10000 mm - elbow pressure

Check whether the seams of the tent bottom are welded; Pay special attention to the corner seams.

It is not easy to glue them correctly; many companies save on this operation. Even if the fabric is sufficiently waterproof, water may penetrate through the holes from sewing needles. In a good tent you can sleep in a puddle.


An important component of tents is the poles.

Tent poles are made:

The most common brands are:

  • 7075, 7001 made of AMG (aluminum-magnesium alloy) made in Korea, they are used in quality tents;
  • 7178, 6061 - require anodizing;
  • Russian grades D16T and V95 cannot withstand competition and are gradually being replaced by other alloys.

In addition to the grade of the alloy, serious companies indicate its “hardness”. The designations 7075-T9 and 7075-T6 differ in that in the first case a more durable alloy is used: poles made from such an alloy are used by the most famous tent companies.

Fiberglass is heavier and less durable (service life is 2-5 years), but it also has a number of advantages:

  • no residual deformation;
  • high strength and elasticity;
  • low price.

Fiberglass is approximately 1.5 times heavier than aluminum alloys. In addition, it does not tolerate large temperature changes and cannot be repaired.

If such an arc breaks, you need to look for a new one. Aluminum arches can be repaired while traveling.

The joints of the arcs are also different. The inner sleeve of a smaller diameter can be attached to the arch using punching or glue. Sometimes the articulation of the arches is carried out by flaring.

Minimum play and maximum connection strength for arches with a glued adapter.


But the most important thing in tents is the little things! Imagine your tent falling apart at the seams at night in heavy rain. Or the pegs were torn out and the tent was carried into the abyss. Or you died from insect bites.

That's why:

  • The threads must be stronger than the fabric, not rot or collapse under the influence of sunlight.
  • The eyelets should be brass, not iron (this area of ​​the tent is always damp).
  • The zippers are extremely reliable (trust the Japanese brand YKK).
  • Mosquito net - with small cells.
  • Power plastic fittings are reliable (trust Duraflex or Nexus).
  • The slings are light and durable. They should fit easily through the adjustment buckles.
  • Cords for storm guy ropes are strong and thin, as well as visible in the dark and during the day.
  • The pegs are light and durable, not bendable. It is advisable that they do not rotate in the ground, i.e. would not have a round profile.
  • The seams on the awning and the bottom of the tent must be well welded (taped).
    This can only be done with expensive equipment, choosing the right temperature, pressure and sizing speed.

In the City Training Center store in St. Petersburg you can buy tents at sale prices, just click on the desired tent: