How many times should a person shower? Is it harmful to wash every day? Do you need to shower every day?

A cool shower in the morning helps to “catch” inspiration and get your brain working at full capacity. A warm shower before bedtime saves you from neuroses and prevents skin diseases progress. So what should you choose? Which option is right for you? Let's figure it out.

Each of us has certain habits and rituals, without which it is no longer possible to imagine daily life- everything will definitely go wrong. Indeed, some people can’t wake up without five alarms ringing, some people can’t imagine their breakfast without a cup of coffee and orange juice, and some people definitely need to watch at least two episodes of an interesting movie in order to fall asleep (although they will fall asleep after watching , as a rule, it doesn’t work out).

One of these “sacred” rituals is a shower - it is taken either in the morning to cheer up, or in the evening to literally “wash away” the fatigue that has accumulated during the day. Yes, no one argues: each person chooses the right time for water procedures - it comes from his own schedule and lifestyle - but depending on the time of day at which you take a shower, its effect on your body will be different. What exactly, read below.


If what awaits you ahead busy week which will require from you not only professional skills, but also creative ideas, make it a rule to take a shower every morning before leaving for work or college. The point is that psychologists call “ incubation period” - the time interval between identifying the problem and the joyful “Hurray, I figured it out.” According to Shelley Carson, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at Harvard University, if you are faced with a problem that requires a creative solution, but that solution just doesn't come to mind, the best thing you can do is do something else. And don’t worry: while you have pushed the “search” into the background, your brain will still continue to work on the problem, albeit in the “background”.

And to bring the cherished moment of insight closer, go to the bathroom. The fact is that when you take a shower, alpha waves predominate in your brain - the brain is in an active, but at the same time relaxed psychophysical state and is not distracted by processing information coming from outside. The same thing happens during meditation or after aerobic exercise. Strengthening alpha rhythms in the brain allows you to relax, get rid of tension and “reboot”, giving way to new ones. unconventional ideas. So, when you get ready to take a shower, don’t forget to take a notepad and pencil with you and write down your new brilliant thoughts.

In addition, a morning shower has another advantage, which is useful for those who, when awake, cannot handle a razor: during the day, the number of platelets in the blood changes - the maximum occurs in the early morning, so if during hygiene procedures If you accidentally cut yourself, the bleeding will stop quickly.


On the other hand, if you have difficulty falling asleep because you are excited and seem to be full of strength and energy, then an evening shower is an excellent “soothe.” It's all about body temperature - it rises thanks to warm water and drops sharply after you get out of the shower and moisture begins to evaporate from the surface of the skin. “Rapid cooling after soaking can be a natural sleep stimulant,” says Christopher Winter, MD, a fellow at the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. “This way you can trick your body into thinking it’s time to sleep.” And also warm shower reduces blood levels, which makes the process of falling asleep easier and faster (goodbye, daytime stress).

“Even if you sleep like a baby and have no idea what it is, you'll probably still choose an evening shower over an afternoon shower because you want to keep your skin clean and well-groomed,” says Bethany Schlosser, a dermatologist and assistant professor at Northwestern University. . “But it’s not just about those days when you sweat. If you don’t shower before going to bed, the dirt and dust that has settled on your skin throughout the day will clog your pores and cause the development of various dermatological diseases.”

Plus, according to Schlosser, the peak of activity sebaceous glands falls at one o'clock in the afternoon, so if you don't cleanse your face in the evening, then most likely you will face a problem such as acne. At night, on the contrary, the work of the glands is minimal, so if you do not sweat profusely during sleep, then in the morning you just need to wash your face.

Everyone experiences colds and, as a rule, they treat colds at home. As a result, many myths have arisen around it. One of them is that during illness you should absolutely not wash yourself, since water procedures will only intensify the symptoms of the disease. However, doctors have their own point of view on this matter.

Colds are popularly called viral diseases with a certain set of symptoms. Most common reasons– this is hypothermia, reduced immunity and, of course, the pathogenic viruses themselves.

Hypothermia itself would not cause a cold without the virus. But when we freeze, our immunity weakens, making it easier for viruses to attack the body’s cells.

The main reason why people are afraid of getting ARVI is not its danger or severity, but an unpleasant condition when it is difficult to breathe, eat, and sleep. Often working people do not take sick leave due to a cold and they have to endure the illness on their feet.

There is a huge amount folk recipes against and advice on whether you can take a shower if you have a cold, how to eat properly and what to drink.

Everyone knows the signs of a cold. However, they may vary depending on the strength of the disease, the virus itself, the organism:

  • and sore throat. A cold may begin with this symptom, or it may not occur at all throughout the entire illness. The throat turns red, hurts, it hurts to swallow and speak, there is a sore throat, a cough that gets worse at night.
  • , sneezing, copious discharge mucus. A cold is not complete without this symptom. Nasal congestion manifests itself in different ways, for some it is a complete inability to breathe through the nose, severe swelling that only goes away with the help of sprays and drops, while for others it is a tolerable condition, when it is even possible to do without medications. Mucus secretion also has varying degrees. Sometimes the disease is limited to swelling.
  • . The temperature does not always appear, but if it does, then with ARVI it is low, 37.2 - 37.5. Fever the body lasts about 2-3 days, after which it should subside. If it continues to last up to a week, we can talk about bacterial infection, which is usually treated.
  • Weakness, body aches. Unpleasant symptom when the whole body aches, fatigue, drowsiness appear, and it is difficult to react quickly and think. It usually appears on the second or third day of illness, and then decreases.

Showering for a cold: when and how to do it right

Many people remember from childhood that mothers forbade washing during illness. No matter how long it lasted, you could only hover your feet, but not wash. Doctors consider such restrictions to be unreasonable.

When we have a cold, we sweat a lot, drink raspberry tea and other diaphoretics. Sweat clogs pores. It becomes more difficult for the body to eliminate toxins. Therefore, it is necessary to wash to cleanse the pores, but you need to do it correctly.

How to shower properly when you have a cold:

  • The water temperature should not be very high, preferably not higher than body temperature. This will avoid unnecessary overheating and increased heat.
  • You can take a shower and bath. We usually don’t stand under the shower for long, but we can lie in the bath as long as we like. But during illness it is not recommended to do this. Excessive humidity is harmful, it increases the formation of sputum, and a strong or increased flow from the nose may begin.
  • It is possible and even beneficial to take a shower when it is hot. Doctors think so. A warm shower will reduce the fever, relieve the condition and reduce. However, it is advisable that it is just a shower and under no circumstances hot. After a shower, it is important to avoid hypothermia. You need to dry yourself thoroughly with a towel and put on warm socks and a robe.
  • When you're going to take a shower, don't forget your shower cap. Washing your hair when you have a cold is not as beneficial as washing your body. Hair takes a long time to dry, which leads to hypothermia, you can get caught in a draft and catch an even worse cold. If you wash your hair, immediately wrap it in a towel and then dry it with a hairdryer.
  • It is better to take a shower or bath not in the morning, but at night, so that after water procedures you can immediately put on warm socks and lie down under the blanket.
  • You can add herbs to the bath, for example, chamomile, St. John's wort. This is not only good for the skin, but will also serve to cleanse the lungs of.

Swimming during a cold can be harmful if you do not follow the rules or there are certain:

  • For example, people with heart and vascular diseases should not take hot baths at all, and especially if they have a weakened immune system or a cold.
  • People with varicose veins, heart failure, high blood pressure should not take baths. blood pressure, as well as impaired blood circulation in the brain. However, showering is still not contraindicated. If you rinse quickly and not hot water, there will be no harm.
  • It is worth remembering that any bath is a strain on the heart. Hot water increases pressure and increases the load on blood vessels. If your heart is already weak, replace the bath with a shower. It is useful during colds. If you choose a bath, do not lie in it for more than 20 minutes.
  • Bath and alcohol should not be mixed. We often hear advice such as “you need to warm up with vodka, and then immediately steam your feet.” This is completely false. It’s one thing to take a shower before bed, and another thing to take a thermal bath after drinking strong drinks. Alcohol does not cure diseases; it weakens the body and immunity. Sometimes they drink mulled wine to warm up, but this does not apply to viral diseases in full swing. Moreover, it is not recommended to take baths or steam your feet after drinking alcohol. This can lead to sudden changes in pressure.
  • Do not take hot baths during diabetes mellitus. They can cause low blood sugar levels. However, showering is also not contraindicated.
  • There is no need to get carried away with taking a bath during. If a pregnant woman has a cold, you can take a warm shower or a warm bath for no more than 5-10 minutes with the doctor's permission. Steaming your feet and taking hot baths is strictly prohibited. They can cause a miscarriage.

Useful video - how to properly treat a cold.

  • Every day a person needs to take care of his body and maintain hygiene. A morning shower will help you invigorate and be a great start to the day. A shower in the evening will not only help get rid of dirt and sweat, but also relieve fatigue, wash away the problems and stress of the whole day and set the body up for sound sleep. How to take a shower correctly and thereby improve your body?


    Taking a shower has a beneficial effect on the human body:

    • a warm shower helps relieve fatigue and relax;
    • a shower is indispensable after physical work or sports training. At physical activity Lactic acid begins to accumulate in the muscles, which causes discomfort and muscle pain, warm water and the massage effect of the shower will help quickly remove lactic acid and restore “clogged” muscles;
    • It is best to wash your hair with warm water, and then your hair will always be healthy and shiny. Hot water washes away protective layer, as a result, this leads to hair loss. It is impossible to effectively remove dirt from the scalp with cold water, so the hair quickly loses its shine and becomes unpresentable, but many argue that washing your hair cold water helps get rid of dandruff;
    • washing head warm water can remove headache and strong tension.

    Shower activates metabolic processes Therefore, the human body is cleansed of waste and toxins, the skin is rejuvenated and, as a result, the body loses extra pounds.

    Contrast shower is based on sudden change temperature conditions, which allows you to stimulate blood circulation. All systems and organs receive oxygen and useful material, and also increases immunity. Contrast shower is the most simple means hardening the body. Just a few procedures and you will notice significant improvements in your skin - it will become more elastic and toned, and you will feel great.

    Morning invigorating shower

    Morning shower is one of the most important and mandatory morning procedures person, because it helps to recharge with vigor for the whole day. The best is a cool shower, but the water temperature must be selected individually for each person.

    The following rules should be followed: When the water temperature drops, you need to reduce the time you spend in the shower. During the water procedure, you can rub the skin using a washcloth or terry mitten.

    The most best time for water procedures - this is approximately 6–8 o’clock in the morning. A cool shower will improve blood circulation, and a hormone called cortisol will enter the bloodstream faster.

    A contrast shower will not only help you wake up, it will also strengthen your immune system. This procedure has rejuvenating and tonic properties. A contrast shower is characterized by alternate supply of cold and hot water.

    After taking a contrast shower, blood circulation immediately improves, a person feels a surge of energy and vigor. This shower is especially useful for women, because it prevents the formation of subcutaneous fat on the buttocks and sides.

    Evening relaxing shower

    In the evening, a shower should be relaxing to calm down nervous system and set the body up for sleep. Therefore, it is best to use warm water.

    On average, it is recommended to spend about 15 minutes in the bathroom, but you can do more if you wish.

    Should be used in the evening additional accessories and hygiene products to get your body in order. This is, first of all, soap or shower gel, scrub, washcloths and brushes.

    After a hard day at work, try using cosmetics that contain natural substances that promote relaxation and relieve stress: fig extract, essential oils, medicinal herbs. An excellent relaxing effect would be to complement the shower with aromatherapy or chromotherapy.

    When you shower, remember these things:

    • Use soft detergents so as not to dry out the skin. The most the best option will be the use of hygiene products with a neutral PH value.
    • Each family member should have their own personal washcloth. For daily use You should choose only a soft washcloth, but a hard one can be used only once a week so as not to damage the skin. It must be remembered that after each use the washcloth must be rinsed and dried well.
    • All hygiene products must be personal. First of all, this rule applies to towels and washcloths, but you should also remember about cosmetics. For example, face cream must be selected depending on skin type.
    • The cleansing procedure should begin with soaping the body. Once you're completely covered in foam, don't forget to pay attention to particularly dirty areas. Next, you need to thoroughly rinse off all the foam from your body and wash your hair under warm water.
    • It is better to finish the procedure with cool water, so that the pores of the skin narrow, because this helps retain moisture in the skin.
    • After water treatments It is advisable to moisturize the skin nourishing cream for body.

    A few tips regarding the timing and nature of water procedures in the shower:

    • If you wash several times a day, then do not use soap or shower gel every time you shower. This can dry out the skin and strip away the skin's protective layer.
    • There are no special time frames for taking a shower. For some people, just a few minutes is enough. Just remember not to stay under cold or hot water for a long time.
    • You need to shower every day This rule should especially be followed during the hot season. Just to freshen up, the water temperature should be comfortable for the body.
    • After a hard working day You can take a relaxing shower. To do this, you need to stand so that the water flows onto your back. First, the water temperature should be warm, and then gradually increase the temperature. Thus, you can perform a kind of massage of the central point of the nerve ganglion. Then you need to dress warmly and lie down for a while.
    • For good sleep It’s better to take a warm shower; you should forget about cool water in the evening.
    • To take a relaxing shower, optimal temperature water should have from 25 to 40 degrees.
    • For lovers of hot showers First you need to turn on warm water and gradually increase the water temperature to the desired degree.
    • For everyone who loves a cool shower, At first you need to use only warm water, and then you can gradually lower the temperature.

    For women and men, the procedure for taking a shower is no different, only women should carry out preliminary preparation:

    • comb your hair so that your hair does not get tangled when you wash your hair;
    • by using special means remove makeup from your face.

    Women like to use a lot cosmetics during water procedures, such as scrub, shower gel, face or hair mask, milk and others.

    A whole series of cosmetics has also been developed for men, but they do not always use it.

    Hardening rules

    Contrast shower is the best way in order to invigorate the body. This water procedure you need to start only with warm water, then gradually increase the temperature of the water until steam appears. When the body is well steamed, you need to open the tap with cold water for a few seconds. On average, dousing with cold water should take two or three times less time than with hot water. For achievement desired result the procedure must be repeated several times. And finally, douse yourself with cool water.

    Contrast shower allows you to narrow and expand blood vessels, which has a beneficial effect on the skin. Only healthy, seasoned people can perform this water procedure. Beginners should first alternate between warm and hot water, lowering the water temperature by one degree each time. To harden the body with a contrast shower, you must alternately use cold and hot water. Not everyone likes this process, especially for beginners it is quite difficult to muster the courage to carry out this procedure. Should be taken with caution cold and hot shower so as not to harm your own health.

    The main rules for taking a contrast shower:

    • You can harden the body only if the person is completely healthy. At inflammatory processes It is strictly forbidden to use changes in water temperature conditions.
    • It is necessary to prepare in advance for the hardening process. Only positive psychological attitude will help tune and calm the body before a contrast shower.
    • It is necessary to take a contrast shower regularly and regardless of the time of year. If you pause, the hardening process will need to start all over again, while gradually lowering the level of warm water to cooler water.
    • Hardening always begins with dousing with warm water. Next, the water temperature must be gradually increased over thirty seconds. Then turn on the cold water for thirty seconds. The process of alternating cold and hot water must be done 3 to 5 times. Contrast shower always ends at cold water. Immediately you need to dry yourself thoroughly with a hard towel and rub the skin until slightly red.
    • It is strictly forbidden to wet your head during the contrast shower procedure, because even the most healthy man may get sick.
    • To harden the body, you need to use a contrast shower every day. Shower in morning time can be taken 30 minutes before going out. But you should take an evening shower no earlier than an hour before bedtime, otherwise it will be difficult for you to fall asleep.

    People who do dusty work often have to take a shower: mechanics, miners or construction workers. Modern conditions the work provides for clean offices, the issuance of overalls if necessary, people come to work by car or use public transport, so there is no need for a bathroom every day.

    Dermatologists from all over the world are actively fighting the so-called excessive cleanliness, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. The reason is not that it requires a lot of time or money on personal hygiene, frequent washing the whole body is harmful and fraught with unpleasant consequences.

    Is taking a shower every day harmful or beneficial?

    British scientists conducted experiments, as a result of which it was proven that it is not necessary to wash every day, as it is for the human body.

    If you do not have the opportunity to wash in the bathroom 2-3 times a week, you should remember a few rules to minimize harm to the body. Please note that in the summer you can wash your body with cool water, but despite the cold, you should not wash under boiling water. In addition to drying out the skin, you can earn money on hot water. Try to use less often hygiene products: liquid soap, shower gels or scrubs.

    Wash yourself with decoctions from medicinal herbs, for example, such as string, calendula or chamomile, which are famous for their rejuvenating, softening and calming effect.

    No matter how difficult it may be to change your daily routine and old habits, it is worth taking this step. As a result, you will get the beauty and health of your body, as well as an attractive and blooming skin.

    It’s hard to believe, but until the 19th century, Europeans washed only 1-2 times a year, or even less. For example, the Spanish Queen Isabella I of Castile claimed that she took a bath only twice in her life - at birth and on her wedding day.

    Today in Europe and America they shower at least 2 times a day. All who deviate from this rule are considered unwashed barbarians.

    But is it really necessary, from a hygiene point of view, to shower so often? After all, in Rus', since ancient times, people washed only once a week.

    Pisces - the engine of progress

    In Antiquity they washed not only, and not so much, for the sake of cleanliness. Roman baths were in no way inferior to modern SPA: marble, mosaics, heated floors, essential oils and baths with water of different temperatures.

    In the Middle Ages, washing was expensive and troublesome. Baths, which were huge wooden tubs, were not found in every castle. Water for bathing was heated on fireplaces (it took a lot of firewood). The water quickly cooled down - the nobles were afraid of catching a cold.

    But the main thing is that washing in the Middle Ages was a sin. The Church believed: the body is decay, it is impermissible to take care of it, you need to think about the purity of the spirit. In addition, washing the body is inevitably associated with nudity, which, after the “misconduct” of Adam and Eve, is shame and disgrace.

    Those who are physically healthy, and especially those who are young in age, should wash as little as possible.

    St. Benedict

    Surprisingly, unsanitary medieval Europe dictated fashion and moved science forward. For example, in the 14th century, bras - men's - became terribly fashionable. underwear with a wide base and narrow legs. The trend was set by Louis X, who suffered from dysentery.

    Besides, gossips they say that the famous french perfume served not the purpose of seduction, but the purpose of muffling... the stench emanating from the ladies and gentlemen.

    Dirty conspiracy

    Unlike Europe, in Rus' they loved to wash. The words “bath”, “soap house”, “soap chamber”, “movnitsa” have been found in chronicles since the 11th century.

    I saw a miracle in the Slavic land on my way here. I saw wooden bathhouses, and they would heat them up too much, and they would undress and be naked, and they would douse themselves with leather kvass, and they would take brooms and begin to tail themselves, and they would finish themselves off so badly that they would barely get out, barely alive, and they would douse themselves with cold water, and that’s the only way they would come back to life. . And they do this constantly, not being tormented by anyone, but torturing themselves, and then they perform ablution for themselves, and not torment. The Tale of Bygone Years

    Almost every hut had its own bathhouse. She drowned herself “black”. If there was no bathhouse, they washed themselves in a Russian stove: after the firebox, they removed the ash and laid down straw, climbed inside and steamed, feeding them with water or kvass.

    There were public baths in the cities. Moreover, until 1743 there was no gender division - women and men washed together. Even small county towns had their own “Sanduns”.

    Both in their own and in public baths they washed once a week, on Saturdays or before large Christian holidays. In some places this tradition is still followed today.

    But why does popular culture insist that we bathe twice a day?

    65% of Americans shower once a day; 21% – every other day; 10% – once a week; 4% – 2 or more times a day. Data from AOL Inc.

    Shower when you wake up, shower after work, shower before bed, shower after training, shower before going to the store.

    According to sociologist Elizabeth Lancaster, this behavior is imposed on society.

    What do you think will happen to cosmetics companies producing various care products - soaps, shampoos, conditioners, lotions?

    Do not forget also that a shower gives not only a feeling of cleanliness, but also lightness. Showering is a great way to relax. Nose psychological point it gives something more. In society, people with “oily” hair are looked at with disgust. The more often you wash, the more confident you feel.

    To wash or not to wash – that is the question?

    According to Dr. Sanjay Jain, author of a book on living an optimal, spiritually and physically balanced life, there are no rules about when or how much a person should bathe.

    It all depends on environment, lifestyle and anatomical features of a person. If you live in a humid climate, more dirt will stick to your body and you may need to shower more often.

    More physical activity– sweating more, which means you need to wash.

    At the same time, according to hygienists, it is not at all necessary to use soap. Works great for sweat and odor plain water. After all, historically, both in Roman baths and in Russian baths, they washed only with water and were clean.

    Water is our foundation of purity.

    Sanjay Jain

    A warm short shower once a day or two, without the use of gels and shampoos, will completely cope with maintaining body hygiene. After all, most of it is hidden by clothing, and, therefore, protected from the effects of environmental bacteria. The only part of the body that is recommended to be washed with soap and as often as possible is the hands.

    How often do you shower?