The most beautiful wishes to the graduates of the dow from the administration. Sincere congratulations on graduation in kindergarten from children to educators. Parting word from parents


At the end of the last spring month, the next academic year ends, and the whole country gives beautiful congratulations to the 2018 graduates who graduated from kindergarten and school.

WITH words of welcome educators, the first teacher, subject teachers, class teacher and parents apply to future first-graders, students of grades 4, 9 and 11.

Children are told good parting words at matinees, solemn rulers in honor of last call and graduation parties. In poetry, prose and songs, children are wished success in their studies, joy, happiness and all earthly goods that one can only dream of. These beautiful words motivate boys and girls for further development and cause an acute desire to justify the hopes placed by adults.

Beautiful congratulations to graduates of 2018 in kindergarten from parents in verse and prose

The most beautiful congratulations to graduates of 2018 in kindergarten from parents can be expressed both in poetry and in prose. It is better for moms and dads to prepare them in advance and rehearse several times just before the matinee.

Rhyming couplets and phrases in prose should sound bright, inspiring and joyful. Let the children feel how much adults love them and how proud they are of their kids, who have overcome their first, but very important life stage.

Future first graders are congratulated on the successful completion of kindergarten and subsequent admission to school, they wish to be attentive in the classroom, obey teachers, diligently do homework, participate in the cultural life of the school and be friends with the children of their class. Perhaps these words are not too original, but they always turn out to be in place and act inspiringly. After such parting words, children have a clear goal to do everything so that moms and dads are not disappointed in their heirs.

A selection of beautiful congratulations in verse and prose for kindergarten graduates from parents

Congratulations guys

Happy first graduation!

We are happy for you, of course.

But we are a little sad.

Don't come to the kindergarten anymore

New things are waiting for you

But toys and cribs

You will always be remembered.

We wish that at school

You studied all the "five".

And, of course, with warmth

Remember Kindergarten!

Congratulations on your first graduation. Today is the time to say goodbye to kindergarten and go to new way along the roads of new knowledge and hobbies to the countries of unknown sciences and discoveries. I wish you not to lose interest in everything new, I wish you to find wonderful and kind friends, I wish you to overcome the path to your childhood dreams with great enthusiasm and confidence.

Today is graduation day

Guys, we give you an order:

Don't eat too much candy

And get ready for first grade.

Diligently gnaw at the granite of science,

Infect the school with fun

Do not know idleness or boredom,

Grow, bloom and surprise!

Today is very an important event for our children - graduation in kindergarten! Congratulations, our kids, on the holiday! wish good mood, a lot of energy and activity, craving for knowledge and always ringing and sincere laughter. May your first steps in school life will be easy, understandable and interesting. Good luck and great success!

The garden accompanies you, children,

To a new, bright, good way!

May all over our planet

Tears will not befall, sadness!

Sparks shine in the eyes,

Curiosity is your forte!

May you have joyful discoveries

Everyone will bring a lesson!

Inspirational congratulations from the teacher to the 2018 graduates in kindergarten

Very touching and inspiring congratulations from the teacher to the 2018 graduates in kindergarten will open the program festive matinee. The teacher will read them from the stage of the assembly hall or any other room where the event is planned to be held. With beautiful poetic works or quivering texts in prose, the mentor will congratulate his wards on the end of the very first responsible period in life and praise the kids for the diligence, activity and attention that they have always shown on thematic sessions. Yes, of course, not everything worked out right away. Some knowledge and skills were given easier, for understanding more difficult moments I had to make an effort, but in general, the guys were almost not lazy and were able to achieve impressive success. The basics of writing and reading, the basics of counting and a general understanding of the world around us - all this the educators managed to convey to their wards in a pleasant, unobtrusive game form stimulating the desire to learn more. And now, future first-graders will apply their knowledge at school and remember the kindergarten and their favorite teachers with great warmth and love.

A collection of inspirational greetings from a teacher for kindergarten graduates

First graduation ever!

Whose is he? He is yours, of course.

We congratulate you together

We hug tightly.

We wish you joy at school

Only "five" to receive,

To be proud of you mom ...

And in the corner so as not to stand.

And friends to you, girlfriends,

More brand new toys

After all, you are a big child.

Kindergarten graduation!

For the past few years, you have illuminated this kindergarten with your irrepressible energy and love of life. Saying goodbye to the kindergarten today, do not forget those who worked here and tried to tell you as much as possible about the world. Entering a new, amazing stage in your life, sometimes think about your kindergarten, because it was here that you first learned what friendship and mutual assistance are.

You came to kindergarten as kids,

Here they played and studied.

You have found good friends here

And you plunged into the bottomless world of knowledge.

School coming soon, first grade

You will be swept away without looking back.

Just don't forget that

How they played hide and seek together.

How to grow and develop

New peaks were known.

Sometimes you quarreled, swore

But always on Right way entered.

Dear children, today is the first time in your life prom! We heartily congratulate you. You have become adults, you are leaving your favorite kindergarten, but you will love school no less. Ahead expect school days, new friends, discoveries, knowledge. Try, learn. Only then everything in your life will work out!

Happy first graduation, kids!

You have become quite big.

My lovely boys

And golden girls

Roads ahead of you

Just walk boldly

Meet a lot of happiness

And good, faithful friends.

you read a lot of books

And learn science.

Growing out of pants

Don't forget kindergarten!

Poems and congratulations in prose to 2018 graduates from the first teacher

Beautiful poems and congratulations in prose to 2018 graduates from the first teacher is the best, most pleasant and joyful gift that a teacher can give to his matured pupils. Within 4 years from the moment of the first coming to school and until today the children and the mentor were together and worked as one friendly team aimed at a single result. And now it's time to thank each other for everything that was, and with a confident gait to go further to meet new trials and bright meetings.

But the moment of farewell is always associated with a slight sadness and there is no escape from this. The teacher rejoices for his native boys and girls, is proud of them as his own children and very sincerely hopes that they will continue to be just as kind, diligent and attentive, successfully cope with school curriculum, will enter a prestigious university, will find Good work specialty and make this world a little better and brighter. After all, it was precisely such aspirations that children were instilled in primary school.

Collection of poetic and prose congratulations from the first teacher for 2018 graduates

Four years flew by like birds.

And today I proudly say -

Graduates now you, graduates

Steps of the first school way!

You still have a lot to go

And be wrong, maybe more than once!

But I want learning to become

The most important task for you!

Dear children! I am proud to see you finish 4th grade. Congratulations on prom night! For you, this is only the very beginning of the training, but all of you have shown that you are ready to continue working. Today is an important day, because soon I will see you completely different. Over the years, you have not only gained the necessary knowledge, but also found true friends and comrades. I wish you that the time spent together will be remembered for a long time, and friendship will overcome all hardships and obstacles.

So you fluttered from elementary school -

It will be so in all days and times;

You just have to get used to the new role

Adult five-graders - middle level!

You scooped up happiness in elementary school:

Learned a lot of things...

Sorry to leave! But it's time to say goodbye...

Good luck guys and good luck to you!

Dear children, you have passed First stage school life and successfully overcame the first obstacles, made the first discoveries, achieved the first victories. Today is your little graduation. You have completed the fourth grade, now a more adult life begins and you have more serious goals in front of you. May your future path be cheerful and brave, prosperous and uncomplicated. I wish you true knowledge strong friendship, diverse interests and excellent studies.

Elementary school graduate!

There is something to be proud of today!

What to congratulate at school, at home

And nice to be surprised!

Let in the country of useful knowledge

It will be very interesting

Entertaining, funny

Bright, fun, wonderful!" alt=" Congratulations to the graduates of 2018 in verse and prose for kindergarten and schools" width="600">

Inspirational and lovely congratulations to graduates from parents on the last call of 2018 are more like parting words. Moms and dads are sincerely glad that their children successfully completed school, learned a large number of diversified knowledge and acquired a lot of useful skills. Now their exit into a real adult life, full of trials and temptations, will be painless and will bring many new meetings, interesting acquaintances and extraordinary events.

Some will enter a university, receive a prestigious education and become influential people who change the fate of countries and peoples. Others will find themselves in art and sports, others will choose more prosaic professions and will bring all possible benefits to people in megacities, district centers and remote villages.

All of these are wonderful paths leading to happiness, recognition and well-being. The main thing is not to lose such qualities as understanding, sympathy and compassion. It is they, and not money, power and position in society, that make a person sincere and real.

A list of good congratulations in honor of the last call of 2018 for graduates from parents

Graduates, we sincerely congratulate you,

We wish you strength - the path in life is difficult,

But you appreciate what will be the main thing:

Friends, health and family comfort!

We want you to find your calling.

Let there be those who believe in you,

Treasured desires will come true

So that your life is successful.

So that there are fewer mistakes in life,

You stay forever

To live happily and carefree

Hope is with you, faith and love!

Graduates, dear children, today this special and exciting moment has come for you to say goodbye to school and enter adulthood! Let the storm of life not frighten you, but only temper your determination and stamina! Let the life experience acquired during these years at school guide your destiny, and let knowledge reinforce your success! May your heart always be open to love and friendship! Congratulations!

Today, graduation is spinning you,
Awarded a beautiful certificate
Home school met you
11 years in a row.

Wish today guys
We wish you great success
Let fate put you five
Into your new life diary.

May your happiness be bright
Let there be fiery love
Let the desire for new knowledge
Always care about your blood.

Congratulations on graduation! So there are 11 years of school left behind. Now another life awaits you, in which there is room for independent decisions, reasonable actions and confident aspirations. I wish you to fly high and constantly be on top of the next successes and achievements. I wish you never regret your choice and constantly continue to go towards your cherished dream.

Graduates, happy road to you,

After all, your choice means a lot!

Believe in yourself, don't worry

I wish you all the luck!

Let there be everything that you have long dreamed of

Let life lead you to success!

I want you all to understand:

Great happiness awaits you ahead!

Cool, funny congratulations to 2018 graduates from parents for graduation on video

On graduation day school year on the final line, schoolchildren receive a lot of congratulations from the director, head teacher and teaching staff. Usually, the guys in an official uniform are addressed with solemn, inspiring speeches, stimulating them to move forward and achieve their goals.

Funny, funny and funny congratulations 2018 graduates get from their parents at the graduation party dedicated to the end of school. Moms and dads wish their children all the blessings of life, good health, great happiness and successful admission to the university to find your favorite profession.

Such performances look bright, colorful and attractive, turning the graduation party into an extraordinary show that is remembered for a lifetime by both adult participants and the heroes of the occasion. There are no strict format restrictions here. It all depends on the creativity of the initiative group of parents and the desire to congratulate their children in a truly original and unexpected way.

How cool and fun it is for parents to congratulate graduates - examples on video

Best congratulations to graduates of 2018 from the class teacher

From class teacher congratulations to the 2018 graduates should be very joyful, optimistic and inspiring. The teacher can address his wards in poetry or prose, greeting them with the last call and the long-awaited graduation from school. He will remind the children about how they met after the 4th grade and how much time they spent together since then. Things didn’t always go well in relationships, but both the children and the teacher always tried to do everything to competently resolve difficult situation and eliminate the inevitable problems for any team.

Sometimes it was difficult, because students in grades 9-11 are no longer kids from kindergarten, unconditionally taking the words of the teacher as a basis. Teenagers have their own opinions on many issues, and they crave to be respected by teachers and parents.

But in the end, thanks to the sensitivity and tact of the class teacher, all conflicts were resolved, and the students became even more friendly and united. And now at your own prom smart girls and the guys with great joy accept congratulations from their mentor and very sincerely thank him for the all-round support, tolerance, care and attention given from the bottom of his heart. In turn, the class teacher wishes his wards all the best and asks them not to forget the school and all the knowledge that it gave.

Options for the best congratulations from the class teacher for 2018 graduates

Congratulations today

For you guys from the heart.

Today you are very big

Today you are graduates.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart

We have traveled this path together.

Though you say goodbye to school

You will remain my children.

Don't forget your home school

And come by sometimes

To tell what they have become,

And how are you doing.

Happy Graduation to our students! This significant event will be remembered for a lifetime. I wish you that the first steps into adulthood are easy. May good luck accompany you, and the chosen path fills life good impressions and lots of possibilities! Develop, do not stop learning new things, strive for the best. Good luck and happiness!

Graduation ball you guys

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,

You came to grade 1, when

You were just kids!

Well, now it's a completely different matter,

You have grown up, and you can not know,

Walk through life firmly, boldly,

And teachers are happy for you!

Do not forget your native school

There are many bright years you spent

Well, visit me more often,

Good luck on your chosen path!

Dear my graduates! How sorry I am to part with you, but I understand that you are already adults and that it is time for you to move on a new path. I wish that your road to life is as smooth as a runway, and that you fly high enough to see how beautiful this world is. Happy holiday, my dear children!

Today you are in new life you are going,

Say goodbye to school now.

Remember all the good things that happened here.

And I wish you love, kindness and strength!

Now everyone has their own way ...

Let there be a lot of impressions and joy,

Successful decisions, only correct steps,

True friends and extraordinary days!

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Graduation is a very important event. It says that a certain life stage in little man completed and a completely different one is coming. Many children experience excitement and anxiety. It is very important to support them on this day by saying the right parting words to kindergarten graduates.

Parting words from the head in verse

The first person to speak at such events is the representative of the institution. He opens the festive part. Parting words to kindergarten graduates from the head should be capacious, but at the same time meaningful. Therefore, it is usually presented in the form of a small verse.

Our kindergarten has always been a home for all of you,

Do not deny, because he did a lot for you,

Learned to be friends with peers

Now it opens the door to another life.

May you enjoy school

So that we can be proud of you

Don't forget to visit our harbor

We wish you happy sailing.

The representative of the kindergarten can speak alone. Also, the administration can join it, medical workers and educators who conducted creative circles.

Parting words from the head in prose

It will be much more pleasant for any person, even the smallest, to hear parting words from the head of the kindergarten graduates in prose. It is always filled with sincerity, love and tenderness. The following option is perfect for this occasion:

“Our favorite students! On this day, I want to cry, because I part with my beloved guys. And I sincerely believe that I do not say goodbye to you forever, you will often come to visit us. I wish you all that you do not have any trouble with studying school lessons, bring some fives and always please your parents!

Congratulations from the teacher in verse

The educator becomes a native person for each child. After all, he spends more than 8 hours a day with him, playing and sharing his dreams. It is the teaching staff that is most painful to part with their favorite group. Parting words to kindergarten graduates from the teacher must be touching. For example, you can use a template like this:

Today we congratulate you

With this most long-awaited day!

We wish you success and good

Let's go to school together!

May it not be easy for you to learn

But you will learn a lot of new rules.

We wish you only to strive for the heights,

May everything you wish come true.

Congratulations from the teacher in prose

Parting words to kindergarten graduates from a teacher in prose - this is the most main point which often brings tears to the eyes. It is recommended that each proposal be saturated with awe and love. For example, you can use the following option for this:

“The life of every little man is divided into several stages. Our kindergarten has become just the first step for you. Ahead of everyone is school, college, career growth. We hope we were able to give you good base, therefore, we calmly let go into adulthood. A part of you will always remain in this group. We will always remember this bewitching laugh, all our joint matinees and events! Congratulations on your first graduation. Let each of you wait ahead happy road. Good luck!".

A moment of memories

Most likely, each teacher is already accustomed to the group with which he has worked for several years. And he has something to say about each of his pupils. Such parting words to kindergarten graduates in prose will be the most happy congratulations which will be pleasant to hear for both children and their parents.

“I remember how Dasha entered this door. She did not like to stay in the kindergarten and for a long time crying, calling mom and dad. We were able to work together to deal with this situation. Misha is the most responsible assistant, it will be difficult for us without him. Alina always pleased us with new outfits. Katyusha always cleaned up toys after herself and the other guys, only thanks to her it was always so clean with us. We can talk about each of you endlessly. All these years you have only made us happy. Today we do not say goodbye to you, but only give you the opportunity to move on to a new life stage. Always remain the same responsible, kind and polite.

A few nice words from the teacher to the parent

“Dear our colleagues. Let us call you that today. All this time we have worked together to create a role model for our children. Much of what we have been able to achieve has happened only thanks to your merits. We have won many creative competitions, did wonderful crafts, we managed to create the most comfortable corner. Thank you for everything. We hope you have many more successes along the way."

Parting words from the little ones

The main part of the celebration is congratulations from the youngest children who visit the youngest and middle group. It is worth considering that it is quite difficult for them to learn long phrases. Therefore, it is recommended that one simple verse be divided among several people, giving each of them one or two lines. The following option is perfect for this purpose:

Today you opened a new door

Say goodbye to the kindergarten now.

We will grow up soon too.

And we'll follow you to school

We will have books and notebooks,

And there are many lessons...

We wish you bright and happy days,

Parting word from parents

Each kindergarten group has an active parental committee. As a rule, these are several mothers who take the initiative in solving many issues: organizing holidays, photo shoots and matinees. Therefore, it should also sound beautiful farewell kindergarten graduate from parents. It can be presented in poetic form or in prose.

At this hour, congratulations

With the most significant day,

We wish you a lot of knowledge

After all, we will go to school soon!

“Our dear children, the most touching hour has come. How amazing it is to realize that you have matured so quickly and are now on the threshold of school. We hope that you will not lose your friendship and will also conquer new heights at school hand in hand. We must tell the teaching staff Thanks a lot for your hard work and great patience!

After parting words to the graduates of the kindergarten from the parents, the ceremony of presenting gifts is solemnly held. As a rule, educators are given memorable gifts, which will make their work even more enjoyable, you can also give a certificate to a cosmetic store, spa or sports center. Children are given toys certificates of honor or sweet prizes.

Parting words from graduates

At the end festive evening solemnly provide parting words to kindergarten graduates. In this case, it is also recommended to divide one simple poem into several parts so that each child can express words of gratitude.

We came here as kids

Here we studied and played,

And now the first class is waiting for us,

Which will swirl without looking back at us.

We won't forget how we played hide and seek

How did this group develop

As everyone knew together with you,

How we played naughty games.

One parting word to a kindergarten graduate is not enough. As a sign of farewell, a small solemn program should be organized. It should include not only poems, but also songs, as well as dances, this evening should be remembered by everyone for a long time.

In order for the prom to be successful, you need to follow a few basic rules:

  • All official part should not last long. Enough 45-60 minutes. Otherwise, it can quickly tire.
  • There must be a moment of dressing up in various animals from children's cartoons. Not a single children's event takes place without this.
  • Congratulations to kindergarten graduates from kids should be capacious, consist of simple phrases. Otherwise, remembering it will be problematic.
  • Must be present and musical accompaniment. If in solemn event If only the speech of parents, educators and teaching staff is present, then the guys will quickly start to get bored. You can also add it various competitions and quizzes.
  • Parting words to kindergarten graduates from older comrades should be a simple text so that all children understand its meaning. The smaller it is, the better.

If you follow all these rules, then the prom will be successful. All children will be happy and comfortable in the company of their closest people.

Basic moments

A very important part of the event is to come up with a beautiful parting word for kindergarten graduates. In addition, it is worth paying attention to a few key points:

  • After the solemn part, it is necessary to hold a disco or theme party with animators. Also as entertainment event fit and interesting concert. You can add to his show soap bubbles and other original genre;
  • There must be a photo shoot and video shooting. Children grow up fast, and there are so few holidays in their lives. After High school prom they will all scatter and stop communicating with each other, but this moment should be remembered for many years to come.
  • What holiday can do without gifts. Parents should make sure that each graduate receives a souvenir as a keepsake. Perfect for this sweet gift, honorary medal, graduation album, souvenir or toy.
  • You should arrange a tea ceremony for them with their favorite dessert.

A farewell evening with a garden is the most touching and tender event. It represents a certain line between childhood and adult life. It is very important to come up with a beautiful wish-parting word to kindergarten graduates before the holiday. This memorable speech, delivered from the heart, will be remembered by them for many years.

Congratulations on graduation in kindergarten

You do not blow your lips,
Looking down on us:
Are you also in the junior group?
Were before and now
Move to different schools
Waking up the pain back
And leaving unhappy
Empty kindergarten...
We will guide you boldly
In two simple lines:
We will continue your work!
Good luck, graduates!

From kids
We want to congratulate you
Wish good luck
After all, we will go to the first class,
To solve problems.

To be excellent
And write in notebooks
To love teachers
Listen without looking back!

Let them replace us
New guys
And give you joy
For everything to go right!

The very first graduation in my life -
Goodbye, kindergarten, dear!
We wave to the older group “Bye!”
Look forward to September!

You will soon become schoolchildren,
And go to school with a new satchel,
There you will receive knowledge
Goodbye, kids, goodbye!

So you finished kindergarten,
He is incredibly happy with the kids,
But you have matured and it's time to go to school,
We wish you, children, health, kindness!
Here you played and studied together,
A friend and a friend became close friends,
We love each of you
Come visit us and don't forget us!

Don't you worry guys
We remain senior.
Let's be like you used to be
Listen, eat porridge.
You study hard
Read a lot of books.
To soon become an example,
To all girls and boys.

Dear children, dear, dear,
You are all so different - funny, funny,
Beautiful, smart on your first graduation,
Let the holiday be bright, beautiful unearthly!
For us, you, kids, have become pride,
You tried with us, learned by playing.
Be smart at school
Don't forget us teachers.

It's time to part
In the fall you will be in first grade.
You have become very big
We congratulate all of you!
You played on the playground
They ate at the tables
Slept in a quiet hour in beds,
Tales were often heard.
Time flew by quickly...
Kindergarten - Goodbye!
May the school give you all
And friends, and knowledge!

Guys, we are all very happy for you!
You are graduating from kindergarten today!
Even though it was a happy time with you,
But we understand that it's time for you to go to school!

Now you have become quite big,
Boys are real men
The girls are all beautiful and a joy for the eyes!
Your success is a reward for educators!

From the teacher
My strong eagles, you have a graduation today,
I love you guys so much, but you're saying goodbye to me.
The years flew by so quickly and it's time for you to go to school,
You learn to know a lot there, but remember my words.

You are like a ray of light to me that looked through my window,
I love you strongly, selflessly, as soon as it is given to me.
May your eyes and smiles always shine only with good,
Make friends sincerely and purely, with a wonderful graduation day to you!

You are not a baby now, you are almost a student.
Although you are still small in stature.
We place you in the hands of the teachers.
Don't be sad, don't be shy, go bold!
Kindergarten is just the beginning of the journey.
You need to go through the years of school sciences.
Goodbye, our little man!
We will never forget your ringing laugh.

In the script graduation party using poetry well is one of the most emotional, touching and solemn moments in the lives of children, parents and kindergarten teachers.

Wishes for graduation in kindergarten “Wish Alphabet” can be successfully played out in the script in this way: children go to school, they need to know the alphabet in order to read quickly and write correctly. Therefore, the host invites them to pronounce the letters of the alphabet in order, and those who prepared wishes in verses for graduation read them to the children.

Option 1: Both teachers and parents, and children from the younger groups of the kindergarten who came to congratulate their older comrades, can read wishes at the graduation in kindergarten.

Option 2: Graduates pull out letters of the alphabet from a festive magic bag. What letter they get - a wish sounds on such a letter. And after reading all the wishes, kindergarten graduates can put the letters correctly in alphabetical order.

Wishes in verses for graduation in kindergarten were prepared by Natalya PRISHCHEPENOK, a methodologist at the MOAU DOD "TsRTDYU of the city of Kirov."

We wish you active
You should be in your school
So that you can be noticed
Accept and love!

Be cheerful, not gloomy
Get exercise!
Do exercises in the morning
All exercises in order!

Believe it will work
You will learn everything!
After all, if you learn
Everything in life is useful!

Smooth school road to you,
Let your feet carry you
Early in the morning to first class!
We are very happy for you!

Dear children!
No way
You don't doubt
In strength and in myself.
Even if it's hard
Make everything possible!
Be you ready
To a fabulous fate!

If suddenly you feel sad
Come back to kindergarten!
Play in a cute group
Sit on the veranda.
And then, of course, immediately,
Everything will get better for you.
You will be happy to go
Back to school
First class!

rubber hedgehog,
Dolls, bears
They think that
Their time has passed...

Don't throw them away
Play with them
Childhood still
It's not quite gone!

Life leads you forward
Good luck with her!

Let there be in school life
Many happy days!

Tasks, exercises
They are difficult.

luck and effort
Let you not be forgotten!

Decide everything carefully
Write carefully

Then the evaluation
It will be appropriate!

For work and effort
Fives get

And all the first graders
They know it for sure!

history, geography,
Music, drawing...
What interesting
Complicated names!

All this in your school
You will study.
We want to study well
For four and five!

How to get used to being a schoolboy
Real student?
What do you have a satchel
Well, in that satchel is a diary.

How to get used to waking up
Early, early in the morning
Seriously, mom
What will you wear yourself?

How to imagine that you are in kindergarten
Will you never go?
Yes ... They rush like a gallop
Your youth...

Love to learn! Is it so important!
Success will surely come to you then.
It depends on labor and diligence,
Here he is at the school gate!

Moms will always support you
Moms at school will help you,
It's easier to study with mom!
Moms can do a lot!

Necessary and mandatory
And also, of course, highly desirable
Take work and diligence with you to school,
And a lot more patience!

Become excellent students in school
Learn, basically, for five
We wish you very, very much!
Let everything be in your teeth!

May you succeed at school
All items are only five!
Let it work for you
Everything-everything-everything about everything to know!

Let the school please you
Pleases let the first class!
And get upset - less often,
Everything will work out for you!

We wish you happiness
Good luck
May every day
It will be inimitable!

Only forward! Success is waiting for you!
Work and patience are your milestones,
Which way you should mark!
You are the hope for our country!

Smile school
Let him meet you
We are your success
We always notice

Let it be cozy
Your first class
Success, good luck
Wish for you!

The undeniable fact
You are now first graders
school very soon
You will say: "Hello!".

Physical education, physics
They will be there waiting for you...
We wish to learn
We are for you, friends, five!

study well,
Strive for knowledge!
good grades
You are rightfully proud!

Appreciate the time
Take care of him
And you schedule
write down,

To keep up
Everywhere and in everything
To school life
Beat the key!

Rejoice in success more often
May your merry laughter
The school is filling up!
Let all the dreams come true!

You will definitely love the school
At school, learn easily and perfectly!
School - beautiful time, Friends!
It is impossible to live without school, it is impossible!

tickle each other
You can't at school!
You must firmly remember:
Friends are in school!

Everyone knows this:
School is fun!
And even though there is no popsicle,
Carousels and cinema
The school is very interesting!
Everyone knows this, my friends!

My young friends!

Soon you will go
First class!

Try to study there
Answer fives

To gain knowledge
And be excellent!

I congratulate you!
I wish you success!
clear days
And bright knowledge
School promise!

Natalia Stetsenko
"Kids see off graduates." Children's performance junior group at the graduation party

Attributes: A basket designed to look like a baby cradle on satin ribbons. Doll - baby doll in a children's envelope.

The phonogram "The heartbeat of the mother and baby".


Year 20. (named year of birth alumni) .Calmly and rhythmically beats the heart of a little man under his mother's breasts. He is waiting for his birth. Only future mothers and fathers are worried, relatives are worried. When and how will all this happen, how will this long-awaited little man be born?

Finally the hour has come. And flew telegrams:

"Congratulations on the birth of your daughter";

"Congratulations on the birth of your son";

"Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter";

"Congratulations on the birth of your grandson."


And the worries and troubles began.

The phonogram "Crying of a newborn" sounds. opens right part curtain, a baby's cradle appears with baby. The teacher rocks the cradle.


And the first joys appeared.

The phonogram "The laughter of a newborn" sounds.

opens left side curtains come out kids, perform the musical-rhythmic composition "Merry Travelers" (music by M. Starokadomsky). At the end children line up in one line.

Child -1:

We are guys kids, everyone came to congratulate you

You enter first grade, don't forget kindergarten.


We are funny, funny, you were like that too.

We will grow up a little - we will also come to school!

Child -3:

You have always played with us called babies.

Child -4:

They never offended, but they did not give toys.

Child -5:

But now you are not like that, you are already quite big

We came to congratulate you on the transition to the first class!

caregiver junior group:

And at your holiday, we will dance for you now!

A phonogram sounds; children perform a musical-rhythmic composition "Colorful game" (music by B. Saveliev).

preparatory teacher groups:

Guys let's thank you kids for congratulations.

Preparatory children groups clap.

caregiver junior group:

And we guys let's say goodbye to alumni and wish them to remember their kindergarten and the small country of childhood more often.

The phonogram "Little Country" sounds (muses, lyrics by And Nikolaev).Children junior waving to graduates and groups"snake" out of the room.