Mom for giving birth to me. Congratulations to mom from an adult daughter in prose. Words of support for mom during trials and illness

A wedding is the most touching and exciting moment in the life of every couple in love. A whirlpool of feelings and emotions overwhelms with furious force, and the anticipation of a new family life as if fascinates with its unpredictability. Everything around promises a bright continuation of a beautiful love-story. But in such a magical and fabulous hour it is easy to forget about the dearest and most important people who put their lives on the altar of children's happiness - about the parents of the bride and groom. In order not to offend your beloved mom and dad with unintentional indifference, it is better to prepare words of gratitude to your parents at the wedding in advance and choose the most opportune moment to express them. So, beautiful lines in poetry or prose from the bride and groom can be pronounced after the blessing for marriage, when leaving the father's house, at the stage of presenting the loaf, or at the very end holiday party. Moreover, not only the wedding day can be a good reason to express gratitude to moms and dads. A great opportunity remind loved ones of their gratitude - prom, anniversary parental wedding and even a birthday.

Touching words of gratitude in verses to parents at the wedding from the bride and groom

There are many special moments at the wedding celebration: the exchange of tearful vows of fidelity and wedding rings, lighting a symbolic family hearth and the first lyrical dance of the young, presenting gifts with congratulations and throwing the bride's bouquet. The most happy couple newlyweds in the center of all events, guests sincerely rejoice at what is happening, relatives are lost between touching crying and joyful laughter. But among all the guests there are the most honorable and special - moms and dads. They don't talk much and can hardly contain their excitement. But only until the newlyweds rise to say touching words gratitude in verse to parents at the wedding from the bride and groom.

Thank you for shedding tears

For the nights that you sat without sleep,

Protecting our peace and dreams

Over the baby's cradle until late.

For the first breath, for the first smile,

For the first step we took.

For birthdays, for the first mistake,

For all the surprises that presented.

For helping us up

And find the connecting thread.

And in a difficult hour from life do not break,

You helped gnaw at the granite of science,

We were guided by a firm hand.

Thank you for everything: for the pain, for the torment,

For our happiness, peace over our heads.

We are here today with you in this hall

Gathered for the birth of a family

And, as once promised in childhood

We bring our bow to the ground.

Let's go boldly into this life

Only thanks to you.

We're not just kids anymore

We're a new family.

All that you gave us

We will keep it carefully.

The two of us can't do it

So many cups to break.

Both carpets and bedspreads

They will decorate our house.

Even warm blankets

Let's not let the side lie.

We will arrange all the gifts

In our house in places

We'll make a noisy housewarming

There will be dancing, noise and din.

We will never stop

Mom and dad are the main people

The best people on this earth!

If you're around, I know what will happen

Peace of mind for me and you.

Your warmth will warm you in the cold,

Strong hands will always support

Dear heart, when you get sick,

He can heal you easily.

May God grant you long life, health,

Shine, enthusiasm in happy eyes!

My family, thank you for everything!

We compose an ode to you in these verses.

Beautiful words of gratitude in prose to parents from the newlyweds at the wedding

Often the bride and groom refuse to choose words of gratitude to their parents at a wedding in uniform. touching poems. After all, the long pre-holiday fuss and fatigue, combined with the lyrics of the moment, leave an imprint of excitement on the ability to express one's thoughts. At such moments it is very difficult to follow the rhyme and tact. Therefore, it is much more convenient to compose a thank-you speech in prose lines that can best convey the depth of true feelings.

Dear dads and moms! Today's bread is especially tasty, because it was presented to us by the dearest people - you. Words cannot express how happy we are to have you. It is impossible to express how grateful we are for your support and unconditional love. Thank you, dear ones, for raising us for each other and sharing this day with us. Thanks to the fact that you are near, it has become even more beautiful!

Dear and beloved, our mom and dad, thank you for your tenderness that you gave us when we were little, for the love that warmed us in difficult moments of our lives. We thank you for the gift of happiness to be with you, to feel your warmth and support in the most difficult days.

Heartfelt gratitude to you, our loved ones, our dear ones, our irreplaceable mom and dad. You have always supported us in the most difficult moment. But right now, when we are at the peak of happiness, we want to thank you for everything that you have done for us. Thank you for the gifts that we will definitely use in our later life, for the help you provided us in preparing this celebration. And know that we love you as much as you love us!

Dear Mom and Dad!

Today is such a special day, our family has become bigger and I am so happy (happy) that I found (found) my happiness. For all these emotions that I experienced today, I want to thank you, my dear parents! I had a wonderful childhood and this is only thanks to your care, selfless love and kindness in which I grew up (grew up). You have taught me a lot, thank you for these lessons. Now I know what real parents should be and I will also try to raise our children well, give them as much love and affection as I myself had (had myself). I am immensely grateful (grateful) to you for your help and support during the preparation for one of the most important days my life and hope for your help in the future, when our house is filled with children's laughter!

Thank you for everything, family, I love you very much!

Luxurious words of gratitude to the parents of the groom from the bride

At the wedding, it is customary for brides to thank the groom's parents with small but very nice gifts. But the simple transfer of presents from hand to hand is completely unacceptable. Before, during or after giving gifts to her husband's relatives, the girl must say beautiful speech in prose or poetic form. luxury words gratitude to the parents of the groom from the bride is better to learn in advance, so as not to spoil the beautiful moment with primitive sight reading. Or you can use a simple template, supplementing it with your own thoughts.

An example of the bride's words of thanks to the groom's parents:

Today is the happiest day of my life. I am happy because fate brought me together with such an amazing, kind, sympathetic, loving, etc. a man like ___ (groom's name) who became my husband today.

And I tell you, _______(mom) and ______(dad), thanks a lot Thank you for raising and raising such a wonderful son. After all, only thanks to you, I found in life true love that I will carry in my heart for many years to come.

And as a token of my heartfelt gratitude, I ask you to accept these modest gifts. Know that I appreciate, respect and love you! Thank you for my husband!

Video with the bride's words of gratitude to the groom's parents

The best words of gratitude to the parents of the bride from the groom

Unlike the bride, the guy should say best words gratitude to the parents of the bride from the groom at the end of the evening. Warm and sincere speeches coming from the depths of the heart should be spoken respectfully, calmly, quietly and always standing. Parents can be thanked for the blessing on marriage, invaluable life experience, help in organizing a beautiful wedding celebration and of course holiday gifts. At the end of the speech of thanks to the parents from the groom, it is also worth remembering all the other guests who shared the joy of the newlyweds, about the witnesses who responsibly fulfill their roles, about the cooks, organizers, best man, musicians, etc.

The best words of gratitude from the groom to the bride's parents on the wedding day: video

Beautiful words of gratitude in verse to the godparents at the wedding

By vintage customs godparents are considered the most dear people after parents. They are fully entrusted with the role of mentors and spiritual teachers of the child. Godparents in life are responsible for their godchildren, root for their successes and are upset by their failures and mistakes. At a wedding, as in life, such important and necessary guests are given a special place of honor. And just like their parents, the bride and groom dedicate godfather words gratitude in verse.

Two mothers, isn't it strange
But I thank fate
To you, my mother in Christ,
Once stood at the altar.
No wonder you became a godmother,
I am very close and dear,
Caring, and gentle most,
It's good to have you with me.
Your attention is so important to me
Your kind smile
'Cause you're always by my side,
When I need it.
Let everything you want come true
Love and happiness give light
I will share with you forever
After all, the best godmother

Thank God for a crown in life
Held by my godfather.
The warmth of his heart always warmed
When I was in trouble.
He melted the ice with his soul,
And he always told me: "Only forward!"
He knocked down my tear with a smile,
When it was difficult, he always helped!
You mean a lot to me,
You Godfather, it's a lot!
I wish, sincerely loving,
I am an easy way of life!

There is so much love and warmth in the word "godmother"
Light tenderness, sensitivity, affection ...
For me, you were a sorceress in childhood
From the tale you told!
And now I still come to you -
I rest with you in spirit.
You know, godmother, how I treasure you!
How I need you in my life, dear!
How dear to me good hands yours
You, like in childhood, hug me.
Too rarely I tell you about love
You forgive, you forgive me everything ...
And my luck, and my care -
How are you ready to accept yours?
“I love you, godmother! I love it very much!”
I will repeat this again and again!!!

Solemn thanksgiving words in prose to godparents at a wedding

Many newlyweds consider beautiful words of gratitude in verse to be a big banality. godparents at the wedding. Instead of poetic lines, the guys make beautiful prose texts mentioning funny moments from childhood, life instructions and even the first gifts received from godfather and mother. Such a text, as a rule, evokes much more emotions than the usual rhymes with template phrases.

Dear godparents! I am glad that on such an important day you are by my side. Thanks for having you in my life. If parents are relatives by blood, then godparents are kindred in spirit, and how to understand who is really the closest? Let everything be in your life: good and bad, black and white, bitter and sweet, beautiful and terrible. After all, as long as we have something to compare with, we have the opportunity to choose. I am always glad to see you and will never forget what you taught me all my life.

They say: "If a student surpassed his teacher, then this means that the teacher was good." Rest assured, I will not make you ashamed of me and blush. I will achieve a lot in life and build strong family I can live life together so that you can proudly say: this is our godson! Thank you for everything you have done for me. We will never forget this, and I will always be glad to see you.

I thank my godparents for their cheerful disposition, for their ability to listen and understand me, for their kindness, for their sensitivity towards me, for showing the highest degree interest in my life, for always finding time for me, and in general, just for the fact that they are! Without you, life would be completely faceless! I love you!

Sincere words of gratitude to parents on their birthday from their daughter in verse

The birthday of beloved parents is another great occasion express sincere words gratitude in verse from my own daughter. In the company of relatives and friends, mom or dad will be doubly pleased to appreciate the love, sense of tact, level of education and appreciation of their children. Especially if they were not too lazy to prepare a speech in advance and rehearse its pronunciation. So:

  1. The most sincere words of gratitude to parents on their birthday from their daughter in verse should come from the heart, and not from a collection of primitive toasts. After all, it is better to have your own not very harmonious words than stereotyped phrases;
  2. An invariable element of thanksgiving words is respect. This means that even close people should pronounce them standing up, without excessive gestures and feigned pathos;
  3. It is better to say words of gratitude on your parents' birthday calmly, measuredly, with a genuine smile on your face.

An example of thanksgiving words to parents from a daughter on her birthday

I ask for a moment of attention
We have more to tell you
And now let's make a toast
We raise for parents.
We sincerely wish you
Good health, and may
Your wrinkles will smooth out
Sorrow and sadness will come off the face.
Live happily and amicably
But who gave birth to you must be remembered.
Who brought to people, brought up,
Who dressed and warmed
Whose hands rocked you as a child,
And who is with you today.
Love them and respect
And never forget.
They don't need much
If only you could live together.

Glory, praise and honor to parents!
I think people will agree
What a toast to parents should be raised,
We wish you health and happiness!
I ask everyone to raise their glasses
For the happiness of mother, father,
And I offer all guests
For this drink to the end!
We thank you for all your efforts
Thank you for all the experiences
For a warm, homely atmosphere,
For the long preparation, yesterday.
At the table that was set in detail,
For not succumbing to circumstances.
Thank you for the warmth, attention
And for parental understanding.

My parents are so precious
They gave me their warmth all my life.
I was not afraid of any adversity
And everything went well in life.
Thank you for investing in me
You didn’t sleep through the nights, you didn’t finish your bread.
Your care kept my life,
Love protected from all troubles.

Parents, thank you for your understanding.
You are what inspires me to live.
You gave me love and education
I will forever thank you.

Words of gratitude in prose from the son to his beloved parents on a bright birthday

Beautiful words the gratitude of a son to his beloved parents on his birthday does not have to be in verse or in ordinary prose. As a thank you gift, you can draw (print, glue, etc.) a bright rainbow for mom and dad and serve it nice explanation. For example:

"Thank you, dear mom and dad, for teaching me to sincerely believe in feelings and listen to emotions. Your instructions are like a rainbow to me. Where:

  • red - the ability to love instilled from childhood;
  • orange is the color of holidays and joyful events in our family life;
  • yellow - the color of the kindness and warmth you gave;
  • green - nature, which you introduced me to in early childhood;
  • blue is the color of a dream that you have been taught to believe in;
  • blue - the depth of your support and support;
  • purple is logic. 'Cause you always say, "Listen with your heart, but listen with your mind"

Thank you, my dears, for the rainbow!”

An example of thanksgiving words in prose from a son to mom or dad for a birthday

Eloquence is not my trait, but today I am not afraid to speak. After all, my gratitude to you, mother, father, is huge. Thank you for your patience, care and support throughout. Mom, you have invested in me the best - tenderness, kindness and sympathy. Father, you taught me what it means to be a man. Only thanks to you I was able to achieve what I have today. And the path I'm on today new life V new family- This is also partly your merit. In gratitude, I will be your support.

Dad! Mother! You will always be the best people for me, and I will always love and respect you endlessly. Despite all the quarrels and misunderstandings that occurred, I firmly knew that at any moment I could turn to you for support and help. Dad. Your jokes could cheer me up at any moment if I was upset. Thanks for them. And for tacitly approving my actions and my choice. Mother. I have no one closer to you. At any moment, you knew what exactly I needed - to be silent or cry, talk or hear advice, or maybe just eat! Thank you for everything. You are the best in the world!

Mother, father! I thank the universe that I have you. So kind and patient, bright and loving. Without your support and advice, I would have been incredibly difficult and lonely. Daddy! You showed me what a man should be like, you knew how to cheer up and calm me down. Dear mom, the warmth of your hands warms my heart every minute. Thank you my best people!

Exciting words of gratitude to parents at graduation in grade 9

Composing an exciting speech of gratitude to parents, graduates of the 9th grade forget about others, no less important elements. For example, about beautiful bouquets bright colors, symbolizing youth and beauty, about small presents as a gift for efforts, about the proper design of the text “as a keepsake”. After all, exciting words of gratitude to parents at graduation in the 9th grade can not only be read at the end of the event, but also arranged into beautiful wall charters or Thanksgiving letters. So sincere manifestations love and gratitude will remain not only in the memory of moms and dads, but also on the most prominent sideboard shelf.

Like a path through an unknown planet,

Words of gratitude dear parents from 11th grade graduates can be made up of a whole series of small performances. The plan for the closing speech would be something like this:

  1. Words of sincere gratitude to parents from children at graduation in grade 11 and to all the other guests who came;
  2. Brief memories of school activities dedicated to parents;
  3. Solemn thanks to the teachers and all the staff of the school;
  4. Demonstration of collages or a video in gratitude to moms and dads;
  5. A promise to continue to love and listen to relatives, despite age and a new, more responsible stage in life.

Text of gratitude speech to parents from 11th grade graduates

We must say at this hour

About those who gave us life,

About the closest people in the world,

About those who helped grow

And it will help a lot.

Parents follow us invisibly

And in joy, and at the hour when trouble came,

They seek to protect us from sorrows,

But, alas, we do not always understand them.

Forgive us, dear, dear,

After all, there are no people more valuable than you.

As they say, children are the joy in life,

And you are our support in it!

Let sometimes it was difficult with us,

But you always understood us!

native parents,

Thank you for being with us

Together with you we went through school,

And you helped us a lot!

For your support and patience,

For parental opinion

For all relatives, we say "thank you" to you,

And for you, we will pass the exams “excellently”!

Congratulations on graduation!
Your child has grown.
So much life ahead
So much happiness on the way!
We wish you only good
So that from night to morning
Graduate studied, thought
And I didn't want to relax.
To do well
And he was successful in life!

Beautiful words of gratitude to parents at a wedding from the bride and groom, at graduation or for a birthday - this is not only a tribute to traditions, but also The best way express your love and Once again convince of your respect. The selection of words of gratitude in prose or in verse should be taken seriously so as not to spoil a beautiful and heartbreaking moment.

Here is a collection of texts with beautiful, warm, sincere and touching to tears words of gratitude to mother from her daughter. The texts are written in prose (in their own words) and are intended both for public speaking (at an anniversary, wedding, birthday, etc.). festive events) in front of the guests, and for talking in private. Also, with these words, you can sign a gift, postcard or card for a bouquet.

Another page of the site will help you add texts.

Dear Mom! You deserve the deepest gratitude. I want to thank you sincerely for:

  • that you are from the beginning of my life until today made the complex simple for me
  • for the fact that you tried to make the heavy easy
  • for the fact that in the days of bad weather you contrived to get a piece of the sun for me
  • for the fact that you are amazingly talented from me-sick, knew how to make me-healthy
  • for the fact that you managed to turn even unpleasant minutes into exciting moments
  • for the fact that you manage to make a faceless room a familiar, warm and sweet home
  • for the fact that you are trying to turn banality into originality
  • for the talent to create a culinary masterpiece from trifling and ordinary food
  • for the fact that you are unfamiliar with cold indifference and you always give me as much warmth as you can find
  • for the fact that you inexplicably get gifts from life, even when it seems that they do not exist

And most importantly: I thank you for doing all these wonderful things not for yourself, but for me.

I am eternally grateful to you, mom. And I wish you never run out of energy to work as an Angel. And so that your miracles do not run out. I will try to be such a daughter so that motherhood does not become a feat for you. May your life be long and easy, Mommy.

Precious Mom! I have so much to thank you for that I don't know where to begin. I'll try not to cry, and you should too. And then together we will definitely drown everyone at once.

Mom, you are the most precious thing I have. And I want you to accept sincere gratitude from me today for literally everything that you have done and continue to do for me. I notice everything and appreciate everything. And I will never forget it.

  • Thank you mom for creating such a wonderful family in which I was comfortable, warm, happy to grow and develop. And for continuing to do so now.
  • Thank you for trying to please me whenever possible and for looking at the world with optimism. I endlessly learn this from you, and optimism has helped me more than once in difficult times.
  • I thank you for always being ready to give me a helping hand - nothing is scary with such a friend.
  • Thank you for your warmth and kindness - they warm me daily.
  • Thank you for the fact that in a difficult moment you always know how to find the right words and give hope.
  • For the fact that even an adult daughter you try to protect and remember that I still need your love - it inspires me.

Be happy mommy and don't leave me.

Dear Mom! I want to thank you first of all - for life. And for everything that you generously endowed me with this gift:

  • for a warm and cozy childhood. Memories of him always warm my heart;
  • for care and kindness. They make my life comfortable and happy;
  • for continued support. I need her even as an adult and I'm grateful that you don't leave me without her;
  • behind wise advice that you are always ready to share with me;
  • for your eternal concern, mother, also - thank you. It helps me keep my head and make informed decisions in life;
  • for keeping my secrets;
  • for swearing when you no longer have the strength to endure anxiety for me;
  • for denying yourself a lot for me;

Special thanks to you mommy - for the love. And for the fact that you have it - it does not dry out. I appreciate it very much, I cherish and want you to live forever. Be happy and healthy. Well, I promise, I will do everything to make you proud of your daughter and worry less.

Today, on this festive day, I want to express my sincere gratitude to the best person on Earth - my mother!

Mommy, I love you very much and I know that you love me too. I am very grateful to you for this love, for the light with which it illuminates my life. Also, Mom, I am grateful to you that by your example you teach me kindness, patience, wisdom, support, femininity and beauty. In general, all the best that a person can bring into this life. More bright person I have never met in my life and intuition tells me that I will not meet, such people no longer exist.

Thank you mom and always be as young, beautiful, stylish, healthy. Be happy mom.

Mommy, thank you that every day and all your life you work as my Guardian Angel. I appreciate you very much and take care of you as best I can. I love you very much, your pure heart, your smile, care, your friendship, wisdom, warmth and sensitivity. And even your comments and dissatisfaction - I also love them, they always help me avoid mistakes. You - best mom in the world. I dream that you will never be upset, that peace of mind will not leave you, that good health haunt you all your life and that you live forever.

I thank my mom almost daily in my thoughts. So, today, this is not the first time I say “thank you” to her ... I want to tell you mommy that I know: with a daughter like me, it was often difficult for you. And I thank you for giving me so much strength, so much huge daily work to raise me and so that I don’t turn out to be a very wasted woman.

Thank you for your love, warmth and care. For the tons of fairy tales I read as a child at bedtime - I remember them all and cherish them in my heart. Behind sleepless nights when I was sick, also - thank you. For standing up for me even when I was wrong ... Thank you for being - a true friend and always by my side. Mother! I am happy that I have you and that you are like that. I grew up a long time ago, but I continue to learn from you all the best that the human heart is capable of.

I hope Mommy can thank you for all this. I will try.

Mom, there was a lot of joy in the life of our family, but sometimes there were difficult days. Thank you very much for your happiness. But today I would like to thank you for the fact that even on cloudy days you tried to get some sun for me. And sometimes a star from the sky. And you succeed to this day. These pieces of joy and warmth always warm my heart, help and support. I wish all your dreams come true and I hope that your daughter does not disappoint you. Be happy.

Mom, you have always fascinated me. The second such unique and wonderful woman does not exist. I am proud of you and dream to be like you. You are the most beautiful, smart, charming, feminine, gentle, sweet, charming, bright, sincere, kind, successful. You are a diamond. I thank you for your love and friendship. I am grateful to God for giving me such a mother. I also thank this fully developed life for the fact that it treats us warmly and that we are alive, healthy and have the strength to enjoy it. Be always happy, mom.

Mommy! I have already thanked you many times for your love, care and gift of life ... And today I want to thank you also for the steadfastness with which you withstood my pranks. For the endless patience with which you treated my whims. For the wisdom that helped you not punish me for being lazy in my studies. For ingenuity, without which it was impossible to feed me healthy food. For willpower - thanks to her, I could be put to sleep. For adequacy when I introduced you to my inadequate chosen ones. For tact, when I told you my sorrows without choosing expressions. For your responsiveness when I tormented you with my troubles at school. For sensitivity, without it, you and I did not know much about each other.

You showed me a great example. Someday I will become a mother myself, and I hope that I will be able to be the same. wonderful mom How are you.

You know mom, I always sincerely thank you for everything. Gratitude to you forever settled in my heart and will never leave from there. All the best that I have is created by your hands. Thank you for giving your life, your time and your warmth to me. This is a priceless gift.

Thanks to you, there is no place left in my heart for cold, anger, envy, self-interest, hatred… only warmth, light and kindness live there. All that you have given me. You're doing everything right, Mom. I'm proud of you.

Mom, I have already told you many times how grateful I am to you for everything that you have given me. And thank you many more times. But today I want to say thank you for something else.

I myself have already become a mother and now I know what it is to raise and educate a child ... So, now I am grateful to you for your punishments in childhood, for your perseverance and even severity in certain matters when I did not want to fulfill your requirements. Thank you mom that you had the strength to insist on your own and make me do something unpleasant for me. It is this persistence and rigor of yours that has done me the most good. Maybe even - much more than praise, gifts and encouragement.

I want you to know that there is no more resentment against you in my heart. And I understand why you did it. Thank you dear. Be happy and may all your wishes come true.

Mamusik, I thank you for what you are, and for what I am!

And I am also very grateful to you for giving me such a rosy existence. For the fact that we are not completely lost people. For the fact that I have an education and do not work as a janitor. Because my health is good. For the fact that our house is warm, cozy and bright, and not a gloomy and dull kennel. For the fact that I know how to rejoice in everything good and not despair when faced with injustice. For the fact that I can do so many things and for the fact that I can understand so many things.

In general, mom, I always thanked you for life and love ... And now I want to thank you for raising me to be a viable girl, and not an infantile chicken.

  • don't talk too long (if you're saying one of these thank you speeches publicly);
  • do not read the text from a sheet of paper - try to learn the words (the texts are not difficult);
  • read the text from the sheet only if you have serious problems with memory and everyone knows about it (therefore, they will understand you correctly). Or if you worry too much;
  • If the text you like is too long to remember (in case you need to make a speech from memory), you can remove a few paragraphs from it so that the meaning is not lost (this is also not difficult) and talk about your gratitude in a slightly shortened version.

Here is a collection of texts with beautiful, warm, sincere and touching to tears words of gratitude to mother from her daughter. The texts are written in prose (in their own words) and are intended both for public speaking (at an anniversary, wedding, birthday and other festive events) in front of guests, and for private conversation. Also, with these words, you can sign a gift, postcard or card for a bouquet.

Dear Mom! You deserve the deepest gratitude. I want to thank you sincerely for:

  • the fact that from the very beginning of my life to this day you have made complex things simple for me
  • for the fact that you tried to make the heavy easy
  • for the fact that in the days of bad weather you contrived to get a piece of the sun for me
  • for the fact that you are amazingly talented from me-sick, knew how to make me-healthy
  • for the fact that you managed to turn even unpleasant minutes into exciting moments
  • for the fact that you manage to make a faceless room a familiar, warm and sweet home
  • for the fact that you are trying to turn banality into originality
  • for the talent to create a culinary masterpiece from trifling and ordinary food
  • for the fact that you are unfamiliar with cold indifference and you always give me as much warmth as you can find
  • for the fact that you inexplicably get gifts from life, even when it seems that they do not exist

And most importantly: I thank you for doing all these wonderful things not for yourself, but for me.

I am eternally grateful to you, mom. And I wish you never run out of energy to work as an Angel. And so that your miracles do not run out. I will try to be such a daughter so that motherhood does not become a feat for you. May your life be long and easy, Mommy.

Precious Mom! I have so much to thank you for that I don't know where to begin. I'll try not to cry, and you should too. And then together we will definitely drown everyone at once.

Mom, you are the most precious thing I have. And I want you to accept sincere gratitude from me today for literally everything that you have done and continue to do for me. I notice everything and appreciate everything. And I will never forget it.

  • Thank you mom for creating such a wonderful family in which I was comfortable, warm, happy to grow and develop. And for continuing to do so now.
  • Thank you for trying to please me whenever possible and for looking at the world with optimism. I endlessly learn this from you, and optimism has helped me more than once in difficult times.
  • I thank you for always being ready to give me a helping hand - nothing is scary with such a friend.
  • Thank you for your warmth and kindness - they warm me daily.
  • Thank you for the fact that in a difficult moment you always know how to find the right words and give hope.
  • For the fact that even an adult daughter you try to protect and remember that I still need your love - it inspires me.

Be happy mommy and don't leave me.

Dear Mom! I want to thank you first of all - for life. And for everything that you generously endowed me with this gift:

  • for a warm and cozy childhood. Memories of him always warm my heart
  • for care and kindness. They make my life comfortable and happy
  • for continued support. I need her even as an adult and I'm grateful that you don't leave me without her
  • for the wise advice that you are always ready to share with me,
  • for your eternal concern, mother, also - thank you. It helps me keep my head and make informed decisions in life.
  • for keeping my secrets
  • for cursing when you no longer have the strength to endure anxiety for me,
  • for denying yourself a lot for me,

Special thanks to you mommy - for the love. And for the fact that you have it - it does not dry out. I appreciate it very much, I cherish and want you to live forever. Be happy and healthy. Well, I promise, I will do everything to make you proud of your daughter and worry less.

Today, on this festive day, I want to express my sincere gratitude to the best person on Earth - my mother!

Mommy, I love you very much and I know that you love me too. I am very grateful to you for this love, for the light with which it illuminates my life. Also, Mom, I am grateful to you that by your example you teach me kindness, patience, wisdom, support, femininity and beauty. In general, all the best that a person can bring into this life. I have never met a brighter person in my life, and intuition tells me that I will not meet, such people no longer exist.

Thank you mom and always be as young, beautiful, stylish, healthy. Be happy mom.

Mommy, thank you that every day and all your life you work as my Guardian Angel. I appreciate you very much and take care of you as best I can. I love you very much, your pure heart, your smile, care, your friendship, wisdom, warmth and sensitivity. And even your comments and dissatisfaction - I also love them, they always help me avoid mistakes. You are the best mom in the world. I dream that you never get upset, that peace of mind does not leave you, that good health haunts you all your life and that you live forever.

I thank my mom almost daily in my thoughts. So, today, this is not the first time I say “thank you” to her ... I want to tell you mommy that I know: with a daughter like me, it was often difficult for you. And I thank you for giving me so much strength, so much huge daily work to raise me and so that I don’t turn out to be a very wasted woman.

Thank you for your love, warmth and care. For the tons of fairy tales I read as a child at bedtime - I remember them all and cherish them in my heart. For the sleepless nights when I was sick, also - thank you. For standing up for me even when I was wrong ... Thank you for being a true friend and always on my side. Mother! I am happy that I have you and that you are like that. I grew up a long time ago, but I continue to learn from you all the best that the human heart is capable of.

I hope Mommy can thank you for all this. I will try.

Mom, there was a lot of joy in the life of our family, but sometimes there were difficult days. Thank you very much for your happiness. But today I would like to thank you for the fact that even on cloudy days you tried to get some sun for me. And sometimes a star from the sky. And you succeed to this day. These pieces of joy and warmth always warm my heart, help and support. I wish all your dreams come true and I hope that your daughter does not disappoint you. Be happy.

Poems of gratitude to mother from daughter

There is a woman in the world the best
My good angel, the best consolation.
I love mom's unfeigned laughter
Our open conversation is a reward for me.

She will always prompt and understand
She is wise, always sincere.
Only mom will find the right words,
Only with my mother my friendship lasts.

Any question I can solve with her
I can share the most secret,
Only a mother in life can forgive everything
And stay kind and stay the same.

I know that there is no friend in the world more reliable,
Only with her am I open, honest,
Therefore, I wish my mother for long years
And be a lovely mommy.

Mom, let the years go by
Everything has come and everything has gone.
Your hands and care
They gave me warmth.

I have always loved you.
Happy Birthday to You
I congratulate you today
My dear mother!

When I walk around the city with my mother,
For pyky mama I firmly hold:
Why should she go and be afraid,
What can she lose?

I am a colorful gift
I decided to give it to my mother.
I tried, I drew
Four pencils.

But first I'm on red
Pushed too hard
And then, for the red immediately
Purple broke

And then the blue broke
And the orange one broke ...
All the same, the portrait is beautiful,
Because it's mom!

Again you look with reproach.
Yes, I'm sorry I didn't call!
Yes, haven't been here for a long time...
Earned, dear.

I know it's no excuse!
But worrying in vain
It's all right, mommy!
(Smack!) Well, that's great!

Life roll to repeat again:
Girls grow up, inheriting all mothers,
From little daughters they want to turn
The girls are timid in respectable, strict ladies.

They dream to be happy mom,
Build your cozy, quiet home,
Sometimes ladies look for joy in work,
But they return to their old mother's house.

They come to be a child again
To feel care and warmth,
So that, as in childhood, a carefree call,
It became simple and light for those adult ladies.

They plunge back into childhood for a while,
Be related to your mother and forget the strictness of the ladies.
Ladies will be moved and others will return to life,
Inheriting their generous, kind mothers.

Beloved mother dear
I wish you happiness with all my heart
I want to wish her love
And never lose heart

So that all your dreams come true
gave life to you flowers,
You always be beautiful
And never be sad!

Mother. Seemingly simple word
And how much tenderness, affection, warmth,
The child mumbles it stupidly,
Arms outstretched, swollen from sleep.

In sorrow and in joy we say
That timid "Mom", then a sharp "Mother".
Sometimes in a foreign land suddenly the heart asks
To call a complete stranger "Mom".

And at home so often we hurt her
With actions, looks, gestures, we
Then in the distance we involuntarily remember
About what added to her gray hair.

And we write on school sheets hastily
Confessions of my belated guilt.
She reads them, blushes bashfully,
And tears are visible in bitter wrinkles.

For a long time, without a letter, I forgave all the insults,
And here she is painfully pleased to read:
“Thank you, dear, for raising me,
For what you love, For what you are.

Who do we meet first?
Coming on White light, -
So this is our mother
She is not cuter.

All life revolves around her
Our whole world is warmed by it,
All the century she tries
Save us from trouble.

Poems about mom - gratitude in lyrical lines

Poems about mother are our first acquaintance with the world of literature, because for every child there is no one closer and dearer than a beloved mother. From childhood, she becomes an indispensable person, helps us take the first steps and learn the world. That connection, which is born even before our birth, does not weaken even with the passage of time. We are ready for any exploits for the sake of our mothers, and we often express all our feelings in poetic form, since it is not so easy to convey all the emotions and feelings that we experience when looking at our mother in prose.

Poems about mother to tears

Many poems about mother bring even the most callous and impenetrable readers to tears. Beautiful words that tell about yourself important person in our lives, always penetrate deeply into the heart and make it fill with boundless gratitude and the brightest feelings. It happens that together with poems we can grieve, remembering dead mother, and sincere lines make our pain a little less, reminding us of those wonderful moments that we managed to experience with my mother during our lifetime.

Nevertheless, poems to tears do not have to be sad. So, for example, a mother will certainly reach for a handkerchief if she hears touching lines from her daughter, especially if they are as sincere as possible. Poems about mother read by very young children may well bring tears to tears. They do it especially touchingly and sincerely, which always causes real delight among the adult audience, many of whose representatives accidentally wipe tears from their eyes.

Children's poems about mom and dad

A particularly important part in the literary development of kids is occupied by poems about mom and dad. It is with their help that children learn to understand who the parents are and what their role is in the life of a daughter or son. Little readers enjoy learning by heart short poems about mother and with expression they tell them at home or at children's matinees. For children, they become another excellent means of knowing their own inner peace and the surrounding space. After all, it is the word “mother” that is most often the first to break from the mouth of a baby, so with its help you can work real miracles.

Do not forget that poems about mom are not only part of a reading lesson, but also a great opportunity to please your dear person. If the daughter prepares a few lines for her mother for her birthday, then such a manifestation of attention for any mother will be the most the best gift. In this case, it is not so important what exactly will be said in the verses. They can be funny and funny or touching and philosophical. The main thing is to tell your beloved mother about your feelings as sincerely as possible and make a couple of well-deserved compliments. In the same way, you can congratulate your godmother if you have the same warm feelings for her as for your own mother.

Poems about mom become an integral part of our lives from the very beginning. early childhood, as well as their literary heroine. First, with their help, we learn to read and speak, and then to express our feelings and emotions. After all, it can be very difficult to convey all the love and gratitude that we feel for our beloved mother through dry prose lines. It is much better to prepare a poetic surprise for her, for which, by the way, any special occasion is not needed at all.

Forgive me for the sleepless nights
For insults that he brought earlier.
I beg you mommy
Spend these years without tears.
Spend without worry for your son,

Try not to hurt your soul.
I want you to bypass
Side of any disease.
Also, don't think
What will happen to me.
I will get through these years.
I'll come back! And then in our house
It will be fun like never before!

How beautiful are your hands!
Rare whiteness.
They are shy with enemies.
With friends sometimes gentle.
You care for them lovingly
Change the color of your nails.
And for some reason I remembered
My mother's hands.
I won't reproach you
It seems to be out of date.
But those hands are rough
I can't compare with yours.

They are now ugly
And only, like the earth, dark.
They beauty all over Russia
Given away during the war.

They did everything - they did not ask
No pay, no awards.
How beautiful are your hands!
How mother's hands are trembling

The boy chose a rose carefully,
So that the rest do not crush,
The saleswoman looked worried.
Help him or not?

Thin fingers in ink,
Bumping into flower thorns
I chose the one that revealed
Petals this morning.

Raking your change out of your pockets
To the question - who did he buy?
He was embarrassed in a very strange way:
"Mom..." he whispered softly.
It's her birthday, she's thirty today...
She and I are very close friends.
Only now she lies in the hospital,
Soon I will have a brother.

Ran away. And we stood with the saleswoman,
I'm in my forties, she's in her fifties.
Women should have been born
To raise kids like this

Tell me where did I come from?
I asked everyone a question.
And my grandfather answered me:
- The stork brought you to us.

And my grandmother told me:
- They found you in the cabbage.
And uncle joked: - From the station
They brought you in a basket.

I know it's not true
Mom gave birth to me
I just don't know the answer
Where did my mother take me?

My sister grumbled at me:
You turned everyone's heads.
And I started from the beginning:
Where did I live before my mother?

Nobody is a secret from adults
I couldn't explain it to me.
Only my mother answered simply:

I feel warm in your hands.
Only you understand me
Only with you is light for me.

There is no you in the whole world more expensive
There is no you in the whole world relatives.
May a good angel help you
In the circle of mysterious days.

There is no one more precious to me
You are my closest friend in the world!
Whatever happens will help me
Warm look and tenderness of your hands!

Mom, dear, I hug you,
And I wish you happiness, beauty,
So that you are happy, dear,
So that all dreams come true!

There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature.
Brightly marked for centuries!
The most beautiful of women
A woman with a child in her arms.

From any misfortune conjuring
She's not good at all!
No, not the Mother of God, but the earthly one,
Proud, sublime mother.

The light of love has been bequeathed to her since ancient times,
And so it stands for centuries
The most beautiful of women
A woman with a child in her arms.

There is a woman in the world the best
My good angel, the best consolation.
I love mom's unfeigned laughter
Our open conversation is a reward for me.

She will always prompt and understand
She is wise, always sincere.
Only mom will find the right words,
Only with my mother my friendship lasts.

Any question I can solve with her
I can share the most secret,
Only a mother in life can forgive everything
And stay kind and stay the same.

I know that there is no friend in the world more reliable,
Only with her am I open, honest,
Therefore, I wish my mother many years
And be a lovely mommy.

Mom, let the years go by
Everything has come and everything has gone.
Your hands and care
They gave me warmth.

I have always loved you.
Happy Birthday to You
I congratulate you today
My dear mother!

When I walk around the city with my mother,
For pyky mama I firmly hold:
Why should she go and be afraid,
What can she lose?

I am a colorful gift
I decided to give it to my mother.
I tried, I drew
Four pencils.

But first I'm on red
Pushed too hard
And then, for the red immediately
Purple broke

And then the blue broke
And the orange one broke ...
All the same, the portrait is beautiful,
Because it's mom!

Again you look with reproach.
Yes, I'm sorry I didn't call!
Yes, haven't been here for a long time...
Earned, dear.

I know it's no excuse!
But worrying in vain
It's all right, mommy!
(Smack!) Well, that's great!

Life roll to repeat again:
Girls grow up, inheriting all mothers,
From little daughters they want to turn
The girls are timid in respectable, strict ladies.

They dream of being happier than their mother,
Build your cozy, quiet home,
Sometimes ladies look for joy in work,
But they return to their old mother's house.

They come to be a child again
To feel care and warmth,
So that, as in childhood, a carefree call,
It became simple and light for those adult ladies.

They plunge back into childhood for a while,
Be related to your mother and forget the strictness of the ladies.
Ladies will be moved and others will return to life,
Inheriting their generous, kind mothers.

Beloved mother dear
I wish you happiness with all my heart
I want to wish her love
And never lose heart

So that all your dreams come true
gave life to you flowers,
You always be beautiful
And never be sad!

Mom ... Seemingly simple word,
And how much tenderness, affection, warmth,
The child mumbles it stupidly,
Arms outstretched, swollen from sleep.

In sorrow and in joy we say
That timid "Mom", then a sharp "Mother".
Sometimes in a foreign land suddenly the heart asks
To call a complete stranger "Mom".

And at home so often we hurt her
With actions, looks, gestures, we
Then in the distance we involuntarily remember
About what added to her gray hair.

And we write on school sheets hastily
Confessions of my belated guilt.
She reads them, blushes bashfully,
And tears are visible in bitter wrinkles.

For a long time, without a letter, I forgave all the insults,
And here she is painfully pleased to read:
"Thank you, dear, for raising me,
For what you love, For what you are!!!

Who do we meet first?
Coming to the white world, -
So this is our mother
She is not cuter.

All life revolves around her
Our whole world is warmed by it,
All the century she tries
Save us from trouble.

She is the backbone of the house
Busy every hour.
And there's no one but
Who would love us so much.

So she has more happiness
And life is longer,
And joy is in her lot,
And less sad things!

When I feel bad or hurt
You save me from sadness
When I'm happy with the whole world
You know about my joy.

You gave me this world
You are my example and help in everything,
Like the sun, it warmed and shone,
You have joy, tenderness, strength!

And even if I'm far away
And I forgot to call you
I know how the surf
Your love has covered me.

And let the days of sorrow come
And let the drama happen in life
There have been days like this before.
You will save me again, mom!

You are everything to me mom! My support, my girlfriend, my Guardian Angel. Although under no circumstances will I be able to thank you for giving me the most useful present, life. You are always there, and I do not know a single difficult moment, at a time when you were not there! Thank you mom for your love, affection, knowledge and education! And if I were given the choice of my mother, I would never, under any circumstances, change you for anything! I want you to be joyful! And then I will be fine! ©

Mom, in given word merges the most strong love and incredible patience! You have mine native mother, it's your birthday! Today, I want to apologize. Because I rarely tell you what I adore, but I really adore you madly! Apologize for all the trouble you got into because of me and for the fact that sometimes you had to cry because of me! Happy birthday my dear mother! I want to thank you for always being with me! And for what I have the best mom! Be joyful! ©

Dear Mom! I want you to have a good birthday, strong impressions and beautiful moments! May heaven always favor you, and all your paths will be open! Long life to you, dear, excellent health, bright well-being! Be joyful and cheerful and know: I adore you very much! ©

Mom's favorite, unique, the best, the most beautiful! Let relatives and friends surround you on the day of birth, catchy and nice compliments, insulated words of congratulations! I wish you sincere happiness and home well-being. May your most cherished dreams come true on this holiday! ©

I really want to give my beloved mom on her birthday
all the colors of the world, all the groovy songs and dances, energetic, as if
my mommy! I want you, my dear, so that your life reminds
beautiful good fairy tale necessarily with a joyful ending, and to live
I want you up to a hundred years in love, understanding, care from our side!
I want you a sea of ​​human happiness, an ocean of health and success,
so that grief and bad weather do not under any circumstances knock on the house! ©

On your anniversary, Mommy, I really want to want health, so that
your hair did not turn gray, but happiness and joy filled your soul
every day, and the heart sang from love! I want you under no circumstances
I didn’t know pain, I didn’t cry from resentment, I didn’t feel loneliness!
And we, your children, promise to pamper you, surround you with care and affection,
so that under no circumstances can you hear indifferent silence! Thank you for
everyone, happy birthday! ©

Happy Birthday Mommy,
beautiful butterfly,
You easily flutter in the clouds,
You know about everything in the world
I wish you

Blow out the candle on the cake
So that you do not guess
Let dreams come true
Be healthy and beautiful
In general, mom, be happy! ©

My mother dear
You are the sweetest and most beautiful
I honestly congratulate
Happy birthday!

Let trouble not touch you
You are with us, mother, alone
Let the guiding star help
May the Lord protect you.

Don't be sad and don't be sad
There is around you a large number of happiness,
You are my best,
My beloved mother. ©

My most beautiful mother in the world
He is now celebrating the day of his birth,
She is my main adviser.
And her good word always with me!

I wish her love to warm in the cold,
And under no circumstances did she cry with the rain,
In order to receive only good news,
And her house was full of laughter!

Let her always smile at all people,
And the good mood does not leave her,
And any of her days will be bright,
I give her all the warmth of my soul! ©

I want mommy with the sunrise
I am warm in the winter of summer,
For butterflies to flutter
Flowers exuded joy

So that the wind beats in curls,
And later soared to the Sun,
So that the sky gives clouds
And the mighty tree took on the handles,

Mother lifted to the sky
And brought a present
All my love and faith
So that spring brings through the door! ©