Decorate glasses. Decoration with mastic or polymer clay. Lace and delicate

A wedding is one of the most beautiful and special moments in the life of two people. To fully reflect the uniqueness of the couple, it is not enough luxury dress and the bride's bouquet elegant suit groom. There are a thousand little things to take care of. Master class: do-it-yourself wedding glasses will help you express your individuality in decorating these irreplaceable attributes of the celebration.

Decoration of wedding glasses:


Graceful lace will help to quickly and easily give the glasses a festive look. We offer you two step by step methods.

For the first option you will need:

  • lace, ribbon;
  • glue gun or clear cyanoacrylate-based super glue (it's waterproof and sticks well).

Note: before applying glue to glass or crystal surfaces, they must be wiped with a napkin with alcohol.

For attaching beads, rhinestones, crystals, ribbons, etc., silicone glue, ceramic glue, instant gel glue, and even ordinary PVA are also suitable for glass.

Step-by-step instruction:

For the second option you will need:

  • lace
  • satin ribbon in purple or other bright color
  • beads, rhinestones

How to do:

  1. Glue a satin ribbon to the top of the leg.
  2. Wrap the stem of the glass with a spiral, gluing each turn.
  3. Cut off a piece of lace. It should be wider than the base of the glass.
  4. Glue it while picking it up. Glue the ends.
  5. Use glue to attach the bow to the base of the leg.
  6. Add rhinestones to the lace and a bead to the bow.

Helpful Hint: Pasting small parts Apply glue with a needle or toothpick.

Decoration of wedding glasses with ribbons

There are many options for decorating a glass with ribbons: attach an elegant bow to the stem or wrap the ribbon around it in a neat spiral (as in the last photo lesson). Flowers from satin ribbons will look interesting. A simple video tutorial on how to create them will help you understand the technique:

Decoration of wedding glasses with flowers

Beautiful artificial flowers, collected in a fantasy composition, are perfect for decorating a wine glass. Fasten them tightly together and glue to the glass. The absolute identity of the glasses is not the main thing, but their elements must be in harmony with each other.

Fresh flowers are a difficult material for creativity. They require patience in laborious process preparation, but the result is worth the effort. To understand it, a master class: wedding glasses with their own hands offers step by step instructions for preparing and fixing fresh flowers:

  1. Cut each selected flower short, dip it in water and keep it there for several hours. Plants must absorb enough moisture.
  2. Stems of such large flowers as roses, lilies, shorten as much as possible.
  3. Attach a special teip tape to the glass, apply cotton wool soaked in water to the place where the stem is cut, wrap it with thin wire and place it under the tape. This process is called taping.
  4. Using pebbles, beads, nets, hide sloppy areas of work and wait for the glue to harden.
  5. Spray the flowers, hide the finished glasses under the bag and refrigerate until the celebration so that the plants retain their shape and beauty.

Note: fresh flowers must be the same as those used in the bride's bouquet and groom's boutonniere.

Flowers for decoration can not only be bought or cut, but also made independently. A small master class of do-it-yourself wedding glasses using polymer clay (cold porcelain) flowers in the video guide:

Some types of polymer clay require heat treatment. So that the clay does not lose color in the oven, boil it in water for about 5 minutes. white bloom, formed during cooking, is removed with sunflower oil.

Decoration of wedding glasses with petals

To give glasses a festive look, we offer another simple master class: do-it-yourself wedding glasses decorated with artificial flower petals.

Instructions: Gently glue the petals around the base of the glass. Fasten a satin ribbon under them.

If desired, add various decorations on the petals - beads, pearls, rhinestones, beads.

Decoration of wedding glasses with feathers

Airy and light, feathers will be a great addition to any created composition. They come in all colors of the rainbow, so every needlewoman will find a suitable one for her creation. Emphasize feathers or use them to add tenderness to the composition.

A few ideas for creating your own exclusive jewelry:

Decoration of wedding glasses with stained glass paints

There are several simple ways to decorate a wine glass with stained glass paints. For the first method you will need:

  • contour stickers-stencils for wedding glasses
  • stained glass paints
  • tassel
  • silk ribbon

How to do:

The second method is suitable for those needlewomen who know how to draw well.

Required tools:

  • stencil
  • scotch
  • tassel

How to do:

  1. Come up with a stencil or use ready-made ones (they are easy to find on the Internet), stick it with adhesive tape with inside wine glass.
  2. Carefully outline the contours first, then paint over the empty areas.
  3. To avoid smearing, wait for the paint to dry before removing the drawing.
  4. If you are confident in your abilities, draw, relying only on your imagination. The main thing is that creativity reflects your unique vision and concept of celebration.


Decoration of wedding glasses with rhinestones

Rhinestones are very popular in decorating the attributes of the celebration - this is a great option to quickly and beautifully make the glasses look festive. Small elements are suitable - they will shine and shimmer better in the light. With the help of rhinestones, lay out the figures of rings, hearts, patterns, make inscriptions. The leg of the glass decorated with rhinestones will look elegant.

Decoration of wedding glasses with beads

Beads, beads - universal remedy to give wine glasses richness and solemnity. As a rule, they are not the main element of decor, but are attached to petals, flowers, lace to complement. It will look good beads, divided in two and glued to the glass, lined with a certain pattern or arranged in random order.

Engraving on glasses

The engraving on the glasses looks elegant and no frills. At home classic version It is difficult to implement, but it is interesting and easy to make with the help of decoupage. On the video master classes: do-it-yourself wedding glasses, this is shown in detail:

Glasses that you decorate yourself - best gift you and your significant other. Their decoration is good way show imagination, emphasize the uniqueness of your couple, add even more beauty to the celebration. If you have other interesting and unusual ideas for decorating wedding glasses, share them in the comments.

Painted glasses are rarely used in wedding ceremonies, but thanks to this they are now gaining popularity, because you can create any pattern with paints.

After exclusivity, the main advantage is that such decor cannot be accidentally disturbed, as happens with lace, rhinestones or ribbons. It does not deteriorate, does not fall off the glass, so wine glasses have long term services.

Depending on the technique of execution, certain paints are used, which differ for each case. When the drawing is done in a mixed style, several types of materials are used.

The main types of paints used in the decoration of the glass:

  1. Acrylic (stained glass) paints on water based when solidified, they acquire a muted glossy sheen, and when undiluted they give a slightly convex pattern. The picture on the glass dries for a long time, firing may be required to fix the result, but this method is dangerous for thin-walled wine glasses.
  2. Solvent, also related to stained glass paints, are based on lacquer compositions, which is why they are more fluid and quickly harden. Therefore, a special solution is required to increase transparency. Pictures look good on glass, especially if the picture does not involve a ribbed surface.
  3. Contour paints are a thick mass placed in a tube with a sharp nose, made specifically for drawing thin lines. To make the drawing convex, the manufacturers created a fairly dense texture. After all, it is used to draw details or contours.

Techniques in which wedding glasses are painted:

  1. Dot or confetti. The selected colors are applied with matches, toothpicks or cotton swabs, depending on the required diameter. At the same time, acrylic paints are used to create a pattern.
  2. Decoration. Depict with the help of brushes thematic motifs. Most often, buds or other plant patterns bloom on glass. This technique of execution will require some experience in drawing and working with glass.
  3. Picture in stained glass style. This design creates a certain pattern using stained glass paints, after drying of which a contour is applied, depicting lead or gilded bindings. To make the glass look like real cathedral glass, the base paint should be slightly translucent, showing the passage of light rays through the picture. This creates the feeling of a mosaic.

Stained glass paints are often used to create drawings, especially in authentic style. And contour drawings are used to draw sketchy pictures, or individual small details that should protrude above the surface.

How to decorate wedding glasses with your own hands: dot painting on glass

by the most in a simple way, is a point decoration. To create it, you do not need the ability to draw, and it does not take a lot of time and resources.


  • acrylic paints;
  • cotton swabs, matches;
  • disposable container, from 2-3 cm in diameter (can be made from foil);
  • cotton pads or tissue paper;
  • alcohol or acetone.

To begin with, the glasses are washed and allowed to dry. After that, the surface is additionally cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. When everything is done, the glass is turned upside down.

This method of preparation will remove all impurities that could violate the future decoration.

Pour the paint of the selected color into a disposable container. Having dipped a cotton swab in the paint, they begin to make dots from the very bottom of the bowl. The distance between them is made approximately the same so that the decoration looks uniform.

After completing the first row, the next one begins, while the pressing force of the stick decreases - this method will give smaller mugs. When this ceases to act, they switch to painting with matches. The higher the dots rise in the glass, the less often they occur.

At the same time, they are placed in a random order. Sometimes curls or pyramids are made from them.

Points stop putting down 1.5-2 cm to the edge of the glass. This is done to prevent paint particles from entering the mouth.

The leg and stand are most often left clean. But sometimes they make inscriptions on the stand with contour paints of the same shade.

When newlyweds want more variety, glass decorations are made from several colors.

This style of performance can look rough, just like the same mugs, so you need to follow the moderation in.

How to paint wedding glasses with a contour on glass - a master class

Painting glasses for a wedding with a contour on glass is quite light vehicles. But at the same time, you must try to create points and lines on paper so as not to spoil the workpiece.

For painting you will need:

  • contour paints;
  • masking tape;
  • cotton pads and alcohol;
  • stencil.

Glasses are cleaned and degreased with alcohol or acetone. After preparation, with thin strips of adhesive tape, glue the stencil onto the bowl.

They take a tube with paint of the main color and begin to apply dots along the contour of the stencil. When the figure is completed, the adhesive tape is removed, and the place of gluing is degreased with a cotton swab.

After the glass has dried from alcohol, the border is closed and proceed to the next stage. Sometimes there are more hard way execution - drawing a solid line.

When the main figure is completed, they begin to apply dots on the sides of the glass. At the same time, they try to ensure that different colors and sizes of circles are randomly distributed.

The dots gradually become smaller, and large gaps are left between them. At the same time, a clean strip the size of the main pattern is kept at the back. This is done to make the glass look lighter and lighter.

Do-it-yourself painting of wedding glasses with acrylic paints - tips and ideas

Painting is the most difficult way to create a pattern on glasses. This technique is only suitable for people with an acquired skill in drawing.


Glasses are prepared for drawing and turned upside down. After that, water is poured into a glass, and paints are squeezed onto one of the plates. The second bowl will serve as a stand for wet brushes.

To draw the stamens, cotton swabs are dipped in paint and randomly dotted along the bottom of the glass. In this case, the colors and size of the circles should be slightly different. When the stamens are completed, they are left to dry for 2-3 hours.

Sometimes it is advised to bake paints to finish the job faster, but wedding glasses are fragile and can crack from high temperatures. Therefore, it is better to let the paint dry naturally.

After drying, draw the petals of the plant. They are made with a thick brush, and then the veins and details are drawn. When all the small elements are completed, the glass is again given time to harden.

The last step is to decorate the stem of the glass. She is being covered green paint representing the stem of a plant.

This is the easiest way to create an original glass. But if a person has a lot of experience in drawing, he can make more complex plant drawings on the bowl.

How to make painted glasses for a wedding yourself: templates, stencils with patterns

In this video you will learn more about painting a wedding glass:

When there is a desire to create a complex pattern on wedding glasses, but there is no skill in working with paints and glass, ready-made sketches and stencils will help. After all, the principle of creating decor is to print and cut out the pattern, then attach it to the glass and paint over the voids.

Depending on the volume of the pattern on the stencil, choose different colors. For large ones, stained glass is used, and for small parts, a contour is used.

Self-painted wedding glasses delight during the holiday and from photographs, and with the right application of colors, they can be placed as decoration in the future home. Sometimes the technique is so perfect that they are used on every wedding anniversary without losing their beauty.

Beautiful original glasses which are specially designed for wedding celebration, are the same required attribute holiday, like the bride's bouquet. by the most best solution will decorate the wedding glasses by yourself.

It is in this design that the bride and groom invest a piece of their soul, making the glasses unique. The lace used to finish the glasses does not overload the decor, creating a feeling of lightness. Such glasses with lace can be a wonderful memorable gift.

Wedding glasses with lace - decor ideas

DIY wedding glasses with lace are not just table decorations. According to a long-established tradition, they are broken for good luck, but this custom is already a thing of the past, and today festively and originally decorated glasses are presented as memorable gift witnesses from the side of the bride and groom.

The present will be bright and unique only if the young people will take care of the design of the glasses themselves. There are many, the most common is decoration with lace. For this purpose, use lace:

  • canvas;
  • braid;
  • tape (wide or narrow).

Glasses can be left transparent or a layer of paint can be applied to their outer surface.

Using lace, the master creates the image of the bride and groom, makes the glasses bright and eye-catching, or vice versa, delicate and weightless. It all depends on the theme of the wedding and the preferences of the artist.

In cases where the entire celebration is decorated in one color (,), glasses are decorated in accordance with the main color chosen to decorate the banquet.

Materials for decorating wedding glasses with your own hands can be purchased at specialized stores that sell everything you need for decoration and needlework.

When choosing the most suitable materials, you should take into account the shape of the glasses, the features of the glass, the height of the legs. The color of ribbons and lace should be combined with the overall design of the wedding, its theme, flowers in the bride's bouquet.

Lace braid intended for decorating wedding glasses should have a pronounced pattern that will be clearly visible against the background of a filled vessel.

By creating holiday decor, you should think about the need to use rhinestones. Their brilliance will not only draw attention to objects, but also add solemnity to the moment.

The design process will not take much time, but it will require diligence and accuracy from the artists. It is better to study the experience of other masters and choose the most suitable option decorations.

Do not use expensive materials. Quite enough is the usual lace braid, satin ribbon and beads (rhinestones). In order for all elements to hold firmly on the glass surface, you will need a degreaser and high-quality reliable glue.

Lace should not be glued close to the edge of the glass. This will prevent you from drinking from it, and drops of champagne that have fallen on the decor will spoil its appearance.

When decorating the stem of a glass, care must be taken to keep the vessel comfortable in your hand.

How to make glasses for a wedding with lace with your own hands: 2 master classes

Create original decor wedding glasses with lace is quite simple, but you need to carefully consider the design and stock up on all the necessary materials.

This video will help you decorate wedding glasses with your own hands:

In most cases, glasses for young people are tall, made of thin glass and on a thin high leg.

This will allow you to decorate them beautifully, fixing the lace only on the lower half of the glass, and satin ribbon(thin lace braid) trim the leg.

For work you will need to prepare:

  • acetone (wet wipes containing alcohol);
  • glue gun;
  • solvent;
  • beads and rhinestones;
  • satin ribbons of different widths;
  • lace.

Before you start decorating the glasses, it is better to draw on a piece of paper what you want to see after the work is completed. In accordance with the finished drawing, select the necessary materials.

To make it convenient to work, it is necessary to prepare the required number of beads, cut off a piece of lace braid, heat up the core of the glue gun.

Measure the braid and satin ribbons desired length You can attach the fabric to the surface of the glass. To do this, wrap the braid around the glass and cut off the desired piece, leaving a small (several millimeters) margin.

This is necessary in order to hide the cut edge. If you want to decorate the leg of the glass with a bow of satin ribbon, it is done in advance. A bead or rhinestone is attached in the middle and set aside:

  1. When starting work, you should thoroughly wash the glasses, since after decoration it will no longer be possible to do this.
  2. Drying and rubbing inner surface vessels, degrease them from the outside. For this you can use wet wipes or even wipe the glass lightly with acetone.
  3. Registration begins with the smallest and most insignificant details that do not need to be immediately fixed on the surface of the glass.
  4. The prepared glass surface is coated thin layer glue so that the edges of the lace are securely fixed.
  5. Two "skirts" are made from the same pieces of lace. To do this, a smooth edge is collected on a thread, stitched with small stitches, and the thread is tightened on the stem of the glass at its base.
  6. In the upper part (at the bottom of the glass) they tie a thin satin ribbon, having previously applied to this part of the vessel not a large number of glue gun. This will prevent the ribbon from slipping or unraveling.

This design option is quite simple, but glasses decorated in this way look festive and at the same time very gentle.

The second method will require more preparation and careful work, but the result will exceed expectations. In addition to all of the above, you will need:

  • rhinestones of various diameters;
  • glue;
  • wide lace braid;
  • satin ribbon;
  • decorative ornament (ring).

Using rhinestones, you can not only make beautiful pattern on the walls of the glass, but also write the names of the young at the base of the vessel:

  1. First of all, the desired pattern is drawn on the walls of the glass, along the contour of which glue droplets are applied using a glue gun.
  2. Rhinestones are placed on the glue with tweezers.
  3. After drying, the stem of the glass is made in a similar way.
  4. On the basis of the glass, the names of the young are written and rhinestones are fixed in the same way.
  5. Now measure out right amount lace and make a "skirt", which is collected on a thread and fastened around the bottom of the glass with a glue gun. The edges of the lace must be carefully fixed.
  6. Lastly, a bow is made from a satin ribbon, decorated with it and glued to the top of the stem of the glass.

In this video you can choose one of the options for wedding glasses for your wedding:

After carefully examining the walls of the vessel, using a solvent and cotton swab you can remove excess glue or other stains.

A wedding is one of the most memorable days in a person's life. Specially decorated wedding glasses will help keep bright memories in your soul.. If young people decide to keep such glasses, then they can use them when celebrating the first wedding anniversary or the birth of their first child.

High-quality design will allow you to keep the glasses in their proper form for a long time, and if silicate glue is used in the process, the glasses can be washed and, if desired, filled with wine during the celebration anniversary marriages.

A wedding is a grandiose celebration, which is usually celebrated with chic and brilliance. Therefore, couples begin preparing for a great day in a few months, paying attention to even the most inconspicuous details. At a happy moment, when relatives and friends gather at the same table, they should see chic dishes, exquisite dishes and jewelry that would symbolize the newlyweds. In this article we will tell you how to make glasses with your own hands, which in the future will remind you of a grand celebration.

Decorate with rhinestones and sequins

This option for decorating wedding glasses with your own hands will emphasize the sophistication of the celebration. The choice in favor of shiny stones is made by couples at whose wedding crystal and diamonds are appropriate. Such dishes will give not only glamor to the design, but also showiness.

How to do? Take small and medium rhinestones. You can choose the color of your choice, because today there are silver, and gold, and mother-of-pearl. Before you start gluing rhinestones, stock up on gun glue so that there are no stains on the glasses. Prepare in advance a template according to which you will design glassware, especially if you are planning intricate pattern or an inscription. To simplify the task, it is enough to take a washable marker and apply it on a glass with light strokes, and then glue rhinestones along the contour.

Lace and delicate

Decorating glasses with lace is suitable for couples who arrange a wedding in pastel colors using delicate flowers And light pattern. Such dishes are wedding table will surely delight the newlyweds and guests. Besides, this a budget option design.

How to do? You will need lace. To date, there are more than 10 types of patterns that are made both manually and by machine. Choose the most elegant, using glue, carefully glue the lace on the glass and the stem of the glass, and then let it dry. If you show imagination, you can make the dishes lush and voluminous. To do this, you need to collect lace fabric in a kind of bezel.

Summer bouquet

Do you want to surprise your guests with the decor of wedding glasses? Flowers and mini-bouquets of fresh plants will do the job perfectly. Appearance Such dishes will give your celebration richness and elegance. However, you need to decorate the glasses either on the day of the celebration, or the day before, so that the beautiful and fragrant flowers do not wither.

How to do? There are two ways: decorate with artificial flowers or decorate with fresh buds. Before sticking a mini-bouquet on a glass, you need to think over the design and create a template. You can use small rosebuds, stick them on the ribbon with glue, and then wrap the glass around. But it is also not forbidden to make a small bouquet of a bud, green twigs and beautiful lace, which are subsequently attached to the stem. IN spring period you can use delicate peonies or cherry blossoms. IN summer period- daisies or daisies, and in the cold season, choose a rose.

Creative impulse

Create a unique decor for wedding glasses. The master class will help decorate the dishes for the celebration with the help of paint. Here you can show your imagination and depict absolutely any drawing. It doesn't matter what style your wedding is. fairy forest, gothic castle or hippie van. The ideal solution would be acrylic paints that dry in a day, do not wash off or wash off. long time.

How to do? Glasses of the bride and groom must be treated with alcohol to dry the surface and degrease. So acrylic will take on the surface more firmly. Always use templates, then you can create an even, beautiful and accurate drawing without flaws. You have a chance to make patterns, and a beautiful calligraphic inscription, and drawings of flowers. Optionally, you can complement the design with rhinestones, sequins or lace. If you want to impress, then use fluorescent acrylic paint that will glow in the dark. So you will always be in the spotlight, especially when the feast turns into evening dances.

Silk Ribbons

Decorating wedding glasses with your own hands using ribbons is a budget option that will still delight guests. Here you can also show imagination, so you should not be limited to only ribbons. Choose material from satin, but lace is recommended to heighten the effect. The main advantage of this material is that today the color range is not limited, and you can choose ribbons for the design of the celebration.

How to do? Use gun glue to securely hold satin or lace. Wrap a satin ribbon around the stem of the glass, touching a few centimeters of the bottom. Make an elegant bow and carefully place it on the glue. great idea will make from ribbon Men's Tie or a butterfly, and for the bride's glass to create a light lace dress. Don't be afraid to complement the design additional decor. For example, grease the surface of the glass with a thin layer and sprinkle abundantly with shiny sand so that not a single millimeter remains free.

decorative rope

Using rope or braided cord will add an exotic touch to your wedding. As a rule, it is recommended to use brown twine and wooden objects. In addition, the glasses of the bride and groom can be used throughout the celebration and not be afraid that in the process of grandiose fun, you can break a family heirloom.

How to do? Take a thin rope Brown and glue in the gun. Apply a thin adhesive layer, and then wrap the glass around the glass so that there is no free space left. Pay attention to the photo above, how impressive the thread looks. You can complement the decor of wedding glasses with ribbons and wooden objects. For example, you can use thin tree bark or bamboo sticks. This design of dishes is suitable for those who want to make a wedding, for example, in an African style.

From polymer clay

The decor of wedding glasses made of polymer clay gives scope to the human imagination, because this material is the same as plasticine. From it you can make any drawing, inscription, figure or pattern. The main thing is to be creative and not be afraid to excel. If you have not previously worked with polymer clay, That better decoration entrust festive dishes to a professional. However, you will still be able to choose the perfect and unique template. But if you decide to do it yourself, then this master class on decorating wedding glasses is for you.

How to do? Take the polymer clay of the desired colors, and then form small petals. Use a sharp stationery knife or blade, so all the details will turn out even and neat. Carefully make small buds that would resemble a rose. Prepare the leaves and small stems using a thin toothpick. Before applying polymer clay to a glass, it must be degreased with alcohol. Let the glass dry, and then apply a thin layer of glue and fix the finished flowers. You can create flower buds of different sizes to make the glasses look more impressive. In order to work with the other side and not damage the finished flowers, polymer clay must be baked. It is not forbidden to use an oven in which glassware is placed for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 100 degrees.

shiny sand

For creating exquisite design you will need glitters - sequins that look like sand or dust. Applying such a decor is easy, you just need to think over the design, but you are guaranteed enthusiastic looks.

How to do? The decor of wedding glasses with your own hands begins with the choice of material. Glitter color can be used as desired, and glitters are sold today, ranging from dark tones and ending with bright acid powder. Dust is applied to the surface of the glass, which is pre-treated with a thin adhesive layer. If you want to create a pattern, you can apply glue with a gun and sprinkle shiny sand on top, and then wait a few minutes and shake off excess glitter.


The glasses of the bride and groom will be original and unique if you use engraving. Such festive dishes will become a real family heirloom that will stand in a sideboard for decades. As a rule, they use the names of the newlyweds, but you can complement the decor with oaths, patterns and the date of the celebration.

How to do? Engraving is best done by specialists who carefully cut out the inscription on the glass surface. You can also try to make the decor yourself, using only ready template(stencil) and a liquid that will allow you to simulate glass etching. To do this, you need to treat the glass with alcohol or acetone to degrease the surface, then it is important to stick the stencil and cover the glass with liquid. After waiting a few minutes, you should remove the stencils and enjoy beautiful engraving with your own hands. To heighten the effect, the color of the liquid can be changed by adding a few drops of paint to the mixture.

Spray effect

This is an original decoration of wedding glasses, which will take you only 10 minutes. In this method, we will also use glitters, because this is truly unique material. Try creating goblets that resemble silver or gold frost. This design of festive dishes will make your table fabulous and magical.

How to do? Take the glitter and pour it into a small bowl. Add some liquid glue, mix with a spatula. Take a porous sponge, gently lower it into a bowl of shiny sand and apply it to a degreased glass surface, imitating frost. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated after the first layer of glue has dried. To make the glass look spectacular, you can use glitters different colors. It is not recommended to apply glitter around the edges of the glass, otherwise, during the celebration, the bride or groom may be poisoned by both the glue and the glitter itself. At the end, you can fix the decor clear varnish or epoxy resin.

Greek pearls

Tired of rhinestones and sequins? Then use beautiful beads that will always come to the rescue. It doesn’t matter if you have different sizes of decor in your arsenal, because you can even use beads!

How to do? Start with preparation required material. Choose beads of the color in which you spend your celebration. Agree, it would be inappropriate if your wedding is all in red and pink colors, and on the table the young couple will have glasses with blue and green beads. To create decorated dishes, you will have to use a glue gun. Put a drop on a degreased glass and carefully place the bead with tweezers. Try to do unique design: start decorating the glass with a large faux pearls, gradually reducing the size of the beads. Approaching the edge of the glass, you can use small beads. Decorate the glassware with silk ribbon or wrap the leg with brown twine.

Summing up

Decorating glasses is a truly creative process, which is always distinguished by its unique approach. Decorating a wedding interior can become a real hobby for you and, perhaps, will grow into a hobby over time. Don't worry if you don't have enough skill and skill in your arsenal - everything comes with experience. Just enough to practice glassware, which is not a pity to spoil. When you hone your skills, you can safely switch to expensive crystal. You can be sure that your glasses will impress guests and loved ones. Into the great wedding day all the details are important, so do not be afraid to show imagination, because everything that will happen at the celebration will remain in your memory.

A modern wedding takes place with the participation of numerous paraphernalia, traditional from ancient times and introduced in festive celebration recently, but already firmly won the love of young people and guests. To such not too ancient wedding ceremonies refers to the tradition of putting on the table in front of the newlyweds fancy decorated goblets go wine glasses, from which the drink seems sweeter.

Exquisite magnificent flowers, feathers, lace, stucco - all this is acquired in wedding salons before the celebration. But no less popular is the tradition of making decorations for wedding glasses with your own hands. IN modern world such a hobby will save the necessary cash, and even after the wedding, such wine glasses can become a family relic.

Wine glass decoration options

When developing a solution on how to decorate wedding glasses with your own hands, it should be remembered that in addition to the decorative attribute of a wedding, such products are vessels for champagne. Ornaments are arranged in such a way that comfortable it was necessary to hold the glass by the stem and drink without spilling liquid due to the abundance of convex elements.

Decoration with lace or openwork guipure

The color of such a delicate and elegant material is most often taken white, sometimes pastel pink or bluish shades are used. Lace is used in various widths, depending on the invented wedding design. They are fixed on the walls of the glass with a thin layer so that champagne glows in openwork intervals or they make a lush frill at the base of the leg. Each option at the wedding looks original and unique.

Giving glasses luxury with the help of painting

As a style use:

Acrylic paints are used for painting, which are not washed off with water or artistic oil paints, but it should be remembered that the latter dry for a long time (about 5 days). For those who do not have certain drawing skills, painting on glass is difficult, so you can use stencils or paste ready-made images printed from the Internet. For a correct understanding of the stages of work, you can watch the video, which presents the master class.

stucco decoration

This is not about the heavy plaster moldings that decorate the ceilings and walls in the apartment. It means light polymer clay, from which craftsmen mold the thinnest petals of roses, poppies, lilies or other favorite flowers. Such bouquets will look amazing with outside glasses turned at the wedding from the newlyweds to the guests. This is a wonderful decoration for champagne vessels, if you can decorate wedding glasses with your own hands. Photos of amazing products can be viewed in the catalogs of fashionable wedding stores.

Combined jewelry options

For young spouses, it doesn’t matter what technique the wine glasses are made in, beauty and grace play the first role for them, therefore it is recommended to use a mixture of styles when decorating wine glasses for a wedding. For example, a lace fabric or delicate painting can become a background for elegant stucco work. The beauty of the petals on the walls of the glass is emphasized by ribbons of various colors, small and large sizes beads, large and small shiny balls.

for sticker individual elements jewelry pick up special glue, otherwise beautiful compositions may fall during the feast ceremony at the wedding table:

Master class on decorating wedding wine glasses with petals

Before finishing, you should take acetone, nail polish remover, alcohol (one of the substances) for degreasing work surface to decorative elements stick well to the glass. After treatment, the surface is washed well with running water. If the above substances are not available, then use a washcloth with soap, then wipe it with a soft dry cloth until a characteristic creak appears. Then proceed to finishing:

  • they take an artificial rose with well-shaped petals and disassemble it into separate components and round off all the protruding parts below with scissors;
  • you need to transfer the flower to the glass surface from the center, that is, immediately glue 3 small petals, then gradually add more around the circumference, increasing their size towards the edges;
  • at the same time, they try to arrange the following parts so that they overlap the emerging gaps, it is recommended to wait for some time for the glue to dry;
  • on free space left specifically for this purpose, they write the names of the bride and groom, you can come up with good or comic wishes. To apply them, take a thin brush and write small letters, calculating a place so that the inscription does not fit on a neighboring flower;
  • with rhinestones, beads, silver acrylic paints additionally decorate the walls of the glass, draw hearts, curls, stars, etc .;
  • if everything prepared to create a design development is already on the walls of the glass, then we can assume that the vessel is ready for a solemn event.

For novice designers, it should be recalled that sometimes a concise product looks much more elegant than a stuck-on set of incongruous elements. To give an already slender glass, it is enough to add an element of design development, and the glass will shine with a festive look.

Decoration of wedding glasses with ribbons and polymer products

Lovely ribbons, neat bows remind of youth, bring an element of celebration to a significant day for the young. If the wedding is in the spirit minimalism, then to decorate a glass, it is enough to tie a red or silver ribbon on the stem of the glass; all guests will surely look at such a modest decor. Finishing steps:

  • the first stage, by analogy with the previous composition, requires degreasing the surface before work;
  • pieces of the same width are cut from a polymer strip of a circular cross section, and the resulting circles are cut several times into identical parts, forming neat small bows;
  • flowers are collected on paper, a ball of polymer material is laid as a base, about one and a half millimeters thick, if the clay sticks to hands, then it is rolled in pastel crumbs;
  • petals are made from a standard ball, which is rolled into a thin cake, bent and applied to the base on paper;
  • take a pin and roll out the surface of the petal from the center to the edge (a pin is needed with a round head);
  • after the flower head is completely formed with a toothpick, it is left aside and several unopened buds are made of clay, a ball is rolled up, then a drop is formed and the bud petals are cut on top with scissors for manicure;
  • ready-made decorative elements are baked in the oven for 15 minutes, the temperature is chosen at around 110º, left to cool by opening the door;
  • cooled flowers using super glue are attached to the walls of the glass, taking into account a uniform and beautiful composition;
  • cooled and glued flowers are decorated with pastel colors, using pink, soft purple and blue shades;
  • on the surface, as an addition, glue halves of beads to fill empty seats in the design version;
  • from the ribbons of the color you like, a neat bow of medium size is formed and attached to the stem of the wine glass to complete the composition.

Master Class " Wedding glasses with your own hands"

To choose their own, non-trivial option for decorating wine glasses on the wedding table, newlyweds can look through a lot of photos and choose the option they like or come up with a completely new one. In addition to ribbons, satin, lace, tulle of different colors and widths are used. Rhinestones on glass or satin look very effective.

How to decorate glasses with rhinestones?

Sometimes the bride and groom take glasses with iridescent rhinestones to their solemn attire. Ribbons, lace, voluminous flowers they are not attracted to polymeric material or artificial petals, so a master class on how to make such a decoration will follow:

How to decorate wedding glasses with natural or artificial feathers?

To compose original decoration and take care of festive look, choose feathers for design about decorating glasses on the wedding table:

Decorating glasses with your own hands is very an exciting activity. If you like the work, then in the future you can help your friends do it already as an experienced designer.