Halloween makeup. We draw scars and wounds on the face and hands for Halloween - How to apply scary makeup at home. The scariest DIY Halloween makeup - Photos and videos

Very soon we will celebrate the holiday Halloween, on this day the most daring experiments with your appearance, the craziest images and unusual makeup. Halloween is probably the only day of the year when not only girls, but also guys can put on makeup.

Means straight guys, about boys gay there is no question, they have much more freedom, they are allowed to do makeup any day of the week.

Just before we start doing our makeup, let's delve a little into the historical and cultural significance of Halloween and figure out whether it can be considered a holiday?

The Halloween holiday originated from the traditions of the ancient Celts of Ireland and Scotland. Around the 16th century, a tradition of begging for goodies and gifts developed on the night of October 31st. Children and adults walked from one house to another, begging the owners for food, accompanying the begging with jokes.

The custom of wearing full-length lamps and carrying them with them appeared only at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Halloween manicure will be in the next publication...

Later, many Europeans were looking for better life left their native lands, leaving for the United States. Together with the emigrants, traditions and holidays were transferred, which were transformed and took other forms on American soil. As a result of this, over time, the Halloween holiday was formed in the United States.

Further, the United States began to increasingly impose its cultural values ​​on the world community, due to which fashion and lifestyle changed. Halloween is no exception - its American version spread to many countries, including the republics of the former USSR.

Based on all this, we can firmly say that Halloween is not a holiday, it has neither a spiritual nor a historical basis, it is based solely on people’s desire to have fun. Although, in fact, what do we need from the holiday? Most people rarely think about their origins holidays, because the main thing is that there is a reason for fun and feasting...

Now let's move on to Halloween makeup. As mentioned above, both girls and boys can do makeup on this day. And most importantly, there are no clear boundaries and norms, you can give free rein to your imagination.

Look at the photos with makeup and fantasy photos in general, fairy tale characters– choose the one you like and try to recreate it on your face. If possible, use high-quality decorative cosmetics. Try to avoid using different colors, which have a different purpose. The holiday will fly by in one night, and your face, your skin will remain with you for the rest of your life.

Paints and other products not intended for makeup and not approved by dermatologists can cause serious damage to your appearance - allergies and other problems are possible, the elimination of the consequences of which will take a lot of time.

Before applying makeup, it is necessary to cleanse the skin and apply a high-quality makeup base, which to some extent will protect the skin from a thick layer of holiday makeup.

The Halloween holiday is celebrated in clubs, where alcohol, music, dancing and socializing compress time - the evening and night will quickly fly by. Therefore, your return home will be long after midnight, you will return tired, and you will immediately want to go to bed. Before you do this, be sure to remove your makeup!

Holidays add variety to our lives. If earlier carnival costumes used only on New Year holidays, then today another costume holiday has become very popular - Halloween.

IN festive events In honor of Halloween, children also take part with pleasure. After all, they love to dress up in unusual costumes, portraying zombies, ghouls and other evil spirits.

To make the image complete, you need not only to choose a costume, but also to come up with makeup that matches the character. For example, a vampire costume will not produce desired effect, unless the child has sharp fangs and deathly pale facial skin.

How children's makeup Is Halloween vampire makeup different from adult makeup? Firstly, it is worth taking into account the age of the child. If this is a baby, then makeup should not scare him. Therefore, we try to make make-up for the child not scary, but rather funny. Secondly, it should be taken into account that children’s skin is thinner and more sensitive, therefore cosmetical tools that are planned to be used must be hypoallergenic and harmless.

Important point! Before applying makeup, you need to conduct allergy tests. You need to take a little of the cosmetics that you plan to use and apply it to the skin of your baby’s hands in the area of ​​the wrist or elbow. If after a couple of hours there is no negative reaction (rash, redness, itching), you can start working with makeup.

To give your child Halloween vampire makeup, you can use several types of makeup.

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The best option is face painting. These are hypoallergenic paints water based. After application, they do not cause discomfort, do not tighten the skin, and adhere well. This product is sold in dry (in tablets) or already diluted form. The first option is more practical for use at home, since undiluted makeup has long term storage, it can be used for several years. And this is an important factor, since face painting is not cheap.

This product is applied with sponges and brushes. To remove makeup, just wash your face.

You can also use theatrical makeup; as a rule, it does not cause allergic reactions. However, this product is made on a fat basis; the skin under a layer of makeup does not breathe. Therefore, it is better not to use this option for small children or apply it only to small areas skin, rather than covering your entire face with makeup. To remove such makeup you will need cosmetic milk or oil.

Another tool that can be used to make a vampire makeup for Halloween for children is special face crayons. This product is harmless to the skin and easy to apply. However, crayons have a significant drawback - they wear off quickly, so makeup made with their help will not last long.

In addition to the tools listed, to create the image of a vampire you will need:

  • cosmetic pencils different color(at a minimum you need to have black and red on hand);
  • eyeliner and mascara;
  • dark blush;
  • eyeshadow palette with several shades, it is important that the palette contains dark colors, preference for burgundy, purple, dark brown, gray, black;
  • concealer.

Tools you will need include sponges and brushes. different sizes and shapes, as well cotton buds and discs for correction.

How to apply makeup?

First of all, you need to come up with an image that will be supported by a suit, makeup and accessories. To do this, you should look at photos of children in the role of the selected character. Of course, you don’t have to copy an image created by someone else; you can simply get the basic ideas and then create an exclusive makeup with your own hands.

Let's see how to do it light makeup vampire, describing the work in stages.

First you need to prepare and protect your baby's skin. To do this, apply to the face baby cream. After about fifteen minutes, when the cream is absorbed, you can start working. Our task at this stage is to give the skin a deathly pallor. To do this, you can use white makeup, to which you can add a little blue paint. If you have freckles or pimples on your face, you need to apply concealer to them.

If you don’t have makeup on hand, you can whiten your face with a home remedy that can be prepared from flour, starch and a few drops of glycerin. This composition is applied with a sponge. If you apply it too thickly, it may crack and crumble slightly over time. However, this will make the image of a vampire even more terrible.

Then you should powder your face with baby powder, brush off excess powder with a powder puff.

Now it's time to use blush. You can use bronze or other dark shade, blush can be replaced with dark brown or gray shadows. Apply the product with a wide brush to the cheekbones and sides of the forehead and temples.

Halloween or holiday evil spirits began to be widely celebrated in our country relatively recently. But the holiday quickly gained popularity, as it is a great opportunity to have fun and show off your Creative skills, choosing a costume for some “evil spirits”. To complete the look, you will need to apply appropriate makeup. What simple Halloween makeup can you easily do at home? It turns out that there are many options that you can easily implement yourself.

Looking at the photo various options makeup intended for Halloween parties, many girls will be saddened to think that they will not be able to create such “creepy beauty” with their own hands. Indeed, in order to do complex makeup you need to have artistic ability and considerable experience. In addition, you must have special means, which not every girl can afford to buy for one party a year.

But don’t be upset, even the simplest Halloween makeup done at home will help create the right atmosphere for the holiday. To create it, you can use the most ordinary cosmetics, as well as sparkles, rhinestones and various accessories, which can be purchased at prank supply stores.

It’s quite easy to create the image of a doll yourself. But first you need to figure out what kind of character she will have. It could be a sad doll that its owner abandoned long ago, or an evil doll that comes to life at night to do its dirty deeds.

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Here are instructions explaining how to do simple makeup for this look:

  • Step one. First of all, you need to whiten your face. For this, it would be good to use theatrical makeup, but if you don’t have it, you can get by with regular makeup. foundation and very powdery light tone. To disguise skin imperfections, you should use concealer. On the nose and upper cheeks brown pencil you can draw freckles.
  • Step two. The doll's eyes should be expressive and large, and the eyebrows should be clearly drawn. It is better to make eyebrows dark, but not necessarily black, you can use purple or blue tone. On the eyelids you should draw long and wide arrows, apply shadows in bright tones. If possible, you can stick on false eyelashes, or simply apply thick layers of mascara on your own.
  • Step three. The doll's blush should be bright. You need to pull in your cheeks and apply paint into the indentations on your cheeks.
  • Step four. Lips can be painted with any bright lipstick from pink to black. It is advisable to give the lips a “bow” shape, making them fuller and shorter. To do this, cover the lips foundation, and then draw a new outline, which is painted over with lipstick.

In principle, the makeup can be considered complete, but if you want, you can “become a little mischievous.” For example, make “bruises” on the neck using blue and purple shadows. Or draw a scar with traces of a seam on the cheek with a cosmetic pencil.

Read also: Cute and Creepy Schoolgirl Halloween Images

Witch image

One of the most popular Halloween party looks for girls is the witch look. This heroine can be different, because witches can appear both in the guise of a creepy old woman and in the guise of a young charmer.

To do a simple witch makeup for Halloween, you need:

  • whiten your face using a light tone and powder;
  • draw long dark eyebrows with shadows;
  • outline the eyes with a black pencil;
  • apply bright shadows (purple, green, dark blue), you can use shimmering shades or add a little glitter;
  • lips can be made either bright or, conversely, very pale, it all depends on the idea.

You can do vampire makeup in the same way. The only exception is that the vampire's lips must be blood red. A drop of blood can be depicted in the corner of the mouth. The look will be completed with dental overlays in the form of long fangs. Such overlays are sold in “funny horror” stores and are inexpensive.

The image of the little mermaid

Easy enough to create original makeup little mermaids. This one is gentle and romantic image fits perfectly into the collection of “evil spirits.”

You need to start creating makeup again with tone. The little mermaid must have perfect skin, so we consistently apply foundation, apply tone, and mask imperfections with concealer. Finally, powder the skin. It is clear that a resident of the deep sea should not have tanned skin, so it is worth choosing light-colored foundations. It is better to take powder with pearlescent particles to create the effect of radiant skin.

Halloween makeup done on All Hallows' Eve is a Western tradition. But in other countries, this carnival has already acquired its place among youth holidays. Parties dedicated to this holiday are great chance to reincarnate and show yourself from a new, frightening and creepy side.

Halloween Makeup 2018

Halloween makeup for girls 2018 can be called extremely bright and bold. This is evidenced by the accents placed last year:

  1. The most popular images are girls from posters and printed publications, images of Mexican carnivals and various mythological creatures.
  2. Kind and bright heroes will also have a place at the party, so an angel costume with shimmering makeup will be a real find.

Halloween Makeup 2018

Easy makeup for Halloween

Easy, simple Halloween makeup that can be created using standard products. decorative cosmetics, can be divided into two types:

  • deliberately pale, making the face bloodless;
  • bright evening make-up, with exaggerated drawing of the contours of the face;
  • Easy makeup for Halloween without using theatrical makeup products is possible without special artistic skills. In such images, the emphasis is on the costume.

Scary makeup for Halloween

The most creepy images are created on the basis of children's fears. Therefore, these include:

  • makeup for Halloween zombies, devils, old porcelain dolls, queens of spades and dead brides;
  • scary makeup cannot be created only with the help of decorative cosmetics, even the most pigmented ones. To enhance the effect, you should use creamy makeup.

Unusual makeup for Halloween

Unusual beautiful makeup for Halloween is a complete flight of fantasy:

  1. The most original and unusual image is considered to be in the pop art style, as if straight from a poster. This is a bright make-up with elements of makeup and the use of such unusual flowers like blue, bright purple, red, green and black outline.
  2. Continues to remain relevant for several seasons in a row Harley makeup Quinn for Halloween.
  3. Another unusual and original image includes masks from the Mexican carnival. This Halloween makeup is created using cosmetics and theatrical makeup.

Halloween Makeup Ideas

This is a holiday where you can show your individuality, intrigue, scare. Therefore, the variety of images that you can try on during a party on his occasion is only pleasing. The look doesn't end with the right suit, hairstyle and accessories. The main emphasis is on make-up or full makeup. The most common Halloween makeup ideas for girls:

  • image of a dead bride, dark woman or the queen of spades, the devil, the broken doll, the witch, the angel and the mermaid;
  • animalistic cat makeup is popular, bat;
  • one of the most striking is the bow, based on Mexican folklore;
  • Details such as contouring in the form of skull bones, painted scars, dark makeup and makeup that imitate all kinds of defects are welcome.

Devil Makeup for Halloween

A devil or a female demon is a deep and very formidable image. He has many incarnations:

  1. These could be dark nuns and women with devil horns, or simply an image of death. In any case, great emphasis is placed on makeup for Halloween.
  2. The use of colored contact lenses is permitted. The devil may have red eyes, then her complexion is evened out, cheekbones are drawn and clear line eyebrows, lips painted brightly. This is what characterizes vampire makeup for Halloween.
  3. When using dark and black lenses without pupils and irises, it would be appropriate pale color face and lips, but the eyelids are shaded with dark shadows; it is possible to draw the inside of the lips with a bright red print, which will give a bloodthirsty look to the image of the devil.

Halloween cat makeup

The cat is a harmless and widespread image. This Halloween makeup for girls is characterized by the following details:

  1. Can emphasize those aspects of nature that are ordinary life were not brought to the fore: sexuality, hidden aggression, the nature of a predator and huntress, hidden by a sly look.
  2. Careful drawing is relevant cat look, the outer corners of the eyes are drawn out with the help of shadows or arrows; you can complement the playfulness of the look with long false eyelashes.
  3. You can make your cat's Halloween makeup recognizable by using makeup paints to paint the cat's thin whiskers and pink nose.
  4. The image of a catwoman is complemented by a properly selected costume and ears. Such a bow is unlikely to turn out scary or even creepy, but it will demonstrate one of the facets of the character of the woman who chose it.

Halloween doll makeup

One of the creepiest characters in Western horror films is porcelain dolls. Stories in which animated dolls deal with people are very popular. And it is believed that if in a horror film the face of a seemingly cute doll appears in the frame, then the action will be connected with it. Beautiful make-up Halloween for girls is endowed with the following features:

  1. Must repeat main points porcelain face: bright skin, small lips “bow”, thin eyebrows and long eyelashes.
  2. Eyelash treatment is worth paying attention to great attention, you can use false eyelashes.
  3. The lips are deliberately drawn smaller, their contours are clearly highlighted.
  4. There is a characteristic blush on the cheeks, which undergoes minimal shading.
  5. The face can be emphasized with small curls, neatly twisted around the forehead line.
  6. The doll's Halloween makeup can be emphasized using makeup and mini-cracks can be drawn on the forehead or cheeks, repeating the cracks on the surface of the porcelain.

Nurse Halloween Makeup

The nurse is one of the most popular images at such a celebration. She combines both caring and the most sinister qualities, the pain and torment that she can cause. Beautiful and easy makeup for Halloween is done using the following methods:

  1. Makeup does not depend on the erotic or aggressive accent that you want to create in the image. A nurse on Halloween is always sinister, so a lot of makeup is used.
  2. A fair complexion and pale lips can be emphasized with a dark and aggressive accent on the eyes.
  3. The face can be visually narrowed, giving it the outline of a skull. This is done using dark contouring in the area of ​​the cheekbones and nose.
  4. The popular image of the killer nurse from the movie Kill Bill. To recreate this look, you will need a patch over one eye; the rest of the Halloween makeup is done in a deliberately erotic spirit with the obligatory drawing of the lips.

Halloween Makeup “Queen of Spades”

The queen of spades or black woman is one of the common images that arose from childhood legends and scary stories. The main attribute is a black robe and a black lace headband. Sexy Halloween makeup is created using the following details:

  1. A light foundation covering the entire face and neck gives the image a ghostly and aura of darkness.
  2. Lips can be painted either with the same foundation, emphasizing their bloodlessness and ghostliness of the face, or paint your lips with black matte lipstick.
  3. You can make up your eyes using the smoky eye technique, adding black shimmering glitter to your eye makeup, which will enhance the sinister effect.
  4. The intrigue of the image of the Queen of Spades can be emphasized with the help of the same lace veil, only covering the upper half of the face, leaving only the lips on display.
  5. The part of the face hidden by the veil can be decorated with creepy details, such as decorative contact lenses of fantasy colors and pupil shapes, scars, seams and other patterns on the face.

Bride's Halloween Makeup

The corpse of the bride is one of the popular scary images of Western folklore. According to legend, the buried bride in her wedding attire rises from the grave and pursues the still living groom. But the image of the groom’s corpse is also paired with it. When creating the “Corpse Bride” makeup for Halloween, you can show off all the flights of your imagination:

  1. The makeup should be sinister and frightening, which can be easily achieved with the help of unnatural pallor, facial contouring, emphasizing the natural protrusions and depressions of the human skull.
  2. Pale lips and painted lips are popular dark color eyelids.
  3. Among other things, you can use artificial silicone elements for makeup or manually draw details on the forehead or cheeks that imitate decayed flesh.
  4. Keeping in mind that this is a bridal look, the femininity of the look can be emphasized with the help of long false eyelashes.

Mermaid Halloween Makeup

The image of a mermaid is very feminine. It goes with cute makeup for Halloween, but for celebrations it should be made more frightening and creepy:

  1. You can take the easy route and try on the makeup of the Disney little mermaid and her image, but you can really stand out at a party only by turning yourself into a real mermaid, a drowned woman, or the daughter of a sea king. Not only an azure-colored wig with long straight hair will help with this.
  2. Characterized by severe pallor, the lips are not just pale, but bluish-white.
  3. You can make your eyes very bright using false eyelashes and bright glitter eyeshadow, but don't use blush or overly contour.
  4. The face of a real mermaid should be almost transparently pale with carefully highlighted eyes.

Halloween Bat Makeup

The image of a bat is most associated with Count Dracula and the vampire. Therefore, by creating a cool Halloween makeup, adding pointy ears and a costume with sleeves in the form of bat wings or a long cape, you can be the center of attention at the party:

  1. Like other Halloween images associated with evil spirits and dark spirits, bat makeup is done using a very light-colored foundation.
  2. Among other things, you can highlight your eyes with bright dark shadows and paint your lips with bright red lipstick, you can even use it to create the appearance of lips wet with blood.
  3. If you use makeup elements, you can additionally draw droplets of blood flowing from the lips.

Halloween Witch Makeup

Witch presents the scariest Halloween makeup:

  1. According to Western traditions, on All Hallows' Eve, witches summon evil spirits into this world and fly on brooms, brew potions in large cauldrons and wear pointed hats. The pumpkin and the pointed witch hat are two of the main symbols of Halloween.
  2. Witch makeup can be roughly divided into two types: the old witch, whose face is covered with wrinkles, and the young, sexy and sinister witch.
  3. In the first case, careful work with makeup is required. In the case of a young witch, the main thing is clear and beautiful facial contouring, bright lips, bright makeup eye and long eyelashes.

Pop art makeup for Halloween

Pop art is fashion direction make-up. This is the style of Western posters and posters, where faces are drawn with bright and thick lines, typographical bright shades. You can create a spectacular and at the same time simple Halloween makeup for girls:

  1. The main thing is to even out your face by applying a makeup base, matte long-lasting foundation and a layer of powder.
  2. The eyebrows are artistically highlighted, as is the line of the lips, even the line of the nose can be drawn with strokes.
  3. Pigmented shadows in rich shades of blue, red, and purple are widely used in this makeup. The color black acts as an outline for the facial features.

Angel Makeup for Halloween

The image of a party angel will stand out in contrast. On this night, according to Western traditions, dark forces come into conflict with the forces of light, which defeat rampant evil. Makeup and costume for Halloween can be created by an evil and terrifying fallen angel. But in contrast, a pure and bright angel will look great:

  1. To do this, apply a little shimmer or shimmering gloss on the foundation in the cheekbones, around the eyes, this will create an angelic shimmer of the skin.
  2. Cover your lips with glossy gloss in pink or nude shades.
  3. You don’t have to highlight the eyebrow line; on the contrary, you can powder them and make them as pale as possible.
  4. The eyes also do not need additional drawing; you can glue false eyelashes with wet effect stuck together hairs.

Mexican Halloween Makeup

This bright phenomenon, an image created with an emphasis on Mexican folk traditions that will not go unnoticed. Halloween skeleton makeup for girls is characterized by the following features:

  1. Large roses on the head in the form of a wreath go perfectly with the somewhat unrealistic outline of the skull on the face.
  2. The face is made up with a white or light base.
  3. The area around the eyes is drawn in solid black, and the tip of the nose in the shape of a triangle is also highlighted in black.
  4. The dark cheekbone brings the look closer to traditional Mexican carnival masks.
  5. On the face you can add an arbitrary pattern in the form of flowers or wavy lines made with black paint.

On the very last day of October, people all over the world celebrate ancient holiday Halloween. Celebrations on this day are dedicated to the completion of the harvest. In ancient times, the soil was deified and considered the nurse of people. And therefore, giving the land due respect and blessing it for the next harvest was accepted everywhere.

At the same time, people were afraid of the powerful land. She was prescribed the ability to resurrect those who died and were buried. That's why Halloween is called the "holiday of all the dead."

To protect themselves from the resurrected dead, people from ancient times tried to scare them off in every possible way. Traditional way to do it was to dress up in scary costume and put on a dead man or zombie mask. It was believed that wearing such an outfit, people would remain unrecognized by aliens from the other world, and they would go home.

What now?

When creating such an image, make your face as pale as possible, since a healthy blush does not go well with such a mystical creature as a witch. Choose the whitest powder and rub it thickly over your cheeks with a powder puff, preferably without leaving any lumps. Convey the texture of your face not with blush (no blush is needed!), but with dark-colored powder.

The dark brown color will visually sharpen the chin, highlight the cheekbones, and applied to the wings of the nose will lengthen it. Shade your eyes along the contour with a thick black pencil; to enhance the effect, you can use purple or black shadows; false eyelashes won’t hurt either.

It is best to choose a lipstick that is as light as possible - white, purple or lilac, but also without pearl. It is these colors that make lips incredibly lifeless.

The cheeks are painted with spiders or a mesh of cobwebs using a black contour pencil. Such a “tattoo” will add originality to the image and make it truly stylish.

Playing with dolls

Another popular Halloween character among girls is the doll. It's not just scary makeup. The doll's image is at the same time unusual, beautiful and sexually attractive to men. Her costume may consist of a polka dot dress with full skirt, lanterns on the sleeves, flounces or ruffles. Sew them on regular dress, assembled from any decorative tape.

You can put a cap on your head, or you can make a couple of braids or ponytails with bows. The doll's hairstyle should be curly and fluffy. Therefore, it is better to curl the strands into ringlets.

The face should be perfectly aligned with foundation, the shadows should be chosen as bright as possible - to match the color of the dress. Feel free to apply them to both the upper and lower eyelids, as well as the area under the eyebrow. Remember - this makeup has nothing to do with classic holiday option. The face should be exaggeratedly doll-like, a little vulgar and scary. Eyelids are thickly lined, if possible, stick on eyelashes.

More complicated options

Perhaps the scariest makeup for Halloween is vampire makeup. How to make it? It will take more complex technology application, as well as certain tools and additional accessories, for example, an insertable plastic jaw with fangs, which can be purchased at a souvenir shop.

The painfully lifeless appearance is conveyed by the lightest foundation or white powder. Required dark circles under the eyes. They are made in black, purple or deep blue. With such flowers, the face immediately takes on a lifeless expression.

Then the eyes are thickly lined with black contour pencil, and if a girl does her own vampire makeup, she should glue on her eyelashes or thickly tint her own with mascara. Lips stand out matte shadows either herself light lipstick. In the female version, again, you can use bright colors to match the color of blood.

Using a red contour pencil, draw a thin stream of blood supposedly flowing from the corner of the mouth. Apply bright red lipstick. Now it will become clear to anyone that you are a vampire who feeds on blood. The cheekbones are highlighted using a blush brush and a dark shade of powder or gray shadows. You can sharpen your chin in the same way.

Win-win image

Another very scary Halloween makeup is the super popular image of a zombie, that is, the walking dead. Here you will need to achieve maximum resemblance to a corpse. Disgusting? That's what we're trying to achieve! As in the case of a vampire, the face is heavily whitened with light powder or foundation. Try to apply the tone as evenly as possible, without the slightest lumps.

Bruises and bags under the eyes, as well as all over the face, can be done with any dark shadows. The eyes are thickly outlined with a black pencil; girls do not need to paint their eyelashes - it will be even more expressive.

Similar to the previous version, bloody streaks and streams of blood are drawn, supposedly dried in the mouth area.

Almost a pro

It should be noted that some fans of dressing up for Halloween, transforming into various characters, have reached almost professional heights in the art of makeup. They wear makeup so scary that created images the uninitiated can be driven into a stupor or at least scared half to death. Some fans of the holiday have reached unprecedented heights in creating scary and realistic images of werewolves, witches, ghouls and other evil spirits.

Of course, if children are participating in the celebration, the makeup should be light and relatively harmless. It is unlikely that you want to “disfigure” or scare your child or his peers. In addition, small children are not yet able to appreciate the beauty of the mystical horror that grips the uninitiated when looking at monstrously painted faces. Therefore, scary makeup is not suitable for kids - it should be as harmless as possible and more funny than scary.