How much water should you drink during pregnancy? How much should you drink during pregnancy, what is the reason for it. Excess water and dehydration

The human body consists of more than half water. And vital processes inside it occur with the constant participation of water. For this reason, no one can exist without life-giving moisture. Its slightest deficiency does not affect in the best possible way on human health and well-being. A clear lack of fluid completely incapacitates people’s bodies. It should be noted that during the period of bearing a baby, the need for water for a pregnant woman not only increases, but takes on special importance, since a new one is included in the fluid circulation system in the body - the child. At the same time, excess water in the female body becomes much more harmful. That's why this question It is considered one of the most important when carrying a baby and requires regular monitoring.

It's hard without water

From the first days of pregnancy, the expectant mother faces many dangers in the form of deteriorating health and well-being. Often during this period there is a significant decrease arterial pressure, some pregnant women suffer from constipation, the risk of thrombophlebitis increases and varicose veins veins However, not everyone knows that by ensuring a sufficient supply of water to the body, these troubles can be avoided or their manifestations can be suppressed. In addition, against the background of fluid deficiency, metabolic processes are disrupted, the level of toxicity increases (as a result of insufficient cleansing of metabolic products), irritability increases, immunity decreases, elasticity and firmness of the skin is lost. What’s really scary is that the risks of developing mutations and other complications increase.

Medicines that pregnant women usually take during pregnancy this period(even vitamins) are absorbed better with sufficient fluid. This is why every pregnant woman should consume enough water, which is very important at the beginning of pregnancy.

Everything in moderation

With all this, you need to remember that the human body can only adapt to a lack of water, but cannot fight with excess. If usually people are not particularly worried about this, then for a pregnant woman this order of things hides a certain threat. Excess water leads to edema; the kidneys already function for two people, so they cannot cope with the sharply increasing load. This is also one of the reasons for accumulation overweight pregnant woman. Particularly dangerous similar condition in the third trimester, and most of all immediately before childbirth (including, this can affect the development of defects and complications during the birth of a child). The body is preparing to store up double volume of fluid, because the amount of water and blood is always increasing, and the time of birth (when fluid loss is especially great) is approaching. Therefore, in the last months of gestation future mommy should limit the intake of life-giving moisture into the body.

Water consumption standards during pregnancy

Since the importance of fluid is especially high at the beginning of pregnancy with active growth cells, the formation and development of organs and systems of the unborn baby, a woman’s water intake at this time should be sufficient. With an average weight of 50 kg, she should drink 2 liters of water per day, 60 kg - 2.3 liters, 70 kg - 2.5 liters, 80 kg - approximately 3 liters of liquid. It is necessary to take into account the fact that in the summer, with high body temperature or an upset stomach, during toxicosis, a pregnant woman’s need for water increases. However, from the second trimester you should not overdo it with life-giving moisture. You need to drink enough so as not to feel thirsty, but not to overindulge. If, according to indications, the amount of water entering the body needs to be limited, the doctor will individually will determine the acceptable drinking regime.

From the third trimester, the volume of water you drink must be strictly controlled.
Reading recommendations on nutrition during pregnancy, you can come across instructions for limiting water consumption at the end of pregnancy, but this formulation of the question is a little incorrect - limiting liquid drinking without limiting salt intake does not stop the appearance of edema, and in general it is not easy for a pregnant woman. The reason is that it is necessary to limit and then completely abandon the use of salt, because it retains fluid in the pregnant body with the ensuing consequences. Therefore, from the 20th week you need to start gradually reducing the amount of salt you add to your dishes. If you completely stop adding salt to food, there will be no need to significantly limit water consumption, unless this is necessary according to doctors’ indications (for kidney pathology, edema).

By the way, if your health is fine and everything is normal, restricting fluid intake in the third trimester of pregnancy can be dangerous. Since amniotic fluid in recent months is renewed 8 times per day. This, of course, requires a decent water reserve. Still, gynecologists recommend replacing an extra glass of water with a whole vegetable or fruit before giving birth. It is also worth saying that in certain conditions it is absolutely impossible to limit fluid intake: for example, with pyelonephritis and urolithiasis. Because most the right decision The drinking regime will be coordinated with the attending physician. But before that, you can do a dehydration test at home. Collect a portion of urine and evaluate its color: almost transparent or fairly light indicates a sufficient amount of fluid in the body, while saturated and dark indicates a lack of it. What is best to drink while expecting a baby is a separate question. Naturally, the most healthy drink there was, is and will be simple clean water.

For a long time, doctors recommended that pregnant women reduce their fluid intake to 1000 ml per day. This restriction was introduced to avoid problems with swelling. Most expectant mothers became familiar with this phenomenon first-hand while carrying a baby. Swelling is the most common complaint of women expecting a baby. Today, many doctors believe that reducing the amount of water in a pregnant woman’s diet has a negative impact on her well-being and does not always help cope with edema. Insufficient fluid intake can lead to dehydration. For normal metabolism, a person needs to consume at least 2–2.5 liters per day. Drinking water during pregnancy is not only possible, but also necessary. She is the source of life. Not all water, however, can be beneficial.

The role of water in the body of a pregnant woman

For normal functioning female body It is very important to drink high-quality clean water. After all, it removes harmful chemical elements, supports normal level hydration in the skin and hair, as well as the consistency and volume of blood. No one can live without water metabolic process. And there should be enough of it in the pregnant woman’s body.

In a rush to get as many vitamins and minerals as possible, many expectant mothers drink only juices and dairy products. But we must not forget about water. Its importance for the full functioning of organs and systems can hardly be overestimated.

A sufficient amount of moisture intake during pregnancy ensures:

  • maintaining normal blood flow to the fetus;
  • formation amniotic fluid(oligohydramnios is a pathology);
  • an increase in the blood volume of the expectant mother;
  • elasticity of body tissues;
  • normal digestion process;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • removal of toxins and other waste products not only from the mother’s body, but also from the fetus’s body.

A pregnant woman who consumes little water runs the risk of experiencing problems with the functioning of the placenta and fetal development. But drinking water in quantities significantly exceeding the norm is also not recommended. Due to excess fluid, swelling and the risk of late toxicosis may appear, which will complicate the birth process and subsequent recovery.

To feel good, you need to stick to individual norm: Do not limit the amount of liquid you drink per day and do not drink too much. The water consumed by the expectant mother must be highest quality and do not contain unnecessary components.

Drinking regime at different times

Pregnant women require about half a liter of fluid more than the normal daily intake for an adult. The expectant mother's body increases the process of sweating, so it needs more water to replenish its reserves. In this case, you must follow this rule: drink water in the morning and evening, leaving daytime for all kinds of fruit drinks, compotes and teas.

In the first half of pregnancy

In early pregnancy, the developing fetus especially requires nutrients. The organ systems of the unborn child are formed. The cells of his body are constantly growing.

The importance of water at this stage is great, how much should you drink? During this period, a woman should drink 2 to 3 liters of fluid per day, depending on her body weight. On average, you need to consume 30–40 ml per 1 kg of weight. If the expectant mother is concerned about toxicosis or elevated temperature, she should drink more water than usual.

Half of the daily fluid intake can be juices, compotes, fruit drinks, milk, kefir, coffee, tea, as well as first courses. This also includes the moisture found in the fresh vegetables and fruits you eat throughout the day.

It is necessary to pay attention to the color and smell of a pregnant woman’s urine. A sign of a lack of fluid in the body can be cloudy dark urine with a pronounced odor. If you notice this, see your doctor immediately to rule out the possibility of dehydration.

Symptoms of dehydration:

  • dry lips at any time of the year;
  • dry skin on the face and limbs;
  • toxicosis;
  • frequent mood changes;
  • digestive difficulties and constipation;
  • general poor health.

Dehydration in a pregnant woman is very dangerous for the fetus. When not enough fluid enters the bloodstream, the blood of the expectant mother becomes thicker, which greatly complicates the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the placenta. The baby in the womb begins to experience oxygen starvation and lag behind in development.

In the second half of pregnancy

In the second, and especially in the third trimester, the volume of liquid consumed should be reduced: drink only to quench your thirst. Starting from the sixth month of pregnancy, the amount of water you drink needs to be strictly controlled. It is also worth reducing the amount of salty food in your diet to 5 g per day, since salt retains moisture in the body, and this is fraught with edema. The less salt a woman consumes while pregnant, the better.

Important! If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with kidney problems, then fluid intake cannot be limited.

After the 20th week of pregnancy, doctors recommend reducing the amount of liquid the expectant mother drinks to 1.5 liters per day, taking into account soups, juices, compotes, teas, vegetables, fruits and dairy products. And at 30 weeks you will drink even less - only 1.2 liters per day (this is water plus first courses and plus other drinks, milk, fruits and vegetables).

The ratio of water and other water-containing products is still the same - approximately 1:1. The figures here are averaged. The table will help you navigate more accurately.

Table “Fluid intake norms for expectant mothers”

The rate of water consumption is individual for each expectant mother. If you are afraid of harming yourself and your baby by drinking too much or too little liquid, consult with a specialist managing your pregnancy. Knowing all the nuances of its course, he will establish an individual drinking regimen for you.

Video “How much water should you drink per day”

Which water do you prefer?

The human body consists of 70% water. It is important to drink good quality water.

The water consumed by the expectant mother should:

  • be clean: do not contain impurities and foreign substances (salts of heavy metals, bacteria and microorganisms, etc.);
  • be bottled: spring or mineral;
  • do not contain gases.

Important! Clean water intended for drinking should not be boiled. Heat destroys useful material and minerals.


Drinking tap water during pregnancy is risky and harmful. Do not drink tap water. This can have serious consequences for the fetus. It may contain lead and other heavy impurities. The water supplied through pipes to our apartments is conventionally called drinking water. You can drink it only if there is no alternative.

Experts have identified more than 2,000 foreign substances in tap water chemical substances, including phenols, manganese, aluminum, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, chromium and petroleum derivatives. All these elements should not be present in water intended for drinking.

Actual tap water quality indicators in the table are average values ​​and may vary depending on the region. But here it is clearly visible that they differ markedly from those indicated in the regulatory documentation

It is worth switching to drinking spring and artesian additionally purified water even before conceiving a baby: purifying tap water using filters may be effective, but not 100%.

Boiled tap

Chlorine is added to tap water for disinfection. When boiled, it does not evaporate, but begins to interact with other chemical elements. Therefore, even after boiling, such water is not suitable for drinking.

Purified tap water

Purified water refers to tap water that has been filtered. At home, for this purpose, pitcher carbon filters are often used, filters that are installed under the sink or as an attachment on the faucet. They purify water from chlorine and foreign tastes, and some from harmful bacteria. Filter cassettes must be replaced according to the instructions; for pitcher filters this is approximately once a month, since they are ineffective during long-term use. Due to the poor quality of tap water in Russia, imported cleaning mechanisms last less than the allotted time. Therefore, in some regions it is more profitable to buy bottled water than to spend money on frequent shifts filters for cleaning water supply.

A carbon filter will purify tap water from chlorine and impurities, but not from harmful bacteria.

Membrane filters purify water from everything that is in it: both harmful and beneficial (including mineral salts and other microelements important for ensuring the normal functioning of the human body). As a result, it becomes empty and does not provide any benefit to the body. A mineralizer can be a solution to this problem.

Membrane filters purify water not only from harmful impurities, but also from everything useful that it contains: mineral salts and other microelements

Mineral bottled water

Medicinal mineral water is useful for certain indications, as it contains a large amount of mineral salts. It should be consumed in doses, and after consulting with a doctor.

Healthy pregnant women should drink medicinal mineral water Not recommended. This is fraught with gastritis and salt deposits.

Table mineral water should be included in your daily diet. The mineral content in it is low and will not cause harm. Bottled table mineral water is not oversaturated with salts, does not contain chlorine and foreign impurities. Such water can become the main source of moisture for the whole family.

When purchasing table mineral water, you should pay attention to its composition. Do not buy water that has been artificially enriched with minerals. These bottles contain purified tap water with added additional substances. Read the label carefully before purchasing.

Be careful! A significant part of the water delivered to Russian homes by order is ordinary (tap) purified water.



Baby water

By the way, many people today drink baby water, also sold in bottles of different sizes. Why not buy this water for expectant mothers too? Baby water won't do you any harm. But the content of mineral salts in it is adapted to the needs of the child’s body. There are significantly fewer of them there than in “adult” water. Therefore, you will receive less benefit from its consumption.

Sparkling water

Doctors recommend that pregnant women avoid drinking any carbonated drinks. Carbon dioxide saturates the water with bubbles. If ingested, it may interfere with normal functioning. digestive system. Bubbles accumulate inside the stomach and intestines. As a result, future mom suffers from heartburn, belching, intestinal colic. Flatulence or constipation may occur.

Carbonated water can cause exacerbation of chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract. Doctors do not recommend drinking it during breastfeeding.

Currently doctors antenatal clinics Every second pregnant woman is diagnosed with fetal hypoxia. This means that the baby does not have enough oxygen inside. Therefore, it is important for the expectant mother to walk a lot. fresh air that in conditions big city sometimes difficult to achieve.

The lack of oxygen can be replenished by drinking oxygenated (oxygen-enriched) water. It is very useful during pregnancy.

Oxygenated water tones, helps cope with toxicosis, improves immunity, normalizes blood pressure, improves heart function, lowers blood sugar levels, normalizes weight and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs.

You can buy oxygenated water in regular supermarkets or pharmacies.

Get oxygenated water industrial conditions by saturating ordinary spring or artesian water with oxygen under high pressure.

You should drink this water immediately after opening the package. Within 15-20 minutes, all the oxygen leaves it.

Bottles: glass or plastic

Expectant mothers often have doubts about drinking bottled water because of the quality of the container in which this water is poured. Buy water in glass bottles preferably. However, due to its relative high cost, water in plastic bottles is in much greater demand among buyers. They are made from food-grade polymers (polyethylene) and are safe for health. But here it is necessary to make a reservation: they are safe plastic bottles only for one-time use, that is, they are subject to mandatory disposal or recycling after emptying. It is not recommended to pour drinks into them over and over again, as the plastic over time can begin to release harmful carcinogens into the liquid and air that fill the bottle.

Bottled water in plastic containers will not cause any harm to the health of the expectant mother if you bought it in a supermarket and it has all the quality certificates. But if bottles from it are reused, no one can guarantee that the drinks poured into them will only be beneficial.

How to drink water correctly for expectant mothers

  • IN hot weather a person drinks in large portions, taking frequent sips. Excess moisture accumulates in the body, which can cause swelling. Drink water slowly, in small sips. To quench your thirst, moisturize your lips. The brain will react to this, and you will feel that you no longer want to drink. How faster man drinks, the stronger the thirst.
  • Don't forget about water during breakfast, lunch and dinner. If the food is too dry, it is enough to wash it down with a small amount of water, thereby facilitating digestion.
  • The temperature of the liquid consumed is of great importance. In the cold season, drink water with a temperature of about 20–22 degrees. In summer, a moderately cool drink will quench your thirst. Avoid drinking ice-cold juices and water. A pregnant woman should not get sick.
  • Herbal tea will help you be energetic and strong during pregnancy, natural juices, fruit drinks, dairy products. Rosehip infusion also has an excellent tonic effect.

Whatever you do during pregnancy, listen to own desires and sensations. The child inside of you will let you know if it's good for you. It should be remembered: we are what we eat and drink. Take your diet, the quality of food and water carefully and seriously. Strictly adhere to the doctor’s recommendations regarding the drinking regime, then your health and your baby’s will be strong and your immune system invulnerable.

The issue of fluid intake during pregnancy has always been a subject of debate. Long years For the prevention and treatment of edema during pregnancy, it was recommended to limit fluid to one liter per day. But today, these recommendations are increasingly criticized for their ineffectiveness and even danger for the woman and her well-being.

Fluid restriction leads to dehydration, which means you need to take in just enough fluid to support your metabolism.

The role of water in a woman’s body

All processes of a pregnant woman take place in an aquatic environment. There is more water in a pregnant woman's body than there was in her body before pregnancy. This is due to an increase in the volume of blood circulating in the vessels, storage of water in the tissues and increased metabolism. In addition, a pregnant woman needs enough fluid to replenish the baby's reserves - his blood, body and amniotic fluid also consist of a water base.

Every day, about 1.5 liters of water are excreted in the urine, which means that for a normal metabolism, a woman must at least replenish these losses. In addition, pregnant women sweat more and lose up to 0.5 liters of water through breathing and sweat. Therefore, a pregnant woman’s fluid requirement is 2 liters per day.

How much water should you consume in the first half of pregnancy?

Based on the development of pregnancy and the characteristics of fetal growth, in the first half of pregnancy, from 2 to 2.5 liters of fluid are needed for the normal functioning of mother and baby. However, liquid includes not only water and drinks - water from soups and sauces, liquid from fruits and vegetables, and dishes are also included in the calculation.

It must be remembered that in the first weeks of pregnancy there may be toxicosis, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, which is aggravated by dehydration. Therefore, fluid losses must be replenished with drinks and food. If a woman is severely dehydrated, sometimes it is even necessary to resort to intravenous fluid administration so as not to harm the health of the child and mother.

How much water should you consume in the second half of pregnancy?

When pregnancy has crossed the equator and the belly begins to actively grow, the volume of blood in the vessels increases by a third. To maintain this blood volume, more fluid is needed.

An increase in the amount of blood circulating through the vessels is necessary, since during this period the baby also begins to excrete metabolic products, and the organs of the expectant mother work with greater load. As a result of metabolic activation, blood flow to tissues increases and, due to the influence of hormones, tissues become more hydrophilic than normal - they are saturated with water for more intense metabolism and removal of metabolic products.

Even a healthy pregnant woman last month swelling is detected, and this is due physiological characteristics body. At the time of birth, blood loss occurs, and in order to replenish it, the body needs to store water.

With pathological pregnancy, hormonal imbalance and the development of pathological edema are possible. This condition is considered late toxicosis pregnant women or scientifically called gestosis. At the same time, the kidneys begin to filter protein into the urine, blood pressure increases, swelling occurs , which leads to a sharp disruption in the woman’s well-being and a threat to her health and even life.

High blood pressure and kidney problems can cause seizures. Then therapy is required, including correction of the water regime.

How to drink correctly for a pregnant woman?

How much fluid to drink when pregnant

From about the second half of pregnancy, you should slightly reduce the amount of fluid you consume. Eat more vegetables and fruits, drink dairy products - they relieve thirst. And if you reduce your consumption of salty foods, you will want to drink much less, thereby regulating the flow of fluid into your body.

These recommendations apply throughout your pregnancy, and gradually you will get used to limiting your fluid intake, replacing it with foods. In any case, before limiting or expanding the water regime, you should consult your doctor and evaluate weight gain and well-being.

When we are thirsty, we usually drink greedily, in large sips, and drink excess fluid. It lingers in tissues, especially in warm weather. It is best to drink water in small sips, rinsing your mouth and wetting your lips. Then the center in the brain responsible for thirst will quickly react and prevent you from drinking too much. Additionally, drinking quickly usually makes you thirstier.

It is also useful to consume liquid during meals: actively mixing food with water promotes better digestion and signals the thirst center that there is a sufficient volume of liquid. Often we are thirsty because the food is too dry.

The temperature of the drinks is also important: in winter you need to drink liquids exclusively room temperature, and in summer - cool (about ten degrees), but in no case scalding cold with particles of ice. During pregnancy without complications warm time year, the volume of liquid increases by a couple of glasses, as women sweat more .

In addition to water, it is useful to drink kefir, drinking yoghurts without sugar, juices diluted with water, or herbal teas. Rosehip decoctions and berry fruit drinks are useful for pregnant women. And exclude soda, including mineral water, from your diet - it provokes heartburn and thirst.


Every person should consume enough water on a daily basis. It is believed that pregnancy makes adjustments to the usual drinking schedule. Unfortunately, expectant mothers are often mistaken in their desire to drink less. They are afraid of excessive swelling and strive to avoid polyhydramnios. In fact, water has no contraindications during pregnancy, and according to experts, a pregnant woman should drink for two. This is very important for preserving the well-being of the expectant mother and child. Water will become the bridge through which nutrients from food can reach the fetus.

Why do pregnant women limit their water intake?

If you have an appointment with the gynecologist tomorrow, you will refrain from drinking enough water in an effort to avoid swelling. You don’t want to go to the hospital with a diagnosis of polyhydramnios after another ultrasound examination. But in reality you are committing big mistake, and water will not linger in your body and will not harm the fetus. Oddly enough, drinking plenty of fluids prevents swelling, so you don't need to limit yourself or suffer from thirst.

Amniotic fluid is essential for normal baby growth

Some pregnant women fear that drinking too often will lead to a sharp increase in amniotic fluid- amniotic fluid necessary for normal development baby. However, clean water does not cause polyhydramnios. This condition usually occurs due to a blockage in the baby's intestines, problems with the placenta, or genetic predisposition. Sometimes polyhydramnios can be caused by diabetes in the mother.

Some women believe that drinking too much can cause swelling of the genitals. This is also a misconception. Tumors of the genital organs are caused by sexually transmitted infections and are treated under the supervision of a gynecologist. Therefore, if the expectant mother drinks too much water during pregnancy, it is absolutely safe for the baby’s health. Water can bring nothing but good. Besides the fact that drinking more fluids keeps your body hydrated, there are other reasons why you might consider increasing your drinking rate.

It helps in the absorption of nutrients

Fluid is essential to your body because your cells and organs are made up of more than two-thirds water. For a child, staying hydrated is even more important as it helps provide his body with the important nutrients needed for healthy growth. Also, increasing your blood volume and drinking enough water will help you keep track of all the changes that occur in your body.

Preventing Urinary Tract Infections

Water is important not only for transporting nutrients from your body to your baby's, but also for flushing out toxic substances. The kidneys of pregnant women are under the load of the growing fetus, so expectant mothers experience frequent urge to urination. Therefore, normal functioning of the urinary system is impossible without a sufficient amount of fluid. Contrary to the fears of expectant mothers, this does not place additional stress on the baby’s kidneys. There is another huge benefit: water prevents urinary tract infections, which are common during pregnancy. Drinking plenty of fluids can also help prevent constipation.

Water fights dizziness and fatigue

Pregnant women often feel more tired and sleepy. This is absolutely normal phenomenon, which, however, causes significant discomfort. And this unpleasant feeling only intensifies if you forget to drink another glass of water. Drink as much as you can to effectively combat fatigue and dizziness, two problems that typically result from dehydration. Some women, without paying enough attention to hydration, are forced to put up with an increase in body temperature (overheating). Drinking plenty of fluids will help relieve most possible conditions physical discomfort during pregnancy.

Preventing early uterine contractions

In some scientific studies, scientists have found a relationship between premature birth and dehydration. Women who do not drink enough water suddenly notice a contraction of the uterus, which early stages Pregnancy without proper medical supervision (not in a hospital setting) poses a risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

How does drinking plenty of water affect the quality of amniotic fluid?

Amniotic fluid is necessary for the normal development of the fetus. It performs protective functions and provides sufficient space for the baby to move. Dehydration reduces the amount of amniotic fluid, which can have dangerous consequences for the health of the baby. Scientific studies have shown that timely hydration only improves the quality of amniotic fluid.

How much water should you drink during pregnancy?

If eating for two during pregnancy is not at all necessary, then drinking for two is advisable. Drink much more than the other adult next to you. And if this information is too vague, we recommend that you stick to 10 to 13 glasses of water on a daily basis. Some experts advise expectant mothers to consume 3 liters of fluid per day. Of this amount, a share clean water should be at least 1.5 liters. The expectant mother should get the rest of the liquid from food and drinks (including milk, juices and herbal tea).

If these water consumption norms seem gigantic to you, no one is forcing you to sharply increase the norm. It is enough if you add only one glass of water every day for a week. Be careful with your fluid intake in the evening. Drinking too much water before going to bed will have a detrimental effect on the quality of your sleep.

If you are not used to drinking two, or even more so three, liters of fluid in one day, we advise you to use using the following techniques. Drink the first glass of water immediately after waking up in the morning on an empty stomach. Try to limit your caffeine intake, as this substance causes dehydration and acts as a diuretic.

Even though water is the best option for hydration, natural ones are not prohibited fruit juices and herbal infusions without sugar.

Don't wait until you are extremely thirsty. Set a clear drinking schedule and stick to it. For example, drink another glass of liquid every hour while you're awake. Remember that thirst is a sign of dehydration, so take a sip of water now.

Use juicy vegetables and fruits as healthy snacks; this will slightly increase your fluid intake.

The time will come when you will restore muscle tone, but strenuous workouts during pregnancy can have adverse consequences for the health of the baby. One way or another, before each yoga or gymnastics class, drink a glass of water. Do this while going for a walk.

It has long been known that water is vital for the human body. It becomes even more necessary during pregnancy. It is very important to maintain fluid levels in the body, for which there are many reasons.

When it comes pregnancy, the volume of blood circulating in a woman’s body increases by 50-60%. This ensures the correct supply of nutrients for developing fetus. Since 80% of blood is water, it is imperative for pregnant women to drink enough fluids to ensure proper blood production.

The next reason to drink more is to prevent infections urinary tract. Pregnant women are more likely to suffer from such infections due to physiological changes while carrying a child. A large number of water increases urinary excretion and bacteria are flushed out before any infections occur.

A sufficient amount of fluid is necessary for the formation of amniotic fluid. 99% of amniotic fluid consists of water. From about the 25th week, it begins to increase in volume by about 50 ml each week, reaching about one liter at the 37th week.

At optimal drinking regime In a pregnant woman's body, the chances of fluid retention and excessive swelling are reduced. Since there is an increase in blood volume, slight swelling in the second half of pregnancy is normal. But there are often cases when swelling appears too pronounced and complicates daily life women. Drinking enough water improves fluid circulation in the body, and also removes excess salts that contribute to fluid retention.

There are a number of other reasons why drinking enough water is so important during pregnancy:

  • to reduce the risk constipation,
  • to help prevent hemorrhoids,
  • to maintain skin softness,
  • to rid the body of a woman and child of toxins.

It should be noted that consuming enough fluid can be a real challenge for those who are not used to it.

Drink from a large cup or glass each time, so that you can drink more each time. Set a goal to drink eight 225 ml glasses of liquid daily, preferring water.

If you don't like the taste of water, add a squeeze of lemon or some of your favorite juice to add flavor.

Don't drink a lot before meals, as you may end up not wanting to eat.

A bottle of water should become your constant companion.

Distribute your fluid intake evenly - drink a glass every two hours.

Limit your intake of carbonated drinks and caffeinated drinks as they are diuretics.

If you are worried about fluid retention in your body, make it a rule to drink even more water, which helps flush out excess fluid.

Other healthy sources of fluid include foods such as watermelon and soups.