I want tanned skin: how to do it, tips at home. Tanning at home

About the dangers of tanning

The ultraviolet spectrum of the sun's rays triggers the production of melanin in the body, which is part of natural dark complexion.

The sun, according to many scientists, has harmful effects, by forming free radicals, the DNA structure is damaged, the stratum corneum of the skin thickens, and as a result, loss of tone and premature aging.

  • people with a predisposition to cancer;
  • persons with light skin that burns easily and is prone to pigmentation;
  • owners of numerous moles on the body;
  • people with varicose veins.

Synthetic dyes

The cosmetics market for a “chocolate” body offers a huge variety various means allowing you to do without the sun. However, such drugs have disadvantages and in most cases are even hazardous to health.

The history of the invention of tanning products

The very first product in the form of a cream for quick tan was invented by the American pharmacist Benjamin Green back in the last century. And like many brilliant inventions , it happened by accident. While working on a medicine for diabetics, Benjamin accidentally spilled a substance that contains a sugar molecule onto his hand. The color of the skin in this area began to change. Majority modern drugs

are still based on the properties of the sugar molecule to give the body a tanned appearance. Artificial tanning products can be divided into types - tablets, accelerators, injections, bronzes, etc.

Of course, you can resort to the services of a solarium, which is also not very useful, or various cosmetics for a quick tan.

Traditional methods of tanning without sun rays Beautiful at home tanned body can be done using simple and familiar cosmetic procedures

using natural, safe products with appropriate nutrition. In this case, you, of course, will not be able to achieve a chocolate shade, but you will definitely get rid of pallor. The leader in coloring effect is ordinary carrots. To provide uniform tan at home it is advisable to use, which can be prepared using a very fine grater. Grate the carrots, squeezing out the juice, and apply the resulting carrot product to the skin for about fifteen minutes. Then wash off with warm water. To achieve the desired effect, carrot juice should be applied once every three days. And then you can do the procedure less often.

Coffee and tea can give no less pronounced effect than carrots. You can make an artificial color a little darker than usual using coffee at home by brewing an instant product in the proportion of half a teaspoon of powder to two spoons hot water. The result is concentrated coffee grounds, which should be used for about fifteen minutes and then rinsed with warm water. Moreover, this way we can perfectly tone the body at home without tonic.

We will do a similar procedure every day for a week. Coffee gives a more natural shade of dark skin.

The same method, using coffee, will help you make a beautiful chocolate face at home. First you need to brew a very strong coffee drink and cool it. Every morning you need to wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in this coffee solution. By the way, cotton swabs can be replaced with coffee ice cubes.

To give your face a coffee tan at home, you can also use the following coffee mask. Coffee beans must be ground using a coffee grinder, diluted with warm water, and the consistency made like sour cream. Apply the mask for ten minutes on the face, décolleté and, if desired, on the whole body. For dry facial skin, water should be replaced with vegetable oil. Less important, if there is no coffee in the house, you can use cocoa instead of coffee.

At home it is very effective remedy achieving tanned beautiful color skin. It is of great value, as it allows not only to color well, but also to gently cleanse the epidermis of dead cells. More lasting result It will work if the mask is used daily for a week.

It must be remembered that in order to become an attractive mulatto using folk remedies, you need to be patient.

Of course, the desired result will not come in one day... However, it is much safer than the sun's rays.

A much greater effect can be achieved by combining cosmetic procedures and nutrition, since there are plant products containing carotenoids that color the skin from the inside.

All of us dream of beautiful tanned skin, but, unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to go to the sea in the summer or just sunbathe in the sun. Of course, the most effective way get it quickly tanned skin is a solarium. But most prefer more safe look achieving dark skin. Therefore, in order to look tanned in winter and summer, you can use folk methods.


1. Tea, coffee, cocoa for tanning

To give light tan Wipe your skin every day with strong tea, coffee or cocoa. These products not only give the skin a dark tint, but also refresh and tone the skin well. You can freeze the infusions and wipe your face with ice cubes.

Coffee mask for tanning skin

Take 2 teaspoons of instant coffee and pour boiling water to form a slurry. Apply this paste to clean face for 10 minutes. Rinse off with cool water. Instead of coffee, you can use cocoa, and if your skin is dry, use vegetable or olive oil instead of water.

2. Carrots. An excellent product that colors our skin is carrots. Rub carrot juice onto your skin, but don't overdo it; carrots stain very well.

Carrot tanning mask

Finely grate a medium sized carrot and add 1 tablespoon olive oil. Apply the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.


3. Herbal infusions.

You can freeze the infusions and wipe your face with ice cubes.

Infusion of chamomile and string for tanning

Pour boiling water over the mixture of dried chamomile flowers and string at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 glass of boiling water, and let it brew under the lid for about 2 hours. Strain, wash your face with this infusion every morning instead of water.

Just as in the previous recipe, infuse chamomile flowers. Use to wash your face morning and evening. Chamomile has a good effect on the condition of the skin, tones it, and protects against the appearance of pimples and blackheads.


4. Onion skins for tanning your skin

Which of us hasn't painted? Easter eggs onion skins. You can also color your skin with this product. Take onion skins, wash them very well and cook them in water for a few minutes until the water turns dark. Wipe your face, neck and décolleté with the infusion.


5. Bath to give your skin a light tan

Take this bath to give your skin light tan: 4 tsp. black tea, pour 300 ml of boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes. add the infusion to the bath. Take a bath for about 20 minutes.


6. Recipe for an even tan

Mix olive oil with a few drops of iodine, add a little red wine vinegar. Shake everything well and apply to cleansed skin.


7. Tanning mask

Mix 2 tbsp. cottage cheese, pulp of 1 tomato, 2 tsp. vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. milk. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with warm water and rinse with cold water.

In summer, the skin becomes covered with a beautiful golden tan, emphasizing the slimness of the figure and the depth of the eyes.

During the rest of the year, girls critically examine pale skin in the mirror and carefully select outfits so that their shades match their natural pallor. If you don’t like being “snow white”, and frequent trips to a foreign resort are not a way of life, read about how to safely and quickly tan your skin at home without visiting expensive tanning salons that have contraindications. These tips will help you make your dreams come true.

How to deal with pale face and neck

Tanned skin was not always considered a sign of beauty - there were times when people deliberately hid from the sun to prevent darkening of the face. However, in the piggy bank folk recipes There are tips to help you tan without the sun and harm your health. If the only question is to give a golden hue small areas: face, neck and décolleté, then use wash and masks.

  • Pour a little water into the cocoa powder and make a not very thick porridge. For dry skin, add a little peach or olive oil. The duration of the procedure is 15–20 minutes.
  • Prepare a paste of red henna powder and apply the mixture to the skin for no more than 10 minutes.
  • Grate young carrots on a fine grater, add sour cream, kefir or oil (depending on skin type) to the puree and distribute the mixture on the skin, rinse off after 20 minutes with warm water. At very light tone This recipe is not suitable!
  • Squeeze the juice from the rhubarb roots and add a few drops to any mask or cream. Use regularly.
  • Wash your face with a strong decoction of tea or coffee, and if you want to save time, prepare ice cubes from these drinks and wipe your face and neck with them in the mornings and evenings before applying the cream.
  • You can also make cubes from rhubarb juice or its decoction, as well as from infusions of string and chamomile, but ice procedures cannot be carried out on cold-sensitive skin and nearby blood vessels.

Cocoa masks eliminate paleness

Water treatments: sunless tanning baths

If you like to bask in warm water, try tanning your skin at home with simple but effective water procedures. This method is especially good if you need to tan completely and without streaks, for example, before going to a resort or an important date.

Coffee and tea baths

Brew strong coffee in plenty of water - one procedure will require at least 10 teaspoons of ground beans. There is no need to choose for this purpose; the product at the lowest price will do. Leave the drink to steep for a short time, and at this time fill the bath with water and pour the brown liquid into the bath.

Coffee grounds do not throw it away, add a little vegetable oil to it and apply the mass to the body, using it as a scarab. After this, immerse yourself in coffee water and relax for 15-20 minutes. You can add it to water essential oil to combine tanning with. After a bath, do not take a shower, but blot the moisture with a towel and apply cream or milk to your skin.

Using the same principle, you can prepare a bath with tea. Just don’t skimp on the tea leaves and don’t buy low-quality tea - it may contain artificial colors, the effect of which on the skin is not always favorable.

Vegetable and herbal treatments

  1. To get a rich carrot tan, add at least two liters of fresh carrots to the water. natural juice from carrots. It is best to prepare the drink yourself rather than buy a chemical product at the store.
  2. Rhubarb baths are another reliable and quick way give the body a rich chocolate shade. A decoction for this purpose is prepared from the rhizome of the plant. It is important to consider that for dry skin it is recommended to add vegetable oil to avoid tightness and discomfort.
  3. For fair-skinned girls with delicate skin, a tan in the bath with chamomile and string is ideal. These plants relieve irritation and help get rid of the unattractive blue tint typical of natural blondes.

Of course, you shouldn’t expect a noticeable effect just once. Be patient and maintain the results with regular procedures.

Tan from the inside: what to eat for a golden skin tone

The foods you eat play an important role in your skin tone. Pale skin is the result of a lack of the hormone melanin in the body. Ladies who want to maintain their natural paleness, exclude this list from your diet. The rest of you - take note.

  • Beef and pork liver are an accessible source of tyrosine, a substance that promotes increased production of an important hormone responsible for skin tone.
  • Carrots and pumpkin - these products contribute to the appearance of a quick tan, but it also quickly disappears after eliminating vegetables from the menu. To get instant results, drink juices, but keep in mind that too much carrot juice can result in an unsightly yellow tint.
  • Fresh apricots, their juice and dried apricots also help you get a tan like oriental beauties. Include these in your diet healthy foods and don’t be afraid to appear too pale.
  • Eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible, and if this is not possible, take vitamin complexes. Lack of melanin often occurs due to a lack of vitamins in the body.
  • Products from natural soy also help increase the amount of “tanning hormone”. Consume soybean oil and soybeans.
  • They play an important role dairy products, butter lard and milk - they won’t help you get a tan, but they will charmingly get rid of your pallor.

Self-tanning: an achievement in the beauty industry

Taking into account the needs of millions of women and men, manufacturers have come up with a product that is surprising at first glance - self-tanning. However, for scientists there is nothing supernatural in it. There are two types of self-tanning available on sale:

  • Bronzers remain on the surface of the skin, creating thin layer, giving more dark shade. These creams and gels last until the first shower or rain and can stain clothing. It is convenient to cover only open areas with such products, for example, legs or arms.
  • Auto-bronzates react with the upper layer of the epidermis, the skin reacts to the impact, as a result of which its shade changes - it becomes visually similar to a tan. This method is more durable, does not harm things and is not washed off.

Self-tanning does not harm general well-being and has virtually no contraindications, unlike solariums and natural sun. But, like any other cosmetic product, they can cause allergic reaction. To avoid this, be sure to apply sunscreen to a small, inconspicuous area and observe the condition of the skin.

  1. To obtain best result, be sure to take a warm shower with a scrub or hard washcloth. This will help cleanse the skin of dead particles and ensure an even coverage of the product and a uniform shade.
  2. Self-tanning should be applied to all areas, not leaving out such little things as earlobes, internal surfaces arms, back of the neck.
  3. Do not apply too much of the product to the front of the neck and the area at the roots of the hair on the forehead.
  4. Avoid getting the product on your eyelids and under-eye area - then, if necessary, correct these areas with foundation.

For the bravest, there are pills and injections that change skin tone. They act on the production of melanin at the internal level. However, these methods have many contraindications and side effects. In many countries they are banned.

Gone are the days when rich ladies dreamed of pale skin, but just a century and a half ago, pampered aristocratic pallor attracted me to myself men's views, A porcelain skin stirred their hearts.

Today, pallor has almost gone out of fashion, especially considering how rapidly tanned, dark skin is gaining popularity. " Dark skin“, the fashion that Coco Chanel introduced, became not just a hobby, it grew into mass insanity, turning previously normal people into true drug addicts. And glossy magazines, comparing a face without a tan to an aspirin tablet, only add fuel to the fire.

That is why now girls with pale skin suffer from an inferiority complex and torment themselves day after day, trying to give their skin a tanned look.

How to give your skin a tan effect

Our advice is addressed to those young ladies who really can’t wait to get rid of their own pallor.

First, be sure to visit a doctor, because pale color skin may be associated with anemia and low hemoglobin. If so, eat more red and orange color- apricots, peaches, carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, etc. Eat persimmon. It contains iron and calcium. These microelements improve the body's hematopoietic capacity, and pallor goes away. Pundits tend to believe that eating “orange ones” will give the skin a bronze tint. Include other foods rich in iron in your diet - pomegranates, apples, meat, liver. You can read about products that increase hemoglobin in our article.

Besides, pale face may indicate problems with the kidneys and blood vessels of the skin, so do not neglect consulting a specialist.

And if everything is in order with your health, and your pale skin- this is just a genetic feature, like being tall or short stature, you can use our tips on how to give your skin a tanning effect using folk remedies. Products from our table are perfect for this: carrots, cocoa, coffee, tea, cinnamon.

You can make your skin darker using homemade masks:

- From grated carrots. Grate one carrot, add a little olive oil to it (if your skin is dry), wrap the slightly mashed mass in a cloth and apply it to your face for 15-20 minutes. Tanning course - 2 weeks.

- From cocoa. The mask is made like this: water + cocoa until it becomes a liquid mass. Apply the mask on your face for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

- From brewed coffee. Boil in a small amount of water ground coffee in a coffee maker or in a Turk. Apply cooled coffee to your face for 15-20 minutes. Again - if you have dry skin, add olive oil.

But be careful! Frankly, some girls can look funny with a “tanned” face and pale skin on the neck and arms.

Therefore, it is better to use methods that allow you to do dark skin the whole body, not just the face. For example, take a bath with a liter of strong black tea diluted in it. Thanks to this simple procedure, you can make your skin darker, but be prepared that it will take a lot of time.

And for those girls who take their pale skin for granted and only want to emphasize their natural features, we advise the following.

Choose your nail polish wisely. Pale-skinned beauties will enjoy delicate pinkish tones, beige and red shades.

Choose and use cosmetics correctly. You will have to give up dull and expressionless makeup, a pale face will seem tired, and you will appear haggard. For example, a great thing can be done lipstick. Makeup for pale skin is special: make-up artists recommend choosing bright lipstick: orange or red with a cherry tint and be sure to use lip pencil. If you are afraid that your lips will appear narrow, use contour pencil, it will make your lips fuller.

Look at the photos and see how famous pale-skinned beauties take full advantage of the effect of bright lips.

Marilyn Monroe

Scarlett Johansson

Elisha Cuthbert

Anne Hathaway

Rose McGowan

Or, alternatively, you Makeup will do in nude style. What is it and how to do “makeup without makeup”, “ Fashion makeup for autumn 2011".

Scarlett Johansson

Julia Roberts

Elisha Cuthbert

Lindsey Lohan

And finally, I would like to say to all pale-skinned people: although pale skin has lost its relevance, it has defended its right to exist and, perhaps, will soon become in demand again, largely thanks to the “brides” of vampires who filled television screens. Apparently, there is something “poisonous” and attractive in this.

How to make your skin darker? The first thing that comes to mind, of course, is tanning - in the sun or in a solarium. However, this method various reasons Not suitable for everyone. Not everyone is delighted with the prospect of using coloring cosmetics. But you can make your skin darker at home in other ways - we’ll talk about them.

Dark skin is still considered an asset and a desirable goal for many. But how to achieve it without solariums, self-tanning, bronzers and other achievements of civilization? There are several home remedies to help darken your own skin.

Beta carotene

Perhaps the most popular answer to the question of how to darken the skin on your face and body is carrots. This is not surprising, because this vegetable for home “tanning” contains a large number of beta-carotene, that is, the substance responsible for coloring the skin.

How to make yourself darker with carrots? You need to eat two raw fruits a day, but you can also drink a glass of one-day juice (drinks with other preparation times give a much weaker effect). The first results can be visible within a week. If this is too slow for you, then do not try to increase the amount of carrots in your diet, as this may end badly - yellowing (not darkening) of the skin and eyes.

High amounts of beta-carotene, which darkens your skin, isn't just from carrots. We will also find it in apricots, peaches, melon, strawberries, tomatoes, pumpkin, and peppers. All these gifts of nature allow you to darken your skin tone and maintain a tan for longer, if you have one.


It happens that pallor (and, accordingly, the desire to make the skin of the face and body darker) is due to anemia. Therefore, it is worth doing blood tests and taking necessary measures to cure it, as well as for preventive purposes, increase the amount of iron in the menu.

Foods high in iron include: liver, meat, fish, soybeans, lentils, beans, potatoes, apricots, peaches, bran, nuts, pumpkin seeds. Turmeric also contains a lot of iron, which, among other things, like carrots (although not due to beta-carotene), turns the skin a soft brown color. Therefore, it is worth seasoning your food with turmeric more often.


In addition to diet, it will help darken the outer coloring of the skin. Oak bark (sold in pharmacies) and golden onion peels are good for this.

How to darken your skin using oak bark at home? You need to pour 200 grams of it with 2 liters of water, cook for half an hour, and then pour into a bath of water. They bathe in it once a week for a quarter of an hour. However, two nuances need to be taken into account:

  • at the same time you will paint the bathtub;
  • the parts that will come into contact with it, and the folds and indentations of the skin (for example, on the elbows) may be brighter than the rest of the body;
  • In addition, tannins contained in the bark tighten the skin.

How to make the skin of the face and body darker using onions? A handful of husks should be boiled for 10 minutes in a liter of water, and then rinsed with this liquid. The effect will be immediate, and the procedures can be repeated as needed.

Helps solve this problem and coffee scrub. However, the effect is very short-lived, and the shade disappears after the first wash.