How to open a private kindergarten. We open a private kindergarten: how the business works in the field of preschool education

If you love children, dream of having your own interesting business and have a sufficient starting amount, then you can say with confidence: “I want to open a private kindergarten».

In Russia, the requirements for educational institutions are regulated by the federal law"On Education". It is this bill that should become your "guide". Private kindergartens are now in great demand. Young mothers with great joy give their babies to a non-governmental organization.

But in order not to waste your energy, time and money in vain, you should immediately and in everything rely on the rule of law. Kindergarten must be a licensed institution. But obtaining a license is one of the laborious, but necessary stages.

Photo - private kindergarten

Is it possible to get a license in Russia?

An applicant for a license must apply to the Federal Registration Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. It seems that obtaining a license is practically unrealistic in the conditions of a terrible bureaucracy in our country.

But in fact, it is only necessary to thoroughly prepare and collect full list required documents, as well as go through all the authorities controlling the work of children's institutions and obtain permission from them. Then there will be no grounds for refusal.

The term for consideration of the application is 45 days.

And in case of detection of shortcomings in the documentation, the applicant will be given another 2 months to eliminate them.

Required documents for opening a private kindergarten

So, you will need:

  1. Application of the established form.
  2. Documents confirming the ownership or lease of premises that meet all the requirements for accommodating a kindergarten. The term of the lease agreement must not be less than the term for which the license is issued.
  3. Copies (and originals for confirmation) of the Charter, TIN, OGRN.
  4. A copy (signed by the head of the institution) of the staff list with a list of employees.
  5. Help about staffing» - form 2.
  6. Receipt of payment of state duty. On this moment state the fee is 2600 rubles.
  7. Permits of the established form from Gospotrebnadzor, Gospozhnadzor, SES and, if necessary, the maintenance of official vehicles, permission from the state inspection of road safety.
  8. Syllabus educational program(full list of disciplines, load value).
  9. Contract for the provision of sanitary and epidemiological services (disinfection measures in rooms and ventilation systems, removal or disposal of waste, dry cleaning).
  10. Certificate confirming the availability of a list of necessary methodological and educational literature - form 4.
  11. Certificate of the condition of the premises for kindergarten - form 3.
  12. Information about the material and technical support according to the declared disciplines.
  13. 2 copies with a list of documents provided for obtaining a license.

How to open your own private kindergarten at home without a license

Is it possible to open a private kindergarten without a license legally? The answer is no!

In accordance with the current legislation, a non-profit organization with a license can engage in educational activities.

Therefore, it is very difficult to answer the question: “how to open your home kindergarten in an apartment”. Most likely, such a room will not pass the numerous requirements of regulatory authorities.

To create a kindergarten, you need a fairly spacious room. For example, such as: the building of the former kindergarten, Vacation home or a new building built, specially designed for garden equipment.

Photo - kindergarten room

But the creation of a developing group or circle no longer requires such a strict organization. Only when checking to explain the presence of sleeping places will be quite difficult.

Requirements for the premises

A complete list of requirements for a premise for a kindergarten contains SanPiN

In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, a kindergarten must have:

  • At least three rooms (bedroom, dining room, playroom).
  • Fire alarm.
  • All necessary communication.
  • Air temperature in winter period the room should be at least 22C. Air humidity 40-60%.
  • Rooms must be fully furnished in accordance with the age of the pupils. From furniture it is necessary to install beds, tables, wardrobes, shelves for educational literature and toys.
  • The presence of cosmetic repairs. The walls must be finished with waterproof material that can be washed. Floors must be non-slippery, without visible defects, and also with the ability to carry out wet cleaning.
  • All Construction Materials must be safe for children.
  • Lighting in the group room should be natural. Sources of artificial light must provide uniform illumination and have dust and moisture-proof protective fittings.
  • Square group room depends on the number of pupils, but not less than 2.5 sq m / 1 pupil (or 2 sq m nursery group).
  • Dressing room, with an area of ​​at least 18 sq m, with the organization of places for storing outerwear.
  • The area of ​​the bedroom is calculated on the basis of 1.8 square meters per child.
  • The toilet room should have a sanitary and wash area. The area of ​​the toilet area is at least 12 sq m. It is possible to combine a bathroom for children and adults with the allocation of a zone for staff.

Photo - locker room in kindergarten

How to open a private kindergarten in an apartment - we select furniture and equipment

The main furnishings of the premises are beds, wardrobes and tables:

  • Beds for children under 3 years old: length - 120 cm, width - 60 cm, height from the floor to the railing - 95 cm.
  • Beds designed for children from 3 years old: length - 140 cm, width - 60 cm, height from the floor - 30 cm. The minimum distance between beds is 0.65 m, from walls - 0.6 m. When using folding sleeping beds, it is necessary to provide places for their storage (as well as storage of bed linen).
  • Tables in height can be no more than 58 cm. The gap between rows should be at least 0.5 m. And the distance to the board should be at least 2.5 m.
  • Chairs in height can be no more than 34 cm.
  • Cabinets must be equipped with shelves for storing hats.
  • Each piece of furniture must be marked.

Photo - bedroom in kindergarten


The kindergarten staff should consist of several employees:

  • educator;
  • cook;
  • honey. worker;
  • cleaning woman;
  • manager;
  • others at the discretion of the manager.

Staff children's institution required to undergo a medical examination, training in fire safety.

Advertising is the engine of the process

Getting the first pupils is sometimes the most difficult. Be sure to try to search for those who want through friends. At the initial stage, this is the most effective method but don't ignore ads. Moreover, you can choose cheap ways of advertising. Putting up leaflets is not so expensive, but very effective.

Economic calculations and profitability - we draw up a business plan

Of the main expenses, it is necessary to highlight:

  • rental of premises;
  • registration of a license;
  • carrying out cosmetic repairs;
  • room equipment;
  • advertising;
  • Payment of utility services;
  • staff salaries;
  • purchase of educational literature;
  • catering for pupils.

Detailed calculations are carried out individually, depending on the "scope" of the kindergarten. But in order to prepare the work of the institution, it may be necessary at least 200 thousand rubles. Only to make repairs in accordance with the standards and furnish the premises will cost 100-150 thousand rubles. The profitability of the children's institution is quite high, but do not expect to recoup the costs in the first months.

You can get a stable profit somewhere in a year of active work.

Why do we need a home kindergarten?

To understand how to open a private kindergarten in 2019, you must first decide why you need this type of business. After all, the organization will take a lot of time and effort. In the case of a children's institution, only social motivations can be fully justified.

Photo - private kindergarten in the apartment

If you love children and dream of applying your pedagogical and organizational skills, then go ahead. But making a profit, as the only goal, is likely to entail a complete failure.

Pros and cons of home daycare

The main inconvenience is the enormous complexity in organizing this type of business and the great responsibility.

After all, working with children is high level obligations and risks. Be prepared to face bureaucracy, a bunch of inspection bodies and distrust of parents on early stages work.

Video: problems that you may encounter when opening a private kindergarten

From positive aspects the opportunity to work in home environment with kids. For young mothers a great opportunity communicate with your child without interruption from work.

High profitability and demand due to the lack of places in public kindergartens makes the idea of ​​opening a private kindergarten even more attractive.

How to open your own home kindergarten - briefly about the main

Video: how to open your own private kindergarten

Summarizing what has been written, we present to your attention a brief step by step instructions:

  1. Registration faces (30 days).
  2. Registration in the tax, PF, FOMS.
  3. Search, rent, preparation of premises (including equipment and educational literature).
  4. Search and hiring of personnel.
  5. Obtaining permits from SES, fire inspection, Rospotrebnadzor (about 30 days).
  6. Conclusion of contracts with organizations providing sanitary and epidemiological services (waste disposal, disinfection measures).
  7. Obtaining a license from the Federal Registration Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (45 days).
  8. Search for pupils.

We wish you a productive and interesting educational process!

On the same subject

With an acute shortage of kindergartens and strong employment of parents, a private kindergarten can become successful business. However, many are stopped by the complexity of this business.

Private kindergarten as a business

The basis of relevance for opening a kindergarten is the reason for the significant increase in the population of Russia. The current circumstances are such that the shortage of kindergartens causes difficulties in the personal and public life of people.

Advantages of a private kindergarten

It is difficult to get into a kindergarten, since the enrollment of children in groups is always significant. That's why best solution private kindergartens for parents and children. They inspire more parental confidence, and for good reason.

Basically, such gardens are not large and consist of 15 children. Less common are private kindergartens with attendance of up to a hundred people.

Initially, the business will bring more costs, because in the development of a business, quality and good care for the children. And that requires a lot of investment. For the popularity of a preschool institution, you need a good reputation. As a result, the number of children will also increase.

Business is more successful in large cities of Russia, where the speed of life is much higher. Young parents are busy becoming professional activities, so they want to give their children good upbringing thanks to experienced professionals.

State kindergartens lack the amenities and comfort that a private kindergarten can provide.

You have been nurturing the idea of ​​opening a private kindergarten for a long time, but doubt whether this type of business will be profitable? Or are you afraid of the bureaucratic red tape that entrepreneurs face when opening non-state preschool institutions? Drop doubts! If you love children and want to create a great kindergarten, which will be a long line of people who want to get into, do not give up and get acquainted with useful recommendations.

You will be able to understand how to open a private kindergarten in order to:

  • children develop under the guidance experienced teachers;
  • you received a good stable income;
  • not a single inspector could find fault with the conditions in which your pupils are.


The upbringing of children in preschool institutions of non-state form of ownership will cover an increasing number of children. There are several reasons for this:

  • workload of parents. Most busy mothers and fathers are forced to send their child to kindergarten much earlier than we would like. The need for children's institutions is constantly growing;
  • an increase in the birth rate creates a demand for places in kindergartens. Existing Quantity free places in preschool institutions does not cover the needs. Many children are waiting in line at the municipal kindergarten long time;
  • the level of qualification of teachers and junior staff in public kindergartens often does not meet modern requirements. The groups are full. conduct quality education of children and implement modern techniques in such conditions it is impossible;
  • lack of motivation of kindergarten workers and insufficient pay deprive them of motivation to fully meet the needs of the child;
  • in Russia there is a layer of wealthy people who are ready to invest money (and a lot) in mental and physical development child. World educational standards and proprietary methods successfully used in non-state educational institutions, allow you to educate comprehensively developed personality. You will have no shortage of small clients.

Important: middle class and people with above-average incomes make up the majority of parents who bring their children to private kindergartens. They place high demands on their staff. If you are just hoping to make fabulous money from rich parents, forget about this type of business. The phrase about love for children is not written by chance. Among private children's institutions, the most popular will be those in which the maximum return of all staff and parental relationship to the kids.

Where to begin

You must:

  • prepare documents for opening a kindergarten;
  • obtain licenses and permits;
  • find start-up capital or attract investors to your project.

By the way, perhaps this will help to significantly facilitate the opening process.

Legal side of the issue

Educational activities, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, can be carried out by legal entities registered in a non-commercial organizational and legal form or individual(). For full-fledged work, you need to register a legal entity. Then you can get a license.

Contact the specialists who will draw up a business plan for a private kindergarten for you and help you with obtaining permits. Without certain legal knowledge, this process can drag on for for a long time. Entrust this stage of opening a business to professionals.

Kindergarten at home

Many people ask the question: how to open a kindergarten in an apartment. The difference between a home kindergarten and a private one is that the first option involves informal part-time work and is not a legal activity. A private preschool institution is registered in accordance with the law and meets numerous requirements.

A home kindergarten requires a clear organizational structure, a legal financial basis, and responsibility for the safety of children. These conditions cannot be met in today's realities. The option of designing a home kindergarten as a full-fledged, legal business project should not be considered.

Premises and equipment

The requirements for the premises of preschool educational institutions and organizations are very stringent. Sanitary rules and norms (SanPin) regulate the conditions for the stay of children in the institution and many parameters (area, height of chairs and tables, availability of offices, list of equipment, etc.).

Here are some of the rules that must be followed.

Room requirements:

  1. Room area for 1 child - at least 6 sq.m.
  2. Must have separate game rooms, dining room and bedroom.
  3. A gym or sports complex is required.
  4. Having a health worker is a must.

Important: a premise for a kindergarten can be rented for a period of 1-3 years, less often - for 5 years from the city authorities. You can't just buy it.

Equipment requirements:

  1. Availability of special children's furniture. The height of tables - no more than 0.58 m, chairs - no more than 0.34 m.
  2. You should equip lockers for storing clothes.
  3. The temperature in groups and other areas of the garden should not fall below +22 °C.
  4. In addition to natural, sufficient artificial lighting.
  5. Without the arrangement of a fire alarm, the object is not put into operation.

In kindergarten except educational process, are held recreational activities And sports activities. Pupils eat, sleep, play.

The material base should include:

On playgrounds located on the territory of a private preschool institution, gazebos, sandboxes, ladders, benches, green spaces that create shade are required.


You have already prepared the entire package of documents for opening a private kindergarten, selected a room, purchased furniture and equipment. You have to find experienced educators and junior technical staff who will make up a close-knit team.

Minimum staff:

  • 2 teachers for each group;
  • nanny;
  • cook;
  • accountant;
  • watchman or guard;
  • garden manager.

Elite preschool institutions additional hire:

The visiting card of the kindergarten is qualified teachers. In non-state educational preschool institutions, clients are attracted by author's methods, successfully implemented by innovative teachers. Your team should be friendly and cohesive.

If in the course of work it turned out that a person does not follow the established rules or is negligent in his duties, point out the mistakes to him. If you do not want to correct them, part with a negligent employee without regret.

When interviewing candidates, carefully study their resumes, make inquiries in those institutions where they worked before. Ask for programs and plans according to which they will lead the educational process.

That is why it is desirable for teachers, methodologists, developers of author's methods to open a business related to preschool education. As a specialist, you will quickly determine whether the future teacher suits you professionally.


Tell as many people as possible potential clients about opening a new private preschool. Relatives, acquaintances, friends, colleagues with small children should definitely find out that an excellent kindergarten will soon appear next to the house. And he will be yours.


  • placement of advertising on playgrounds, clinics, children's stores, game centers;
  • contextual advertising on the Internet;
  • targeted mailing of leaflets to residents of the area in which your institution will be opened;
  • radio advertising.

Issue price

The costs of opening a private preschool are as follows:

  • registration - up to 4 thousand rubles;
  • rent of premises - up to 30 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment, furniture, didactic material- from 100 thousand rubles;
  • staff remuneration - from 20 thousand rubles. for one person. Minimum - 100 thousand rubles. (2 educators, nanny, cook, accountant);
  • advertising - up to 5 thousand rubles;
  • unforeseen expenses - 3-5 thousand rubles;
  • parents often ask for video calls so they can watch their kids. Another plus 25 thousand rubles.

Result: about 270 thousand rubles.

Parents pay a fee for visiting a kindergarten at the level of 10-50 thousand rubles per month, depending on the number of services provided, the level and prestige of the institution. For the business to be profitable, you need to recruit at least 20 preschoolers. This amount is enough to recoup monthly expenses and make a profit. Your investment will pay off in a year and a half.

To reduce costs at first, you can replace one of the caregivers and save on the salary of 1 person.

The specifics of such institutions is such that it is quite difficult to significantly reduce costs. The level of parental requirements is constantly increasing. Cheap games and old ones visual aids you won't get off. All this is in public gardens.

Parents will not pay solid money for low-quality services for a long time. Reducing costs by reducing the quality of services, equipment, food, etc. is unacceptable. This path leads to customer churn.

It would be better to tune in to increase profits. For this you need Additional services: sport sections, mugs, extended day groups for parents whose work schedule does not allow picking up the child along with the bulk of moms and dads, and others.

There are enough questions when opening a private kindergarten. Persistence, patience, love for children and the desire to realize oneself will help to achieve success.

The easiest way to open your own private kindergarten is to buy

But if you still want to do it yourself - we offer you step-by-step instructions from the expert of the company "Little Country"

According to statistics, the majority of entrepreneurs who decide to start their business by opening a private kindergarten are young parents who are aware of what a “queue” for kindergarten is and quite possibly have already met with such a concept as a shortage of places in municipal kindergartens. They know firsthand that parents are willing or forced to pay for attending a kindergarten. And if there are people willing to pay, then why not let them pay you?

But before you open your kindergarten, you need to find evidence of its demand in your area or city.

First you need to count the number of residents of the area and find out their structure. For example, if the majority of the inhabitants are older people, it is unlikely that you will be able to fill your garden with kids. Another thing is when you open a private kindergarten in a new area, where there is no state kindergarten nearby and where mostly young families live, who will provide you with preschool children.

  • You can request data on the statistics of the area in the passport office. And if we are talking about new microdistricts, developers can provide this statistics, since they have data on apartment buyers.

In other areas of the city, a private kindergarten may be in demand for several reasons. One of them is the notorious queues in municipal preschool institutions.

  • It is easy to find out about the existence of "queues" in the city administration, namely in the education department.

However, if there are several public kindergartens in the area you have chosen, and at the same time their occupancy leaves much to be desired, the private kindergarten you open is unlikely to be very popular with parents. Be that as it may, but at the cost of a child's stay in kindergarten, a private institution will always lose to a public one.

But in contrast to this minus, the sphere of private preschool education every year it becomes more and more significant plus. The fact is that now more and more parents a priori do not consider a municipal kindergarten, but immediately look for private garden ik for your child. This category of parents has an average and above average income and demands a private kindergarten certain requirements By living conditions quality of food, education and leisure activities.

Nevertheless, there are still more parents in our country who send their children to private kindergartens, not because they made this choice consciously, weighing all the pros and cons, but because for some reason they cannot arrange his child to the public garden.

  • It is also not easy for “visitors” to arrange their child in a state kindergarten. The problem is especially acute in Moscow and the Moscow region, where without registration or availability of " social card Muscovite” to give the child to the municipal kindergarten is almost impossible. The “come in large numbers” have no other choice but to send the baby to a private kindergarten.

Do not forget to also analyze the area in terms of other indicators. For example, find out if there are other private gardens in the area and how many? Will you be able to compete with them on price or terms and additional services?

The primary expense item that will significantly reduce your start-up capital is the renovation of the premises.

  • On average, a small kindergarten designed for one group can accommodate 100 sq.m.

Repair of a room of 100 sq.m and bringing it under the norms of controlling authorities will require 600-700 thousand rubles (including payment for repair work and the purchase of building materials).

The second point of investment costs will be the equipment of the premises with everything necessary - from furniture and household appliances before bed linen and utensils. Having opened at least 50 kindergartens, we have determined for ourselves the minimum amount equipment costs - 600 thousand rubles. This figure is documented. For example, a refrigerator can be purchased for 15,000 rubles at M-video, and a four-burner electric stove can also be purchased there for 8,000 rubles, and so on.

  • You need to understand that opening a kindergarten in the center of Moscow and in one of the sleeping areas of Ryazan involve completely different amounts of investment.

Can I get a loan to open a kindergarten?

Of course, it is preferable to open a kindergarten business on own funds. But I also know those who took money to run their kindergarten on credit. Their experience shows that it is possible to work successfully and even develop, keeping a part of the profit for yourself, while paying off the loan.

Moreover, the very specifics of the business of a private kindergarten allows you to qualify for benefits at the loan rate. There are a number of offers that greatly help in obtaining start-up capital to start this business.

For example, there is interesting offer from the Our Future social entrepreneurship support fund, which offers a loan at 6%. Or you can apply for a small business competition as an entrepreneur who has opened a business in the social sector and qualify for a subsidy from the state to reimburse the funds spent on starting a kindergarten. However, if you work without a license for educational activities, you can be reimbursed up to 1.5 million rubles, and with a license - up to 10 million rubles, but the amount you receive should not exceed 60% of the funds spent on opening. Thus, it is possible to compensate for most of the investments in opening a kindergarten.

In addition, in the process of work, you can also reduce your costs with the help of the state. For example, by submitting an application for subventions, which will be paid to you from the municipal budget for the maintenance of one child per month.

  • For example, in Moscow, 2.5 thousand rubles are paid for one child, in Krasnodar - 9 thousand rubles, and in the Moscow region - 12 thousand rubles.

However, it is possible to use such subventions only with a state license.

And this is not all the available support programs for entrepreneurs who decide to devote themselves to preschool education and the business of a private kindergarten. Knowing all possible programs and knowing how to use them, you can not only return your investment as quickly as possible, but also make good money by performing part of its functions for the state.

Step-by-step instruction

A private kindergarten can be opened as an individual entrepreneur, you can register as an LLC, and you can also choose DOW form(preschool educational institution) or ANO (autonomous non-profit organization). The time for its registration will also depend on the choice of the legal form of your future kindergarten. For example, if it takes you two to three weeks to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, then registration of a preschool educational institution or ANO will take 2 times longer.

  • Registration of a preschool educational institution with the Ministry of Justice will take about two months.

Nevertheless, these temporary delays will not affect the opening of the kindergarten in any way. You can register your kindergarten in parallel with other matters, for example, conclude a lease agreement for an individual and start making repairs in the premises. Once registered, the contract can be renewed.

The choice of registration form will primarily affect the taxation system and the nuances of bookkeeping. By choosing an IP, you can purchase a patent for a period of 1 to 12 months. The patent system is suitable for kindergartens in a small room and with the minimum amount personnel. If you open an LLC, then you will pay 6% of income according to the “simplified” system. PEIs and ANOs have their own peculiarities of taxation and accounting.

How to select employees for kindergarten?

Hiring staff in a kindergarten is a separate conversation, which should also be taken wisely. Firstly, it is the staff, i.e. educators and nannies work both with your direct clients - children, and with their parents, who directly pay money. Secondly, the quality and quantity of employees will affect the economic model of the kindergarten: the larger the staffing, the larger the payroll.

The number of staff directly depends on the size of the kindergarten you open - the more children go to your kindergarten, the more employees they will require.

  • For one group of 20 children, the minimum list of staff is two educators, one nanny and one cook.

At the same time, it is taken into account that all this small staff replaces both teachers of other specialties and a nurse. For example, one of the educators can be a "musician" and conduct developmental activities with the kids, the other is an "artist", teaching kids how to express themselves through drawings. This approach to staffing can significantly reduce the cost of payroll. The same nanny can combine her direct duties with job descriptions nurses, of course, provided that they have the necessary qualifications ...

Speaking of qualifications. Inspection authorities put forward their requirements for the staff of a private kindergarten. At the same time, these requirements are the same for both private kindergartens and municipal ones. So, when choosing educators, cooks and nurses, you will have to pay attention to whether they have a medical book and a certificate from a psychiatrist. In addition, special attention is paid to educators - they must have a pedagogical education and undergo advanced training every three years. A complete list of requirements for kindergarten staff can be found when submitting documents for permission to carry out childcare activities at Rospotrebnadzor or when applying for a license for educational activities at the Ministry of Education.

Many entrepreneurs who decide to open their own private kindergarten often have a problem finding suitable premises. The fact is that any room is not suitable. When it comes to children, the state carefully monitors that they are in appropriate conditions. If the room is not responding complete list requirements - you are unlikely to be able to get permission from Rospotrebnadzor, fire safety and the Ministry of Emergencies.

All the standards that the premises must meet are spelled out in the fire safety rules and SanPin, which should be studied in detail before taking on the search for a room. These documents contain special requirements for the width of doorways and the length of corridors for evacuation routes for babies, and for ventilation and natural lighting. They spell out everything that needs to be known and taken into account when creating a kindergarten - up to the number of rooms that a kindergarten should consist of, and their purpose. Of particular importance for Rospotrebnadzor will be the quadrature of each room, for example, the same locker room or bathroom, depending on the number of children for which the kindergarten is designed. Another thing is the equipment of the rooms: for example, for one group of children in the bathroom there should be four children's toilets and sinks, one shower, and one sink for adults. In addition, a separate bathroom should be allocated for employees.

There are many such trifles, but all of them must be known and taken into account.

At the same time, the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other regulatory authorities differ depending on whether the premises are residential or non-residential. And all thanks to the fact that today it is possible to open a private kindergarten both in separate non-residential premises, outbuildings and on the first floors of residential buildings, and in ordinary residential apartments, i.e. there are plenty to choose from.

  • The Ministry of Emergency Situations does not check residential premises and does not give an opinion for kindergartens.

That is why, despite the apparent difficulties and problems with the selection of premises, the entrepreneur only needs to know the rules and mandatory norms and a scrupulous approach to the search.

Another issue that concerns the premises is related to the payment of its rent.

Renting eats up a significant part of income and affects both the net income received and the cost of the final product. Of course, a kindergarten can operate at any rental rate - from 1 rub./sq.m. to 1000 rub./sq.m. But when compiling an economic model, you need to understand that the higher the rental rate, the more expensive the cost of visiting will be. And if there are competitors nearby, the “issue price” will have importance for parents.

Of course, you need to approach the assessment of the premises individually. First, look at how it fits the norms and requirements. Secondly, if the premises require significant investments in repairs, then a high rental rate will only increase the amount of investment and initially set a high price bar for the final product, which is not advisable.

However, even in Moscow, with an average market rental price of 1,000 rubles/sq.m, only one of our network's kindergartens pays rent at this rate. Most find more acceptable prices from 250 to 400 rubles/sq.m. This is the so-called social lease, when developers rent it out for kindergartens large areas on the first floors of their residential complexes or individual multi-storey buildings. The presence of such tenants from the social sphere is a definite plus for developers, so they are willing to reduce the cost of rent.

You can also find cheaper accommodation with help from the state. In some regions, there are special programs for the preferential lease of municipal premises for representatives of the private sector of preschool education or social entrepreneurship. Therefore, it is worth exploring possible options, calculate the economic model and identify the optimal rental rate for yourself.

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open

When opening a kindergarten, you need to decide how many children it will be designed for - for 20, 100 or 200 kids. It is on the number of small customers that your income and, accordingly, the benefit will depend.

For example, you can open one kindergarten for 100 children, or you can open five small kindergartens designed for a group of 15-20 children. In both the first and second cases, you will end up with 100 children. It would seem that the profit in both options should be the same, but in reality everything is not quite so.

Firstly, by opening five kindergartens instead of one, you will spend 20-30% more money. Secondly, such a important indicator as the rate of return per child.

  • If a kindergarten for 100 children earns 1 million rubles a month, the rate of return per child will be 10 thousand rubles.

The larger the kindergarten and the more children attend it, the lower will be the rate of return per child. This ratio is due to the fact that when opening a kindergarten for 100 children, you will be forced to rent many times more premises, hire several times more teachers, paying their salaries, and more money will be spent on current expenses.

  • When obtaining a license for educational activities, the costs of wages staff can be reduced by 10%.

A kindergarten for 20 children, located in a four-room apartment on the first floor of a residential building, will have a completely different rate of return. Rent in this case will cost a priori two times cheaper than in any non-residential premises. It will only be necessary to work on bringing it under the norms of SanPiN.

Are you planning to open a kindergarten from scratch, but don't know where to start? Below we will tell you how to do it and what you need for this. Consider the features, pros and cons of such a business. We will also answer popular questions.

The relevance of a private kindergarten

It is foolish to believe that in some city kindergarten services are not in demand.

In some regions municipal gardens unable to cope with the influx of children. Parents have to wait in line before the baby is born.

Therefore, such a business will always be relevant. And there are 7 reasons for this:

  • There is a lack of kindergartens in most regions - children are forced to wait in line, and mothers cannot go to work.
  • Insufficient funding of municipal kindergartens - this affects the quality of child care, work with them, nutrition and other important points.
  • IN public gardens groups consist of more than 15 children and caregivers do not pay due attention to each child.
  • A private kindergarten can offer additional services that municipal ones cannot boast of.
  • Parents do not have to stand in line and it is possible to send their child to kindergarten at any age.
  • A private kindergarten does not push parents into limits, for example, the time when you need to pick up a child. This is a plus for parents with irregular work schedules.
  • The garden can be opened in an apartment or a private house. This will allow children to be in their familiar home environment.

As you can see, the "children's" business is relevant and promising. But you need to know its features, pros and cons.

Business features: advantages and disadvantages

Private kindergarten has its pros and cons. And before you open it, you need to understand the features of such a business. To do this, we present the table below.



The small number of groups - 10 - 15 children. This allows you to pay attention to each child, which has a positive effect on the loyalty of parents to the kindergarten.

High pay - not every parent can afford to send their child to a private kindergarten. Therefore, ordinary citizens will not become your loyal customers.

Good food - private gardens do not save on products and are attentive to the preparation of the menu and preparation of dishes. This moment also attracts parents.

Lack of payment benefits - most often, no benefits are provided to parents. Then they prefer municipal gardens.

High qualification of educators - the owners of commercial kindergartens are careful about the selection of staff. This minimizes the risk of complaints from parents.

Difficulties of opening - you need to invest a lot of money, time and effort to organize a decent kindergarten with attractive conditions for parents.

Unique services - language learning, pre-school education, language learning musical instruments, origami, swimming and other skills useful for the development of children. Parents save both money and time, since there is no need to take the child to circles.

In most cases, especially if the kindergarten is organized in an apartment or a private house, it is not possible to build a specialized playground for children to walk. You will have to drive them to the city park or forest on your own.

The absence of queues is the main advantage for parents who urgently need to send their baby to kindergarten in order to go to work.

A big responsibility - children and their parents are different, so you need to constantly monitor the kids.

Monitoring the process of the kindergarten - this is the responsibility of the parent council.

Low demand in small towns - in small towns, as a rule, there are no long queues in government agencies and parents do not have the opportunity to pay for expensive services of a private kindergarten.

Any shortcomings can be eliminated, competently, having studied the market, target audience and market demand.

Legal issues and registration of a kindergarten

Most future leaders of private kindergartens are interested in the question of the legality of this business and whether the state supports such an initiative.

The only law that you need to get acquainted with is the "Law on Education of the Russian Federation" Art. 91, which states that if a private institution does not plan to engage in the education of children, then a license is not required.

You also need to study the "Housing Code" if you plan to open a kindergarten in an apartment. In this regard, it says that the residential premises owned individual entrepreneur, can be used to carry out economic activities. The main requirement is that it should not interfere with neighbors.

As for sanitary-epidemiological and fire regulations, the SES, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Rospotrebnadzor are loyal to such institutions and do not conduct regular inspections. They can suddenly arrive only in case of complaints from neighbors. In other situations, inspection bodies rely on the good faith of the entrepreneur.

From this we can conclude.

"Private kindergarten is not educational institution. Therefore, a license to operate is not needed.

What do you need to open

To organize a kindergarten you will need:

  • Officially register a business and register with the tax service.
  • Choose a suitable room if you do not have your own.
  • Finish the room in accordance with fire and sanitary standards.
  • Purchase furniture, toys, equipment for cooking and other tasks.
  • Conclude a contract for the supply of food for cooking.
  • Conduct interviews with candidates for the position of educators and select suitable specialists.
  • To conclude employment contracts with educators.
  • Launch advertising in nearby areas of the city and the Internet.

After completing all the points, you can proceed to the grand opening of the kindergarten.

Requirements for kindergarten premises

The requirements for the premises of private kindergartens can be found in SanPiN Let's highlight the main provisions:

  • The institution must have at least three rooms: for games, sleeping, eating. If children are taught, then a separate room should be organized for this.
  • The air temperature in the premises should not be lower than 22 °C, regardless of the season. Issues with the quality of heating must be resolved before the opening of the kindergarten.
  • Humidity should be in the region of 40 - 60% and no more. For these purposes, it is worth buying special humidifiers.

Otherwise, the premises must be finished with materials that are safe for the health of children. Every room and bathroom should always be kept clean.

Get detailed information about sanitary requirements can be in the local SES.

It is worth paying attention to a few more points.

  • Walls can only be painted with moisture-resistant paint that does not emit substances harmful to children's health when in contact with water.
  • Slippery floor coverings are prohibited.
  • Rooms should have artificial and natural lighting.
  • The bathroom should be divided into a sanitary area and an area for washing hands and washing.

When organizing the premises of the kindergarten, emphasis should be placed on the safety of children's health.

Arrangement of a kindergarten: furniture, toys, dishes and appliances

A private kindergarten will need:

  • Beds for daytime sleep children.
  • Children's tables and chairs for eating.
  • Educational toys and books.
  • Dressing cabinets.
  • Stove, refrigerator, set of dishes and other kitchen utensils for cooking.
  • Detergents and towels.
  • Means for cleaning and disinfection of premises.

Additional furniture, toys and appliances should be chosen based on the list of services provided.

Requirements for employees and their proper selection

The choice of future educators should be approached with special attention. Because the quality of the services provided and the loyalty of future customers depend on them.

Mandatory requirements for candidates are:

  • The presence of a specialized education corresponding to the position held.
  • Possession of a valid health certificate.
  • Experience in education or similar institutions.
  • High stress resistance, tolerance, politeness and sociability.

For the full operation of the garden you will need:

  • educators;
  • Health worker with a medical education, preferably a pediatrician;
  • Head;
  • Cleaning woman.

Other professionals such as children's speech therapist, can be hired taking into account the characteristics of the garden and at the discretion of its leader.

How to advertise and promote a kindergarten

Marketing strategy should be built according to the following principle.

  • Placement of advertisements in local media: TV, radio, newspapers, specialized magazines and other publications.
  • Installation of advertising boards in the area where the kindergarten is located. They should be in places with good parental traffic.
  • Cooperation with local medical institutions such as a children's clinic.
  • Distribution of flyers in new areas of the city.
  • Advertising on the Internet: targeted at in social networks, banner, teaser, etc.

It is important to pay attention to the official website of the kindergarten. Its pages should contain all the information that will help parents make a decision in your favor. It includes:

  • Contact information: phone, email, links to pages and communities in social networks, address.
  • Detailed description of the kindergarten: number of rooms, beds, working hours, additional services, etc.
  • Page with information about educators and other staff.
  • Sample menu for kids.
  • What teaching methods are used.
  • Prices and terms of payment.
  • Kindergarten capacity and number of available places.
  • List of additional services.
  • Certificates, awards, diplomas (if any).
  • Video presentation of the kindergarten.
  • Photos of weekdays and holidays.
  • Parent testimonials page.

Give as much information as possible on the site so that the target audience does not have many questions and they can be convinced of the quality of the services offered.

Should I take out a loan to open a kindergarten?

Opening a kindergarten with a loan is not worth it. Because in the first six months or a year, the profit will be low. And there may be situations when the entrepreneur will not be able to pay creditors on time. Then the accrual of penalties, fines and other troubles will begin.

You also need to understand that by taking a loan, the entrepreneur is liable to the lender with his property. If you fail to meet your obligations on time, you can lose your business.

That's why the best option opening a private kindergarten - do it at the expense of your savings. In the future, when the business begins to generate a stable income, it will be possible to expand it.

Can I get government support?

Yes, you can.

State support will be as follows.

  • Tax incentives - STS 6%, VAT abolished.
  • Providing a subsidy for opening a kindergarten - provided that the future entrepreneur is registered with the Employment Center.
  • Possibility of participation in municipal orders.
  • Provision of premises at the minimum rental price.
  • Compensation to parents - local authorities return part of the payment for kindergarten services.

Perhaps local authorities offer additional support. This needs to be clarified with them.

Other Popular Questions

Do I need to transfer an apartment to a non-residential fund? - No.

On which floor of a residential building can a garden be opened? - On any.

Does an entrepreneur need a pedagogical education? - No.

How much does it cost to open a private kindergarten? - from 500,000 to 1,000,000 rubles.