The birth of a child usually takes weeks. What week is the first child usually born: are there accurate forecasts

How many weeks does labor start? How to understand that childbirth has begun? These and many other questions begin to overcome women towards the end of pregnancy, and sometimes even by the middle of the term.

The prenatal period starts at 38 weeks. It is from this period that the child is considered full-term. This period continues until the birth. So when does labor begin? Childbirth is considered normal if it starts from 38 to 42 weeks. The preliminary date of delivery is usually set at 40 weeks. After 42 weeks, they are already talking about post-term birth.

As you can see, the spread is quite large - in 4 weeks, this is almost a month. And all this time, a woman is tormented by the question of what week the birth begins. It is worth looking for an answer to it not in books and articles, but in own body. Childbirth extremely rarely begins suddenly, as a rule, in 1-2 weeks a woman is warned about them by her own body.

Harbingers of childbirth

There are a number of signs that experts call. It is these signs that can be considered a full-fledged answer to the question of how to determine when the birth code will begin.

What are these harbingers? There are several. Firstly, lowering of the abdomen . Closer to childbirth, the fetus begins to move towards the birth canal. The ligaments in the small pelvis relax, the bones diverge slightly, and the fetus descends into the resulting cavity, and with it the stomach becomes lower. However, many may not notice the displacement of the abdomen, but everyone pays attention to the fact that it becomes easier to breathe.

The fact is that when descending, the uterus releases the diaphragm from pressure. In primiparas, lowering of the abdomen occurs a few days before delivery, with repeated births this happens literally a few hours before hour X. However, the stomach may not sink.

Changes are also taking place in the behavior of women. She is eager to improve the apartment, wash, wash, rearrange the furniture. In some cases, in last week before childbirth, women start repairs. Or vice versa, the pregnant woman becomes withdrawn, seeks to hide from everyone, seeks solitude. Both are manifestations nesting instinct . A woman subconsciously strives to create optimal conditions for childbirth.

The child can also report on his readiness for childbirth. One week before birth physical activity fetus is usually sharply reduced. This is due to the fact that the child has already gained the necessary mass and height, and it becomes crowded in the uterus, it is uncomfortable to move, and there is nowhere.

These are just the most basic harbingers of childbirth. Please note that they do not give a 100% guarantee that a woman is about to give birth. Each organism is individual, and it is impossible to predict how long before delivery this or that precursor will appear.

I would like to mention one more harbinger - training bouts, or. From their first name, it is not difficult to understand their essence - the uterus is gradually preparing for childbirth, training, preparing the cervix for the difficult process of childbirth.


How does labor begin? In fact, contractions are usually the beginning of labor. So called rhythmic contractions of the muscles of the uterus, repeating at approximately equal intervals of time. The purpose of this process is to first open the cervix, and in the second stage of labor, to help the baby get out of the uterus.

The initial stage of labor can be very variable in duration, up to 24 hours. However, this is an extreme option. Usually, the first birth in total lasts 8-12 hours. The second birth, quite naturally, is less prolonged.

If your childbirth began with contractions, then there is no need to go to the hospital immediately. The opening of the cervix is ​​the longest stage of labor, and it is more comfortable for you if you spend most of it at home. However, much depends on whether the first birth of a woman or she gives birth not for the first time.

Primiparous, as a rule, are more nervous and tend to get under the care of doctors as soon as possible. They can be understood, but it makes sense for them to wait. How does labor begin in primiparas? The first contractions in this case are very weak, painless, and often they are simply not noticed. On the other hand, it is for the first pregnancy that training contractions are especially characteristic. And this means that there is a risk of confusing training contractions with the onset of childbirth, and getting worried ahead of time.

Main the difference between practice fights and real fights in that the training sessions are non-rhythmic and do not have a clear period. There can be 5 or 15 minutes between two contractions. In addition, training contractions can be stopped. Sometimes it’s enough just to change your position, sometimes you need to take warm bath. The main thing is to relax the muscles of the abdominal wall.

Unfortunately, in some cases, Braxton Higgs contractions become too debilitating. Constantly repeated training contractions exhaust a woman, and even make it difficult for the development of labor. In this case, you must consult a doctor. This situation requires treatment.

What to do if childbirth has begun, perhaps every woman knows. You need to get to the hospital by car or ambulance. The main thing is not to drive yourself. Childbirth is a little predictable process, and during contractions it is unlikely that you will be able to monitor the situation on the road.

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Since ancient times, women and girls have wanted to know their future. This applied not only to marriage and wealth, but also to the sex and time of the birth of the child. What signs were not addressed in order to clarify the issues of interest. There are several unproven hypotheses that allow you to give birth to a child of exactly the sex that both parents of an unborn baby want:

1. If fertilization occurs during ovulation, then the embryo will be male, but if a couple of days after ovulation, then a girl.

2. The more often it happens between spouses sexual intimacy the more likely you are to conceive a boy.

3. special diet help to conceive a boy.

All these hypotheses are rather conditional, and in some cases dangerous. Therefore, you should not rely only on them.

Dreams about birth: prophetic or not

Since a woman "in position" is quite emotional and mentally labile, during pregnancy she often has dreams about her unborn baby. Here is what the dream book predicts regarding the birth of a boy:

1. If you see childbirth in a dream, then this is a change in life.

2. The birth of a boy in a dream - to profit and financial prosperity.

3. If you dreamed of someone else's childbirth, then soon you will have to wait for good news.

4. In a dream, giving birth to a boy instead of the desired girl - to unpleasant and empty chores.

5. In a dream, giving birth to a boy without complications and other problems is joyful events in life.

6. If a non-pregnant woman dreams about the birth of a boy, then this is a warning for her and her reputation.

7. According to Miller's dream book, to see your own birth is to improve personal life, a possible early pregnancy.

8. Vanga's dream book says that seeing the birth of your child in a dream is a chance to renew your life.

How many weeks are boys born

What week of pregnancy are boys born? - such a burning question is asked by many parents. There is an opinion that boys are born a few weeks later due date(38-42 weeks of pregnancy). As statistics show, there is no specific pattern between the sex of the child and the date of his birth.

It all depends on the development of the pregnancy itself, the constitution of the woman, hereditary and other factors. And even more so, it is impossible to change the sex of an already conceived child, because the sex is determined at the moment of conception. Therefore, if there is an acute question regarding the sex of the baby, then it is better to resort to artificial insemination.

The dependence of the birth of a boy on ...

Some psychologists, doctors and other experts put forward their theories, according to which it is possible to determine the sex of the unborn baby, thereby answering the question of many women - "how to give birth to a boy."

In particular, some psychologists argue that sex will depend on the content of testosterone in the blood. If a woman feels aggression, pride, even anger somewhere, it means that the level of this hormone is quite high, therefore, the woman is pregnant with a boy. If her emotions are softer and more labile, then she is waiting for the birth of a girl.

British scientists believe that hearty breakfasts and high-calorie foods during ovulation are the key to conceiving a boy.

Other experts suggest that intense sports also contribute to the conception of a male child.

According to Chinese beliefs, in order to calculate the date of conception of the required sex of the child, you need to know the age of the parents in a month and the very moment of pregnancy. It is necessary to divide the mother's age by 3, and the father's age by 4 and compare the numbers. This is due to the fact (according to Chinese experts) that in women the body is genetically updated every 3 years, and in men - in 4, so the sex whose body was updated last will be the most active.

But the method of calculating ovulation is considered the most accurate. This is due to the fact that at the time of ovulation, an optimal environment is created for the fertilization of the egg by sperm with Y chromosomes.

According to some experts, the position during conception affects the sex of the child. And this is scientific rationale. It is believed that the position when the man is behind, the sperm is close enough to the cervix and easily penetrates inside, and girls are born in the "missionary" position. This is due to the fact that the path to the cervix is ​​much longer and only more resistant spermatozoa with the X chromosome, which are responsible for the formation of the female embryo, can withstand it.

So is it possible to influence the sex of the child at the time of conception?

Summing up, we can say with confidence that neither dreams, nor diets, nor other factors can give a 100% chance of conceiving a child of the desired gender.

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Bearing and giving birth to a new life are wonderful natural processes that a woman experiences. It is happiness to become a mother, but for future mother it is very important to know what week the baby will be born and how to accurately determine this significant date.

What week do they usually give birth?

From what week of pregnancy can you give birth? - this question worries many women. There is no single answer to it, because the body of every woman is unique. Medicine has established that the bearing of a baby lasts 280 days, which is equivalent to 40 weeks.

If this is not the first birth of a woman, then the baby can be born as early as 39 weeks of gestation.

The gestational age begins to count from the first day of the last menstrual cycle.

First pregnancy

If you are pregnant for the first time, then you are probably most interested in the answer to the question: how many weeks do first-borns give birth? The exact date birth cannot be established. But according to statistics, women who give birth for the first time meet their baby 5-9% later (the baby is born at 42 weeks and later), and 6-8% of births begin prematurely.

Birth statistics by week

If a child sees the world at 34-37 weeks, then there is no need to worry. By this time, the little ones are already fully formed and do not need special care. Special attention you need to pay attention to babies who are born at 28-33 weeks. They may have problems (breathing, digestion) that can only be overcome in the neonatal intensive care unit. There is a very small chance of survival in children who are born prematurely (at 22-27 weeks). There are many factors leading up to this. Perhaps the mother suffered stress, a protracted illness or injury, which affected the health of the little miracle.

But it is important to know that the first pregnancy for a woman's body is a kind of genetic test of the function of childbearing, which in the future, when carrying children, already goes along the established path much easier.

Repeated births

What week to expect the baby? In most cases (90-95%), the second birth can begin before the 39th week. If this is not the first time you become a mother, then from the 38th week, get ready for the start of contractions at any time.

If childbirth is repeated, then in what week should replenishment be expected?

Medicine has established that for the second, third and all subsequent times, it is much easier for a pregnant woman to feel the first signs of childbirth.

Attempts are more dynamic, and the total duration of labor is less than the first time. Contractions can last a very short period of time, since the body is already familiar with this process and the cervix opens more intensively and faster.

The timing of the birth of a baby depends not only on the mother's body, but also on the gender of the little person. According to statistics, girls are born earlier, boys - later.

The age of the future mother also plays an important role in the process of giving birth. If children are born with little with an interval of two to six years, then the second birth is usually faster and easier, but there are cases when the difference between children is from ten to twenty years, and here it can no longer be argued that the birth will pass without consequences. Although, of course, everything depends on the health of the woman, the state of her body and, of course, on the psychological mood.

What week do you give birth most often?

Medical advances are moving into the future at a very fast pace. If the birth is timely, then more often women give birth in the period from 37 to 40 weeks. But doctors can leave a baby born even with a 22-week period and weighing less than a kilogram. Let the baby grow strong and healthy!

This question is most often asked by women who have a baby coming into the world. After all, every expectant mother wants to know exactly the date of this cherished time. But, unfortunately, no one will tell you the specific and exact date of your birth. Yes, the doctor, of course, determines and writes down the estimated date important event. However, there are many nuances in this matter. Let's try to figure them out.

To begin with, let's delve into the events that happen to the expectant mother and her child on last dates pregnancy, and try to determine upcoming date childbirth.

As a rule, the bearing of a child lasts 40 weeks or 280 days from the last menstruation of a woman. It is from this date that you can subtract three months and add seven more days. This will be the estimated date of your baby's birth.

For more exact definition this period, you need to remember the date of the first stirring of the fetus. Usually, primiparous expectant mothers feel these movements at the 20th week of the term, and second-borns - somewhere at the 18th week of pregnancy.

The date of delivery can also be determined by the doctor based on the results ultrasound diagnostics fetus. It is considered that the pregnancy is fully full-term already after 37 weeks, that is, after 259 days and before the period of 42 weeks (294 days).

Traditionally, childbirth for up to 37 weeks in medicine is considered early, and after 42 weeks - late. With the end physiological pregnancy the child in the mother's womb grows stronger and is born healthy, with fully formed tissues, organ systems. If we talk about post-term pregnancy, then you need to take into account the risks of injuring a girl or boy during childbirth. It is also possible the birth of a dead baby when it is worn for ten days or two weeks. That is why doctors decide to stimulate labor in a pregnant woman who does not start contractions at the right time. Traditionally, post-term pregnancy is easier to prevent than to stop the process. premature birth.

So what week do women give birth prematurely? In the practice of obstetrics, certain time intervals have been identified for the possible onset of premature delivery. This is the gestational age of 22 weeks, from 22 to 27 weeks, from 28 to 33 weeks, from 34 to 37 weeks.

Previously, doctors fought for the lives of babies who were born prematurely from the 28th week of pregnancy and weighing one kilogram. Now these figures are much less.

The causes of premature birth can be genital infections, an oversized fetus or multiple pregnancy, polyhydramnios, various uterine defects, placental abruption or placenta previa. Less often, the cause of preterm birth is problems with the kidneys, pituitary gland, diseases thyroid gland And of cardio-vascular system. Then the body of the future mother protects itself by rejecting the fetus as a health hazard.

If a child is born between 22 and 27 weeks, then predicting its viability is too problematic, because most of its organs have not yet been formed and are not prepared for development outside the mother's womb.

In practice, from the 27th week of pregnancy to the 36th week, prolongation of pregnancy is achieved in most expectant mothers. And even with incompletely developed lungs in a child, their maturation can be accelerated medicines. Therefore, at such times, children survive more often. As a rule, a positive prognosis is given to babies who were born weighing 1.5 kg, since their internal organs better formed.

By the way, twins or twins are born at 37-38 weeks of the term. Second-born mothers also give birth earlier. Today, according to medical statistics, every third expectant mother gives birth at the 37th week of pregnancy. Rarely, childbirth occurs at 40-42 weeks.

So, when your son or daughter will be born, you can only determine approximately. After all, this process is purely individual, as is the gestation period, its features and pathologies. The most important thing is that a strong, healthy boy or girl is born.

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

What week do primiparas usually give birth?

Hi all!
I want to ask the girls who have already given birth - what week do primiparas have a baby? Are they moving or vice versa? I don’t want to move around - I want to give birth according to the sign of the zodiac Libra, and if I move at least a week, then it’s already Scorpio, but I don’t get along with this sign, and their character is difficult
Yes, and in another way - at 32 weeks we already had a weight of 2130 kg, and if I walk around, then the elephant will grow there, it will be difficult to give birth.
In this regard, another question arose - how to give birth at term if the baby is not going to be born? Stimulate or what other ways are there to start the process?


To give birth on time is when the BABY is ready, and you don’t want to. So if you are destined to be a scorpion, then so be it and you don’t have to be so categorical about them, this is your baby!


I gave birth to all my three babies at 40 weeks and 3 days.


My sister was born a scorpion instead of a scale - a wonderful child!!! Just a miracle! Very sweet, kind, caring girl! Very smart and reasonable))) This is your child! And you need to love your child, regardless of any zodiac signs there)


gave birth exactly at 37


My due date is October 14th. If I pass 2 days, then I will give birth directly in my mother-in-law's DR, which I would not like at all



Girls, let's not discuss the nature of the zodiac signs. I ask you to clearly answer 2 questions - when do primiparas give birth and whether they are stimulated in the maternity hospital if you are walking. All. Thanks for understanding


Well, I won’t tell you the exact statistics, but I went through a week and was not going to give birth at all, although my stomach was already “bursting”. I didn’t have labor and the baby was very large, they had a caesarean (but this is for a different reason). Now I’m pregnant and I want to say that I don’t want to move, it’s better to go to the hospital in advance as soon as the time comes up. In the LCD, the doctor said "if if you don’t give birth, then come back next week, ”and I walked like that until it became unbearable and went to the maternity hospital myself. And the doctors there were very unhappy with it.


I gave birth to my son exactly 40 weeks (right in the PDR). As for I don’t want a mother-in-law, a scorpion, etc. in the DR ... a woman gives birth when the child is ready, and all these Wishlists are full of stupidity! You read articles about possible consequences for the baby from stimulation And immediately it will not matter when the baby is born, as long as a healthy child is born on time!



About the sign of the zodiac - a corral familiar to me! I slept with my daughter and saw Gemini, but it turned out to be Cancer. If I had agreed to have a cesarean earlier, then the Gemini would have turned out, but I stubbornly refused, dreaming of giving birth to myself. The result - at 40 weeks, exactly in the PDR, my water broke and I was still caesarean (complete closure of the cervix + age + myopia).
I carried my son for 39 weeks and 4 days, went to the RD at 38 weeks. I was also afraid that the date of the PCS would be set right there, and instead of the prescribed Aries, I would get a Fish.
Somehow, a crazy idea came to my mind that all these stimulations and CS, which are done at the junction of changing signs of the Zodiac, can change the fate of the child, character, etc.


I would lay down if I were you. what is a week compared to 1.5 months after childbirth (in my case, I swallowed water because the lungs had already begun to open due to the transition)) to still lie with the child (pah-pah, so that it’s not about you). I was stimulated, but kind. the activity still did not go and made a decision the next day for the planned COP. but I don’t want to catch up with fear, because everything can go on its own and everything will be fine.


I gave birth to my son exactly 40 weeks (right in the PDR). As for I don’t want a mother-in-law, a scorpion, etc. in the DR ... a woman gives birth when the child is ready, and all these Wishlists are full of stupidity! You read articles about the possible consequences for the baby from stimulation And it will not matter immediately when the baby is born, as long as a healthy child is born on time!


The author, after all, you can wear 42 weeks, or you can be born at 35 .... Everything is conditional ....


I gave birth exactly at 38, my mother also gave birth to me at 38. and someone walks, someone on time. everything is very individual.


I gave birth at 40 weeks + 4 days. I was in pathology, the placenta was no longer there, and every day I terrorized the doctors that I had to give birth. Yes, and the lioness wanted, but there were 2 days left) as a result, they opened the neck with the help of kelp, after 2 days she went to give birth.


I gave birth at 41 weeks.


Stimulation stimulation is different. doctors are not janitors from the street, they know who to stimulate, and who can still wait. Everyone's pregnancy is different and that's what it's all about.

I love you

Hmm ... the only normal desire of a mother is healthy child!!! I know firsthand, I was caesarean at 31 weeks (I am primiparous). And when he will be born and under what sign does not matter.


At 41 weeks, and then the bladder was pierced. According to the ultrasound, they said 3800, and 3380 was born.

The ninth month of pregnancy becomes a real test for many of the expectant mothers. The stomach literally climbs on the nose, it’s hard to walk, and the desire to finally see your baby becomes just crazy. Therefore, the question "how many weeks do they give birth" becomes the most relevant on the agenda. Let's try together to find the answer to it?

The baby must be born in accordance with the DA

Not necessary. A child is born only when he and his mother's body are completely ready for childbirth. Doctors can only put approximate dates childbirth (by the way, PDR stands for " estimated date of birth»).

With the first pregnancy, they usually go longer, but with the second and subsequent ones, they often do not reach the PDR

Medical statistics show that mothers with their first pregnancy often reach 39-40 weeks. But with a “repeated” pregnancy, childbirth at 37 or 38 weeks is considered the norm. Such a difference in terms is due to faster preparation for the birth of the “experienced” female body. However, there are frequent cases of childbirth at 38 weeks and in women bearing their first baby. Everything here is too individual.

How many weeks do girls give birth, and how many boys?

It is a mistake to think that the term of childbirth somehow correlates with the sex of the child. It all depends on how mature the baby is in order to be born. Although it is popularly believed that boys disciplinedly stay up to 40 weeks (especially during their first pregnancy), and girls are born a little earlier - at about 38 weeks.

The twins were born at 36 weeks. Are they considered premature?

No. At multiple pregnancy childbirth usually occurs a little earlier. The delivery tactics is chosen by the doctor at about 34 weeks, and babies must be born before 38 weeks. Otherwise, the risk of intrauterine death of one of them increases.

Why does labor sometimes start prematurely? This also leads to the birth of weak children.

Premature birth can be the result of an infection, placental abruption, polyhydramnios, uterine hypertonicity, and other problems. Babies born before term are immediately placed in special boxes and are under the special supervision of doctors. Good thing that modern medicine allows you to nurse babies who were born long before the expected date of birth.

Poll: what week did you give birth and how did the birth begin? - Childbirth, choice of maternity hospital - Forum for parents Website for St. Petersburg parents. Parenting. Pregnancy. Planning for pregnancy.

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When boys are born | Signs that affect the birth of boys

Many expectant mothers wonder what gender the newborn baby will be. Many dream of having a son, while others say: “I don’t want to give birth to a boy!”. Be that as it may, any mother wants, first of all, a healthy child.

Since ancient times, women and girls have wanted to know their future. This applied not only to marriage and wealth, but also to the sex and time of the birth of the child. What signs were not addressed in order to clarify the issues of interest. There are several unproven hypotheses that allow you to give birth to a child of exactly the sex that both parents of an unborn baby want:

1. If fertilization occurs during ovulation, then the embryo will be male, but if a couple of days after ovulation, then a girl.

2. The more often sexual intimacy occurs between spouses, the more likely it is to conceive a boy.

3. A special diet will help to conceive a boy.

All these hypotheses are rather conditional, and in some cases dangerous. Therefore, you should not rely only on them.

Dreams about birth: prophetic or not

Since a woman "in position" is quite emotional and mentally labile, during pregnancy she often has dreams about her unborn baby. Here is what the dream book predicts regarding the birth of a boy:

1. If you see childbirth in a dream, then this is a change in life.

2. The birth of a boy in a dream - to profit and financial prosperity.

3. If you dreamed of someone else's childbirth, then soon you will have to wait for good news.

4. In a dream, giving birth to a boy instead of the desired girl - to unpleasant and empty chores.

5. In a dream, giving birth to a boy without complications and other problems is joyful events in life.

6. If a non-pregnant woman dreams about the birth of a boy, then this is a warning for her and her reputation.

7. According to Miller's dream book, to see one's own childbirth is the establishment of a personal life, a possible early pregnancy.

8. Vanga's dream book says that seeing the birth of your child in a dream is a chance to renew your life.

How many weeks are boys born

What week of pregnancy are boys born? - such a burning question is asked by many parents. There is an opinion that boys are born a few weeks later than the due date (38-42 weeks of pregnancy). As statistics show, there is no specific pattern between the sex of the child and the date of his birth.

It all depends on the development of the pregnancy itself, the constitution of the woman, hereditary and other factors. And even more so, it is impossible to change the sex of an already conceived child, because the sex is determined at the moment of conception. Therefore, if there is an acute question regarding the sex of the baby, then it is better to resort to artificial insemination.

The dependence of the birth of a boy on ...

Some psychologists, doctors and other experts put forward their theories, according to which it is possible to determine the sex of the unborn baby, thereby answering the question of many women - "how to give birth to a boy."

In particular, some psychologists argue that sex will depend on the content of testosterone in the blood. If a woman feels aggression, pride, even anger somewhere, it means that the level of this hormone is quite high, therefore, the woman is pregnant with a boy. If her emotions are softer and more labile, then she is waiting for the birth of a girl.

British scientists believe that hearty breakfasts and high-calorie foods during ovulation are the key to conceiving a boy.

Other experts suggest that intense sports also contribute to the conception of a male child.

According to Chinese beliefs, in order to calculate the date of conception of the required sex of the child, you need to know the age of the parents in a month and the very moment of pregnancy. It is necessary to divide the mother's age by 3, and the father's age by 4 and compare the numbers. This is due to the fact (according to Chinese experts) that in women the body is genetically updated every 3 years, and in men - in 4, so the sex whose body was updated last will be the most active.

But the method of calculating ovulation is considered the most accurate. This is due to the fact that at the time of ovulation, an optimal environment is created for the fertilization of the egg by sperm with Y chromosomes.

According to some experts, the position during conception affects the sex of the child. And there is a scientific basis for this. It is believed that the position when the man is behind, the sperm is close enough to the cervix and easily penetrates inside, and girls are born in the "missionary" position. This is due to the fact that the path to the cervix is ​​much longer and only more resistant spermatozoa with the X chromosome, which are responsible for the formation of the female embryo, can withstand it.

So is it possible to influence the sex of the child at the time of conception?

Summing up, we can say with confidence that neither dreams, nor diets, nor other factors can give a 100% chance of conceiving a child of the desired gender.


Methods for determining the timing of pregnancy

To answer the question of what week they give birth, it is worthwhile to clearly understand that it all depends on the female body. Any events taking place on last trimester pregnancy, may affect the date of delivery. Each organism is exceptional and unique, therefore it is impossible to predict the date of the baby's appearance with an accuracy of the day.

You can only find out estimated date when the birth comes. It is believed that pregnancy lasts 280 days, that is, 40 weeks. This period is counted from the first day of the last menstruation.

There is a so-called Negel formula, according to which the date of birth is calculated. According to this formula, 3 months are subtracted from the first day of the last menstruation and 7 days are added.

Also pay attention to the first day of fetal movement. Those who have given birth for the first time begin to feel movements at 20 weeks, and those who are already lucky enough to have a baby feel movements as early as 18 weeks. Thanks to ultrasound examination, a more accurate date of birth can be set. The doctor will see the condition of the fetus, its maturity, specify the day when to expect the baby to appear. But since any pregnancy is unpredictable, all these moments are conditional.

A full-term pregnancy is considered as such for a period of 37 to 42 weeks. 5 weeks is a weighty but perfectly acceptable difference.

If the birth occurs before 37 weeks, then they are classified as premature, if the birth is after 42 weeks, then this is a belated birth.

Best of all, when the baby is born on time, then it is believed that the baby is the most viable. Postponed pregnancy is considered dangerous, as the risk of injury to the child increases. If the period of gestation exceeds 14 days, then this can be deadly for the baby. In this case, stimulation is performed.

Who is ahead, girls or boys?

They say that girls are more in a hurry to this world, because more often boys are born before the due date. However, the term depends not only on the baby, but also on the mother, her health. But the fact that girls are really hardier, stronger than boys, they are earlier ready for publication is a fact. premature girls survive and develop well. But the boys have a problem with this.

Boys and girls are completely different creatures. They are not even born the same. Scientists have proven that the number of conceptions of girls to the conceptions of boys, on average, is 100:150. And at birth, the ratio is already different: for 100 girls - 103-107 boys. In addition, newborn girls have less weight, height, but very quickly outstrip boys in all respects. And in general, the “strong” sex is more often sick, weaker, and the body of a weak girl turns out to be healthier and stronger created by nature itself to prolong the race. Perhaps this explains the fact of earlier births of girls. And mothers of boys walk longer.

So, the first one went or the difference between primiparous and multiparous

The exact date of birth cannot be determined. But there are statistics: childbirth during the first pregnancy occurs later. 6-9% of primiparas give birth at 42 weeks or later.

Therefore, if mom is expecting her first child, and at 39 weeks he is in no hurry to appear, do not worry. There is still time. The body of this woman is simply not familiar with the upcoming action, and everything happens a little longer.

If the birth is not the first, both the body and the mother herself remember everything well, they know what to expect. According to statistics, multiparous in 95% of cases meet their baby already at 39 weeks. With a favorable pregnancy, the second birth is easier and faster than the first.

Important. The age of the mother matters. If she gave birth to her first child at 20, and the second at 40, then it was unlikely that in the second case it was easier for her to endure and give birth.

If still earlier?

There are things in life that are out of our control. If the baby was born before term, what are his chances? According to statistics, 6-9% of births are premature.

Of these, more than 50% are born at 34-37 weeks. Such children are already normally developed, ready for the appearance and do not need any special care.

Another 33-42% premature babies falls on 28-33 weeks. They may have feeding and breathing problems. They are being cared for in the intensive care unit.

And only 5-7% of the number of preterm births occur at 22-27 weeks. The chance of survival for these children is small.

But a baby is born much earlier than its time more often if the pregnancy was problematic or the mother experienced stress, trauma, or was seriously ill. Therefore, mothers must do everything possible to protect themselves and their unborn child.

Bearing and giving birth to a new life are wonderful natural processes that a woman experiences. It is happiness to become a mother, but it is very important for a future mother to know what week the child will be born and how to accurately determine this significant date.

What week do they usually give birth?

From what week of pregnancy can you give birth? - this question worries many women. There is no single answer to it, because the body of every woman is unique. Medicine has established that the bearing of a baby lasts 280 days, which is equivalent to 40 weeks.

If this is not the first birth of a woman, then the baby can be born as early as 39 weeks of gestation.

The gestational age begins to count from the first day of the last menstrual cycle.

First pregnancy

If you are pregnant for the first time, then you are probably most interested in the answer to the question: how many weeks do first-borns give birth? The exact date of birth cannot be determined. But according to statistics, women who give birth for the first time meet their baby 5-9% later (the baby is born at 42 weeks and later), and 6-8% of births begin prematurely.

Birth statistics by week

If the child sees the world around him at 34-37 weeks, then there is no need to worry. By this time, the little ones are already fully formed and do not need special care. Particular attention should be paid to babies who are born at 28-33 weeks. They may have problems (breathing, digestion) that can only be overcome in the neonatal intensive care unit. There is a very small chance of survival in children who are born prematurely (at 22-27 weeks). There are many factors leading up to this. Perhaps the mother suffered stress, a protracted illness or injury, which affected the health of the little miracle.

But it is important to know that the first pregnancy for a woman's body is a kind of genetic test of the function of childbearing, which in the future, when carrying children, already goes along the established path much easier.

Repeated births

What week to expect the baby? In most cases (90-95%), the second birth can begin before the 39th week. If this is not the first time you become a mother, then get ready for the start of contractions at any time.

If childbirth, then what week to expect replenishment?

Medicine has established that for the second, third and all subsequent times, it is much easier for a pregnant woman to feel the first signs of childbirth.

Attempts are more dynamic, and the total duration of labor is less than the first time. Contractions can last a very short period of time, since the body is already familiar with this process and the cervix opens more intensively and faster.

The timing of the birth of a baby depends not only on the mother's body, but also on the gender of the little person. According to statistics, girls are born earlier, boys - later.

The age of the future mother also plays an important role in the process of giving birth. If children are born with little with an interval of two to six years, then the second birth is usually faster and easier, but there are cases when the difference between children is from ten to twenty years, and here it can no longer be argued that the birth will pass without consequences. Although, of course, everything depends on the health of the woman, the state of her body and, of course, on the psychological mood.

What week do you give birth most often?

Medical advances are moving into the future at a very fast pace. If the birth is timely, then more often women give birth in the period from 37 to 40 weeks. But doctors can leave a baby born even with a 22-week period and weighing less than a kilogram. Let the baby grow strong and healthy!

Future mothers love their child in the womb and look forward to meeting him. Therefore, they often wonder what time women give birth. Young girls who have their first childbirth are especially eager to know this, they do not know what contractions are, when it is better to go to the hospital. It is terrible at such a critical moment to be not only outside the walls of the maternity hospital, but also completely alone in the apartment. How do doctors set the date of birth? What time frame is considered optimal? In the article you can find the answer to the question: what week they give birth, does it depend on the gender of the unborn baby?

How is due date calculated?

Every woman's pregnancy is different, just like childbirth. It depends not only on the body of the expectant mother, her age and heredity, but also on external factors e.g. time of year. Usually, obstetric term starts from the date of the last menstrual period, regardless of the duration of menstrual flow. For this reason, the date of the alleged birth does not always coincide with reality. Indeed, one woman has a cycle of 28 days, and the other has 35. Despite the fact that they will be considered under the same conditions, the actual age of the baby will be different.

In addition, there are other conditions that affect the date of birth. These include:

  1. Heredity. If the fair sex in the family had all births, for example, late, a repetition of the same situation is likely to await the future woman in labor.
  2. The course of the period of bearing a baby. If the mother has health problems that make the development and presence of the fetus in the womb uncomfortable for him, most likely, childbirth will begin ahead of time. In the case when the mother is experiencing severe stress, babies are usually in no hurry to be born. So, for example, it was during times of famine and wars, when women carried children for more than 10 months.

Optimal timing

Before you figure out what week they usually give birth, it is important to know in which cases the baby is considered premature. If the fetus weighs even less than 0.5 kg, labor is stimulated, this will be late miscarriage. They do not try to save and nurse such children, since the equipment capable of this does not yet exist.

Fetal Development Calendar

From the same weight and up to 2.5 kg, a baby born is considered premature, this can happen as early as 25 weeks of pregnancy. Such a child will try to save his life with all his might.

Starting from 2500 g, the fetus is considered fully developed and formed. Childbirth statistics say that such babies are usually born from 37 to 42 weeks. These terms are considered optimal. Therefore, with a healthy pregnancy future mother should be ready for labor by 37 weeks. However normal term for childbirth - 38-40 weeks.

early birth

Women are often afraid to give birth ahead of time, which is why they are so interested in what week they can give birth. As mentioned above, this is 37 seven days. If the baby is born prematurely, it is considered that early birth(in this case, the child is underweight). This happens today extremely rarely, but not a single girl is immune from such a phenomenon. What is causing this?

  1. Genital infections. The female body, due to genital diseases, is trying to reject the fetal egg.
  2. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency. The fetus does not stay in the cervix.
  3. Problems with the placenta. The most common type of illness. It can happen its detachment or presentation.
  4. The waters recede ahead of schedule. This may be due, for example, to trauma, due to which the aquatic membrane is torn.
  5. Malformations of the organs of the reproductive system. In many women, doctors observe the pathology of the uterus.
  6. Huge pressure. This may be due to the fact that the pregnancy is multiple, the baby is very large, polyhydramnios.
  7. Early abortions, threatened premature births, miscarriages.
  8. Young and, conversely, mature age.
  9. psychological factor. Sometimes birth process provoked due to chronic stress, nervousness, poor and insufficient nutrition, exhausting physical exertion.
  10. Viral diseases.

A premature baby stays with her mother in the maternity hospital longer than ordinary children in order to be under the supervision of the medical staff.

late birth

How many weeks are considered late births? This is delivery at more than 42 weeks. This phenomenon is more common than premature delivery.

What factors can contribute to this?

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Obesity.
  3. hypothalamic syndrome.
  4. Unpreparedness of the cervix.
  5. Decreased uterine tone.
  6. Low excitability meometrium.
  7. Diseases of the central nervous system in crumbs (associated with the production of hormones that activate labor activity).

Through regular visits to your doctor, you can avoid many problems during pregnancy.

Late birth is a danger, first of all, for the baby. The placenta ages, so the fetus has nothing to eat, the water is slagged and toxic. A baby born during childbirth that began after 42 weeks has overdried skin, palms with wrinkles.

Specialists always control the onset of childbirth, so they can offer artificial stimulation. You should not refuse it, as the woman in labor will do worse for her child.

What should you know about first births?

At what week does labor begin in first-time women? Very often this happens at 39-42 weeks. During the first pregnancy, the peanut is in no hurry to please the parents with its appearance, but during the second and subsequent pregnancies, delivery occurs earlier, it is easier and faster (if the period is not more than ten years). This is due to the fact that the muscles of the cervix become more plastic, less torn in the process. The very period of bearing a baby is an attempt at a “pen test”, when the body is just adjusting to the reproductive function.

However, a second or third child may be born later than the first child. This is a variant of the norm, not associated with any pathology. Of course, if the birth process began no earlier than 37 weeks.

It makes no sense to ask the doctor what week they give birth, to ask with a high probability to predict the date of birth. Such a process is purely individual. Only 5% of all women in labor delivered their small miracle to the world at the time of the expected birth.

If there is a boy

Often on the forums you can see the question: who gave birth to a boy in what week? Does the term depend on the gender of the peanut? Medicine does not recognize today such a statement that boys are born later girls. However, statistics show that this is the case.

Nature has provided for everything! A female person should be healthy and hardy, and boys in childhood get sick more often, grow more slowly, develop more slowly. After all, later they will not have to bear the continuation of the family, their destiny is the progress of mankind. For these reasons, boys need a lot of time to mature and develop even in the womb, they “sit” in their mother’s tummy until at least 39 weeks, if there are no pathologies.

Some believe that the week of pregnancy during which he will be born affects the sex of the child.

An interesting fact: a lot of boys are born, and even more embryos, which would later become representatives of the strong half of humanity, but often a girl has an early spontaneous abortion which she doesn't even think about.

What week are future mother's defenders more likely to be born? As a rule, this is 40-41 weeks.

If a girl is expected

Due to the fact that the girl is formed physiologically faster, most often she is born before the opposite sex. Science has confirmed that the fair sex develops faster, this can be seen at school, when girls in the lower grades are larger than boys, they take their studies more seriously. Their growth stops at 16-17 years old (for comparison, in boys - at 20-21 years old), by this time the body is formed, as well as reproductive system. Puberty also starts a couple of years earlier.

Do not be afraid of labor activity at 37 weeks, childbirth is considered normal at such a time, and it makes no sense for a beautiful baby to sit in her stomach. Start preparing for the hospital in advance so that in the event of a force majeure situation there is no panic.


The optimal time for the birth of twins is 34-37 weeks.

How often are two babies born at once? The probability of multiple pregnancy is less than 10%. This happens because natural appearance two or more children for the female body is abnormal. The uterus stretches twice as fast, which leads to premature contractions.

The question of how long twins are born cannot be answered unambiguously. Given the health of the mother, this normally occurs from 34 to 37 weeks. An earlier one or late deadline entails possible backfire. However, the chances of survival for twins are always higher, they are naturally more resilient, as they are initially programmed to be born earlier. They weigh about 2000 g each, actively gain weight after birth, and are not considered premature.

If delivery in a multiple pregnancy is delayed, specialists may decide to surgical intervention, namely the need caesarean section. You should not refuse this, otherwise you can harm your crumbs, because it is already difficult for them to fit together in a cramped mother's tummy.


At how many weeks they give birth, no specialist can definitely answer. It depends on the body of the woman in labor, and on external factors. The gender of the child affects, as well as the fact what kind of birth it is in a row. Young ladies are not yet fully formed, as a rule, they do not reach the optimal period of 37-42 weeks, they give birth earlier. Old-timers more problems with health, less stamina for their age, they also do not reach the end of the term.

Modern medicine is able to nurse babies born with low birth weight or earlier than 30 weeks, when the respiratory system has not yet been formed. are considered pathological generic activity, which began later than 42 weeks, as it threatens with serious consequences for the newborn.