Project on ecology in the garden. "Children's environmental projects are a unique form of environmental education in preschool educational institutions

Material Description: I bring to your attention the development of the project " Green World kindergarten". The project is aimed at forming an ecological culture, understanding the need to take care of one's health, learning to be healthy through interaction with nature. The product of the project is the "Kindergarten Green Outfit" card, created together with children. This material will be of interest preschool educators working with older children preschool age.

Project "Green World of Kindergarten"

For many centuries, humanity has been living next to amazing living creatures - trees. We are so accustomed to their neighborhood that we rarely think about how important they are for the life of people and all life on Earth. Everyone knows that trees are the lungs of the Earth, a source of oxygen in the air, and therefore a source of human health. It is important not only to know about it and be able to use miraculous properties trees, but it is also necessary to learn how to preserve what nature gives us.
A child already at preschool age is able to consciously understand and accept elementary information about the benefits of trees for human health and the rules of behavior in nature. But you need to take into account the fact that for young children sometimes trees are not of such interest as animals or plants, because they consider them to be inanimate creatures, and therefore of little interest. The process of cognition should be interesting both in terms of content and the methods and techniques used.
I started this serious work from the nearest green environment - from the territory of the kindergarten. As a rule, among the green spaces around the kindergarten, you can find many representatives of the flora of the area. It must also be remembered that often careless, and sometimes even cruel attitude children to nature is explained by their lack of necessary knowledge.
This project reveals the value of trees in their sanitary and hygienic functions through the available preschool perception game forms work. The product of the project is the Kindergarten Green Space Map.

Map of the project "Green World of Kindergarten"

Purpose: To form an understanding of the need to take care of one's health, protect it, learn to be healthy through interaction with nature. Expanding children's ideas about the benefits of trees to improve human health. Upbringing careful attitude to the surrounding nature.
Project participants: children, parents, educators.
Project implementation period: May
Project type: information and creative (within the framework of theme week"The World of Trees and Bushes")
By number of participants: collective
By duration: short term

Expected results:

- familiar with the trees growing on the territory of the kindergarten and their functions;
- familiar with some of the healing properties of trees for human health;
- have the initial skills of "reading" the map;
- have an idea about the nature of their native city
- active and interested project participants, focused on developing the child's need for knowledge, communication with adults and peers through joint project activities;
-know and apply healing properties trees for the health of children
- carry out innovative activities;
- raise the professional level;
- broaden their ecological horizons Tutorials:
- to form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200btrees and their benefits to humans;
- give initial information about the map of the area
-develop cognitive interest to all living things, the desire to acquire new knowledge; curiosity, observation;
-to acquire research experience for children;
- develop motivation healthy lifestyle life.
-bring up emotional attitude to the trees;
- educate love for nature, the desire to protect it and protect it

Stages of project implementation


Preparatory stage

Purpose: to interest the problem, to find out children's ideas about trees.
1. Targeted excursions to the trees on the territory of the kindergarten.
2. Acquaintance with the passport of kindergarten trees.
3. Examination of the physical map of the Republic, the map of the region.
4. Viewing slides of photographic materials about the hometown "City, view from the sky", "Landscapes", presentations "This city is the best city on Earth"
5. Observation of weather phenomena: wind, rain and their influence on the condition of trees.
6. Conversations with parents "Trees around us".
7. Compilation best recipes for the health of children through healing powers trees.
8. Conversations with children:
1. What is the difference between trees and other plants?
2. What trees grow on the territory of the kindergarten?
3. How did trees appear on the territory of the kindergarten?
4. Who plants trees in the forest?
5. What are the benefits of trees?
6. How do people take care of trees? Give examples.
7. Let's imagine that the trees suddenly disappeared. What will happen all over the earth? In our city? Near kindergarten? At your house? Will anything change in our lives? Why do trees disappear?
9. Reading children's fiction and educational literature on the research topic.


1. Together with the children, think over the product of the project.
2. Draw up an action plan for the implementation of the project.
3. Material preparation: a selection of images of trees growing on the territory; children's literature about trees, artistic word, physical minutes, etc.


1.Targeted excursions around the territory of the kindergarten.
2. Conversation: "What are trees for?"
3. Compilation of the herbarium "Leaves of our trees".
4. Compilation of the "Circle of Usefulness".

5. Artistic creativity. Tree sketches.
6. Collective development of the map "Green outfit for kindergarten"
7. A cycle of didactic games on the map:
- "Find your tree." Purpose: to find on the map the places where this tree grows.
- "Walk in the spruce forest". Purpose: to help the game character to reach the spruce forest on the map and tell about the healing properties of spruce.
- "White-barreled beauty." Purpose: to choose the shortest route to the birch grove. Talk about the benefits of birch for humans.
"Let's protect our trees." Purpose: to come up with signs for the protection of trees.
- Delicious trees. Purpose: to find planting cherries, apple trees, bird cherry trees on the map.
- Dining room for birds. Objective: Find on the map the trees that feed the birds.
"Let's put up the signs." Purpose: to determine the main sanitary and hygienic value of each tree with an appropriate sign.
- Fragrant tree. Purpose: to find bird cherry, lilac on the map, spreading special smells during flowering.
The following trees grow on the territory of the kindergarten:
birch, ash-leaved maple, maple, bird cherry, cherry, apple tree, broad-leaved ash,
willow, mountain ash, lilac, linden, silver willow, larch.

Project product

Kindergarten Green Space Map

The territory of the kindergarten is marked on the map and the places where the trees grow are marked with the corresponding cards. This work was done with children.
Then a cycle of didactic games is held on the map.


The project expanded children's ideas about the trees that are next to us. He taught me to see them as living creatures that need care and protection. Preschoolers learned that many trees not only make our lives beautiful, but also help us to be healthy. Game tricks allow the teacher to interest children in such, perhaps not quite a "children's topic." And drawing up a map captivated the children so much that preschoolers themselves began to invent games with the map. Preschool age is such a "fertile ground" that any thrown "good seed" will surely give good sprouts.
1. Project method in activity preschool: A manual for leaders and practitioners of preschool educational institutions / Ed.-comp.: L.S. Kiseleva, T.A. Danilina, T.S. and additional - M.: ARKTI, 2005. -96 p.
2. Forests of Bashkiria / Ed. GV Popov - Bashkir book publishing house, 1980
3. Let's save the nature of Bashkortostan. Educational-methodical manual on environmental education. /Aut. - R.S. Gaysina. - Ufa: Kitap, 2007. - 108s.

environmental education

Definition 1

environmental education- direction to preschool pedagogy to introduce children to nature.

In children at preschool age, through targeted pedagogical influence, it is possible to form the makings of an ecological culture, conscious and right attitude to natural phenomena and objects. Such an attitude is developed only under the condition of close contact and interaction of the child with the plant and animal world.

Definition 2

Consciously correct attitude to nature- this is a combination of the child's knowledge and active manifestations, in particular: interest in various natural phenomena, the desire to preserve nature and create right conditions for plant and animal life, emotional response for any manifestation natural world, its beauty.

The correct attitude to the world around can be formed in children if they are systematically introduced to natural diversity, demonstrate a connection with the environment, involve in practical activities maintaining necessary conditions for the life of plants and animals, to provide an opportunity to observe their growth and development.

IN preschool period With the help of environmental education, the child is laid the initial understanding of the interaction of man with nature.

An effective way to implement environmental education is project activities. Ecological projects implemented in the kindergarten give rise to the formation of an ecological culture in children. Such projects are built on the organization of the interaction of children with the nature of their immediate environment, the knowledge of what grows and lives nearby.

Ecological project "Birds of the native land"

Objective of the project: consolidation of pupils' ideas about birds, their way of life and connection with environment, as well as the role of man in the life of the bird community, drawing the attention of pupils to environmental protection, teaching children to be merciful.

Project objectives:

  • expanding the knowledge of pupils about birds native land;
  • observing the habits of birds;
  • familiarity with feeders and their purpose, methods of their manufacture from various materials;
  • to interest parents in activities related to nature protection and talk about the need to educate children in a conscious attitude to the world;
  • to teach children and parents to organize environmental activities;
  • teach pupils how to properly feed birds;
  • fostering a caring attitude towards birds and a desire to help them in winter conditions.

The project consists of three main stages:

  • preparatory, which consists in creating the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project, in particular: discussion with parents of the goals and objectives of the project, selection of literature, preparation of presentations; production of didactic games; organization of an exhibition of drawings dedicated to birds, production of feeders.
  • the main stage of the project, including the exhibition of feeders, choosing a place for hanging feeders, bird watching, feeding birds, designing propaganda posters calling for feeding birds in winter, creating and filling out a diary of observations.
  • the final stage, at which the results of the project are summed up, the awarding of participants and winners of the competitions.

Ecological project "Secrets of Water"

Objective of the project: clarification and expansion of children's ideas about water in different states, its features and properties.

Project objectives:

  • create conditions for the formation of cognitive interest in children;
  • expansion of children's ideas about the properties of water, its transitions to different states;
  • formation of ideas about the importance of water in human life.

Project implementation is to create the album "Secrets of Water", joint work children and parents in the form of drawings, applications, crafts, memorizing poems about water, reading stories and fairy tales about it, preparing and watching a presentation on the topic “Water”.

"The life of trees, and their significance in human life".

Preparatory group of children with visual impairment

Developed by educators:

Zyryanova A.G.

Seryogina T.D.


Expansion and refinement of children's ideas about the rational interaction of man with nature - permissible and unacceptable actions in the natural environment.


    To form an interested in children of preschool ageattitude to the problems of nature.

    To stimulate the desire to organize independent search and research activities to obtain an answer to an exciting question.

    Cultivate an emotionally friendly attitude towards the plant world.

Term : short term

Type: educational


educators: Zyryanova A.G., Seregina T.D.,

senior educator: Aksenyuk V.R.

music director: Volova N.G.

typhlopedagogue: Gorobets S.V.

teacher of fine arts: Vishnyakova I.V.

rhythm teacher: Sin N.S.

Physical instructor: Kosareva O.V.

parents children.


The problem of environmental education is one of the most urgent today. Respect for nature, awareness of the importance of its protection and restoration, the formation of environmentally sound behavior in nature must be brought up with early years. It is from preschool age that a positive attitude towards nature is laid.How can we help children learn to empathize with the natural environment and care for natural objects? How to teach children to appreciate peace and justice? How to develop love for nature and the desire to protect it? To answer these important questions we decided to develop a project for environmental education on the topic: "The life of trees, and their significance in human life." Already at preschool age, children have ideas about the structure of trees, recognize them by their characteristic features: the color of the bark, the shape of the leaves, and a love for trees is instilled. Through independent search and research activities, children get the opportunity to directly satisfy their inherent curiosity and streamline their ideas about the world.

Expected Result:

The result of the work on this project will be the creation of an ecological mini-museum in the Miracle Tree group, the ability to distinguish between features and appearance each tree, children's ideas about environmentally sound behavior in nature will expand (you can’t break tree branches, tear leaves, scratch tree bark, etc.) and through independent search and research activities will be able to directly satisfy their inherent curiosity.

Ecological project on the topic:"In the pantry of nature."

Developed by educators:

Kiyatkina I.V.

Kuznetsova N. S.

Objective of the project:

to form in children ideas about natural resources, their benefits, significance for a person.


  • Introduce children to living and inanimate nature, teach to recognize, distinguish and name them.
  • Develop observation, interest in objects of nature.
  • To educate children in respect for nature, emotional responsiveness to its beauty.


Environmental education of preschool children is extremely actual problem present tense. Properly organized and systematically carried out, it has an intense influence on the mind, feelings, emotions and will of the preschool child.We chose this topic, as it is clear in its content to children: it introduces objects of animate and inanimate nature, develops observation, fosters a careful attitude towards nature. This theme includes various types of children's activities: search, creative, productive.

Expected Result:

  • To create a developing environment for children to acquire new knowledge about natural resources.
  • Develop children's cognitive ability.
  • Teach children to respect nature.
  • The child's mastery of aesthetic and environmental literacy in the use and contemplation of natural resources.

Term: short-term (September-August).

Type: educational.


children and parents of the Kapelka group

Educators - Kiyatkina I. V., Kuznetsova N. S.,

Senior educator - Aksenyuk V. R.,

Picture teacher. activities - Vishnyakova I.V.

Phys. Instructor - Kosareva O.V.

Project on ecological education of children of the preparatory group"Ecological theater"

Developed by the educator:

Guseva E. G.


Level up environmental competence preschool children, creating the necessary conditions for the manifestation creativity every child.


  • Raise the level of knowledge of children in the process direct perception and interactions with objects of living and non-living nature.
  • Education of ecologically expedient behavior in nature.
  • The development of children's creative abilities while reflecting environmental problems accessible to their generation through participation in environmental performances.

Project type: Informative, short term.


children of the "Sunshine" group,

parents of children of the "Sun" group,

educator: Guseva E.G.,

senior educator: Aksenyuk V.R.

music director: Volova N.G.,

instructor for physical education: Kosareva O.V.

Relevance: Ecological upbringing and education of children is one of the urgent problems of the present time. It is at preschool age that the foundation of the ecological culture of the child is laid, which he will have to develop in more mature years. Therefore, we believe that ecological culture realizes wide range learning tasks. Children acquire new knowledge about nature and broaden their horizons. Theatrical activity plays an important role in solving this problem. It allows children to reveal the beauty of the world around them, the beauty of the relationship between people and nature, and become a participant in everything that happens.

Expected Result:

    Creation of conditions for increasing the level of environmental competence of the child.

    Development of creative abilities of preschool children.

    Development of cognitive abilities.

    Increasing the level of ecological culture.

Research work "Complicated egg"


Novik Daria


defectologist A.I. Smyshlyaeva

speech therapist O.N. Yarema

1. Introduction.

2. Research by topics:

2.1. Structure chicken egg, its properties;

2.2. In what conditions did Kurochka Ryaba live with her grandfather and woman (based on Russian folk tale"Ryaba Hen");

2.3. Experience "Softening the shell of a chicken egg."

3. Research results.

4. Sources of information.

Research project "Ural Gems"


Kornelyuk Denis

Shafikov Seva

Silantiev Stas

pupils of MDOU DS No. 53


Teacher-defectologist Smyshlyaeva A.I.

Speech therapist Yarema O.N.

We hold with you, buddy, in our hands

"Ural tales" about marvelous mountains.

Lots of stories happened here.

There was both joy and sorrow,

AND good people tales are kept here,

who talk about magic.

Ecological project "Birds of the spring region"

“From how childhood passed, who
led the child by the hand in childhood,
that entered his mind and heart from
the world around - from this to
depends to a large extent on how
today's baby will become a man.
V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Planet Earth is ours common Home every person living in it should treat it with care and respect, preserving all its values ​​and riches. Kindergarten today - educational institution, providing physical culture - health, cognitive - speech, artistic - aesthetic, social - personal development children. The environmentally oriented direction can be singled out separately, and at the same time it is integrated into each of the above directions, as it has a huge impact on the intellectual, creative and moral education shaping the modern educational personality. Most effective method implementation of the tasks of environmental education is the organization of project activities. Participation in environmental actions, subbotniks, work with environmental projects - unique opportunity for children and parents to prove themselves, to benefit the natural environment of their native land.
a huge role V environmental education preschool children has a practical research activities V natural conditions. After all, in the process of children's research, the child receives specific cognitive skills: learns to observe, reason, plan work, learns to predict the result, experiment, compare, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations in a word, develop cognitive abilities. Therefore, children are given additional opportunity to join research work, as a leading way of knowing the world around.
The novelty of our environmental project lies in the use of ICT. The main fact that ensures the effectiveness of educational - educational process, is the personal involvement of children and parents in eventful life. Using new technologies that are exciting for a new generation, this inclusion can be ensured. The project allows children and parents to do what they love and at the same time benefit the world around them.
Purpose: To consolidate the ideas of pupils about birds, and their way of life, about the connection with the environment, the role of man in the life of birds. To draw the attention of pupils and parents to environmental activities and teach them how to organize it. To educate the defenders of nature, to give ecological knowledge, to teach to be merciful.
To expand the pupils' understanding of the birds of our Udmurt spring region.
Summarize the knowledge gained by pupils when observing the leashes of birds.
To expand the understanding of pupils and parents about the types of feeders, how to make them from different material.
To interest parents in environmental activities, to bring to their consciousness the need to educate children in love and respect for birds, the formation of a conscious attitude towards the world.
Teach pupils to organize environmental activities together with their parents.
Teach kids how to properly feed them.
To cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help in difficult winter conditions.

The relevance of the project.
The task of adults is to raise children's interest in our neighbors on the planet - birds, the desire to learn new facts about their lives, take care of them, rejoice in the knowledge that by sharing crumbs, you can save birds from death in winter. Give children basic knowledge about how to feed birds.
IN own work with parents to create conditions for communication of pupils with the natural world and for all possible assistance to our feathered friends.

Project participants:
Preschool children.
Parents, legal representatives of our pupils.
Doe teachers.
population of our neighborhood.

Project implementation period: September 2012 - May 2013.

Type of project: information - practice - oriented.

Stages of the project:

Stage 1: preparatory:
Creation of the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project:
Discussion of goals and objectives with educators and parents;

Justification, prediction of ways to implement the project;
The selection of cognitive fiction;
Guessing riddles, reading poems about birds;
Conducting discussions on the project;
Registration of consultations;
Prepare presentations "Wintering birds", "What are the feeders", "Migratory birds";
Making didactic games;
Design of didactic games;
Exhibition of drawings "Bird Cafe";
together with parents, making feeders from different materials.
Stage 2: Main (practical) stage:
Decor descriptive stories about birds;
The study of food for feeding birds;
Exhibition of feeders;
Choosing a place for feeders;
During the whole project feeding of birds;
Design of propaganda posters “Feed the birds in winter”;
Preparation of booklets, memos;
Observation of the behavior of birds on the feeders;
Creation of a diary of observations;
Daily filling of the observation diary;
Development and accumulation teaching materials, development of recommendations on the problem.
Stage 3: Final
Summing up the results of the project implementation;
Awarding of active participants of the project;
Organization of photo exhibitions: "Bird's canteen", "Such different feeders", etc.
Presentation of the project (coverage of work experience);
Coverage of work experience in the media;
Speech by the propaganda team.
An example of planning for one month.
- Directly educational activities
"Those Who Can Fly"
Purpose: To clarify and expand children's ideas about birds, their characteristics, features. Introduce interesting facts from the life of birds, to show their uniqueness. Cultivate a careful, caring attitude towards nature.
- Leisure "Evening of riddles" (senior preschool age).
- Examination of illustrations Examination of illustrations "Birds of the spring region."
- conversation International day of observing the autumn departure of birds - 23.09
- Birdwatching:
- what birds fly to the site (sparrow, crow, dove, ..)
What sounds do birds make?
How many legs do birds have and how do they walk?
- Reading
** E. Blaginina "Swifts"
** G. Snegirev "Birds of our forests"
** E. Nosov "Like a crow on the roof got lost"
** Y. Tuvin "Bird Radio"
** E. Charushin “Why does Tyup not catch birds”
** A. Tolstoy "Magpie".
** S. Vakhrintseva "Birds"
** G.Kh.Adersen "Wild Swans"
** V. Garshin "Frog - Traveler"
- Directly educational activity *** "Journey with a bird along the forest path" - drawing junior group
*** « fairy bird» - drawing based on the Gzhel masters.
*** "Bird family" image of the drawing "Caring parents" - senior group
*** "Birds of other countries" - "Ostrich - the largest bird on earth - preparatory group
- Outdoor games - "Birds in nests" and "Geese" - younger preschool age
- "Falcon and mother hen" and "Owl" - senior preschool age
- Inventing Think up a phrase related to birds for various sounds with older preschool children.
- finger game"Birds" - the first and second junior group
- Learning Learning tongue twisters
- Game exercises“Show the bird” (sparrow, crow, etc.).
- Dramatization "Russian folk rhymes about the birds."
- Didactic games“Who lives where?”, “Flies, swims, runs.”
- Plot - role-playing game"Bird Hospital"
Listening Listening to the audio recording of "Voices of Birds"
*** Design of the folder "Bird Holiday" (scenarios and entertainment)
*** Making the folder "With birds in all seasons" (notes directly educational activities)
*** Comprehensive compilation - thematic plan psychological - pedagogical work with pupils and narrow specialists
*** Consultation "Integration educational areas as a means of developing preschool children"
*** Books - babies "Birds of our land" (A5 format) - riddles, poems, a story about birds.
Excursion to the library with children of preschool age

Material Description:

Ecology project "Green World of Kindergarten". The project is aimed at forming an ecological culture, understanding the need to take care of one's health, learning to be healthy through interaction with nature.

The product of the project is the "Kindergarten Green Outfit" card, created jointly with children. This material will be of interest to preschool teachers in working with children of older preschool age.

For many centuries, humanity has been living next to amazing living creatures - trees. We are so accustomed to their neighborhood that we rarely think about how important they are for the life of people and all life on Earth. Everyone knows that trees are the lungs of the Earth, a source of oxygen in the air, and therefore a source of human health. It is important not only to know about this and be able to use the wonderful properties of trees, but it is also necessary to learn how to preserve what nature gives us.A child already at preschool age is able to consciously understand and accept elementary information about the benefits of trees for human health and the rules of behavior in nature. But you need to take into account the fact that for young children sometimes trees are not of such interest as animals or plants, because they consider them to be inanimate creatures, and therefore of little interest. The process of cognition should be interesting both in terms of content and the methods and techniques used.I started this serious work from the nearest green environment - from the territory of the kindergarten. As a rule, among the green spaces around the kindergarten, you can find many representatives of the flora of the area. It must also be remembered that the often careless and sometimes cruel attitude of children to nature is due to their lack of necessary knowledge.This project reveals the value of trees in the performance of sanitary and hygienic functions through game forms of work accessible to preschool perception. The product of the project is the Kindergarten Green Space Map.

Map of the project "Green World of Kindergarten"

Purpose: To form an understanding of the need to take care of one's health, protect it, learn to be healthy through interaction with nature. Expanding children's ideas about the benefits of trees to improve human health. Education of respect for the environment.Project participants : children, parents, educators.Project implementation period : July

Project type : information and creative

By number of participants : collectiveBy duration : short term

Expected results:

Pupils: - familiar with the trees growing on the territory of the kindergarten and their functions;- familiar with some of the healing properties of trees for human health;- have an idea about the nature of their native cityParents: - active and interested project participants, focused on developing the child's need for knowledge, communication with adults and peers through joint project activities;-know and use the healing properties of trees for the healing of childrenEducators: - carry out innovative activities;- raise the professional level;- broaden their ecological horizons


Tutorials: - to form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200btrees and their benefits to humans;- give initial information about the map of the areaDeveloping: - to develop cognitive interest in all living things, the desire to acquire new knowledge; curiosity, observation;-to acquire research experience for children;- to develop motivation for a healthy lifestyle.Educational: - educate an emotional attitude towards trees;- educate love for nature, the desire to protect it and protect it

Stages of project implementation


Preparatory stage

Purpose: to interest the problem, to find out children's ideas about trees.Activity: 1. Targeted excursions to the trees on the territory of the kindergarten.2. Consideration of the physical map of the Republic, map of the city.3. Viewing slides of photographic materials about the native city "City, view from the sky", "Landscapes".4. Observation of weather phenomena: wind, rain and their influence on the condition of trees.5. Conversations with parents "Trees around us".6. A selection of the best recipes for healing children with the help of the healing powers of trees.Conversations with children: 1. What is the difference between trees and other plants?2. What trees grow on the territory of the kindergarten?3. How did trees appear on the territory of the kindergarten?4. Who plants trees in the forest?5. What are the benefits of trees?6. How do people take care of trees?7. Let's imagine that the trees suddenly disappeared. What will happen all over the earth? In our city? Near kindergarten? At your house? Will anything change in our lives? Why do trees disappear?9. Reading children's fiction and educational literature on the research topic.


1. Draw up an action plan for the implementation of the project.2. Material preparation: a selection of images of trees growing on the territory; children's literature about trees, artistic word, physical minutes, etc.


1.Targeted excursions around the territory of the kindergarten.2. Conversation: "What are trees for?"3. Compilation of the herbarium "Leaves of our trees".4. Compilation of the "Circle of Usefulness".

5. Mapping the "Green World of Kindergarten"

5. Artistic creativity. Tree sketches.6. Cycle of didactic games:- "Find your tree."

"Let's protect our trees." Purpose: to come up with signs for the protection of trees.- Delicious trees. Purpose: to find places in the garden for planting cherries, apple trees, bird cherry trees.- Dining room for birds. Purpose: to find trees on the territory of the kindergarten that feed the birds."Let's put up the signs." Purpose: to determine the main sanitary and hygienic value of each tree with an appropriate sign.- Fragrant tree. Purpose: to find trees on the territory of the kindergarten that spread special smells during flowering.


The project expanded children's ideas about the trees that are next to us. He taught me to see them as living creatures that need care and protection. Preschoolers learned that many trees not only make our lives beautiful, but also help us to be healthy. Game techniques allow the teacher to interest children in such, perhaps not quite a "children's topic." Preschool age is such a "fertile ground" that any thrown "good seed" will surely give good sprouts.