Halloween Scenario: Fun Halloween Program for Kids

Halloween is approaching, the eve of All Saints' Day. This day is widely celebrated in the United States by both adults and children. The little ones go from house to house in costumes begging for sweets, and the grown-ups, dressed up in the power of their imagination, have parties. Want to introduce your child to American culture? Or just want to use this holiday to get your kid even more interested in English? Let's then see how halloween can be celebrated in Russia.

One of the most important entertainment for children on this day is “Trick or Treat”. This is a Halloween tradition where children knock on doors and demand treats. If the treat is not received, then the baby can play a trick on the owner of the house. Of course, in our case, it is unlikely that it would be a good idea to go with the children to apartments in their own high-rise building. But if you have good neighbors or friends who live nearby, you can ask them to play along with you and your child.

Fortunately, there are more safe ways to celebrate this holiday. It will be perfect if you and your child wear holiday costumes. Even just some masks or caps are perfect. Or the child himself can do something simple a couple of days before the holiday.

You can start the celebration by carving a pumpkin lamp. Let the child draw the desired face on the pumpkin, and you carefully cut out the design with a knife. There are many tutorials on the Internet on how to do this. But note that first you need to pull out the middle of the pumpkin, and then start creating. Remember that we are making a lantern. So we will later have to put a candle in the pumpkin itself. As you cut it out, tell your child the story of the holiday and try to learn a few new words associated with the day.

History of Halloween

This holiday came from the traditions of the ancient Celts in Ireland and Scotland. It is said that this holiday is at least two thousand years old. The name itself is believed to have come from English phrase All-Hallows-Even (even - short for evening), that is, "Evening of all saints." Historian Nicholas Rogers suggests that Halloween originated from the Celtic pagan holiday- Saiman (Samhain), which means "end of summer." The tradition of going from house to house and begging for sweets dates back to the Middle Ages. But earlier it was directly connected with Christmas. On the eve of All Saints' Day, only the poor begged for sweets, while promising to pray for the souls of the deceased relatives of the owner.

New words

pumpkin - pumpkin
To carve - cut
Jack-o "-lantern - Jack's lamp. This is the same pumpkin with a candle that we cut out so carefully
Witch - witch
Bat - bat
Mummy - mummy
Haunted house - haunted house
Owl - owl
Spider - spider
Werewolf - werewolf
Skeleton - skeleton

Songs and cartoons about Halloween

To reinforce new words, we suggest you watch cartoons in English and listen to songs about Halloween. Of course, there are tons of videos on the Internet on this topic. But try to choose something not very scary.
It is better to start watching video with something simple. For example, this simple song will help the child "tune his ears" to English speech.

By the way, be sure to watch this video. It is believed that this song from the movie The Nightmare Before Christmas is one of the Halloween anthems.

Youtube is filled with various cartoons on this topic. If the child is not yet very adult, then try to watch something from Disney. Many children's favorites "starred" in cartoons about Halloween.

More "advanced" children in English can put on cartoons where the characters speak much more. For example, this might work:

Scary stories in English

If the child already speaks well English language try to come up with a scary story together. If some words are unfamiliar, then you can peep into the dictionary or ask mom or dad for advice.

For those children who like to compose stories, we suggest “thinking out” how it ends, for example, this story:

I went trick-or-treating with my best friends _______, _______, and _______. Our bags were full of candy, and it was getting late, so my friends wanted to go home. I wanted more candies so I said, “Let’s knock on a few more doors and then we go home.” They were worried because they thought it was already too late. I told them not to worry.
In 10 minutes, it started to rain. We noticed an old house nearby and decided there. We went inside, sat down, and started to eat our chocolates, when . . .

WITH younger children You can also develop your imagination. Try to draw the scariest monster. How many legs, eyes, heads, and so on, the child himself decides. And at the same time, it will consolidate the vocabulary on the topic “Parts of the body”.

We hope that the material presented in this article will help you spend an interesting Halloween with your child. Remember that such an immersion in a foreign culture will have a positive effect on the child's motivation, and he will begin to devote time to English with great desire.

Shutikova Anna

Well, are you ready to meet the night before All Saints' Day and how to scare the guests with terrible dishes? Halloween is a great occasion to organize friendly party, gather for a themed dinner cheerful company and have fun so that later for a long, long time to remember this evening.

Do you think everything will come down to the usual gatherings with a glass of wine or a bottle of beer? It is in your hands to organize such a holiday that will bring a lot of joy and pleasure, give smiles and laughter, and be remembered by colors and sounds.

Wu! build a competition for the scariest pumpkin carved lantern, hold a competition on the best master to scare passers-by on the street, find out who is able to beg the most candy from the residents of your house, play "Mafia" in a witchy manner, decorate the apartment with creative scary candles and spiders. And yes, do not forget to knock on the doors of all the neighbors: the question "Sweets or life?" will greatly diversify your table, add a sea of ​​funny stories to the piggy bank of this year's Halloween memories and simply cheer up everyone who is lucky enough to be next to you on this day. It is up to you what you will fill this evening with: boring conversations about bored or active games and entertainment, the main thing is to make the right decision.

If suddenly you manage to encourage guests to come to fancy dress, the holiday will certainly turn out to be perfect. Witches, vampires, skeletons, spiders, all kinds of koshchei and hedgehog grandmothers are an amazing company to celebrate the night of Evil.

In addition to " cultural program”, do not forget to think over the menu: Halloween is a great occasion to cook something unusual, memorable, disgustingly beautiful. The format of the holiday is a buffet: no complex side dishes, multi-component hot dishes and gourmet snacks. Halloween meals should be convenient, delicious, simple, and of course scary, very, very scary.

We are offering to you sample menu for Halloween celebration. The first part is appetizers, the second is desserts. For the Day of all witches and vampires, ghouls and ghosts - the most suitable option.

Menu for Halloween. What Halloween dishes will make a 100% sensation?

Stuffed eggs "Black Widow"

Do you love spiders? Is there? Do not love? You just don't know how to cook them!


  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 onion;
  • 20 g butter;
  • black pepper to taste;
  • 6 olives;
  • 1 st. l. mayonnaise;
  • salt to taste.

We clean the onion, cut into small cubes and fry in a heated frying pan in butter until golden.

Boil the eggs, cool, peel and cut in half. We take out the yolk, knead it with a fork along with mayonnaise, pepper and salt. Mix with onions. Fill the egg whites.

Cut each olive in half. We spread one half on each egg - this is the “body” of the spider, cut the second into strips, which we lay out around the “body”, imitating paws. Done, you can be scared!

Sausage in dough or "Mummy Invasion"

Save yourself, who can - terrible mummies attacked you! They massively climb into the hands, threaten the waist and literally hypnotize, not allowing you to take your eyes off them!


  • 1 pack of puff pastry (450 g);
  • 10-15 sausages;
  • 2 tbsp. l. ketchup;
  • carnation buds for decoration.

We take out the puff pastry from the freezer, wait for defrosting. Unfold, roll out slightly. Lubricate with ketchup. We cut into long strips 1-1.5 cm wide.
We take a peeled sausage and begin to wrap it with dough in a spiral. At the top we leave a "slot" for the eyes.
We spread the sausages on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, insert the eyes (clove buds) into the slots. We bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

"Normal" Halloween Dish - Pumpkin Sticks

I propose to diversify the menu with something not very terrible, but thematic - what if your guests will be extremely impressionable and will not want to treat themselves to spiders and mummies? Spicy "sticks" of pumpkin are healthy, tasty and original.


  • 500 g pumpkin;
  • 3 art. l. pumpkin oil;
  • 3 art. l. pumpkin seeds;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

We clean the pumpkin, cut it into cubes about 5 cm long with edges of 5-7 mm. Spread in one layer on a baking sheet covered with baking paper and send for 20 minutes in the oven, preheated to 170 degrees.
After the specified time, remove the pumpkin from the baking sheet, put it in a bowl. Pour evenly with oil, salt, add pepper, squeeze out the garlic, do not forget about the seeds, mix everything. Posting again even layer on a baking sheet and return to the oven, increasing the temperature to 210 degrees. 15-20 minutes is enough - you can serve. Delicious both warm and cold.

Shortbread "Vampire Fingers"

It is very doubtful that such a cookie causes appetite, but it is quite obvious that it provokes certain negative emotions. However, this is how it should be if you invited guests to Halloween!


  • 150 g butter;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 350 g flour;
  • almonds;
  • 50 g of jam or red jam (if desired);
  • 1/3 tsp salt.

softened butter beat with sugar, 1 egg and another protein, add salt and flour, knead a soft, not sticky dough. We put it in the refrigerator for half an hour, after which we take it out, divide it into small pieces of the same size, from which we form “sausages”. We give the "sausages" the shape of a finger, reverse side knife denote the phalanx. Lay out on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

We dip the peeled halves of the almond into the remaining yolk, sink it at the end of the “finger”, imitating a nail.

Bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
Cooled cookies can be lightly sprinkled with jam or jam - blood streaks on the fingers of a vampire look very, very picturesque. This is the recipe for Halloween.

Another Halloween dish - Chocolate mousse with worms

Who can turn down a serving of chocolate dessert? Add a couple of nasty worms to a bowl or glass - and a treat in the Halloween format is ready!


  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 300 g of chocolate;
  • 400 ml of heavy cream (fat content - at least 33%);
  • 150 g of powdered sugar;
  • cocoa and jelly worms for serving.

Melt chocolate in a water bath, remove from heat and leave to cool.
At this time, beat the eggs with powdered sugar - the mass should turn white and increase in volume.
Whip cream until stiff peaks form.
Combine the cream with the egg mass, then add the chocolate in small portions and mix gently.
Pour the mousse into bowls and refrigerate for at least 3 hours.
When serving, sprinkle the surface of the mousse with cocoa powder (imitation of earth), stick in a few worms.

If you are worried and do not eat raw chicken eggs, replace them with an equal amount of quail eggs by weight.

Done, you can feast on vile worms! How do you like this dish for Halloween?

Spooky Party Queen - Sweet Stuffed Pumpkin

What to do if guests flatly refuse to treat themselves to fingers and eat worms? Just in case, stuff a few portioned pumpkins small size. Delicious, healthy, fragrant and about Halloween.


  • 2 small pumpkins;
  • 1/2 cup rice;
  • 1/4 cup raisins;
  • 1/4 cup dried apricots;
  • 1/4 cup prunes;
  • 1/2 cup cream;
  • 2/3 st. l. honey.

My pumpkins, cut off the "hat".
Carefully remove seeds and discard.
Boil rice until half cooked.
Cut dried apricots and prunes into small pieces, mix with raisins, rice, honey. Add cream and mix again.
We cover with a “hat” and bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees until the pumpkin is ready (about 1 hour). Delicious served warm. Serve with any sweet cream-based sauce.

10 Halloween quick meals you can make at the last minute:

Recipe 1. Put grapes of the same size on a wooden barbecue stick - you get quite disgusting caterpillars in the spirit of Halloween. Eyes - from improvised means (chocolate drops, raisins, peppercorns or clove buds). You can turn around in disgust.

Halloween Recipe 2. Ready-made purchased cupcakes can be easily turned into cupcakes by decorating them with the simplest cream white color(cottage cheese whipped with cream and powdered sugar, for example). With chocolate drops or melted chocolate we make eyes, a mouth - scary ghosts are ready.

Recipe 3. A witch's broom on a festive table? Easy! Salted straw - the basis. As the lower part - a slice of hard cheese, cut from the bottom to about the middle in the form of a fringe, wrapped around a straw. Rope - a sprig of chives or dill. Did you fly?

Recipe 4. Scary faces you can eat? Easy. You take pita bread, cut out a bunch of circles from it, cut through terrible eye sockets and evil mouths in half of them. Put pieces of cheese on whole circles, cover with cut out parts, hide in the microwave for half a minute - excellent "sandwiches" - toasts are ready, which are very nice to crunch. Terribly nice!

Halloween Recipe 5. The vampire cocktail is the best Halloween treat. All you need is to buy disposable syringes and fill them with something red - for example, "Bloody Mary" or even ordinary pomegranate juice. Bloody drink - what you need!

Recipe 6. The easiest Halloween decor is the web. It is easy to depict it with mayonnaise (on salads or sandwiches) or thick sour cream (on cakes or cupcakes). Aerobatics - "drawing" with ketchup or glazed balsamic vinegar, melted chocolate or butter cream.

Recipe 7. Purchased yeast dough is very easy to roll into a ghost shape. Lubricate it with sour cream, sprinkle with grated cheeses - the pizza is almost ready. It remains after baking to finish the eyes - ketchup will help you.

Recipe 8. Peel a few pears, boil them in white wine, put them on plates, draw eyes and mouth with chocolate - delicious ghosts are ready. Fast and quite intimidating.

Halloween Recipe 9. Buy a lot of oranges, cut off the "hats", get the pulp (juice - perfect solution), in the resulting "cups" cut through the eyes and other details to get a vile and disgusting face. Then prepare any salad, fill orange "plates" with it and serve. Very holiday spirit!

Recipe 10. Store bags with juices (volume 200 ml) wrap with toilet paper or masking tape, draw scary eyes and open mouths- the mummies are ready, you can celebrate.

10 Halloween table and room decoration ideas

1. Be sure to place a pumpkin with “hair” fruits in the center of the table: put on assorted apples, pears, grapes, oranges, bananas on barbecue sticks and stick them in the “head”. Such a treat will perfectly decorate the holiday, and, in addition, will serve as an unusual plate for serving fruit. Rest assured, this pumpkin will be "shaved baldly" in the first minutes.

2. Do not forget to “decorate” napkins and towels for guests with bloody handprints - textile paints are quite suitable for this purpose. Of course, you have to tinker a little, but the effect is worth it!

3. The web is simply obliged to entangle your entire apartment, otherwise Halloween will not take place. Don't forget the toilet, glasses, doorways, chairs, plates.

4. Candles - by all means! Old, runny, crooked, dark, broken - that's what you need to celebrate Halloween. However, white will also look good - most importantly, before decorating an apartment with it, take a red candle, light it, and lightly pour white with melted paraffin, imitating blood streaks. Very relevant!

5. However, you can not candles - the simplest candlesticks from the most ordinary cans will look breathtaking if you put on each of them hastily drawing in the form of scary muzzles, skulls, spiders and other muck. By the way, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive paints for glass: Halloween lasts one night, and gouache or ordinary acrylic will survive it.

6. Down with white starched tablecloths, the table must be covered with black cloth! Put on long knee-highs on the table legs, put them on old boots - here's another "guest" for you in the Halloween format.

7. A the bats? Cutting them out of black paper is easy. It remains to hang on the trees, hide around the corner, attach on the balcony. Checked - the people are guaranteed to shudder when such an animal suddenly appears before their eyes.

8. A few meters of cheap white gauze thrown over a chandelier - and now you have a personal ghost at the holiday. Do not forget to draw eyes - for greater persuasiveness.

9. If suddenly you are not lucky enough to buy a lot of red-sided pumpkins, inflate balloons. Of course orange color. Arm yourself with black insulating tape, depict freaks and monsters on the balls - voila, you can decorate the house.

10. Have you seen table tennis balls in your nearest sporting goods store? Have you met sets of "eyes" for children's creativity in the nearest stationery? Glue them together - and now the nasty eyeballs are ready, which can be laid out on plates, discreetly stuffed into the pockets of guests, presented at parting.


Ideas and recipes for Halloween are borrowed from the vast expanses of the Internet.
Text © Magic Food.RU

When outside the window is a gloomy late autumn with rains and slush, I really want to bring a little bright color and warmth. To do this, you can meet family circle over a cup of tea or cocoa, or you can arrange a real coven of witches or turn the house into the tomb of an ancient pharaoh, the lair of the vampire Dracula or the mystical castle of gargoyles. But it is best to do this on a certain day, or rather, night. On the night when dark forces walk the earth, frightening passers-by, when nothing can forbid them from dirtying and misbehaving. It's about about Halloween - the holiday on the eve of All Saints' Day.

Let's delve into history

The history of Halloween goes back several centuries. It began long before the spread of Christianity. Halloween was originally called Samhain or Saiman - Celtic holiday when summer turns into winter, and the evil spirits of frost and darkness are released. To drive them away, people dressed up in animal skins, painted their faces, made lanterns out of pumpkins and turnips, and scared each other with scary stories.

Time has passed, traditions have changed, and today children are more likely to dress up as magical creatures, movie characters and princesses than as werewolves and vampires. They run from house to house, begging for candy, and teenagers scare each other, arranging theme parties and exploring haunted houses.

In Russia, Halloween appeared only a couple of decades ago, but many people liked it. And although the holiday is mostly celebrated in clubs and schools, many parents agree to scare and amuse the children by arranging a small holiday at home. A separate house is best suited for this, but an apartment simply decorated with bones and cobwebs will be just as good.

First thing

Before inviting guests, it is worth determining the main direction of the party. It is not necessary to use only foreign motifs - it can be Russian folk tales with Kikimora Bolotnaya, Kashchei the Immortal and Baba Yaga. To make the evening not only fun, but also educational, you can ask the guests to make a small presentation of the costume and tell everyone what kind of creature they are. It is not necessary to take only fairy tales: remember about brownies, witches and healers, wood goblins and sea maidens.

Older kids can be a little scared with more traditional monsters: Frankenstein, mummies, zombies, vampires, ghosts, witches and werewolves. You can ask everyone to dress up in similar creatures or arrange a fun bunch. In the second case, it is better to equip the room at the request of the owner or mistress: if he or she is a vampire, the apartment can be turned into a castle or a cave with bats, and Frankenstein will like it in his own laboratory.

Hello letter

It is best to notify guests about the upcoming holiday a couple of weeks in advance, and invitation cards will help you with this. They must be in tune with the main theme. For werewolves, wolves and a dark forest are suitable, against which silver lines will be clearly visible. Vampires will love the bats and bloody gothic letters, while zombies will love the eye and brain designs. If nothing special comes to mind, use the traditional Halloween theme: graveyard, pumpkins and skeletons.

Invitations can be printed in advance or made with your own hands, involving children in the work. Do not forget to indicate the place and time, as well as the desired dress code: "Come in frighteningly elegant and terribly bloody."

Meeting place can not be Changed

The decoration of the room will largely depend on the age of the hosts and guests, as well as the general theme of the event. Use black balloons, spiderwebs and garlands of pumpkins, ghosts and skeletons. Drape windows heavy dark cloth torn in different places, put a few spiders or bats on it, place skulls, bones, "corpses" of rats and frogs everywhere. Don't forget the pumpkins with carved faces, which guests can bring themselves, and funny signs "Beware of wild mosquitoes!" or "Attention, zone of increased sweetness!".

You can replace the usual light with burning candles or garlands hung everywhere. In the second case, it is better to use mysterious red, blue or green lights. If you decide to light the room with real fire, try to move the candles away and make sure that no one touches them.
If you want to make the lair of the Russian Baba Yaga out of the apartment, do not forget about the big cauldron, dry herbs, fly agaric in flower pot And glass jars with dry insects, put a broom in the corner, an old frying pan covered with soot (you can take a cast-iron one) and a samovar. Embroidered towels, tubs, barrels, wooden utensils, a garden scarecrow and other peasant household items will help to complement the interior.

When choosing jewelry for vampires, don't forget cobwebs, heavy candlesticks, antique clocks, books, and jewelry. Hang all the mirrors with cobwebs or stick a special sticker imitating a crack, place portraits of ancestors in carved frames on the walls. In the corner you can put a skeleton butler with a list of guests in his fingers.

In this way, one can choose variety of options decoration of rooms or even the whole house. For a werewolf abode, stick glowing stars and the moon on the windows, the laboratory of a mad genius will be incomplete without cans of a greenish viscous liquid and alcoholized body parts. Stretched pictures of the latter can be found on the Internet: print them out, place them inside large jars and illuminate from the inside for more intimidation with portable flashlights or LEDs.

But whatever you choose, a couple of small tricks will always come in handy: take a piece of tulle or other translucent fabric with jagged edges and tear the hem slightly. Inflate white balloons with helium, cover from above light fabric and draw a face on the resulting ghost. You can paint the balls with a layer of luminous paint to make the ghosts mysterious.

Spreading fog, which is easy to make from dry ice, will become an interesting and unusual decor element. Take large containers (buckets, basins, large-capacity cans), fill them with water about halfway and add dry ice. Two parts of water will require one part of ice. If you throw ice into warm water, you will get a thick fog, while cold water a small haze will appear, suitable for vampires and werewolves.

Be careful that children do not touch the ice, as it can cause severe burns. It is better to put the water away, hiding it behind other interior items.

Met by clothes

It is hardly worth talking in detail about children's outfits, since their choice is limited only by the amount and imagination of children. It is worth dwelling on only a few positions: agree in advance with the adult half who and how will dress up your child. If the majority is against serious spending, the minority should support it, otherwise the children will feel insecure.

In this case, it is better to make something on the spot. Prepare face painting paints, artificial blood, volumetric decorations from bones, cobwebs and dirty bandages. From all this, you can easily make a costume for a zombie, a forest witch or a tramp. If there is an artist among those present, he will be able to decorate the children, or they will do their own makeup. Also, carnival wigs, horns, animal ears and tails, all kinds of masks and other inexpensive accessories will come to the rescue.

Self-assembly tablecloth

Whoever your guests are, you should think about the treat in advance. You can read about how to turn a simple cupcake into something creepy and bloody in the article " Scared to even try', but here are just a few. general advice. Give preference to the buffet so that the children do not sit in one place, but play, run and calmly communicate with each other.

Place a table against a wall, cover it with a piece of black cloth, place stacks of plates and glasses (you can use paper ones so that guests don’t break anything), and arrange snack dishes. For a hot treat, cheese ghost pizza, savory biscuits shaped like severed fingers, and vegetable-made snakes and insects will do. Dessert can be the most diverse: from store-bought sweets and gummies in the form of vampire teeth to pumpkin cake or a scary castle.

If the party is in an apartment and you get along well with your neighbors, you can encourage them to play along a bit by dressing up in a costume and preparing a little treat. It will need to be distributed to the children. If the holiday takes place in a separate house and there is an opportunity to go outside, why not light a fire? You can bake potatoes and fry marmalade on it, and at the same time tell a couple of horror stories.

Welcome or...

With a little imagination, you can start having fun right from the doorstep. With the consent of the neighbors (if the party is not taking place in a private house), hang arrows made of bones or signs drawn in blood on the stairs, place a few pumpkins with candles, stretch a web or small obstacles.

One of the adults should meet the guests: a dead butler, a scary clown or a real maniac with an ax and a knife. Rehearse creepy howls and raspy laughter in advance, learn a few suitable lines to immerse those who come in a mysterious and frightening atmosphere. But do not overdo it: the smallest children can be too impressionable. It is also worth knowing in advance about the fears of babies and not using these images.

But older guests will gladly respond to attempts to scare them properly. With some, you can agree in advance and play a small performance. Glow-in-the-dark lenses and make-up paint, jokes from joke shops, carnival and theater props such as blood capsules will help you with this: put them in your mouth and bite them at the right time.

After the meeting, give guests the opportunity to explore the house, chat and eat. If possible, you can send them under the supervision of an adult to collect candy. At this point, it is better to take the parents to private room so that they do not interfere with the children, and treat them to cocktails and pumpkin pie. You may want to entertain them - this article will help Some adult horror».

About two hours later, when the guests start to get bored, the time will come take a short break and arrange a minute of games.

Shall we play?

You can arrange standard games, adapting them for the holiday. Such games include “catch a ghost” (blind-seekers), “pin a blindfolded tail on a black cat”, “find a vampire in the room” (hide-and-seek).

A good variation on the traditional game would be to play vampires and their victims. Divide the guests into two teams and distribute bandages - black for "vampires" and white for their "victims". When the host announces the "day", the "vampires" must sleep in a certain place, and the "victims" can walk freely. But as soon as the “night” comes, the “vampires” must catch the fleeing “victim” and drag it to their lair.

But it will be more interesting and exciting to arrange several group competitions, as a result of which participants will receive sweet prizes. And do not forget to choose a strict but fair jury.

To warm up the participants, invite them to make a real Halloween pumpkin. To do this, you will need orange balloons, ribbons and markers. Each team must blow up a balloon and draw a funny or scary face on it. If you wish, you can diversify the competition and decorate the "pumpkin" with stickers, ribbons and bows that can be stuck on adhesive tape. For little ones, the task can be changed: let them draw or mold a “pumpkin” from improvised materials.

The next game will help develop speed. Separate the participants and give them some rolls toilet paper. The task of each team is to make a mummy out of one of the participants. To make it more interesting and more difficult, one of the tall adults can become a “mummy”.

For fearless heroes and princesses, prepare bags of horror stories: fill small opaque bags with damp sponges for washing dishes, cold boiled pasta, chopped juicy fruits, gummies and other things that are unpleasant to the touch. Think of something (frog brain, insect entrails) and ask to find them without looking inside. Or you can dump everything in one heap, hand it to the children in turn and ask them to identify the chosen thing.

Not to do without the ubiquitous ghosts. Prepare long black pieces of cloth ahead of time and hand them out to the participants. One will be the ghost hunter, and the rest will be quiet and silent victims. It is best to play the game in complete darkness on empty place so that children do not fall and get hurt. But to catch a ghost is not enough: the "hunter" must name his name without seeing his face.

Girls can compete for the title of the most terrible beauty or the most nightmarish fashionista, and boys can compete in howls or screams. The last contest must be carried out carefully: the howl should not be the loudest, but the most terrifying.

You can rally the teams with the help of a culinary show. Prepare a list of ingredients for each dish in advance and scatter the necessary parts around the room. The menu may consist of baby soup, cockroach stew, Romanian chop, sushi with old people's ears, bloody sandwich, sweaty worm burger, brain jelly, drowned man's fingernail pie, and other horrors.

Each dish, in turn, is divided into several parts. For example, for soup with a baby, you will need a baby’s legs and a hand (dolls), a few eyeballs (small painted balls or marmalade), a couple of cockroaches (olives with toothpick legs) and a handful of baby teeth (seeds soaked on one side with red paint). The task of the guests is to find as many ingredients as possible and cook a real dinner.

If children are intelligent and quick-witted, they can cook their own meals. Place the signed ingredients on the table and provide complete freedom. But at the same time, the facilitator should gently correct their actions: ask if dried mice are suitable for pumpkin soup, or is it better to take a fresh frog? Did the cooks really make the sandwich useful or did they forget something important, very healthy and nutritious? It can be recalled that the customer is a werewolf, and therefore is unlikely to want to eat a pumpkin, and his companion is allergic to brains. At the end, the team must fully describe the result and justify it.

Download brains

When the guests are tired, offer them some intellectual games. Question-answer games, guess the animal or magical creature, broken phone, Sphinx riddles and various quizzes on the knowledge of the life of monsters will be a good pause between the fun. You can spend a few minutes talking about the history of Halloween or interesting facts about the life of monsters.

Traditions must not be broken

But the most interesting thing will be to have fun the way it is done in America and Europe. There are several traditional children's games, without which not a single All Saints' Eve is complete.

First of all, this is carving terrible faces from a pumpkin. This game is suitable for older children or adult-child pairs. You will need some sharp knives and softer gourds, better if they are pre-cleaned. Each participant must carve the scariest face out of a pumpkin and place a lit candle inside. You can prepare the work at home in advance and just bring it to the competition, and use overhead strands, paints and other accessories if you decide to hold a competition for the most smiling and beautiful girl pumpkin.

The second equally popular game is catching apples. In general, apples are considered one of the main fruits of autumn, and therefore they can most often be seen in themed games on Halloween. Hang some softer apples on strong strings and have the children catch them and eat them without using their hands. For convenience, you can hang them at different heights. Or fill a wide container warm water and throw in some apples. They also need to be caught with the teeth. And finally, the relay race with an apple in their teeth: the participants hold their hands behind their backs and carry the fruit to the finish line, passing it to each other.

If you have small pumpkins, you can use them as balls: throw them to each other, play field hockey or try to hit the target. And, of course, no holiday of horror is complete without an obstacle course that must be completed blindfolded. Pull the ropes, place assistants on the sides who will make noise, confuse the passage in the web of woolen threads. Sudden noise and roar can be very frightening, and therefore it is best, after successfully passing the test, to dedicate the daredevil to the crowned evil spirits of the evening.

Escort through the mind

Don't forget to have a good laugh with the guests before leaving, as well as distribute gifts: sweet sets, witch hats, small brooms, horns, artificial fangs and skulls. Take plenty of photos and give as a keepsake to all the guests of the holiday.

Let it go evil forces do not disturb you in the coming winter!

Halloween for kids. How to organize a party at home?

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Photo gallery: Treats or Tricks: how to organize children's halloween at home

Despite all its frightening paraphernalia, Halloween is one of the most beloved holidays of children all over the world. Well, how else, given that only on All Saints' Day, children can have plenty of fun and scare adults with the traditional collection of sweets in exchange for "life". Therefore, we suggest that you do not deny your kids this pleasure and organize a fun children's holiday on the night of November 1. And you will learn how to do it right from our today's article.

How to spend a children's Halloween: the preparatory stage

Since Halloween is a bright and costumed holiday, we suggest starting with general organizational issues. First, you need to take care of the appropriate "scary" atmosphere. To do this, decorate the place of the future party with traditional Halloween symbols: carved pumpkins, silhouettes of skeletons and witches, artificial cobwebs, scary masks etc.

Second, think carefully about the scenario children's halloween- it will depend on him half the success of the whole event. We advise you to start by sending original invitation guests. It could be like ready postcards as well as handmade invitations. In them, you can indicate not only the time and place of the future holiday, but also write about the need for a special dress code and warn about the program of the evening. By the way, about the program. Without a carefully crafted script, a children's party will turn into an unmanageable hype. So be sure to prepare funny contests and entertainment. Among the traditional ones: catching an apple with your mouth in a barrel, pumpkin golf (instead of a hole - a pumpkin), a master class in carving a Jack-o-lantern, a competition for the most scary costume or history. There can be a lot of options!

And thirdly, take care of small themed gifts for guests. It can be both small souvenirs-symbols of the holiday, and funny ones. commemorative photos and treats.

What treats to choose for children's Halloween

An important part of the party for children on All Saints Day is and festive table, the menu of which should fully correspond to the atmosphere of the event. Therefore, you will have to try and beat the usual dishes so that they do not contrast against the general background of the event.

In addition, it is important to remember that the children's Halloween menu should be healthy and varied. For example, classic spaghetti with meat can be presented in the form of disgusting worms, and ordinary tomato juice can be beaten like fresh blood. But the easiest way is to decorate the desserts accordingly. For example, it is easy to make spiders and cobwebs for cupcakes out of chocolate, and to form ladyfingers out of almonds for cookies. Even simple fruits can be transformed beyond recognition with a little imagination. For example, peeled tangerines with a slice of kiwi are very reminiscent of small pumpkins, and halves of bananas with chocolate eyes look like cute ghosts.

The celebration of Halloween, or All Saints' Day, is becoming increasingly popular with children and adults. The little participants of the holiday really like the preparation for this event - the choice and manufacture of bright and colorful costumes, interior decoration, creating a frightening make-up and much more.

Plus, Halloween is great occasion in order to gather a company of friends and girlfriends of the child. Boys and girls are happy to take part in various games and competitions dedicated to the celebration of All Saints' Day, they arrange funny and exciting competitions, and so on.

In order for Halloween to leave an indescribable impression and be remembered by the children for a long time, it is necessary to prepare well for the holiday. In particular, Special attention should be given to decorating the room and creating children's images. In this article, we bring to your attention several interesting ideas for a children's Halloween-style party, which will help to arrange an unforgettable holiday for the kids.

How to decorate a room for celebrating a children's Halloween party?

All Saints Day is celebrated today in many children's institutions, including kindergartens, schools and all kinds of entertainment centers. In addition, many parents arrange a house party for their children to celebrate this holiday, which combines elements of horror and fun.

It takes a lot of effort to organize Halloween in kindergarten, school or at home. Preparations for this exciting event should begin 2-3 weeks in advance so that all participants in the celebration can carefully consider their image. That is why all the children should be given invitation cards in advance, decorated in the appropriate style.

In the room for the celebration, it is necessary to create a unique atmosphere of a children's room of fear. To do this, you can stick special stickers in the form of bats, black cats, spiders, pumpkins and witches on the windows. White balloons can be placed around the perimeter of the room, which must first be inflated with helium, and then cuts of thin white material should be thrown over them. These simple decorations will depict little ghosts.

Do not forget about required attribute holiday - pumpkin. Little kids will no doubt love to carve cute little faces out of this vegetable and light candles that create a unique atmosphere of All Saints' Day. Finally, artificial fog can be made indoors to achieve an impressive effect. To do this, in several places you need to place buckets or other containers half-filled with water, and then add dry ice to them so that it is completely covered with liquid.

In this case, the water temperature can be any, depending on what effect you want to achieve. So, if you pour warm liquid into buckets, you can create a dense curtain of fog, but if the water is cold, you will get a light, illusory haze.

Photo ideas from our gallery will help you create a festive atmosphere and decorate the room accordingly:

How to create a children's image for Halloween?

A child's image on the eve of All Saints' Day is unthinkable without an appropriate costume. So, boys can choose for themselves the outfit of a vampire, sorcerer or robber, and girls - witches, dead bride or dolls. The smallest children are best suited for costumes of an owl, a spider or Finally, each participant in the celebration can throw on a white sheet with a smiling face painted on it and portray a kind little ghost.

In addition to the appropriate attire, the child will need a bright make-up that suits his image as a whole. Our photo gallery of ideas will help you make children's face painting for Halloween: