Ten scientific discoveries about the feeling of love and why a person needs it. Different feelings: love and falling in love

In every fairy tale since childhood, we hear about love, its value and influence on us. A man's feelings, love in particular, make him spiritual world. On this basis, a person grows, develops and becomes wiser.

Much has been said about love both in psychology and in literature, but what is it in essence? So let's talk about different sides love and its impact on a person individually and on society.

Love - what is this feeling?

According to E. Fromm, love is a process involving constant self-renewal. This is not a phenomenon to be expected, but productive activity. Therefore, love at first sight does not happen. At first sight, more precisely, from the first fraction of a second, there is only love.

However, everyone hopes to know true love. What is this feeling? Why does it attract and excite a person?

The thing is that a person is active by nature, and he wants to show his activity for the benefit of another. This is how we get to know ourselves through others. There is no other way to knowledge, only through love. In this case, life becomes much more colorful, interesting and happier. Love - beautiful feeling and shows the best spiritual qualities in everyone. However, to experience a sincere real feeling is not available to everyone. Why?

Love in the life of a man and a woman

As you know, men and women show their relationship differently. Women need love. This is the meaning of her birth - to love, understand, cooperate. Men are more focused on achievement, success in society and rewards. They show feelings through care, patronage. What is love for a man? A man's feelings become mature when he has already taken place in his career, is confident in himself and clearly knows what kind of woman suits him in everyday life. Then he is ready to give flowers to the chosen one, win his ideal and speak directly about his feelings.

Even if some adults deny these differences, consider them “rotten” from old age as gender stereotypes, children aged 5-6 do not think so. Girls at this age are sure to be loving mothers, and the boys build structures from the designer and career plans.

Children from the very first years of life know what activity will bring them happiness. It's theirs inner knowledge does not need correction.

What is the role of love?

Studying the influence of love on the life of a particular individual, scientists have found that those who experience this positive state are much more active in society. The parts of the brain responsible for the motivation to learn are more often activated in such people. That is, lovers are bolder, more emotional and more erudite in social life. They set high standards and achieve a lot thanks to the support of a loved one.

In the economy, human feelings, love in particular, are incredibly important. Indeed, in times of crisis, loving people are the best insurance. Even having lost his job, a loving man does not despair, but is looking for another occupation. He quickly reprofils and again feels significant in society.

Another study showed that there are more lovers among people with higher incomes. For example, in such developed countries as Canada, Germany, France, according to statistics, more than 70% of the population are happy lovers. These people do not deny themselves travel, delicious food, they have favorite hobby, therefore, in general, their life is adjusted, and they do not experience complexes. They boldly fall in love and build relationships without expecting anything in return from a partner. And this is the main guarantee of happiness in love.

The beauty of spiritual relationships. Feelings and responsibilities

Yet simply having a good time together is not true love. Love is a feeling of the soul, and therefore it is always mysterious, poems are composed about it. Its romantic variation has nothing to do with the one experienced by people who have been married for 30 years.

Erich Fromm, who wrote the book The Art of Love, identifies 5 basic elements of true love. These include:

  1. Human knowledge. To know another, you need to go beyond your own world.
  2. The desire to give rather than take. By giving something, you encourage your loved one to also take an active position in the relationship. He, too, will begin to try to give.
  3. Caring for the chosen one. Putting your work into a person, it is impossible to turn away from him later. Because everyone appreciates the effort put in.
  4. Respect. It is useless to try to change the personality. You can only inspire growth and development.
  5. Responsibility. Entering into a relationship, a person must take seriously the fact that he is now responsible not only for himself, but also for the overall activity.

If you do not develop patience, do not take care of your loved one, then the word "love" loses all value. And that is why going through life with one person is such a difficult task. However, remember what love means, what kind of feeling it is. This is an alloy of tenderness, affection, respect, mutual admiration from communication, deep happiness and satisfaction from bodily intimacy. This feeling cannot be imagined without shared sorrows, mutual obligations and material worries.

Love is the richest and most complex feeling of all. accessible to man. Nothing makes the latter as happy as a strong family for which he sacrifices a lot.

Origins of love

You can also experience a feeling of love in solitude, not only with a partner. Learning to be happy alone is the very first necessity of an adult. This is the only way to understand the origins of love and its depth. Many marriages fall apart at the beginning of a common life path precisely because the young are not ready for a deep and responsible relationship, they do not know how to renew the lost feeling.

Understand the value loved one next to you when he is not. Learning to love when there is no loved one is a very important part of life. The understanding of the feeling of life is priceless, a person’s love for existence never dries up, he is born to know life in all aspects. You can see it in children. And if you know this source of joy, then married life will never become a burden.

Love is in nature, in small children. You can love sports, pets, knitting, hiking, whatever. Life is so multifaceted that, having plunged into the world of miracles, an interested person can discover small miracles every day.

fraternal and friendly relations

Love exists not only romantic, all-encompassing and passionate. She can be friendly. Erich Fromm singled out friendship as a kind of love. When two people have common interests, help each other and sympathize with the victories and troubles of their comrade-in-arms, over the years they become especially close. With a friend, you can communicate on any topic without fear of condemnation; you can play tennis together or choose your own clothes.

Friendship is just as important as romantic love. It is useful for a woman from time to time to spend time exclusively in sorority. And for a man - in a man's. It is the girlfriends who will “pull” the woman out of the oppressed state, help her find a new unusual appearance, find advice at the right time in matters of health or raising children.

A man, on the other hand, definitely needs a like-minded person who can support motivation and teach perseverance in overcoming difficulties. Therefore, even being happy marital relations, you can not lose a spiritual connection with friends and work colleagues.

Mother's love

Separately, let's talk about maternal selfless love. Caring for a child is the highest happiness for a mother, since a woman sees in him a defenseless creature that she herself endured and gave birth to. And if, from Freud's point of view, love is only an instinct rooted in the process of evolution, then E. Fromm already sees the mother's feelings as a spiritual act that requires both physical and moral efforts.

Such love is built on constant sacrifice. Without victims, round-the-clock custody of the baby and full responsibility, one cannot imagine maternal feeling.

No matter how you consider maternal love philosophers and psychologists, we know that children living in institutions for orphans grow up callous, selfish and often anxious.

How to find the love of your life?

What to do if there is not yet someone nearby whom you would really choose as the second part of your own inner world? Relationships, love, feelings of mutual attraction - this is sure to come to everyone throughout life. To someone earlier, to others already quite adulthood. You have to be ready to accept your loved one.

Analyze all the relationships that you had before. What mistakes were made? Why didn't it work out? It is useful to take care of yourself while there is no couple, to “pat up” former grievances, to find new interests in life.

More often go out with friends or girlfriends in society, for walks. Extension social contacts It will help you feel more confident, forget about old failures in relationships. Some psychologists recommend writing out your best qualities character on paper. And also you need to write down the qualities that you would like to see in your other half. Still, don't take it too seriously.

The vicissitudes of fate, or How to be happy after a divorce?

The rickety structure of relationships is sometimes impossible to “repair”. Is it worth it to fall into despair after a divorce and put an end to yourself? You can wait for some time to come to your senses and feel the love for life, for yourself again. Unsuccessful relationships need to be analyzed, but, of course, not immediately after the breakup, but when it is already possible to look at the past not through the prism of resentment.

Do not stay at home locked up and mourn the past. You can't blame yourself or regret your actions. The past needs to be rethought and with new views and new forces to go forward.

To forgive or not to forgive? Love triangle

Why does the feeling of love appear in our life? Appreciating relationships is very difficult, and yet living in a couple is easier and happier than alone. When a loved one finds another, it is almost impossible to forgive. If not true love then the marriage breaks up. However, real feeling is able to overcome all difficulties; after passing the test, the pair become even closer than before.

You just need to analyze what are the reasons for such an act. After all, in a quarrel, both are always to blame. If a person is satisfied with everything existing relationships, he is satisfied, he will never look away in his thoughts.

"We are responsible for those ...". Let's remember A. Exupery

What is the result of what has been said? Love - what is this feeling? This is the desire for knowledge, beauty, complete satisfaction of feelings and thoughts; not just instincts. If such a feeling is experienced with some person, then it is necessary to use all forces to maintain the relationship.

There are two terms for love in Ukrainian: "love" and "kohannya".

I always thought that "kohannya" is a much deeper feeling than love. Apparently, he simply did not fully understand the semantics and etymology of words, or simply by the experience of the senses there was no clear distinction between these concepts. They have always been closely intertwined. Although later understanding came, but still there was a mixing of these two feelings. Due to the uncontrollability of thoughts and emotions during sensation sincere love, this feeling is again replaced by something more biological than spiritual. As Wikipedia tells us, the definition of the Ukrainian word "kohannya" is closer in meaning to passion, sexual attraction, caring for someone, and is usually experienced with a partner with whom a person has or plans to have sexual relations. But love is already a more general, deeper and more spiritual feeling that we experience for loved ones, relatives, friends and God.

"Kohannya" is a state in which endorphins (hormones of happiness) are released, which leads to euphoria from certain person or subject. And then there is the hormone oxytocin, which in a certain way affects the feeling of satisfaction and calmness next to a partner. People call it "falling in love". Over time, when all hormones dissolve and reality overtakes a person, this state passes.

In contrast to this, there is Love — something more unearthly, deeper, coming from the Soul itself. It is difficult to describe exactly the feeling of Love, because often we only notice external manifestations in body and mind. And these manifestations in the same consciousness are difficult to understand and transform into something understandable. Mostly with the feeling of Love, changes in the body occur in different ways. For example, during the spiritual practice of the Lotus Flower, this can be felt by the body as warm, hot, and cold. These sensations of varying temperature spread throughout the body. Then everything in it somehow becomes light, weightless. Consciousness begins to kick, but gives up from the pressure of a pleasant feeling. What I have described is only my experience, which to some extent echoes the experience of other people, but it is still difficult to call it with certainty a deep feeling of Love.

In the book of Anastasia Novykh "AllatRa" the feeling of Love is described as follows:

“True Love is a generous inner gift that one person gives to another from an excess of deep feelings. Such Love can be given when you forget about yourself. of his own and does not think evil."

After reading these words, you begin to understand at what moments you really feel Love, and at what moments you feel something chimerically distorted by your mind and body. For example, when a child looks at you with a sincere look, or when you are in the strong embrace of your soulmate, when you kiss the time-worn hands of your mother, grandmother... At such moments, Love emerges as if with lightning speed, but brings this deep and at the same time light feeling of all-encompassing true Happiness, in the flow of which you want to be always. Such moments help to quickly dive into the senses during meditation or spiritual practice.

And now, having written these lines, I again realize how much consciousness deceives, saying that I do not feel real Love. All this is a delusion, and I am led by these sharp and logical words. In this case, the topic of my article has only one meaning - to prove to myself that I still felt Her, this sincere, beautiful and filled with the depth of all the most beautiful feelings Love.

Love is extremely subjective feeling and the concept, however, everyone who fell into his network can confidently say that there is nothing more beautiful and desirable in the world. However, how not to be mistaken in your feelings and recognize the first "symptoms" of love fever? It is no secret that infatuation, falling in love, passion and love have similar features. And it is extremely difficult to see the difference, because the difference lies deep within us. How do you know if you love someone or not? Let's answer a few important issues and understand what lies behind the irresistible craving for the chosen one.

First of all, it is necessary to think about why this question arose in the first place. Where did this idea come from? Everything is quite simple. At the beginning of a relationship, when a candy-bouquet romance “blooms and smells”, a girl or a guy does not doubt his own feelings at all - we are firmly convinced that we love this person!

However, after a few months (or weeks) pink glasses subside, and the lover begins to wonder how his chosen one corresponds to the ideal. Are emotions real? Maybe it's just affection? IN this case feelings fade into the background, and in the center is the calculating mind. He seeks to cool the ardor of our emotions, taking care, among other things, of a heart that can break. The voice of reason is a good phenomenon, indicating a healthy human psyche.

The concept of "love" is unique and individual, because everyone loves in their own way. However, common features are inherent in all people without exception: love is something good, warm, expensive, associated with a feeling of comfort when your chosen one is nearby.

Signs of love

Making sure that you really love a person is not always easy and simple. What to do? Take off your rose-colored glasses and try to look at your own relationship from the outside with maximum honesty. You don't need to listen to your friends and "well-wishers"! So, the symptoms of true love:

  1. Unselfishness. True love is a selfless feeling. If a man or woman is looking for profit, all the time waiting for the chosen one to do something for him or, moreover, to help financially, there is no need to talk about love. It's not emotion, it's enjoyment.
  2. Sexual attraction. Can true love do without sex? It's hard to say, because everyone knows the so-called platonic love that does not involve physical contact. However, many psychologists are sure that love is always combined with sexual attraction which is completely natural. Simultaneously with the desire to possess, a person in love wants to see and hear the chosen one, to be around just like that, not because of the satisfaction of "animal" instincts.
  3. Unconditional acceptance. To love is to accept a partner with all his advantages and disadvantages. A man in love does not seek to remake the chosen one under his own patterns. Do you want to redo something in a heart friend? Most likely, this is not love.
  4. Confidence. The ability to trust a loved one important indicator true love. If you are used to sharing your problems and joys with your partner, do not be afraid that you will not be understood or ridiculed, this is SHE. Incomplete trust is one of the signs that you still do not love this person.
  5. Constancy. True love differs from falling in love in that it is not influenced by any external circumstances. For example, if relatives and friends oppose the chosen one, loving person will defend his opinion and feelings. In addition, real emotions do not change plus to minus, even if the partner turned out to be far from perfect.
  6. sacrifice. Love implies the willingness to sacrifice oneself for the one whom the heart considers the best person in the world. Sacrifice does not imply a desire to receive something in return, the most important thing is moral satisfaction from the happiness of a loved one.

Several ways to understand if you love

Of course, we would need a kind of indicator that would allow us to determine whether this is love or not. However, wise scientists have not yet invented such a device, which is why we will “identify” interest, affection, sex, sympathy and love according to certain signs and parameters.

Method number 1. Test

Can't make sense of your own experiences and feelings? Answer a few simple questions:

  1. Do you think about him (her) before falling asleep, want to wish him pleasant dreams?
  2. Are you trying to make him happy?
  3. Do you feel good, calm next to your chosen one?
  4. When you think about him, smile, blush and worry?
  5. Are you counting the hours until you meet him?
  6. Do you consider him the most best man(woman)?
  7. You know about all his shortcomings, but you continue to accept him as he is?
  8. Does the long breakup bother you?

If you answered all the questions with a confident “yes”, congratulations, your feelings are sincere. When there is uncertainty in the answers, it is worth thinking. Remember that the test should be taken in your normal state, avoiding special joys and quarrels.

Method number 2. Pros and cons

Common psychological method Divide a sheet of paper into two columns and write down the positive and negative qualities his chosen one. So you can get your real attitude to him and a vision of his personality.

Analyze the pros and cons. What is your loved one made of? Of the advantages or disadvantages? predominance positive qualities- another joyful evidence of your love and good relationship to a partner.

Method number 3. Meditation

Sit comfortably in easy chair, on a carpet that is pleasant to the body - you will have to spend half an hour on it. In addition, there should be no distractions, extraneous thoughts. Entering a "trance" is easier to do by focusing on your own breathing.

Having calmed down and abandoned extraneous thoughts, imagine this person. Happened? What do you feel? Do you want to approach, kiss, hug or run away? Decide on all your feelings (negative and positive) that arise when the image of a loved one appears.

Method number 4. "He is no more"

Pretty brutal, but effective methodology. Try to imagine that your chosen one is no longer with you (no need to get hung up on this idea). Or perhaps you never met at all. What are you thinking about? Are such performances comfortable? Or maybe they only bring you pain and discomfort? We understand the significance of any thing or person when we no longer possess them. The result of reflection will be an understanding of what feelings you have for your chosen one.

Love or affection?

Another common question: how do you understand if you love a person or is it just affection? First of all, you need to understand that pure relationships and emotions are almost never found. Love, jealousy, sexual attraction, desire, attachment - we all experience it at the same time, but only in different proportions.

As we said above, important sign true love is considered unselfish care. Attachment is considered a kind of psychological dependence on a chosen one or partner.

The main feature of attachment is not selflessness and happiness, but dependence and sometimes suffering that a dependent person experiences. If attachment is accompanied special feelings that deprive a person of freedom, we can talk about psychological obsession.

So, sorting out your true emotions and experiences is sometimes quite difficult. But if you are firmly convinced that own choice, do not doubt your chosen one. Love - wonderful feeling to be enjoyed, especially if it's mutual. Love and be loved!

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

"Love is a description of a feeling"

Many people believe that love begins with a glance. However, not all people can experience love at first sight. Such love is mainly inherent in those people who have a number of characteristic properties.

In particular, the reasons for love at first sight include life experience, level of intellectual abilities, developed imagination and, to a greater extent, temperament. An instant flash of love can be experienced by people with a rather lively character and excitable temperament. Love at first sight is characteristic of emotionally quick-tempered individuals with a hot nature. Such people give in to passion and enthusiasm very easily, but they also calm down just as quickly. People who are fickle in their character and habits can also experience instant love.

But it is precisely such character traits that do not fully strengthen the feelings that have arisen deeply and thoroughly. Usually, in such people, love does not leave a deep mark on the soul, and the feelings themselves are rather superficial.

Very serious people cannot fall in love at first sight. This is due to the fact that the inner convictions of such people are such that, according to them, it is necessary first of all to get to know the person well, having spent a sufficient amount of time with him. Usually in such people love is the result of a long friendship. Only under the influence of the regularity of events, prudence of character, slowness in actions friendly relations can turn into love.

People with a melancholic temperament are extremely sensitive. They need a lot of self care increased attention. However, just one unsuccessful word, gesture or deed is enough for such a person’s love feeling to die out forever.

The development of the feeling of love is described by many philosophers of antiquity. Usually love begins with what can be described as admiration. Under its influence, a dream appears in the mind of a person, and already at the next stage, a person begins to hope for reciprocity. It is in the process of such tremulous expectation that love appears. Its meaning is reflected in the feeling of pleasure from the fact that a person has the opportunity to see the object of his desires, communicate with him, etc.

Love in almost every case is accompanied by a process of idealization. A person in love tends to improve and attribute to the object of love such qualities that he essentially does not possess. It is almost impossible to dissuade a lover in his opinion regarding the object of love. It seems to all lovers that they truly love the best and beautiful person worldwide. In fact, the object of love is perceived as a kind of ideal and perfection.

In a state characteristic of a person in love, several main characteristic features can be distinguished.

…. Such a person is always focused in his thoughts on his chosen one.

.... The desire to communicate with the object of love overlaps all other types of desires.

.... Often people in love have a violation of appetite and sleep.

It is not uncommon for people in a state of love to become very distracted as a result of their daydreaming. The heartbeat of such people increases many times when communicating with the chosen one or thinking about him. Also, a person in love inevitably begins to strive for self-improvement. Almost always, people in love are characterized by an upbeat excited mood, which can be compared with a strong sexual attraction. Fair is the saying that love can blind a person.

Many people under the influence of love literally become stupid.

This happens because there is no place in the mind for other things than feelings. This is accompanied by a restructuring of all human functions, from hormonal levels to mental processes brain activity. Under the influence of feelings, a person's sensations, his memory, attention, and thinking change. Almost always, this violates objectivity in the perception of the surrounding reality. Often this is due to the fact that people who love us prefer to idealize our essence. The disadvantages are completely overlooked. Only when the feeling of love passes, rose-colored glasses gradually evaporate from the eyes. To see all the true qualities of a person is possible only with a sane look. Usually, the traits and qualities of a person we loved in the past, after passing through this feeling, become not so attractive.

Falling in love is somewhat different from the real feeling of love. Love usually does not want to be content with communication alone, but requires complete intercourse of the bodies and souls of partners.

P.S.The beloved often blinds the lover.


We love parents, brothers, sisters, friends and even pets. But romantic love is different. It's a strong, new feeling unlike any of those other ways of loving.

Why do we fall in love

Loving and being loved adds richness to our lives. When people feel closer to others, they are happier and even more. Love helps us feel important, understood, and secure.

But each kind of love has its own well-being. The kind we feel for our parents is different from our love for a brother or best friend. And the kind of love we feel in romantic relationships is its own unique type of love.

Our ability to feel romantic love develops in adolescence. Teenagers all over the world are noticing a passionate sense of attraction. Even in cultures where people are not allowed to act or express these feelings, they are still there.

It's a natural part of development romantic feelings and sexual entertainment for others. These new feelings can be exciting or even confusing at first.

The Magical Ingredients of a Love Relationship

Love is so powerful human emotion, that experts are constantly studying it. They found that love has three main qualities:

  1. Attraction is the chemical part of love. It's about about the physical, even sexual interest that two people have for each other. The attraction is responsible for the desire we feel to kiss and hold the object of our affection. The attraction is what lies behind the flushed, nervous, but energized way we feel when that person is close.
  2. Proximity is the bond that develops when we share thoughts and feelings that we don't share with anyone else. When you have this feeling of closeness with your boyfriend or girlfriend, you feel supported, cared for, understood, and acknowledged for who you are. Trust is a big part of it.
  3. Commitment is a promise or decision to stick with another person through the ups and downs of a relationship.

These three qualities can be combined in different ways to develop different relationships. For example, intimacy without attraction is the love we feel for best friends. We share secrets and personal belongings with them, we support them, and they stand with us. But we are not romantically interested in them.

Attraction without intimacy is more like crushing or infatuation. You are physically attracted to someone, but you don't know the person well enough, but you feel the closeness that comes from sharing personal experiences and feelings.

Love and romance are when attraction and intimacy go together.

Many relationships develop from initial attraction (crush or "love at first sight") and develop into intimacy.

It is also possible for friendship to move from intimacy to attractiveness as the two people realize that their relationship is more than "just" and they become interested in each other in a romantic way.

For people in love for the first time, it can be difficult to tell the difference between intense, new feelings. physical attraction and the deeper intimacy that comes with falling in love.

Lasting love or fun game

The third ingredient in love relationships, commitment is the desire and determination to stay together as a couple in the future - despite any changes and challenges that life brings.

Sometimes couples who fall in love high school develop committed relationships that last. However, many relationships do not last. But it's not because teenagers aren't capable of deep love.

Another reason teenagers tend to have more short relationship, is that the things we want to overcome from romantic relationship, change as we get a little older.

For teenagers, especially for guys, relationships are mostly about physical attraction. But by the time guys reach 20 or so, they appreciate personal traits person as the most important. Teenage girls emphasize intimacy as the most important thing.

Dating may seem great way get someone to go there and do something. Dating can also be a way to fit in. If our friends are all dating someone, we may put pressure on ourselves to find a boyfriend or girlfriend.

For some people, dating is even a status. This may seem like almost a different version of cliques: pressure on the "right" person in the "right" group can make dating a lot less fun than it should be and not so much about love!

By the time guys and girls reach their twenties, most of them value support, intimacy and companionship, as well as passion. This is the time when people start thinking about finding someone they can commit to in the long run - this is the one that will last.

What makes a good relationship

When people first start falling in love, they often start off with attraction. Sexual Feelings may also be part of this attraction.

It certainly looks like love. But it's not love yet. It did not have time to grow into the emotional intimacy that is necessary for love.

Because feelings of attraction and sexual interest are new, and they are directed towards the person we want to be in a relationship with, it's no wonder we confuse attraction with. It's all so intense, exciting.

The crazy intensity of the phase of passion and attraction gradually disappears. Just like all our energy wins the race, this kind of passion is exhilarating but too extreme to last forever.

If a relationship is meant to last, that's where intimacy comes into the picture. The early passionate intensity may disappear, but deep affection takes its place.

Some ways people can use it:

  • Learn to give and receive. relationships are about both people, not how much a person can get (or give) to the other.
  • Revealing feelings. Supportive, caring relationships allow people to reveal details about themselves, their likes and dislikes, dreams and worries, proud moments, disappointments, fears and weaknesses.
  • Listening and support. When two people care, they offer support when the other person feels vulnerable or afraid. They don't put down or insult their partner, even if they don't agree.

In this way, the relationship slowly evolves into a place of openness, trust and support, where each partner knows the other will be there when times get tough. Both feel loved and recognized for who they are.

In healthy, long-term relationships, couples often find that intense passion comes and goes. different time. But there is always closeness.

Sometimes, however, the couple loses intimacy. For adults, relationships can sometimes turn into what experts call "empty love." This means that the closeness and attraction they once felt is gone and they only stay together out of obligation.

Why do relationships end

Love is thin. It needs to be taken care of and nurtured if it lasts through time. Like friendships, relationships can fail if they aren't given enough time and attention.

This is one of the reasons why some couples may not be together, perhaps someone is so busy with work that they have little time for a relationship.

For some people, a couple can breed because things that are important to them change as they mature. Or maybe each person wants different things to come with a relationship. Sometimes both people realize that the relationship has come to an end; sometimes one person feels this way when the other doesn't.


The loss of love can be painful for everyone. But if this is your first real love and relationships end sooner than you want them to, the feeling of loss can be overwhelming.

Like feelings of passion on early stages relationships, the novelty and sadness of grief and loss can be intense and devastating. There's a reason why they call it broken hearted. When relationships end, people really need support.

The loss of a first love is not something we were emotionally prepared to deal with.

Support from close friends and members can help. If your heart is broken, find someone you can talk to who truly understands the pain you're living with..

It seems hard to believe when you lament that you might feel better. But gradually these feelings become less intense. Eventually, people move on to other relationships and experiences.

Romance gives us the opportunity to discover ourselves as we share something new. We explore what we love about ourselves, the things we want to change, the qualities and values ​​we look for in a partner.

Loving relationships teach us self-respect as well as respect for others.

is one of the most perfect things we can have in our lives. If romance hasn't found you yet, don't worry—there's plenty of time. AND the right person worth the wait.