How to open a kindergarten in an apartment. How to open a private kindergarten: a step by step guide

There is a shortage in Russia free places in municipal kindergartens. Not being able to organize a full-fledged child care, parents often choose private kindergartens. Since such a need still exists, it means that kindergarten can always find its clients. Nevertheless, the domestic system did its best to make the opening of this kind of business become real test entrepreneurial motivation and willpower.

The reason is simple - far from every businessman, not to mention private entrepreneurs, can afford to organize the legal work of a kindergarten.

But this is a business, which means that it will develop anyway.

Features of the business of a private kindergarten

The sphere of private institutions of preschool type is characterized by practically total absence competition. It is extremely difficult to find a legal kindergarten that is prestigious.

Mini-establishments of a semi-legal type often do not adhere to sanitary and other requirements. In addition, there are very few qualified personnel capable of providing the right approach to children.

But given the demand for quality service provision, the demand for services provided by private gardens has increased markedly over the past few years. The middle class takes seriously the issue of the quality of their children's education.

Accordingly, it is possible to form such a conclusion - a private kindergarten will be profitable. But do not expect that it will be very large, because here you will have to constantly spend money.

Depending on the mode of operation, level, location and other criteria, the cost of studying in such an institution can vary from 200 to 1000 dollars per month.

In the process of opening this kind of business, an entrepreneur is guaranteed to face the following problems:

  1. Obtaining a full package of permits and licenses.
  2. Accumulation of start-up capital or search for investors.
    A private kindergarten is a kind of business that makes a profit only after the opening is held.

    At the same time, a lot of money needs to be invested in it.

Development of a business plan, study of laws

When developing a business plan, you need to pay attention to the following costs:

  1. Registration of a non-profit organization or individual entrepreneur.
  2. Obtaining certificates from fire and sanitation services confirming the safety of the selected premises.
  3. Rent of real estate for the organization of a kindergarten.
  4. Cosmetic or complete renovation inside.
  5. Connection to water, sewer, electrical and other types of network.
  6. Purchase of accessories, appliances, toys, teaching materials and so on.

The exact amount of initial investment required to open such a business depends on a large number of factors. These are, for example, the cost of renting a room, the quantity and level of reliability of purchased materials, the amount of repair work.

You can't do without fixed costs.

  1. Deductions to tax services, payment wages staff.
  2. phone payment, utilities, internet.
  3. Monthly rental fee.
  4. Daily delivery of fresh food.
  5. Updating textbooks and other materials.

In the process of developing a business plan, you must first think about how to correctly name your type of activity with legal point vision. In fact, in domestic legislation there is no such form of activity as a private kindergarten.

Therefore, they are usually called "child development centers", "children's leisure centers" and so on.

It is also important to pay attention to the indication of the economic type of activity. Here you can indicate the code of the main activity - 80.10.3 ("Additional education for children") or 80.10.1 ("Services of preschool and primary general education").

It will not be superfluous to first familiarize yourself with the legislation. You will need to get a license. There are several reasons for this.

First, in this case the business owner will not work as an individual teacher - in any case, he needs the help of certified educators.

Secondly, a private kindergarten does not fall under the description in the "Regulations on Licensing Educational Activities", since it refers to institutions that provide services for organizing leisure, educational and developmental activities. Many people often rely on arguing that childcare activities are not licensed.

Unfortunately, this is not the case in the present case.

Starting capital, what benefits and support from the state and local authorities can be obtained

As stated above, there are only two sources for obtaining start-up capital:

  1. Equity.
  2. Private investors.

However, not every entrepreneur has enough money to organize his own garden. There is an alternative, third option - a loan.

A complete list of documents for obtaining it must first be specified at the financial institution itself, since different credit institutions offer their own lists of securities. Practice shows that the effectiveness of going to the bank is affected by the correctness of the business plan.

Independently, it is unlikely that it will be possible to correctly issue it from the point of view of the law. Therefore, you will need to seek the help of lawyers.

Another question that aspiring entrepreneurs ask is is it possible to take advantage of certain benefits from the local municipality or government services? Unfortunately, on the territory Russian Federation a standardized program aimed at supporting private kindergartens has not been developed and implemented.

Accordingly, benefits and subsidies are completely absent. The bank can improve the conditions for granting a loan if the client draws up a good business plan. Support may also come from private investors.

To fully optimize the activities of the kindergarten, it is recommended to provide parents with a large number of options. additional services. It will be very good if parents are offered to take their children to a weekend group, sports section, creative circle and so on.

Learn how to open a private kindergarten from the video.

Registration and choice of taxation system

According to the current legislation, to carry out educational activities Maybe individual entrepreneur or legal entity. In the latter case, you must register using the code 80.10.1 or 80.10.3.

Please note that registration of a kindergarten must be carried out exactly as an institution, and not as a “kindergarten”, “school”, and so on. A legal entity is required to register in a non-commercial form.

The registration procedure is carried out at the representative office of the Federal Registration Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. Legislation limits the period for consideration of the application - it is one month from the date of filing.

After the application is submitted, you will have to agree on the specifics of the activity with the authorities, go through the procedure for registering with the tax service, the representative office of state statistics, as well as extra-budgetary funds. There are three of the latter at once - compulsory and social, medical insurance, and also pension.

An important point: for a full-fledged opening, you will have to obtain a special license. The Department of Education, in cooperation with the local municipality, will help with this.

It’s worth clarifying right away - obtaining a license is a troublesome and lengthy task. However, this task is mandatory.

Educational activities carried out without proper permission are illegal. This is subject to criminal liability.

For entrepreneurs who want to speed up the procedure as much as possible, there is one trick. In this case, the institution can be positioned as a training or developmental children's center.

No license is required to perform such activities. But do not rejoice - any check from the relevant authorities (SES and so on) can cause a number of problems.

Indeed, in practice it will be difficult to explain why children's beds and other attributes of the garden are installed in the training center. It is noteworthy that the check comes to the place without prior notice.

In any case, such a solution to the problem of licensing activities is highly undesirable.

As far as taxes are concerned, experts argue that the patent/simplified system is the best option.

To switch to it, you must go through the following stages:

  • open a new account in any bank;
  • register with the tax authority, whose representative office is located at the location of the garden;
  • register an LLC or individual entrepreneur with the FSS and the PFR;
  • choose a taxation system. For example, a patent.

Required documents to open a private kindergarten: license, permits

Let's start with the license.

To obtain it, you must submit the following documents:

  • premises lease agreement;
  • the results of the inspection carried out by the sanitary and fire services, in which it is written that the room fully complies with the requirements for kindergartens;
  • certificate of registration;
  • charter of LLC;
  • educational program;
  • documentation confirming the availability of specialized literature for training;
  • information about the number of children, teaching staff, and so on.

As for the documents that allow you to proceed to the direct registration of an institution, in this case the list may differ.

In the list below, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with those papers that will definitely be needed during this procedure:

  1. Licensing documentation.
  2. Official permission from Rospotrebnadzor to organize a kindergarten.
  3. Conclusions of sanitary and epidemiological inspections of Rospotrebnadzor for safety.
  4. A production control program that includes checking the effectiveness of compliance sanitary norms and fulfillment of the tasks set by Rospotrebnadzor.
  5. Conclusion of contracts related to planned sanitary services - disinfestation, disinfection, deratization, waste disposal, and so on.
    A complete list of contracts will be indicated when submitting documents.
  6. Intraorganizational and accompanying documentation.

Given the fact that full package documents can be made in individually, you need to immediately prepare for the fact that the collection of all necessary conclusions, contracts and other papers will be delayed for long time. It will not be superfluous to seek help from lawyers who can help collect all the papers as quickly as possible.

Premises for opening a private kindergarten, its arrangement

The search and further preparation of premises for a kindergarten is a difficult stage on the way to organizing a business. SNiP provides for a number of requirements for preschool institutions, which must be observed.

For example, each student must have at least six square meters own area. The garden should also contain at least three rooms - a dining room, a bedroom and a playroom.

However, from a practical point of view, many more rooms will be required - a locker room, a gym, a catering department, a manager's office, and so on.

The walls must be covered with moisture-resistant paint, the floors must be heated. In theory, a kindergarten can be opened in a country house or apartment.

But most optimal solution is renting a public kindergarten. The reason is simple - all the rules and requirements are met here.

It is prohibited to purchase such premises. The municipality is usually willing to rent them out for a short period of one to three years. The lease agreement can be extended in the future.

Kindergarten Recruitment

For the full functioning of the kindergarten, the following specialists are required:

  1. Health worker.
  2. Babysitters.
  3. Educators.
  4. Head.
  5. Cook.
  6. Cleaning woman.

If you want to create an elite institution, you will additionally need a psychologist, a driver with transport, a coach, and security guards. The main focus is on the qualifications of teachers.

According to market analysis, in most establishments of this kind, the owners focus on proprietary methods for development and education. As a result, correct selection team is almost the most milestone, because even with all the required documents, the institution will not work properly.

Professionals must ensure the quality level of training of children.


Organization proper diet nutrition should be carried out by appropriate specialists. To obtain the most effective results, you can conclude an agreement with catering establishments.

However, you need to make sure that all products are approved for consumption by children.

You can also discuss the diet with the cook who will work in the kindergarten.

On decision this issue usually takes a few days. Having made any - even the smallest mistake, you risk creating serious problems for your institution.

After all, representatives of Rospotrebnadzor can achieve the termination of the garden as a whole.

Attracting potential customers

The potential profit directly depends on the number of children who will attend the kindergarten. The strategy for attracting customers is being worked out even during the preparation of a business plan. Its implementation begins from the moment the kindergarten is opened and the appropriate license is obtained.

The most effective ways to attract customers are as follows:

  1. Distribution of leaflets to residents of the district or microdistrict in which the educational institution is located.
  2. Advertising in children's clinics, leisure sites, children's stores and so on.
  3. Contextual advertising on the Internet.
    It will be most effective if the display is focused on specialized thematic portals.
  4. Advertising in the media.

Costs, income, risks

All items of expenses, income and risks are indicated in the business plan. Depending on the class of the institution, from one client you can demand from 200 to 1500 dollars.

Expenses go to pay wages, utilities, rent of premises, repairs in it, arrangement. The main risk is the lack required amount children.

However, they can be minimized by regular promotions and constant advertising on special sites.

A tour of the home kindergarten is shown in the video.

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Private kindergartens are one of the most relevant services in many cities. It will take a lot of effort to open a preschool educational institution based on an apartment or house, the costs pay off for a long time, but the business idea is worth it.

What does it take to open a private kindergarten?

To obtain permission to open a private kindergarten in an apartment or house, an entrepreneur should study all the requirements of state authorities. Individuals, legal entities (their associations), with the exception of foreign religious organizations, have the right to create such an educational organization. The organizational and legal form can be different: individual entrepreneur, legal entity (commercial organization), non-profit organization. The first form is the easiest to register. The maximum occupancy of the kindergarten for individual entrepreneurs is 30 children. With the second and third options, it’s a little more difficult, but it’s allowed to increase the number of pupils and engage in additional types activities, it is easier to attract investments. It is impossible to distribute profit between the founders of non-profit kindergartens, it is entirely used for reinvestment. After registering their activities, an entrepreneur needs to complete many tasks. First of all, you need to get permission from many government agencies, register with the tax, extra-budgetary funds (Pension, FFOMS). If you open a kindergarten as a non-profit organization (and its founders will include at least 2 commercial organizations), then it is necessary to inform about the registration of the enterprise no later than 45 days later.

Advice: the educational program for a private kindergarten must comply with the Federal State Standard for Preschool Education.

How to open a private kindergarten: where to start?

The first stage of opening a private kindergarten is the search for a room that is suitable in all respects. If a kindergarten is organized in a non-residential building, then its location is presented individual requirements. It should be located away from highways, the roadway (at least 25 m), located inside the block, there should be no power lines above the room. It is also forbidden to have a heating point nearby, to place main pipelines, sewers, water pipes, heating, and main engineering networks pass through the territory of the kindergarten. All requirements for kindergartens that open in non-residential premises are in the "Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Organization of the Working Mode of Preschool Educational Organizations". Particular attention must be paid fire safety private kindergarten:

  • it is necessary to draw up protocols for measuring the strength of the insulation of wires, electrical equipment;
  • acts of checking the performance of fire-fighting systems, means;
  • develop an evacuation plan in accordance with GOST R12.2.143-2009;
  • comply with the requirements of the "Rules for the fire regime in the Russian Federation", develop a fire declaration.

You also need to select organizational form activities, obtain permission from the relevant control services and draw up a competent business plan. A special approach is needed when choosing staff. It is important that highly qualified specialists who know the specifics of working in a private kindergarten work in such a preschool institution. Children's attractions are not allowed on its territory. Parents will be able to devote time to entertainment with their children on the weekend (walks, flights to, etc.).

How to open a private kindergarten in an apartment without a license?

If a kindergarten is opened in a house or apartment, then the latter must comply with the requirements of some regulatory documents:

  • "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for preschool groups located in residential premises of the housing stock”;
  • Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia No. 288 dated 04/24/13.

The basic requirements for an apartment, a house where a private kindergarten will be opened, can be formulated as follows: dense building, availability of transport lines, 3 large rooms(bedroom, dining room, game room), a spacious hall and a bathroom of appropriate size, the consent of the neighbors. There are also specific requirements for the parameters of the room.

  1. Ceiling height not less than 2.8 m.
  2. The area must be at least 200 m².
  3. The presence of 2 exits from the premises.
  4. Wide and tall windows for natural light.
  5. The presence of a basement (ground floor), but there should not be an individual heating unit or parking.
  6. Well functioning water supply, heating, power supply, sewerage.

Even if the founder of a home kindergarten will have a pedagogical education, hired personnel are needed for full-fledged work. At a minimum, you will have to hire a full-time assistant teacher, as well as a music director, physical education instructor, teacher additional education(possible at 0.25 rates). If funds are available, it is better to expand the staff by additionally inviting a teacher-psychologist, a methodologist, a nurse, an accountant, a housekeeper, a cleaner.

To carry out its activities, a private kindergarten must be licensed by the Department or the Committee of Education. If you ignore this requirement, the entrepreneur will be punished. You can open in an apartment or house without a license only a preschool organization that works part-time in the format, for example, development, studio, thematic circles, as well as organize children's leisure, conduct trainings, seminars, and provide consultations. But they do not need permission to provide educational services only if they do not pass certification and do not issue documents on education. The procedure for obtaining a license for a private kindergarten is very troublesome and expensive (about 170,000 rubles), but its availability will give the right to compensation for the costs associated with the implementation of the main educational program, targeted subsidies.

How to open a private kindergarten at home: a business plan

The activities of an honest kindergarten are aimed at providing quality educational services and making a profit. For an example of calculating investment investments, consider a financial project of a preschool organization designed to train 100 children a year. In this case, investments will reach approximately 2 million rubles. They will pay for themselves in about 2 years. As it does not fit, large investments are required.

A preschool educational institution is aimed at ensuring the early socialization of children, their comprehensive development taking into account individual features and opportunities. educational process must be organized in accordance with state educational standards. At the same time, the requests of parents and the interests of children should be taken into account.

Strategies advertising campaign a private kindergarten based on an apartment or a separate room still need to think about preparatory stage and implement before the opening of the institution. There are several ways to advertise your services:

  • direct distribution of leaflets, including email residents of the city, especially those who live in the microdistrict where the garden is located;
  • placement of printed advertisements on playgrounds, in children's clinics, toy stores;
  • radio advertising;
  • contextual advertising on the Internet (special emphasis should be placed on thematic sites).

It is important to pay special attention to the optimization of the work of a private kindergarten, the flexibility of programs and services, for example, to form groups with different conditions payment, weekend groups, leisure activities for the whole family, open thematic circles. The garden can operate full or part-time. You will need to purchase furniture, plumbing, dishes, bedding, didactic materials, toys, stationery, and household supplies. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of high-quality equipment: teaching aids, medicines, kitchen utensils, sports equipment. Separate items of expenditure are drawn up for the purchase of food, payment of wages, utility costs, operating costs, taxes. The minimum level of equipping a kindergarten will require an amount of about 750,000 rubles at the initial stage. According to approximate calculations, an entrepreneur will need up to 1 million rubles to open a kindergarten with an area of ​​​​400-500 m².

Advice: the income of an entrepreneur directly depends on the conditions that he offers.

Risk points in the work of a private garden:

Private kindergartens that work full time

Short Stay Preschools

1. Compliance with nutrition and safety standards 1. Compliance educational programs
2. Security quality products nutrition 2. Overcoming the stereotypes of most parents regarding the quality of such education
3. Medical control 3. Transparency of work
4. Compliance with the vaccination schedule, medical examination of employees
5. Financial accessibility for pupils
6. Proper documentation (on nutrition, laying food, write-off and storage)
7. Financial responsibility

Even in the absence of investments, there are many ways to earn income, for example, surfing the Internet, looking for a job on. With minimal financial costs, it is quite possible to develop as a business,.

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Before investing in a private kindergarten, an entrepreneur should learn more about the features of running such a business. It requires significant costs and is more social. Most of the time, it takes a few years to recoup the costs. In order to find a premises suitable for all standards, good personnel, to obtain permits, you will have to spend a lot of effort, and you can really get net income many months after opening.

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And why this market is waiting for big changes.

To bookmarks

An example of equipping a modern private garden

What is private preschool education? I will not talk about nannies and tutors, but I will take only organized communities that provide services for the education and development of children.

  • Children's clubs or children's centers - they provide services for conducting classes for preschoolers on a variety of topics from English to Pilates. The program is made up of dozens of different scraps and is constantly changing, just as demand and fashion change. Classes last from 20 to 40 minutes and are either paid one-time or purchased by subscription.
  • Private kindergartens or care and supervision groups are already full-fledged kindergartens with permanent teachers and an established schedule of classes. Children are in kindergarten from 8 am to 7 pm or even longer. Payment is made for the whole day or half a day. Sometimes additional classes are also paid - like in a kids club.

The difference between a club and a kindergarten is gigantic. Nothing in common, except for the relation to the sphere social services they do not have. The club is a streaming story that needs an average of 100-150 customers per month to exist. It is very easy to attract parents to the club, but it is difficult to keep them. It is easier for a club to recoup its initial expenses and reach profitability already in the first or second month, but a stable income for most clubs is a very difficult and almost unrealistic goal.

Kindergarten is more difficult to organize, it needs more time to reach zero, and the kindergarten will have to attract the first customers with great difficulty. But worth picking up minimal amount children for self-sufficiency, and all the advantages of this particular service will become clear.

LTV of a client in a Moscow private kindergarten of an average level is 120-150 thousand. Each child who comes to the kindergarten after it reaches profitability brings from 80% to 90% of the net profit to the owner of the kindergarten. I am very familiar with the market of kindergartens, so I will continue my story only about them.

How the market is changing

Six years ago, when we opened the first kindergarten in Moscow, the market was at such a level that you could just make a nice picture and a cozy atmosphere in the kindergarten, not be rude to customers, feed the children deliciously and not scold them. It made you just head and shoulders above everyone else.

The first kindergarten cost a total of 800 thousand rubles of investments at the time of opening and another 800 thousand rubles for the first year of operation. We spent 180 thousand rubles on renting a house for two months, we spent 120 thousand rubles on furniture, 250 thousand rubles on cosmetic repairs, 150 thousand rubles on toys and didactics, 100 thousand rubles on advertising, equipment and wall painting in the house. By the beginning of the second year of work, the kindergarten was completely filled and had already paid for itself.

That first garden

Of course, in such conditions, those who wanted to cut down easy money immediately appeared. In the area where we started in 2012, there were two private kindergartens. By the middle of 2013 there were 11 of them, and in 2014 there were already 22 of them. Now there are 26 of them, and the number is constantly jumping.

This oversaturation of the market affected everything. Widespread denunciations to the controlling authorities from competing neighbors, an overheated contextual advertising market, tortured customers - they simply could not look through all the options they were interested in.

The owners of the gardens did not think about how to make their own developmental program and a combined plan for pupils, but how to rip off a competitor's banner from a gazelle at a nearby intersection. In 2014–2016, the market was actively developing, choosing best forms, concepts and approaches to preschool development.

In 2017, the trend was taken for the final death of obsolete private kindergartens. It is enough to look at the ads on Avito and see what a huge number of private gardens are for sale. Many franchise points are being closed, and the rest are rebranding and actively modernizing the program and equipment.

State regulation

  • Private kindergarten is just the name of the service. It is not fixed anywhere, it is not described by anyone. A private kindergarten can be an individual entrepreneur, LLC, ANO, CHOU, NOU, NOCHU and any other NPO. A private kindergarten does not require a license. There are two different services in the legal field - childcare (without a license) and pre-school education (only with a license).
  • Private kindergartens come with and without a license for educational activities in any PPP. Formally, if a private garden does not have a license, it is impossible to train in it. And training, according to the Law on Education, is an activity for the implementation of educational programs with a final assessment. That is, you can conduct classes in game form, without the involvement of approved methodological literature and quietly work without a license. And, for example, if none of the programs suits you, and you use a bunch of elements from both the Federal State Educational Standards programs and foreign methods, then you will have to prove everything in court if the prosecutor's office is pointed at you.
  • Obtaining a license, the owner of a private kindergarten spends a huge amount of nerves, time and money. The result is simply protection from prosecutorial checks. In practice, all good kindergartens work according to their own adapted programs, which are better not to show when obtaining a license, but to take any official GEF program, throw out everything that is simply impossible to implement from it, and proudly declare that "we work according to GEF" . The system is very strange and creates more problems than good. The unified standard is hopelessly outdated, and the state continues to demand it. As a result, none of the best kindergartens work according to pure GEF methods (even in state kindergartens), but everyone pretends to work.
  • The license says absolutely nothing about the quality of the service. It does not guarantee that the child will receive knowledge, that he will be treated well, or that the kitchen is always clean and tasty. A license for a private kindergarten is now an element of protecting your business and part of a promotion strategy. In the current realities, kindergartens with a license use it exclusively as an element of advertising and actively slander competitors: “But we have a license.”
  • The government helps private educational organizations(NPO) and organizations equated to them (LLC). The subsidy for a child in Moscow is 3,000 rubles per month. In the Moscow region - from 3,000 rubles to 18,000 rubles, depending on the area. NGOs in without fail receive a subsidy, LLCs receive a subsidy only if they are very lucky. In Moscow and the Moscow region, I know only a few cases when an LLC has taken a subsidy. As far as I know, there is no subsidy for individual entrepreneurs in the Moscow region. But, getting up on a subsidy, a kindergarten loses the right to apply special tax regimes, therefore, for Moscow and most regions of the Moscow Region, the subsidy does not even close to cover the costs associated with the transition, for example, with PSN.
  • To obtain a license, you need to pass the SES check (easy) and Rospotrebnadzor (long and expensive). If the kindergarten is an LLC or an individual entrepreneur, it should not be tested by firefighters.

In my experience, most of the best private kindergartens in Moscow operated without a license for the first few years. Many of them later received it, but did so solely in order to be protected from sudden checks. Many kindergartens operate without a license today, and this does not make them worse or better than others.

It was all written to justify one simple thought- state regulation of the market preschool development now it is a vestige that gives rise to a lot of myths and legends and prevents business owners from concentrating on the main thing - the quality education of children.

If private garden wants to be successful - he must focus on his final client, and not blindly do everything that the state has charged him with.

Business Mathematics in 2018

Below I will give a rough example of the cost of a good 300m² project. Actual for Moscow and the Moscow region.

  • Premises for rent. 250-300 thousand rubles with a communal apartment. You can find cheaper, and there are always options much more expensive. It is better to take a room with repairs and a fire alarm.
  • Premises renovation. If you took shell and core. 4–6 million rubles will be spent on a final repair, excluding specialized equipment.
  • Furniture . There are three options here. You can buy standard furniture for kindergartens. It will cost 150-300 thousand rubles, depending on the quality of the products. Can be ordered designer cribs, chairs, lockers - this is already 300-600 thousand rubles for a complete set. Can you order furniture from various masters turnkey equipment. These masters are educators who adapt the space for children and do everything in the same style. Such projects start from 700 thousand rubles and reach several million rubles.
  • Wall painting. A good kindergarten should be fun and interesting. To paint the walls in such a room will cost from 120 thousand rubles.

An example of the complex equipment of kindergarten spaces

  • Equip the kitchen. A set of equipment and utensils starts from 150 thousand rubles for a kindergarten in three groups.
  • Didactic materials for the first year of work. 120 thousand rubles, if not much saving.
  • Toilet area. 100 thousand rubles with work.
  • Payroll for the first time. Salary of teachers (50-35 thousand rubles a month), three nannies (35 thousand rubles a month), a cook (35 thousand rubles a month) and visiting teachers (five people - each 20 thousand rubles a month). If the owner does not manage the business, then in the first month a manager is needed - this is another 50 thousand rubles.
  • Loss coverage. Kindergarten in Moscow goes to zero on average for three to six months. Therefore, it is worth laying down two to four full monthly kindergarten budgets to cover losses.
  • Advertising budget. 50 thousand rubles a month.
  • Taxes. Patent - 18 thousand rubles a year (for Moscow).
  • And you will definitely want to buy a set of very cool Japanese microfiber rugs or china mugs for guests.

In general, spending is different, sometimes they seem very stupid, but if a person wants it so much, then why not. After all, a private kindergarten is the most personal business I know, and if the owner does not like it, such a project is difficult to save.

To reach self-sufficiency in a private kindergarten, 15 to 20 children should attend. The payback period for an average budget of 4 million rubles: 2–2.5 years with not too good performance. Net profit from the second year of work - from 250 thousand rubles.

Even ordinary hand washing can be turned into an adventure.

What will happen next

Now the trend is in preschool education shifted from beautiful picture towards quality content. There are many wonderful kindergartens on the market, but there are very, very few places where they really do preschool development of children.

In the largest educational projects Moscow has already managed to assemble teams professional educators and they are gradually spreading the idea of ​​a new quality education for children.

Now the trend is to abandon authoritarian pedagogy in kindergarten and develop a modular approach to educational activities, when each child can choose what he will do. Courses are being created for teachers of a new formation, previously unpopular concepts are being adapted - regio, peer education and many others.

The next 3-4 years will be the time when most of the old kindergartens will finally die out, where they communicate with the client as with an enemy and where educators cannot formulate even a couple of lines.

Salaries of teachers good kindergartens in Moscow are already growing by 15-20% per year, and the demand for progressive specialists is simply huge. There are many concepts of preschool development, each of which has gone its own way and is actively developing - the state will have to accept this and introduce new licensing schemes for educational activities. At least I really hope so.

Here we will consider an article on how to open a kindergarten, what is needed for this, a business plan for opening it.

In your city, district, village, there are queues for kindergartens, or perhaps there are none at all? If yes, then this means that you have the opportunity to open your own private business to provide you with these types of always needed services, even at home. What nuances exist here, what requirements will you have to comply with, how much money will you need to open a private kindergarten, what income can you count on? We will tell you about all this in this article.

Business Plan Example

We present you a ready-made example of a business plan for a private kindergarten with calculations and an area of ​​500 sq. m with figures for Moscow:

Starting costs

  • Repair (first year) - from 100 thousand rubles.
  • Fire-fighting equipment and alarm systems - installation of 30-50 thousand rubles, maintenance - about 100 thousand rubles. in year.
  • Kindergarten security (contract with a private security company) - 1 million rubles. in year.
  • Furniture, equipment, inventory, toys, dishes, etc. - from 5 million rubles.

Current expenses

  • Room rental - approximately 500 thousand rubles. per month.
  • Utilities - 80 thousand rubles.
  • Meals (40 pupils + lunches for 20 employees) - 200 thousand rubles,
  • food for 1 child - 4250 rubles.
  • Consumables for kindergarten (per month): depends on the intensity of work (about 60 thousand rubles).
  • Salaries of employees, bonus fund, social package - 1.1 million rubles, including taxes and deductions to the state.
  • Advertising - from 100 thousand rubles.


  • Entrance fee - 68 thousand rubles each.
  • The monthly fee (9 months/year) for 40 children in kindergarten is about 25 million rubles.
  • Additional kindergarten income:
    • short-term group (occupancy of 8 children) - 500 thousand rubles. in year;
    • individual lessons - from 100 thousand rubles. in year.

Minimum staff

  • 2 teachers and a nanny (for each group);
  • music director;
  • speech therapist;
  • psychologist;
  • 3 kitchen staff;
  • 2 nurses;
  • street cleaner;
  • building worker.

Instructions how to open

Your kindergarten can be both a Non-State Educational Institution (NOE) and a home kindergarten. If you have chosen the option with LEU, then you must take into account the cost of renting the premises, because because of it, your business may become unprofitable. In particular, this case concerns Moscow.

Procedure for NOU:

  1. Register a kindergarten with the justice authorities as a NOU (“non-state educational institution”). This procedure takes a month.
  2. Perform tax registration.
  3. Search for premises and conclude a long-term lease (or purchase and sale) agreement.
  4. Repair it and re-equip it in accordance with the norms of the SES and the State Fire Supervision.
  5. You get the conclusion of the SES and firefighters on the compliance of the premises with all necessary standards.
  6. Create a kindergarten charter, staffing table, select staff.
  7. Obtain a license for educational activities from the Department of Education.

To obtain a kindergarten license, you will need:

Registration certificate;

  • Copy of the charter;
  • A copy of the lease agreement for the premises (certificate of ownership);
  • Conclusion of the SES;
  • Conclusion of the State Fire Supervision;
  • Kindergarten educational program;
  • Certificate of availability of material and technical base for the implementation of educational activities;
  • Staffing and information about teachers;
  • Information about the number of pupils, etc.

If you decide to make a kindergarten at home, then you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur. Such a kindergarten does not require a license, and the requirements are much lower. For example, a possible fine from the SES in the case of an individual entrepreneur will cost 1,000-3,000 rubles, and for an NOU - 20-40 thousand rubles.

As a rule, kindergartens opened in apartments are balancing on the border of legality: it is almost impossible to bring an apartment in full compliance with fire safety requirements. In addition, such an apartment may violate Article 17 of the Housing Code. If we talk about profit, then in this case it will again not be on your side, because. more than 6-10 children in the apartment you will not be able to bring up.

The best option for a home kindergarten would be to use a cottage. In it, you will be able to educate 40-50 people, and at the same time bring everything to the required safety standards. The best option would be to register you as an individual entrepreneur, and name the kindergarten as the Child Development Center (CRC) or the Child Care Center (CCC).

Algorithm of actions for kindergarten at home:

  • Find a premise and conclude a long-term lease (or purchase and sale) agreement.
  • Register as an IP.
  • Carry out tax registration.
  • Do repairs and re-equipment in accordance with the norms of SES and Gospozhnadzor (without registration with these bodies).
  • Equip the kindergarten with everything you need (furniture, inventory, educational aids, supplies, toys).
  • Select staff.
  • Conduct a preliminary search for customers, advertising.


Any kindergarten staff, even the most professional, needs initially close attention. A probationary period must be mandatory.

You will need the following staff:

  • caregiver. He must inspire confidence and respect in his parents, speak the same “social language” with them and must have a specialized education.
  • Methodist. Must have experience working with children in a public kindergarten, be well versed in existing methods, know their weaknesses and strengths, cooperate with parents, be able to assess the child's abilities.
  • Psychologist. Od should not be too young and have experience in kindergarten, master the methods of psychology.
  • Director. Must be directly related to pedagogy and be a specialist.
  • Household worker. Any household worker (for example, a cleaner) should treat your kindergarten as if it were their own household, be economical, and be able to work with an irregular schedule.

Employee retention and development

Any modern woman, who is endowed with an entrepreneurial gift, more and more often there is a desire to open a kindergarten, especially if she becomes a mother herself. Such an idea of ​​implementing this project may become even more desirable and obvious for her after 2 years from the date of birth of the child. Here are some tips to help you create this responsible and risky business:

  1. If you have never worked in this field of education in your life, then you will definitely need to take a person who has experience in administrative and pedagogical activities. He will help you choose a room for a kindergarten, equip it, form a team and decide on the choice of educational methods.
  2. You will need to justify your choice of location. What this means is that if this kindergarten is your property, then you are very lucky, because. you do not have to think about payments for it and other points associated with it. But if the premises do not belong to you, then you will have to bear additional risks. Therefore, immediately build good relations with the landlord, try to make him your like-minded person, especially since raising children is a social responsibility.
  3. From the very beginning of your business, a representative of the sanitary and epidemiological service will have to become your friend and main consultant in compliance with all the required SanPin standards that relate to the arrangement of buildings and premises, canteens. Thanks to this, you will avoid trouble, the risks of closing your kindergarten.
  4. Remember that knowing the intricacies, legal issues and tax issues in the field of educational services will allow you to more effectively develop and strengthen your business.
  5. Do not forget about the ratio of income and expenses. It may be a good practice to introduce an "entry fee" along with the monthly fee for your educational services.
  6. In order to reduce the risks, open a small kindergarten first, perhaps even with groups short stay children.