How to return a stretched woolen thing to its original appearance. How to stretch a thing from wool. What to do if an item is damaged

The woolen thing is very convenient in application. Such products almost do not wrinkle, provide warmth, are resistant to dirt, but if the woolen thing has sat down after washing - how to fix it? In such situations, use effective methods helping to return original view product.

Why does wool shrink after washing?

Man wishing to have in wardrobe woolen products, must know the features of caring for them, as well as some secrets that allow you to return things to their original size in case of shrinkage or stretching when washing. But for all its advantages, the material has a major drawback - shrinkage during improper washing.

If you take care of woolen things incorrectly, they can easily be spoiled, as they are prone to deformation. However, if the woolen fabric shrinks during washing, it remains possible to restore the item.

Woolen material and things from it are quite delicate and require special washing, drying and care conditions. If you do not follow certain precautions, then, having washed your clothes once, you will notice that the woolen thing has sat down after processing.

Woolen items can stretch or shrink if washed at a temperature of 30 degrees or more, certain types of powder with excess alkali can also cause deformation of things.

Delicate garments washed on the normal spin cycle or dried quickly using heaters cannot be returned to their original appearance after such manipulations.

With the advent of automatic washing machines, the shrinkage of woolen garments has become frequent. The situation when a woolen jacket sat down after washing is familiar to every second person. As a result of improper processing, an adult item may be reduced to the size of a children's product. Then it is unlikely that it will be possible to save it and restore it to its previous state.

Shrinkage or stretching of wool is associated with the fact that similarly human hair, the wool fiber is covered with scales that undergo deformation when exposed to hot water. When the fabric enters the water, the flakes of the fibers straighten out, and during processing and aggressive spinning they interlock. It is this process that leads to a decrease in the size of the washed clothes. A similar situation can occur when ironing a wool garment using steam.

Exists big number methods that can help to deal with the problem of changing the size of woolen items and straightening the fibers.

Universal ways to save shrunken woolen products

Many people are interested in the problem of what to do if a woolen jacket, coat, mittens or dress has sat down.

by the most in a simple way, which can be used at home, is rinsing things in cold water and further drying on a hanger. The water flowing from the thing will allow it to stretch and return to its original shape. There is one caveat to this method. In order to avoid excessive stretching of the sleeves and edges, it is necessary to periodically wring them out slightly.

The second way is to place a wet knitted item on a large piece of dense material, fastening and equalizing along the edges. In this position, the item should dry on the surface of the fabric.

If you need more radical ways to correct the situation, you must use vinegar. To do this, a solution is prepared with proportions of 2: 1, in which the thing is immersed, it is left in it for several hours. Next, the solution is poured into a container and the thing in it is boiled for 30 minutes. When drying things, it is necessary to periodically stretch it to right size.

What can be done with reduced socks and mittens?

If small things, such as socks or mittens, are deformed and reduced in size, then there are also ways to return them to the previous size using peroxide, cold water, vinegar and other means.

To begin with, socks (mittens) are re-soaked in water using conditioner, hair balm or fabric softener. Someone resorts to the use of products such as hydrogen peroxide or ammonia at the rate of one tablespoon per 5 liters of liquid.

The shrunken part of the wardrobe should be in the prepared solution for about an hour, after which they must be carefully wrung out (without twisting), but not washed, and put on, stretched according to the figure. The procedure is unpleasant, but it is what will allow things to take shape.

How to pull out pants?

The quality and size of trousers often suffer, which will also be restored special methods. Containing natural thread, track pants stretch after washing. Stretching can be done in width or length, depending on the degree of shrinkage.

To dry shrunken pants, they are placed on a towel until complete drying.
If they have not quite returned to their size, then you can periodically sprinkle with water and stretch again in the right direction.

Unlike sweatpants, which stretch quite easily, trousers can be more difficult to restore. First of all, it is important to determine where the shrinkage of the fabric occurred, for which the object can be put on. To stretch the place where the trousers have shrunk, considerable effort must be made. If they have become shorter, then it may be necessary for the participation of two people, one of whom will take them by the bottom, and the second by the top.

If you need to stretch your pants in width, then you can put on thick tights and try to pull wet pants on top. So you need to walk for at least 15 minutes. It is recommended to dry trousers without the use of heaters and batteries.

In general, to prevent shrinkage of pants and trousers, it is necessary to carefully study the requirements for caring for a shrunken item and wash clothes using gentle modes.

How to restore the header

A piece of clothing such as a hat can also suffer from shrinkage, taking a size a couple of points smaller. The first thing a person decides when faced with such a situation is the purchase of a new headgear.

In this case, a method of stretching clothes can also come to the rescue. To do this, the cap is again placed in water and remains there for a short time. After that, it must be carefully squeezed out, if necessary, then use a towel for this purpose.

For the following steps, you need an object that is close to the shape and size of the head, allowing you to stretch the hat. The thing should dry out precisely on this subject, if it is a little larger than the head, then this is not scary. After drying, the headdress will certainly take on its former appearance and stretch.


The saddest thing is when the coat shrinks after washing, because the clothes are more expensive and heavy. The coat also needs to be soaked again. Squeeze out most of the water gently without twisting the product. The main thing is that the water does not flow in a stream.

The item of clothing is placed to dry on a thick terry towel in a horizontal form, blotting on top with another towel. The coat is pre-stretched slightly to fit the previous size. Towels should be changed during the drying process to prevent bad smell from a thing.


Often woolen things become favorite, they are put on every day in order to constantly be warm and cozy. But from your cleaning and washing sweater and blouses lose their shape. Even the delicate mode of the washing machine does not guarantee an excellent result.

matted sweater try to restore as follows. For ten liters of soap solution add three tablespoons ammonia and one tablespoon of turpentine. Soak a woolen cloth in this solution. sweater for a day. Then rinse in cool water with the addition of a special conditioner. Dry the product by wrapping it in a terry towel. Change your towel when it gets wet.

You can make another solution to return sweater have the previous look. Take ten liters of soapy warm water, add three tablespoons of ammonia and a spoonful of ordinary alcohol. Rinse the product in this mixture and leave for a day. Rinse gently and thoroughly warm water, press lightly. Lay on a flat surface covered with a clean cloth. Not waiting when sweater dry, iron it with an iron, while stretching it to its original size.

If the thing is not badly damaged, you can restore its original appearance by washing in the water where it was soaked. Warm up some water and soak it in sweater, wring out lightly and again immerse in the solution. Lay a terry towel on the table, lay the product on it, giving it correct form.

Woolen sweater With greasy spot wash in mustard infusion. Pound one glass of dry product in water to a liquid slurry. Strain the solution through cheesecloth so that large pieces do not come across in it. Add the mixture to warm water (40-50 degrees) and let stand for 2-3 hours. This product can be used to wash wool sweater without the addition of other substances.

Knitwear after such a wash sits less and sheds. Just before rinsing, add one teaspoon of ammonia to ten liters of water.

Once white sweater can be restored if you hold it for a day in water, where sliced ​​\u200b\u200blemon slices lie.

Glossy woolen elbows sweater and iron through a cloth that you soak in a solution of vinegar, where one part is acid and two is water.


  • Restoring matted woolen items

If sweater after washing it has decreased by a size, you can try to return it to its original form. A new wash in more gentle conditions, gentle stretching and proper drying.

You will need

  • - soft detergent;
  • - conditioner for delicate fabrics;
  • - terry towels.


Examine the damaged item carefully. Pure wool sweater or model containing a large number of wool fibers, does not tolerate machine washing. Harms woolen clothes and hot water. If the pullover is hopelessly rolled up and the structure resembles a felt boot, most likely it can no longer be saved. But slightly smaller sweater with the addition of cotton, viscose or synthetic fibers is possible.

To restore the thing, it will have to be washed again, best by hand. Dilute in a basin a mild detergent, gel or powder, suitable for wool. The water should be slightly warm - no higher than 40 degrees. It is important not only to wash sweater how much to properly wet it and soften the fibers. Rinse the item in water at the same temperature with the addition of a fabric softener.

Remove excess water by squeezing sweater. Don't twist it. Roll the wet thing into a thick terry towel. If the pullover is very voluminous and made of thick fluffy threads You will need two towels.

When finished, unfold sweater on a flat surface. Gently stretch the canvas with your hands, returning it to its original shape. Be especially careful with openwork models. Pull out the sleeves, making them the same length. Smooth out the bottom line.

Spread out sweater on a folded sheet or dry towel and leave it to dry completely. Straighten all the folds and trim elements - collar, cuffs, pocket flaps.

Another option for stretching involves drying sweater but directly on the body. After squeezing things with towels, put it on and wear it for at least half an hour. After that sweater can be removed and laid out for drying on a dry towel.

Do not hang the item on a coat hanger or throw it over the clothesline. From this sweater may stretch a little, but it is possible that it will deform and acquire uneven wavy edges.

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Helpful advice

Take care of the safety of other things from your wardrobe. Carefully study the label - if it has a sign that prohibits washing, do not risk it - the clothes will probably suffer.

Knitwear, beautiful and warm, helps us a lot in winter and in cold weather. These are comfortable and practical clothes, but it is better to clean them in a dry cleaner. If this is not possible, then keep in mind that sweater, knitted from pure wool yarn must be washed very carefully. This is due to the properties of wool, which tends to shrink greatly if the washing conditions are not maintained.


For washing woolen items, manufacturers have developed special washing powders, for example, Laska powder is well suited for this purpose. You can also use soap liquid soap and even some hair shampoo, if sweater Knitted from especially delicate and soft wool.

Turn the product inside out, pour warm water into a basin and thoroughly dilute the powder, planed soap or liquid detergent in it. Lower sweater into water, soak it completely and rub the contaminated areas. Pay special attention to the cuffs and collar. Try not to rub the fibers and knitted fabric too much, so that pellets do not form on it.

Squeeze the sweater, but do not twist it, but simply squeeze it tightly, gathering it into a ball. Dirty water pour out, pour clean and cool new water, rinse in it sweater. Repeat rinsing if necessary. Remove the product from the water in a lump so that it does not stretch.

Put sweater on the grate, wait 15-20 minutes for the remaining water to drain. After that, spread out a large bath terry towel, spread on it sweater and straighten carefully. Roll up the towel with sweater ohm in a tight roll so that all the moisture is absorbed into the terry cloth. If necessary, you can use another towel.

Lay an oilcloth or cellophane on a horizontal flat surface and lay it on it. sweater, smoothing it out. Check it and trim them to the previously recorded values. Dry the product out of direct sunlight in a well-ventilated area.

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It happens that by chance washing machine with linen that should be washed at a high temperature, it turned out to be a favorite, for which hot water is "death". spoiled thing some housewives simply throw it away, but you can restore it.


If thing was knitted, you can try to save it as follows. Soak it in warm water for 10 minutes. It should get wet so that it can then be put in a centrifuge and squeezed out. This is a prerequisite, so you can only wet thing and not wet. As soon as you take it out of the centrifuge, start stretching it to the desired size. After such a stretch, you can not put thing to dry on some flat surface, otherwise you risk getting back your shrunken thing. Further drying should take place in limbo. For this you need to place thing on hangers and leave to dry further, shaking it occasionally. When it dries, you need to stroke it and evaluate the result.

If thing woolen, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to do something, since the threads do not have to be pulled. However, if your favorite item is not made of wool, for example, you can try to restore it to its original form by stretching. Wet for this thing you have to try with your hands different sides. Drying is also desirable in a hanging position, because lying on the surface of the dryer, it can easily "sit down" back.

You can also try to restore the shrunken thing with the help of an iron. Iron with steam and at the same time stretch on the ironing board to the desired size.

Alternatively, try this method. The thing must be soaked in cold vinegar water and put on a towel. In order for it to dry properly, first you need to give it the necessary shape with your hands, and then pin it to the towel with needles along the contour.

Another option is to dissolve, wind the threads and tie a new one. thing the same model as before. But this is a radical step that can only be done if you know how to knit or you have a craftsman friend who can restore you in this way.

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Woolen things are simply indispensable in cold weather. They are warm and comfortable, but very difficult to wash. One careless action, and the thing will sit or stretch. Fortunately, wool gets dirty slowly, so it should be washed rarely, and when the need arises, the main thing is to follow the rules. In this case, everything will be fine, and your thing will be as good as new.

You will need

  • 1) Washing powder suitable for wool;
  • 2) Fabric softener;
  • 3) Laundry bag.


Mode selection. So, to start, put sweater in a laundry bag into the washing machine, add washing powder and air conditioning. Then install desired mode. Many models have a wool washing function, and if not, then select a delicate mode or a mode hand wash. These are the most gentle options, with the lowest drum speed. In this case, things are not damaged or deformed.

Temperature selection. Wool cannot be washed with hot water - the thing will immediately sit down. The tallest allowable temperature- 30 degrees. Be sure to check what water temperature the washing mode you have chosen implies. If too high, then select another mode or manually adjust the desired one.

Spin. Be sure to disable this feature or things will be damaged. Even a soft spin will not work, since the drum rotates at a speed of at least 500 revolutions per minute, which will most likely lead to deformation of the thing. The same applies to manual spinning - wet woolen threads will stretch out if you try to wring out a woolen garment. So instead of spinning, it’s better to wait 10 minutes after the end of the wash cycle so that excess water is glassed, and that’s it.

Quite often in life it happens that just once neglecting the instructions, which, as a rule, are located on the labels quality clothes, after washing we get shrunken or damaged things. This, of course, is an unpleasant phenomenon, but you can try to eliminate the trouble that has arisen with the help of some improvised means.

Restoring clothing that has significantly changed its original shape is a rather difficult task. In addition, you should not expect that after restoration, the clothes will look like before.

Clothes that are made of wool or any other natural fabrics shrink a little after the first wash. But, in some cases, it can shrink to tiny, almost doll-like sizes. In the case when a thing has sat down after washing, we can safely say that there are natural fibers in it. The higher their percentage, the more likely it is that the thing will become smaller.

In order to eradicate such a problem from your life, you should make it a rule to look at the label located on inside products. It is he who will tell you how to properly care for this thing, and in what way it can be washed.

If a thing made of wool sat down

If the clothes have changed their original shape, you can try to return them to their original form. Of course, restoring damaged wool items is not at all easy. Fortunately, in some cases this is quite possible. Although woolen threads do not stretch as well as many fabrics made from natural fibers, there are still some things that can be done in this situation:

  1. Wet the shrunken product in a bowl of water, then gently wrap it for about 10 minutes with a towel so that excess moisture is slightly absorbed. It is categorically impossible to carefully unscrew an already deformed thing. After that, the product can be hung to dry.
  2. Another, rather unusual, but effective way rehabilitate a shrunken thing - put it on and wear it until it dries. For these purposes, you can also use a regular sales dummy. But only in this case it is necessary to evenly tie the weights to the bottom of the product and to the sleeves.
  3. There is another way to pull out shrunken clothes. To do this, prepare a solution with five liters of cool water, three tablespoons of ammonia, one tablespoon of vodka and one tablespoon of turpentine. Then rinse with this solution. the right thing. After this procedure, the wool becomes more elastic and allows itself to be pulled. Dry upright.

To avoid the problem of clothing shrinkage, it is not recommended to soak, twist and dry wool items in vertical position. All these actions contribute not only to shrinkage, but also to the strongest deformation of the product. After washing, be sure to follow all the recommended drying rules and then your woolen items will last you quite a long time.

Various fabrics

It is a little more realistic to restore knitwear, viscose or products from combined natural and synthetic materials:

  • Soak the thing for a quarter of an hour in a bowl of water so that it is thoroughly wet. When needed time will pass and the fabric is soaked in water, load it into the washing machine. It is desirable to wash using the mode no more than 30 degrees with the “gentle wash” function. When spinning, the shrunken clothes are slightly stretched. After washing, you need to remove the shrunken linen and gently stretch the product until the desired size is reached. When you dry clothes, keep in mind that they should be kept upright only. In addition to the above, we need to pull the shrunken clothes again from time to time. However, this must be done without undue effort. After all, our thing must retain its shape.
  • When a thing has sat down after washing, you can also try to restore it by temperature exposure. To do this, spread the deformed clothes on a flat surface and put a damp cloth on top. Using an iron, iron the surface of the deformed clothing while stretching it. You can also rehabilitate a shrunken product with the help of steaming. For this, it is best to contact the services of dry cleaning.
  • Clothes that have shrunken after washing can be rehabilitated by pre-rinsing them in a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water. Dissolve two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide in ten liters of water. In the process of actively rinsing clothes, it should be carefully stretched in right places. Then leave the product in the same solution for one and a half to two hours. After this time, remove, gently wring out and lay out the thing to dry in a horizontal state.
  • Shrink jeans, t-shirts and jumpers made of cotton can be stretched with a regular table vinegar. To do this, 3% vinegar must be poured into a deep and wide container. An ordinary basin will do. Then you need a sponge. We will wipe the fabric of the thing with it. And when we finish wiping the thing, it will need to be washed in the machine. And don't forget to use the drying function (if there is one). Drying the vinegar-treated fabric takes approximately 30 minutes. At the final stage, the thing is thoroughly but gently rinsed; for this, it is advisable to use a special conditioner for things to remove the sharp vinegar smell.

They take pride of place in everyone's wardrobe. Soft and surprisingly warm trousers and skirts, jackets and sweaters do not wrinkle, get dirty a little and proper care able to "faithfully" serve for more than ten years. Therefore, it becomes very annoying when a new wool item sharply decreases in size after washing. You can restore a deformed product using ammonia, hair conditioner, hydrogen peroxide, or by mechanical stretching.

Causes of deformation of woolen products

Wool fibers have natural origin. Consisting of many cells, they are covered with tiny scales on the outside. The fibers themselves are quite wide and are in close contact with each other, so it is warm in woolen clothes. If the jumper is simply immersed in hot water, then nothing special will happen to the wool. However, when the fibers begin to rub against each other, as happens with machine washable, the scales “fluff up” and are firmly connected to each other. As a result, the space between the fibers decreases, which leads to deformation of the product. Often the size of a favorite thing can decrease by 2-3 orders of magnitude.

Woolen products require special care

Manufacturers of modern washing machines have successfully solved this problem by providing a special washing mode for wool products, when the drum does not rotate, but only slightly shakes the clothes, preventing the fibers from sticking together.

There are several reasons for the deformation of the woolen fabric:

  • too high water temperature;
  • wrong choice of detergent;
  • mode set to washing machine, not suitable for processing woolen products.

It is not always possible to completely restore the original appearance and dimensions of a shrunken product. The success of the operation depends on the composition of the material, since it is much easier to restore wool with the addition than purely woolen thing. Equally important is the length of time the clothes stay in the spinning drum and the temperature of the water.

How to restore a shrunken woolen thing

You can restore a woolen thing that has shrunken after washing with the help of ammonia or hydrogen peroxide, as well as by mechanical stretching and repeated exposure to high temperatures.

Wrap in a damp towel


With small deformations, ammonia will help to cope with the problem. To restore the elasticity of wool fibers, 2-3 tbsp. l. connect ammonia with 5 liters of cool water and immerse the thing in the resulting solution for 1 hour. Then the product should be rinsed and dried, spreading out on a flat surface.

For greater processing efficiency, you can add 1 tbsp to a mixture of water and ammonia. l. turpentine and cologne.

Hydrogen peroxide

An indispensable assistant in restoring the shape and size of a woolen product is hydrogen peroxide (peroxide). You need to act as follows:

  • pour 30 ml of peroxide into a container with 10 liters of cool water and mix thoroughly;
  • immerse the affected item in the prepared solution and rinse, gently stretching with your hands;
  • leave the product in water for half an hour;
  • remove clothes from the solution, dip terry towel and spread out on a horizontal surface to dry.

Until the product is completely dry, it is necessary from time to time to stretch it with your hands in length and width.

Wool conditioner

A special wool conditioner or hair balm will help restore the original appearance of woolen clothes that have become matted during improper washing. Add 25-30 ml of the selected product to cool water, stir and immerse the thing in a soapy solution. Both hair balm and conditioner improve the elasticity of wool fibers, make them smooth and prevent shrinkage. After a quarter of an hour, the product can be removed, slightly squeezed and sent to dry.

Mechanical and thermal recovery method

Shrink clothing can be restored by mechanical stretching by hand or by fixing it on a mannequin of a suitable size.

  1. You need to start work by soaking the deformed product in warm water for 15-20 minutes.
  2. After this time, the woolen item is removed from the container and laid out on a grate located above the bath or basin.
  3. When the excess liquid drains, the product is dried a little, wrapped in, and then pulled over the prepared mannequin.
  4. While the sweater is drying, it is necessary to periodically approach and pull the sleeves and shelves down.

To stretch a wool hat, just soak it in warm water, add a little shampoo or conditioner, and pull it over a 3-liter jar. The product will dry and acquire the desired size.

Sometimes it is possible to cope with the problem with the help of steaming with an iron. ironing board covered with damp gauze. A woolen product is laid out on it, covered with another layer of wet cloth and steamed with an iron. When wet fabric is heated, a powerful stream of steam is formed, which passes through the wool, slightly pushing the fibers apart.

How to wash and dry wool clothes

Anything made from 100% wool shrinks a little when washed. This must be taken into account when buying clothes and choose models one size larger. There is another solution to the problem - choosing a product with the addition of synthetic fibers. To preserve all the properties of a pure wool product and at the same time reduce shrinkage, 10-15% polyester or acrylic is added to the composition of the material.

When washing woolen clothes, follow these guidelines:

  1. Carefully study the manufacturer's information on the composition and care rules, which is placed on the label inside the product or on the packaging of the yarn.
  2. Before washing clothes with buttons, it is better to sweep up the buttonholes. In this case, they will not stretch, and no corrections will be required.
  3. On the washing machine, select the "wool" mode, which provides for a water temperature of no more than 30 ° C and turns off the rotation of the drum. If there is no such mode, you can wash the woolen item in the “delicate” mode, after turning off the spin cycle.
  4. Wool does not withstand alkaline conditions. If you wash clothes made of this material laundry soap, then it will become rigid and lose appearance. For washing woolen products, special gels and powders should be used.
  5. Things made of wool should not be twisted, as this action can destroy the structure of the fibers. It is better to lay the sweater on a wire rack and wait until the water drains spontaneously. Remaining liquid can be removed with a terry towel.
  6. Dry woolen things, spreading out on a flat horizontal surface. So that the product does not decrease in size when dried, you can attach the edges with pins. Do not use hangers or radiators for drying.

White woolen things become yellowish from time to time. To return the material to its original whiteness, you need to lower half a lemon into a basin of water and soak the product for 2 hours.

How to iron wool clothes

Wool related items with my own hands usually do not require ironing. It is also not recommended to iron products with a large convex pattern, as under the influence high temperature and the pressure exerted by the soleplate of the iron on the yarn, the pattern will shrink and lose volume.

However, sometimes it is not possible to do without ironing. In such cases, it must be remembered that woolen products are ironed only from the inside out and through extra fabric. In this case, the iron should be set to the “wool” mode.

You can ruin your favorite woolen thing in a few minutes, and it will take more than one hour to restore it. Therefore, when planning to wash a wool sweater, it is better to study the composition of the material in advance and familiarize yourself with the care requirements.

Surely every person in the wardrobe has at least one thing made of wool. And this is not surprising, because this material is particularly successful, especially if on the street cold weather. But it happens that a woman does not get acquainted with the label before washing, which ultimately leads to shrinkage of the product. What to do if the thing sat down after washing? In this case, it needs to be stretched to the size you need. It's done different ways, in which it is required to use chemical products or folk remedies. Having correctly answered the question of how to stretch a woolen item, if it has sat down, it will be possible to restore it back without making a “stretched” wardrobe item out of your favorite sweater or dress.

If you are not familiar with the information about washing wool items in a washing machine, you must definitely read it, because if you do not, there is a risk of ruining your favorite warm clothes. To understand how to stretch a woolen item, it is first important to know why it has decreased in size after it was washed. This is the only way to restore its appearance without spoiling the quality of the wool.

This material is negatively affected by such factors, which must be avoided:

If things still sat down, and you forgot to read the instructions for their care on the label, it is important to correctly answer the question - how to stretch a shrunken wool sweater so that it does not lose its appearance and attractiveness?

The most common reason for shrinking material is the failure to comply with temperature regime during washing.

If the clothes have decreased in size, you need to understand what to do if the woolen thing has shrunk after washing? Of course, any hostess wants to restore damaged clothes, so they invented various ways to fix shrunken clothes.

You don’t have to let a scarf or sweater on rags - just use one of the recipes to enjoy the pleasant wearing of woolen clothes again in the future:

These tips will help stretch the linen only if all the rules for this manipulation are followed. For example, if there are pins or a brooch on a sweater, they must be removed, as they will "fetter" the material, preventing it from stretching evenly.

Drying clothes on a hanger is not worth it, because then only the shoulders will stretch out - in the end it will look ugly and unaesthetic.

It is also worth noting that before soaking it is recommended to remove all metal jewelry, which will soon become covered with rusty spots.

How to stretch a thing from wool? If a woolen sweater has sat down, you can use the following recipes that will restore its shape and aesthetic appearance:

  1. We use ammonia. How to stretch a dress? To save a shrunken thing, you can try to make such a solution: take a large basin, pour 5 liters of water into it at 20-25 degrees. After that, add 3 tablespoons of ammonia and 1 tablespoon of vodka to the container (if not, the liquid can be replaced with cologne). We also mix a spoonful of turpentine in the solution. We stir the water well, and then put the damaged item in it for half an hour. If it has a hard and dense fiber structure, the time increases to 50 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the sweater is washed in cool water without the use of powder. In this form, the fibers will be pliable and especially soft, so it will be possible to stretch the clothes as needed. The main thing - do not forget that the water is taken cold.

  2. We use peroxide. How to stretch wool sweater? Ordinary peroxide, which is probably available in the apartment, will help to correct the awkward situation. We dilute 30 ml of the drug in 10 liters of water (necessarily cold), after which we put the deformed thing into the liquid. Now leave it for 2 hours, and then carefully lay it out to dry on a well-absorbent towel. It is important to note: the longer you keep the laundry in the solution, the more likely it is full recovery previous size. During drying, the sweater should be stretched in the way you would like it to look after drying. This method must be used carefully on bright woolen items, as low-quality wool may begin to change its color.
  3. Powder. How to stretch a thing? To do this, you can use the powder. We take any agent and dilute it in a strong soapy solution. After that, soak the damaged clothes in it for half an hour. If the foam disappears, it must be gently beaten with your hands. Then the thing is rinsed in cool water, slightly wrung out, placed in a tight bag and sent to the freezer for 24 hours. After that, the package needs to be thawed: so that all the moisture of the glass from the material, it is worth putting a cloth under it. The sweater will then defrost and can be dried in the usual way.
  4. We use ammonia. How to stretch a shrunken sweater? If it is not completely in a deplorable state, ammonia will help. We mix ammonia and water in the same amount, after which we place the deformed jacket in the liquid. We leave it to soak for 2 hours, and then rinse it several times to achieve complete washing out of ammonia. This method can be safely used when restoring any woolen item, as it stretches every type of clothing, regardless of the size and type of woolen material. Optionally, this method is performed with another product - milk. Water and milk product are also taken in the same amount, after which the damaged item is soaked in the product for half an hour.

  5. We use soda. How to stretch a wool sweater after washing? To restore clothes, such a recipe is used. Pour water (2 l) into the basin, then add a spoonful of soda. Then mix the solution well and put the laundry in it. Once time has passed, the material is washed by hand with a powder. The clean clothes are then placed in a liquid (2 liters of water mixed with 10 spoons tartaric acid). For 2 hours, the sweater should be turned over so that it is evenly in the solution. After the time has passed, the item is rinsed and dried.

These recipes are able to restore the original appearance of the material, do not spoil the color, do not harm the wool fibers.

When asked how to stretch a shrunken woolen thing, we answered. But what to do so that this material does not sit down during the washing process?

In order not to use the above tips again, it is recommended that you be careful when washing, and then the question of how to stretch the sweater will no longer worry you.

Rules that will not allow wool to sit:

  • before washing, be sure to read the information indicated on the label, because manufacturers specifically report proper washing;
  • washing should be done in cool water, which will not exceed a temperature of 30 degrees (if there is no such mode on the machine, it is better to wash clothes with your hands);
  • it is forbidden to use ordinary powders and low-quality soap, as they destroy the structure of the wool and lead to its shrinkage - in order not to spoil the material, it is worth using powders only for delicate fabrics;
  • woolen items should not be wrung out - it is only allowed to squeeze water out of them slightly so that it does not flow in a stream from clothes;
  • it is not worth drying things vertically, as they will only stretch down and look less elegant and aesthetically pleasing - it is better to lay them out on the surface in order to achieve proper and high-quality drying;
  • it is forbidden to use electric dryers, as they spoil the quality of the wool (also, you should not dry clothes in the washing machine, if it has such a function).

By properly washing clothes, as well as drying them, it will be possible to avoid deformation of things, and then you will not need to answer the question of how to stretch a sweater that managed to sit down after poor-quality washing.