Why dream of painting your nails with white varnish. Positive interpretation of sleep. Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Painting your nails in a dream is not at all the same as painting your nails in reality. In life, this is the most common occupation, and a manicure or pedicure in a dream can reveal the dreamer's hidden character traits, promise, warn against troubles. The more details of the dream you can remember, the more accurate the prediction will be. Refer to the interpretation of the dream immediately after waking up, while the nuances of the plot are fresh in your memory.

Why is this dreaming?

    Freud's dream book

    Paint your nails with varnish on your hands - in your work you strive to use only means that inspire confidence.

    Miller's dream book

    warns that you need to change to a simple and outwardly ordinary, but with a sublime meaning.

    Family dream book

    Interprets a dream as an impetus to find a new job. Do not look that the level of income is small, the work will pay for itself over time in a spiritual sense.

    Dream Interpretation of Medea

    He paints his nails in a dream who hides his plans from others.

    Dream interpretation of the twentieth century

    Paint nails crafty sly ones.

    Dream interpretation of the XXI century

    A woman is promised an expensive new thing, and who sees a female manicure in a dream, recommends maintaining concentration everywhere, danger awaits him.

    Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zim

    This dream is interpreted as favorable, because. it promises an exclusive purchase in the future. But for the sake of a unique acquisition will have to work hard.

    Dream Interpretation Bitch

    Counts manicure in a dream a harbinger of big spending.

    Dream Interpretation of the Oracle

    Promises to the dreamer that he will become the owner of a decent amount money.

    Dream Interpretation of Felomen

    Explains manicure in a dream striving for beautiful life in reality.

    Dream interpretation alphabetically

    warns that you will be made an unfavorable offer, to which you will be forced to accept. Pedicure symbolizes a forced change in the labor field. New job will bring disappointment, material insecurity, but this cannot be avoided.

    Islamic dream book

    Promises a woman good and respectful attitude her men.

Manicure and pedicure

To correctly interpret the dream about nails, be sure to specify whether you did a manicure or pedicure. At the subconscious level, the lower limbs are associated with health status and implicit difficulties in and career.

If you dreamed about how you did a neat manicure and painted your nails without flaws, expect improvements on the personal front soon, stability will come in the field of finance.

When in a dream they varnish the nail plates affected by the fungus on the legs, have to wait for difficulties and obstacles in the work, but in the end you will cope and the suffering will turn into a benefit.

If a pedicure was done to you by a loved one, in reality, he will demonstrate his readiness to obey in everything. To a resounding success, I dream of a pedicure from a sworn enemy. Professional pedicure predicts the respectful attitude of colleagues.

Color theory in the service of dream books

The characteristic by color is the most obvious in the field of the subconscious. Colors in a dream express even hidden emotions., which the sleeper himself does not know about, so take a closer look at the bottle with which varnish was used in a dream.

Red nails promise reconciliation with a partner after a quarrel. At the same time, this version of manicure is a recognized classic that defines the character of the dreamer as extremely conservative. Red varnish can warn of failure in business: you have decided to conquer the peak, which is clearly too tough for you. Stop, don't waste your energy.

Pastel shades of nail polish urge not to worry about the troubles in life. They will not turn into serious troubles. clear varnish both in the world of dreams and in reality, people who are closed and reluctant to make contact paint their nails. Maybe it's time to open up to the world?

When nails are painted with several colors at once, in reality a person is very much in love and feels happy.. Rejoice in your life now light streak. And here yellow varnish portends serious problems in, betrayal of a partner. If in a dream you chose a varnish with a metallic sheen, stop lying about your life.

If you paint your nails with white varnish in a dream, pay attention to strengths character: you are a responsive and sensitive person who you can rely on. But black varnish is evidence depression.

The role of the dreamer's person

When interpreting a dream, it is important to consider who saw this dream; this changes the understanding of the situation. When a young lonely girl painted her nails in a dream, in reality the situation in personal life will change for the better: a fan with the most serious intentions will soon appear.

If a manicure promises good changes for girls, married women should worry after such a dream. The situation in the family is tense, relationships are in crisis. In the near future there will be a lover. Manicure can be a harbinger of a major scandal between spouses, which will lead to divorce.

Not so often, but men also paint their nails in a dream. This promises a radical change in work. Maybe, it has come right time to become an entrepreneur, and do not delay in the execution of the plan.

If a man is in a relationship and sees how he paints his nails in a dream, he should reconsider his relationship with his partner. Does the dreamer sin by becoming passive in his personal life, avoiding responsibility? If there is such a problem, the dream signals that it is urgently time to change, otherwise it is a gap.

If a woman saw in a dream a man with a manicure, an interesting and liberated person will appear in her environment. The yellow color of his nails predicts your passionate love for a man, but without reciprocity.

man with blue nails suffering from bad habits. And if you notice that a man has varnishes different colors, be careful: you will meet a family man who hides this, you should not start a relationship with him.

More details

If in a dream you paint your nails, this can portend both positive and negative changes in life.. A decisive role in the interpretation of a dream is played by details that are insignificant at first glance.

Good interpretations:

  • If you managed to paint your nails neatly the first time, then you on the right way self-development and work on oneself is already bearing fruit.
  • Beautiful manicure dreams of soon happiness and unexpected possible promotion.
  • If the manicure is not only beautiful, but also decorated with chic, you will soon get rich and live comfortably.

Pay special attention to the warning explanations of dreams:

  • If you painted dirty nails, conceived plans will be upset.
  • Painted broken nails call to protect the fragile.
  • The fresh coating does not adhere to the plates and immediately peels off - it's time to change your attitude towards loved ones from anger to mercy, until they turn away from you.
  • If the varnish is applied inaccurately, you are not up to the job.
  • If in a dream you didn’t like the color of the manicure, you worry too much about household trifles, about which you should not be sad again.
  • If varnish is painted not only on the nail, but also on the skin around, the pursuit of justice will turn against you.
  • If in a dream you do a manicure in uncomfortable conditions, your work will not be appreciated in the near future, but merits will be recognized later.

Dreams are born by the subconscious, its allegorical language is not always clear to the dreamer. But if you get to the bottom of the truth with the help of dream books, it will turn out to be an entertaining activity and help change life for the better.

If you dreamed of coloring your nails for no reason, the plot may have a hidden meaning. If yesterday you or someone in your environment did a manicure, chose, shared the details of this procedure, in a dream you just remembered the past day.

A person sees dreams every night, but he remembers few of them, so it is important to try to remember as many details as possible in order to correctly decipher the symbols seen. If you dreamed of fingernails, then it is worth remembering what they were and what you did with them.

Why dream of fingernails?

Seeing beautiful and well-groomed nails in a dream is good sign predicting material stability and good position in society. The night vision in which you had to do a manicure is a good sign indicating that you will soon have to do some important and good deed. Short and neat nails are a symbol of stability and peace. If you had to bite your nails, then you should expect a quick gift that will bring a lot. positive emotions. The dream of dirty nails promises trouble in the team, and it will not be easy to find a compromise. If the nail fell off in a dream, it means that soon it will be possible to get rid of relationships that no longer bring positive emotions.

Why dream of cutting fingernails?

A similar plot means that the time has come to throw away the burden of the past, which does not allow moving into a happy future. In one of the dream books, a dream where nails were to be cut is a harbinger of conflicts, and they can arise both in the family and at work. For girls, such a dream promises parting with loved ones.

Why dream of painting your fingernails?

Such a dream means that soon we should expect the appearance of a fan in life who will be attentive and give a lot of positive emotions. Another similar plot is a symbol of prosperity.

Why dream of long fingernails?

Long nails in a dream portend an offensive difficult period which will end soon. A dream in which nails of enormous length turned out to be on the hands indicates that the dreamer too often shows his firmness of character and even rigidity. For young girls, such a dream can promise success in the love sphere.

Why dream of broken fingernails?

If the nails were broken, then this can be taken as a warning that the dreamer has chosen a very difficult path in life, filled with difficulties and trials. The dream interpretation recommends stopping and seeing if there may be an easier road nearby. If only one nail is broken, then a minor conflict may provoke development in the future. serious problems. A dream where a person breaks his nails is a warning about a possible disease.


People do not always turn to dream books to interpret their night dreams, because vivid and memorable images can rarely be seen. But when this happens, I want to understand what such a dream means. One of interesting images in night dreams are nails. In this article, we will talk about what it means to cut your nails in a dream.

It is believed that the nail is not just a part of the human body, but a mystical object that connects consciousness with the cosmos.

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Cut nails in a dream: interpretation in dream books

It is believed that the nail is not just a part of the human body, but a mystical object that connects consciousness with the cosmos. You can often hear that they reflect the health of people, as well as the need proper care after them. It really is. But what does the “nail” image promise in night fantasies? The dream interpretation gives the following meanings:

  1. A person dreams of nails to a valuable find. Perhaps soon the dreamer will become the owner of the right thing, the use of which will bring a lot of joy.
  2. If a person dreams that he had to paint his nails, this is a good sign, portending a profitable purchase.
  3. To cut them in a dream means to finish the job unsuccessfully. After such a dream, it is hardly worth doing important things, since the result will surely disappoint the dreamer.
  4. A dream in which beautiful and well-groomed nails are the main images portends wealth to the dreamer. Perhaps very soon he will receive an inheritance or win the lottery.
  5. If a person dreamed of long and ugly fingers with dirty nails that had to be cut - failure awaits him. He obviously has a detractor. If, moreover, the dreamer was scratched with these nails, serious troubles should be expected.
  6. If the dreamer had to gnaw or break his nails, this is a gift. Someone will soon give him a pleasant surprise.
  7. Dirt on the hands always dreams of dishonor, shame and insult. The dreamer will have to go through not the most happy Days in the near future, but if he can purify himself, he will succeed. At all dirty hands- Very warning sign in dreams.
  8. Seeing someone break their nails is a long illness.
  9. Trimmed nails dream at a loss.
  10. If the dreamer's nail fell off in a dream, he will have trouble.

To cut a child's nail is to take care of people.

Nails in a dream book (video)

Why dream of fingernails or toenails?

Nail plates on hands

  • Look at the nails own pens- a very good sign. Especially if they are well-groomed and beautiful. Red nails symbolize the dominance of the dreamer. She will definitely be able to achieve location a large number people, and her position in society will be high.
  • Moderately long nails dream of wealth and fame.
  • But short and unkempt nails dream of poverty and deprivation.
  • Looking at other people's nails is also a good sign. Those nail plates that were pleasant to look at in a dream have a positive interpretation. But if there was dirt on them, you obviously won’t have to wait for good luck.
  • Worrying about your reputation is worth the person who dreamed of damage and pollution on the wrong hands. The dreamer has an ill-wisher who plans to denigrate him.

Looking at the nails on your own hands is a very good sign.

Nail plates on the legs

Such a dream does not portend any trouble, but the dreamer will not have to wait for something good either. Feet in dreams are often a neutral image, therefore, in order to give meaning to a dream about them, the dreamer needs to remember the emotions that arose in his dreams.

  1. If they were positive - this is good luck and fulfillment of desires.
  2. Negative emotions in dreams promise disappointment and deprivation in reality.

Paint your nails with varnish in a dream: what is it for?

If a girl had to paint her or other people's nails with varnish in night dreams, this is a wonderful sign. What does such a dream portend? Soon a woman will meet an interesting, handsome and wealthy man. This meeting will change her life in better side, because she will have with this man real love. The dreamer will bathe in a sea of ​​​​pleasures, frequent courtship and attention from her lover. What else is worth waiting for after such an image?

  • To paint nails in dreams means to receive good news. Red lacquer on the hands symbolizes romantic news. Perhaps the dreamer will receive a declaration of love.
  • Success in all endeavors good health And woman's happiness waiting for the one who had a dream about applying varnish to the nail plates.

If a girl had to paint her or other people's nails with varnish in night dreams, this is a wonderful sign.

Biting nails in a dream

But if the plates were short and gnawed so much that blood appeared on the fingers, this is an alarming sign. What should the dreamer expect? Failures, hardships, everyday troubles and conflicts - this is far from full list troubles that a person will face. The dream interpretation recommends postponing important matters for later, since it is pointless to deal with them now. Since you don’t have to count on a successful outcome, you should be pragmatic.

What are your nails for?

  1. Cutting your own nails in night dreams means getting rid of the old unnecessary burden in reality. Such a dream is a symbol that a person will receive the long-awaited peace and tranquility. Perhaps, the day before, he was burdened by communication with problem people or the lack of ways to solve the problem. Now everything will change! How more nails was cut off - the happier the dreamer will be. Getting rid of old unnecessary trash should soon be in a person's life. We are not talking about selling things from the attic at a flea market, everything is much more serious. By changing your attitude to problems, you can already half solve them.
  2. Have on your hands beautiful nails- to live in peace and prosperity.

To have beautiful nails on your hands - to live in peace and prosperity

A dream in which a person breaks his nails portends him a thorny path. On the dreamer's path there will be many difficulties that he will need to overcome in order to achieve his goal.

If the nails in a dream are long or dirty?

Long nails symbolize self-confidence and readiness for action. The interpretation of a dream depends on their condition. If they are well-groomed and beautiful - a good sign, portending happiness and good luck.

Dirty nails symbolize depravity, resentment and hypocrisy. Such a dream means that the dreamer has ill-wishers whose goal is to harm him. If in night fantasies a person was able to cleanse himself of dirt, he will defeat the enemies, if not, it is worth waiting for a knife in the back.

Seeing red nails in a dream

  • Red lacquer on nail plates- the dreamer is waiting for unbridled fun. Perhaps he will be invited to a holiday and there he will have a lot of fun!
  • The burgundy color symbolizes romantic acquaintance. Probably, someone has already managed to lay eyes on the dreamer and find a way to attract her attention.

Red varnish on the nail plates - the dreamer will have unbridled fun

What are false nails for?

False nails often symbolize falsehood in reality, however, like any artificial material. The dreamer may encounter the hypocrisy, dishonesty, or greed of other people. This will bring him anxiety, make him panic and nervous. However, if in a dream a person got rid of artificial plates, he will be relieved and appeased.

Cut something in a dream: dream book (video)

It turns out that this image has a huge number of meanings. Therefore, for its correct interpretation, it is necessary to remember all important details dreams.

My dream is similar to the description on the site, but still a little different - how to decipher?
How many people - so many dreams. How many dreams - so many opportunities, sometimes - missed. The meaning of sleep is difficult to understand without taking into account all its aspects, the person's personality and context. In order to find out what sleep REALLY means - write to the site's expert, it's free!

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Reality and dreams are so far away, and so inseparable! In real everyday life, we see everything familiar, we can more or less predict events and analyze them.

In the world of dreams, everything is different! How many mysteries and secrets he hides in himself, and you never know what you will see in a dream next time. In addition, it is no secret that dreams are often clues and answers, they provide valuable guidance, portend future events, warn or advise. You can not ignore them, and you should always remember them. Even if it seems that there was nothing special in the dream.

For example, painting something. Ordinary action, which can be in it secret meaning? However, painting something in a dream - even the walls or the floor in the house, even the fingernails, eyelashes, eyebrows, eyes or lips, or even the whole face - is an important symbol that can indicate a lot.

In such a dream are important small parts, because painting your face, eyelashes or eyebrows is one thing, but painting the floor, walls or the whole house is another. The color that appeared in dreams is also important. Dream Interpretations describe the following options:

  • You painted the walls in your house.
  • Painted the floor in the room.
  • Painted white.
  • Black color.
  • They covered something with red: paint, varnish or lipstick.
  • Green paint in dreams.
  • Painted blue.
  • Gold paint or varnish.
  • Painting the whole house.
  • Dyed your hair red or another shade.
  • They did a manicure, covering the nails with paint.
  • They covered their entire face with make-up or make-up.
  • They did eye makeup.
  • Painted eyebrows.
  • Eyelashes were tinted with mascara.
  • Lips painted with lipstick.

These options are very different, and even if it may seem that dyeing eyebrows or eyelashes in a dream is a small difference, the meanings of such dreams are different. Because not only painting, but also the eyebrows, eyes, eyelashes, nails themselves are symbols, and they have a unique meaning. We recognize him from the dream book!

Repair work

If you remember what exactly had to be covered, let's see what that means.

If you painted your entire house in a dream, you are expected to move or cardinal changes related to family and home life. It's time for big changes don't resist them. It may not be easy at first and there will be a lot of trouble, but new conditions are always new opportunities.

If you covered the walls with paint - a good, new life stage, renewal and acquisition of new experience awaits you. A new life is coming. Don't be afraid of change, it's time for them! Open up to new things and soak up the experience.

Paul is another matter. The floor itself in the house is a symbol of the foundation, firmness, inviolability, the floor often symbolizes the family. Painting the floor in dreams is a symbol of the fact that the time has come for change in the house and family, it is time to radically change something.

Color Meanings

  • White is for change. Soon you will change, discover something new in yourself, self-knowledge and development await you!
  • To paint something black is to lose touch with someone, break off relations with a friend. Try to be attentive and careful to those connections and relationships that are dear to you, so as not to lose them forever.
  • Green color promises hope, a calm period of life, health and harmony in the soul. Great sign!
  • If you painted something with gold, it means an increase in wealth. Work on yourself to be who you want and have what you want.
  • Blue color definitely portends you good luck. You will be very lucky soon, do not miss the moment! Luck is already waiting for you, and you have nothing to fear.

My light, mirror...

For women, makeup is a common thing. Every day you have to decorate yourself, your nails, lips, face, eyes, eyebrows and eyelashes, dye your hair. But what does this mean in dreams?

1. As the dream book says, dyeing your hair is a symbol that the time has come for a change. Moreover, change in yourself!

The brighter the shade was, for example, red or fiery red, the more acute the thirst for something new in you. That's what dreams of dyeing your hair - you should change yourself, and we are talking not about appearance, but about the internal state.

Drop it bad habits, get new, useful ones. Start doing what you love, think positively. Time to change and start a new life!

2. Nails are an ambiguous symbol. If you happened to paint your fingernails in a dream, covering them with varnish, or you did a manicure in a salon, this is a valuable find.

Moreover, nails do not necessarily indicate a material find, maybe you will find a valuable idea, a solution to a problem, or some person on your way. Either way, you're in luck! The brighter the varnish was, the larger and more significant your find will be.

3. If in a dream you covered your entire face with makeup or make-up, this indicates your insincerity. You, as they say, do not show true face and hide it behind a mask.

Show your face, sincerity and honesty is a virtue that needs to be learned. This is important to do! Being insincere and hiding behind a mask, you will never succeed, and your relationship will not be harmonious and reliable.

4. I wonder why dream of painting eyes - such a dream can mean a new boyfriend for a young lady. Moreover, the dream book assures that this young man it is worth paying attention and not ignoring it, perhaps this is your destiny! For family man, wives, paint eyelids - to joy and harmony in relationships and family.

5. Tinting your eyebrows, just like plucking them, is a good sign. This promises you good fame, success and recognition, both at work and in society, among friends and family.

6. If you applied mascara to your eyelashes, this is a hint that in life you have some wrong views on something, on some aspects of life and reality. Somewhere you are very mistaken, but you are sure that you are right. Expand your horizons, the world is much wider and more multifaceted than you think!

7. It is curious to know why you dream of painting your lips - this bright symbol is hard to lose sight of. So, if you painted your lips with lipstick, regardless of the shade, this promises you a lot of pleasure. Flirting, a new hobby, romance and courtship - all this awaits you!

Whatever you paint in your dreams, and whatever the dream book tells you - do not rush to conclusions. Dreams need to be considered, listen to your mind and heart too, in order to make the right decisions.

Know that only you are responsible for your own life and destiny, and you are the one who builds your reality. Do what your heart tells you, and let dreams help you not to stumble on your chosen path!

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What does it mean if you dreamed of painting your nails in a dream, what is it for? Here you will find the interpretation of this dream in various dream books peace.

Refine the dream for interpretation

  • Dirt under nails
  • Paint
  • break nails
  • Nails

Dream Interpretation of Medea

paint nailspaint nails in a dream

Paint your nails in a dream? You can't show people sincere feelings and true face. Something makes you "wear a mask". You are cunning and if it requires business - flattering.

With sleep, paint nails, people also dreamed of painting their nails.

  • Bouquet of tulips
  • Hair
  • row with oars
  • worm mushrooms
  • dirty face
  • prisoner in prison
  • Look for a grave in a cemetery
  • Emerald ring
  • Leopard small
  • Coins to collect
  • Bad smell
  • Night sky
  • Cartridge
  • The death penalty
  • Melt water
  • Black boots


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Some dreams turn out to be so vivid that after their arrival, people have an irresistible desire to unravel the secret meaning of what they saw. Why dream of painting your nails with varnish, what does such a vision portend and how positive is it?

What if you dream of painting your nails with varnish?

To paint nails with varnish in a dream - in reality to be in the grip of unbridled passions. This vision is considered one of the most common, but interpretation options in this case there may be many. It is very important to pay attention to the details of what you see.

For a young girl, such a vision portends a change in her personal life, an unexpected meeting with her soulmate. If the dreamer is lonely, very soon a person will appear in her fate, whose intentions will turn out to be very serious. This interpretation is relevant for dreams in which light nail polish appeared. Visions with a wedding manicure are considered especially positive.

To paint nails in a dream with scarlet, red varnish - to the appearance in the life of a sleeping passionate and very persistent admirer. Sometimes such visions symbolize the desire of the sleeping woman to finally meet her other half. Perhaps the girl is tired of being alone and ready to start a family.

Sleep should not be taken seriously if the day before a woman chose nail polish for a long time, carefully looked after her hands or thought through options festive manicure. In this case, the vision only reflects real thoughts and experiences.

For married lady a dream in which she had to paint her nails with varnish is considered not very favorable. He prophesies betrayal, flirting on the side, falling in love with another man. All this will greatly complicate family relationships.

Paint your nails in a dream yellow- to the betrayal of a spouse or lover. The dreamer should pay attention to her relationship with her loved one. Perhaps they have become boring and insipid and it's time to add some fire to them.

To erase nail polish in a dream - in reality, strive to change yourself and your immediate environment. The sleeper has long been dissatisfied with her life and she would like to change something in it. She will have that opportunity very soon.

To paint nails in a dream with varnish, which subsequently begins to crack - in reality, quarrel with someone close to you. For married woman such a vision prophesies a divorce, family scandal.

What portends?

To paint your nails in a dream with black varnish - in reality you will encounter some kind of obstacles. In this case, we can safely say that a black streak will soon come in the dreamer's life.

Such a vision is considered very unfavorable for a man. In this case, a person should think about how he behaves with his beloved girlfriend. Most likely, he too often shifts onto her shoulders problems that he must solve himself. Very soon, the companion will accuse the sleeping person of excessive passivity. All this can end sadly if a person does not draw the right conclusions.

Throwing a bottle of nail polish into the trash - in reality, pay too much attention to work, business, but not to yourself. A woman should reconsider her views on life, her attitude to self-care. All this will help her build personal happiness and find a truly worthy person.

To paint nails in a dream - to changes in personal life. If the dreamer had to use this cosmetic product in night vision, in reality she will meet with a young man. But the shade of varnish, as well as other details of what he saw, is of no small importance.

Nail polishing is quite a common thing for every girl in real life. However, during night dreams, such an activity seems something strange for both women and men. Various interpretations of what you have to paint your nails in a dream are offered in dream books. The value can be either positive or negative.

Miller says that a similar plot of night dreams symbolizes the dreamer's self-doubt. The one who had a vision in real life underestimates himself and his own merits, therefore, he strives to be more visible and attractive due to a bright manicure. In order for other people to treat the dreamer better, you need to work on yourself by reviewing your merits. Other sources offer other interpretations of sleep:

Gender of the dreamer

A young beauty may dream of painting her fingernails - to fundamental changes in personal life. A lonely girl after such a vision should meet her soul mate, and the one who is already in a relationship will soon marry her lover.

For a married woman, such a dream can speak of the need to relax and think about your own health and relaxation, devoting at least a day to yourself. This time should be used for your pleasure, otherwise the dreamer may face severe overwork and health problems.

If a man dreamed that he was painting his nails, then soon he would be able to find an unusual, but good way out of a not very convenient situation. A dreamer who happened to see a woman with bright manicure, is in danger. If at the same time a man dreamed of a woman whom he knows in reality, then she is in danger, and the one who had a dream should help the lady in solving problems.

For a guy, such a dream speaks of excessive secrecy and isolation. The dreamer never shares his innermost thoughts with others. Although most often this behavior works in his favor, do not forget that sometimes every person needs to open up to someone in order to ease the soul and stop worrying about problems.

Lacquer color

An important role in the interpretation of the vision is played by the color of the varnish, which had to be used to decorate the nails during night dreams. If in a dream you had to paint your fingernails in red shades, such a plot should be considered a symbol of reconciliation with loved ones and long-awaited peace in relations with your soulmate. Those who were in a quarrel with relatives will finally be able to pick up Right words to form an emotional connection with them. Other shades matter too:

Nail condition

If the nails in a dream were shiny and looked healthy, then unexpected, but welcome news will come to the person soon. Manicured nails can also personify full agreement with loved ones and well-being in the family.

Long and sharp nails they say that a quarrel with loved ones is possible soon, the cause of which will be an insignificant trifle. If instead of your own nails you had to see cat's claws, then a person runs the risk of falling under bad influence. To avoid this, do not chase dubious pleasures.

Extended nails symbolize the falsehood that is present in the dreamer's behavior. Most likely, in reality, he constantly pretends to be who he is not in reality. It is worth considering such actions. Perhaps such behavior helps a person cope with his own problems, but do not forget that it is impossible to deceive yourself and sooner or later you will have to deal with the accumulated difficulties.

Dirty and ugly nails dream of those who treat their own person with disdain. Such a detail can also symbolize the consequences of actions that the dreamer is not paying attention to now. In the future, because of this, problems can arise that can cause a feeling of shame for their actions. Broken nails speak of the pettiness of a person and his tendency to worry over trifles. You should pay attention to this quality, because often, focusing on minor details, you can lose sight of the important.

If you had a pedicure

Those who had to paint their toenails in a dream on their feet should not worry, because they have indestructible health. A dream has a similar meaning, where the nails were beautiful and neat. They symbolize good health and the external attractiveness of the dreamer, thanks to which he will become a support for his loved ones.

If the toenails were long, a profitable business awaits a person, which will be extremely time consuming. He should overpower himself and take on this job, because such a project will allow him to live in the near future without having to face worries due to lack of money.

The plot, where a professional master did the pedicure to the dreamer, should be regarded as a symbol of respect among colleagues. If at the same time it was necessary not only to paint the nails, but also to put the feet in order, cutting off the growths, it means that the financial situation of the person will soon improve, and career growth is also possible.

If patterns were drawn on the nails during a pedicure, it means that the dreamer has rare health, endurance and resistance to external stimuli, but in life he may underestimate himself. It is worth reconsidering your attitude towards yourself, because such qualities will help you achieve new goals.

Other details of the vision

If in a vision where you dreamed of painting your nails, you had to buy varnish, then soon a grand event awaits a person. The dreamer will receive an invitation to it from an unexpected side, but it is better to refuse to attend this event, otherwise it may turn into expenses that will completely deplete the wallet. Other details matter too:

It is worth remembering that dreams do not always come true, so do not worry too much if their meaning turned out to be negative. It is better to simply thank providence for the warning given and try to do everything to avoid a bad fate.

Attention, only TODAY!

If you dream that you are cutting your nails, polishing them and doing a manicure, this means that you care too much about what people say about you. The dream in which you see your nails long and brightly painted has the same meaning.

False nails in a dream indicate that you are prone to lies and your friends do not like you for this.

To see your nails healthy and strong - your work will be appreciated.

If the nails are yellow, sick, break - you have to work hard for a meager pay.

If your nails were dirty in a dream, this means that someone is spreading dirty rumors about you - alas, not without reason.

If a woman dreams that she scratches someone with her long nails, a dream portends a sexual affair on the side. If at the same time from a scratch there is blood- her husband finds out about the betrayal.

If a man has such a dream, in reality his aggressiveness can cause a quarrel with his beloved woman.

If in a dream you scratched yourself, it means that some mistake of yours will bring you a lot of trouble.

If you are scratched to the point of blood, your relatives will also be involved in these troubles.

If you dream that your nails fell out (or they were pulled out) - the dream is very bad, it can mean loss loved one.

Throwing or burning your own cut nails - you will commit an unintentional crime that you will try to hide from others.

If no one was present in your dream, in reality you will be able to hide the ends.

If in a dream someone was nearby, then in reality you will have witnesses. You can work out this dream by imagining that the cut nails are not yours, but someone else's.

See how nails grow - auspicious sign. The dream says that you will live to old age.

excessive short nails- To short life.

Seeing toenails is a journey.

If the nails were dirty, dusty, the journey will be long and not very pleasant.

Nail fungus - to gossip and intrigue.

In a universal way, you can work out the nail dream by imagining that your nails are of normal length, not too short and not too long, clean, healthy and strong.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

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